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  • 7/21/2019 Unit 7 Strategic Marketing Management Edexcel


    Strategic Marketing Management

  • 7/21/2019 Unit 7 Strategic Marketing Management Edexcel



    Strategic marketing management is the roadmap that assists an organization to implement its

    marketing strategies to achieve competitive advantage in the market. An organization needs

    to understand the principles of strategic marketing management for determining the role ofstrategic marketing, processes involved in strategic marketing and links between corporate

    strategy and marketing strategy. Again there are different value model used in strategic

    marketing planning to have understanding about the tools used to developed strategic

    marketing strategy. Lining between strategic positioning and marketing tactics, analysis of

    relationship marketing are also require for this purpose. Organizations ability to use strategic

    marketing techniques depends on using appropriate marketing techniques to ascertain growth

    opportunities in a market, planning marketing strategy option and creating appropriate

    strategic marketing objectives for a market. Organization also needs to respond with respect

    to changes in the marketing environment. It has to understand the impact of changes in

    external environment on marketing strategy, analyze internal environment to identify current

    strengths and weaknesses. Throughout the study a strategic marketing management of Tesco,

    has been discussed and developed. Tesco PLC is the UK's most successful supermarket

    which is a multinational retailer of grocery and general merchandize. It is world's second

    largest profit making retailer having stores in 14 countries in Asia, Europe and North

    America. Obviously it is the grocery market leader of UK with 30% market share. The name

    Tesco appeared first in 1924 although it was founded in 1919. Tesco was UK focused retailer

    until 1990 and then it has diversified geographically at a rapid pace from 500 stores to 2,500

    stores fifteen years later. It covers areas such as the retailing of books, clothing, electronics,

    furniture, petrol and software, telecoms, internet and financial services, DVD rental and

    music downloads. Tesco is the 15th largest of any company with a primary listing on the

    London Stock Exchange having a market capitalization of approximately 24.4 billion as of

    January 15, 2012.


    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

    J Sainsbury plc

    Carrefour SA
  • 7/21/2019 Unit 7 Strategic Marketing Management Edexcel


  • 7/21/2019 Unit 7 Strategic Marketing Management Edexcel


    1.1 Role of Strategic Marketing in an Organization

    Tesco sets its marketing actions such a way so that it can achieve customer satisfaction and

    organizational goals. It includes planning and executing of the ideas of conception, pricing,

    promotion and distribution of goods and services in order to satisfy customer. To achievethese objectives Tesco approaches towards strategic marketing. It is more structured process

    because it helps to identify its resources and opportunities to achieve sustainable competitive

    advantage in the market. Moreover, it aims at to analyze and evaluate organizational

    effectiveness. Tesco can achieve better understandings about its existing and potential

    customers by communicating through marketing activities. We can enumerate the role of

    strategic marketing in Tesco as below:

    It assists Tesco to understand customers need and demandso that new areas can be


    It relates marketing strategy with business strategy.

    It structures Tescos future direction strategically.

    It assists to increase organizational effectiveness and revenue.

    It helps to identify and create new opportunities for the organization.

    It considers customer voice to take decision about various aspects.

    It helps to develop proper marketing structure.

    To grow the UK core: To grow the UK core, the largest business in the Group and a

    key driver of sales and profit, is a priority. Our Building a Better Tesco plan has

    been restoring growth to the business through a comprehensive series of

    improvements for customers.

    To be an outstanding international retailer in stores and online: We have

    established profitable businesses in Asian and European markets. Today, 32% of our

    Group sales and 29% of profits are made internationally and our goal now is to take

    the performance of these businesses to higher levels.

    To be as strong in everything we sell as we are in food: Food is our heritage but as

    the business has grown and diversified over recent years, we have added an ever-

    wider range of products and services in-store and online, bringing Tesco value and

    quality to many more categories.

    To grow retail services in all our markets: Consumers are increasingly spending a

    bigger proportion of their income on serviceswhether it is in telecoms, eating out or

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    financial services. In the UK, we have built some strong, successful new businesses

    and our ambition now is to take that experience to all of our markets.

    To put our responsibilities to the communities we serve at the heart of what we

    do: The changes we have made to our Core Purpose and Values to reflect Tescos

    wider social purpose are clear signals that we put our responsibilities to the

    communities we serve at the heart of what we do.

    To be a creator of highly valued brands: Brands are about giving customers

    confidence in the quality, value and reliability of the things we sell. We aim to be a

    creator of highly valued brands across our offer, whether it is Finest, F&F or Tesco


    To build our team so that we create more value: As Tesco continues to grow and

    diversify we need more leaders to run the broad range of businesses, operations and

    support functions. We are investing in the development of more leaders and a bigger,

    more diverse talent pool to support the growth of the Group.

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    1.2 Processes Involved in Strategic Marketing

    Tesco strategic marketing planning process seeks to establish a clear direction and unified

    purpose for marketing efforts. The outcomes are documented in a marketing plan and updated

    regularly by the marketing management. Strategic marketing process of Tesco involved 5steps: identifying a mission, analyzing the situation, setting objectives, developing a

    marketing strategy and planning for evaluation.

    1. Identifying a Mission: The first step is to articulate the mission statement to

    anticipate future benefit from target customers. It also includes a clear explanation of

    ongoing role for the goods and services of the organization. For instance, an airline

    could state a mission to provide continuous innovation in global transportation.

    2. Analyze the Situation:In this step organization conducts SWOT analysis to evaluate

    and understand the resources they can build on and the challenges they face. For

    example, using best quality technology would be a key strength for smart phones

    while a poor relationship with dealer would be a weakness. Opportunities and threats

    are derived from the influence of external factors like changes in taxation systems.

    3. Setting Objectives: The third step is to set clear and measurable goals so that

    decision makers have a basis for making choices. In general objectives are expressed

    in terms of some quantitative measures like sales revenue, net profit, market share etc.

    For example, targeting an increase of sales by 5% within a year may be realistic but

    not within a quarter.

    4. Developing a Marketing Strategy: In the fourth step a marketing strategy is

    developed by targeting market from where organization highly likely to add value.

    Managers also determine implementation tactics of effective ways of mixing product,

    promotion and price to the prospective buyers.

    5. Planning for Evaluation:At the very last stage of strategic marketing organization

    specifies how, when and by whom the overall activities are to be monitored and

    assessed over time. (Byrne, August 26, 1996)

    Our Vision sets out what we want to be:In any business, clear direction is vital. Our Vision guides the directionand the decisions we take as an organization. Tesco is a company builtaround customers and colleagues, high quality assets around the worldand multiple opportunities for growthand these characteristics arecentral to our Vision for the business.

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    We want Tesco to be the most highly valued business by: the customerswe serve, the communities in which we operate, our loyal and committedcolleagues and of course, our shareholders. For these things to bepossible our Vision for the business has five elementseach of them

    describes the sort of company Tesco aspires to be.

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    1.3 Link between Strategic Marketing and Corporate Strategy

    Corporate strategy is set up with overall business concept and the CEO of the organization is

    responsible to set the over all corporate strategy. On the other hand marketing is the

    operational strategy which includes activities such as product identification, advertising,selling etc. Corporate strategy is developed not only for marketing department but also for the

    others. Strategic marketing assists marketing department in achieving marketing objectives so

    that corporate strategy will also be achieved. In an organization, corporate strategy is

    supposed to be determined before setting marketing strategy. For example, to achieve

    corporate strategy such as sustainable competitive advantage marketing strategy will be

    providing quality goods and services. A suitable marketing strategy may be the best way to

    achieve the corporate strategy because it is unswervingly connected with the customer from

    which value of an organization derived. Marketing strategy emphasizes more on the customer

    and value creation. The more value creation the more competitive advantage. We can relate

    corporate strategy with marketing strategy as follow (Nancy Upton, January 2001).

    Corporate Position Corporate Strategy Marketing Strategy

    Attractive Market

    Strong PositionInvest best resources Offer best product

    Attractive Market

    Weak PositionConcentrate on strengthening position Offer best product

    Not Especially

    Attractive Market

    Strong Position

    Invest best resources

    Continuing earning and holding position

    Effective marketing

    Sales promotion

    Not Especially

    Attractive Market

    Weak Position

    Concentrate on strengthening position

    Concentrate on product

    Effective marketing

    Sales promotion

    Wanted and needed around the world

    We see it as essential not only to be the shop of choice for customers but also the place

    people want to work, a business that communities welcome and the retailer in which every

    shareholder wants to invest.

    A growing business, full of opportunities

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    Whether its food or general merchandise, books or digitalentertainment, banking or eating

    out, our business is full of opportunities for both customers and colleagues. We want our

    business to offer something new every time.

    Modern, innovative and full of ideas

    Tescos success has always been based on trying tounderstand customers needs better than

    anyone elseand then innovating to make their lives that little bit easier. This attitude, which

    brought online grocery shopping, extended shopping hours, Finest, Everyday Value, a range

    of formats from Express to Extra and all the other things that make us who we are is as

    central to our Vision now as it ever has been.

    Winners locally whilst applying our skills globally

    Retail is local because cultures, tastes, climates, regulations are all different. But the core

    skills that we have earned in one place can be applied in others. For example, setting up our

    grocery home shopping operations from scratch in eight international markets across the

    Group wouldnt have been possible without what weve learned in the UK.

    Inspiring, earning trust and loyalty from customers, our colleagues and communities

    We want Tesco to be a company that earns trust, not just respect, through everything we do

    be it our in-store shopping trip, our Price Promise, or our determination to assure customers

    on food quality. We want to be a business that customers, colleagues and communities trust

    and are loyal to

    Tesco is one of Britain's leading foodretailers with 568 stores throughoutEngland, Scotland, Wales andNorthern Ireland. There are also 103stores in France, 43 in Hungary, 31 inPoland and 13 in the Czech Republicand Slovakia.

    Tesco is committed to creatingshareholder value through aninnovative customer focused strategy

    implemented by our people. Thisstrategy is based on the following
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    2.1 Models Used in Strategic Marketing Planning

    There business environment of smart phones and tabs is so competitive and growing at a

    rapid pace. To cope up with the competition Tesco uses following techniques and models for

    risk assessment in the environment, competitor analysis, internal and external analysis.Porters 5 Forces Model: Competitive forces of an organization can be analyzed by a

    framework developed by Michael E. Porter. This framework is commonly known asPorters

    5 Forces Modeland the forces are as below:

    1. Risk of new entry by potential competitors.

    2. Revelry among established organization within industries.

    3. Bargaining power of suppliers.

    4. Bargaining power of buyers.

    5. Threat of substitute products.

    Porter said in this model that those organizations have lesser opportunity to raise price and

    earn profit where these forces are strongly active. He added also that weakness of these forces

    means there is more opportunities to earn greater profit.

    Figure 1: Porter's 5 Forces Model (Porter, November-December 1996)

    SWOT Analysis: To integrate internal environment and external environment an

    organization emphasized both evenly. The best way to integrate them is SWOT analysis:

    Risk of entry by

    potential competitors

    Rivalry among

    established organization

    Bargaining power

    of buyers

    Bargaining power

    of suppliers

    Threats of substitute


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    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT analysis allows an organization to

    identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses of an

    organization are the internal factors where opportunities and threats arise from the influence

    of external factors. SWOT analysis suggest to focus on strengths of the organization and to

    shore up on weakness. It also allows capitalizing opportunities by recognizing threats.

    Figure 2: SWOT Analysis

    PESTLE: PESTLE is a very common and widely used technique to analyze external

    environment of an organization. PESTLE stands for Political, Economical, Social,

    Technological and Legal analysis which is also read as SLEPT. An organization needs to take

    into consideration external environmental factors while conducting strategic analysis and

    doing market research. PESTLE analysis allows an organization to understand its business

    position, market growth and decline, potential and direction for operation.

    Strengths Weaknesses

    Opportunities Threats




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    2.2 Link between Strategic Positioning and Marketing Tactics

    Strategic positioning complies with the development of a product or service and a marketing

    mix to occupy a specific place in the minds of the targeted customers. Positioning is required

    for perceptual processes of customers, greater competition and growing volume ofcommercial messages. It allows organization to screen out more information, to share more

    customers and to promote clutter. Marketing tactics are the measurable goals that an

    organization attempts to achieve for a target market within a specific time period. The most

    popularly used tactics for strategic positioning is the 5Ds of Positioning.

    Documenting: What benefits are the most important to your current and potential


    Deciding: What image do you want your current and potential customers to have of

    your organization?

    Differentiation: Which competitors do you want to appear different from, and what

    are the factors that you will use to make your organization different from them?

    Designing: How will you develop and communicate these differences?

    Delivering: How will you make good on what youve promised, and how do you

    make sure that you have delivered?

    Some organizations develop strategy in such way that will position them close to their

    competitors so prospects can make a direct comparison when they purchase. Some

    organizations use marketing tactics like offering a superior benefit depending on the

    marketing mix strategy.

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    2.3 Merits of Relationship Marketing in a Strategic Marketing Strategy

    Customers are the value creator of an organization. Success of an organization depends on

    the satisfaction of their customers. Organization needs to take appropriate strategies to satisfy

    them. This includes providing quality product and services at minimum price, ensuringavailability, post sale services, polite behavior with customers etc. The goal of relationship

    marketing is to develop loyalty between customer and organization. It may be with particular

    brand or product to the targeted customer base. Relationship marketing provides following


    Customer Value: Relationship marketing assist in determining who the most valuable

    customers for the organization are. It also determines who are too costly to maintain

    relationship with. For example, relationship with a non-profitable customer will lead

    subsequent cost by nonpayment or less payment.

    Communication: Philip Kotler suggested in his books that organization should find

    its easier and more efficient to obtain and keep their customer. Organization can

    provide promotional incentives for repeat communication.

    Innovation: Organization such as Starbucks through their website offers their customer to provide ideas. It allows customer to

    vote, discuss and share their views and ideas.

    Customer Feedback: Relationship marketing allows organization to open

    communication and cooperation so that customer concern, complaints and

    compliment can quickly be addressed. Organization can use customers feedback to

    make appropriate adjustment with the products and services.

    Advocates: When customers are pleased and satisfied with a consistent experience,

    they share this information with others. Relationship marketing use these tactics for

    suggestions and recommendations.
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    3.1 Appropriate Marketing Techniques to Ascertain Growth

    Opportunities in a Market

    Strategic marketing is an overall marketing plan which is designed to meet the needs and

    requirements of customers. For example: For a high profile brand like Apple IPhone the

    focus will be on promotion and physical evidence. To ensure effectiveness a number of

    techniques are employed. Ansoff matrix is a strategic marketing tool to determine product

    and growth strategy. This matrix suggests an organization that whether it should focus to

    grow in existing or new market with existing or new product.

    Existing Products New Products






    Figure 3: Ansoff Matrix (Ansoff, September-October 1957)

    Market penetration is the growth strategy in which organization focus in its existing

    market with existing product. This strategy is more applicable when organization

    seeks to increase its current market share and dominance in the market by means of

    product. To apply this strategy organization needs to have very clear idea and good

    information about its competitors and customers.

    The market development of growth strategy means providing existing goods and

    services to a new market so that the size of market widens. This strategy is more risky

    than penetration strategy because organization needs to develop a new customer

    group along with a new distribution channel and pricing policy.

    Product development strategy is the growth strategy by means of providing new

    goods and services to the existing market of the organization. This strategy may

    lucrative when customers seek for differentiated products. But there is a risk that new

    product and service may not attract customer. So organization needs to have strong

    capability in research and development.

    The most risky growth strategy is diversification strategy which means to provide new

    goods and services to a new market. Organization implements this strategy after

    having a clear idea about market and customer needs and risk assessment procedure.






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    Market research enables Tesco to identify the best marketing mix which should include right

    product at right price in the right place by using of most suitable promotional techniques. To

    create the right marketing mix organization must ensure that the product has right features,

    price is accurately charged, product will be in right place at right time and target group of

    customers are aware through promotion. (O'Reilly, March 3, 1997)

    Stage 1Prior to Marketing


    Stage 2During Marketing


    Stage 3After Marketing


    Evaluation of Marketing


    Developing the

    Marketing Mix

    Market Research

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    3.2 How to Use Marketing Strategy Option in a Market

    Porter Generic Strategies: Michael E. Porter describes three general strategies to achieve

    and maintain competitive advantage. These three strategies can be categorized in two

    dimensions: Strategic Strength and Strategic Scope. Strategic strength is a dimension thatarises from the side of supply and suggests the organization to focus at the core competence

    of the organization. On the other hand strategic scope is a dimension that arises from demand

    side and suggests the organization to focus at the size of the market organization want to

    target. Porter identified two competencies: Product cost Efficiency and Product


    Figure 4: Porter Generic Strategies (Porter, November-December 1996)

    GE Model: The best business portfolio fits organizations strengths with most attractive

    opportunities. Organization must decide where to invest more or less by analyzing current

    Segmentation Strategy





    Broad Market


    Narrow Market


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    portfolio. To add new products and businesses with the current portfolio organization should

    develop a growth strategy. The diagram of GE model below illustrates some possible

    elements of determining market attractiveness and competitive strength.



    Competitive Rivalry

    Profit Level

    Ability to Differentiate


    Market Attractiveness

    High Medium Low

    Market Share




    Cost Base

    Brand Strength

    Customer Loyalty CompetitiveStrength



    ow Product A Product B Product C


    Product D Product E Product F


    Product G Product H Product I

    Figure 5: GE Model

    In the above diagram, factors of competitive advantage are market share, size/scale, quality,

    cost base, technology, brand strength, customer loyalty etc. Organization with the use of

    these strengths attracts market and the factors are size, growth, competitive rivalry, profit

    level, ability to differentiate and cyclicality etc.

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    3.3 Appropriate Strategic Marketing Objectives for a Market

    Strategic marketing aims at achieving customer satisfaction so the value of the organization

    will increase. A well-defined objective of strategic marketing plays a crucial role in business

    performing. Setting marketing objectives is critical because organization has to articulatethese with the overall mission and goals and also determine how it will be benefited. For

    example, marketing objectives for Tesco are as follows.

    Achieve an annual growth rate of at least 10%.

    Promote adventure activities through strategic alliances with clubs, local athletic

    organizations, and retailers.

    By the end of year three, achieve 28% of sales through the Internet.

    Become the market leader of adventure travel in the Woodville area.

    Accomplishment of strategic marketing objectives goes through three steps.

    It is very difficult to define and formulate objectives of strategic marketing in a prcis

    manner. In this case, organization must demonstrate their best policies and procedures so that

    objectives can be set more precisely. Sometimes it seems difficult to distinguish between

    strategies and tactics. A strategy is an idea which conceptualizes how the goals of an

    organization could be achieved. To execute strategies all the necessary actions are taken as

    tactics. For the accomplishment of strategic marketing objectives organization needs to

    ingrate its marketing activities like 7Ps (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and

    physical evidence) of marketing and resources requirement for the execution. (Day, February


    Define Clear Marketing


    Initiate Effective Strategies

    Realistic Tactics to Accomplish

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    4.1 Impact of Changes in the External Environment on a Marketing


    The elements of external environment are uncontrollable but have direct influence on

    marketing strategy. Thus their existence may be either boon or threat to the organization.

    Efficiency of an organization does not depend only on building strength and analyzing

    weakness. It requires a third eye view for how external environment affects the organization

    externally and internally for strengthening itself. If an organization is sound and efficient

    internally then external environment may pose some threat on operation and profitability by

    imposing tax. (Banerjee, March 2002)

    Economic Forces:The growth rate of the economy, interest rates, currency exchange

    rates, and inflation or deflation rates are the most important factors of economicforces which affect on the ability to earn an adequate rate of return. Economic forces

    affect marketing strategy by extending sales when return is high.

    Global Forces:During last few decades there have been significant changes in the

    world economic system. Global forces affect marketing strategy to change. For

    example, due to elimination of international trade barrier new market is opened and

    new marketing strategy is taken for the outsiders.

    Technological Forces: After Second World War the pace of technological change

    has accelerated and become one of the most powerful forces in the external

    environment. Technological change is so rapid to the smart phones and tabs. For

    example, Tesco has a research team who regularly updated with the new technology.

    Demographic Forces: Like other forces, elements of demographic forces such as

    age, gender, ethnic origin, race, sexual orientation and social class forces marketing

    strategy to change. For example, increasing number of women in workforce has

    brought issues like equal pay and addressing sexual harassment. On the other hand

    different targeting strategy is required for different class of customers according to

    their tastes.

    Social Forces: Changes in social values may affect marketing strategy to change.

    Now organization goes for tree plantation, green operation, less carbon concept

    because of change in social belief. Again all promotional activities are conducted in

    such a way so that society cannot be harmed.

    Political and Legal Forces:Changes in laws and regulations force organization to

    price restructure, product differentiate and change distribution channel.

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    4.2 Internal Analysis to Identify Current Strengths and Weaknesses in

    a Marketing Strategy

    Tesco conducts a three steps internal analysis process of identifying strengths and weaknesses

    of the organization.

    The elements of internal environments (men, machine, money, materials and markets) are

    comparably easy to control and change to external environment. Organization has

    competitive advantage when it has greater profitability than average in the market. The

    sources of competitive advantages are strategy, distinctive competency and extended market

    share. Strategies are made at all the levels of organization in creating competitive advantage.

    Distinctive competencies arise from resources and capabilities. Resources allow organization

    to create value for its customers and competencies of organization coordinate resources for

    productive use. Sustainability of competitive advantage depends on two factors.

    1. Barriers to Imitation: This includes the factors that create it difficult to copy the

    competencies of the organization for its competitors.

    2. Capability of Competitors: Competitors degree of response to competitive

    advantage to identify value and new knowledge.

    Understand the process by which companies create value for customers

    and profit themselves, and the role of resources, capabilities &

    Understand how important superior efficiency, innovation, quality &

    responsiveness to customers are in creating value & high profitability.

    Analyze the sources of company's competitive advantage to identify

    what is driving the profitability of their enterprise and where

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    4.3 Strategic Marketing Responses to Key Emerging Themes in a

    Marketing Strategy

    Tesco allows responses to key emerging themes as a part of its marketing strategy. The

    proposed responses are as follow.

    Reengineering the process of business

    Changes in distribution channel

    Change in the marketing mix

    Attracting customers through e-commerce

    Fascinating the website

    Allowing online order

    Benchmarking the performance Introduce balance scorecard

    Restructuring cost function

    Cost control

    Cost reduction

    Building a global network and more market-driven

    Updated with the world

    Relationship marketing

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    Strategic marketing management aims at to assist the organization in achieving competitive

    positioning within few years. While developing a strategic marketing strategy it is important

    to analyze both internal and external factors of the environment and identify the opportunisticand treat factors. Organization must remind about the customers, the value creator, while

    developing marketing strategy. The strategy should include pricing and distribution systems,

    and also define communicating ways to customers. Most challenging and difficult task in

    strategic marketing management is to implement it in practically. Organization should

    identify it drawbacks and response to key emerging themes in a marketing strategy.