Download - UN-OFFICIAL MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT of COWASH...o 2nd batch training in Debre Markos on March 11-15 ... MSc thesis by Gizachew Asmare ... (Student from Arbaminch University)





MARCH 2015



The purpose of this Monthly Report is to record the major actions and issues taken place during

the reporting month and analyze the possible changes, delays and their effects on the COWASH

implementation. The nature of the report is TOTALLY UN-OFFICIAL information sharing between

the project related staff and regional RSU Team Leaders and should not be referred in any

reports or documents. One of the functions of the report is to be a good “reminder” when

preparing the OFFICIAL Quarterly and Annual reports. The language and statements in this

report are not official statements and should therefore be understood only in terms of

“information sharing”.



CMP Implementation Manual

The CMP Implementation Manual for CWA was submitted to MoFED in February 4, 2015 by the

MoWIE. The Manual is still under review in the Channel 1 directorate.

RWS O&M Manual and Strategic Framework

In the month the consultant has submitted the draft strategic framework for the task force

members for comment.

GIS based mapping training manual and GIS trainings

The GIS trainings were conducted in Amhara Region in March as follows:

o 1st batch training in Bahir Dar on March 3-7

o 2nd batch training in Debre Markos on March 11-15

o 3rd batch training in Gondar on March 19-23

o 4th batch training in Woldia on March 27-31

Climate risk screening manual and training

Based on the draft non-complete climate risk screening manual/guideline prepared by ODI,

training material preparation started, and is on progress. What remaining is preparation of

practical exercises for the trainees including identification of site for practical field visit which is

integral part of the ToT. This may need geologist or hydro-geologist who has the experience in

the rural water supply sector. The ToT on the environmental assessment and climate risk

screening for regional RSU staffs, experts regional water bureau of water mine and energy, and

zonal COWASH advisor will be given in the 2008 EFY, most probably in the first quarter.

For this Term of Reference (TOR) was prepared to conduct the TOT training on the climate risk

screening for regional experts. The content of the TOR follows the objectives of the training

consisting of the following sections: activities, outputs, and outcomes of the TOT; methodologies

of the TOT; participants of the TOT; training resource persons including technical person who

may assist the preparation of the training materials; and others.


Social/Public Audit/Accountability Guideline

No further developments during the month of March. The elaboration of the concept note into

the actual guideline and training materials will continue as soon as possible with the aim that the

training shall be delivered during the autumn 2015.


COWASH project 2007 EFY semi-annual performance report was completed in the reporting

month. Together with the activity based detailed performance report, a results based

performance report has been produced and the two reports were distributed to stakeholders of

the project.


PhD research

Synthesis: started on March 09, 2015 and in progress

The research advisory members (Adj. Prof. Tapio Katko, Dr. Pekka Pietila and Dr. Harri

Mattila from Finland and Mr. Arto Suominen from Ethiopia) met on 24.03.2015 to discuss

about the progress of the research and ways forward.

MSc thesis by Gizachew Asmare (Gonji Kolella CMP supervisor)

The research on the Assessment of Potable Water Access & Users’ service satisfaction in Gonji

Kolella woreda rural communities during CMP implementation was ongoing in March. FTAT

provided comments for the first draft and requested the student to revise the report accordingly.

MSc Thesis by Addisu Fente (Amhara RSU Zonal Advisor)

Ato Addisu Fente is studying MSc degree in rural development management at Bahir Dar

University. He has proposed COWASH to support the finalization of his research titled:

Community Participation processes, practices and challenges in rural water supply development.

No progress reported in March 2015.

MSc Thesis by Gedefaw Tilahun (Student from Arbaminch University)

Ato Gedefaw Tilahun has proposed COWASH to support the finalization of his thesis aiming to

focus in detailed to the CMP approach impact on water supply sustainability in Dagadamot

woreda. Ato Gedefaw has worked before in Dagadamot woreda water office. No progress

reported in March 2015.

Comparative analysis of women- and men led WASHCOs in relation to COWASH project


The questionnaire for the comparative case study was tested in March 18 and 19 in Abichuna

woreda in Oromia. During those days four water points were visited and interviews conducted

with the community members, WASHCO members and the woreda staff. Based on those

experiences the questionnaire was further edited and sent for final comments. Next step will be

to translate the questionnaire into Amharic and the aim is to conduct the rest of the interviews

during the month of April in Fogera and Farta woredas.


Value for Money Research

Mr. Ian Ross has been trying to make VFM analysis on COWASH and due to availability of data,

only SNNPR and Oromia regions were selected for the analysis by the consultant. So far, much of

the data required from SNNPR has been shared to the consultant and Oromia region RSU is still

collecting and compiling the Water Points, Procurement and Capacity Building data. The whole

analysis is being done by the consultant and COWASH FTAT is only providing data of the project.

Effectiveness evaluation

Government of Finland has requested Dr. Ritva Reinikka and Dr. Jim Adams (both long serving

WB officials) to conduct Finland Aid Effectiveness Evaluation. The evaluation will be carried in

Ethiopia, South-Sudan and in Vietnam. In Ethiopia they focused on water and education.

COWASH held discussions with the evaluators on March 6-11, 2015 and on March 6 the team

met also the State Minister and Directors of MoWIE and on March 8, 2015 the team visited

Abichugena woreda of Oromia region. COWASH provided evidence on the effective project

implementation and the feedback from evaluators was positive.



International conferences

SWWW215: An abstract was submitted in January 2015 for the presentation of the COWASH

case study in the Stockholm World Water Week in August 2015. No response so far from


COWASH is also communicating with MFA and Finnish Water Forum to be part of the Finland

event in SWWW 2015. Issue progressing with FWF in March.

WEDC 2015: A briefing paper about CMP submitted for the 38th WEDC International Conference

on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services Beyond 2015: Improving access and sustainability in

February received comments and clarifying questions from the evaluation panel. The paper has

been revised and re-submitted for final evaluation on 31st of March.

7th WWF: MoWIE State Minister requested COWASH to sponsor two representatives from MoWIE

(Directors from WAYD and Research). Furthermore MoWIE Minister requested COWASH to

sponsor WSWG secretariat team-leader for the same. All registrations, accommodations, visas

and tickets were processed in March. End of March MoWIE Minister requested COWASH to cancel

this sponsorship and prohibited the requested candidates to participate. Explanations for these

cancellations were not given.

CMP WEB page development

The new design of the website was agreed with IRC and the design was developed by IRC in

Mach 2015.

International Woman Day celebration on March 6

Ministry of Women, Irrigation and Energy celebrated the COWASH sponsored International

Women Day on March 5. It was reported hundreds of people attended the celebration that was

observed three days earlier than the international celebration day which is always on 8 March.


World Water Day celebration on March 22

A two pages article that focused on introducing the readers with CMP and its achievements was

prepared and published in WWD publication. The World Water Day event was celebrated on

March 20-22. The first day of the workshop on March 20 focused on self-supply and the other

day on March 21 focused on upcoming SDG objectives and other related themes. On March 22

the WWD was colorfully celebrated in MoWIE. In addition there was also an exhibition at MoWIE

compound on “WASH as a business” where private sector and NGOs presented their products.

FLOWS seminar

6th FLOWS seminar was conducted on 11th of March in Bishoftu with a theme “Water and

Sustainable Agriculture”. A number of research papers were presented during the one day

seminar on the following topics: household irrigation, medium and large scale irrigation

development, multiple use of water services and toxicological status of vegetables grown in

Addis Ababa.

Achievement on water MDG target celebration

Ethiopia has celebrated the Water MDG target achievement on March 23, 2015 here in Addis

Ababa at Sheraton Addis. It was organized by the MoWIE. To celebrate the WASH MDG target

achievement of Ethiopia. H.E Dr. Mulatu Teshome, president of the FDRE, H.E Ato Wondimu

Tekle, and representatives of Development partners (including AfDB, DFID, Italian Government,

Finland Government, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, WB, JICA, EU, CSO, private sectors, and NGOs were

participated on the event.

The 2015 Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) for Water and Sanitation, which was supported by

WHO & UNICEF, indicates that Ethiopia has met the target of 57 % (1990 baseline is 14% - un-

served = 86%, MDG target is therefore 86/2 = 43+14 = 57%) of the population using safe

drinking water and has attained the target by having the number of people without access to

safe water since 1990 (MDG target 7c). However, Ethiopia is way off the target for sanitation

(baseline was 3%, MDG target was to reach 52%, but the achievement is 28%). Certificate was

award to WASH financing partners for their contribution of the achievement of the target.

Finnish journalists visits to Amhara

MFA invited 16 journalists from different Finnish medias to visit Ethiopia in March. The

delegation visited Amhara between 24-26 March which included one day field visit day.

Altogether 14 journalists visited COWASH sites which included a visit to community water point

including a household visit, a visit to school water point and a brief visit to woreda water office.

All the practical arrangements went smoothly and the journalists as well as the MFA staff were

really happy with the visit.


Capacity Building Strategy

The revision of the Capacity Building Strategy was under process with the HRDS during the

month of report.

Summarized list of Capacity Building activities of COWASH has been prepared as it was

requested from MFA and it was submitted by CTA as per the request.


The WASHCOs’ CMP management TOT modules which were found separately has been compiled

together to produce one complete manual for the WASHCOs. The manual has been used in the

Benishangul Gumuz Region training of trainers conducted end of March.

Training Impact Assessment

The contract agreement document for the Training Impact Assessment consultancy has been

prepared and the agreement was signed between the Consultant Company and the COWASH

Project. The company has submitted questionnaire and inception report to the project by email

on last week of electronically and hard copy on April 02, 2015. Some comments on the

questionnaire and the report has been provided to the consultant. A meeting is organized to

discuss on the comments on the inception report on April 6, 2015.

BSGR WASHCO Management training

The federal COWASH has planned to provide a three days WASHCO ToT in BSGR in Assosa town

from March 30 to April 01, 2015. Accordingly, the ToT was organized on these days in Bambasi.

It was organized in one elementary school class room. Region, zone and Woreda WASH sector

staffs participated on the ToT. A total of 38 (5 females) trainees participated. They are from

water, health, education and microfinance institution from region, zone, and Woreda level.

The trainees were the FTAT, and RSU staffs. The following topics were covered: Participatory and

Adult Learning techniques; Roles and responsibilities of WASHCO; Artisan Labor Contract

Agreement with WASHCO; CMP Funding Agreement; Handling and transporting common

construction materials and quality checks during procurement; CMP Finance, Procurement &

Property Management; WASHCO CMP reporting and recording; Artisan Payment Certificate

Preparation with some Group Exercise; and Crosscutting issues in COWASH that are taken into

consideration by WASHCOs when they are leading the water point before, during and after

construction (by Mussie).

On the third day of the training, trainees were grouped into four and did group work on the first

8 topics of the ToT which they were presented to the trainees. The groups prepared topics which

are appropriate to WASHCO training which they are going to deliver to the WASHCO soon after

they go to their respective Woredas. The group presented their work and there was discussion

on the presentation. It was good opportunities especially for the Woreda participants that they

have identified focus areas for the WASHCO training.

Finally, action plan was prepared by all the participants of the trainees on activities that may

need immediate action after they go to their respective Woredas.

O&M training in SNNPR

A total of 22 woreda and zonal water offices experts (1 female) from the 8 COWASH woredas

and 4 zones have been trained in the rural water supply O&M maintenance management in

Hawassa town from March 22 to 24/2015. The training focused on the principles of O&M

management of RWS schemes, rural water supply schemes management, tariff setting,

collection and saving, maintenance of on spot springs and hand pumps, spare part management,

M&E of operation and maintenance activities and water quality testing. The training was given by

the CMP specialist of the RSU, the CMP and M&E specialists of the FTAT and experts from the

water bureau.


Oromia WASHCO management training

A total of 26 woreda water, health, education and finance office focal persons of which (4

females) from the 4 new CMP woredas (Kersa Malima, Horro, Abbay Choman and Dirre Inchini)

have been trained in WASHCO CMP management ToT at Woliso town from March 13 to 15/2015.

The CB and M&E specialists of the FTAT assisted the RSU in the training.

SNNPR review meeting

SNNPR conducted three years performance review and 2008 EFY Core Plan Workshop for one

day (21 March 2015) at Hawassa. A total of 92 participants (7 female) drawn from all the 8

woredas, 4 zones and regional sector bureaus participated in the workshop. All woredas and RSU

presented the performance over the COWASH implementation years and discussions were held

and woredas who performed poorly promised to improve their performance in the coming fiscal



One WASH personnel

Recruitment was ongoing in February.


State Minister has not yet made decision on this regard.

National Water Safety Planning Guideline and National Water Safety Planning Strategy

The CR-WSP strategic framework and Urban and Rural Climate Resilient WSP Guidelines

validation workshop was organized in March 3-4, 2015. In this workshop all three documents

were reviewed and commented.

M&E development and NWI update

The consultant COFFEY/IRC and One WASH M&E development launch workshop was held on

March 13, 2015. The consultant started their M&E analysis work in Ethiopia and COWASH held

already several meetings with the consultant.

AKVO’s report on: Support for National WASH Inventory (NWI) in Ethiopia was presented in

March 21 World Water Day workshop.

Furthermore International WASH Post Implementation Monitoring Workshop has been planned by

Welthungerhilfe to be held on April 27-29, 2015 in Addis Ababa.

Sanitation Marketing Development

National TVET-Qualification Framework Level 1-III on sanitation business development

(Occupational standard) was developed in March. The standard will be sent to MoH for

formal approval.

Regional workshops for orientation and training on the Occupational Standard and

training manuals are planned for in April and May with support from WSP.

Sanitation Marketing MSP meeting is planned to be conducted later in April-May


Water Sector Working Group (WSWG)

WASH-TC meeting was called for March but the meeting was cancelled.

No further progress with WSWG.

Consolidated WASH Account

Nearly 900 million Birr has been disbursed to the regions.

Per Diem payment harmonization

Per Diem payment harmonization proposal prepared by the DAG group has been submitted for

MoFED approval in November 2014. No news of its approval or comments from MoFED available

for this report.

Knowledge status review

The report is planned to be presented in the next WASH-TC meeting, .

Sustainability check consultancy

Development of the WASH sustainability check tools by AGUACONSULT was going on in March


OWNP Financial Manual update

Consultant under the supervision with MoFED and World Bank is carrying out the manual update.

GTP II plan and indicators

The GTP II plan (2008 to 2012 EFY) of the water supply sub sector is under preparation. No

progress update available for this report.

Hygiene and Environmental Health (H&EH) Strategy

Hygiene & Environmental Health Strategy is under preparation. No progress update available for

this report.

Integrated Urban Hygiene and Sanitation Framework and Strategy

Integrated Urban Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy and plan of action are under preparation. No

progress update available for this report.

National CWA program launch workshop

CWA launch workshop was organized on March 16-17, 2015. Major observations of the workshop

were a) Knowledge of CWA project was greatly increased among the participants, b) Satisfaction

by the regions on the current status of the CWA implementation was not encouraging, c)

Clarifications given to questions were weak and top-down, d) Presentations made were not

providing adequate information and some generated confusions, e) Major Donor’s influence in

CWA Project Management was essential and sometimes dominating.


National Hygiene and Environmental Health Experience Sharing Forum report

COWASH has been responsible to finalize this report through Journalist Ayenew Haileselassie.

The report was submitted for stakeholders’ comments and comments were forwarded for final

editing by the Journalist. Anyhow, the report was not finalized in March but is in a process to be

finalized first week of April, 2015


There was no COWASH monthly coordination meeting with the Embassy in March, but the

several other meetings were held with the Embassy to coordinate the ongoing urgent activities.

MFA is commissioned to carry out an independent review of the effectiveness/results of Finland's

development cooperation in its current form. The objective of the review is to present a general

indication on how effective and impactful Finland's development cooperation can be considered

and why. The independent review was carried out by Mrs Ritva Reinikka and Mr. Jim Adams

between 6 and 11 March, 2015. The team visited COWASH site in Abichugena woreda in Oromia

on Sunday the 8th of March.

Embassy organized CTA meeting on March 18, 2015. The first half of the day concentrated on

the monitoring and indicator development for the Embassy reporting and on how the projects

can contribute on it. The second half of the day concentrated on Finnish development

cooperation strategic issues in Ethiopia and special session on FinnWASH project exit was also


Embassy approved the Training Impact Assessment consultancy.

The minutes of the Steering Committee meeting was sent for Embassy review by February 20,

2015. Embassy’s response was not received in March, 2015.


CTA was on annual leave from March 23-30, 2015

HOC visit to Ethiopia started on March 31, 2015 and will last 10 days. HOC will assist CTA in

preparations for the MTE.



a) Progresses at the Region

A total of 26 woreda water, health, education and finance office focal persons (4

females) from the 4 new CMP woredas (Kersa Malima, Horro, Abbay Choman and

Dirre Inchini) have been trained in WASHCO CMP management ToT at Woliso town

from March 13 to 15/2015.

The CB and CMP specialists of the RSU made supportive supervision to some of the


An advertisement for the employment of the financial management specialist was

made in the Ethiopian Herald newspaper but nobody was registered and the


advertisement for the post was made for the second time and posted in the notice

boards of the different bureaus of the Oromia region.

b) Progresses at woredas

b.1) Kersa woreda

A total of 322 WAHSCO members (138 females) form the approved 46 water points

have been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

18 artisans (4 females) have started training in the construction of hand dug wells and

on spot spring.

The construction of 19 community water points (10 on spot springs and 9 hand dug

wells) has been completed.

A total of 11 community water points 95 hand dug wells and 6 on spot srings0 are on


A total of 128 WASHCO members (57 females) of the 16 water points constructed in

the 2006EFY have been trained in O&M management of rural water supply schemes.

A total of 108 community members (41 females) have attained the WSR workshop.

Fax and LCD project for water office and filing cabinet for WoFED procured.

b.2) Gumay woreda

The training of 10 new artisans (5 females) in the construction of hand dug well and

on spot spring has been on progress.

A total of 296 WAHSCIO members (168 females) have attended refresher training in

O&M management of water schemes.

A total of 18 water points 11 on spot springs and 7 hand dug wells construction


b.3) Nono Benja woreda

Procured 4 stabilizers, 2 hand held GPSs and 1 LCD projector.

The construction of 5 springs and 8 hand dug wells completed.

b.4) Abichu gena woreda

A total of 49 WAHSCO members (29 females) form the approved 7 water points have

been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

The training of 5 male artisans in the construction of hand dug well and on spot spring

is on progress.

A total of 25 health extension workers and health center workers (2 females) have

been trained in CLTSH.

b.5) Jidda woreda

A total of 231 WAHSCO members (132 females) form the approved 33 water points

have been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

Tender document for the drilling of 4 shallow wells approved by the WWT is being


20 hand dug wells are waiting for afridev hand pump installation.

8 hand dug wells dug and ready for cylinder installation, and 1 on spot spring is under



b.6) Jeldu woreda

7 springs rolled over springs from the 2006EFY have been completed.

20 KWT members (5 females) have been given refresher training in CMP promotion

and application preparation.

b.7) Ilfeta woreda

A total of 36 health extension workers and health center workers (12 females) have

been trained in CLTSH

A total of 16 male artisans are taking training in the construction of hand dug wells

and on spot spring.

The construction of 20 water points have been awarded to artisans for construction

and construction materials have been procured by WASHCOs and are being

transported to each ware into site.

Printers and computers have procured to WoFED, health, education and WCY offices.

Artisans hand tools and spring construction tools have been procured to the woreda

water office.

Filing cabinet, GPS, LCD projector and digital camera have been procured to the water


b.8) Tole woreda

A total of 63 WAHSCO members (30 females) from the approved 9 water points have

been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

WASHCOs of 9 water points have collected proforma for the procurement of

construction materials and tools.

b.9) Dirre Inchini woreda

A total of 77 WAHSCO members (38 females) form the approved 11 water points have

been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

Artisans hand tools and spring construction tools have been procured.

Computers and printers been procured to the WASH sector offices.

Filing cabinet and photocopy machines have been procured to the water office.

Contract for the production of concrete ring producing molds have been awarded to


b.10) Kersa Malima woreda

A total of 77 WAHSCO members (35 females) form the approved 11 water points have

been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

Local construction materials are being collected by for the approved 11 water points.

b.11) Horro woreda

Procurement of artisans hand tools, concrete ring producing mold and spring

construction tools are on process.

8 male artisans have been selected and ready for construction training.

A total of 11 water points (7 springs and 4 hand dug wells).


b.12) Abay Choman woreda

A total of 56 WAHSCO members (27 females) form the approved 8 water points have

been trained in WASHCO CMP management.

CLTSH training has been given to health extension workers and health center workers.

Artisans’ hand tools and spring construction equipments have been procured.

Tenders for the procurement of molds and office equipments have been advertised.

c) Progresses at zones

c.1) Jimma zone

The zonal water office CMP focal person made a supportive supervision to the 3 CMP


CMP audit of the 3 woredas has been started by ZoFED based on the assignment

given to it by BoFED.

c.2) Other zones

No major activity performed in the other zones in the month.

d) Progresses at the Region

A total of 26 woreda water, health, education and finance office focal persons (4

females) from the 4 new CMP woredas (Kersa Malima, Horro, Abbay Choman and

Dirre Inchini) have been trained in WASHCO CMP management ToT at Woliso town

from March 13 to 15/2015.

The CB and CMP specialists of the RSU made supportive supervision to some of the


An advertisement for the employment of the financial management specialist was

made in the Ethiopian Herald newspaper but nobody was registered and the

advertisement for the post was made for the second time and posted in the notice

boards of the different bureaus of the Oromia region.


a) Region level progress

a.1) CMP Management and appraisal trainings conducted

CMP management and appraisal trainings were conducted by RSU for those woreda staff who

have not taken the trainings before. The participants were all experts from stakeholders who

have been involved in decision making and operational level experts who are currently employed

and responsible for the implementation of CMP projects in their respective woredas. A total of 23

people were trained in both CMP management and appraisal trainings from woredas (19 male &

4 female).

a.2) Water Safety Plan training conducted

The other important training conducted by RSU was the Water Safety Plan training in Tahtay

Maichew woreda, which was selected by the region to be a pilot woreda in exercising the water

safety plan. A total of 15 woredas people ( 12 M & 3 F) participated in the WSP training from

Tahtay woreda. WSP and GLOWs materials has been used by RSU to conducted the training


a.3) Gender mainstreaming training conducted

Tigray region Bureau of Women Affairs in collaboration with Water Bureau has given gender

awareness training to 29 (M 9, F 20). The participants were from CMP project woredas. Bureau

of finance and plan also conducted financial management training to all project woredas and a

discussion was made based on the audit findings.

a.4) Procurement

Based on the delegation given by project woredas to the Water Bureau, the Bureau has prepared

bid document and floated the announcement for shallow well drilling. The regional bureau of

education has also floated the bid for the procurement of motor bikes based on the delegation

from woredas. Other training materials and office equipments were procured for RSU and the

Water Bureau’s water supply core process.

b) Woreda level progress

b.1) Training activities

Endamohoni woreda

Conducted KWT training in CMO management where a total of 16 people (10M, 6F)


Conducted WASHCOs training in CMP management where 54 male and 54 female


Tahtay Maichew woreda

37 (M 25, F 12) school WaSH club members trained in hygiene and sanitation, wash

facilities management and CMP approach.

Saharti samre woreda

KWT members were trained in CMP management for the new and old kebeles and 23 (M

19 F 4) participants were present. Gender was also given by the office of women affair.

b.2) Progress in CMP applications

Until end of this month the total number of application received in the seven CMP woredas has

become 253 applications on water schemes out of the plan to construct 189 water supply

schemes annually. The field appraisals of 196 projects were completed and 91 projects were so

far approved by the WWT. The sites for 53 projects have been handed over to


The construction site for the two RPS in two woredas has been handed over to the contractors

and trench excavation has been started.

The details are shown in the table below



E/mokoni 3 36 18 57 3 31 8 42 3 19 7 29 3 19 7 29 3 19 22

Ofla 12 23 7 42 12 20 7 39 6 10 6 22 6 10 6 22 6 10 16

N/Adiet 44 5 49 26 4 30 26 4 30 16 4 20

T/Maychew 21 15 9 45 15 10 4 29 15 10 4 29 15 10 4 29

M/zana 7 3 6 16 7 3 5 15 7 3 5 15

D/Temben 12 8 8 28 12 8 7 27 9 6 7 22 9 6 7 22 9 6 15

S/Samre 7 9 16 7 7 14 7 7 14

TOTAL 106 85 62 253 82 72 42 196 73 48 40 161 49 45 28 122 18 35 0 53

Site hand over for

constructionWeredaApplication Received Field Appraisal Approved by WWT Contract advertised


In the reporting month, some activities (procurement, human capacity building and construction)

have been completed in SNNPR. The major ones are indicated below.

a) Physical Capacity Building

Three woredas (Arbegona, Esara and Duna) and RSU have procured some materials. One file

cabinet each was procured by Arbegona and Esara woreda and Duna woreda procured 1 LCD

and Desktop Computer with UPS. 1 Colour printer, 1 external hard disk, 1 laptop, 1 office

table, 1 chair and 1 file cabinet were procured for RSU staff.

b) Human Capacity Building

b.1) WASHCO CMP Management Training:

WASHCO CMP Management training was held in four woredas (Arbegona, Tocha, Esara and

Checha). A total of 400 WASHCO members (231 female), 85 in Arbegona, 80 in Tocha, 90 in

Esara and 145 in Chencha woredas, have been trained for 3 days by trained woreda staff.

b.2) KWT CMP Management Training:

KWT CMP Management training has been conducted in two woredas of SNNPR (Esara and

Chencha). The woreda staff managed to train 76 KWT members (20 female), 35 from Esara

and 41 from Chencha woredas, for 2 days at the woreda capitals.

b.3) CLTSH Training:

Duna woreda health office experts have trained 55 (15 female) woreda staff and some

experts from COWASH /CMP kebeles.

b.4) O&MM ToT training:

Experts from Water Bureau in collaboration with COWASH FTAT (CMP and M&E Specialists)

have trained 22 experts (1 female), drawn from 8 woredas and 4 zones for 3 days (22-24

March 2015) on Operation and Maintenance of low cost technologies.

b.5) Three years performance review and 2008 Core Plan Workshop:

SNNPR reviewed the three years performance of COWASH and discussed on the 2008 EFY

indicative plan. The workshop was held for a day (21 March 2015) at Water Bureau hall and


many promises were made to improve the performance of the project in the upcoming fiscal

year. Many officials from the low performing woredas indicated that they had awareness gap

in properly understanding the design and implementation of the project. Much has not been

discussed on the 2008 EFY indicative plan. According to the Core Plan drafted by SNNPR RSU,

a total of 439 water points and 28 institutional latrines (3 to 4 per woreda) are going to be

constructed in the coming fiscal year and fund amounting to Birr 27.17 million and Birr 44.8

million is expected for the constructions and overall project implementation, respectively,

from Woredas, Zones and regional government for implementing this plan.

c) Construction of facilities

A number of water supplies have been completed in the reporting month. A total of 31

Community Water Points, 30 Springs (29 On Spot and 1 RPS) and 1 HDW, have been

completed construction for communities in 6 project woredas of SNNPR. The distribution of

these water points is that 9, 8, 3, 5, 6(4 SPD and 1 RPS & 1 HDW), and 5 in Tocha, Esara,

Misha, Duna, A/Zuria and Chencha, respectively. These water points are benefiting more

11,242 rural people in the six woredas.

d) Other accomplishments

RSU staff have performed the following activities:

RSU staff prepared presentations on the three years performance of the project and

presented to the one day workshop.

Facilitated the agreement between WRB and Car Suppliers for the procurement of RSU

car and water quality test kits for woredas

Facilitated the long awaited opening of bank accounts by BoH and BoE and transferred

funds to their account

Carried out supportive supervision to all the woredas and zones and made important

discussions with WWTs that have initiated woredas to improve their poor performance

in the last implementation years of the project.


a) Regional Level Progress

The following major activities were accomplished during the reporting period:

Procurement of Yamaha motor bike for each project Woreda is in process by the

region using direct purchase. Woredas delegated the region.

RSU rented vehicle till they purchase for their own.

The RSU conducted supportive supervision to the four project Woredas and two zones

(Kamash, and Assosa)

Draft procurement, finance and property management guideline for WASHCO


Bank account is opened to Bambasi, Oda, and Bello Jiganfoy Woredas, and Kamash

Zone; and GoF capacity building and operational fund was transferred to these

Woredas and Kamash zone.

Project reporting format was send to all WASH sectors at all level (region, zone and



Financial and physical report for the second quarter was prepared.

COWASH baseline data was collected from all the four Woredas and two zones, and is

ready for compilation.

Office materials and equipments to be procured to the RSU are were identified,

quantified and specifications prepared.

Bank account opened to the Benishangul Gumuz region saving and credit institution

for the investment fund to be transferred.

WASHCO ToT organized for 38 participants (5 females) in Bambasi woreda on March

30 - April 01, 2015.

b) Zone level progress

b.1) Assosa Zone

In Assosa zone, most of the procurement of office materials and equipments were


b2. Kamash Zone

Account opened and received GoF Capacity building and operational budget.

c) Woreda level progress

c.1) Bambasi Woreda

Thirteen (13) addition project applications were received totaling 23 applications.

Desk and field appraisal were done for the 23 project applications received. No

approvals so far as the WWT was not confident in receiving the investment fund.

Office equipments and materials for all WASH sectors were procured.

Artisan training started for 16 new Artisans.

Region is delegated for the procurement of Motor Bike.

c.2) Bello Woreda

Bank account opened, and GoF Capacity Building budget received.

Promotion started in two project Kebeles from the 5 Project Kebeles.

Two project applications received from WASHCOs.

Region is delegated for the procurement of Motor Bike.

C.3) Agalo Metti Woreda

Promotion done in all of the 8 project Woredas.

Project applications received from 18 WASHCOs.

Desk and field appraisal were done for 15 of the received applications, and 3 of them

are rejected (from the 18 received).

Training for 5 existing artisan given.

Region is delegated for the procurement of Motor Bike.

C4. Oda Woreda

Bank account opened and GoF capacity building and operational budget received.

Promotion started in the 5 project Kebeles.

Project applications received from the 7 WASHCOs.

No project appraisal is done so far.



The progress during the month of March, 2015 are:

o RSU Advisors conducted field visits to CMP Zones and Woredas to support and follow up the

implementation of the fiscal year planned activities.

o Data management and GIS training were provided at Bahir Dar venue from march 3 to 7,

Debre Markos venue from march 11 to 15, Gonar venu from march 19 to 23, and Woldya

Venues from march 27 to 31. The total trainees at all Venues were 71 (60 males and 11

females). The trainings were provided by Federal COWASH GIS specialist with assistant

trainers from COWASH- Amhara RSU, Amhara WRDB, and MIE.

o Second round investment budget was transferred CMP woredas based on their Annual plan,

existing performance, and capacity to implement.

o The 2007 EFY third and fourth quarter fund request were submitted to the Embassy of


o Finish Journalists field level visit on March 25 2015 at Alem sefer SW site in Maksegn kebele

and Gazo Elementary School HDW site in Alem ber zuria kebele of South Gondar zone, Fogera

woreda were facilitated with Federal COWASH JPO and Communication specialist. The field

visit can be said successful.

o The progress of the 2007 EFY water points’ construction progress updated using WRDB

Amharic excel sheet format and discussion was made with WRDB D/ head on the progress.

o The 2007 EFY planned CMP water points’ construction progress as per the project cycle

management is tabulated below. The table below shows the new water points plan. But

including 68 rollover water points from 2006 EFY to 2007 EFY, the total plan is 1590. From 68

rollovers 31 water points are completed till end of this month, and 37 are under construction.

The total (new & rollover) completed water points till end of this month are 295.




2007 EFY

new WPs


Applications Desk









GoE 1,522 2,578 2,448 2,132 2,057 1,563 264


The staff of the COWASH C-1 technical assistance team participated in the following WaSH sector

meetings and events during the month of March, 2015

FTAT conducted several meetings with the Coffey/IRC on M&E during the month

CTA participated in the CR-WSP validation workshop on March 3-4 2015

COWASH sponsored and participated in the International Women’s Day celebration on March

5, 2015

Several meetings and one field visit to Abichugena woreda with Aid Effectiveness evaluators

(Ritva Reinikka and Jim Adams) in March 6-8, 2015

Meeting with HOAREC was organized on March 10, 2015 on stoves development

JE participated in the FLOWS seminar organized on March 11, 2015

FTAT conducted WASHCO CMP management training for Oromia on March 13-15, 2015

CTA participated in the CWA project launch workshop on March 16-17, 2015


CTA and MES participated in the one day CTA meeting organized by the Embassy of Finland

on March 18, 2015

CTA met Gregory Spencer from Paradigm Project on stoves development at March 19, 2015

FTAT members participated the WWD exhibition organized at MoWIE on March 19, 2015

CTA and JE participated in the Self Supply workshop on March 20, 2015

CTA and JE participated in the World Water Day workshop on March 21, 2015

CTA participated in the World Water Day celebrations at MoWIE on March 22, 2015

CSS participated in the water MDG achievement celebration event on March 23, 2015

16 journalists from Finland visited Amhara on March 24-26, 2015. JE and CS organized and

facilitated the event from COWASH

MES and CMPS participated in the SNNPR review workshop on March 21 and O&M training on

22-24, 2015

WASHCO CMP management training conducted by the FTAT in BSGR on March 30-April 1,



Preparation of RWS O&M manual has delayed.


The development of the RWS O&M manual and strategy has taken much more time and work

than originally estimated. The parts of the manual are now ready (about 1,500 pages), but the

Task Force requested that a summary (condensed) manual is to be prepared. Task Force also

decided that the manual need an “index” part and it need to be digitalized so that it is easy to

find parts which the person looks for. All this is additional work and need still to be agreed with

the consultant.


APRIL 2015

Meeting with the Embassy of Finland on April 1, 2015 on the HOC activities, COWASH MTE

and future scenarios of water sector support in Ethiopia

Participate in the Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Strategy validation meeting in

the MoH by April 2, 015

Conduct SKYPE meeting with the World Bank representative on community management in

Ethiopia on April 3, 2015

GIS training for Amhara woredas in Dessie on April 4-8, 2015

Conducts Inception report meeting with the TIA consultant on April 6, 2015

Participate in the Value of Money Workshop in MWIE on April 7, 2015

Participate in the Value of Money training in DFID on April 7, 2015

Conduct RWS O&M Task Force meeting on O&M Strategic Framework at April 8, 2015

Participate in the WASH-Private sector workshop on April 23, 2015

Construction supervision in BSGR is planned to be conducted on April 21-24, 2015

Participate in the WASH monitoring conference organized by the Welthungerhilfe on April 27-

29, 2015


Improve the revised web-page design

MTE evaluation

o Meetings in Addis Ababa April 20-21

o Visit to Tigray April 22-25, 2015

o Visit to BSGR April 22-25, 2015

o Visit to Amhara April 26-May 1, 2015

o Visit to SNNP April 26-May 1, 2015

o Visit to Oromia May 4 and 6, 2015

o Meetings in Addis Ababa May 1-7, 2015

o Debriefing meeting May 8, 2015



Euro towards Birr is floating up and down and thus influencing the funds available in Ethiopia for

project implementation. On April 2, 2015 one Euro was 22.18 ETB. EURO has been going down

during the last months from 27.3 to 22.18 Birr.



a) Follow-up the Birr agreement with Ramboll Denmark

b) IRC webpage hosting agreement

Date and place: Addis Ababa on April 8, 2015

Report Prepared: Arto Suominen, CTA of COWASH


Abrham Kebede, Amhara RSU Team Leader

Solomon Gebresadik, Tigray RSU Team Leader

Malkamu Dalju, Oromia RSU Team Leader

Bekele Kassaye, SNNP RSU Team Leader

Melkamu Dibaba, BSGR RSU Team Leader

Beshah Mogesse, PhD Student

Eyob Defere, Financial Consultant

Tapio Niemi, FinnWASH-BG Team Leader

Kai Vakkila, Ramboll

Annika Malkki, Ramboll

Elis Karsten, Ramboll

Melaku Worku, Ramboll

Yohannes Melaku, Ramboll

Abebaw Getachew, Ramboll

Kimmo Koivumaki, Ramboll

Bertukan Asmamaw, Ramboll

John Butterworth, IRC

Kari Leminen, Ramboll

Alana Potter, IRC

Mussie Hailegeorgis, Ramboll

Benti Ejeta, Ramboll

Oona Rautiainen, Niras

Henna Tanskanen, Niras

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];