Download - Unit 5 - Music Video - Evaluation by Rory Giddings

Page 1: Unit 5 - Music Video - Evaluation by Rory Giddings


By Rory Giddings

Page 2: Unit 5 - Music Video - Evaluation by Rory Giddings

• Task 1: Types of videos• • There are 3 types of video – Performance, Narrative and Conceptual• · Write a small description on each type and find an example from YouTube.• · Upload work to blogger• · Label – Unit 5 Music• • Task 2:• Choose a song for your video• · write down who sang the song• · write down ideas you have when listening to song• · Label – Unit 5 Music• • Task 3:• Get into groups• · in your groups, decide whose song you will be making and why• · brief outline as to what you will be filming• · Label – Unit 5 Music• · • • Task 4:• · Film your video• • Task 5:• · Edit your video• · Label – Unit 5 Music• • • Task 6:• · Evaluate• · Label – Unit 5 Music


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• For this particular unit (5), we were issued the task of making a professional music video for a song of our choice. My group consisted of Andrew, Owen, Will, Josh and I.

• In this evaluation I will be taking a look at the difficulties we faced as a group but mainly the key strengths and weaknesses. This will enable me to improve a future piece. Let us proceed…


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• When given the task, we first needed an insight to music videos and how they are presented. We needed to take a look at the three types of music videos. These are Performance, Narrative and Conceptual. We then had to write a small description on each and find an example for each one on YouTube.

• Next, we had to individually choose a song for our video. Then we had to write down who sang the song and some ideas that sprung to mind when we listened to that particular song. After that we had to get into groups, and decide whose song we would choose to do the video for. We brainstormed a few ideas and made a brief outline as to what we would be actually filming. The pre-production greatly helped us when filming as we had seen how professional videos were filmed and created in a particular style so this was a strength. We then filmed the music video and edited it.


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• This was originally Owen and Josh’s idea, and we thought it would be a great video to construct a music video for as it is a fun and catchy upbeat song.


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• The storyline to our music video chronicles a male school teacher who can't really be bothered with his depressing job anymore and people around him are fine and pleased where their life situation is.

• Basically life is going nowhere for him and he is completely fed up with his dull and average existence. That is, until one day he sees a flyer advertising a gentlemen's club. After looking at this, he discovers that he needs to start living and making the most of his life. After this sudden realisation, he eventually becomes a socially crazy party animal. He goes out to the local nightclub and drinks a few pints, enjoys the music/atmosphere. The morning after he wakes up in the middle of his school with his tie and suit looking very scruffy and he clambers his way out of school onto the street and walks off into the distance, with a brand new outlook on life as it is. I definitely believe that our storyline was a massive strength to our music video.


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• Filming was a difficult but rewarding process as we used very creative camera shots/angles for our music video. This was a huge strength to our video being made to look professional and having its own unique style. We spent about 3 lessons altogether filming in and around the areas literally outside school. We originally planned to go to Bournemouth Seafront and do some filming there but we decided that in the end we didn’t need to as it would be a waste of time as we only needed a couple more clips to cover the full duration of the song and we could just download stock footage from the internet to fill the gaps and add depth to the video’s particular style. We used a wide variety of camera angles and shots because we wanted our music video to deliver innovation and look masterful/professional in the eyes of our audiences. Again, this was definitely another huge strength.


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• I couldn’t wait to start editing all the footage that we had gathered. First we needed to compile all the clips into Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5 and create the actual music video. The editing process took about 4 lessons and the outcome was very rewarding. After showing a couple of fellow students my finished product, I learnt that the music video went very well and looked very professional. A strength was that I cropped the clips into a widescreen HD format to make it look much more cinematic/professional so this was definitely a huge strength.

• To improve? I would definitely spend longer paying attention to detail and playing around with Adobe Premier a bit more, as I feel that I didn’t use it to it’s full potential and that I could have added some more features to make it look more professional such as making the clips sync in time with the beat/rhythm of the music. Furthermore, after analysing my finished music video I noticed a couple of weaknesses such as a couple of scenes being slightly out of sync with the rest of the pace, and some clips needed to be cut down a little bit such as Andrew’s repetitive walking scenes. I feel like this was a huge weakness as the song wasn’t fitting entirely with what he was doing, and these scenes were just too lengthy in my opinion. If the walking scenes weren’t so long we could have focused on the other scenes more to make them look better. Furthermore, I thought that the downloaded scenes featuring people dancing and a DJ were a weakness as it would have looked better if we went out and filmed our own stuff.


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• We came up with ideas from listening to the song and by watching the official music video. We also brainstormed any possible ideas for the video and quite a few came up. As the official music video chronicles the story of an individual man, we decided that we could do this but have a completely different story for the main character. We also thought that our music video should move at a fairly steady, quick pace as the song has an upbeat and quick rhythm. I think the ideas featured in the music video were a strength as they gave the video it’s own unique style. These included the controversial flyer and the teacher waking up in the school covered in mess and litter. The flyer was created and added as a joke to begin with, but we left it in because it added a nice blend of humour into the video. The awakening scene was done because it made the video more colourful and meant that the audience would be increasingly engaged in what adventure the teacher would get into next.


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• Andrew Goldman - Took the role of the main character in the music video as he fit the idea of a young school teacher and also has great acting experience from GCSE Drama.

• Owen Bowden – Was the director and was in charge of everything on set.

• Josh Sullivan – Was the producer and cameraman. He has a great eye for detail and recognises the artistic merit of creating a music video, he definitely took that into account.

• Will Traynor – Was in charge of the props and making sure the correct equipment was used to it’s full potential. Also an extra seen in the music video.

• Rory Giddings (me) – I was the location manager and made sure we had secured only the finest locations to film in and make sure we had permission. I also made sure we had access to the filming equipment like tripod, dolly, etc. I checked that the equipment/camera/props were fully functioning. I was an extra as well.


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• Filming Video Camera – self explanatory.• House Keys – Shows that the teacher owned a property and a vehicle. • Tripod – Used to treat the shakiness of the camera movement. Made it

look more professional.• Desks and tables – To incorporate the standard elements of a school and

classrooms, offices, etc.• Dolly/Slider – To widen the range of filming opportunities we had. Also, it

looked better.• Computer – Once again to reveal the teachers dull office and boring job.• Printed Spearmint Rhino Flyer – To incorporate humour and controversy.• Suit and Tie – To make the teacher look more official and professional.• Mr Drummonds car – To show that the teacher’s car was in a bad state,

so added depression. • Books – To make the offices/rooms look a lot more official.• Chairs – Used purely to convey to the audience that he was in a standard

classroom in that scene.• School litter – Used to make the video look more realistic and give

background detail on the symbolic decline of society’s awareness and attitude on the current environment that we live in.

Props, Set and Equipment, etc.

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• Everyone in our group for the most part got on fine. There were only a couple of difficulties between Josh and Owen as they both wanted to do different camera shots/angles in some particular scenes. However, this issue was quickly resolved by the fairest way of them all: A group vote/decision so everyone got a say too. Asides from that, everyone had great communication and effort between each other and everyone made their own contributions like ideas, help, constructive criticism, etc. on set.


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• We used many different locations. The English block was used for the hangover scene, Ringwood Recreational/Leisure Centre building was used as the nightclub. Furthermore, the walking scene took place at the front of the school gates. We used the greenery area just across the road for the scene where he crosses the road and finds the advertising flyer/poster. The greenery area was a huge advantage because there were some dull and decaying flowers rooted there that cleverly symbolised the young teacher's life so we included them in the camera angle of the final scene. The locations used in our music video were definitely a strength to our final product as they added depth and vision to the creative aspect of the video.


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• I most definitely recognised that the audience is a key term when creating a music video, therefore it was very important that we understood who the audience for our music video was, and how the music video would be constructed to appeal to a specific audience. We decided that the video would be aimed at an audience of older teenagers and younger adults raised in the society today. At the start of my music video, I placed a unique MTV intro as this would appeal to young people who are influenced by fashion trends, music, and slang terms shown in music videos. I think we successfully conveyed that our video was aimed at a younger audience and this was definitely a strength as it is a very wide and susceptible audience. As my music video featured modern scenery, clothing and technology, I was able to connect with the intended youthful audience. We also added some very interesting and complex camera shots/angles that featured visual emotions expressed by the actors, lighting effects and popular modern music, which meant that the correct audience was definitely met and appealed to.


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This was the MTV ident/logo that I used in the introduction of my music video.

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• In conclusion, I am very pleased with my music video as I made extra efforts to make it look professional and the whole efforts throughout Unit 5 entirely paid off. I think this evaluation has done justice to the strengths and weaknesses, what could be improved, etc. Overall, I think it is an excellent music video that has allowed me to gain a clear and vibrant insight to what skills I could apply in future units/projects. I am incredibly pleased with the final product of the music video and how far I have come since the beginning of the year.


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