Download - Unit 3 Lesson 4 Christmas Period I


Unit 3 Lesson 4 ChristmasPeriod I

Teaching Objectives

At the end of the class, we will be able to:tell the activities of Christmas according to the

timeline;use strategies to answer multiple-choice

questions;talk about our memories of Christmas and

compare Christmas in two cultures.



decoration present







Pre-reading: Introduction to ChristmasIntroduce Christmas to the class.

Date Dec. 25

Reasons for celebration

the birth of Jesus Christ 

Activities put up Christmas tree, go to church, sing Christmas carols

Memories of Christmas

Step 1: Put jumbled sentences in order

In what order did the children do these things? (Ex. 3, P43)

a) open the new year calendarb) put their stockings at the end of the bedc) sing Christmas carolsd) write a letter to Father Christmase) put up the Christmas treef) go to churchg) have Christmas cake


In what order did the children do these things? (Ex. 3, P43)

a) open the new year calendarb) put their stockings at the end of the bedc) sing Christmas carolsd) write a letter to Father Christmase) put up the Christmas treef) go to churchg) have Christmas cake


Step 1: Put jumbled sentences in order

open the new year calendarput their stockings at the end of the bed

sing Christmas carolswrite a letter to Father Christmasput up the Christmas treego to churchhave Christmas cake

Step 1: Put jumbled sentences in order

open the new year calendarput their stockings at the end of the bed

sing Christmas carolswrite a letter to Father Christmasput up the Christmas treego to churchhave Christmas cake

Step 1: Put jumbled sentences in order

Step 2: Layout

open the new year calendar

put their stockings at the end of the bed

sing Christmas carols

write a letter to Father Christmas

put up the Christmas tree

go to churchhave Christmas cake

How many parts can these activities be divided into?

Activities before Christmas

Activities on Christmas Eve

Activities on Christmas Day


Time order

Step 3: Reading Strategies

Multiple-choice questionsRead the question and answers.Try to guess the correct answer.Find the place in the text where you think the

answer is. Read the text and check your answer.Make sure the other two answers are not


Step 3: Reading Strategies

Finish Ex. 4 with the 5 steps.

Step 3: Reading StrategiesCheck your answers:1. Who do you think reads the children’s letters?

A. Father Christmas B. their parents C. nobody

2. What do you think people do in a carol service?B. sing songs B. give presents C. watch a play

3. What happened on Christmas Eve?C. The writer stayed awake all night.D. Someone put presents in his stocking.E. The writer saw Father Christmas.

Step 3: Reading Strategies

4. Why did they laugh?A. The Christmas carols were happy songs.B. The songs and hats were funny.C. The jokes and hats were funny.

5. After lunch:A. adults watched the Queen’s speech.B. the children made a snowman.C. everybody had more to eat.

Introduce the activities of a British Christmas according to the timeline.

Summarize the feelings of each period.

Step 4: Activities and Feelings

Before Christmas

write a letter to … open the new year calendar

attend the town carol service

have snowball fights make snowmen

excitement grew each day

On Christmas Eve

decorate the houseput up Christmas tree and decorations

leave some wine and biscuits for Father Christmas

put stockings at the end of beds

anxious waitingfull of expectations

turkey play with…

On Christmas Day

go to church

sing carols happily

play cards

watch queen’s speech

tired but happy

What kinds of memories does the text describe?

Memories of Christmas

adjectives:warm, nice, happy, cozy, joyful, peaceful, unforgettable, nostalgic, memorable

With the description of his/her childhood naivety, the author depicts in front of us the joyful and peaceful family atmosphere during the busy and exciting traditional Christmas. We can feel the warmth and happiness spread through the memories.

Memories of Christmas

More informationChristmas carol service

The name for a Christmas church service. Christmas carols are sung by the students, who practice for the event during classes in December

Father Christmas or Santa ClausOften involved with charity. Volunteers dressed as

Santa Claus typically became part of fundraising drives to aid needy families at Christmas time.

Queen’s speechThe message typically combines that year's major

events, with the sovereign's own personal milestones and feelings on Christmas.

Step 5: Discussion

How do we celebrate Christmas here in China?

Are there any differences?Comparing aspects: activities, food, feelings,


Step 5: Discussion

In western countries, Christmas is a religious festival, commemorating Jesus’ birth.

It is not only an occasion for family reunion, but more of an opportunity for people to give back to society.

Santa Clauses raise money, students sing carols in church, people send blessing messages through Christmas cards or giving gifts to each other.

Step 5: Discussion

Then, why do we celebrate Christmas?

Possible answers:a trendcommercial publicity (商业宣传 )a reason to relaxan opportunity for a get-togethera cultural invasion?

Thank You!