Download - UNEP POSITION PAPER - Pan Asia MUN · UNEP POSITION PAPER . 2 COUNTRY: Argentina Topic A Argentina is currently carrying out some projects to invest in the development of renewable





COUNTRY: Argentina

Topic A

Argentina is currently carrying out some projects to invest in the development of renewable energy, and it means

that Argentina are very willing to dedicate to cater to the trend for sustainable development and a cleaner planet.

However, since Argentina has suffered from the collapse of our economy in the beginging of 2010 and Argentina

is just preparing to recover our nation’s economy, so Argentina is also worried that the budget for relatively new

and unpredictable renewable energy might impact the budget for our economic growth of nation; after all,

improving the welfare of our people should be considered as government’s top priority. In brief , Argentina are

absolutely for the better life of human-beings, but the trade-off in the process is also what we concern about.

Topic B

Argentina is a victim to the sharply-changed climate. Because of climate change, Argentina’s agriculture is

affected considerably, and at the same time, millions of our people are suffering from natural disasters. In an

aspect of a developing country, we think UN agencies, global organizations, and, especially other developed

countries and their government to take actions to deal with the worse and worse condition. Argentina believes

those developed countries should put much more attention and bear accountabilities to this issue on the ground

that their rapid grows in the past are the main reason resulting the climate change. Also Argentina will strive to

provide necessary assistances to solve the problem.

COUNTRY: Bangladesh

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP)

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: Bangladesh

Delegate: Pearl Lee

Date: November 2011


With the price of oil rocketing to the unprecedented level of $130 a barrel, there is a talk of another oil shock.

Unfortunately, unlike past instances, this one is unlikely to subside, and may indeed keep intensifying. The only

way out is for every country, the gluttonous users of petroleum, to cut their consumption and emulate Japan in

its consistent drive for energy efficiency and alternate sources.

Currently, Bangladesh's desperate needs were illustrated currently by violent protests in Dhaka over dire

power shortages, the worst since the government, a coalition led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP),


came to power almost five years ago.

The economy has grown by more than a quarter since 2001, but power-generating capacity has not

increased. Short of domestic sources of capital, Bangladesh needs foreign capital to fulfill the government's goal

of. It would bring power and development to Bangladesh's poor north-west, plenty of foreign currency and new

sources of energy. Without heavy foreign investment, the economy will find it hard to support the growing

population, which makes Bangladesh become poorer and has no enough resources to maintain people’s

lives—needless to talk about resource efficiency.

Bangladesh’s Current Condition

Bangladesh has large reserves of natural gas and some petroleum deposits which is the center of attention of

many international energy companies. A recent Production Sharing Contract (PSC) between the Bangladesh

government and United States (US) energy giant ConocoPhillips for deep sea gas exploration has sparked

renewed debate in the country.

Bangladesh, being a populous country with poor infrastructure, itself is an energy starved country and some

people are against the export of its natural resources. Activists from the National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas,

Mineral Resources, Power and Ports (NCPOGMR) have been campaigning in the country to raise public

awareness on this issue.

There is a growing national awareness of the issue of ownership of natural resources; of the terms on which

production sharing contracts are signed with international oil companies (IOCs); a growing suspicion that

exporting extracted gas may not be the best way of solving the nation’s energy shortfall. More precisely, of the

hollowness of the government’s reasoning as to why gas blocks need to be, must necessarily be, leased out to

multinational companies. More broadly, of whether the nation’s ruling class, regardless of which political party is

in power, does act in the interests of the nation, of its people.

Bangladesh’s Current Actions

Recently, much more serious deforestation occurred in Bangladesh, which causes heavily degradation of its

environmental condition. For example, Bangladesh has numerous rivers, which provides Bangladesh an inborn

superiority to develop hydroelectric energy. However, these abounding resources have become the main

hazards which cause seriously landslides that may do really harm to people. Also, the truth is that green

technologies costs are extremely high—compared to irrenewable ones—due to its immaturity.

Therefore, we, Bangladesh, will put every efforts in Ecological preservation and the growth of economy in the

meanwhile. We will set a limitation on deforestation first and try to make all resources used efficiently. Secondly,


spare no efforts to persuade developed countries to assist us in developing sustainable technologies. In short,

we will take the environmental protection as our top priority and renewable sources are followed then.

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP)

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural

Country: Bangladesh

Delegate: Pearl Lee

Date: November 2011


While the west puzzles over ways to curb future climate change, in the developing world the present climate

change is being felt already, and there is nothing abstract about it. Every year an estimated 150,000 people die

as a result of global warming - mainly through natural disasters, disease and malnutrition - and the toll is rising

exponentially. There is much talk, but little is done.

The industrialized world has pumped huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, setting us on

a course where a global temperature rise of at least two degrees Celsius is inevitable. That may not sound

much, but for people here in Bangladesh those two degrees amount to a catastrophe.

The average Briton produces 48 times more carbon dioxide than someone living Bangladesh. And yet it is

here that the impact of those emissions is being felt. Bangladesh is one of the world's largest deltas, formed by a

dense network of 230 unstable rivers; most of the country is less than 10 meters above sea level. It is also one

of the poorest countries in the world: 50% of our population lives in poverty, 51% of our children are

malnourished. A low economic capacity, inadequate infrastructure and a higher dependence on a

natural-resource base exacerbate our vulnerability.

Bangladesh’s Current Condition

Scientists tell us that the most profoundly damaging impact of climate change in Bangladesh will take form in

floods, salinity intrusion and droughts, all of which will drastically affect crop productivity and food security. We

will also face riverbank erosion, sea water level rise and lack of fresh water in the coastal zones. The prognosis

is more extreme floods in a country already devastated by floods; less food for a country in which half our

children already don't have enough to eat; and less clean water for a country where waterborne diseases are

already responsible for 24% of all deaths.

Were the Earth to warm by just one degree Celsius, 11% of Bangladesh would be submerged, putting the

lives of 55 million people in danger. Most scientists - including the UK government's David King - expect a


two-degree increase. I find it almost impossible to imagine how the poor of Bangladesh will cope.

Bangladesh’s Current Actions

We, Bangladesh, need to make a deal. We will work to enhance our efforts to help people adapt their lives to

the reality of climate change. But we, too, must make a commitment, a firm commitment, to reduce carbon

emissions year-on-year. Waiting for other rich countries to fall into line before taking action is not good enough.

The recently published Bangladesh National Adaptation Programme of Action recommends strategies

focusing on coastal forestation, provision of drinking water to coastal communities, education, the protection of

urban infrastructure, and scientific research and development to protect crops.

We are doing our bit. However, if richer countries do not change their way of life, and do it now, input from our

organization and others will not be able to protect these communities from the devastating, deadly effects of

climate change.

COUNTRY: Belarus

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Topic: (A) Resource efficiency and sustainable use

Country: Republic of Belarus

Delegate: Tania Lee 李 佳

University: Fu Jen Catholic University

Our life is related to the use of resources, obviously, human beings can’t live without resources such as

petroleum, electricity, and water. Due to the increase of the population around the world, the natural resources

are reducing more and more quickly. Therefore, the sustainable use of resources and the development of

renewable energies become the main discussing topics of the world. Since the Republic of Belarus is lack of

domestic resources and relied on the imported resources for about 85% per year, we strongly agree that we

should develop the system of renewable energy and other different energies in order to cut down the high cost

of importing resources from other countries.

UN has focused on this topic with high attention, from The Kyoto Protocol, the Millennium Development

Goals to the South-South cooperation, we can see this topic is really important around the world.

The Republic of Belarus isn’t only one of the signatory countries of the Kyoto Protocol, from February of the

year 2009, has also been one of the members of the agency of IRENA (International Renewable Energy

Agency). Besides, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine now is having Sustainable Development Academy for

giving courses. We think that develop the biomass energy, wind energy solar energy are beneficial for Republic


of Belarus. At the same time, if we utilize the resource of natural gas more, it will reduce the use of electricity and

heat. As for the nuclear energy, Republic of Belarus is approve of it, but since we are the victim by the accident

at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the witness of the nuclear accident of Fukushima, we highly appeal

that all of the countries should use nuclear energy cautiously and wisely.

This is the topic that all over the world pays highly attention to, the Republic of Belarus think we should help

or give advice to those countries which haven’t develop any renewable energy systems. However, we should

care about the ecology when we are developing the renewable energy system. Although control the overuse of

the resources is good for our mother earth, we should consider and evaluate more before doing any developing

project or new plans.

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Topic: (B) Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural

Country: Republic of Belarus

Delegate: Tania Lee 李 佳

University: Fu Jen Catholic University

From the highly development in the world, the climate changes makes the environment become

unpredictable anymore. We never know where, when and what will happen next in the world. Therefore, the

Republic of Belarus believes that we should think and discuss more about the mitigation and adaptation to the

impact of natural.

In the Republic of Belarus, the flood is the most serious problem that might threaten the environment.

Recently, the serious natural disasters didn’t happen in the Republic of Belarus. In our country, although there

won’t be serious disasters such as earthquakes or tsunami happening, we still have to pay attention to the

natural disasters around the world and try to do our best helping others. The natural hazards are not new

phenomena for human, once we develop then harm the environment more, the ecosystem might show

something terrible to fight back.

UNEP has the service of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), the Partnership on Environment for Disaster Risk

Reduction (PEDRR), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and others organizations that

provide helps when there’s any disaster happening around the world.

If there are any possibilities, the Republic of Belarus believes that all the countries in the world should help

and cooperate with each other once we suffer from any disasters. For example, the UN Departments of

Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and Field Support (DFS) could stay in the low-developing countries which

the natural disasters are easily happening in order to help them having some good resolutions or strategies. At


the same time, we should do the prevention before the disasters happen; we should establish the positive

concept in every person’s mind and remind people that even we can’t live without disasters, but we will go

through the disasters from helping each other. The Republic of Belarus believes that the prevention is better

than cure; we should try to solve the problems before it happens.


Country/Position: Republic of Benin

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Name: Yuh-Ling Dang (Linda)

University: Fu Jen Catholic University

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

The problem of energy scarcity has always not been solved in Africa. Even though Africa has a 5% of population

of the world, there is only a 3% use of electricity consumption. Bellows are the renewable energy that could be

used in Africa: Hydroelectric Energy, Solar Energy, Biomass Energy, Geothermal Energy and Wind Energy (the

least proportion). Despite of so many renewable energies that could be used in Africa, the exploitation rates are

low due to insufficient capital or technology. Many African countries have already come out of some projects or

programs of this topic, and most of the funds of these projects come from international business investment,

international non-government organizations or local groups from Africa.

In the Republic of Benin (or most of the western Africa countries) the greatest proportion of renewable energy is

Biomass Energy, and the funds mainly come from the local groups of Africa. In March.2011 the Republic of

Brazil approved to fund the research of Biomass Energy in the development countries. As a member of the

UEMOA (Union Economique et Monetaire Quest Africaine), we believe that this treaty will surely help the

research of Biomass Energy in Benin.

Quote from Cheikh Anta Diop, the Africa historian and politician, ’African does not lack of energy, but the

energy are not treated well’, we think that every countries should take this problem seriously, so as the UN.

According to Doctor Al Jaber ’there is no problem as investment shortage in the current market, the problem is

that the African market can’t attract more funds. The lack of coherent policies, technology and a strong

supervised structures, which makes this area less attractive to investor.’ So at last we hope that all the countries

in Africa can form a more solid organization together, in order to attract more funds into the African market and

make the resource more efficiency.

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards


The Natural Hazards have always been a significant issue among the African countries, the most serious natural

hazards in western Africa are Droughts and flood. We believe that through Education, we can decrease the

damage of natural disaster, because this kind of things cannot be avoid, so the best way is for people to know

how to react when such things happened. We also hope that countries in EU who has such professional

knowledge can help Benin with the previous education training and the recovery after the disaster.


Topic A

The use of different kinds of resources has been an essential factor for the development of human

civilization and determination for the path for human history. We take advantage of what nature has to offer and

benefit from it, but in recent years, the rate of resource depletion has continued to increase at a speed that

outruns Nature’s ability to replenish itself, causing permanent damage to the environment. For instance, the

ecosystem has already experienced the loss of endangered species, desertification and the land degradation,

climate change which leads to the extremity of weather conditions, making it even harder for humans to try to

feed a population of over nine billion by 2050, and also worsened the conditions of the resource war. These

problems cannot be solved at once because it encompasses a wide range of sectors. Therefore, Green

Economy appeared, and resource efficiency and sustainable use is the main issue we will discuss about in

which the least amount of resources is applied to the best possible manner, in order to meet both present and

future human needs while preserving the environment.

Furthermore, Brazil take renewable energy technologies very seriously because we get 86 percent of our

power by using renewable energy, and it has largely decreased the amount of pollution made from the past

years. Although there are many pros and cons for renewable energies and that renewable resources are not the

only solution to the climate change problem, it is instead an efficient way for a country to maintain both the

economic growth and in the mean time preserve the environment at the same time. We believe that innovative

usage of renewable energy is being applied with increasing frequency, which can create an economic trend that

can be follow suit if many nations start to achieve them. Trends reflect strong growth and investment across all

market sectors. During the period from the end of 2005 through 2010, total global capacity of many renewable

energy technologies including solar PV, wind power, concentrating solar thermal power (CSP), solar water

heating systems, and biofuels, which we Brazilians once were very enthusiastic at, grew at average rates

ranging from around 15% to 50% annually.

Therefore, we, the delegates of Brazil, therefore strongly consider the resource efficiency and its sustainable

use as a priority case to discuss about, because it can not only achieve sustainable environment, alleviate

poverty and provide job opportunities when developing and innovating different types of renewable resources,

but also find what past actions each nation have taken to limit environmental impact and improve them in order

to make a better world for us to live on.


Topic B

In Pan MUN we are going to talk about the topic‖ Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural

Hazards‖. It deals with the growing concern throughout the world that frequency of natural disasters is

increasing at a rate exceeding the capacity of human civilization and the ecosystem. We are on behalf of Brazil.

It is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by

population with over 192 million people.

With the majority of population in Brazil and the environment of rainforest, the issue of nature becomes

much more important than which in other country. The more people the more resource got wasted. In fact, Brazil

is a developing country, so the rate of population growing is rising fast. The solution may be cutting the growing

population. The government will promote the notion of birth control.

In order to improve the natural disaster problem, there should be some solution. First, we all know

rainforest is the heart of earth, so it is important to protect it. However, without the income from rainforest, the

people cannot live in a good life. It is good that some countries can work together to save the rainforest, which

means founds can be established to help development new technology to make a balance between

development and conservation.

Luviya Hsieh謝佳伶

Winnie Chiang姜維昀


Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Over the past decades, Canadian resource policies have gone through an early era of pure exploitation to

the present era of resource management. Resource efficiency, especially energy efficiency, is the critical issue

we mainly put emphasis on. Considering the fact that the global population is going to reach up to 9 billion in

2050, human beings are really likely to be confronted with the difficulty of resource depletion. This issue is so

urgent that every global villager has the responsibility to face and address it, and none of us could dodge it

anymore. We should pull together to reach a global economy that optimizes its use of resources and, therefore,

results in improved living conditions and reduced waste globally. We hope that countries will compromise and

reach a consensus to carry out common policy which emphasizes multiple uses, concerns about sustainability,

and integrated resource management, as Canada has been endeavoring to do. The following are constructive


1. Build a global energy market which is strongly governed by effective, efficient, and transparent regulatory

systems to optimize use of energy.

2. Sometimes private ownership of lands and forests would better ensure long-term protection and avoid a

―tragedy of the commons‖. This can be applied to rapidly disappearing rainforests. If developed countries or


international enterprises adopt rainforests in developing countries, disappearance of rainforests can be


3. Promote international cooperation on renewable energy research, so that nations can share results and

achievements on their own research, instead of nations carrying out research individually.

Finally, hope we delegates will do well on resolution in the end!

Topic B

Mitigation and Adaptation

to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Canada’s position:

We , delegates of Canada, think that everyone in the world should pull together to mitigate and adapt to the

impact of natural hazards, because whatever we do will influence one another in the globe village. From the

earth history, we learn that the earth environment was heavily polluted because of the Industrial Revolution,

which changes humans’ ways of living . To compensate for the damage we have made so far, we everyone

should discuss and come to a consensus on the big issue and think up some solutions to these problems.

Concrete steps to solve the problems

We can solve the problems from two parts. First, we have to help the people whose countries are severely

destroyed by natural disasters recover from the miserable experiences quickly. Therefore, we can form

non-government organizations to provide relief such as necessary goods , clothing, prefabricated houses to the

affected areas, and recruit some volunteers to comfort the victims and reconstruct their hometowns, helping

them make through the hard time. Second, we have to improve the environment we live in and prevent the

disasters from harming us. The culprit of the escalation of natural disasters is global warming. Accordingly, we

should think up the solutions of alleviating global warming. For example, we can reduce the release of carbon by

regulating rules and imposing carbon tax. Besides, we can widely plant trees and other green plants, which can

produce oxygen and change the percentage of carbon in the atmosphere. The benefits of planting are not

merely ameliorate the environment but also enhance and beautify the world , providing a more suitable place for

us to live. Besides, we should prohibit people from destroying the earth. For example, we can crack down on

deforestation and unduly catching wild animals. Furthermore, we can dispatch more policemen to patrol the

places where animals are liable to be hunted, and introduce a strict hunting quota to maintain the diversity of the

animals and plants in the world. To sum up, the globe needs everyone’s efforts to make the world better.

COUNTRY: Central Africa Republic

The Central African Republic is located in central Africa.As a landlocked country,we border six countries. Much

of the Central African Republic consists of flat, or rolling plateau savanna. The palteau of which most of the

northern half lies within the World Wildlife Fund's(WWF) East Sudanian savanna ecoregion,we are responsible


and inevitable for protect our land.Estimates of the amount of the country covered by forest ranges up to 8%,and

the difficulty to develop the forest,we preserve the precious resource for our next generation and the world.It

shows that our country is positive and willing to protecting the Mother Nature. We became a semi-autonomous

territory of the French Community in 1958 and then an independent nation on 13 August 1960.We regard

France as our close firend in the international system and we’re keeping receiving French assistance.Although

our country is self-sufficient in food crops, much of the population lives at a subsistence level.We are one of the

members of Least Develop Countries(LDCs). The climate of the C.A.R. is generally tropical. The northern areas

are subject to harmattan winds, which are hot, dry, and carry dust. The northern regions have been subject to

desertification, and the northeast is a desert. The remainder of the country is prone to flooding from nearby

rivers.Above mentioned indicate that our country is vulnerable.Once striken by natural hazards,it’s hard for us to

withstand. And it should bring long-term setbacks to economics and social development.

As mentioned Topic A:Resource efficiency and sustainable use,belows are some of our positions and

suggestions.We know the importance of developing renewable energy,it is the way to make a eco-friendly

environment.But there is still some things we’re worried about the issue.First,biomass energy is one of the

mostly discussed renewable energy that many countries are planning to raise the rate of usage.However,while

many crops have been taken to make alcohol,there weren’t enough crops in the market.As the price of the crops

rised,many country couldn’t be self-sufficient of food provision.Second, as the developed countries have more

abundant funds and better technology to develop renewable energy but developing countries do not. Most of our

territory is situated in the Ubangi and Shari river basins.With abundant water resources,we are glad to develop

hydroelectric energy .But the real situation is not so optimistic for us to do so for the lack of fund and

technology.We hope to get more assistance,including a fund and helping us train more professional technicians.

While talking about Topic B:Mitigation and adaption to the impact of natural hazards,here are our point of

views.As climate change has led to increased occurance of nature hazards,we should develop a more efficient

way to deal with the emergency situation.We want to form a Middle Africa Emergency League,and build up a

communication net.When natural hazards occur in one of the countries,other countries could get the first hand

information,and give them favor immediately.


Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: China

Delegates: Jerry Lin and Lucian Hsu

Date: November 2011



For now, 884 million people all over the world lack access to clean drinking water. Worse still, climate change

leads to the extremity of weather conditions. However, what’s the worst, energy needs through the year 2030

will increase by 60 percent. As a highly energy-consuming country, we China devote ourselves a lot to the

development of renewable energy; with many years’ commitment to cultivation of green economy, we have

made a significant progress in our environmental policies.

China’s Current Actions

China has carried out various policies and measures, such as economic restructuring, energy efficiency

improvement, development and utilization of hydropower and other renewable energy, ecological restoration

and protection, as well as family planning, which have contributed significantly to the mitigation of climate

change. As early as in 1994, the Government of China formulated and published its sustainable development

strategy --- China’s Agenda 21 --- A White Paper on Population, Environment and Development in the 21st

Century. Later in 1996, the Government of China, for the first time, adopted sustainable development as the key

guideline and strategic goal for its national social and economic development. In 2003, the Government of China

further formulated the Programme of Action for Sustainable Development in China in the Early 21st Century.

China will continue to actively tackle climate change issues in accordance with its national sustainable

development strategy in the future. Moreover, China believes that developed countries should take the lead in

reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as providing financial and technical support to developing countries.

The first and overriding priorities of developing countries are sustainable development and poverty eradication.

The extent to which developing countries will effectively implement their commitments under the Convention will

depend on the effective implementation by developed country of their basic commitments.


China cannot overemphasize the importance of forming cross-continental and international resource exchange

program, for many of the resources have intermittency needs and every single current known method of

renewable energy productivity has its disadvantages. And since an absolute emission reduction would

somehow hinder national development, we China strongly expect developed countries to aid developing

countries in their development of sustainable energy. China feels fervently about the noteworthiness of resource

efficiency and sustainable use; hence, we hope to cooperate with other fellow member states of the United

Nations to enable we mankind to live in harmony with the mother Earth, making a win-win situation.


Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Country: China

Delegates: Jerry Lin & Lucian Hsu

Date: November, 25, 2011



The catastrophic earthquake happened in Haiti last spring, the Russian forest fire last summer, and the tsunami

and the subsequent nuclear plant meltdown in Fukushima. More and more disasters strike every part of this

more fragile world from 1960 to now. The occurrence of the hazards is not in our control, but to be well-prepared

for them, in other words, to decrease each country’s vulnerability, is what we can strive for now.

China’s current problems and actions

Due to the various terrains within our territory, we are now suffering several kinds of environmental problems.

At the northwest China, desertification becomes harsher because of the excessive livestock and farming. The

desertification also spurs sandstorm that rages across other regions. To deal with this issue, we plan to control

the immediate large population there. The flood in the vicinity of the Huang River and the drought in the Yangtze

also disrupt the life there. We have designed some way to remediate the rivers. Finally, pollution is also a great

concern. We are going to resolve the carbon dioxide emission first.


We are dealing with various kinds of environmental issue, and we also hope that countries having the same

issues can focus on it and discuss the most effective solution to them. We also regard carbon dioxide emission

is an international issue. In reality, we have incorporated tough measures for carbon dioxide emission into our

next five-year plan, and we also want to carry on a cap-and-trade system not only within our own country but

also in the whole world to decrease the mutual vulnerability. We believe that the international cooperation is

what we need the most now.

COUNTRY: Colombia

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use Pei Lin Wu

The development of renewable energy in Colombia takes the third place in South America, after

Brazil and Chile. In 2006, the hydro-electricity accounted for 64-77% and the fossil fuels (coal and

natural gas) accounted for 22-33% of electricity sources in Colombia. However, because the oil

production increased and other reasons, the hydro-electricity reduced to 31% and the firepower came

up to 65% in 2011.

Hydro-electricity takes the largest place of sustainable energy in Colombia now. The total large

hydropower potential for Colombia is estimated at 93 GW, with an additional 25 GW of small

hydropower. However, the potential for large hydropower faces difficulties, as the best sites have

already been developed, the escalating environmental and social costs associated with large dams, and

the likely impacts of climate change and climate variability on the hydrological regime of the country

(drastic increases in surface temperature in the Andes, changes in precipitation patterns, and increases


in the intensity and frequency of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signals driving prolonged periods

of drought). As a result, we need to find other renewable energy which has better potential to gradually

replace it.

The second big renewable energy is wind energy, according to a study by the World Bank’s Energy

Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), exploitation of the country’s significant wind

potential alone could cover more than the country’s current total energy needs, so it must be a good

energy to develop more. But at present, the country only has an installed capacity of 19.5 MW of wind

energy, tapping only 0.4% of its theoretical wind potential(21 GW). Let us go deep to the situation, the

wind regime in Colombia is among the best in South America. Offshore regions of the northern part of

Colombia, such as in the Guajira Department, have been classified with class 7 winds (over 10 meters

per second (m/s)). So the potential of wind energy is perfect, the problem is facilities and money.

However, a report said that "The CO2 revenue bonds do not change its place in the list of expansion of

capacity at minimum cost. Even with a $ 50 price of the bonds of CO2, wind power is still not the least

cost option." When it comes to economic benefits, wind energy won’t be the first position. Ways to

promote the development of wind energy is to legislate for it, and carry it out seriously, or it will be

replaced by oil or something, the energy use will never be sustainable. To improve wind power

generation, besides a better wind power generator is demanded, knowing the weather well is also


There are still other renewable energies in Colombia, such as solar energy and biomass.

Colombia is in the equatorial zone, so the former also has the potential. However, the solar energy is not

a ripe energy now, the technology is still improving. The latter is still less than 0.1% of current electricity

production, so I don’t discuss it here.

To sum up, I would like to recommend some ways to improve the present situation. First, Colombia

government should pay more attention on geological prospecting and know more about the weather

and climate, so the site they choose to set up equipment will be more precise and that they can know

how to allot the energy funds in the month or year. Second, improve the facilities of renewable energy.

And last, the United Nations should make law for energy to regulate how many budgets should go to

renewable energy.

Colombia Position paper: Topic B

Sunny Fan

1.Natural hazards:

*Latest Disaster Information of Colombia

2011/09/01 : Flood, Landslide

2011/04 : Flood

2010/09/27 : Flood

2009/02/16 : Flood

2008/09/15 : Flood


2006/04/12 : Land Slide

2005/02 : Flood

2002/11/1 : Mud Slide

2002/06/02 : Heavy rain

1999/11 : Hurricane

1999/01/25 : Earthquake

■ Earthquake

Colombia is in a well known high seismic risk area, due to the triple junction that occurs at the

northwest corner of the South American Plate where the Nazca, Cocos, and Pacific plates converge.

Earthquakes cause landslides ,shaking buildings and injured people.

Last earthquake in Colombia was on Saturday, October 29, 2011 at 18:24:41

■ Vocanal eruption

Geology of Colombia refers to the geological composition of the Republic of Colombia that

determines its geography. The territory of Colombia covers vast areas within the South American plate,

where most of the emerged land is, the aribbean plate and the Nazca plate. There are fifteen active and

extinct volcanoes in Colombia.

The Nevado del Ruiz Eruption was the second most deadly in the 20th century after the 1902 eruption

of Mont Pelee on the Caribbean island of Martinique which killed 29,000 people.

■ Hurricane

Hurricanes are intense low pressure areas that form over warm ocean waters in the summer and early

fall. Their source of energy is water vapor which is evaporated from the ocean surface.

Colombia is a country located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone and as an effect to this, the

country is vulnerable to the meteorological patterns that affect the Caribbean region such as hurricanes

and tropical storms.

■ Floods

The 2010 Colombian rainy season was an unusually heavy wet season that affected Colombia

during the second semester of 2010. The continuous rainfalls in combination with unstable grounds and

dwellings located in high risk zones contributed to the widespread damages. The flooding and

associated landslides killed 174 persons, left 225 wounded and 19 others missing. 1.5 million were left


Remnants of Hurricane Tomas in combination with La Niña made the 2010 wet season of Colombia

one of the deadliest and heaviest in rainfalls in the last 40 years. The torrential rainfall, wind gusts,

electric storms and a constant light rain in some places started in June 2010 and became stronger and

more frequent in August and September.

The floods and landslides affected 70% of the country and left homeless more than 2,2 million people.

301 people have been killed


In late April 2011,more than a year's worth of rain fell in Colombia under a month, causing the


Magdalena and Cauca Rivers to overflow their banks. Roughly 29,000 people have been evacuated from

flood-prone areas along the rivers.

2. concrete steps that should go in a resolution.


Officials should reconstruct old structures, built with technical requirements and the rban planning

and land studies.

■Valcano Eruption

Officials should open shelters for displaced resident and order people who live near the volcano to



Warnings should be posted before landfall, leaving people ample time to prepare for the hurricane.

People should be evacuated before and during the hurricane to take refuge at special camps.


-dams and reservoirs: designed to store water and therefore control the discharge of the river

-levees: increase the height of the river banks and therefore the river can contain more water

-dredging the channel: keeps the channel free from sediment, so more water can flow through it.

-straightening rivers: increase the speed of the river to remove water from affected area

-overflow channels: which allow rivers to flood areas of unused land or areas which do no cause

much damage.

COUNTRY: Costa Rica

topic A Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use:

As our country is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, water conservation electricity

generation become the main source of energy. Other sources of energy such as "Thermal energy", "Steam",

"Wind power generation" and "solar energy" are effective as well. Our country is willing to share these

technique to those countries had already have natural foundations. By this way, we hope it can put-off the speed

of Global-warming.

Topic B Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards:

As Costa Rica is an active country for its earthquake caused by volcanos. We have to build a compete

system to avoid something bad happen. First of all, routine emergency relief maneuver and places of refuge are

necessarily important. Secondly, we have to reserve enough food in advance.

As the point of having no armies in this country, the government have to let citizens know how to build

prefabricated houses themselves.


COUNTRY: Croatia

Position Paper

Country : Croatia

Delegate : 黃珮雅

School : National Taiwan Normal University

Topic A : Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Croatia is adapting its energy legislation to relevant EU Directives, also in the field of energy efficiency and

renewable energy. While specific legislation and regulation in these areas have been initiated, many of the

proposals still await adoption and implementation.

Croatia is working to enhance regional cooperation and interdependence, thereby increasing the security of

energy supply and competition for the whole region and the EU. Energy efficiency plays an important role in

Croatian energy policy. The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) was prepared to comply with the

requirements of the EU directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services. Croatia has also adopted

national indicative energy savings target of 9% of final inland energy consumption by 2016.

A specific purpose fund – the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund – is now established to fund

projects to improve energy efficiency and promote renewable energy, with a number of projects active under

international cooperation. In renewable energy, Croatia introduced obligations to purchase all electrical energy

output from privileged energy producers and aims to increase the share of renewable sources(without large

hydro-electricity plants) from 0.8% to 5.8% of total electricity consumption from 2004 to 2010.

Topic B : Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Croatia, similar to other countries in the South Eastern and Central Europe, is exposed to a range of natural

hazards, particularly, floods, wildfires, earthquakes, extreme temperatures, strong winds, and drought. The

country shows warming, drying climate conditions, a trend which together with human activities enhances the

risk of forest fires. Wildfires have been particularly dangerous along the Adriatic coast in recent years. Taking

into account Croatia's vulnerability, disaster risk reduction becomes a critical factor for the sustainable economic

and social development of the country. The expected growing level of risk, due to the climate change, hazards

and vulnerability, will need to be addressed, among others, with disaster risk management measures.

The Government of Croatia is committed to the hazard risk reduction agenda and the country is part of the

global and regional platforms for cooperation and support in this area. Croatia is a member of the UN

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015, and the Regional

Cooperation Council (formerly under the Stability Pact), and is widely considered as regional leader in the South

Eastern Europe, particularly, in the area of wild fires risk management and monitoring and forecasting of

meteorological hazards. The Government develops multi-year plans for hazard risk management, including the


Protection and Rescue Plan developed by the National Protection and Rescue Directorate (NPRD) which

describes the planned activities aimed at strengthening disaster risk management functions.


Topic A : Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Committee : United Nations Environment Programme

Country : Gabon

Delegates : Nai Ying Wang, Chia Chi Fan

After Industrial Revolution in 18 century, more and more natural resources have been exploited in the production

process and almost been depleted.

The environmental problems around the world such as deforestation, pollution, and wildlife preservation are also

getting more serious.

Gabon believes that working to promote more sustainable forms of industrial development, raising awareness,

building capacities and demonstrating practical applications within businesses in developing economies should

be prior for the world.

In Gabon, generally, the level of industrial development is relatively low, however, a rate of industrialization and

urban population growth in constant acceleration along the coast. Thus, it was later a gather of a wide variety of

industries, coastal urban areas, and creation of synergies in terms of negative impacts on the coastal zone.

Most often, poor industrial location, poor maintenance and inadequate monitoring of population processes lead

to high pollution.

In Gabon, substantial numbers of small and medium businesses from other countries perform the exploitation of

the forest, mining and agricultural land.

These, although contributing significantly to national development, however, pose a significant, problems of

pollution and waste, sources of contamination of various ecosystems and thereby biodiversity. The industrial

pollution linked to industrial development, are as varied as industrial activities themselves.

Gabon strongly appeal all the countries to work out a agreement in order to ensure all countries to promote the

wise use and sustainable development

Topic B : Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards.

Committee : United Nations Environment Programme

Country : Gabon


Delegates : Nai Ying Wang, Chia Chi Fan

Solar radiation, temperature, and precipitation are the main drivers of crop growth; therefore agriculture has

always been highly dependent on climate patterns and variations. Since the industrial revolution, humans have

been changing the global climate by emitting high amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, resulting

in higher global temperatures, affecting hydrological regimes and increasing climatic variability. Climate change

is projected to have significant impacts on agricultural conditions, food supply, and food security.

Countries around the world all take a part in the contribution of global warming, and yet you also there are a

small portion of countries who has little impact or none at all. Despite how some are not so involve in it, but

those countries could still be effect by it.

The impact of global warming doesn't only effect that one particular area that contribute to this upcoming

disaster, but it effect the earth as a whole. So even if one countries had little to do with pollution, it could still be

deeply affected by it. Africa is one of them. Global warming could serious damage Africa.

The African continent has warmed about half a degree over the last century and the average annual

temperature is likely to rise an average of 1.5-4°C by 2099, according to the most recent estimates from the

International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Africa is becoming the most exposed region in the world to the impacts of climate change. In Sub-Saharan

Africa extreme weather will cause dry areas to become drier and wet areas wetter; agriculture yields will suffer

from crop failures; and diseases will spread to new altitudes. By 2030 it is expected that 90 million more people

in Africa will be exposed to malaria, already the biggest killer in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to Idah Pswarayi-Riddihough, the World Bank’s lead environmental and natural resources specialist

for Africa, the environmental effects of climate change will have a direct impact on the economic development of

many African countries. In 2000 alone, flooding in Mozambique cost the country an estimated $550 million and

lowered the national GDP by 1.5 percent. In agriculture, as much as nine to 20 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s

arable land will become much less suitable for farming by 2080. Overall, even a 2°C warming above

pre-industrial temperatures could result in permanent reductions in annual per capita consumption of four to five

percent for Africa.

Gabon, as one of the countries in Africa, strongly appeals all countries to make climate change a development

priority, to work out a agreement in order to ensure all countries to laid out a plan of action aimed at adaptation to

climate change in Africa, and the whole world.

COUNTRY: Hungary



Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Topic: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: Hungary

Natural resources day by day nourish the performance of the international economy and our lives quality. These

resources include raw materials such as metals, minerals and fuels but also food, soil, water, air, biomass and


In a globalized world of the 21st Century, pressures on resources are increasing. As we have seen in recent

decades, intensive use of the world's resources put pressure on our planet and threatens the security of supply;

therefore the continuation of our current patterns of resource use is not an option.

Hungary’s environmental issues have a growing importance since the change of the regime of 1989. Our

accession in the European Union has also accelerated environmental developments. Besides environmental

concerns, the improvement of resource efficiency seen in the past decades was partly due to economic

restructuring like closing inefficient industries and mines, investments into improving efficiency of the remaining

industries and substantial shift towards the service sector.

Hungary believes that in the last few years, a result of new environmental challenges, growing public

consciousness, and because of the need for new ways of economic development, sustainable consumption and

production, resource efficiency and green economy have become keywords for improving our policy making.

The fact that Hungary is not abundant in most of the resources means that security of supply remains a main


Thus some of our strategic objectives are:

· Promoting sustainable consumption and production

· Resource conservation, strengthening the biodiversity

· Sustainable use of natural resources, including: sustainable and integrated water management as well as

improving energy efficiency and promoting energy conservation, sustainable use of biodiversity and sustainable

waste management.

Hungary believes that the objective is to reduce the environmental impacts associated with resource use. That

means to promote an eco-efficient use of natural resources, innovation and competitiveness, to develop tools to

monitor and report progress in Hungary, the UN Member States and other economic sectors.

Given the global dimension of key environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, land use,

deforestation, consumption and production patterns, competitiveness, security and supply access, Hungary

position is to address resource efficiency issues internationally and to cooperate closely.

Hungary has a strong interest in deepening cooperation on resource efficiency with international partners. This

would contribute the objective of sustainable development and high-impact poverty reduction strategies in


resource-reliant developing countries. It would also help to reduce the fast growing demand for global resources

by encouraging the shift to cleaner modes of energy generation and transmission.

Hungary invites all the Member States to contribute to the further development of these strategies and to the

promotion of resource efficiency.


Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Topic: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Country: Hungary

Natural disasters have a significant economic, social, environmental and political impact on the community.

While some of the impacts of natural disasters can be mitigated, the risk cannot be completely eliminated.

Therefore, decisions regarding what risks are acceptable need to be made by those involved in managing

natural hazard impacts.

Therefore, not only the natural disasters had produced an impact in human life. Long ago scientists have pay

attention to the possibility of the global climate change, caused by human activities, but nearly a century had to

be elapsed until politicians and decision makers also started to deal seriously with this issue. From the early

1970s some politicians recognized the significance of this hazard and took more seriously the increasing

amount of information from the scientific circles on the changes of quantities of greenhouse gases in the

atmosphere and the long-term trends of global climate characteristics.

Present and oncoming natural hazards have got a negative impact upon Hungary (as well as to Slovakia and

Ukraine) particularly on its marginalized regions.

Hungary believes that the negative effects of natural hazards become evident already in the last decade of the

past century and they become larger until today. It has and will have the direct effect upon the social and

economical situation of the regions, cities and towns, above all in jeopardizing human lives and health, threats to

properties and last but not least this effect will negatively influence access to the resources of vital concern.

Hungary is exposed to landslides, high wind and heat waves but one of its greatest hazards is flood. In Hungary,

from 1900 to today, the top 8 disasters have all been due to flooding, impacting over 179,000 people.

Hungary position towards lessening the severity and damages of weather events in an international field are

compacted in seven points. So we invite our fellow Member States to join us in these tasks:

1. Provide reserves of food, drinking water, medicines and spare parts for repairing damaged infrastructures.

These reserves should be appropriately stored and regularly renewed.


2. Develop and deliver education program to effectively and efficiently use this power and tools to adapt to

or/and mitigate climate change effects.

3. Elaborate decision-making policies and strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, including

prevention and mitigation of floods (as Hungary’s main problem) and other natural disasters impact on local,

regional and international level.

4. Prepare a set of recommendations for changes in legal, institutional and strategic framework in each

participating country to improve enabling environment for and equip governments with tools and power better

tackle challenges stemming from the impact of natural hazards.

5. Raise international awareness, motivation and build capacity of governments for better public governance

and the introduction of climate change issues into the decision-making process and activities of public


6. Prevention, damage recovery and mitigation require different approaches in the various economic sectors, in

different regions of countries and in different settlement types. This means that different technical equipment,

logistic and information systems are needed in their capacities and composition and therefore sample stocks

and systems should be developed for them and then they should be summarized and generalized at country

scale, thus providing an important part of the national climate strategy and its measures.

7. In making long-term programmes, plans, concepts and development plans for infrastructures, the preparation

of climate-impact studies as parts of the strategic environmental impact assessment, should be carried out.



Committee: United Nations Environment Programme

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: India

Delegate: Sam Haung

Date: November 2011


After industrial revolution, human used more natural resource, such as gasoline, to develop economy and

civilization. However, it resulted in depletion of oil and in the meantime; the burning of oil produced Carbon

Dioxide, one of greenhouse gas. The excessive emission of greenhouse gas brought about global warming and

climate change. As a result, we must develop a new kind of energy to replace oil and protect global

environment. In order to comply with demands, the new energy must be renewable and sustainable, such as

solar, wind and biomass energy. But according to current technology, we should put more capital and time into

development of new energy. Otherwise, it will be too expensive and inefficient to modern society.


Position of India

As a developing country , we must concern about domestic economy and more than one billion people’s life. We

need more resource to develop our industry but current price of renewable energy is so expensive that we can’t

use, or we may lose international competition. India understands the importance of environment and is also

willing to invest the renewable energy. However, we urge developed countries to put more money into the

research and help developing countries. Because most developing countries do not have enough ability to

invest it and developed countries, on the other hand, have used most of conventional resource, having the

obligation to resolve the energy problem.

We support most kind of renewable energy aside from biomass energy, because it is made from grains such as

corn and soybeans and may result in shortage of food. The food crisis in 2006 for example resulted from this

reason and brought about soar of food price. In India, we have one billion people and a lot of people could not

afford high food price. As a result, we demand other countries to be cautious in developing biomass energy.

Based on such reason, India agrees the importance and necessity of renewable energy, but the global society

should be more prudent in side effects of it. If most countries can conform to this principle, we will not create

tragedy which can avoid.


In order to solve the environmental and economic problems, India decided to promote the nuclear power from

less than 3% to 25% of domestic energy consumption before 2050. So, we can satisfy domestic development

and do not influence food and energy price. Although the explosion of nuclear power plant in

Fukushima, Japan, we have confidence in our nuclear security. By use of nuclear power, India not only can

reduce global warming but also save more money so that can invest in other kind of renewable resource.

On the other hand, we hope that developed countries can help developing countries and do not waste energy

and resource. If we can cooperate with each other, the world will be better.

Committee: United Nations Environment Programme

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Country: India

Delegate: Sam Haung

Date: November 2011


In human history, human never escape from natural disasters which often result in severe loss of people and

economy. Even though we have modern technology after industrial revolution, it is still hard for mankind to stop

the tragedy. Because the scale of nature disaster is on increase and some countries do not have enough ability

to control natural disaster, you can see news from all worlds, not only the third world but also some developed

countries. United Sates of America, for example, was hit by


Hurricane Katrina which killed approximately 1800 people and lead to 108 billion dollars economic loss in 2005.

Recent example is that central flood took place in Thailand. There are many cases all over the world and cause

different kind of lost. For the third world countries, they don’t have capability of handling situation and need other

countries or international organizations’ help. If foreign aids are not enough, the natural disaster such as flood or

drought may become serious famine and civil war finally.

Basically the natural disaster not only resulted from natural factors but also human’s mistakes. After industrial

revolution, human has discharge excessive Carbon Dioxide, one kind of greenhouse gas, into atmosphere. It

makes global warming deteriorate and changes current climate system because of increase of temperature. The

increase of temperature accelerates the water evaporation, so the scale of typhoon or hurricane will increase

and bring about more serious catastrophe. On the other hand, after natural disaster happened, some countries

lacked ability to help local people. Because they don’t have enough Infrastructures and resource to rescue and

feed victims, the situation will become tragedy. As a result, they need foreign aids.

Position of India

India is a victim of global warming and climate change. Natural disasters had killed many people and resulted in

large economic damages. Nevertheless, it is difficult for India to reduce emission of Carbon Dioxide, because

we need to develop our industry and economy. Otherwise, India will not have enough budgets to build

Infrastructure which can reduce impact of natural disaster. Of course, we still have to solve the problem of global

warming but the obligation lies in developed countries. They had discharged most proportion of greenhouse gas

after industrial revolution. On the other hand, they have mature economy so they don’t worry about problems of

economic development and have enough capability of helping poor countries. As a result, India urge developed

countries to do more things in helping developing countries and slowing global warming down.


India hope that the world will not have tragedy anymore, but we know it is difficult to achieve. Only can we do is

to cooperate with each other and develop comprehensive mechanisms to reduce influence of natural hazards.

For example, wealth countries can donate money to help poor countries establish Infrastructure and early

warning system so that poor countries have more ability to reduce impact and time to evacuate residents. Each

county also can share their information about natural disaster in collective platform. Thorough it, local

government can do more before disaster happen. Hope we can save more lives by each country’s effort.

COUNTRY: Indonesia

Topic A: Resource efficiency and sustainable use

Delegates: Goldie Chang張馨之


The amount of energy consumption has been soaring increasingly during these decades. Indonesia is greatly


concerned about the policies to enhance resource efficiency. Many practical policies have been made by

Indonesian government to promote the green economy in the country in the past years. This position paper will

outline these policies.

Renewable energy in Indonesia

Wind energy

The potential of wind energy in Indonesia is relatively low with the average of wind speed around 3-6

m/second. However, in certain areas, especially in the Eastern Regions of Indonesia, wind velocity is more

than 5 m/second. Around 0,6 MW has been installed and operated for lighting, water pumping and battery


Geothermal energy

Geological surveys throughout the Indonesian region have identified 217

geothermal locations. Exploration indicated that 170 of geothermal resources is high temperature

providing the country with a potential of geothermal energy about 27,189 MW. The current installed

capacity of Geothermal is about 807 MW.

Nuclear energy

The nuclear program of Indonesia includes plans to build nuclear reactors in the country to

produce nuclear power for peaceful purposes. The national legislative organ for nuclear

energy, Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir(BAPETEN), was founded in 1998. The name of the

national agency of atomic energy is BATAN. Decades earlier, research on atomic energy

was started in Indonesia. Apart for producing electricity, nuclear technology is also

applied for medical purposes and agricultural purposes, for the use of genetic


Past regulatory and policy overview

The government of Indonesia had launched a green economy program as part of its sustainable development

plan. To support the implementation of green economics, programs have been drawn up on food resilience by

implementing sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry management, efficiency and renewable energy

usage, clean technology support, waste management, efficient and low carbon transportation management and

green infrastructure development.1

Specific policies include reforms of subsidies for electricity industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,

reforms of fuels subsidies making them more targeted, new policy instruments for the promotion of renewable

energy such as geothermal and other clean energies, as well as incentives for industries which promote

environmental friendly products. Indonesia has voluntarily committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions or

carbon intensity per unit of GDP by 2020. Indonesia is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by

26%, and up to 41% with international support, by 2020. In addition, the Government of Indonesia has

introduced the Indonesia Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap with the objective to mainstream climate change in

the Indonesian national mid-term development plan.



With the abundant natural resources and the international cooperation, Indonesia is a country with great

potential of green economy. Firmly believing the necessity to harness natural resources in a more efficient way,

the Indonesian government will keep devoting researches in renewable energy.

Topic B: mitigation and adaptation to the impact of natural hazard


During the past few decades, the frequency and magnitude of natural hazards have been increasing. Since

natural disasters have become inevitable, Indonesia is greatly concerned about the precautions and adaptation

to natural hazards. Lying along the equator and on the convergent plant boundaries, Indonesia is often stroke by

cyclones and earthquakes. Indonesia also suffered from severe droughts; tsunami; volcanoes; forest fires.

Indonesia expects cooperation between nations about reconstruction and humanitarian aid after natural

disasters. Furthermore, the delegate of Indonesia hopes that the members of UNEP can find effective ways to

reduce the impact of natural disasters on global economy. Namely, to come up with a financial mechanism to

lower the damage on global economy whenever natural hazards occur.

The natural disasters occurred in Indonesia

In December, 2006, dozens of people were killed in landslides and flash floods in northern Sumatra Island,

forcing 400,000 people to flee their homes. In June 2006, floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains killed

more than 200 people in south Sulawesi province.

The At least 5,800 people died and 36,000 were injured on May 27, 2006 during the earthquake that struck

central Java near the historic city of Yogyakarta.

Besides, Indonesia contains the most volcanoes of any country in the world - some 76 are historically active.

The volcanic eruption in july this year had caused the death toll of 25 people.

Past actions of Indonesia government

The government of Indonesia endeavored to map out the preventive measures of natural

disasters, such as forming a joint Australia-Indonesia program. Australia is providing

specialist staff and $67 million over five years, with Indonesia providing counterpart staff,

services and support. The facility uses science and research and is developing practical

measures to better identify areas most at risk of natural disaster. The facility is helping to

reduce the impact of these disasters by giving people information about how to build safer

houses and public buildings. It is helping shape training and planning for disaster managers

across the region through partnerships with APEC, ASEAN and the United Nations.

In addition to the collaboration with neighboring countries, Indonesia has constructed more

infrastructures in regard to prevent natural hazards, such as dams and anti-tsunami walls.



Firstly, the delegate wishes that practical programs about disaster evaluation and the cooperation of

reconstruction in disaster-damaged countries can be made during this conference.

Second, since Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and a member of the G-20 major

economies, the damage caused by natural disasters can cause great havoc on the economy of Indonesia, in

turns affecting the development of global economy. As a result, the delegate of Indonesia strongly urges that

all the countries attending this conference discuss solutions to lower the influence, especially in the aspect of

global economy.


Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: Israel

Delegate: Ellen Lu

Date: November 2011


Since Israel is one of the model countries for sustainable energy using, we Israel also want to help other

countries to reduce the pollution and accelerate the efficiency while producing.

However, still many countries including Israel itself are facing the most conflicted problem: How to gain profits

without hurting the environment?

We all know that human now are inevitably depending on fossil fuel, coal, and other non-renewable resources,

but human beings still develop some clean energy like solar energy, hydroelectric energy, etc. Although we

already apply these energy in practical use, human beings aren’t able to catch the path of climate change,

pollution from manufactory, and the influence of greenhouse gasses. Additionally, we also have to beware of the

shortage of energy. That is, finding new sustainable energy and expanding the scale of these clean energy we

had developed are our first priority.

Based on the Framework of Programmes on SCP, held in Costa Rica, UNEP has followed up this key

recommendation of the Marrakech Process by developing Guidelines for National Programmes on SCP. Though

this implementation of the project has been monitored by an international advisory committee made up of

experts from several world regions, several countries which put the economic growth fist can still turn a death

ear to those guidelines.

Past Israel action

Israel is one of the countries leading the world to apply and expand the development of renewable energy.

In 2010, Israel has become home of the world’s first all-electric car network. Electric cars will reduce the world's

dependency on oil, lower air and noise pollution and eliminate carbon emissions from cars that create

greenhouse gases. In 2009, an original type of generator using the weight of traffic to producing energy was


introduced in Israel. Israel was planning to build the largest solar power plant and has invented the new

affordable solar power curved parabolic mirrors to improve the efficiency in electricity producing. An expansion

of geothermal energy power plant is now building. About 11 power plants will be build in five countries, which

can generate 360 megawatts for 500,000 people.

Also, on Nov. 15 2009, Israel had signed a renewable energy reach-and-development cooperation

agreement with US.


Israel suggest that rather than a advisory committee which doesn’t have the power to force other countries

to follow the guidelines, it is better to form an organization to supervise countries in the world to follow the policy

they made. The fund of this organization could be provided by those developed countries based on the

percentage of non-renewable energy usage in whole electricity production, and the developing and

under-developed countries could obtain the helping from this organization, improving both economic growth and

sustainable energy developing.

Israel would glad to offer the technical need and experiences for developing, also enlarging the scale of clean

energy in these countries.

Committee: United Nation Environmental Programme

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the impact of Natural Hazards

Country: Israel

Delegate: Ellen Lu

Date: November 2011


Natural disasters has done a lot of impact toward human beings, in our economics, society, our living

surroundings, and etc. such dramatic loss we usually consider it to be the result of climate change, which has a

strong connection with human production activities, also including the greenhouse gasses emission.

We Israel hold the point that most of the hazards become more and more drastic is mostly because of the over

active industrial production. Too much pollutant was tip into river and ocean, causes the water contamination

threatening all creatures living on earth. The polluted air suffocated our eyes and throat. Most important of all,

the greenhouse gasses emission still remain the major problem to UN. We Israel think that the now priority is to

deal with the over greenhouse gasses emission, for that the weather is getting warmer, the sea level is rising,

and a few countries suffer from the hazards which have ever occur before.

Although UN has tried to do things to cope with this obstacle, like Kyoto Protocol, it still has to be reinforced by

powerful authorities, or some countries may neglect the regulations and develop their industry as usual.

Past Israel actions


Israel has been taking the lead in a number of alternative energy fields aimed at reducing CO2 emissions.

It is one of the first countries to actively promote zero-emission electric cars and prepare the infrastructure for

mass marketing such vehicles. By the end of 2010 Israel will be home to the world's first all-electric car network.

The Israeli government announced on Jan. 21, 2008 its support of a plan to install the network. Electric cars will

reduce the world's dependency on oil, lower air and noise pollution and eliminate carbon emissions from cars

that create greenhouse gases.


We Israel will spare no effort to help other countries with our experiences since Israel is one of the

countries actually action on greenhouse gasses emission. Also we are supporting that a firm organization could

be established in this conference, cause the over emission is an urgent problem that we must to face with NOW.


Committee: United Nation Environment Programme

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Delegate: Valentina Sun (孫逸君)

University: Fu-Jen Catholic University

Our primary energy consumption states that oil amounts to 42.9% , Gas 38.3% and the renewables

7.8%. It means that we rely on much oil fuels. Recently, Italy has recognize the need to reduce the strong

dependence on imports of fossil fuels and electricity and also to reduce emission levels.

The development of renewable energy sources has been one of the priorities of Italy’s policy together

with the promotion of energy efficiency. First of all, because of the geographic location Italy has abundant of

sunshine that we can generate much solar energy. Over the course last year solar energy plants covering more

areas were installed. Today Italy is the third biggest market in this sector. Second, in terms of geothermal

energy, Italy also has plenty of this energy and ranks third in the world. In addition, in 2010 there were 273

biogas plants in operation, but by 2020 we will have invested a further billion in new biogas plants. Moreover, our

forests cover an area of about 8 millions hectors and they produce timber that could be used for power


In 2007 Italy set up a National Energy Efficiency Action Plan. For industry, Italy aimed at increasing

national companies’ competitiveness in the energy and renewable markets. The first tender has financed 30

projects in the field of bioenergy, wind, building materials and advanced industrial technology. As for public

sector, the Plan suggests the public use office products from renewable energy producing and mechanisms tend

to set up the demand of certifications, encouraging auto productions of energy. On the hand, solar collectors can

be installed for producing hot water on the roof of buildings, and high efficiency buildings can be constructed.

Nowadays our environment is being destructed. For giving our children a livable future resource

efficiency and sustainable use are quite important. If we could work out the environment protection together, the


living quality of the earth would be better.

Committee: United Nations Environment Programme

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Delegate: Valentina Sun (孫逸君)

University: Fu-Jen Catholic University

Natural hazards have intensive connection with people. In the recent years, Italy also has inevitably

been faced with this kind of problems. Solving the problems is one of our policies.

Our Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate indicates that the temperature in Italy has grown

since 1990. In the recent decades in the 21 century the trend has been fast growing and the temperature is

higher than past meanwhile 1 or 2 ℃. In 2009 the spring in Italy was warmer 1.67℃ than the average

temperature in the past 30 years. The average temperature in summer has grown 1.87℃. In particularly, Mai

was unbelievable hot and records the last 200 years the 3rd highest. With the constant global warming the ice in

Alpine melt every year 5% ~10%. The estimation indicates that all ice in Alpine would disappear, so at the same

time the north region in Italy, having strong dependence on irrigating by snow water, would be faced with the

shortage of water resources. The abnormally warmer temperature floods in 2008 happened in Rome.

Earthquakes are related to Italy. They have caused over the last 43 years 4500 victims and public costs

150 billion Euro. After the earthquake struck L’Aquila in 2009, our law prepares to finance 2 operations: 1.

ensuring that new buildings follow building safety codes and earthquake proof regulations, and 2. reinforcing

prone buildings.

In addition, we are through the General Directorate for Development Cooperation engaged in helping

poor countries that we are active in Afghanistan and assist Afghan National Disaster Management Authority and

the Afghan Red Crescent Society, and in three Latin American countries Bolivia with supporting from Food and

Agriculture Organization (FAO), and Guatemala and Honduras cooperate with our NGOs.

In June 2010 UNEP launched The Keep Juba Green campaign to reserve deforestation, renew greenhouse gas

sinks and work with local communities to plant one million trees over the next 12 months. Italy, United Kingdom

and the United States also support the campaign to help the Sudanese Government to draft environmental

policy and legislation.

Mitigation and adaptation to the impact of natural hazards is the important issue that all of us living on

the earth should be faced with. Trying hard to solve the environmental problems is a responsibility to every

country. We look forward to contributing the efforts from every one.


Delegate from Represent by

Japan Xia Lu’anjie


Position Paper for the United Nations Environmental Programme


Listed high on the UN Millennium Development Goals, the issues before the United Nations Environmental

Programme (UNEP) is Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use. The hugely decreasing natural resources and

increasing pollution from both life and industry reveal the environmental thorny issue of our planet. For example,

plastics production has climbed by 130 per cent. Accordingly, how to use the limited resources efficiently,

exploitation of clean new resource, the way to install the new energy, the financial aid and use of fund suggest

the immediate policies and solutions from all international organizations and all nations. The United Nations (the

UN) have done an impressive job in solving the problem of these issues in new policies, redirected investment,

environmentally sound technologies and international collaboration. UNEP, UNFCCC (The United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change), and other organizations have done a great number of works,

earlier this year, UNEP presented the findings- Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable

Development and Poverty Eradication-to annual gathering of environment ministers in Nairobi. UNEP Executive

Director Achim Steiner at the Berlin Technical University on 11/14/2011 said the good news that, we can view the

good effect done by all the effort that Ozone layer depleting substances have been cut by 93 percent. We

strongly support the Clean Development Mechanism, Resolution 64/206 about the promotion of new and

renewable sources of energy, 65/2 for the regional technical cooperation and capacity-building in statistics

development in Asia and the Pacific. For fulfilling its obligation and devoting itself to international cooperation,

Japan, as a member state of to UNEP as well as UNFCCC, we helped the UNFCCC to hold the Conference of

concluding and signing the Kyoto Protocol in Kyoto and have already seen the commendable effect on this act.

As a pioneer on the field of using the new energy resources, Japan is willing to share our optimal experience

with all the countries. We promulgated a series of domestic law including The Basic Law for Establishing the

Recycling-based Society and other 5 laws as the most complete environmental protection and circulation

economic law system. Our government also furnishes 130 billion US-dollars every year to the environment

department. In order to consummate the existing policies and organizations, Japan is ready to dedicate and sum

up our experience to the world and to avoid similar tragedies as Fukushima Nuclear Power Station’s event in the

future. Seeing that the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) to take place in Rio de Janeiro in

Brazil in June 2012, Japan also hope to join together discussing how to accelerate action on this issue. We want

to introduce a Win-Win program that use the international corporation, the developed countries can set up the

corporations in the developing countries, which would enjoy some sort of privilege like tax rebate or so, while

enabling companies of developing countries to learn the technologies of sustainable use from the corporations,

which would also relieve the pressure of unemployment in developing countries. Ultimately, Japan deems the

closer partnerships of UN organizations, NGOs and states that can push this issue forward and also encourages

the consensus on the future coordination.

Topic 2:


Because of the over-exploitation of nature source, our human are helpless on facing the nature hazards. The

earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, the floods in Australia, and the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear

disasters wreaking havoc in north-eastern Japan have alerted the national world. The unavoidability of natural

disasters and extremity of weather conditions in all the countries brought out the action of alleviation and series

of solving measures. The Resolution 65/157 in 4 Mar 2011 adopted by the General Assembly gave us a newest

guideline of International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. Japan wholly affirms the anterior action made by

UNEP, such as the Disaster Risk Reduction (DDR) and UN ISDR Working Group on Environment and Disaster

and we also appreciate the solutions of ensuring food and sanitation security made by World Food Programm

(WFP) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as well as the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA).

In January 2005, under the guidance of the United Nation, 168 Governments adopted a 10-year plan: Hyogo

Framework for Action (HFA) in Japan in order to reduce risks and prevent disasters. Being suffered from the

horrible tsunami in Fukushima and tens of thousands earthquakes, Japan, as an island nation in seismic belt of

East Asia, has lots of words and experiences on this issue: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural

Hazards. For domestic deeds, we Japanese government has also set up the Disaster Reduction and Human

Renovation Institution and enacted laws including the Basic Law of the Disaster Countermeasures as the

guiding principles to minimize the disaster loss. For international work, we also assisted the countries by

dispatching disaster search and rescue teams to the supplement the rescue work to help other countries out of

the shadow of calamities. Japan offered to host the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2015,

because accountability for effective disaster management requires further strengthening. Although there are

many plans and resolutions been made on this issue, many problems also exist on the action aspect.

"Nevertheless, there are many options for decreasing risk. Some of these have been implemented, but many

have not. The best options can provide benefits across a wide range of possible levels of climate change." said

Vicente Barros, Co-chair of Working Group II, of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in 18

November 2011. Japan is eager to share the treasure experience of the emergency, reconstruction,

development measures on the mitigation and adaptation to the impact of natural hazards to the world. We

regard a mechanism of disaster management including the series of resolution of

assessment-assistance-reconstruction-prevention as a good direction on this issue. Finally, we call upon all

nations to work with the international nations to promote effectiveness, solidarity, efficiency, coherence and

coordination to prepare for the future disasters.

COUNTRY: Kazakhstan

Position Paper

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Topic: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: Kazakhstan


Recent years, the rising need on fossil resources around the world have pushed up the oil price and raised more

and more attention on renewable energy and nuclear power.

As the oil reserve, Kazakhstan has been an export country of gas and petroleum since the Soviet Era because

of the rich with fossil fuel and other energy resources. Though its petroleum reserve is not as large as the Middle

East, it still has a certain influence over the world's overall energy supply. As the development of Caspian Sea oil

field, its role in international oil market becomes more important.

Kazakhstan, thanks to the favorable climatic and geographic conditions, is a country with great potential of

hydro, wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy. Hydro is of significant importance to Kazakhstan in that it

provides for over 12 percent of the country’s electrical capacity. In addition, the continental weather made the

country an ideal area for solar and wind power. As to the biomass energy, the large agricultural base grants a

significant potential though yet in practical applications.

Kazakhstan is the number one country in the world for uranium production volumes, and it owns the world

second biggest uranium reserves after Australia (around 1.5 million tons or nearly 19% of the explored reserves

of uranium in the world). Since the shutdown of the only nuclear power plant in 1999, the country currently has

no nuclear power generate capacity. However, there is currently a plan to build a new 1,500 MW nuclear plant in

the southeast of Kazakhstan, near Lake Balkash.

solar power

Kazakhstan starts construction of solar panel plant.

Kazakhstan has started building a solar panel manufacturing plant in its capital city of Astana. The project costs

226 to 233 million U.S. dollar. Every year we will produce 50 MW worth of solar cell panels with the expansion of

the production line capacity to 100 MW.

wind power

Renewable energy projects are relatively rare in Kazakhstan, But Kazakhstan's vast and exposed steppe has

potential for generating wind power, particularly in southern regions of the country that depend largely on

electricity imported from nearby Uzbekistan or the distant coal seams of northern Kazakhstan. Wind energy

potential is estimated at over 1.8 billion kWh per annum. A renewable energy consortium is planning a potential

$1 billion investment to construct two wind farms in southern Kazakhstan that would enable the region to cut its

dependence on imported electricity.

Hydro power

Kazakhstan possesses 5 operational hydroelectric plants which provide roughly 12% of the electricity

generation. Hydropower potential of Kazakhstan is estimated at 163 billion kWh; it is technically feasible to use

62 billion kWh, of which the use of 72 billion kWh is economically viable. Kazakhstan and China will begin


construction in January of a hydropower plant on a trans-border river in southern Kazakhstan. Government is

attempting to diversify its energy use beyond fossil-fuel powered plants that provide around 80 percent of the

nation’s electricity.

Though having such significant potential in renewable energy, the low price of electricity creates a barrier for the

development of renewable energy resources. In current situation, production of electrical power and heating is

the main fuel consumer in Kazakhstan. Every year, this sector consumes about 30 million tons of fuel. Coal

makes the major share in the fuel balance of power stations, with about 75%, while the share of natural gas is

23%, and that of fuel-oil, 2%.

Kazakhstan believes that we must take steps to decouple economic growth from environmental impact.

We should reduce the dependency on fossil fuel gradually and subsidize renewable energy industry, which

would doubtlessly become the main energy resource in the coming years. Set up programs on developing wind,

solar, hydro and other renewable resources in places which have potential in these projects. Kazakhstan is a

partner country of the EU INOGATE energy programme, which has an aim of supporting sustainable energy


Position Paper

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Topic: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards.

Country: Kazakhstan

In the past few decades, natural disaster has become intensively frequent and devastating. Kazakhstan also

suffered from serious loss caused by extreme weather and other natural events.

Because of the wideness of Kazakhstan’s territory, the country is susceptible to natural disasters across a wide

spectrum of types and scales including flood, extreme temperature and epidemics. And though not an

earthquake-prone area, earthquakes sometimes strike the region.

Kazakhstan has initiated a plan in order to prevent and recover from these natural hazards, which is the

Comprehensive Kazakhstan Natural Disaster Preparedness Plan. Formed with the assistance of UNDP, serves

as a guide for central and local governments in the country in implementing measures on disaster reduction, the

aim of the Plan is to generalize to the fullest extent possible the problem of preventing and responding to natural

disasters in the republic; to make the provisions of the Plan general and instructional; and to ensure that the


Plan corresponds to an adequate extent to existing regulatory acts. But currently, national disaster

preparedness measures are inadequate since they fail to cover the majority of the population.

Another program related is the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), a 10-year plan to make the world safer from

natural hazards and build the resilience of nations and communities to disasters, was adopted by the World

Conference on Disaster Reduction International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).

Kazakhstan believes the solutions are nothing more than reinforces the bond between countries. Also, early

preparedness, awareness and the mobilization of non-governmental and community-based organizations - as

well as local communities themselves is important.


Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

The resource on earth has been used rapidly in recent years. Not only oils but fossil fuels are at the risk of

running out in a short time. People in the world need to pay a lot of attention on finding and using renewable

resources so that we could save the earth. Kenya government spent a lot of money on developing geothermal

energy in recent years. One of the geothermal energy plants is inside the National park. The electricity made by

the plant is offered to a national flower company. However, building a geothermal energy plant costs a lot, it also

needs eight to ten years to explore the place. Kenya is not a rich country at all, but we try our best to protect the

environment. In addition, Kenya also develops wind power and solar energy. A new wind farm in Kenya is set to

be the largest in the continent. Set for completion in 2012, the project around Lake Turkana in northern Kenya

aims to generate 300 megawatts of electricity a year, one quarter of Kenya's current installed power and one of

the highest proportions of wind energy anywhere in the world. The Kenyan government hopes the move will

reduce reliance on hydropower, which in a country of unpredictable rainfall and drought makes the electricity

supply vulnerable to blackouts. So, Kenya suggests that developed countries should offer some fund to

developing countries. Having enough money could help a country develop ecofriendly constructions.

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Natural hazards are now seriously harming the global environment. Not only developed countries but also

developing countries encounter this problem. In recent years, Kenya had terrible droughts. The drought in June

this year is considered the most serious one for about sixty years. Lots of crops died during the drought. This

situation means that natural hazards led to environmental, financial and human losses. Because of humans’

actions, these disasters become more and more serious. Every creature on earth needs to learn how to face the

big problem. Humans could not change the situation, but humans could try to decrease the disasters. If humans

do not change the way they treat nature, it may attack human’s world abruptly. Humans would have just a little

time to protect themselves because the frequency of climatic disasters has rapidly grown. Because of the


climate change, the biting food shortage in Kenya has adversely compromised the security situation in a country

where more than 10 million people are faced with starvation. In view of poor rains, conflict and other hazards,

the food security of pastoralist groups is increasingly fragile. One poor season seems sufficient to precipitate a

crisis. Current pasture, browse and water are unlikely to support livestock until the beginning of the long rains.

Kenya considered that all the country in the world should think of a specific way to deal with the terrible problem.

Kenya believed that the world needs a forceful law to protect the earth from destroying.


Resource efficiency and sustainable use has become a world focus since fossil fuels are about to being

consumed up.

As a developing country in west Africa, Mali is evidently facing the problem of desertification.

The world address the shortage of energy by means of developing new technology of new sources or pursuing

the efficiency while consuming. Since the demand of energy is still growing under the capitalism society,

renewable energy is the ultimate solution so far, unless we adapt to another economy system.

Developing countries such as Mali would balance between the benefit of trade economic growth and renewable

resources development by investing some prospecting business in the name of the government. Other investors

would later view investing in researching the appliance of renewable resources development highly as a

prospective investment; that is, put it into the economy system and let the invisible hand reach equilibrium.

Furthermore, when the amount of investors grows, the cost of renewable energy development would decrease

and make it cost-effective.

By consultations, international cooperation is possible. For example, Mali has an idle circumstance to develop

solar energy because we are at low latitude and that most of Mali is in the Sahara Desert so flat areas can be

used. UNEP should inspect each states period of the time to figure out whether they are on their way to the

development of renewable resources. Mali can make transactions with any other countries.

Developed states are obliged to offer financial support to developing states.

There shouldn't be pollution caps based on productivity to encourage nations to develop renewable energy

since it will decrease transactions.

By make accounts of assets clear, UNEP can eliminate how much energy could be produced and transact, later


play the role to provide platform for each statements to consult. Thus, the available energy resources would be

distributed more evenly around the would.

As the crisis of climate changes approaching, we strongly agree with the notion that the situation should call for

more immediate action, not just voluntary.

With the concern of continual population growth and its impacts, we think that people should get use to a

less-consuming, environmental-friendly living styles. As one of countries that are relatively disadvantaged, we

need technological and financial aids from other countries. We adapt discount policy if they want to invest.

It would be vital to set up a global long-term environmental protection and evaluation standard. Countries in

Africa and any which is facing the threat of desertification would like to cooperate with Mali. UNEP can act as a

arbitration for peace-building concerns.

COUNTRY: Mauritius

Position paper

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: the Republic of Mauritius

Delegate: Lee Chi Yu

Date: November 2011

The Republic of Mauritius, an island nation in the Southwest Indian Ocean, as one of the members of Small

Island Developing States, ranking the first in the 2011 Ibrahim Index of African Governance, recognized as the

great performance in sustainable economic opportunity and human development, showing the capacity to lead

sustainable development among other countries in Africa, aims at implement policies and priorities for the

protection of the environment and the prevent of climate change.

As the limited fossil fuel being exploited continuously, Mauritius worry about the possibility of sustainable

development in the future since the renewable energy has not been the cost-efficient energy for the local

government and for the people to utilize. However, Mauritius will never give up promoting resource efficiency

and sustainable. United Nations Development Programme Chief Helen Clark has mentioned in the annual

United Nations Human Development Report that Growth driven by fossil fuel consumption is not a prerequisite

for a better life in broader human development terms. Investments that improve equity – in access, for example,

to renewable energy, water and sanitation, and reproductive health care – could advance both environmental

sustainability and human development. Through Fukujima nuclear reactor crisis, Mauritius urges the importance


of the development of new and renewable energy emphasizing the need to break through the challenge to

reduce the high cost of many renewable energy technologies. Further support and appreciate Resolution 64/206

13 and 14 adopted by the General Assembly to call up the international community to take further action and

support the efforts of the African countries, the least developed countries, the landlocked developing countries

and the Small Island Developing States in promoting the development, production and use of new and

renewable sources of energy, recognizing the special needs of these states for reliable and affordable energy

supplies and services.

We are willing to monitor progress made by public departments on any aspect of environmental management

projects and programs, and to make recommendations with issuing directions to public department as needed to

ensure coordination and cooperation between public departments, local authorities, and other government

organizations engaged in environmental protection programs. We appreciated the international cooperation that

Norway government supporting Indonesia government in its efforts to reduce deforestation and illegal under a 1

billion agreement as Indonesia has the world’s third largest area of tropical forest should be protected.

Knowing the slow-down construct of Masdar city, a non-carbon city utilizing solar energy in Abu Dhabi, Mauritius

reiterate the non-active and legislative-only voice by other members of United Nations could not promote the

development of viable market-oriented strategies that target to improve access to reliable energy services and

resources for sustainable development. Believe that it is necessary to welcome World Trade Organization to

form a framework of market-oriented selling of new and reusable energy to promote using and to review the

Kyoto protocol, recognizing the drawback to improve. Our final goal is to suggest every ministries of local

government to be responsible for the specific environment pollution and the complaint from the specific medium.

Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the impact of Natural Hazard

Country: the Republic of Mauritius

Delegate: Lee Chi Yu

Date: November 2011

The Republic of Mauritius as an island nation in the Southwest Indian Ocean being situated in a tropical cyclone

belt is highly sensitive to the impact of climate change. As one of the members of Small Island Developing

States, Mauritius aims at implement policies and priorities for the protection of the environment and the

prevention of climate change. Mauritius is always highly concerned with the issue of Mitigation and Adaptation to

the impact of Natural Hazard and support the action taken by United Nations and United National Environmental

Programme against climate change since the frequency of natural hazards has rapidly grown and the magnitude

became more seriously over the past two decades. The growth of sea levels and bleaching coral led by global

warming are the most urgent issue that Mauritius believes that we can not overemphasize, which causes not

only a chronic damage to our environment but also an acute destroys such as Thailand flood and even influence


the tourism and economy all over the world.

The annual United Nations Human Development Report, released in 2 November 2011, mentioned that

environmental degradation could reverse recent progress in human development for the world’s poorest,

requiring immediate action from governments to slow climate change and prevent further degradation and

reduce inequalities. By reversing our efforts of development, destroying the environmental niche, and reducing

the biodiversity over the world, the impact of disaster should not be ignored based on the principle 1 of Rio

Declaration on Environment and Development proclaiming that ―Human beings are at the centre of concerns for

sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature‖.

In order to pursue sustainable development, preventing natural disasters in the future, Mauritius would like to

argue that long-term environmental protection is necessary to be set up to support ―Resolution 65/2, 18.,

adopted by the General Assembly that Reiterate the need for the adoption and implementation of effective

measures at the international, regional and national levels that provide for the long-term sustainable use of

fisheries resources, given their vital importance to the sustainable management of coastal and marine

resources. (c) To further strengthen, through international support, the capacities of small island developing

states to carry out monitoring and implement enforcement measures to combat illegal, unreported and

unregulated fishing, and overfishing‖, inspiring us to call up the environment protection should be cover widely

and reduce the pollutant discharge of fisheries and transportation. Urge Security Council to support local

government manage illegal movement that oppose environmental protection in their own.

Mauritius believe that the environmental protection should be cooperate with central government, local

government and Non Government Organization, having set up the Environmental Impact Assessment system

we promoted and encouraged our civilian and government officials to correct and recognize the unfriendly

movement to the nature and pursue the true value of living in harmony with nature. Therefore, Mauritius

welcomes other nations to exchange our experience and outcome to ensure that our technical incorporation

does not just remain a resolution.


Position Paper

Committee:United Nations Environment Programme

Topic A: Resources Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country: Mexico

Delegates:Phoebe Kuo and Alexis Chan

Date: November 2011



We Mexico, as a highly industrialized country, we care for both of our economics, as well as environment.

With explosion of popularity, the condition of our environment is inevitably bad. We need to strike a balance

between the growth of GDP, as well as Green GDP.

Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

We strongly feel that the shortage of energy is problem should be addressed immediately. And we must

face it seriously, and selflessly. Renewable resource is only one of the solutions, not the ultimate solution. As the

ultimate solution, we should be back to the basic aspect of the shortage of energy: The ever growing need for

energy, due to the rapid population growth,following the growing demand of nature resource, and the


Because of our situation as a developing country which is aim to become a developed state, we need

to take our citizens’ benefit into consideration while contribute our efforts to Green economy. To minimize the

cost of renewable resource development, we need enough elites to do research in renewable resource

development. The education system we have now need a change. We should all those students with

considerable intellect all practice in the field of IE, Finance, or Medicine. By doing so, we believe that the cost of

renewable resource can decline in one day. The share of resource can boost the cooperation between

countries. On the base of comparative advantage, each country could specialize the resources and technology

they want to exchange to other countries, and this is a way we can make an win-win situation. The governing

council of UNEP should be armed with the right to punish. It won’t be fair if no punishment has been carried out,

since there are countries who fight to reduce the pollution they are making.

From an aspect as a developing country, we urge developed countries to provide financial support to

less advantaged countries. We are now living in a globalized society, there should be kindness and compassion

for those suffering countries. Of course there should be a pollution cap for the entire states, but the amount of

pollution cap differs from country to country. Developed states should have less pollution quota, since they have

produced enough pollution to the world already, therefore, they should yield their quota to those developing

countries. We cannot force developed countries to cut down their consumption of the energy resource, at

least, we can request them to use more renewable resource, since the developed countries usually armed with

more technology. We should call for immediate action for the resource efficiency and renewable energy

development. It is the only way we can save the earth.


All the people share only one earth, so we should cherish it instead of ruining it. It is not a matter for

developed states, but a matter for all of us. We should leave future generation a world they can live in.


Position Paper

Committee:United Nations Environment Programme

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazard

Country: Mexico

Delegates:Phoebe Kuo and Alexis Chan

Date: November 2011


With the weather condition becoming more and more severe,all countries on earth are consequentially under

the risk of facing natural hazards even including developed states.We should do our best to cooperate and ease

the gap between country and country. Thus, a bridge of understanding should be built.

Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Mexico, as a densely populated country, in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas, we think we should

gradually decrease the demand of irreversible resources. For those states who are relatively disadvantaged

countries, should try to strike a balance between economics and the protection of their environment. As

for relatively advantaged countries, we believe they should help those developing or under developing countries

out of humanity. It may be a hard thing to do, but it is something we need to accomplish.

We may not accomplish this goal in a year, nor will we accomplish it in this decade since many states still cannot

give up the vested interest they are having now, but let we start it, for our next generation. We think that there is

no need to set up another assessment such as EIA, because it might be another extra organization.We already

have many governmental or non-governmental organizations aiming to mitigate the impact of and help people to

adapt to disasters. What we need to do is integrate these organizations via implement urban management, flood

control system, hazard monitoring and data collection, or investing in building infrastructure which to resist

natural hazards.For Mexico as a best policy maker in G5, we deeply feel that UNEP should build a forum for

every country to exchange their progress on this issue for policymaking. Also UNEP should urge their member

to be more devoted into helping those rather disadvantaged states, by exchanging the data collection or other

things the more advantaged states have already built.


Natural hazards are the combination of natural disaster and vulnerability. What we can do know is to do our best

to decrease the vulnerability part, because it is something we can control. Ideologies and economic system

cannot be changed in a short time, but at least we have started, and we know for sure we still have a long way to

go. Let we start it. Let us make a change for a better and brighter future. A little bit less of the current comfort we


are having now to exchange of a safer future is a good deal. Let us abandon our selfishness and start to save

the world.


Natural resources support all human productivity. With the growth of world populations , the resources

consumption increase rapidly. However, the resources is limited, therefore, the sustainable management of

natural resources is among the preeminent problems of the current century.

Monaco is one of the coastal country of Mediterranean, which is an important path of marine trade . Many

countries around it share its coastal lines and territory water. However , Pollution in this region has been

extremely high in recent years. The United Nations Environment Program has estimated that about seven

hundred tons of chemical wastes are dumped into the Mediterranean each year. This serious problem should be

solved, unless it may bring worse consequence.

Monaco’s territory is the second smallest in the world , but we also be ranked as one of the most densely

populated country . It marks the importance of our management of resources usage. Therefore, the

Government of Monaco promotes sustainable development in the Principality, by focusing its activities on

respect for biodiversity, the preservation of resources, and also the preservation of endangered animals.

In 2010, Monaco proposed to list black tuna as one of the endangered species , which should be banned form

world trades . This proposal also receives the supports of France and CITES (Convention on International Trade

in Endangered Species) . Although we encounter many objections from fish industry association of the

Mediterranean as well as Japan ,we still believe the importance of this project .

In order to find more processes of resources efficiency and the solution of resources abuse , we hope that

through the negotiation in UN , we can have consensus among other countries.

COUNTRY: Netherlands

Position paper of Netherlands

Topic A

The Netherlands was one of the first countries to set decoupling of environmental degradation from economic

growth as the overarching objective (the third National Environmental Action Plan 1998). In the beginning of the

first decade of the 21th century, the Netherlands became clear that an integrated approach to resource use was

needed. Recently, the Netherlands has strongly advocated the development and implementation of


sustainability criteria for bio-fuels, which should prevent that CO2 is reduced at the expense of social costs (e.g.

raising food prices) and degradation of ecosystems. The Netherlands Standardization Institute, with the support

of market parties, the government and NGOs, has developed certain standards to ensure the sustainable

production of biomass for energy along the whole chain and help companies and consumers to adopt more

sustainable consumption patterns. This voluntary instrument sets out specific criteria based on the minimums

requirements for a sustainable bio-mass production and use. A certification expected to be enforced in 2011 will

ensure the compliance of applicants with those criteria.

Topic B

In the Netherlands, which has started to integrate climate change into planning in this century, the focus is

starting to shift from mitigation to adaptation strategies (Vries 2006). There are several national strategies and

calls for the integration of climate change, and a positive trend is that several cities or regions have taken

measures on their own to deal with climate change impacts (e.g. Marttila et al. 2005, United Kingdom 2006).

Peltonen et al. (2005) give a series of recommendations to integrate climate change adaptation into urban

planning. One concrete example of a town taking a decision related to climate change research was made by

the Town Government of Pärnu (2006). It was decided to postpone proposed ground surface raising activities in

order to take the results of climate change impact studies into accounts when designing flood protection


COUNTRY: Republic of Korea


TopicA:Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Country:Republic of Korea

July Hsu

School:Fu Jen Catholic University

Republic of Korea is situated on the Korean Peninsula, which spans 1,100 kilometers north to south.

The Korean Peninsula lies on the northeastern section of the Asian continent, where Korean waters are joined

by the western-most parts of the Pacific. The population of the Republic of Korea as of 2003 was 47.9 million.

Fast population growth was once a serious social problem in the Republic, as in most other developing

nations.Korea has diverse natural habitats and abundant biodiversity, as 65.4% of the land is covered with

forests and three sides of its land are surrounded by the ocean

Recently, South Korean Green Growth Committee decided to promote largely into the renewable

energy source. At present, this financial support amount will be 6,600,000,000,000 won (37,848,000,000

Yuan) .By the end of 2012 the financial support amount will be 10,500,000,000,000 won. South Korea aims to

generate 5% of energy from renewables by 2011, increasing to 11% by 2030. This is compared with a current

figure of 2.4%, therefore achievement of these targets would more than double energy from renewables by the


end of next year.

Wind energy has been put many emphasis by Korea's government. Currently supported through a

FIT of KRW107.29 , decreasing annually by 2% from October 2009. However, this FIT will be replaced by the

RPS from 2012 onwards. It is estimated that South Korea has potential reserves of 186.5TWh per annum. The

country has also seen investment by turbine manufacturers in a bid to develop a strong domestic supply chain.

Solar FITs were first adopted in 2006 and were considered to be quite generous. A decision was made in

2008, however, to reduce the rate by up to 30% as a way of encouraging local production. Rates now range

from KRW572 for systems smaller than 30kW to KRW509 for those larger than 1MW capacity.As with wind,

the solar FIT scheme will be replaced in 2012. In addition to the RPS enforcement, utility companies will be

given a separate solar energy production quota of 120MW in the first year, gradually increasing to 200MW in 10

years, after the rules are enacted.

It has been estimated that South Korea has a small-scale hydro potential of up to 1.5GW, and that 198MW could

be generated by 2012. Installed capacity represents less than 5% of the domestic potential, indicating significant

untapped resources. The project pipeline includes five small hydro plants as part of the Four Rivers Project.

Topic B:Mitigation and Adaptation to the impact of Natural Hazard

Global warming is affecting the migration of animals, marine life , and Korean eco-system is no

exception.With the rapid changes in Korea's maritime climate, fisheries and consumers are calling for a more

accurate assessment of global warming and its impacts on the ecosystem.

July 28th a fierce storm struck South Korean.South Korea struggled to recover from the nation's

heaviest rainfall in decades, a torrential two-day downpour that triggered landslides and flooding, killed at least

57 people and left countless others missing or stranded.

From those two examples you can know that nature disasters has infected South Korea in different

aspect. In order to solve the problems the government of South korea has join many ecology communities and

conference.Such as, the Antarctic-Environment Protocol, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity Treaty, Kyoto Protocol

(forming the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG), regarding UNFCCC withMexico and Switzerland) and so on.

Moreover, asian largest environmental protection association— South korean environment movement

federation has put emphasis on environmental protection subject.For example, the association has reached anti

nuclear regulations with the government.

In conclusion, we south korea will like to form an alliance with America. And solve the nature

problems together.

COUNTRY: Romania

Country: Romania

United Nations Environmental Programme

Name: Jerrel Lai

University: Fu Jen Catholic University


Topic Area: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

View points on the Issue

Romania believes that sustainability of natural resources is important issues because of these resources are

limited and are getting less and less. Romania has the natural resources such as: petrol, gas, coal mine and

biology energy. The main source of Romania depends on nuclear power, oil and gas, mine, hydroelectric,

biology energy, wind power electric and solar power electric. According to energy experts, some energy will be

gone if people still consume these energy without further consideration. Romania believes that the problem of

energy is an international issue that needs every country’s concerns not just a particular region or a single


Past Relevant Actions

In the past, Romania has done the following actions to deal with this issue:

a. In 2007, Romania Congress has passed energy policy on increasing energy efficiency and promoting

renewable energy

b. Make regulation for company to but certain degree of green power and provide green certificate.

Past UN Actions

In light of the problem of resource efficiency and sustainable use, the United Nations has done:

a. Result related policy, such as Clean Development Mechanism, the World Solar Programme (1996-2005)

b. Passed Resolution of 64/206 (new and renewable sources of energy)

c. Held the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)

Proposed Solutions

Romania believes that energy sustainable is a serious problem that needs the cooperation and support of all

countries. Under this kind of consideration, Romania would like to provide two possible solutions:

a. Develop possible and renewable energy with effective cost

b. Sign a new environmental protection contract

In conclusion, Romania would sincerely ask for cooperation and concern on this issue to all countries in this

committee for leaving a better world for our future generations!

Topic Area: Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazards

View points on the Issue

Natural hazards have been existing phenomena with the development of human civilization. In the past few

years, however the degree and frequencies have increased at an unpredictable rate. Romania has no


exception. In the past 10 years, Romania has suffered from great flood in 2005, great flood caused by rapid

snow melting in 2010. These unpredictable disasters have caused Romania to pay great numbers of billion

dollars, numerous resources, and most important of all unpredictable of lives.

Past Relevant Actions

In order to solve the damage brought by immediate natural hazards Romania has done the following actions to

solve the problem:

a. Established Emergency Aid Corps for dealing with emergency cases and providing immediately first aids

b. Engaged in the Program of Integrating Danube River

Past UN Actions

In light of the problem of resource efficiency and sustainable use, the United Nations has done:

a. Adopted UN member states to develop the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)

b. Adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) for decreasing damage caused by natural disasters and

rebuilding work after hazards.

Proposed Solutions

Under the unstable world caused by fast and extremely climate changes, Romania believes that all countries

have to cooperate with each others to get through the difficulties. Therefore, Romania would like to provide two

possible suggestions:

a. Build up long-term environmental protection contract with most of the UN member states

b. Rearrange the International Rescue Organization of United Nations and provide more effective aids

In conclusion, Romania would sincerely appeal for all the member states in United Nations to put world peace in

priority and provide possible assistance to disaster-stricken countries!

COUNTRY: Russian Federation

Country: Romania

United Nations Environmental Programme

Name: Jerrel Lai

University: Fu Jen Catholic University

Topic Area: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

View points on the Issue

Romania believes that sustainability of natural resources is important issues because of these resources are

limited and are getting less and less. Romania has the natural resources such as: petrol, gas, coal mine and


biology energy. The main source of Romania depends on nuclear power, oil and gas, mine, hydroelectric,

biology energy, wind power electric and solar power electric. According to energy experts, some energy will be

gone if people still consume these energy without further consideration. Romania believes that the problem of

energy is an international issue that needs every country’s concerns not just a particular region or a single


Past Relevant Actions

In the past, Romania has done the following actions to deal with this issue:

a. In 2007, Romania Congress has passed energy policy on increasing energy efficiency and promoting

renewable energy

b. Make regulation for company to but certain degree of green power and provide green certificate.

Past UN Actions

In light of the problem of resource efficiency and sustainable use, the United Nations has done:

a. Result related policy, such as Clean Development Mechanism, the World Solar Programme (1996-2005)

b. Passed Resolution of 64/206 (new and renewable sources of energy)

c. Held the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)

Proposed Solutions

Romania believes that energy sustainable is a serious problem that needs the cooperation and support of all

countries. Under this kind of consideration, Romania would like to provide two possible solutions:

a. Develop possible and renewable energy with effective cost

b. Sign a new environmental protection contract

In conclusion, Romania would sincerely ask for cooperation and concern on this issue to all countries in this

committee for leaving a better world for our future generations!

Topic Area: Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazards

View points on the Issue

Natural hazards have been existing phenomena with the development of human civilization. In the past few

years, however the degree and frequencies have increased at an unpredictable rate. Romania has no

exception. In the past 10 years, Romania has suffered from great flood in 2005, great flood caused by rapid

snow melting in 2010. These unpredictable disasters have caused Romania to pay great numbers of billion

dollars, numerous resources, and most important of all unpredictable of lives.

Past Relevant Actions

In order to solve the damage brought by immediate natural hazards Romania has done the following actions to


solve the problem:

a. Established Emergency Aid Corps for dealing with emergency cases and providing immediately first aids

b. Engaged in the Program of Integrating Danube River

Past UN Actions

In light of the problem of resource efficiency and sustainable use, the United Nations has done:

a. Adopted UN member states to develop the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)

b. Adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) for decreasing damage caused by natural disasters and

rebuilding work after hazards.

Proposed Solutions

Under the unstable world caused by fast and extremely climate changes, Romania believes that all countries

have to cooperate with each others to get through the difficulties. Therefore, Romania would like to provide two

possible suggestions:

a. Build up long-term environmental protection contract with most of the UN member states

b. Rearrange the International Rescue Organization of United Nations and provide more effective aids

In conclusion, Romania would sincerely appeal for all the member states in United Nations to put world peace in

priority and provide possible assistance to disaster-stricken countries!

COUNTRY: Saudi Arabia

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Delegate: Michael Chen

Date: November 2011

Point of View

Saudi Arabia believes it requires global cooperation to tackle energy crisis. However, cooperation does not

mean every country should do the same thing. For example, as far as Saudi Arabia, greening is one thing,

while sustainability is another. Saudi Arabia will not interpret greening and sustainability as two indispensably

related issues. Hence, pursuing more resources and energy, Saudi Arabia is likely to adopt a different manner.

Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia is always keen and willing to take a part in the development of green technologies.

Stance of Saudi Arabia

1. Saudi Arabia prefers that energy and resources crises not always be mixed up with environmental issues.

For one thing, mixture of these two tends to solves neither of them but to cause more problems. For another,

sustainability does not necessarily result from greening, while greening does not necessarily result in


sustainability. Further, this thought is especially true in Saudi Arabia, where there is full of oil reserves and


2. Saudi Arabia is not unwilling to collaborate with other countries to address energy crises. However, Saudi

Arabia has huge dependence on oil. Most power in Saudi Arabia is generated by oil. If no countries

provide concrete assistances in the reduction of such dependency, it is nonnegotiable to discuss any

reformation in oil industry in Saudi Arabia, then. Otherwise, for Saudi Arabia, the consequences would be

much more terrifying than a 9.0-magnititude earthquake accompanied by a devastating tsunami.

3. Saudi Arabia will keep utilizing its oil until oil in Saudi Arabia is depleted. On the one hand, oil is the most

efficient and economical resource of energy in a country, producing oil. On the other, most countries are

unlikely to fully quit dependence on oil before oil is depleted. As there is demand, there is supply. Saudi

Arabia will not stop it. Besides, being renewable does not mean being green. Thus, oil might be a peculiar

way for Saudi Arabia to approach energy sustainability.

Efforts and Potential for Renewable Energy Development

Despite preference for conventional sources of energy, Saudi Arabia will infuse considerable money into the

development of renewable energy. Over the next 25 years, estimated US$117 billion will be invested in the

power sector. Besides investment, Saudi Arabia itself is full of potential to develop renewable energy,

especially solar and wind power.

a. Solar Power:

With sufficient sunshine, Saudi Arabia has great potential to develop solar power. However, lack of efficient

technology equipment and its relatively high costs concern Saudi Arabia.

b. Wind Power:

Saudi Arabia is capable of producing energy via wind power in a competitive price, yet the problem is that oil

price in Saudi Arabia is even more competitive.


Saudi Arabia is unlikely to decrease its oil employment but it is likely to increase employment of renewable

energy. Further, as we seek improvement, cooperation with others is inevitable, which nay nurture

breakthrough on renewable energy.

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Point of View

Saudi Arabia believes it is more advisable to think of how to minimize the toll and loss caused by natural


disasters as the highest priority at this point, when environment has already been greatly damaged. Even if all

human beings stop using fossil fuels tomorrow, natural hazards are still there because the damages have been

done, and people will pay for them anyway. Now that, it is impossible for humans to prohibit natural hazards,

then now it is high time to discuss how to survive them as well as prevent them from being disasters, prior to

taking any other actions.

Disaster Risks in Saudi Arabia

1. Water Crises:

a. The problem we are going to talk about in this topic first is not where water comes from but where it goes.

That is sewage problems.

b. There is no single perennial river or permanent water body across Saudi Arabia, which raises the risk of

drought or even famine in the foreseeable future.

c. The underwater is about to be depleted, which raises the risk of geological concerns, such as severe land


d. The lack of fresh water causes the problems aforementioned even worse, and they accordingly are more

likely to become disasters, instead of hazards only.

2. Desertification:

a. The desertification is just a hazard now, but it can be a disaster in the foreseeable future with decrease in


3. Environment Revenges:

a. Oil Spillage causes destructive pollution, endangering many species, and even putting an end to some

ecological balance. Initially, it itself is not a natural disaster, but this impact will turn many would-be hazards

into natural disasters in the long run.

Committee: UNEP

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaption to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Country: Saudi Arabia

Delegate: Michael Chen

Date: November 2011

Point of View

Saudi Arabia believes it is more advisable to think of how to minimize the toll and loss caused by natural

disasters as the highest priority at this point, when environment has already been greatly damaged. Even if all

human beings stop using fossil fuels tomorrow, natural hazards are still there because the damages have been

done, and people will pay for them anyway. Now that, it is impossible for humans to prohibit natural hazards,

then now it is high time to discuss how to survive them as well as prevent them from being disasters, prior to


taking any other actions.

Disaster Risks in Saudi Arabia

1. Water Crises:

a. The problem we are going to talk about in this topic first is not where water

comes from but where it goes. That is sewage problems.

b. There is no single perennial river or permanent water body across Saudi

Arabia, which raises the risk of drought or even famine in the foreseeable


c. The underwater is about to be depleted, which raises the risk of geological

concerns, such as severe land subsidence.

d. The lack of fresh water causes the problems aforementioned even worse,

and they accordingly are more likely to become disasters, instead of

hazards only.

2. Desertification:

a. The desertification is just a hazard now, but it can be a disaster in the

foreseeable future with decrease in oases.

3. Environment Revenges:

a. Oil Spillage causes destructive pollution, endangering many species, and

even putting an end to some ecological balance. Initially, it itself is not a

natural disaster, but this impact will turn many would-be hazards into

natural disasters in the long run.

Point of View

Saudi Arabia believes it requires global cooperation to tackle energy crisis. However, cooperation does not

mean every country should do the same thing. For example, as far as Saudi Arabia, greening is one thing,

while sustainability is another. Saudi Arabia will not interpret greening and sustainability as two indispensably

related issues. Hence, pursuing more resources and energy, Saudi Arabia is likely to adopt a different manner.

Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia is always keen and willing to take a part in the development of green technologies.

Stance of Saudi Arabia


1. Saudi Arabia prefers that energy and resources crises not always be mixed up with environmental issues.

For one thing, mixture of these two tends to solves neither of them but to cause more problems. For another,

sustainability does not necessarily result from greening, while greening does not necessarily result in

sustainability. Further, this thought is especially true in Saudi Arabia, where there is full of oil reserves and


2. Saudi Arabia is not unwilling to collaborate with other countries to address energy crises. However, Saudi

Arabia has huge dependence on oil. Most power in Saudi Arabia is generated by oil. If no countries provide

concrete assistances in the reduction of such dependency, it is nonnegotiable to discuss any reformation in oil

industry in Saudi Arabia, then. Otherwise, for Saudi Arabia, the consequences would be much more terrifying

than a 9.0-magnititude earthquake accompanied by a devastating tsunami.

3. Saudi Arabia will keep utilizing its oil until oil in Saudi Arabia is depleted. On the one hand, oil is the most

efficient and economical resource of energy in a country, producing oil. On the other, most countries are

unlikely to fully quit dependence on oil before oil is depleted. As there is demand, there is supply. Saudi

Arabia will not stop it. Besides, being renewable does not mean being green. Thus, oil might be a peculiar

way for Saudi Arabia to approach energy sustainability.

Efforts and Potential for Renewable Energy Development

Despite preference for conventional sources of energy, Saudi Arabia will infuse considerable money into the

development of renewable energy. Over the next 25 years, estimated US$117 billion will be invested in the

power sector. Besides investment, Saudi Arabia itself is full of potential to develop renewable energy,

especially solar and wind power.

a. Solar Power:

With sufficient sunshine, Saudi Arabia has great potential to develop solar power. However, lack of efficient

technology equipment and its relatively high costs concern Saudi Arabia.

b. Wind Power:

Saudi Arabia is capable of producing energy via wind power in a competitive price, yet the problem is that oil

price in Saudi Arabia is even more competitive.


Saudi Arabia is unlikely to decrease its oil employment but it is likely to increase employment of renewable

energy. Further, as we seek improvement, cooperation with others is inevitable, which nay nurture

breakthrough on renewable energy.



Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme

Country: Serbia

School: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Delegate: LEE Lin

Topic Area A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Ⅰ. General Statements

Serbia agrees that in this more and more crowded world we need to pay more attention to the usage and

allocation of resources. As a country in the middle of Balkan, Serbia clearly understands the importance of using

and allocating resource carefully. Serbia urges every member States of UN to face this serious topic and

cooperate with each other to create win-win situation.

Ⅱ. Particulars

Serbia suggests that referring to water resource, countries in the same controversial river basin should set a

committee together in order to manage and distribute the resource of the river in a fair way, such as International

Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR).

Serbia calls for similar methods to deal with other resource problem, in order to gather every member States’

strength to face the brand new topic which human beings have never faced before.

Topic Area B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Ⅰ. General Statements

Serbia agrees that natural hazards indeed are becoming a crucial type of threatening both to the country and to

people. According to recent reports, natural hazards of unusual scale are appearing much more frequently than

ever before.

Serbia calls for every state’s awareness of the possibility of serious disasters cause by natural hazards in the


future. Although disastrous events are not likely to happen in every country, all the member States should still

pay attention to this topic since the effect of the hazards can be global.

Serbia especially concerns about earthquake among different natural hazards since it is a country with

earthquake records. Serbia looks forward to establish information exchange with countries in the same religion

and having same concerns.

Ⅱ. Particulars

With a history of earthquake, Serbia strongly supports to set up a system of earthquake early warning within

countries with high risk of earthquake. Serbia also recommends to found a database and thus all the records or

data can help every country to estimate and prevent disaster caused by earthquake in the future. Serbia hopes

the casualty and financial lost caused by earthquakes can be decreased by sharing of the data and experience.

Serbia again calls for the cooperation of every member States in face of the situation, coping with natural

hazards together in order to have a better living environment for all the livings.

COUNTRY: The Republic of Congo

TOPIC A : Resource efficirncy and sustainable use

Resource efficiency is about sustainable management and use of resources throughout their life cycle.

Sustainable use is the reservation of resources use that aims to meet both pesent and future human needs

while preserving the vironment.

The Republic of Congo has the potential of developing oil, timber, and solar energy.

We are one of the rare countries in the world equipped with important hydroelectr resources. This situation is

due to the outdatedness of the majority of the hydroelectric dams and lack of investment in the energetic sector

in order to build new dams which can serve all the inhabitants of this country.

The geothermic potential is consisted of the geothermic sites and of the active volcanoes in the East part of the

country, but which is almost not exploited.

All the households in rural areas in this country are very poor,so it is impossible and very difficult to have much

money for buying the solar system .Therefore, a financing plan tailored to the user, for example ,through

micro-credits, is an important tool for making solar facilities affordable.

For that, as the government is not able to fill the energy deficit in rural areas, the solution is to resort to

renewable energies as it happens solar energy by requiring private sector.

TOPIC B:Mitigation and adaptation to the impact of natural hazards


Disaster mitigation is the effort to lessen the impact disasters have on people and property. Fewer people and

communities would be affected by natural disasters with the use of this process. Because of the varying degree

of each natural disaster, there are different mitigation strategies for each.

The effect of natural hazards continue to increase around the world; the frequency of recorded disasters

affecting communities has risen significantly over the past century. Although earthquakes and tsunamis can

have horrific impacts, most disaster losses stem from climate-related hazards such as hurricanes, cyclones,

other major storms, floods, landslides, wildfires, heat waves and droughts. Current evidence demonstrates that

changes in the global climate will continue to affect the frequency and severity of climate-related hazards.

Unfortunately, there is a great shortfall in current research on how science is used to shape social and political

decision-making in the context of hazards and disasters. Addressing this problem requires an approach that

integrates research and policy-making across all hazards, disciplines and geographic regions.

We consider that the international agreements and declarations relating to the preservation of ecosystem

services are very important . According to these rules which created by human kinds, many cases shows that

the environment can be protected well. Therefore the research and the politic apartment should reach the

mutual recognition.

COUNTRY: United Republic of Tanzania

Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

Because of the growing population and the development of modern society, the demand for resources is

increased. It also accelerated the pace of resource depletion and environmental pollution. So how to reduce the

impact on the environment and use energy sustainably are problems world must overcome and face.

Compared with the so-called developed countries, we The United Republic of Tanzania located in East Africa, is

still difficult to say totally wealthy. If our economy and conditions permit, we naturally willing to invest the

development of renewable energy and environmental protection, but the reality is that the economic

development is naturally the issue we need to focus on firstly at this stage,

It’s a necessary step for society developing, as in all the developed countries generally. But it does not mean we

Tanzania will entirely forgo all of the contribution towards resource efficiency and sustainable using. Based on

the sake of social equality, international justice and anti- exploiting, we think we Tanzania have the right to ask

developed countries especially countries invest mining of energy and mineral resources in our state to help us

with developing renewable energy.

In this stage, using renewable resources seems to be the best solution to the crisis we face, so we also expect

members in the United Nations can integrate national consensus and enhance international cooperation.

Through the plans of cross-country joint capital researching, we can pool resources and talents to reduce


development costs and time. Make whole mankind a clean and sustainable future.

Topic B: Mitigation and Adaptation to the Impact of Natural Hazards

Tanzania, as you know, a low developed country which strongly relies on our agricultural industry.

Unfortunately, having tropical wet and dry climate and some of high land in our territory has made us more

vulnerable when encounter extreme weather. According to statistics, Tanzania is one of the potential arid areas

in the world but it has nearly sixty percent of power generated by hydropower, not to mention out period rainy

season and dry season. Drought might happen any time in our nation and slow down our development and it is

quite a national security problem to us.

Our people are suffering from lack of water resource and the flowing food shortage crises. We will keep

working on population control and construct water conservation system. In the same time, we need aid from

developed countries on providing us technology of water reuse. In conclusion, the region of east Africa generally

has these kinds of problems. We also hoping our neighboring countries can cooperate on this issue.


Topic A: Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Use

The basic conditions about renewable resourses use in USA

Although renewable energy (excluding hydropower) is a relatively small portion of total energy supply both

globally and in the United States, the installed renewable energy capacity in both the world and in the United

States has more than tripled between 2000 and 2009.

Including hydropower, renewable energy represents nearly 12% of total installed

capacity and more than 10% of total generation in the United States in 2009. Installed renewable energy

capacity (including hydropower) is more than 130 gigawatts (GW). Not including hydropower, 2009 renewable

electricity installed capacity has reached about 53 GW in the United States.

In the United States, growth in sectors such as wind and solar photovoltaics (PV) signify an ongoing shift in

the composition of the nation's electricity supply. In 2009, cumulative wind capacity increased by 39% and

cumulative solar PV capacity grew nearly 52% from the previous year.

In the United States, renewable energy has been capturing a growing percent of new capacity additions

during the past few years. In 2009, renewable energy accounted for more than 55% of all new electrical capacity

installations in the United States—a large contrast from 2004 when all renewable energy captured only 2% of

new capacity additions.

Renewable Resource Maps


Government actions

Until now, USA government has formed three levels of system to cope with the renewable resources and energy

efficiency problem from federal level to state level and local level.

Federal level: The Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) facilitates the

Federal Government's implementation of sound, cost-effective energy management and investment practices to

enhance the nation's energy security and environmental stewardship. This program includes laws, regulations

and reporting part as well as project funding and other style of sustainable solutions.

State level: Plus, every state has their own programs according to their real environmental conditions. For

instance, through a public-private partnership with PowerSouth, Alabama's Local Government Energy Loan

Program offers zero-interest loans to local governments, K-12 schools, and public colleges and universities for

renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements that will eventually have a payback through

utility savings. Under the program, municipal and county governments, and colleges and universities may


borrow up to $350,000 for eligible projects, and K-12 schools may receive up to $350,000 per campus or

$500,000 per school system for eligible projects. Eligible renewable energy resources generally include

biomass, hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy, and solar energy. And this is just one of the Alabama's


Local level: In addition, cities have been implementing their own programs for years. For more information,

please go the website of DSIRE (Database of the State Incentives for Renewable & Efficiency)

The position of USA in international society

Under the economic depression, USA still holds the opinion that "green economy" is a fundamental methods

to solve both resource shortage and economic recession. Also, the United States of America is willing to take

more responsibility in this issue. From the perspective of America, the topic can be divided into two parts: the

energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy.

For the first part, the issue can be discussed under five stages: home, buildings, vehicles, industry and

government. For the second part, we America suggest to classify the renewable energy according to its

properties; but it is not necessary to discuss one by one since different countries has their own characteristics so

that it's hard to make clear of all the solutions of this issue.

However, there are still many other aspects that our whole international society should cooperate to solve.

Assessment: A professional group is needed to assess the energy shortage condition especially in the least

developed countries. Its task must focus on the trade-off between the economic development and the

energy use. Any country who need the international financial aid should hand in a report to UNEP and

receive the assessment.

Technology: The whole international society should realize that the essential way to improve energy

efficiency and develop renewable energy is the support of innovations. Thus, developed countries can give

technological aid to developing countries.

Education: Education is needed to provoke the realization of individuals and industrial companies. Specific

measures include governments' investment in domestic education and UN's publicity around the world.

The economic model: USA advocates that all the countries should adjust their economic development

according to "green economy" mode. And, any country who still immoderately exploit its resources must be

punished by the international society such as trade restrictions.

Funding: USA suggest that UNEP should set a special funding of assessment and the measures mentioned

above and we are willing to inject money in the funding. The funding must under the supervision of UNEP.

Prerequisites of applying for the international aids: All countries that applying for international support must

take responsibility of restricting its emission of greenhouse gases. USA encourages developing countries to

implementing the obligations of all the international protocols they have signed in.

Basic B: mitigation and adaptation to the impact of natural hazards

The basic situation of natural hazards in USA


The graph above shows the statistics of natural hazards in USA from 2000 to 2010. Generally speaking, the

major disaster that hits our land is the severe storm.

Major solutions

The disaster reduction department in USA( FEMA ) is a federal department that anyone could apply

assistant to. It can help individuals and organizations to mitigate and adapt the natural hazards. The major

documents of FEMA include Pre-Disaster Emergency Declaration Requests and Procedures for Processing

Requests for Emergency of Expedited Major Disaster Declaration. Besides, FEMA also declares natural

hazards predictions and provides state and local government resources(preparedness,response,recovery and

mitigation), information for people with disabilities and private sectors.

In international society, UFDA(USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance) plays an important role in

providing support for the developing countries. Belonging to USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and

Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA), USAID/OFDA is organized into three divisions under the management of

OFDA’s Office of the Director. The Disaster Response and Mitigation division is responsible for coordinating the

provision of relief supplies and humanitarian assistance. The Operations division develops and manages

logistical, operational, and technical support for field offices and disaster responses, including Disaster

Assistance Response Teams, Response Management Teams, and Search and Rescue Teams. The Program

Support division provides programmatic and administrative support, including budget and financial services,

procurement planning, contracts and grants administration, information technology, communications, training,

mapping, and information services.

Position on international cooperation

EIA(Environmental Impact Assessment): An assessment program is needed to set up a global

long-term environmental protection and evaluation standard. The major task of this program is to provide

predictions of natural hazards all over the world, it can be a sub-ordinate organization under UNEP.

Make more use of ISDR(UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction), HFA(Hyogo Framework

for Action) and DRR(Disaster Risk Reduction)

Climate Change and DRR: Support the efforts at the highest levels by developing specific policies at


the international level on the linkages between reducing disaster risk and responding to climate change,

guiding national and regional action to integrate policies and practices, and strengthening capacities to

support the integration of disaster reduction and climate change by all actors.

Countries that suffer from similar natural hazards and impact shall build a cooperating system to

share information of rescue, mitigation and adaptation. We need to classify areas and different kinds of

hazards according to specific situation in order to decide how many cooperating system is appropriate.

Funding and Assistance: USAID/OFDA is willing to offer help to those developing countries who

experience natural hazards. However, these countries should take responsibility in implementing

international obligations like reducing carbon emission and coordinating between economic development

and environment protection.