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NAME: _______________________________________

For Today

Understanding Our


Linden, Johannesburg

Friday 16th & Saturday 17th February 2018

Page 2: Understanding Our For Today - · Session 3 Understanding Symbols in Dreams Model to Interpret our own Dreams Welcome to Training in Dream Interpretation! EXTRA NOTES



The teachings in this manual have been largely based on what the

Scriptures have to say and every attempt has been made to remain true to

what the Bible teaches.

They have also been influenced by over 20 years of personal experience in

the Prophetic ministry and in dreams and visions, as well as from reputable

resources on the subject as listed below:

• ‘Dream Language’ by James & Michal Ann Goll

• ‘Interpreting The Symbols and Types’ by Kevin J. Conner

• ‘The Seer’ by James Goll

• ‘Hearing God through Dreams and Visions’ by Martin van der Merwe

• ‘Dream Interpretation Training’ by John Paul Jackson

• ‘Dreams and Visions’ by Jane Hamon

Please be strongly aware that even what is said in this manual has to be held

in the light of what the Holy Spirit is saying to you personally as the


It is unwise to act presumptuously and not under the full guidance of the

Holy Spirit.

An intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, is therefore highly

encouraged as He will guide you by His Holy Spirit to the truth of what He is

communicating to you through your Dreams and Visions. He is the only one

with all the answers to the questions you may have.

John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all

the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and

he will tell you what is yet to come.

The interpretation of dreams and visions is a prophetic action and must be

understood from a spiritual relationship with God and not in the literal

interpretation of the symbols in the dream.

2Peter 1:19-21 We also have the prophetic message as something completely

reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a

dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by

the prophet's own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in

the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were

carried along by the Holy Spirit.

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Friday 16th

Session 1

Introduction to Dreams and Visions

Sources of our Dreams

Saturday 17th

Session 2

Defining Dreams and Visions

Elements of Dreams


Session 3 Understanding Symbols in Dreams

Model to Interpret our own Dreams

Welcome to

Training in Dream Interpretation!


Different Types of Dreams

20 Most Common Dreams

Scripture References on Dreams

The following sessions are planned for this time:

Numbers 12:6 He said, "Listen to my words: "When a prophet of the LORD is

among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams.

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INTRODUCTION TO DREAMS & VISIONS One third of the Bible is devoted to dreams, visions and prophecy - we spend one third of our

lives asleep! By the time you’re 60, you will have slept 20 years!


Dreams are a means through which God speaks to us.

Job 33:14-18 ESV For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a

dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds,

Job 33:16 then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man

aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit, his life

from perishing by the sword.

Dreams are revelatory and are part of the prophetic gift.

Numbers 12:6 And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the LORD make

myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream.

Dreams can be Literal or Symbolic

• Simple Message Dream: .

• Simple Symbolic Dream:

• Complex symbolic:

Write your dreams down in a Dream Journal.

Habakkuk 2:2,3 And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he

may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will

not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Dream Dictionaries

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God gives the interpretation. We need to cultivate a dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 40:8 They said to him, “We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.”

And Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.”

Genesis 41:15,16 Joseph’s attitude

Dreams are part of the New Covenant and are for everyone!

Acts 2:16-18 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: "'In the last days, God says, I

will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men

will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.


• So that we respond appropriately on earth to what He is doing in Heaven.

• To lead us in making correct choices and to lead us further into Christ.

• To break through our rational thought patterns to show us what we have yet to hear

or believe. There must be a willingness to obey what God says to us in dreams and

visions, so that we can realize the overall end-time purposes of God.

• To give us spiritual insight into circumstances of life and the true reason behind our

experiences from God’s perspective.

• To show what we need to deal with in our characters to become like Christ

• To warn us

When we look at the different types of dreams, these will also reveal the purpose behind


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Our first duty in interpreting dreams is to properly determine the dream's source.

Where did it come from?


1. God Daniel 2:27-28

• Disturbs or agitates our spirit - King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:4,5

2. Natural Man or Soul

• Body dreams - dreams reflect state of body eg sick so dream of being sick

• Chemical dreams - result of medication or hormonal changes

• Soulish dreams - emotions expressing needs or desires

3. Demonic Realm. Acts 16:16-18

• Dark dreams

• Nightmares

• Dreams of fear or panic

• Dreams that appeal to the flesh

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Visions can come to us in two different ways:

A. INTERNAL - night visions, seen with the mind’s eye

Job 33:15 Daniel 2:19 Daniel 7:1,2 Acts 16:9,10


A sequence of images, etc. passing through a

sleeping person's mind (Webster's Dictionary)

A series of thoughts, images, and sensations

occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

A vivid mental image (Webster's Dictionary)

symbolic literal

needs to be interpreted symbolically need to be carefully evaluated before


are often more divinely coded (parables) on

purpose for the dreamer with personal

symbolism. Eg Daniel 4:1-33

are more real, often clearer, and may require

little interpretation.

don’t often require immediate response and

many times only become clearer with

hindsight or progressive scenes

may at times demand immediate or prompt

response and are often not progressive

dreams connect with God’s heart (Numbers

12:6) “I speak to him” indicates intimacy or a

further deepening of relationship

visions reveal His nature

“I will reveal Myself” (Numbers 12:6) means

showing God’s nature or displaying His



God defines them:

Numbers 12:6 When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal Myself to him in visions, I

speak to him in dreams”

Act 2:16-18 But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: “‘And in the last days it shall

be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters

shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream

dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit,

and they shall prophesy.

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B. EXTERNAL - fully awake and may be seen in four possible ways:

i) An open heaven experience

Ezekiel 1:1-3 Isaiah ch6 Jacob in Genesis 28:12 Acts 7:55,56 .

ii) Existing spiritual realm

2 Kings 6:15-17

iii) Future realm of eternity

Daniel 10:7,8 John on Isle of Patmos in book of Revelation

iv) Trance : ek'-stas-is - a displacement of the mind, that is, bewilderment, “ecstasy”: - be amazed,

amazement, astonishment, trance. - it is a visionary state wherein the conscious mind, and

perhaps the body, is overridden by divine purposes. It is not a self-induced hypnotic

state. Rather God overshadows a person’s perception, consciousness and volition (will) in

order to reveal things of the spirit.

Acts 10:9-11

Acts 22:17-22

Visions, whether internal or external, should be tested. So how do we tell a Godly vision from

an ungodly one?

A vision from God will:

• Be in agreement with the revealed Word

• Conform to God’s principles and nature

• Inspire awe and reverence

• Promote passion and obedience for Christ

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In the Bible we find over 100 references to the word “vision” or “visions.” Illustrations of

some of the biblical prophets and individuals who received true visions from God include:

• Abraham Genesis 15:1-18

• Isaiah Isaiah 1:1

• Ezekiel Ezekiel 1:1

• Daniel Daniel 1:17 and 8:15

• Amos Amos 1:1

• Obadiah Obadiah 1:1

• Nahum Nahum 1:1

• Zacharias Luke 1:22,

• Ananias Acts 9:10-18

• Cornelius Acts 10:3

• Paul 2 Corinthians 12:1

• John Revelation 9:17

• Peter Acts 10:10 - saw a vision while in a trance

Scripture is clear that all visions are not from God.

• Some are from the vain imaginings of individuals and some are clearly demonic.

• False visions lead people away from God’s will and frequently into idolatry.

• In Matthew 4:8, Satan gave Jesus Himself a vision of all the kingdoms of the world: “Again,

the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and

their splendor. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’”

Jeremiah the prophet had to repeatedly warn Israel about the people claiming to be

God’s prophets who were really false prophets leading the people astray

• Jeremiah. 14:14 : “Then the Lord said to me, ‘The prophets are prophesying lies in my name.

I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false

visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds’

• Jeremiah 23:16 “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Do not listen to what the prophets are

prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. The speak visions from their own minds, not

from the mouth of the Lord’

• Lamentations 2:14 “The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not

expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The oracles they give you were false and


False Visions in the New Testament

In the New Testament also, we see that professing or even genuine Christians can be led

astray by false visions:

• Colossians 2:18,19 Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism (false humility) and

worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, (NIV Such a person also goes into great

detail about what they have seen) puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not

holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through

its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.

Key here is that they had lost sight of the Head, Jesus Christ!

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To understand our Dreams better, it helps to break it up into different elements:





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(‘Hearing God through Dreams and Visions’ by Martin van der Merwe)

It is important to assess the timing your dream is referring to. This will enable you to

discern whether the Lord is referring to something that has happened in your past that still

needs to be dealt with, or whether it is a warning against something that is coming against

you in the future. It may be something relevant for your current circumstances, or some-

thing the Lord wants you to deal with in your current circumstances.

The Past

• People that you knew in the past and are no longer part of your current life

• Symbols that you knew from the past, such as your grandparents house or the house you

grew up in

• Something you owned in the past and no longer have

• The back yard of a house or back door of a house or a back room of a house

• Something that is standing behind you or is in the back seat of a car and you turn to look


• A time period from your past such as your childhood or a previous period in your life

The Present

• The age of recognisable people in your dream or your age is the same age as what you

are or they are in present reality.

• Symbols that you know or are familiar with at present

• Something you own at present

• The setting of the dream is the living room of the house where you are currently living.

• If the setting of your dream is the kitchen of the house where you are currently living, the

Lord may be telling you to remain in the position where you are at the moment as He is

busy preparing you for your next season.

The Future

• Something that you have never owned

• An experience that you have never had before

• The setting of your dream may be the front yard or front door of a house

• The front window of a building or looking through the windscreen of a car (insight and

clarity into what is going to happen)

• Something shown directly in front of you

• Something that is seen at a distance

• The morning sun rising (could mean something new or something in your future)

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Dreams come from God in the form of a parable language or illustrated stories. These

personalized encoded messages are full of symbols that express the mysteries of God.

As a result of the symbolism, dreams need some form of interpretation before a proper

understanding can be gained.

You seldom know for sure that your interpretation is correct until you can apply it to a real-life

situation. This is what makes prophetic dreams so difficult to interpret correctly.

• Pray and ask Him for the Interpretation. This is the most important aspect of Dream Interpretation! Never forget the need for reliance on the Holy Spirit!

God may choose to give us the interpretation in one of four ways:

(i) By revealing the meaning of a dream or vision through an angel Daniel ch 10

(ii) By simultaneously revealing the meaning of the vision as we experience it or dream’s

interpretation to us as we sleep Jeremiah 1:11-15

(iii) By the process of writing it down 1 Chronicles 28:19 and Daniel 7:1

(iv) By unfolding a dream’s meaning as we mature in understanding His ways Proverbs 25:2

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Literal Dream:

Symbolic Dream:

Judges 7:13-15 Is this dream Literal or Symbolic?

Literal Dreams: Genesis 20:3-7 1Kings3:5-15 Matthew 1:20,21

The dreams of Pharaoh in Genesis 41 and King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2 are

symbolic dreams. The dreams of Daniel are also symbolic.

Areas from which we draw personal understanding of dream symbols:

(i) The symbol’s inherent character or universal meaning.

(ii) Scripture

(iii) A dreamer’s personal experience.

(iv) Our specific culture and society and it’s expressions or idioms.

Expressions from the Scripture (KJV) (37 found)

• Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing from Matthew 7:15 (KJV), “Beware of false prophets, which come

to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

• Writings on the Wall from Daniel 5. “The writing is on the wall” is now a popular idiom for

“something bad is about to happen”.

• Go the extra mile from Matthew 5:41 that says, “And whosoever shall compel thee to go a

mile, go with him twain” (KJV).

• Can a Leopard Change his spots? from Jeremiah 13:23 (KJV), “Can the Ethiopian change his

skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.”

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• For example a dream taking place in a church building or church context by an elder or visionary couple will indicate the dream is about the Church. A dream taking place

in a church building or church context by a congregational member may be about that

person’s spiritual life

Common areas or settings include:

• A House

• A Field

• Vehicles of Transport

• A Classroom or School or Learning Institution

• Focus on your feelings while the dream is happening and not on your reaction after you wake up as our soulish emotions will kick in as we remember the dream which may

affect the interpretation.

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• An example of this is found in the two dreams of Pharaoh mentioned in Genesis 41.

• Joseph declared that the repetition of the message meant it was established of God.

Genesis 41:25 & 32 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one; God

has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. And the doubling of Pharaoh's dream

means that the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it about.

• There is a Biblical principle concerning the power of agreement between two or three

witnesses (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ; Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:15 ; Matthew 18:16 ...every charge

may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 2Corinthians 13:1 ;

1 Timothy 5:19 and Hebrews 10:28 ) When a dream is doubled it is similar to two

witnesses who can establish a fact and that dream will be established.

• Spiritual authority is increased when two join together in agreement: Matthew 18:18-


• Recurring dreams that are repeated more than twice over a long period of time,

often indicates an issue we have not dealt with and God is repeatedly speaking to us

about it.

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Genevieve was involved in ministry—she did mission trips, led a home group and was part of

the leadership in her church. She dreamt she was running in a green field and came across a

beautiful house that had neat curtains in the windows, well painted walls, neat garden and

everything looked neat and tidy. She opened the front door and stepped into the house and

stepped into dead bodies hanging from ropes from the ceiling . A large amount of bodies that

she kept bumping into them as she walked through the house. The people had committed








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Mario was an Elder in the Church and dreamt the elders were praying in the Church Office.

The Office had two big pillars in the centre and the Elders were praying in between the

pillars. John, recognised to be Apostolic and Phoebe recognised to have a prophetic

ministry, walked through a side door on the right and walked through the pillars and out

another door. John was physically very fat and Phoebe was looking thin and emaciated. He

then woke up.






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1. Dreams of Destiny/Calling

• E.g. Joseph (Genesis 37:6-9)

• These relate to your future – specifically to your calling or purpose in God. So it may be about gifting or ministry or, like Joseph, a position of influence in career or society.

• These dreams do not indicate imminent fulfillment. Joseph was 17 when he received the 2 dreams of being bowed down to, but he was only 30 when he was appointed into a posi-

tion of governing in Egypt.

• Do not act upon such a dream without confirmation from God in other ways - we would never make life-changing decisions based only on a dream.

• As parents, one of our responsibilities is to help our children walk into the destinies they have in God, so be open to destiny dreams for your children as well.

• Some dreams and visions have significant intercessory calls, and may require the dreamer to stand in the gap through prayer. (Acts 16:9-10).

• In the dream you are doing something that reveals a vocation or anointing

2. Dreams of the Future / Direction

• Predicting an event or situation that is to happen in the future and the purpose is to prepare us, or enable us to make preparation for that situation.

• For example, Pharaoh’s dreams (as interpreted by Joseph – Gen.41:17-25) about the 7 years of plenty followed by the 7 years of famine in Egypt.

• Also the dream Joseph (Jesus’ father) had telling him to take pregnant Mary as his wife, and must give the child the name Jesus, because this child will save His people from

their sins (Mt.1:20-21).

• In Genesis 15 God put Abraham into a deep sleep and cut covenant with Abraham and told him in a dream what was to happen in the future.

• The Cupbearer in Genesis 40:9-13

3. Dreams of a ‘Word of Knowledge’

• This is a dream which reveals to you something about a current situation or a person that you could not have had any natural knowledge of.

• These dreams are so that we can be the voice of agreement that allows God’s transformation and renewal to come to a situation, as in Amos 3:7: “Surely the Sovereign

Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”

• It brings solutions and answers to problems in our life

• Gideon in Judges 7:8-15

4. Dreams of Strategy/’Word of Wisdom’

• Like the ‘Word of Knowledge’ dream, these are for the now, but speak of God giving you guidance or strategy as to what course of action you should take, or what the ‘solution’ to

a certain situation will be.

• E.g. In a dream God gave Jacob strategy for making wealth and handling his crooked father-in-law, Laban (Gen.30&31),

• Acts 16:9-15, Paul had a ‘night vision’ of a man from Macedonia calling and asking for help, so he concluded that this was the next place he must go to preach the gospel.

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5. Dreams of Warning/Caution/Correction

• The aim of this type of dream is to get our attention and make certain adjustments, in order for negative consequences to be avoided.

• E.g. in Matthew.2:12-13, Joseph had a dream warning him to escape with Mary and Jesus to Egypt, as Herod was killing all the baby boys.

• In Daniel 4:24-33, we read that because Nebuchadnezzar did not respond to God’s warning given in a dream, to renounce his sins, the consequence warned of in the dream

came to pass – i.e. he roamed around like a wild animal

• Amos 7:1-6 and with Jonah and Ninevah we see that the outcome of our dreams can change through prayer. Intercession in response to dreams warning of impending trouble or

danger can change God’s mind and/or change the outcome of the dream.

• If your warning is for someone else do not tell them unless God assigns you to tell them.

• Most warning dreams are for prayer into that situation

• Abimelech in Genesis 20:1-7

6. Dreams Revealing Spiritual Realm Activity

• This can be positive or negative activity in the spirit. E.g. Jacob (Gen.28:12,16,17) who dreamt of angels ascending and descending to heaven, and when he woke said, “Surely

God was in this place, and I did not even realize it”.

• God exposes satan’s plans and gives us insight into hell’s assignments.

7. Dreams of Impartation

• Sometimes, beyond what we can fully understand, there is an actual encounter between us and God during our dreams. Some people wake after such a dream, and say they tan-

gibly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room.

• Certain dreams have an interactive quality between us and God, for example when in a dream God asked Solomon what he wanted, and he responded in the dream, wisdom, af-

ter he awoke there had indeed been an impartation of wisdom for his leading of God’s


• My salvation was through a dream

8. Dreams of Encouragement/Comfort

• Sometimes, God just wants to bring us personal encouragement through a dream and we wake up feeling full of faith and hope again.

• He may want to heal our emotions and memories.

• Dreams of comfort gives us a heavenly perspective on an earthly situation so that we can receive emotional healing.

• God designs some dreams to be therapeutic; He reveals hidden hurts from the dreamer’s past and gives healing. (Acts 9:10-18).

9. Dreams of Adjustment

• Sometimes God wants to deal with character issues in our lives and attitudes, especially

when we have not responded to the nudging of the Holy Spirit through the Word or


• These include areas in our lives we may be aware of and areas we may not be aware of

• The purpose is to conform us into the character of Christ

• These dreams will involve obedience and a willingness to make the adjustments

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10. Dreams of Intercession

• These are given to cause us to pray for someone else, or some situation

• We usually wake up with a deep urgency in our spirit

• It may be for the immediate result or for the distant future

11. Dark Dreams

• Dreams that are devoid of colour - they are in black or white or are in muted colours

• These are from the enemy revealing what he wants to do

• God is colour and light but in darkness there is no colour

• Even if it is a good dream, don’t be deceived if it is in black and white. Good dreams can

also come from the enemy

• Colour represents what God wants to do and black and white or gray-scale represents what

satan wants to do

12. Soul Dreams

• These are our personal desires , passions, wants being dreamed about

• May also include our fears and worries

• To the degree that we are ruled and influenced by the soul (mind, will, emotions) we run

the risk that what we are receiving, is a dream or revelation or interpretation of the soul

• If there is an area of your life that is not submitted to God and led of the Holy Spirit, then the

enemy has a point of access and control

• We can dream from our soul and interpret from our soul

• An unbeliever dreams from the soul but an unbeliever can receive a vision

• Dreams of the soul will result in temporary change but dreams of the Spirit will produce

eternal change

• The Lordship of Jesus allows us to receive insight from the Holy Spirit

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20 Most Common Dreams Partial excerpt from “Dream Language” by Jim & Michal Ann Goll

1. Dreams of Your House

• This one would easily rank in the top five most common dreams.

• The house normally represents your life, and the circumstances taking place in the

house reflect the specific activities in your life.

• These dreams may also reflect the church as well.

• Individual rooms of the house may represent specific things. For instance, if the

bedroom appears, the dream may have something to do with issues of intimacy. The

bathroom may represent a need for cleansing. The family room may be a clue that God

wants to work on family relationships and so on.

2. Dreams of Going to School

• These dreams often centre on taking of tests.

• The tests may be for the purpose of promotion.

• Or you might find yourself searching for your next class - an indication that guidance is

needed or a graduation has just occurred.

• You might be repeating a class you took before, possibly meaning that you have an

opportunity to learn from past failures.

• High School dreams may be a sign that you are enrolled in the School of the Holy Spirit

(H.S. = High School = Holy Spirit). There are limitless possibilities. These are just a few


• Interesting enough, the Teacher is always silent when giving a test!

3. Dreams of Various Vehicles

• These may indicate the calling you have on your life, the vehicle of purpose that will

carry you from one point to another.

• Cars, planes, buses, etc., may be symbols of the type or even the size of the ministry you

are or will be engaged in. That’s why there are different kinds of vehicles.

• Note the color of the vehicle.

• If it is a car, what is the make and model?

• Observe who is driving it. Are you driving or is someone else driving? If someone else is

driving, who is it? Do you know the person? Is it a person from your past?

• If the driver is faceless, this may refer to a person who will appear sometime in your

future or that the Holy Spirit Himself is your driving guide.

4. Dreams Concerning Storms

• Storm dreams may not necessary be negative or indicate enemy attack although they do

tend to be intercessory, spiritual warfare-type dreams.

• They are particularly common for people who have a calling or gift in the area of

discerning of spirits and intercession.

• These dreams often hint of things that are on the horizon –both dark, negative storms of

demonic attack for the purpose of prayer, intercession, and spiritual warfare, as well as

showers of blessing that are imminent.

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• Other factors need to be considered like emotions, colours, effect of the storms.

• What kind of storm is it? Are there tornadoes involved? Tornadoes can indicate change

that is coming good or bad. Also tornadoes can indicate great destruction.

5. Dreams of Flying or Soaring

• Flying dreams deal with your spiritual capacity to rise above problems and difficulties

and to soar with freedom over your circumstances.

• Remember, we are seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places far above all

principalities and powers so ascending dreams may indicate moving into a new freedom

and victory in your spiritual walk.

6. Dreams of Being Naked or Exposed

• These dreams indicate that you will be or are becoming transparent and vulnerable.

• Depending on your particular situation, this may be exhilarating or fearful and could

reveal feelings of shame.

• Note: these dreams are not meant to produce embarrassment but rather draw you into

greater intimacy with the Lord and indicate places where greater transparency is


• These types of dreams often appear during times of transition where you are being dis-

mantled in order to be re-mantled.

7. Dreams of Condition of Your Teeth (lips would be words we speak)

• Teeth represent chewing so is associated with eating the Word

• Taste and see that the Lord is good—could be a call to greater intimacy with Jesus

• It could indicate you have taken on “more than you can chew”

• It could indicate maturity as in moving off milk and eating meat

8. Dreams of Past Relationships

• This kind of dream may indicate that you are being tempted to fall back into old patterns

and ways of thinking.

• Depending upon who the person is in the dream, and what this person represents to you,

these dreams might also be an indication of your need to renew your former desires and

godly passions for good things in life.

• Seeing a person from your past does not usually mean that you will literally renew your

old relationship with that individual. Look more for what that person represents in your

life – for good or bad.

• A person who was bad in your life may represent God’s warning to you not to relapse

into old habits and mind-sets that were not profitable. On the other hand, a person who

was good in your life may represent God’s desire or intention to restore good times that

you thought were gone.

9. Dreams of Dying

• These dreams are not normally about the person seen in the dream in a literal sense, but

are symbolic about something that is passing away or departing from your life.

• The type of death may be important to note and who is dying.

• What that person represents to you, will indicate the area God wants to remove in your


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10. Dreams of Pregnancy and/or Birth

• To dream of being pregnant can indicate an unborn idea, project, business strategy or

change in the person’s life.

• Pregnancy symbolises the conception of a new thing into the person’s life.

• Normally dreams about a birth are not about an actual childbirth but rather about

new seasons of purpose and destiny coming forth into your life.

• It is the fulfilment of a promise of the new thing.

• Many times people can dream of giving birth to multiple children - this is symbolic of

a series of new things.

• When the baby birthed is older than a new born, born as a toddler for example, it indi-

cates an unusual maturity of the new thing birthed.

• If a name is given to the child, pay close attention because that usually indicates what

the new season will look like.

• There are, of course, exceptions to this where an actual pregnancy and birth is going

to take place.

11. Dreams of Taking a Shower

• These are cleansing-type dreams (toilets, showers, bathtubs, etc) revealing things that

are in the process of being flushed out of your life, cleansed and flushed away.

12. Dreams of Falling

• For the most part whenever we dream of falling, we have lost control in some aspect in

our daily life that needs to be corrected.

• These dreams may reveal a fear you have of losing control of some area of your life or,

on the positive side, that you are actually becoming free of directing your own life.

• What substance or situation you fall into, in the dream is a major key to proper


• You may feel insecure or unable to "get a grip" on an issue.

• An area of your life may be getting out of hand.

• Difficulty letting go of power, control, or status.

• Feeling helpless to stop an unpleasant impending change.

• To dream of falling off a high building or skyscraper represents feelings of losing

control after having reached the very high level of status, power, or achievement.

• Fearing total failure after reaching the highest level of confidence

13. Dreams of Chasing and Being Chased

• To dream of being chased is symbolic of being pursued by a spiritual or physical


• On the opposite side, they may indicate the passionate pursuit of God in your life, and

you towards Him.

• Are you being chased? By whom? What emotions do you feel? Are you afraid of being

caught? Or maybe you are the one doing the chasing. Who are you chasing? Why?

Again, what emotions do you feel during the chase?

• The answers to these questions and, particularly, the dominant emotions in the dream,

will often help determine the direction of its interpretation.

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14. Dreams of Relatives - alive or dead

• Interpretation of these dreams will depend on the relationship you had or have with

them and their dominant character traits

15. Dreams Called Nightmares

• Nightmares tend to be more frequent with children and new believers in Christ, just as

calling dreams do.

16. Dreams of Snakes

• The snake dream is probably one of the most common of all the categories of animal


• These dreams reveal the serpent – the devil with his demonic hosts- at work through

accusation, lying, attacks, etc.

• Spiders and bears are two other major animals that appear in dreams that show fear.

• The spider in particular, releasing its deadly poison, is often a symbol of witchcraft and

the occult.

17. Dreams of Dogs and Cats

• A dog in your dream usually indicates friendship, loyalty, protection, and good

feelings unless the dreamer has had bad experiences with cats and dogs.

18. Dreams of Going Through Doors

• These dreams generally reveal change that is coming.

• New ways, new opportunities, and new advancements are on the way.

• Similar to dreams of doors are dreams including elevators or escalators, which indicate

that you are rising higher into your purpose and your calling.

19. Dreams of Clocks and Watches

• Clocks or watches in a dream reveal what time it is in your life, or the need for a

wake-up call in the Body of Christ or in a nation.

• It is time to be alert and watchful.

• These dreams may indicate a Scripture verse as well, giving a deeper message. Are

you a watchman on the walls? If so, what watch are you on?

20. Dreams with Scripture Verses

• Sometimes you may have a dream in which Bible passages appear, indicating a

message from God.

• This phenomenon may occur in a number of ways: verbal quotes where you are

actually hear a voice quoting a passage, digital clock-type readouts, and

dramatizations of a scene from a Bible, just to name a few.

• Quite often these are watchmen-type dreams, dreams of instructions filled with ways of


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• Genesis 20:1-18 Abimelech’s Dream

• Genesis 31:10-11 Jacobs Instructional Dream concerning his flock

• Genesis 31:24 Laban’s Dream

• Genesis 37:5-8 Joseph’s Sheaf Dream

• Genesis 37: 9-11 Joseph’s Sun, Moon & Stars Dream

• Genesis 40:5 The Cupbearer’s Dream

• Genesis 40:16-23 The Baker’s Dream

• Genesis 41 Pharaoh’s two Dreams of Drought

• Numbers 12:6 “He said, "Listen to my words: "When a prophet of the LORD is

among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in


• Deuteronomy 13:1 -5 Warning against false prophets to have false dreams

• Judges 7:13-15 Midianite Dream of the Barley Loaf

• 1 Samuel 28:6 & 15 And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer

him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by prophets.

• 1 Kings 3:5 -15 Solomon receives wisdom from God while in a dream.

• Job 7:14

• Job 20:8

• Job 33:15

• Psalm 73:20

• Psalm 126:1

• Isaiah 29:7

• Jeremiah 23:27-28, 32 Warning against false & deceiving dreams

• Jeremiah 29:8

• Daniel 1:17 Daniel’s gift of dream & vision interpretation

• Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Statue

• Daniel 4:4-30 Nebuchadnezzar’s Tree Dream

• Daniel 5:12 Daniel Interprets the Handwriting on the Wall

• Daniel 7 Daniel’s End Times Vision (4 Beasts)

• Joel 2:28 Prophecy of When the Spirit is Poured Out.

• Zechariah 10:2 The Horrible Effects of False/Deceiving Dreams.

• Matthew 1:20 Joseph’s Dream to Take Mary as His Wife

• Matthew 2:12-13 The Wise Men’s Dream of Warning

• Matthew 2:19 Joseph’s Dream to Return to Israel

• Matthew 2:22 Joseph’s Dream to move to Galilee

• Matthew 27:19 Pilate’s Wife Dream Concerning Jesus

• Acts 2:17 Dreams as evidences that the Spirit is poured out on the earth.

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