Download - Unit Two. Designing Landscape for Do-It- Yourselfers 1.“Landscape design”sounds rather imposing , doesn’t it? And , to be sure , one could spend years.


Unit Two

Designing Landscape for Do-It-YoursDesigning Landscape for Do-It-Yourselferselfers

1.“Landscape design”sounds rather imposing , doesn’t it? And , to be sure , one could

spend years studying all the

ideas in the field of garden

or landscape design. If you

need to spruce up the lands-

cape design of a property

that you are about to sell ,

or if you simply want to enjoy an enhanced beauty in your backyard , you could profit from a straightforward look at the ideas behind designing a garden, supplemented with pictures.

2.Whenever you put something together yourself, you are engaged in designing, however humble the project is. For instance, you are employing designing techniques

when you compose a letter to send to somebody. Your basic elements to accomplish such a task include vocabulary, spelling and grammar. Somewhat more complex elements or principles build directly on the basic elements.

Letter-writing principles include conveying your ideas clearly and coming across as a courteous, intelligent individual. Your success with these principles will largely determine whether or not your letter achieves its ultimate objective.

And so it is with landscape design. Do-it-yourselfers must first learn the basic designing elements that underlie the discipline of landscape design.

These fundamental elements will then serve as building blocks for learning and implementing the more advanced principles for designing a garden in the backyard. These tried and true principles are the cornerstones of the world’s picture-perfect gardens

The basic elements of landscape design are:






These five elements must be considered in designing both the hardscape and softscape of your property , the latter consisting mainly of gardens , lawns , shrubs and trees. (263 words)

do-it-yourselfer n. 万事不求人的人 , 手巧的人 imposing adj. 壮观的,宏伟的 straightforward adj. 直截了当的 , 坦率地 supplement vt. 增补 , 补充 humble adj. 谦逊的 , 粗陋的 project n. 方案 , 工程 employ vt. 雇用,使用

New Words

compose vt. 创作 ( 乐曲 ) accomplish vt. 完成 ( 任务等 ) vocabulary n. 词汇表 complex adj. 复杂的,合成的 courteous adj. 有礼貌的,谦恭的 intelligent adj. 聪明的 , 有才智的 individual n. 个人,个体 adj. 单独的,个别的 achieve vt. 完成,达到 ultimate adj. 最终的 , 根本的

underlie vt. 成为 ( 理论、政策、行为等 ) 的基础

discipline n. 学科,纪律 fundamental adj. 基础的,基本的 implement vt. 贯彻,实现 cornerstone n. 墙角石,基础 shrub n. 灌木,灌木丛

to be sure 诚然,固然(用于要说相反意见之前)

spruce up 打扮整齐 profit from/by 从……中受益,从……得来好

处 put … together 装配,使……成整体,整理

( 思路、意见等 ) be engaged in 从事于 come across 碰到, < 口 > 给人印象深刻 tried and true 经过检验而可靠的,靠得住的

Phrases & Expressions

landscape design 景观设计 garden design 园林设计 basic designing elements 基本的设计要素 building blocks 建筑砌块,建筑块料 hardscape 硬景观 ( In landscaping, it refer

s to structures and features such as walls, pathways, pools and ponds.)

softscape 软景观 ( In landscaping, it refers to the softscape comprises trees, plants, ground cover and flowers.)

Proper Terms


1. …to be sure , one could spend years studying all the ideas in the field of garden or landscape design. 的确,一个人要花很多年去学习有关园林设计或景观设计的知识。

spend sth. (on sth. / in doing sth.) 意为“花……做某事”。 如:

spend a lot of time on the project / (in) explaining a sentence

花很多时间进行某项目 / 解释一个句子

2 . Whenever you put something together yourself, you are engaged in designing , however humble the project is. 当你要整合一些东西的时候,不管你做的是多么微不足道的项目,你都是在设计了。

whenever 等同于 no matter when ,引导让步状语从句。如:

Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. (= No matter when we met with difficulties , ...) 不管我们什么时候遇到困难,他们都来帮助我们。

注:由 however / no matter how 引导的从句,后面必须紧跟形容词或副词。如:

You won’t move that stone , however strong you are. 不管你力气多大,也休想搬动那块石头

3. …you could profit from a straightforward look at the ideas behind designing a garden ,supplemented with pictures. 你可以借助图片,直观地看出其设计理念,从中受益。

profit from/by 意为“从……获益”。如: I have profited from your advice. 你的忠告使


4. Somewhat more complex elements or “principles” build directly on the basic elements. 更为复杂一些的原则正是以这些要素为基础的。

somewhat adv. 意为“稍微,有点”。如: I was somewhat surprised to see him. 见


5. Your success with these principles will largely determine whether or not your letter achieves its ultimate objective. 你能否达到写信的最终目的主要取决于你是否善于运用这些原则。

句中, whether or not 引出宾语从句,其中 or not 也可置于句尾。如:

I asked her whether or not she would come again.

I asked her whether she would come again or not. 我问她是否会再来。


1. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the passage. If you think a statement is false, make whatever changes necessary to make it true.

1) It is totally impossible for a do-it-yourselfer to design landscape according to the author. ( F )

2) If you need to spruce the house up before you sell it, you must see many pictures of gardens. ( F )

3) Landscape design is just like writing a letter in a way. ( T )

4) Do-it-yourselfers should first learn such basic designing elements as color, form, line, scale and texture. ( F )

5) The hardscape of your house consists mainly of gardens, lawns, shrubs and trees. ( T )



2.make sth. or oneself look neater and tidier

3.improve 4.single work on


7.bring to success

8.bread and butter into 10.benefit from

Baprofit from

bimposing cfundamentaldstraightforwardeachievefcome acrossgengaged inhspruce upienhancejindividual

3. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the forms where necessary.

He sprucedhimself up for the interview. The young man is very straightforward in

his business dealings. Hard work was the cornerstone of his suc

cess. Those clothes do nothing to enhance her a


straightforward, engaged,ultimate, put…together employ, spruce… up, to be sure, enhanc, accomplish cornerstone

I can’t come to dinner on Tuesday ; I’m otherwise engaged .

You could have employed your spare time better, but you spent a lot of time playing computer games.

Do you want to be a man who will never accomplish anything.

He is clever, to be sure _, but not very hard-working.

Management must take ultimate responsibility for the strike.

He took the machine to pieces and then put it together again.

4.Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 无论环境设计多么难,你必须先学习一些基本的设计原理。 (however)

However hard landscape design is, you must first learn the basic designing elements.

2) 她在英国度过的一年肯定使她获益不少。 (profit from)

She has certainly profited from spending a year in England.

3). 怀特先生的后花园大半是草坪。 (largely)

Mr. White’s garden in the backyard is largely lawn.

4). 不管你乐意还是不乐意,你都要面对现实。(whether…or not)

You are facing the fact, whether you like it or not.

5) 景观设计有五个基本要素,包括色彩、样式、线条、比例和材质。 (landscape design, basic element)

There are five basic elements in landscape design, including color, form, line, scale and texture

Background Reference

1. Landscape Design

Landscape design is the art of arranging or modifying the features of a landscape, an urban area, etc., for aesthetic or practical purposes. Often divided into hardscape design and softscape design. Both landscape designers and landscape architects practice landscape design.

Landscape design is concerned with both aesthetic and functional elements of landscaping.

背景资料 1. 景观设计(或称环境设计):景观设计是一


2. Hardscape Hardscape consists of the inanimate ele

ments of landscaping, especially any masonry work or woodwork. For instance, stone walls, concrete or brick patios, tile paths, wooden arbors would all be considered part of the hardscape.

2. 硬景观:硬景观是由一些无生命的景观元素组成,尤指石工或木工。如石砌的围墙、混凝土或瓦砌的天井、砖瓦铺就的小路、木制的凉亭都属于硬景观的范畴。

3. Softscape

Softscape comprises the animate, horticultural elements of landscape design, i.e., plants, lawns, shrubs and trees.

3. 软景观:软景观是由环境设计中的一些有生命的园艺元素组成,如各种植物、草坪、灌木和树丛。

4. Form In landscape design terminology, form is the

shape of a plant. Upright, oval, columnar, spreading, broad spreading, or weeping are all examples of form.

4. 形态:环境设计术语,是指植物的造型,有垂直竖立形、椭圆形、筒形、撒布式、阔撒布式、下垂式等。

5. Line

In landscape design terminology, line refers to the fact that the viewer’s eye movement or flow can be governed by the arrangement of plants and their borders. Eye movement is unconsciously influenced by the way plant groups, both on the horizontal and vertical planes.

5. 线条:环境设计术语,是指游人的视线受到植物排列和分割形式的影响。受植物分布排列的影响,参观者的视线在不经意中呈水平和垂直移动。

6. Texture In landscape design terminology, texture is t

he perceived surface quality of an object. The texture of a plant’s foliage or bloom can be perceived as coarse, medium or fine.

6. 材质:环境设计术语,是指从物体表面可感知的质地。人们能够直接感受到植物的树叶或花形的质感是粗糙、适中还是纤细。

Supplementary ReadingTen Principles for Creating Successful Square

sSmall Details Add Up to Great Places

What stands out most is that design is only a small fraction of what goes into making a great square. To really succeed, a square must take into account a host of factors that extend beyond its physical dimensions.

1. Image and Identity Historically, squares were the c

enter of communities, and they traditionally helped shape the identity of entire cities. The image of many squares was closely tied to the great civic buildings located nearby, such as cathedrals, city halls, or libraries.

A popular square in Copenhagen, Denmark


2. Attractions and Destinations In fact, some of the best ci

vic squares have numerous small attractions such as outdoor cafés, fountains, sculptures, a vendor’s cart or a playground. When put together, they draw people throughout the day.

Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco

美国旧金山 加尔德林广场

3. Amenities A bench or waste recept

acle in just the right location can make a big difference in how people choose a place. Whether temporary or permanent, a good amenity will help establish a convivial setting for social interaction.

Circular benches in Rockefeller Center, New York City 美国纽约市 洛克菲勒中心的环形长椅

4. Flexible Design The use of a square change

s during the course of the day, week, and year. Instead of a permanent stage, it is important to have on-site storage for movable chairs, tables, umbrellas, and games so they can be used at a moment's notice.

Tennis on the square, Copenhagen.

丹麦哥本哈根 广场网球

5. Seasonal Strategy A successful square can

not flourish with just one design or management strategy. Skating rinks, outdoor cafés, markets, horticulture displays, art and sculptures help to adapt the use of space from one season to the next.

The holiday market in New York's Union Square 美国纽约联合广场的假日市场

6. Access The best squares are al

ways easily accessible on foot. A square surrounded by lanes of fast-moving traffic will be cut off from pedestrians and deprived of its most essential element: people.

A short pedestrian crossing at Plaza Santa Ana in Madrid, Spain

西班牙马德里 圣安娜广场的人行道

7. The Inner Square & the Outer Square

An active, welcoming outer square is essential to the well-being of the inner square.

Retail shops ring the edge of this square in Verona, Italy


8. Reaching Out Like an Octopus Elements within the sq

uare are visible from a distance, and the street level activity of buildings entices pedestrians to move toward the square.

Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Italy


9. The Central Role of Management

The best places are ones that people return to time and time again. Good managers create a feeling of comfort and safety in a square, fixing and maintaining it so that people feel assured that someone is in charge.

Attentive maintenance in St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 爱尔兰都柏林 精心维护中的圣史蒂 ·格林公园

10. Diverse Funding Sources Funding sources of

a well-managed square are generally diverse, including—but not limited to—rent from cafés, markets or others on the site.

Festa Italiana in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square


New Words principle n. 原则,原理 cathedral n. 大教堂 attraction n. 吸引人的事物;吸引力 destination n. 目的地,终点 fountain n. 喷泉 vendor n. 卖主;小贩 cart n. 二轮运货马车 fraction n. 小部分;分数 extend v. 延伸,扩充

dimension n. (空间的)任何一种量度(长度,高度,宽度,厚度等)

image n. 图像;形象 identity n. 同一性,身份 entire adj. 全部的 , 完整的 civic adj. 城市的 , 市民的 amenity n. 便利设施,娱乐(消遣)场所 convivial adj. 欢宴的 , 欢乐的 setting n. 环境

interaction n. 相互作用,交互作用 permanent adj. 永久的,持久的 stage n. 舞台 ,阶段 horticulture n. 园艺 adapt vt. 使适应 accessible adj. 易接近的;易受影响的 (to) pedestrian n. 步行者,行人

essential adj. 基本的 ,精华的,本质的

maintenance n. 维护,保持 attentive adj. 专心的,留意的 diverse adj. 不同的,变化多的 average adj. 一般的,通常的

Phrases & Expressions

stand out 突出 from a distance 从远处,从远方 be in charge 负责,管理


Decide whether each of the following sentences is true or false according to the passage.

1) To make a really successful square, we must take into account a host of factors, the most important one of which is its design.( F )

2) Many squares must be closely located near the great cathedrals, city halls, or libraries.( F )

3) A bench or waste receptacle in the right proper location will help establish a friendly atmosphere for social interaction.( T )

4) The best squares are always easily accessible by lanes of fast-moving traffic.( F )

5) Good managers will try hard to create a feeling of comfort and safety in a square, where people feel comfortable and return every now and then.( T )