Download - Uncertainty forecast from 3-D super-ensemble multi-model …2Fs10236... · 2017. 8. 25. · Ocean Dynamics (2012) 62:283–294 DOI 10.1007/s10236-011-0504-6 Uncertainty forecast from

Page 1: Uncertainty forecast from 3-D super-ensemble multi-model …2Fs10236... · 2017. 8. 25. · Ocean Dynamics (2012) 62:283–294 DOI 10.1007/s10236-011-0504-6 Uncertainty forecast from

Ocean Dynamics (2012) 62:283–294DOI 10.1007/s10236-011-0504-6

Uncertainty forecast from 3-D super-ensemble multi-modelcombination: validation and calibration

Baptiste Mourre · Jacopo Chiggiato · Fabian Lenartz ·Michel Rixen

Received: 24 January 2011 / Accepted: 28 October 2011 / Published online: 8 December 2011© The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Measurements collected during the Recog-nized Environmental Picture 2010 experiment (REP10)in the Ligurian Sea are used to evaluate 3-D super-ensemble (3DSE) 72-hour temperature predictions andtheir associated uncertainty. The 3DSE reduces thetotal Root-Mean-Square Difference by 12 and 32%respectively with reference to the ensemble mean andthe most accurate of the models when comparing toregularly distributed surface temperature data. Whenvalidating against irregularly distributed in situ obser-vations, the 3DSE, ensemble mean and most accuratemodel lead to similar scores. The 3DSE temperatureuncertainty estimate is obtained from the product of aposteriori model weight error covariances by an oper-ator containing model forecast values. This uncertaintyprediction is evaluated using a criterion based on the2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the error distribution.The 3DSE error is found to be on average underes-timated during the forecast period, reflecting (i) theinfluence of ocean dynamics and (ii) inaccuracies inthe a priori weight error correlations. A calibration

Responsible Editor: John Osler

This article is part of the Topical Collection on MaritimeRapid Environmental Assessment

B. Mourre (B) · J. ChiggiatoNURC, Viale San Bartolomeo, 400, 19126 La Spezia, Italye-mail: [email protected]

F. LenartzGHER, Université de Liège, Allée du 6 août,4000 Liège, Belgium

M. RixenWorld Meteorological Organization, 7bis avenue de la paix,1211 Geneva, Switzerland

of the theoretical 3DSE uncertainty is proposed forthe REP10 scenario, based on a time-evolving am-plification coefficient applied to the a posteriori weighterror covariance matrix. This calibration allows theend-user to be confident that, on average, the trueocean state lies in the −2/+2 3DSE uncertainty rangein 95% of the cases.

Keywords Coastal operational oceanography · Oceantemperature · Uncertainty forecast · Super-ensemble ·Decision support · Ligurian Sea · REP10

1 Introduction

Operational ocean forecasts are useful for a wide rangeof applications at sea, including naval operations, com-mercial shipping, maritime security, fishing or environ-mental management. Based on the predictions providedby operational centers, decisions might be taken to con-duct operations, route ships or to preserve the environ-ment in particularly sensitive areas. The accuracy of theuncertainty associated with a given ocean forecast is acritical input towards robust decision making. An under-estimation of the uncertainty may lead to an underesti-mation of the risk associated with the decision. Inversely,an overestimation may prevent potential action.

Different operational ocean models may be foundto provide divergent predictions. As an illustration,Fig. 1 shows three 48-hour operational forecasts1 of

1From the Navy Coastal Ocean Model run at the Naval ResearchLaboratory Stennis Space Center, from MARS3D run at PRE-VIMER and from the Regional Ocean Modelling System run atthe Nato Undersea Research Centre.

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8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11




Longitude E



NLa Spezia



NRL NCOM forecast

0.5 m/s









8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11




Longitude E




La Spezia




0.5 m/s









8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11




Longitude E




La Spezia



NURC ROMS forecast

0.5 m/s









Fig. 1 NRL-NCOM, PREVIMER-MARS3D and NURC-ROMS ocean model forecasts released on 25 August 2010 00:00 and validfor 27 August 2010 00:00. The color and arrows respectively represent the surface temperature and currents

surface ocean temperature and currents valid for 27August 2010 at 00:00 in the Ligurian Sea (WesternMediterranean). The three models, which are furtherdescribed in Section 3.2, have a similar horizontalresolution around 1.5 km. The oceanographic circu-lation in the Ligurian Sea is characterized by theconfluence of two northward currents into the so-calledNorthern Current, which then flows along the Italianand French coast as part of the Liguro-Provençal basin-wide cyclonic circulation (Pinardi et al. 2006). The twonorthward currents flow on both sides of Corsica island.While the Eastern Corsican Current is considered toweaken during summer in absence of wind forcing, theWestern Corsican Current is more constant throughoutthe year. Moreover, an intense mesoscale variabilityaffects this general circulation pattern. Differences inthe model domain, physics, discretization, boundaryconditions and atmospheric forcing generate differentrepresentations of these main circulation patterns andtheir associated mesoscale structures, so that surfacetemperature and current predictions for a given date

differ from one model to the other. From a practicalperspective, the reconciliation of these forecasts is nec-essary to support the decision maker, who needs tomake the best use of these multiple predictions.

Assuming that different models are able to cap-ture different aspects of the true field, multi-modelcombination methods have been applied for forecastpurposes during the last decade in meteorology andoceanography. The interested reader may refer toKrishnamurti et al. (1999), Doblas-Reyes et al. (2005),Logutov and Robinson (2005), Rixen et al. (2009) orVandenbulcke et al. (2009). An overall finding fromthese authors is that forecasts from optimal multi-model combinations are, on the average, more accuratethan the individual forecasts and their ensemble mean.More recently, the 3DSE formulation (Lenartz et al.2010) was developed, aiming to cope with both thelimited coverage of observations in the 3-dimensionalcoastal ocean and the potential spatial variability ofindividual model skills. The technique is based on theoptimization of the spatially variable weighted linear

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combination of the models during a specified learningperiod. The optimal weights are then used to combine thecorresponding ocean model forecasts. The 3DSE wasshown to reduce the surface and subsurface Root-Mean-Square Difference against temperature observations col-lected in 2008 in the Ligurian Sea by respectively 57%and 35% with reference to the model ensemble meanduring 48-hour forecast periods (Lenartz et al. 2010).

One particularity of the 3DSE method in comparisonwith conventional ocean data assimilation approachesis that it minimizes error variances in the space of modelweights instead of the space of the physical variables.As a consequence, the analysis step does not directlyprovide error covariances in the physical space, butproduces error covariances associated with the modelweights. An additional step is required to transfer theseweight error covariances into forecast error covariancesassociated with the physical ocean variables. The accu-racy of the resulting forecast uncertainty then needs tobe properly evaluated before it can be confidently usedin an operational context. This constitutes the mainmotivation of this paper.

The Recognized Environmental Picture 2010 exper-iment (hereafter REP10) was conducted in the Lig-urian Sea in August-September 2010. Mainly focusedon the use of remote sensing data and underwater au-tonomous glider vehicles for the rapid characterizationof the oceanic environment, it allowed an extensivecollection of satellite and in situ observations over a2-week period in a 150 × 150 km2 area offshore LaSpezia, Italy. These observations are used here as a dataset of opportunity to evaluate the 3DSE uncertaintyprediction. The paper focuses on ocean temperature,which is the variable with the densest spatio-temporalobservation sampling.

In this context, the objectives of this article are to(i) evaluate 3DSE forecast skills during REP10 ex-periment, (ii) evaluate the accuracy of the 3DSE un-certainty forecast, and (iii) propose a calibration ofthis uncertainty. The paper is organized as follows: the3DSE method and REP10 sea trial are introduced inSections 2 and 3 respectively, the results concerning3DSE forecast skills, 3DSE uncertainty forecast vali-dation and calibration are presented in Section 4, andconclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2 Method

2.1 The 3-D super-ensemble

The 3DSE prediction is a weighted linear combinationof several model forecasts, with model weights spatiallyvarying in the geographical domain. The technique uses

a common 3DSE grid onto which all the models arefirst interpolated. The optimal weights are the result ofa least-square minimization of the difference betweenobservations and the weighted linear combination ofthe models. This minimization, which is carried outover a recent period called learning period, is computedover the whole modelling domain based on a priorimodel weight error covariances. A schematic view ofthe 3DSE method is represented in Fig. 2.

The 3DSE model can be expressed as follows:

T p3DSE(t) =



wpi T p

i (t) (1)

where T is the ocean variable under consideration(ocean temperature in this paper). Subscript i refers tothe ith model forecast, superscript p to the pth pointof the 3DSE spatial grid. N is the number of models.The least-square minimization is performed through aclassical bayesian estimation, which may be expressedin the Optimal Interpolation formalism by defining thestate vector x as the vector of model weights over themodelling domain:

x =








M is the number of ocean points in the 3DSE grid.The length of the state vector x is MN.

The gain matrix K, the analysis state vector xa andassociated error covariance matrix Pa are computedaccording to the following equations:

K = P f HT (HP f HT + R


xa = x f + K(yo − Hx f ) (4)

Pa = P f − KHP f (5)

P f (of size MNxMN) is the a priori weight er-ror covariance matrix and R (of size QxQ, where Qis the number of observations) the observation errorcovariance matrix. Superscript T denotes the matrixtranspose. yo is the vector of observations. Superscriptsf and a refer to a priori and a posteriori analysis valuesrespectively.

R is chosen diagonal, and contains the contributionsof instrumental and representativity error variancesat observation points. H is the observation operator

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Fig. 2 Time line in 3DSE.The time t0 is the base time,marking the beginning of theforecast


= observations


forecast periodoptimal model weightsare used to combine

individual model forecasts

learning periodoptimal model weights

least−quares estimationare computed through

a priori model weights

and associated

error covariances

are specified

(of size Q × MN), which transforms vectors from thespace of model weights into the observation space.Unlike more conventional data assimilation methods,H does not contain the spatial interpolation coefficientsfrom the 3DSE model grid to the position of the obser-vations, but the product of these spatial interpolationcoefficients by the values of ocean model temperaturesat 3DSE gridpoints, such that Hx provides the 3DSEmodel values at observation points. Notice that the aposteriori weight error covariance matrix Pa does notdepend on the actual observation-model mismatches,but on the position of the observations, their errorcovariances and the a priori weight error covariances.

The state vector x f is initialized with an homoge-neous value for the model weights equal to 1

N , so thatthe 3DSE a priori solution is the ensemble mean. Theinitialization of P f requires assumptions about the apriori weight error variances (σ 2

0 ) and correlations. Inthis study, initial weight error variances are specifiedas spatially homogeneous (σ 2

0 = 0.01). Spatial weighterror correlations are chosen to be distance-dependent,with decorrelation scales of 50 km in the horizontal and20 m in the vertical. These values were fixed as theresult of sensitivity tests carried out with the REP10data set. Initial cross-model weight error correlationsare set to zero.

The 3DSE weight estimation can be made recur-sively to take into account observations prior to thelearning period defined for a given simulation date. Inthis case, x f and P f are derived from a posteriori valuesof the previous 3DSE run. Lacking a better estimationof the evolution of the model weights and correspond-ing error covariances, x f and P f are considered asstationary between two runs.

The observations used for the learning and forecastvalidation are presented in Section 3.1. The three oceanmodels used as inputs of the 3DSE are described inSection 3.2. The 3DSE domain covers an area of ap-proximately 150 × 150 km2 in the Ligurian Sea, ex-tending from 8.5◦E to 10.6◦E in longitude, from 43.1◦Nto 44.4◦N in latitude and from 0 to 200 m in depth.The horizontal resolution of the 3DSE grid is 3 km.

The vertical resolution is 5 m in the surface layer anddecreases with depth. Regarding the temporal aspect,the duration of the learning and forecast periods arerespectively fixed to 48 and 72 h.

2.2 3DSE uncertainty calculation

The a posteriori error covariances associated with theoptimal model weights are obtained from Eq. 5. Fore-cast error covariances associated with the physicalocean variable can be inferred from these a posterioriweight error covariances after multiplication by modelforecast values. At time t0, the 3DSE error covariancematrix Pa

3DSE (describing forecast errors of the physicalvariable) is given by:

Pa3DSE(t0) = H(t0)PaHT(t0) (6)

where H is the operator projecting the space of modelweights (space of dimension MN) onto the space of the3DSE forecast variable (space of dimension M).

H(t) =⎛


1 (t) 0 · · · T1N(t) 0

. . .. . .

0 T M1 (t) · · · 0 T M

N (t)

⎟⎠ (7)

H(t) contains the values of model temperature forecastsat 3DSE gridpoints at time t. The number of rows in thematrix H is the number of 3DSE spatial gridpoints (M),while the number of columns is the number of 3DSEgridpoints times the number of models (MN). Noticethat spatial and cross-model weight error correlationsresulting from the analysis and present in the matrix Pa

are essential elements in this computation.As a first approximation, and lacking a priori knowl-

edge of the temporal evolution of the weight er-rors, weight error covariances are considered as sta-tionary during the forecast period. The evolution of3DSE error variances is then only due to the tem-poral variability of model temperature predictions,which is represented by the evolution of the operatorH(t). The evaluation of 3DSE error variances underthis first approximation is presented in Section 4.2.1.

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In reality, weight error variances are expected to in-crease during the forecast period under the influenceof ocean dynamics, which may change the optimal val-ues of model weights. A calibration of the uncertaintyaiming to take this temporal evolution into account ispresented in Section 4.2.2.

3 Data

3.1 REP10 experiment

The REP10 experiment took place in the Lig-urian Sea in August-September 2010. A wide varietyof sensors and platforms were deployed at sea,including autonomous underwater glider vehicles,CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) stations, sur-face temperature from Lagrangian drifters, shipbornesurface CTDs and one towed vehicle (ScanFish) fromthe NATO Research Vessel Alliance. Four gliders sam-pled the study area from 0 to 200 m. In addition, oneSpray glider provided ocean profiles from the surfaceto 1,000 m. Figure 3 shows the position of all availableREP10 temperature observations at 80-meter depthfrom 20 August to 2 September 2010 in the area cov-ered by the 3DSE model.

At the surface, the Operational Sea Surface Temper-ature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA, Stark et al. 2007)was used to describe the daily observed ocean tempera-ture conditions. OSTIA uses satellite data provided bythe GHRSST project (Group for High-Resolution SeaSurface Temperature,, togetherwith in situ observations, to produce a high-resolution( 1

20◦) daily analysis of Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5













Longitude E




La Spezia


20 Aug21 Aug22 Aug23 Aug24 Aug25 Aug26 Aug27 Aug28 Aug29 Aug30 Aug31 Aug01 Sep02 Sep

Fig. 3 Locations of REP10 in situ temperature observations at80-meter depth. The color indicates the day of the measurement.Dashed lines represent bathymetric contours

for the global ocean. OSTIA SST represents the so-called foundation temperature, which is the surfacetemperature at the first time of the day before theheating impact of the solar radiation. Daily OSTIA SSTwere assimilated at 07:00 in the 3DSE model (noticethat the term assimilated is used in the 3DSE con-text to qualify the observations used during the learn-ing period to optimize the model weight estimates).One of the main advantages of using OSTIA productsin 3DSE was that it provided a regularly distributedsmoothed description of the SST over the whole mod-elling domain, thus providing a different data type com-pared to the irregularly distributed in situ subsurfaceprofiles.

In the case of high-sampling rate observation plat-forms, a preprocessing was performed to reduce boththe number of data assimilated during the learn-ing period and their representativity error. In moreconcrete terms, (1) each glider, CTD and ScanFishprofile was interpolated on the 3DSE vertical grid; (2)surface temperature measurements from Lagrangiandrifters were taken at hourly rates; and (3) ship sur-face CTD measurements were averaged over 10-minuteperiods. In the 3DSE simulations, the total observa-tion error representing both the instrumental noiseand the representativity error was fixed to 1◦C and0.5◦C for OSTIA products and in situ observationsrespectively.

The length of the data collection period allowed torepeat the 3DSE experiment in different sampling andoceanic scenarios by moving the 3DSE 5-day window(2-day learning and 3-day forecast) from August 21st to31st. Eleven 3DSE simulations were computed startingdaily at 00:00. Both the recursive (using previous aposteriori weights and errors as initial values for thenext run) and the non-recursive (using default initialweights and errors for all the simulations) forms of themethod were implemented during this period. Table 1provides the mean, minimun and maximum numberof observations used for 3DSE learning and validationover the set of eleven simulations carried out duringthe REP10. On average, approximately 6500 measure-ments were used to train the method. In addition, morethan 2000 temperature observations were available onaverage for each 24-hour forecast validation period.Notice that the observations used for the validation of agiven simulation were then used for the learning phaseof the next simulation.

3.2 Ocean models

Three high-resolution ocean models collected dur-ing REP10 experiment were used in this study. The

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Table 1 Mean, minimum and maximum number of observations used for 3DSE learning and validation over the set of 11 simulationscarried out during the REP10

Number of Learning Validation (by forecast range)

observations 0–24 h 24–48 h 48–72 h

Mean 6495 3151 2910 2048Minimum 2842 (21-Aug) 890 (30-Aug) 890 (29-Aug) 906 (29-Aug)Maximum 8757 (24-Aug) 4466 (22-Aug) 4466 (21-Aug) 4171 (23-Aug)

first operational ocean forecasting system was theNCOM model (Navy Coastal Ocean Model, Martin(2000)) coupled to the NCODA (Navy Coupled OceanData Assimilation, Cummings (2005)) data assimila-tion module. NCOM was run at the US Naval Re-search Laboratory NRL-SSC. A triple-nested version,similar to the one set up to support the MaritimeRapid Environmental Assessment 2007 and LigurianSea Cal/Val 2008 sea trials (Coelho et al. 2009), wasimplemented for REP10. The 3DSE used the outputsfrom the medium-grid model (NCOM Nest1 version).This model configuration had a horizontal resolution of1.8 km and a vertical resolution varying from 2 m at thesurface to 10 m at 200-m depth. The atmospheric forc-ing was provided by the Coupled Ocean AtmosphereMesoscale Prediction System (Hodur 1997) Europe-3.The model was initialized with the NCODA analysisfield after assimilation of realtime SST, sea surfaceheight, CTD and glider data. Output data were avail-able every hour with a 72-hour forecast range.

The second system was the French PREVIMER(, which provided ocean fore-casts over the north-western Mediterranean Sea witha 1.2-km resolution and 30 vertical sigma-coordinatelevels. The core ocean model was MARS3D (Lazureand Dumas 2008). The surface forcing was providedby MM5 run at ACRI-ST. The north-western Mediter-ranean domain was nested in the Mediterranean fore-casting system (MFS, Oddo et al. 2009). No data as-similation was performed in this operational forecastsystem. At the time of this research, output data wereavailable every 3 h with forecast range exceeding 72 h.

The third system was the NURC operational oceanforecasting system based on the ocean model ROMS(Haidvogel et al. 2008) with a setup dedicated to theREP10 sea trial framework. The horizontal resolutionwas 1.8 km, with 32 vertical s-coordinate levels. TheROMS Ligurian Sea domain was nested in the MFSmodel (Oddo et al. 2009). The atmospheric modelCOSMO-ME (Bonavita and Torrisi 2005) of the Ital-ian Air Force National Meteorological Center (CentroNazionale per la Meteorologia e Climatologia Aero-nautica - CNMCA) provided the surface forcing. No

data assimilation was performed in this operationalforecast system. Output data were available every 3 hwith a 72-hour forecast range.

4 Results

4.1 3DSE forecast skills

Figure 4 illustrates the temperature forecast skills ofthe individual models, their ensemble mean and the3DSE. The x- and y-axis respectively represent theunbiased Root-Mean-Square Difference (RMSD) andthe absolute bias (or mean difference) between modelsand observations during the 72-hour forecast period.The color represents the linear correlation coefficientbetween models and observations. The dashed linesrepresent the total RMSD, which encompasses both the

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10







Unbiased RMSD (°C)


s (°


Temperature forecast skills [REP10]













OSTIAin situ







Fig. 4 Averaged temperature forecast skills during REP10. M1,M2 and M3 represent the three ocean models used in 3DSE. EMis their ensemble mean. The colorbar displays the linear corre-lation coefficient between models and observations. Deviationsfrom OSTIA SST values are represented by a star marker, whiledeviations from in situ observations are displayed by a circlemarker

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unbiased RMSD and the bias. The model deviationsfrom (1) OSTIA values and (2) in situ observationsare treated separately since they provide two differentvalidation scenarios. OSTIA products are smooth andregularly distributed SST data, while in situ measure-ments (from gliders, CTDs, ship surface CTD, towedScanFish, Lagrangian drifters) are irregularly distrib-uted over the spatial and temporal domains during boththe learning and forecast periods. Statistics plotted inthis diagram are averaged over the set of eleven simu-lations from 21 to 31 August 2010 using the recursiveform of the method.

When compared to OSTIA SST products, the 3DSEforecast exhibits a bias and an unbiased RMSD of0.19◦C and 0.33◦C respectively. The total RMSD of0.38◦C is reduced by respectively 12% and 32% withrespect to the ensemble mean (EM) and the most accu-rate of the models. This good performance shows thatthe 3DSE trained using, among other data, regularlydistributed measurements is still in good agreementwith this source of observation during the forecast pe-riod. The main contributions to this 0.38◦C mismatchcome from (i) observation errors, (ii) the concurrent as-similation of measurements from other observing plat-forms in the surface mixed layer and (iii) the evolutionof the ocean state due to ocean dynamics during theforecast period. The correlation between 3DSE fore-cast and OSTIA is 0.88, showing that the large scale sur-face temperature patterns described in OSTIA analysisare properly represented by the method. This goodoverall agreement with these regularly distributed dataconstitutes a first and necessary validation of the 3DSE,before it can be evaluated in the case of more irregularobservations, where the particular spatio-temporal dis-tribution may also impact the results.

As expected, the 3DSE forecast skills are degradedwhen comparing to in situ observations. The totalRMSD obtained from the 3DSE (0.76◦C) is similar tothat obtained with EM (0.80◦C) and with the most ac-

curate of the models (0.77◦C), even if the contributionsto this total RMSD slightly differ. The 3DSE forecasthas a larger bias than EM and the most accurate ofthe models (0.43◦C vs 0.38 and 0.37◦C), but a reducedunbiased RMSD (0.62◦C vs 0.70 and 0.68◦C). The linearcorrelation coefficient with respect to these data is 0.91,which mainly indicates that the sign of the verticalgradients is properly represented in 3DSE predictions.These RMSD scores are in reasonable agreement withthe results obtained by Lenartz et al. (2010). DuringLSCV08 experiment in the Ligurian Sea, authors re-ported a 3DSE total RMSD of 0.30◦C at the surfaceand 0.68◦C with respect to subsurface observations. Therelative 3DSE skill improvement compared to the indi-vidual models and their ensemble mean is weaker herethan in this previous study due to the considerationduring REP10 of models with better average skills thanthose used during LSCV08.

4.2 3DSE uncertainty

Figure 5 (right panel) shows the 3DSE temperatureuncertainty prediction at 80-meter depth produced on29 August 2010 and valid for 1 September 00:00. Theposition of observations assimilated during the learningperiod is displayed by the yellow squares. The corre-sponding temperature forecast is plotted on the leftpanel. The magnitude of the uncertainty estimate (from0.1 to 1.7◦C) is consistent with the magnitude of the to-tal RMSD illustrated in Fig. 4 (average value of 0.76◦C).The spatial shape of the 3DSE uncertainty estimate isstrongly impacted by the position of assimilated obser-vations. The closer to the observations, the more theweights used to combine the models are applicable andhence the error associated with the 3DSE forecast isreduced. The 50-km decorrelation scale used to definea priori horizontal weight error correlations leads tolarger uncertainties at the edges of the 3DSE domain,where there is no measurement in a 50-km radius.

Fig. 5 Left: 3DSEtemperature forecast at80-meter depth produced on29 August 2010 and valid for1 September 00:00 (t0+72 h).Right: associated uncertainty(yellow squares display theposition of assimilatedobservations at this depth)

Longitude E




3DSE temperature forecast ( C) at 80m[29−Aug−2010 +72H]

La Spezia


8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5















Longitude E




3DSE temperature uncertainty ( C) at 80m[29−Aug−2010 +72H]

La Spezia


8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5
















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290 Ocean Dynamics (2012) 62:283–294

The large number of observations taken in the centralpart of the domain around 43.8◦N leads to a reduceduncertainty of about 0.05◦C.

4.2.1 Validation

The indirect calculation of the 3DSE uncertainty, theimpact of a priori assumptions about weight error co-variances and the unknown influence of ocean dynam-ics during the forecast period make the evaluation ofthe 3DSE uncertainty estimate necessary. The non-recursive simulations of the 3DSE are considered inthis Section since they provide a larger number ofindependent test cases for this evaluation. The criterionused for the validation of the uncertainty is based onthe 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the distribution ofthe predicted random variables. Assuming the symme-try of these distributions and making reference to theGaussian distribution, we expect approximately 95%of observations (within the range of their observa-tion error) to fall between −2 and +2 error standarddeviations (σ3DSE) from the 3DSE value. When thispercentage is found to be lower (respectively larger)than 95%, 3DSE error variances are considered to beunderestimated (respectively overestimated).

Let us first evaluate the 3DSE uncertainty computedduring the learning period at the position of assimi-lated observations. Figure 6 displays the percentage ofobservations falling outside the −2/+2 σ3DSE rangeduring the learning period for the eleven 3DSE simula-tions, as well as the average value over the whole set ofsimulations. The variability of this percentage with thedate of the simulation is related to the heterogeneousdistribution of the observations throughout the REP10








% o

f obs








SE r





































Fig. 6 Percentage of observations falling outside the −2/+2σ3DSE range during the learning period

cruise. Values range from 4.2 to 9.2%, with an average6.3% of observations falling outside the −2/+2 σ3DSE

range. Given the variety of observation platforms usedin this experiment and the inevitable departure of thestatistics from the normal distribution, we consider thisvalue sufficiently close to 5% to validate the 3DSEuncertainty estimate at observation points during thelearning period. This first validation aspect is an im-portant prerequisite since it indicates that the methodproperly propagates the uncertainty from the space ofmodel weights onto the space of the 3DSE physicalvariable.

The uncertainty prediction during the forecast pe-riod implies additional mechanisms for which the quan-titative impacts cannot be readily evaluated: (i) the val-idation is carried out at arbitrary locations, sometimesfar away from the location of assimilated observations,so that it may be affected by the inaccuracies in the apriori spatial weight error correlations, and (ii) oceanvariablity is expected to increase the model weightuncertainty by changing the state of the system. Only afull and repetitive coverage of observations during theforecast period would allow to properly characterizethe accuracy of both the spatial variability of the un-certainty, which is linked to the spatial correlations ofthe weight errors, and its temporal variability, which isrelated to ocean dynamics. In a real scenario such as theREP10 experiment, the limited and heterogeneous dis-tribution of the measurements over the spatio-temporaldomain prevents from properly distinguishing betweenthe spatial and temporal variability of the uncertainty.The focus is made here on the temporal variability andthe observations are binned by 24-hour windows overthe whole modelling domain.

Figure 7 shows the percentage of observations fallingoutside the −2/+2 σ3DSE uncertainty range during theforecast period for the eleven simulations, as well as theaverage value. Again, the heterogeneous distribution ofthe measurements in space and time generates a strongvariability of the results from the different simulations.Values range from 4.5 to 26.5%. Even if this percentageis not systematically lower during the first 24 h ofthe forecast (7 occurences over 11 simulations), theaverage value indicates an increase of this percentagewith time. Respectively 9.0, 11.8 and 13.8% of theobservations fall outside the −2/+2 σ3DSE uncertaintyrange for the time windows 0–24 h, 24–48 h and 48–72 h. This increase is due to the dynamical evolutionof the system which makes the model weights andtheir uncertainty computed during the learning periodgradually less suited to the description of the ocean astime goes on during the forecast period. As expected,this proportion is larger than 5%, meaning that the

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of o



ns o


de th

e −2



E r


0 to 24h

24 to 48h

48 to 72h




































Fig. 7 Percentage of observations falling outside the −2/+2σ3DSE range during the forecast period (results are providedby 24-hour forecast ranges). The statistics for the 48–72 h timesegment on August 21th, 27th and 28th are not available due tothe failure of one of the input models

3DSE theoretical uncertainty is underestimated duringthe forecast period and requires calibration.

A detailed analysis focusing on the magnitude of theforecasted errors shows that the smallest 3DSE uncer-tainties are more reliably predicted than the largestones. While 10.1% of all the observations located ina region with a 3DSE uncertainty lower than 0.2◦C(i.e. in the vicinity of the assimilated observations) falloutside the −2/+2 σ3DSE uncertainty range, this per-centage rises to 35.2% when considering observationlocations with a 3DSE uncertainty larger than 1.0◦C.This difference points out the inaccuracies in the initialspatial weight error correlations, which propagate theuncertainty from the locations of the assimilated mea-surements into the rest of the domain.

4.2.2 Calibration

The underestimation of the 3DSE uncertainty duringthe forecast period can be corrected by amplifying theweight error covariance matrix Pa:

Pa[ampli f ied](t) = A(t)PaA(t) (8)

where A is a diagonal amplification matrix allowing tointroduce spatially variable amplification coefficients.

This formulation allows to increase error varianceswithout modifying error correlations, preserving thusthe rank of the covariance matrix. Given the rise ofthe 3DSE error with time during the forecast period(see Fig. 7), the amplification matrix is expected to betime-dependent, with an increasing tendency. Ideally,

a full and repetitive coverage of observations shouldallow to properly characterize the diagonal terms of theamplification matrix, as well as their temporal evolu-tion. In a real scenario such as the REP10 experiment,the limited and heterogeneous distribution of the mea-surements over the spatio-temporal domain preventsfrom properly distinguishing between the spatial andtemporal variability. In order to still get an insight intothe temporal variability of the error, we consider anaverage homogeneous amplification coefficient α overthe whole domain, and investigate its evolution overthree 24-hour time windows during the forecast period.Under these conditions, Eq. 8 becomes:

Pa[ampli f ied](t) = α2(t)Pa (9)

For a given 24-hour window, the optimal coefficientα is the coefficient leading to the percentage ofobservations falling outside the −2/+2 σ3DSE rangethe closest as possible as 5%. This computation isachieved by finding the amplification of the 3DSEspread which minimizes the difference between thispercentage of observations and 5%. Figure 8 shows thevalues of the optimal amplification coefficient α for thedifferent simulations, as well as the average values. Thecoefficient α exhibits the same kind of variability as theone displayed in Fig. 7. Values are spread between 1.0and 5.4 when considering the various simulation datesand forecast ranges. This large variability confirms thatthe result from a single simulation strongly dependson the particular observational situation, so that onlythe average values over a large number of simulationscan provide more robust indicators. The average valuesof α for the three 24-hour time windows are rankedconsistently compared to the average values shown in















































0 to 24h

24 to 48h

48 to 72h

Fig. 8 Alpha coefficient leading to a calibrated 3DSE uncer-tainty during REP10

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292 Ocean Dynamics (2012) 62:283–294

Fig. 7. The average values of α of 2.4, 2.7 and 3.1 for thetime windows 0–24 h, 24–48 h and 48–72 h respectively,indicate the temporal increase of the amplificationcoefficient. The linear model best fitting these averagevalues in a least-square sense is:2

α(t) = 2.25 + 0.32

86400t (10)

where t is expressed in seconds since the beginning ofthe forecast.

Notice that this linear model provides an am-plification coefficient α of 2.25 for t = 0, while a valueclose to one could have been expected given the re-liability of the 3DSE uncertainty at the locations ofthe assimilated observations during the learning pe-riod. This underestimation of the 3DSE uncertaintyat the beginning of the forecast period indicates thatthe spatial propagation of the weight error reductionfrom the locations of the assimilated measurements tothe rest of the modelling domain still needs to be im-proved through a better characterization of the initialcovariances. This empirical model for α also highlightsthe departure from the ideal case with homogeneousobservation sampling and normal probability distribu-tions. A proportion of 9% of observations outside the−2/+2 σ3DSE uncertainty range would indeed lead toan amplification factor of3 1.18 in the case of exactnormality of statistics with an homogeneous samplingfor their validation. Here, the diversity and limited cov-erage of observations lead to significant asymmetries inthe validation sampling.

Finally, the potential refinement of the calibration byareas was also investigated, either based on the oceandynamics or on the distance to assimilated observa-tions. Unfortunately, no robust result could be obtaineddue to the high observational requirements for such aclassification.

5 Conclusion

The 3DSE technique was evaluated with regards toocean temperature prediction using data from theREP10 experiment. This experiment provided an ex-tensive data collection over a 2-week period in a 150 ×150 km2 area in the Ligurian Sea. The 3DSE provided

2The determination coefficient r2 for this regression is 0.97.3Value obtained from the tables of the error function erf: 1.18 =

2√2 erf inv

(1− 9


) .

a total RMSD of 0.38◦C against repetitive and regularlydistributed surface temperature data. This RMSD wasreduced by 12 and 32% respectively with referenceto the ensemble mean and the most accurate of themodels. When validating against in situ observationsspread over the whole domain and taken at differentdepths from different sensors, the average total RMSDincreased up to 0.76◦C, and was similar to the oneprovided by the ensemble mean and the most accurateof the models. These RMSD scores are in agreeementwith the 3DSE forecast skills presented by Lenartzet al. (2010) based on a previous cruise in the LigurianSea. Overall, the 3DSE method was shown to be anefficient statistical technique to combine forecasts fromindividual models and thereby improve forecast skills,provided that sufficient data has been collected in orderto specify the appropriate weights during the learningperiod.

The associated 3DSE temperature uncertainty es-timate was inferred from the product of the weighterror covariances issued from the analysis by the oper-ator H containing model forecast values. The positionof assimilated observations clearly defined the spatialpatterns of the 3DSE uncertainty estimate due to thehypothesis of distance-dependent a priori weight errorcorrelations. The confidence in the model weights, andas a consequence in the 3DSE temperature predic-tion, was larger in close proximity to the assimilatedobservations.

The evaluation of this 3DSE error forecast was madenecessary by (1) the indirect calculation of this uncer-tainty, (2) the impact of a priori assumptions madeabout weight error covariances, and (3) the unknowninfluence of ocean dynamics during the forecast period.To address the first point, the uncertainty estimatewas first validated during the learning period againstassimilated observations. Our validation approach useda criterion based on the 2.5th and 97.5th percentilesof the distribution of the predicted random variables.By reference to the normal distribution, approximately95% of the observations (within their own uncertainty)should fall within the −2/+2 σ3DSE uncertainty range(σ3DSE being the 3DSE error standard deviation). Theresults indicate that the theoretical uncertainty wasvalid at the locations of the assimilated observationsduring the learning period, but underestimated on av-erage compared to the true 3DSE error during theforecast period. This underestimation was due to boththe system evolution due to ocean dynamics and theconsideration of validation measurements outside thearea spanned by the assimilated observations. Overeleven simulations run at different dates, the averagepercentage of observations falling outside the −2/+2

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σ3DSE uncertainty range was found to be 9.0, 11.8 and13.8% respectively for the 0–24 h, 24–48 h and 48–72 hforecast time windows. This increase, which corre-sponds to the temporal growth of the 3DSE forecast er-ror, illustrates the gradual maladaptation of the optimalmodel weights computed during the learning period tothe description of the future ocean state.

This evaluation of the 3DSE uncertainty revealedinaccuracies of the a priori weight error covariancesspecified in the 3DSE. The distance-based spatial cor-relations did not include the potential anisotropic char-acteristics of the ocean dynamics, and therefore lim-ited the accuracy of the 3DSE uncertainty estimateoutside the area spanned by the assimilated observa-tions. The inclusion of dynamical information comingfrom the individual models in the a priori weight errorcovariances should allow to improve the uncertaintyestimate by better representing the influence of theregional oceanic features. However, this step is notstraighforward since temperature error covariances,which can be deduced from model runs, can not besimply transferred in terms of model weight error co-variances, which are needed by the 3DSE. The properspecification of initial weight error covariances stillconstitutes an open challenge to improve the 3DSE.

A simple calibration of the 3DSE uncertainty esti-mate was proposed to allow to meet, on average, theabove-mentioned criterion with the present formula-tion of the initial covariances. This calibration consistedin an amplification of the a posteriori weight error co-variance matrix. This amplification should theoreticallybe variable in both (i) space to highlight dynamicallyactive areas and (ii) time to account for the growth ofthe uncertainty due to the evolution of the system. Un-fortunately, only a full and repetitive coverage of ob-servations could allow to properly describe the spatio-temporal variability of the 3DSE forecast error. In theREP10 observation scenario, and despite the extensivecollection of measurements, the heterogeneity of datadistribution and sensors precludes the separation of thespatial and temporal variability of the error. In this con-text, our approach focused on the temporal variability.Considering the average values over the eleven sim-ulations, the simple linear model α(t) = 2.25 + 0.32

86400 twas proposed to amplify the weight error covariancematrix, and hence the associated 3DSE uncertainty,to obtain an error estimate which was consistent, onaverage, with the REP10 validation measurements.The application of this amplification coefficient allowsconfidence that, on average, the true ocean state laywithin the −2/+2 σ3DSE uncertainty range in 95% of thecases. This confidence is necessary before being ableto use 3DSE forecasts as a potential support in any

decision system. The proposed uncertainty calibrationis inevitably linked to the REP10 observation scenario.Further studies are needed to evaluate its validity inother regions, for other time periods and using otherdata sets.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the institutions andscientific correspondents providing us with the ocean forecasts:Fabrice Lecornu (IFREMER) within NURC - PREVIMERagreement IFR 10/2 211 233, Emanuel Coelho and GermanaPeggion (Naval Research Laboratory - Stennis Space Cen-ter) for NCOM model forecasts, Fabrice Hernandez and EricDombrowsky for MERCATOR-OCEAN products (NURC -MERCATOR agreement 2010/SG/CCTR/29), Paolo Oddo andNadia Pinardi for INGV MFS predictions. COSMO-ME dataused to force the Ligurian Sea ROMS model were kindly pro-vided by Lucio Torrisi (CNMCA). This work was funded by theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License whichpermits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproductionin any medium, provided the original author(s) and source arecredited.


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