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  • 1. Community Project Buy Use Recycle Ungheni Access Group Ungheni, 2013 IT

2. Unfortunately people around the world are not accustomed to make economies in everything they use: water, gas, food, paper, boxes etc., especially the rich people. They are used only to consume and not to think whether there will be anything left for consumption for our children or not. The idea of recycling and reuse should become a value for all the communities in order to preserve the natural resources and to give this world a chance to last. 3. The big problems in the waste management in our country as well as the understanding of the fact that our citizens are not well-informed about the importance of recycling of materials made us choose this particular issue to address in our project. 4. Project Goal To promote ecological ideas and to use recycling materials in creative ways 5. Objectives: To interview people about recycling; To make a fashion line out of recycling materials; To promote recycling ideas with the help of posters with ecological messages. 6. 1. During the Youth Civic Engagement Training we had the opportunity to learn how to write a community project so that in the end we would implement it. 7. 2. We decided how we were going to spend the money and we wrote the Grant Application Form 8. TB activities made us be more united as a group and taught us how to work together. 9. 3. We bought various recycling materials in order to make some dresses out of them and started to get ready for our fashion show. 10. 4. Then, we made some posters with ecological messages in order to promote the recycling of materials and to inform people about it. 11. 5. After working so hard, we had some pizza for recovering our forces 12. 6. In the end, we got dressed our models, took all the posters and went in the park to ask people about the way they use materials and to present our fashion show aimed to promote the recycling of goods. 13. Feedback: Nicolae, 34 I dont really have to deal with household stuff, my wife does. Ive seen her reusing some containers or boxes from other products, but I guess thats it. Maria, 53 Of course I reuse all the materials I can use somewhere else, but I dont sort the garbage because in the region where I live there are no separate containers for each kind of materials. Elena, 28 I cant say that I reuse some of the materials. I didnt know this is a way of protecting our environment as well. Ana, 45 I think that in our country some people do reuse materials, but they dont do that because they want to protect Nature, but because the need makes them to. 14. Conclusions Our discussions with people in the park made us understand that indeed people dont know very well what is recycling. If people reuse materials, most commonly they do it because they dont want to spend money and not because of their wish to protect the environment. We believe that our presentation gave them a new reason to continue doing that for the sake of our planet. We achieved our goal. This makes us believe in our powers. We wont stop here. 15. To be continued