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Lacey Frantz

CS113: Academic Strategies for the Business Professional

Kaplan University

Unit 10 Writing Assignment

December 20, 2014

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Unlit 10 Writing Assignment

This class has positively affected my development as a student in a manner that will prepare me

for my academic success. My in-depth development of my education is important to me. I feel the keys

and points from this course have provided me with the skills I need to succeed in the business and

personal journeys I will be taking in the future. Each unit provided me with excellent tools and advice for

netiquette, time and stress managing, my personal learning styles, reading methods, thinking more

critically, goal setting strategies and problem solving. I now have the knowledge to comprehend and

evaluate what I am learning and reading. These skills can then be applied in my future courses to create a

better future for myself. In addition to these skills, providing networking profile to my portfolio will

enhance the spectrum of business relationships to further my exposure.   All these key ingredients have

made me a more involved student and prepared me as a better candidate in the business world. Knowing

how to use these keys and skills are also beneficial to your learning development. Whereas all these skills

are useful, I would like to highlight a few that have been more beneficial to my learning techniques.

All the skills taught in this course are beneficial, but some stand out more for me. Alan Chapman

(2014) discovering personal learning styles (Unit3 reading, sec.1) discovering my personal learning style

helped me to successfully study and take notes. I am an auditory learner, which means I retain

information better by hearing or listening to the information. Lassi, a personal inventory summary, really

helped point out my strengths, weaknesses and where I need help in my personal inventory. I learned the

importance of motivation, concentration and reading strategies and applied this to my note taking skills. I

really have a willingness to learn and this keep me motivated. Staying motivated wasn’t hard for me, but

learning that I am an auditory learning helped evaluating the best learning locations and surroundings I

needed to be able to truly focus and succeed with my studies.  Another useful component that stood out

for me was the critical thinking strategies (Unit 6, sec. 1 & 2). I used to just go on what one or another

person said about a topic and did really think critically about it in general. Now I listen to all the

information needing evaluated, identify what is truthful information and make my own decisions based on

what I believe to be true, when considering the information I found. I then present this information

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critically to the person or persons so they can informatively discover their own opinions. This had helped

me in when preparing academic papers or essays as well. Critical thinking is a skill that continues to

evolve and grow and you should learn how developed your critical thinking skills are. James Chartrand

was quoted stating, “If you can’t think critically, you can’t think creatively” (2014, para.1)

There are many more components to academic success that I have learning during the duration of

this course. The two points I gave as examples, in my opinion, are the most important aspects a student

can develop. Even with all these, a student cannot succeed without utilizing them. Your personal and

academic success is based on your attitude. Along with your attitude is your involvement, willingness to

learn and sense of productivity. Aside from an individual student’s involvement are the teacher’s attitudes

and presentation of the materials. In this course everything was presented wonderful and easily flowed

together. This class challenges you to think outside the box. As an outcome, I have many more talents and

skills to bring the business word aside from my work experience, I would trade these skills for anything. I

feel I am more prepared for the future after taking this course. 

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Chapman, Alan. (2014). VAK learning styles. Retrieved from

Chartrand, J. (2014). How good are your critical thinking skills? Retrieved from

Weinstein, C.E. (N.D.), Becoming a Strategic Learner, retrieved from