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Understanding the Claim Procedures in an Auto Accident

Those who have been already embroiled in a car accident know well the perils associated with the claim for car insurance. For the uninitiated, here is a brief they can take cue from in advance, so that you don’t have to go through the same hardships and trials.

Those who have had a hard time with insurance claims process will certainly opine that getting an effortless claims process is not by any chance. Prior understanding of the insurance claims and preparations of the same will eventually set the pastures greener for you. Post-accident claims procedure is a tussle everyone has to go through pretty much.

Most importantly, whenever you fall prey to an accident it should be a mandatory custom to inform your insurance representative the earliest. Most insurance companies have this stipulated timeframe within which a claimant has to file his or her claim. Detour from which would mean your claim being invalid and being rejected, then.

Secondly, when the accident has occurred you should note down the other party’s credentials like the license information, registration information, location, residence, passengers, etc. for further references if added later on. Besides, some insurer agents insist on having all these information well in hand. Registering an accident report with the police or having some sort of legal document stating your ordeal post the motor accident should be done. The more information in hand the better it will be for strengthening your claim, and even better it will be for the insurers to be convinced for the same.

Once the insurance company has been intimated about your claim, they will setup a claims specialist - whose role will be that of an ‘adjuster’. The job of the adjuster would be to specifically look after your claim. Depending on your claim and coverage, the adjuster will verify with the pertinent facts to validate their veracity. Simultaneously, he will also work with the party involved to determine their compensation as well, if demanded for. A claim adjuster will meticulously peruse both the parties’ stand and then determine the fault percentage in respective cases. Considering the either party’s losses and liability towards the accident, the adjuster will pull a line on the compensation amount in the best pursuit of all.

All this was on your part, but you could be in an accident situation because of the other party’s fault. In that case you could avail compensation for the at-fault driver. For Ontario and nearby provinces, “no-fault” policy is observed that equally covers drivers, passengers, pedestrians and motorcyclists injured in the accident. The injurers can claim for compensation from their respective insurers, in that case. But these benefits will completely depend on the type of insurance claim bought by you. Whether it is Statutory Accident Benefits or a Comprehensive one or Direct Compensation - Property Damage coverage, the compensation will likewise differ.

Once the payment has been duly received by the claimant, the insurance company will then deem the claim as settled. So be very careful before approving of anything. Take legal assistance of an insurance claim Lawyer if need be so.