Download - Understanding diversity

  • 1. Justin McCreary
    Understanding Diversity

2. In this lesson
We will introduce information on some of the known disabilities
Present examples of assistive technology
3. Physical Disabilities
Those with Cerebral Palsy
They cannot control one or more parts of their body
4. Vision Problems
The Blind
The Visually Impaired
Children suffering from visual problems may miss opportunities to have experiences and to learn
5. Auditory Problems
The Deaf
Those suffering from hearing loss
Children suffering from this disability often suffer a delay in developing communication skills
6. Mental Retardation
Also known as Intellectual Disability
Those with this disability develop more slowly than others
7. Students with a learning disability
Can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills
Can vary from person to person
Includes dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscacula
8. FASD- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.
There is no cure, but is 100% preventable
9. Assistive Technology
There is a variety of assistive technology that can aid those with disabilities
Assistive technology is not limited to one specific disability
10. Speech Recognition Software
Converts spoken word to text
Can aid those who are blind as well as those who have trouble reading or writing
Can also aid those who cannot use a keyboard
11. Text to Speech
Converts written text into an audio format
Can aid those who are blind as well as those who have trouble reading or writing
12. Word Prediction Software
Provides a series of words that are commonly used in response to the users keystrokes.
Often used by those with physical disabilities that do not allow them to type as fast.
13. Social Networking Sites
Allow users to communicate with others without the use of a phone or face-to-face contact
Can be used by the deaf, and others that cannot communicate normally
14. Switches
Come in a variety of shapes and sizes
Can control devices as well as access computer systems
Greatly aids those who suffer from physical disabilities
15. How We Can Help The Disabled
Teach them how to use the assistive technology they are given
Be sure to give them plenty of positive reinforcement when they are successful
16. Given You A Lot To Think About
There are many people in the world with disabilities that affect how they learn and function
There is a great deal of assistive technology that can aid them
With the right technology to help them, anyone can learn!