Download - Unit 15 Past Review



Past Simple ReviewName:_______________________________________ Date:________________Task 1: Write the correct form of regular verbs.(10x2=20points)My grandfather had a very exciting life. When he was young, he

___________(live) on a farm in the country. His parents and he _________ (look) after the cows. When he was eighteen, he went to University, where he ___________ (study) English and French. He also ____________(play) the trumpet in a jazz band. When the war started, he __________(try) to join the Air Force. Then he met my grandmother, andthey __________(marry) after only three weeks. He says now that he __________(want) to marry her very quickly in cases he ________(die) in the war. He ________________(love) my granny very much. I hope you

_____________(like) the story of my grandpas life.

Task 2: Write the correct form of irregular verb. (10x2=20points) 1. Yesterday I___________(go) to the movies.

2. My sister___________(make) a birthday cake for me last week. 3. Steve____________(ride) his bicycle to school yesterday. 4. My friends___________(drive) to Los Angeles two weeks ago.

5. Elizabeth_______________(take) some flowers last Saturday. 6. Kevin__________(win) the competition.

7. Last week my aunt________________(have) a baby. 8. We____________(get) a lot of work to do last Monday. 9. The child___________________(drink) some milk last night. 10. My teacher_____________(buy) some new books last month. Task 3: Make questions to these sentences. Look at the example. (5x2=10p.)Ashley went to school yesterday morning.

Did Ashley go to school yesterday morning?1. Kevin and Mark played chess last week.


2. She ate the first ice cream cone.


3. Earl loved to play cards with his friends.


4. Ruth invented her chocolate cookies many years ago.


5. George made the French fries thinner.______________________________________________________

Task 4: Read the text and answer the questions. (10x5=50p)How does the food taste in space?

In fact, it was very difficult to eat in space in 1960.

Food had to be very small, because the spaceship

was not big enough. It was usually dried food

and astronauts had to add water in it.

Astronauts hated this food!

In 1996 spaceship got bigger and food became better.

Now Astronauts can heat and freeze the food. There

are soups and macaroni, fish and chips in the menu.

The astronauts can eat fresh fruit and vegetables, and can have snacks between meals.

Astronauts say that eating in space is a lot of fun. They can use

special cups and plates.

The food tastes really good and they can eat like they eat at home.

Do you want to try astronauts food?

a) Find the information in the text and fill in the chart.19601996



Astronauts (like/dislike the food)_______________Astronauts (like/dislike the food)___________________

b) Answer the questions:

1) Why was astronauts food small in 1960?


2) Why did astronauts hate their food?


3) What can astronauts eat now days?


4) How does astronauts food taste today?___________________________________________________

Extra* c) What is the main idea of the text? (circle the correct answer)

It is good to eat

Food tastes really good

Astronauts hate their food

Eating in space