Download - Understanding Golf Course Chemical Application

  • Pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides are all chemicals used to maintain the idyllic appealof a lush green golf course. To ensure the health and sustainability of turfgrass, differentchemical agents have been specially synthesized to promote growth in turfgrass whilepreventing damage.

    1.POST-EMERGENT HERBICIDES Post-emergent herbicides tackle both enduring and yearly broadleaf (weeds with leafshapes that don't look like grass), and some even control weeds that look like grass.

    2.FUNGICIDES Fungicides are biocide chemical compounds or natural organic entities used to repress orkill fungal growths or parasitic spores.

    3.PLANT STIMULANTSPlant hormones are signal atoms produced inside the plant and occurring in lowconcentration. Hormones regulate local cellular processes and move to other areas of theplant.


    5. CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS AND THEENVIRONMENT While pesticides have been a call for concern in thepast, modern chemical agents are safer and thoseapplying them must go through rigorous training andcertification.

    When properly applied, golf course chemicalapplications are carried out with the health of golfers andworkers as the very first priority.

    There’s a reason DTE Golf consulting is a trusted namein the industry, and it’s because of the quality of ourwork.