Download - Unit 1 The written word Word power Literature Brainstorming 1.Are you interested in books? 2. What kind of books are you particularly fond of ? 3. How.


Unit 1

The written word

Word power



1. Are you interested in books?

2. What kind of books are you

particularly fond of ?

3. How many categories of literature

can you name?

Fiction and Non-fiction.

4. What does each of them include?Fiction includes poetry, drama, short stories and novel.

Non-fiction includes news articles, biography, and autobiography.

Vocabulary learning

Read the article and find out all types of literature mentioned in the text, and then fill in the chart.

Category of literature Description


news article



• in a newspaper• reports factual information

• describes the life of a person

• describes the author’s own life

Category of literature Description




Short story

Novel (Science fiction / romance)

• has a repeated rhythm• focuses on feelings

• tells a story through action and speech• first written and performed on stage

• many characters• a complex plot• popular

• only a few characters• a simple plot

Match the names with profession.

John Keats

William Shakespeare

Charles Dickens

Katherine Mansfield

short story writer




Match the names with works.

William Shakespeare

John Keats

Charles Dickens

Katherine Mansfield

Great Expectations

Miss Brill

Romeo and Juliet

Ode to a Nightingale

Knowledge Extension

1. Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice

Sense and Sensibility


2. William Shakespeare

Hamlet Othello

King Lear Mac Beth

Language points

• generous

adj. 慷慨的 , 大方的

She was always very generous in her charity.

It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum.

• desperate

adj. 绝望的,极其想要的

They invoked help in the desperate situation.

He's desperate for a glass of water.

• on the run

逃跑, 忙碌, 奔波

He's on the run from the police.

I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted.

• reform

n. 改革,改良

Many reforms must be made to the education system.

v. 改革,革新,改造

A new leader will reform the unjust system.

• transform

vt. 改变 , 转换

His plans were transformed overnight into reality.

The magician transformed the frog into a princess.

【词义辨析 】

reform, transform,

reform: 指去恶扬善、弃旧图新,使变得完美,多用于社会、政治、经济方面,如体制、法律、机构等的改革。

transform: 指既改变外部形体,又改变内部性质或功能。