Download - UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009

Page 1: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009
Page 2: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009


In today’s urbanizing world, the issues at stake in cities are numerous and complex. UN-HABITAT has been addressing them over the past 30 years by publishing a wide range of information material for researchers, decision makers in central and local governments, and civil society organizations including those at the grass-root level.

This catalogue features over 150 key publications, arranged by theme with their respective bibliographic data and abstracts. Also included are all backlist titles, titles available in electronic format on our online catalogue at, and titles in official United Nations Languages other than English. The catalogue also gives a flavour of forthcoming publications on page 5 of the catalogue.

In addition to our specifically themed publications, UN-HABITAT’s flagship publications, namely, the Global Reports on Human Settlements, the State of the World Cites and our new quarterly journal Urban World cover a broad spectrum of issues in urban development, governance, land and housing as well as water and sanitation in cities. Therefore, these publications will be found under the general section as well as in the relevant themes.

UN-HABITAT is keen for our partners to have easy access to information that is relevant to their work and our common goal of improving human settlements. If you wish to order any of our publications, please use the order form on the back page, email your request to [email protected], or use the online catalogue on the Publications page of the website.

Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2009

All rights reserved

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT),

P.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, Kenya.

Tel: +254 20 7623120

Fax: +254 20 7623477



The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any

opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory,

city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system

or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of this publication do not necessarily reflect

the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, the Governing Council of the United Nations Human

Settlements Programme, or its Member States.


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IntroduCtIon 1

new PublICatIons 4

uPComIng PublICatIons 8

urban develoPment and management 9

land and HousIng 21

envIronment 27

water sanItatIon and InfrastruCture 29

urban eConomy and fInanCIng sHelter 34

rIsk and dIsaster management 40

soCIal InClusIon 42

InformatIon and monItorIng 44

general 47

otHer PublICatIons (PublIsHed from 1990) 50

PublICatIons In otHer language versIons 53

tItles In eleCtronIC format (avaIlable on un-HabItat’s websIte, 56

Index 64

order form 68

Page 4: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009


Interlocking Stabilised Soil BlocksAppropriate earth technologies in Uganda

Appropriate technology that doesn’t cost the earth


HS/1100/09ISBN: 978-92-1-132066-4

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMMEP.O. BOX 30030, GPO 00100, NAIROBI, KENYA;Telephone: +254 20 762 3120;Fax: +254 20 762 3477;[email protected];








Programme des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains

Bureau Régional pour l’Afrique et les Pays Arabes








Regional and Technical Cooperation Division







Harmonious Cities2008/2009










International Guidelines on Decentralisation and Access to Basic Services for all



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Language English, Year 2008/09, Title:

Annual Report 2008, USD5

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic urban planning, USD10

Catalogue of Products and Services, USD5

Community Development Fund in Thailand, Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices, USD10

Community Mortgage Finance in Philippines, USD10

Country Activities Report 2009, USD5

ecoBudget- Introduction for Mayors and Municipal Councillors, USD5

Eritrea: National and Cities Urban Profile, USD5

Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Profile, USD5

Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile, USD5

Ethiopia: Dire Dawa Urban Profile, USD5

Ethiopia: National Urban Profile, USD5

Executive Summary of Structure Plans for Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi and Environs 2009-2027, USD5

Financing Urban Development around Lake Victoria, USD5

Ghana: Accra Urban Profile, USD5

Ghana: National Urban Profile, USD5

Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities, USD58

Guide to Municipal Finance, Human Settlements Finance Tools and Best Practices, USD10

Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy, USD10

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile, USD10

Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea, USD10

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe, USD10

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks - Appropriate earth techonologies in Uganda, USD10

International Guidelines on Decentralization and Strengthening of Local Authorities, and Guidelines on Access to Basic Services for All, USD5

Land & Slum Upgrading: THE UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) WORKING PAPER 10, USD5

LENSS TOOL KIT: Local Estimate of Needs for Shelter and Settlement, Field Version - IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster, USD5

Mozambique: National Urban Profile - English, USD5


Resource Mobilisation Catalogue, USD5

Shelter Projects 2008 - IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster, USD5

new Publications

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Slum Upgrading Facility Local Finance Facilities exchange visit to the Community Organisations Development Institute in Thailand 21st October to 25th October, 2008: THE UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) WORKING PAPER 11, USD5

Social Investment Funds, USD10

Structure Plan for Awka and Satellite Towns, USD5

Structure Plan for Nnewi and Satellite Towns, USD5

Structure Plan for Onitsha and Satellite Towns, USD5

Summary of the Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities: Policy Directions, USD5

Tanzania: Bagamoyo Urban Profile, USD5

Tanzania: Dar es Salaam Urban Profile, USD5

Tanzania: Morogoro Urban Profile, USD5

Tanzania: National Urban Profile, USD5

The Sustainable Cities Programme in the Philippines ((1998-2007)- Addressing poverty, gender inequality and environmental degradation, USD5

The Sustainable Cities Programme in Zambia (1994-2007)- Addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization, USD5

The UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008, USD5

Twenty Years of Tradition: The Evolution of Urban Planning in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, 1989-2009, Human Settlements Global Dialogue Series No. 5, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Vietnam, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Indonesia, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Lebanon, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Liberia, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Malawi, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Mozambique, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Namibia, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Nepal, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Pakistan, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Philippines, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Rwanda, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Uganda, USD5

UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009- Zambia, USD5

UN-HABITAT Series on Water and Sanitation for Lower Primary, USD10

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili, The Killer Floods, The Magic Waterman, USD10

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UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Lower Primary: Maria’s Doll, River Murunji, Tommy has a tummy ache, USD10

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008, USD5

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008, USD5

Water & Sanitation in the World’s Cities, USD5

Working Paper 9: UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility Working Paper 9, USD5

Zambia: Kitwe Urban Profile, USD5

Zambia: Lusaka Urban Profile, USD5

Zambia: National Urban Profile, USD5

Language French, Year 2008/09, Title:

Burkina Faso: Profil Urbain de Ouagadougou, USD5

Burkina Faso: Profil Urbain National, USD5

Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Kribi, USD5

Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Yaounde, USD5

Cameroun: Profil Urbain National, USD5

Document De Programme-Pays - Cap Vert, USD5

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso, USD5

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin, USD5

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Burundi, USD5

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar, USD5

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Rémocratique du Congo, USD5

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal, USD5

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad, USD5

Niger: Profil Urbain de Mirriah, USD5

Niger: Profil Urbain National, USD5

Senegal: Profil Urbain de Dakar, USD5

Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kanel, USD5

Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kaolack, USD5

Senegal: Profil Urbain National, USD5

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Language Spanish, Year 2008/09, Title:

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia, USD5

Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica, USD5

Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador, USD5

Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana, USD20

Objetivo de Desenvolvimento do Milenio: Municipios do Conleste, Linha base 2000-2006. Relatorio de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Cachoeiras de Macacu. Relatorio de Acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Casimiro de Abreu, Relatorio de Acompanhamento, Linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Guapimirim. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

SCP/LA21 en Arequipa, Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano Ambiental, USD10

SCP/LA21 en Perú, Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano Ambiental, USD10

Language Portuguese, Year 2008/09, Title:

Mozambique: National Urban Profile - Portuguese, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Itaborai. Relatorio de Acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Magé. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Maricá. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Niteroi. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Rio Bonito. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de São Gonçalo. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Silva Jardim. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Tanguá. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Cachoeiras de macacu ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Casimiro de abreu ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Guapimirim ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Itaboraí ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Magé ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Maricá ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Municípios do Conleste Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Niterói ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Rio Bonito ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: São Gonçalo Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Silva Jardim Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Tanguá Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento, USD5

Language English, Year 2009, Title:

Aceh Nias Settlement & Housing Recovery Review

Compilation of selected adjudication on housing rights, United Nations Housing Rights Programme, Report No. 4

Financing Affordable Social Housing in Europe

Global Assessment on Women's Safety

International Guidelines on Decentralization and Strengthening of Local Authorities, and Guidelines on Access to Basic Services for All

International instruments on housing rights, United Nations Housing Rights Programme, Report No. 2

National housing rights legislation, United Nations Housing Rights Programme, Report No. 3

Social Housing Funds, Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices

Urban Policy Guides for Indigenous Peoples: Housing Indigenous Peoples in Cities, Policy Guide to Housing for Indigenous Peoples in Cities

upcoming Publications

Page 10: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009














urban development and management

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the steps undertaken by the Bossaso Municipality in collaboration with UN-HABITAT towards a sustainable urban management. A strategic development

plan for the city is indicated, and projects implemented are illustrated.Pages: 50, Year: 20091139/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132105-0Price: USD 10

Executive Summary of Structure Plans for Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi and Environs 2009-2027

Anambra, with its population of over 4 million people in 2006, is the second most urbanized state in Nigeria, having 62% of its total population living in urban areas. Unfortunately, past Governments since creation of the State in 1991 have failed to adopt city development strategies for the many fast growing cities in the State

to cope with rapid urbanization. Following decades of neglect and poor urban governance, the profiles of these cities indicate that they are characterized by decayed inner and suburban sprawling slums, inadequate sanitation, uncontrolled street trading, mountains of uncollected wastes, overcrowded and congested transport systems and roads with poor drainages, noise and air pollution. It was for the purpose of reversing this ugly and undesirable trend that the Government of His Excellency Peter Obi forged a viable technical cooperation agreement with the UN-HABITAT in 2007 to provide technical assistance in the preparation of structure plans for three cities, Awka, Nnewi and Onitsha.Pages: 100, Year: 20091153/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132119-7Price: USD 25


The goals of the structure plans are towards achieving environmental sustainability in the context of achieving State and Local Economic Development Strategies, Millennium Development Goals and Habitat Agenda, orderly and healthy development, the contributions of cities to sustained economic growth, poverty reduction, sustainable

livelihoods, good governance and gender empowerment. This Report, which is the structure plan for Awka, is a tangible outcome of this cooperative effort.Pages: 100, Year: 20091152/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132384-9Price: USD 25


The goals of the structure plans are towards achieving environmental sustainability in the context of achieving State and Local Economic Development Strategies, Millennium Development Goals and Habitat Agenda, orderly and healthy development, the contributions of cities to sustained economic growth, poverty reduction,

sustainable livelihoods, good governance and gender empowerment. This Report, which is the structure plan for Nnewi, is a tangible outcome of this cooperative effort.Pages: 100, Year: 20091150/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132400-6Price: USD 25


BOSSASOfirst steps towards strategic urban planning

Anambra State




Anambra State



Anambra State

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The goals of the structure plans are towards achieving environmental sustainability in the context of achieving State and Local Economic Development Strategies, Millennium Development Goals and Habitat Agenda, orderly and healthy development, the contributions of cities to sustained economic growth, poverty reduction, sustainable

livelihoods, good governance and gender empowerment. This Report, which is the structure plan for Onitsha, is a tangible outcome of this cooperative effort.Pages: 100, Year: 20091151/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132117-3Price: USD 25

Berbera Profile- First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning

This booklet outlines the basic steps taken towards effective and integrated urban development in the city of Berbera in the northern Somalia region (Somaliland). It discusses the tools and processes

used – such as a city profile, a city consultation, a spatial analysis, and action plans – and the results that emerged. Ultimately, the publication acts as a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning.Pages: 60, Year: 2008HS/942/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1918-7Price: USD 10

Best Practices on Social Sustainability in Historic Districts

The case studies comprise a selection of initiatives in the enhancement and conservation of cultural heritage, contained in UN-HABITAT’S Best Practices Database. They represent all regions of the world and demonstrate a variety of entry points, methods and approaches. Environmental, economic and social sustainability are critical

considerations in all of them.Pages: 100, Year: 20081037/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131965-1Price: USD 15

Gardho - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Gardho, a town in the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by UN-HABITAT

experts under the guidance of municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.Pages: 20, Year: 2008HS/1033/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-1320 12-1Price: USD 10

Garowe - first steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Garowe, the capital city of the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by

UN-HABITAT experts under the guidance of municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.Pages: 24, Year: 20081048/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132044-2Price: USD 10

Gender in Local Government – A sourcebook for Trainers

Local governments are increasingly realizing the importance and benefits of addressing gender equality and equity in their decision making, policies, programmes and services. Many are rising to the challenge. This source book is intended to help improve understanding of the problems involved. It is designed as a companion to other UN-HABITAT

training tools, providing local government trainers with the background and tested training methods they need to strengthen the gender dimension in their day-to-day training activities. The source book may also be usedd as a stand-alone tool, introducing local government policy-making and project implementation.Pages: 161, Year: 2008HS/993/08 E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131974-3Price: USD 15



Anambra State




first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region


first steps towards strategic urban planningBERBERA

urban development programme for the somali region

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Sheikh - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the process undertaken by the Sheikh Municipality, records the outcomes of the first broad consensus on urban issues, priority interventions and action plans, introduces the

spatial analysis as a tool for strategic planning, and provides a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning.Pages: 40, Year: 2008HS/1047/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132043-5Price: USD 10

Systematic Land Information and Management - A Technical Manual for the Establishment and Implementation of a Municipal Geographic Information System

This manual provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for administrators and technical personnel on how to set up and operate a Geographical Information System in a municipal context using ArcGIS software. Different GIS products may be used, though the procedures may change as a result. Rather than replacing

existing policies and guidelines, the manual provides clear instructions on operationalizing GIS development.Pages: 36, Year: 2008HS/990/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131971-2Price: USD 9

UN-HABITAT in the Somali Region - 25 Years of Partnership in Urban Development

This booklet explains in detail the numerous UN-HABITAT projects that have been implemented, and also examines the evolution of the unique UN-HABITAT approach in the Somali region.Pages: 60, Year: 2008991/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131973-6Price: USD 10

Volume I and II: Participatory Budgeting in Africa - A Training Companion

This Training Companion is part of the effort to build capacity of local government practitioners in introducing participatory budgeting in local government in Africa. The Companion was developed with a view to providing users with Information, tool, methodologies, case studies and tips on how participatory

budgeting can be introduced. The materials in the Companion were collected from various local governments in Africa and beyond that are already practicing participatory budgeting.Pages: 184, Year: 2008HS/971/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131952-1Price: USD 15

Hargeisa - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication describes a city profile of Hargeisa, Somaliland. It serves mainly to inform civil society organisations and local urban planners of the challenges regarding general developmental

issues and the spatial framework of the city.Pages: 48, Year: 2007964/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1963-7Price: USD 10


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region

UN-HABITATin the Somali Region25 years of partnership in urban development

first steps towards strategic urban planningHARGEISA

sudp - urban development programme for the somali region

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Human Settlements Finance and Policies: Role of Government in the Housing Market- The Experiences from Asia

The diversity of Asia provides unique opportunities for examining the effectiveness of different policies and instruments. The Asian financial crisis reveals our ignorance of market operations and makes us to rethink the Asian economic environment in which the markets operate and the performance of particular sectoral

markets. Housing markets are very important areas. Better policy design relies on better understanding of housing markets. The impact of sub-prime housing mortgage lending in USA on the global capital market and global economy further illustrates the importance of housing issues. This report examines the operation and performance of housing markets and particularly the impact of government intervention on the pergormance of housing markets in Asia. It presents different approaches and instruments used by different countries to deal with similar housing issues. The Asian experiences and practices can provide inspiration for other parts of the world to design effective and equitable housing instruments and policies.Pages: 130, Year: 20071013/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131997-2Price: USD 10

Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development Planning: A guide for Municipalities- Volume 1: An Introduction to Urban Strategic Planning

This series of publications, “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development Planning: A guide for Municipalities” is a consolidation of the materials initially developed as UN-HABITAT’s response to the specific requirements of the Balkan context. The series has been suitably modified to be able to serve as a generic guideline for the training

of urban planners in the area of urban strategic planning. This volume introduces different aspects of urban strategic planning. Volume 2: Urban Situation Analysis. Volume 3: Urban Development Planning. Volume 4: Sustainable Action Planning. (WHERE IS VOLUME 1?)Pages: 45, Year: 2007948/07E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132024-4Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (Czech)

This is a tool kit for trainers and facilitators who want to plan workshops and other types of learning experiences based on the concepts and ideas covered in Book One.Pages: 111, Year: 2006Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (Czech)

This is part two of a tool kit for trainers and facilitators who want to plan workshops and other types of learning experiences based on the concepts and ideas covered in Book One.Pages: 55, Year: 2006Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Bosnian

Ovaj priruènik namijenjen je uposlenicima u lokalnoj upravi i samoupravi kojima može omoguæiti i olakšati pristup i komunikaciju sa razlièitim predstavnicima zajednice u širem i užem smislu ove rijeèi, prilikom rada na pitanjima od važnosti za graðane tih zajednica; aktivistima koji

djelujuæi u razlièitim udruženjima ili samostalno, kritièki i konstruktivno podržavaju procese decentralizacije moæi odluèivanja da im ponudi raznolikost moguænosti u komunikaciji koje mogu primjenjivati ili ih nadograðivati i na posljetku onima koji kao facilitatori/moderatori na svoj naèin doprinose pozitivnim promjenama u okruženju, omoguæavajuæi im da potpunije sagledaju odnose i stepen komunikacije izmeðu svih aktera ukljuèenih u proces planiranja sa graðanima i za graðane.Pages: 172, Year: 2006Price: USD 30

Volume 1:An Introduction to Urban Strategic Planning





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a v zájmu efektivn jší spolupráce se nau me,





mezi ob any a ú ady místní samosprávy a v zájmu efektivn jší spolupráce se nau me,



Page 14: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009














Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 1 (Lithuanian)

This manual has planning tools to increase collaboration and participation within local governments, NGOs, CBOs, leaders, staff, and citizen constituents. Part I includes the participatory planning process as it has evolved over time and provides strategies for implementing the process.Pages: 128, Year: 2006

Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 2 (Lithuanian)

This is part two of the manual, it has planning tools to increase collaboration and participation within local governments, NGOs, CBOs, leaders, staff, and citizen constituents. Part I includes the participatory planning process as it has evolved over time and provides strategies for implementing the process.

Pages: 77, Year: 2006Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Serbian

Ova serija priruènika za treninge vremenski odgovara uspotavljanju Globalne kampanje urbanog rukovoðenja Centra ujedinjenih nacija za ljudska naselja (HABITAT). Tema “ukljuèenosti, koja reflektuje viziju i strategiju Kampanje, nalazi se u osnovi tema i strategija uèenja, koje pokriva ovaj priruènik. Iako je bio planiran i

pisan da služi razvojnim potrebama nevladinih organizacija i organizacija u zajednici, njihovim rukovodiocima i osoblju, kontekst implementacije nauèenog usklaðen je sa duhom i realnošæu šire shvaæenog pojma saradnje.Pages: 223, Year: 2006Price: USD 15

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for Organizational Outreach - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

This publication deals with the three skills and processes that are central to building organizational outreach capacity- communicating, developing strategic alliances and influencing others.Pages: 70, Year: 2006Price: USD 7

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for Organizational Outreach - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

This publication deals with the three skills and processes that are central to building organizational outreach capacity- communicating, developing strategic alliances and influencing others.Pages: 65, Year: 2006Price: USD 65

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 1 (Somali)

This publication deals with the three skills and processes that are central to building organizational outreach capacity- communicating, developing strategic alliances and influencing others.Pages: 111, Year: 2006Price: USD 7

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 2 (Somali)

This publication deals with the three skills and processes that are central to building organizational outreach capacity- communicating, developing strategic alliances and influencing others.Pages: 70, Year: 2006Price: USD 7


izme u gra ana i lokalnih vlasti

u cilju efikasnijeg zajedni kog rada

kroz participativno








Main ISBN: 92-1-131642-1 Series ISBN: 92-1-131644-3







HS/657/02E` Main ISBN: 92-1-131646-4

Series ISBN: 92-1-131648-0

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Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

This publication deals with the three skills and processes that are central to building organizational outreach capacity- communicating, developing strategic alliances and influencing others.Pages: 117, Year: 2006Price: USD 7

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

This publication deals with the three skills and processes that are central to building organizational outreach capacity- communicating, developing strategic alliances and influencing others.Pages: 73, Year: 2006Price: USD 7

Financial Management for Local Government (4 Volumes)

This series is designed to cover all aspects of sound financial management for local governments in developed and developing countries and economies in transition. Concepts of good governance, transparency and accountability are woven into the text of every chapter, and the needs and potential obstacles to greater

decentralization and democracy are highlighted. Each volume is self-contained with its own Trainer’s Guide, exercises and web resources. Chapters are divided into basic and advanced concepts and the detailed relationship of each topic to the others covered in the series is explained.Pages: 900, Year: 2006HS/839/06E, ISBN: 978-1-84407-402-0Price: USD 320

From Technical Cooperation Projects To National Policies

A publication provided by the Regional and Technical Cooperation Division giving an overview about the four RTCD themes: housing, basic urban services, post-disaster reconstruction and urban governance.Pages: 75, Year: 2006HS/872/06E, ISBN: Price: USD 15

Global Meeting of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme (LA21) partners: Havana 2005- Achieving sustainable urbanisation - Innovations for local and global results

The 2005 Global Meeting of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme (LA21) partners took place from 26 June to 1st July in Cuba, hosted by the City of La Havana. The meeting offered the partners of the UN-HABITAT Urban Environment Section the opportunity to advance their collective know-how,

exchange experiences, review activities, and discuss how to mainstream Environmental Planning and Management (EPM) into local, national and global policies. The meeting brought together mayors, high-ranking city officials, urban practitioners, representatives of central/federal governments, urban institutions, heads of international support programmes and key representatives of donor agencies. The meeting was organized jointly by UN-HABITAT, UNEP, the Government of Cuba and the City of La Havana.Pages: 154, Year: 2006HS/820/06E, ISBN: Price: USD 15

Restore the Health of your Organisation - A Practical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Government and Communities - Volume 1: Concepts and Strategies

The Guide uses a medical metaphor (prevention and cure) to describe a step-by-step strategic planning process to address corruption in local government.Pages: 76, Year: 2006HS/863/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131407-0Price: USD 15

Restore the Health of your Organisation - A Pratical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Governments and Communities - Volume 2. Process Facilitation Tools

The Guide uses a medical metaphor (prevention and cure) to describe a step-by-step strategic planning process to address corruption in local government.Pages: 80, Year: 2006HS/864/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131852-1Price: USD 15







HS/657/02E` Main ISBN: 92-1-131646-4

Series ISBN: 92-1-131648-0







Main ISBN: 92-1-131642-1 Series ISBN: 92-1-131644-3

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Beneficiaries & Capacity Building: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 2: Beneficiaries & Capacity Building

The Blue Drop Series on Water Harvesting and Utilisation is divided into three and each one has a specific target group- policy makers, beneficiaries and capacity and implementing agencies. The publications give an overview of the concept of rainwater and have a focus on the legal and administrative

framework for rainwater harvesting.Pages: 77, Year: 2005HS/831/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131826-2Price: USD 25

Evaluation of UN-HABITAT’s Global Campaigns for Secure Tenure and Urban Governance - Evaluation Report 3/2005

This evaluation concerns itself primarily with the campaigns - how they are structured, the way they are carried out, their effectiveness, their place within UN-HABITAT, and resources available to them.Pages: 78, Year: 2005HS/799/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131800-9Price: USD 10

The World of Water – African Adventures of a Water Drop

A handbook that targets young learners as part of water and sanitation education seriesPages: 76, Year: 2005HS/768/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131753-3Price: USD 10

Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview of the LED Series: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning

The Local Economic Development (LED) series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to help them initiate and implement local economic development interventions through a strategic planning process. The series, a joint publication of UN-HABITAT and EcoPlan International, is comprised of

Four Volumes; Volume 1 - Quick Guide an overview of the LED Series; Volume 2 - Manual: LED concepts and a 10-step planning process; Volume 3 - Toolkit: tools to support the planning process; Volume 4 - Action Guide: action ideas and case studies.Pages: 39, Year: 2005HS/738/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131721-5Price: USD 40

Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview of the LEL Series: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance

The Local Elected Leadership (LEL) series presents two roles and ten competencies essential for every elected official to effectively perform their job when serving local communities. The series contains many training exercises and tools that can be used as practical on-the-job guide long after the leadership training workshop

has ended.Pages: 28, Year: 2005HS/744/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131728-2Price: USD 40

The Local Economic Development Series

Promoting Local EconomicDevelopment throughStrategic Planning

Volume 1: Quick Guide

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Volume 2 - Manual: LED concepts and a 10-step planning process: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 2: Manual

The Local Economic Development (LED) series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to help them initiate and implement local economic development interventions through a strategic planning process. The series, a joint publication of UN-HABITAT and EcoPlan International, is comprised of

Four Volumes; Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview of the LED Series; Volume 2 - Manual: LED concepts and a 10-step planning process; Volume 3 - Toolkit: tools to support the planning process; Volume 4 - Action Guide: action ideas and case studies.Pages: 222, Year: 2005HS/735/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131722-3Price: USD 40

Volume 2 - User’s Guide: to maximize use beyond training workshops: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 2: User Guide

The Local Elected Leadership (LEL) series presents two roles and ten competencies essential for every elected official to effectively perform their job when serving local communities. The series contains many training exercises and tools that can be used as practical on-the-job guide long after the leadership training workshop

has ended.Pages: 84, Year: 2005HS/745/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131730-4Price: USD 40

Volume 3 - Concepts and Strategies: for each of the roles and competencies: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 3: Concept and Strategies

The Local Elected Leadership (LEL) series presents two roles and ten competencies essential for every elected official to effectively perform their job when serving local communities. The series contains many training exercises and tools that can be used as practical on-the-job guide long after the leadership training workshop

has ended.Pages: 442, Year: 2005HS/746/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131731-2Price: USD 40

Volume 3 - Toolkit: tools to support the planning process: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 3: Toolkit

The most fundamental challenges of cities-big and small-are linked to their capacity to generate wealth and economic opportunities. The economic vibrancy and resilience of cities largely determine their ability to deal with a host of other development issues including fighting poverty and absorbing population influx. What

ever is the context and triggering point, the case for local economic development is strong.Pages: 112, Year: 2005HS/736/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131723-1Price: USD 40

Volume 4 - Action Guide: action ideas and case studies: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 4: Action guide

The Local Economic Development (LED) series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to help them initiate and implement local economic development interventions through a strategic planning process.Pages: 214, Year: 2005HS/737/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131725-8Price: USD 40

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Volume 4 - Training Tools to support enhanced learning and application: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 4: Training Tools

The Local Elected Leadership (LEL) series presents two roles and ten competencies essential for every elected official to effectively perform their job when serving local communities. The series contains many training exercises and tools that can be used as practical on-the-job guide long after the leadership training workshop

has ended.Pages: 362, Year: 2005HS/747/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131732-0Price: USD 40

Local to Local Dialogue: A Grassroots Women’s Perspective on Good Governance

Local to Local Dialogue: A Grassroots Women’s Perspective on Good Governance, describes locally designed strategies through which grassroots women’s groups initiate and engage in ongoing dialogue with local authorities, with a view to influence policies, plans and programmes in ways that address women’s priorities.

Six case studies chronicle the experiences and efforts of each of the women’s groups to identify priorities and negotiate with local authorities.Pages: 80, Year: 2004HS/732/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131718-5Price: USD 15

Tools to Support Transparency in Local Governance

The publication is a guide for all urban stakeholders - policy makers, professionals, private sector, civil society organizations and concerned citizens working to improve the quality of life in their cities.Pages: 187, Year: 2004HS/702/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131694-4Price: USD 12

Urban Trialogues: Localising Agenda 21

Urban Trialogues is about inclusive planning for sustainable urban development. It contains theory and practice relating to the Local Agenda 21 Programme, which focuses on environmental planning and management in urban areas. The book presents case studies from various towns

and cities around the world and relates these to the LA21 concepts. It is targeted at urban planners and managers, community developers, scholars and decision-makers on urban issues.Pages: 259, Year: 2004HS/727/04E-HAB1521, ISBN: 92-1-131709-6Price: USD 30

Partnership for Local Capacity Development - Building on the Experiences of City-to-City Cooperation

This publication was prepared as background documentation for the Dialogue on the “Strengthening of Local Authorities” during the 19th Session of the Governing Council of UN-HABITAT. It is a joint report of UN-HABITAT and the local government community on the benefits of city-to-city learning and mutual

support which highlights the broad range and diversity of decentralised cooperation practices, showcases the variety of complementary options for supporting cities in their cooperation, and draws forward looking conclusions regarding opportunities to improve the scope of both decentralised cooperation and international support.The agreed “Partnership for Local Capacity Development (PLCD)” is designed to promote cohesion and collective efficiency in the international support available to the development of local capacities for sustainable urbanisation.Pages: 56, Year: 2003HS/687/03E, ISBN: 92-1-131680-4Price: USD 15

Water Demand Management Cook Book

This document was produced through a joint initiative of the United Nations Human Settlement Programme UN-HABITAT and Rand Water. It is a relatively simple and straightforward document aimed at providing water suppliers with some guidance on how to manage their water losses in their potable water distribution systems.

Pages: 206, Year: 2003 ISBN: 0-620-30734-XPrice: USD 7







in Local Governancein Local Governance

Tools to SupportTools to Support

Partnership for LocalCapacity Development

NairobiMay 2003

Building on the Experiencesof City-to-City Cooperation

United Nations Human Settlements Programme

World Association of Cities and LocalAuthorities Coordination (WACLAC)

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Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 1

The publication delves into the issue of financial management within NGO/CBOs. Some of the areas covered include sustainability, financial reporting and financial administration.Pages: 111, Year: 2002HS/654/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131644-3Price: USD 7

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies

This manual is designed to help managers in non-profit and community based organisations work their way through the human resource management issues.Pages: 117, Year: 2002HS/656/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131646-4Price: USD 7

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources – Part 2 Concepts and Strategies

This manual is designed to provide ideas for two different audiences- individuals who would like to conduct various kinds of training experiences to help others learn about managing and developing human resources within NGO/CBO community, and NGO/CBO managers and supervisors who want to improve their organisation’s HRM

system and practices.Pages: 73, Year: 2002HS/657/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131646-4Price: USD 7

Building NGO/CBO Capacity: The User’s Guide

This user’s guide is designed to introduce the users to the series of training manuals that have been developed to help NGOs and CBOs improve their effectiveness, efficiency and accountability as contributing civil society institutions. It is to accompany each of the five manuals in the series with the explicit goal of

helping to entice the user and the organization to adopt, adapt and use them as resources for active personal and organizational learning.Pages: 57, Year: 2002HS/653/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131641-3Price: USD 7

Developing and Managing Professional Code of Ethics

The resource guide is targeted at a small but potentially influential group :professional associations and their members who serve local government associations.Pages: 132, Year: 2002HS/683/03E, ISBN: 92-1-131678-2Price: USD 22

Innovations in Local Governance and Decentralization in East Africa: An Inventory

This volume is a compilation of innovations in local governance and decentralization process drawn from the experience of workshops held in each of the three East African countries namely; Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Different definations of innovations, refining criteria for the identification of innovations and

designing modalities for an Awards Programme within their respective local context are highlighted. Creative and effective examples of social service delivery at the local level, with particular emphasis on poverty reduction and improving the quality of life of the poor are part of the approaches that have been identified.Pages: 61, Year: 2002HS/669/02E, ISBN: 92 –1-131665-0Price: USD 10

Local Democracy and Decentralization in East and Southern Africa

This publication is set to highlight the broad range of issues that requires consideration with regard to local democracy and decentralization in East and Southern Africa. It aims at providing brief overviews on decentralization processes in the five selected countries in the region. It summarizes the many different aspects

of decentralization highlighting key issues that need to be addressed by practitioners.Pages: 115, Year: 2002HS/670/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131666-9Price: USD 10







Main ISBN: 92-1-131642-1 Series ISBN: 92-1-131644-3







HS/657/02E` Main ISBN: 92-1-131646-4

Series ISBN: 92-1-131648-0







HS/657/02E` Main ISBN: 92-1-131646-4

Series ISBN: 92-1-131648-0

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Principles and Realities of Urban Governance in Africa

There is growing international consensus that the quality of urban governance is the single most important factor in eradicating poverty. This paper addresses the applicability of good governance to the realities of African cities. It brings forward a set of generic considerations applicable to the realities of urban governance

in Africa, acknowledging that cities embody highly diverse histories and connections with the larger world, and advocating for greater knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural underpinnings of those practices that continue to undermine transparent and accountable urban management in Africa.Pages: 67, Year: 2002HS/666/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131661-8Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 1

The intent of this training manual is to look at options that can help individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and local governments resolve their differences before they become intractable and destructive. It can be used to train local government officials, civic organization leaders and staff, and interested citizens in the

fundamentals of negotiation, mediation and facilitated decision-making processes;increase the knowledge and skills of those who are already working in these roles and believe they can benefit from additional training;conduct orientation sessions for officials and citizens who want to know more about opportunities to manage conflict in their organizations and communities, and help train trainers to train others in the knowledge and skills associated with conflict management practices.Pages: 114, Year: 2001HS/632/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131620-0Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 2

This is a tool kit for trainers and facilitators who want to plan workshops and other types of learning experiences based on the concepts and ideas covered in Book One.Pages: 53, Year: 2001HS/633/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131620-0Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 1

This manual has planning tools to increase collaboration and participation within local governments, NGOs, CBOs, leaders, staff, and citizen constituents. Part I includes the participatory planning process as it has evolved over time and provides strategies for implementing the process.

Pages: 140, Year: 2001HS/634/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131620-0Price: USD 15

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 2

The book includes training design ideas and exercises in case you want to organise and conduct a more traditional learning event. For example, you might want to conduct a short workshop to introduce the concepts and ideas of participatory planning to local government and community

leaders, brief trainers and facilitators on how to use the materials to design or facilitate a participatory planning process working with a planning team assembled by local leaders. These facilitated work sessions could focus on either the development of a long-range strategic plan for the community or an action plan to address a more immediate problem within the community.Pages: 83, Year: 2001HS/635/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131620-0Price: USD 15

Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process – Trainer’s Guide

Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process – Trainer’s GuidePages: 211, Year: 2001HS/630/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131618-9Price: USD 15
















































Hab-xukunka Degaan ee Habboon iyo BarnaamijkaTababarka Hoggaamineed

Hab-xukunka Degaan ee Habboon iyo BarnaamijkaTababarka Hoggaamineed

Good Local Governance and Leadership TrainingProgramme (GLTP)

Good Local Governance and Leadership TrainingProgramme (GLTP)

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SCP Source Book Series, Volume 6: Urban Air Quality Management - Handbook

The document systematically underlines an effective process for urban air quality management, with an emphasis on sequence of activities. It discusses the formulation and implementation of participatory urban air quality management and is designed for any city wishing to develop air quality management

strategies, and for SCP participating cities. The handbook is supported by an annex, the toolkit, which contains a wide range of tools to support the application of the process as presented in the handbook.Pages: 92, Year: 2001HS/623/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131480-1Price: USD 10

Tools to Support Participatory Urban Decision Making

This toolkit is a contribution to the Global Campaign on Urban Governance, an initiative led by UN-HABITAT in collaboration with a whole range of partners whose development goal is to contribute to the eradication of poverty through improved urban governance. This toolkit will contribute to the wider dialogue, advocacy and

capacity-building efforts towards good urban governance. The tools contained herein will form part of an electronic database of tools encompassing various principles promoted by the Campaign.Pages: 150, Year: 2001HS/628/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131616-2Price: USD 12

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

Environmental Planning and Management: (EPM Source Book Series) This source Book examines how a consistent gender responsive approach to urban environment planning and management will result in cities which are economically more efficient, socially more equitable and generally more sustainable.

The Book draws on practical lessons of experience to provide guidance and build capacities of not only gender specialists, but also development practitioners and city managers.Pages: 163, Year: 2000HS/595/00EPrice: USD 10

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land and Housing

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the steps undertaken by the Bossaso Municipality in collaboration with UN-HABITAT towards a sustainable urban management. A strategic development plan for the

city is indicated, and projects implemented are illustrated.Pages: 50, Year: 20091139/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132105-0Price: USD 10

Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices: Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy

This guide sets out the key elements of a housing finance strategy and the process of developing a housing finance strategy, including the study of housing demand, identifying available resources, market forces and strategies to accomplishing housing finance goals and objectives. It provides assistance for member states on how

to prepare successful housing finance strategies and action plans. It guides member states in their future housing finance planning and better positions themselves to meet market potentials and address the gap between demand and supply in housing finance.Pages: 109, Year: 20091070/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132064-0Price: USD 15

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks - Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Block (ISSB) technology has been gaining recognition, particularly in East Africa. This material and method of construction has the advantages of low cost and minimal environmental impact, while providing comparable quality to conventional fired brick construction. With a growing

number of organisations using the technology there is a need to improve communication and knowledge-sharing, to quantify and verify the benefits, and to develop efficient approaches for its promotion and adoption. The purpose of this publication is to promote the use of ISSB by sharing some case studies of successful adoption and adaptation to local contexts. It also highlights some of the challenges faced in developing and promoting the technology with some key lessons learned from projects in northern Uganda. This document provides stakeholders interested in the sustainable development of human settlements with a reference tool for an innovative construction method in practice.Pages: 50, Year: 20091184/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132150-0Price: USD 10

Gardho - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Gardho, a town in the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by UN-HABITAT

experts under the guidance of municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.Pages: 20, Year: 2008HS/1033/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-1320 12-1Price: USD 10


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region


BOSSASOfirst steps towards strategic urban planning

Interlocking Stabilised Soil BlocksAppropriate earth technologies in Uganda

Appropriate technology that doesn’t cost the earth

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Garowe - first steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Garowe, the capital city of the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by

UN-HABITAT experts under the guidance of municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.Pages: 24, Year: 20081048/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132044-2Price: USD 10

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia is a detailed and comprehensive report that focuses on the Somali legal frameworks and institutional systems relating to land and on the historical background of the current landholding and ownership patterns in Somalia. It also looks at a much wider range of social, cultural, political, economic,

and environmental contexts and examines some of the theoretical debates on land issues.Pages: 204, Year: 20081043/08E, ISBN: Price: USD 15

Secure Land Rights for All

This publication demonstrates how secure land rights are particularly important in helping to reverse three types of phenomena: gender discrimination; social exclusion of vulnerable groups; and wider social and economic inequalities linked to inequitable and insecure rights to land. It argues that policymakers

should adopt and implement the continuum of land rights because, no single form of tenure can meet the different needs of all social groups. However, a range of land tenure options enables both women and men from all social groups to meet their changing needs over time. This study can assist policy-makers to understand and apply the practical ways in which people’s land rights can be made more secure, while at the same time improve land policies as a basis for the better, fairer and more sustainable urban and rural development.Pages: 47, Year: 2008HS/978/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131961-3Price: USD 10

Sheikh - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the process undertaken by the Sheikh Municipality, records the outcomes of the first broad consensus on urban issues, priority interventions and action plans, introduces the

spatial analysis as a tool for strategic planning, and provides a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning.Pages: 40, Year: 2008HS/1047/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132043-5Price: USD 10

The Human Settlements Finance Systems Series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

The report sets the Thai economy as a background for examining the housing finance system. It looks at the real estate market and housing market; the evolution of housing development and housing market. It reviews the provision of low income housing in Thailand and examines the housing finance mechanisms there.

It describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance. It reviews the main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It examines the strategies and instruments for mobilising domestic resources and the sources and volume of housing finance. It looks at factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism and policies and strategies to overcome the bottlenecks for housing finance. It also describes the major low income housing finance programs and initiatives. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Thailand.Pages: 109, Year: 2008HS/949/07E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132038-1Price: USD 10


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region

Secure LandRights for All

GLTN contributes to the implementation of pro poor land policies to achieve

secure land rights for





first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region

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Forced Evictions - towards solutions? Second Report of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions to the Executive Director

This publication is the second report of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions (AGFE) to the Executive Director of UN-HABITAT. It contains follow-up information on eviction cases documented in the first report, 15 new cases, and a detailed analysis of the current global situation regarding forced evictions and successful

counterstrategies, methodologies and tools to stop and prevent forced evictions.Pages: 128, Year: 2007HS/932/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1909-5Price: USD 10

Analytical Perspective of Pro-poor Slum Upgrading Frameworks

The close of the last millennium saw the development of cities in the developing world being radically shaped by the intrinsically related processes of urbanization and globalization. Neither of these phenomena is new; what is unprecedented is their pace and scale. Indeed, urbanization processes in most

developing countries are intensifying. This poses immense challenges for governments at all levels. These are rapid urban population growth and the urbanization of poverty.Pages: 79, Year: 2006HS/847/06, ISBN: 92-1-131841-6Price: USD 15

Enabling shelter strategies:- Review of experience from two decades of implementation

Includes reviews of the evolution of enabling shelter strategies since the adoption of the Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000, and of the effects of the enablement paradigm on the national policies and programmes. Also examines how the roles of the various actors in the shelter process have changed with the adoption of the

enabling paradigm and provides an in-depth assessment of particularly successful experience in implementing enabling strategies and initiatives in the shelter sector.Pages: 290, Year: 2005HS/785/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131767-3Price: USD 20

Housing and Property Rights - In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro

The hardships that have confronted the people of former Yugoslavia throughout the past decade have been unprecedented in post-World War II Europe. The political and ethnic conflicts of the 1990s have affected all areas of social, economic and political life, and have had a particularly pronounced

impact on the housing and property sectors. Indeed, the region faces an array of severe difficulties related to housing and property issues. These include more than a million refugees and displaced persons who are still unable or unwilling to return to their homes. They also include a dysfunctional housing market in most countries, systematic discrimination against various ethnic groups, in particular the Roma, and an expanding informal housing sector. Many of these problems are associated with the sudden shift to a market-based economy. The privatisation of public housing and the loss of tenure and tenancy rights have rendered many people and families with limited and low-incomes more vulnerable to sub-standard living conditions, evictions and homelessness.Pages: 169, Year: 2005HAB2130, ISBN: 92-1-131784-3Price: USD 17

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America

This set of four reviews provides a broad overview of the national and local legal framework related to land, housing, inheritance and marital property rights in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Nicaragua. This includes a description of relevant policies, such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

or National Development Plan. The series examines tenure types and land management systems and analyses their accessibility to the (urban) poor, also from a gender perspective. It highlights innovative forms of tenure and alternative dispute settlement mechanisms and describes the important role of civil society organisations in law and policy formulation, advocacy and implementation . Relevant good practices are documented in each review, such as tenure regularisation, participatory decision-making, women’s rights to land and housing and innovative land management. The review concludes with a set of recommendations.Pages: 390, Year: 2005HS/790/05E, HS/792/05E, HS/791/05E, HS/784/05E, ISBN: ISBN: 92-1-13177-54Price: USD 25

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Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa

This set of four reviews provides a broad overview of the national and local legal framework related to land, housing, inheritance and marital property rights in Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia. This includes a description of relevant policies, such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

or National Development Plan. The series examines tenure types and land management systems and analyses their accessibility to the (urban) poor, also from a gender perspective. It highlights innovative forms of tenure and alternative dispute settlement mechanisms and describes the important role of civil society organisations in law and policy formulation, advocacy and implementation . Relevant good practices are documented in each review, such as tenure regularisation, participatory decision-making, women’s rights to land and housing and innovative land management. The review concludes with a set of recommendations.Pages: 336, Year: 2005HS/786/05E, HS/789/05E, HS/788/05E, HS/787/05E, ISBN: ISBN 92-1-131768-1Price: USD 25

Shared Tenure Options for Women

Security of Tenure is one of the cornerstones of Millennium Development Goal 7 on the improvement of the lives of slum dwellers, and is the main focus of the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure. In most countries, a range of land rights and tenure types exists, which forms a continuum (from informal to

formal). Whether tenure is informal or formal, it is usually understood, recorded and/or registered in the name of men, leaving women’s secure tenure often dependent on their relations with their in-laws. As women’s access to land and housing is often through their husbands or fathers, they may lose such access after widowhood, divorce, desertion, or male migration. While collective forms of tenure also include women, the decision-making processes are often dominated by men, excluding women from the important decisions regarding the land and housing.Pages: 92, Year: 2005HS/883/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131869-6Price: USD 15

United Nations Housing Rights Programme, Report No. 7: Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Adequate Housing: A Global Overview

A preliminary effort to identify whether, and to what extent, indigenous peoples enjoy the right to adequate housing in different regions of the world. Includes seven case studies on the status of housing for indigenous peoples – in practice and in law – and reviews policies and programmes aimed at addressing their disadvantage. Includes a comprehensive set of recommendations on improving the housing and living conditions of indigenous peoples, and calls for further attention to be given to this critical human rights concern.Pages: 219, Year: 2005HS/734/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131713-44Price: USD 18

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure: A tool for Advocating the Provision of Adequate Shelter for the Urban Poor

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure A tool for Advocating the Provision of Adequate Shelter for the Urban PoorPages: 80, Year: 2004HS/731/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131716-9Price: USD 10Housing and Urban Development in Ghana with special reference to low income housing

Housing and Urban Development in Ghana with special reference to low income housing.Pages: 64, Year: 2004HS/723/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131701-0Price: USD 10

Pro Poor Land Management: Integrating Slums into City Planning Approaches

This publication on Pro Poor Land Management is based on the Handbook on Best Practices, Security of Tenure and Access to Land. It briefly describes recent innovations at the global level in the field of pro poor land

management. It shows how governments, including local government and other stakeholders, are coming to grips with implementing the land related principles enshrined in the Habitat Agenda at a practical level in the cities and towns. Together with the Handbook, it helps to assess at the global level the tools, methods and approaches that exist for the implementation of the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure, and to identify the gaps, blockages and problems that still need to be addressed.Pages: 33, Year: 2004HS/728/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131710-8Price: USD 7

Shared Tenure Options for Women


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Guidelines on how to undertake a National Campaign for Secure Tenure

This document presents a framework for undertaking the Global Campaign for Secure tenure at the national level, It contains and explanation on how the national campaign is situated withi the overall objectives and goals of the GCST. It also presents an overview the three main stages on national campaign implementation.

Pages: 52, Year: 2003HS/689/03E, ISBN: 92-1-131681-2Price: USD 10

Handbook on Best Practices, Security of Tenure and Access to Land - Implementation of the Habitat Agenda

This handbook identifies recent innovations at the global level in the field of land management and pinpoints land tenure trends. It shows how governments, including local government and other stakeholders, are coming to grips with implementing the land related principles enshrined in the Habitat

Agenda at a practical level in the cities and towns. The work can help to assess at the global level the tools, methods and approaches that exist for the implementation of the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure, and to identify the gaps, blockages and problems that still need to be addressed.Pages: 110, Year: 2003HS/588/99E, ISBN: 92-1-131446-1Price: USD 17

Rental Housing: An essential option for the urban poor in developing countries

Demonstrates that most arguments leading to the current bias against rental housing are highly flawed. Argues for more tenure-neutral housing policies, and urges governments to modify regulatory frameworks, develop credit programmes and other forms of assistance to support housing

production, with a view to creating more rental housing and to improve the existing stock.Pages: 251, Year: 2003HS/695/03E, ISBN: 92-1-131687-1Price: USD 20

Housing Rights Legislation

The report illustrates that effective constitutional and legislative guarantees of the right to adequate housing are not only realistic but have already been adopted successfully in a number of countries with diverse legal, social, economic and cultural systems. The country examples and experiences presented here provide information

and tools for policy makers and practitioners on model legislation that identifies specific components of the right to adequate housing.Pages: 124, Year: 2002HS/638/01E, ISBN: 92-131-628-6Price: USD 17

Rights and Reality

Women’s equal rights to land, housing and property are recognized in international law and are translated into national law by an increasing number of governments. However, the implementation of these rights into reality on the ground remains an enormous challenge. This book examines the role that women’s

organizations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda have played in affecting recent law reforms, and provides a detailed analysis of national legislation and policies on land, housing and inheritance in these three countries. It also describes mechanisms used by civil society organizations and paralegal networks to help implement women’s equal rights at community level. A historical background of the region and an overview of international human rights instruments are included. The study concludes with specific recommendations, which could help translate women’s rights to reality.Pages: 195, Year: 2002HS/667/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131663-4Price: USD 17

Seminar for Securing Land for the Urban Poor

This a report of the seminar held in Fukuoka, Japan in October 2001. The UN-HABITAT Fukuoka office in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) organized the seminar which looked into various issues affecting securing land for the urban poor.

Pages: 108, Year: 2002HS/651/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131639-1Price: USD 10

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Land survey and Large-Scale Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa

This publication promotes the facilitation of property rights and tenure security to all segments of the population through effective and efficient planning and management of land.Pages: 134, Year: 2001HS/608/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131466-6Price: USD 20

Shelter Co-operatives in Eastern and Southern Africa

A review of current and potential contributions of co-operatives to shelter development in Eastern and Southern Africa. Based on studies in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe, the report also reviews the structure and organisation of housing co-operatives; the legislative, regulatory and support environment

for co-operative shelter development; the various sources of finance for co-operative shelter, and the role of donor support. It concludes by focusing on the importance of an appropriate policy climate, the need for effective support institutions, the essential role of the savings and credit movement and the need for partnerships between various stakeholders.Pages: 122, Year: 2001HS/602/00E, ISBN: 92-1-131461-5Price: USD 15

Shelter Co-operatives In South Africa

A review of current and potential contributions of co-operatives to shelter development in South Africa. Moreover, it reviews the structure and organisation of housing co-operatives; the legislative, regulatory and support environment for co-operative shelter development; the various sources of finance for co-operative shelter, and the role of donor support.Pages: 0, Year: 2001HS/615/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131494-1Price: USD 7

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SCP Documentation Series n. 2:The sustainable cities programme in Tanzania 1992-2003

The Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) started in the Tanzanian capital, Dar es Salaam in 1992 under an initiative known as the Sustainable Dar es Salaam Project. Dar es Salaam was one of the first demonstration cities in Africa where environmental planning and management were revitalized under the SCP, a joint initiative of

UNHABITAT and UNEP to implement Agenda 21. Others cities were Ismailia in Egypt, Accra in Ghana, Dakar in Senegal, Ibadan in Nigeria, and Lusaka in Zambia.Pages: 112, Year: 2005HS/755/05E Price: USD 7

Environmental Assessment Requirements: A Guide for UN-HABITAT Supported Activities

The present Guidelines have been formulated to assist all those involved in UN-HABITAT Programming to ensure that the Environmental Assessment considerations are intergrated into UN-HABITAT Projects and Programme Cycle Management and to ascertain the potential environmental consequences are

foreseen and addressed early in all UN-HABITAT Projects so that results can influence project design and provide support to decision makers and to improve future project performance by analysing how the environment has been affected by implemented projects and lessons learned fed into future project design.Pages: 67, Year: 2004HS/727/04E-HAB1800, ISBN: 92-1-131710-8Price: USD 7

Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process - Trainers Guide

Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process - Trainers GuidePages: 211, Year: 2001HS/630/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131618-9Price: USD 15

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 6: Urban Air Quality Management - Handbook

The document systematically underlines an effective process for urban air quality management, with an emphasis on sequence of activities. It discusses the formulation and implementation of participatory urban air quality management and is designed for any city wishing to develop air quality management

strategies, and for SCP participating cities. The handbook is supported by an annex, the toolkit, which contains a wide range of tools to support the application of the process as presented in the handbook.Pages: 92, Year: 2001HS/623/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131480-1Price: USD 10

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 7: Building an Environmental Management and Information System (EMIS)

This updated and extended second edition of the Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) Handbook with Toolkit describes the set-up of an EMIS as well as its role and purpose in urban management. It is targeted at decision makers and urban managers concerned with the Environmental

Planning and Management (EPM) process and at others with a general interest in the EMIS concept. In this second edition, the participatory elements of EMIS have been strengthened through additional tools. Moreover, the content of both the handbook and the toolkit was updated and adapted to developments in information technology since its first publication in 2000. Experiences from EMIS partner cities have been included resulting in a greater emphasis on the set-up and maintenance costs of the system as well as EMIS functionalities to support information outreach. The further reading and useful websites sections have also been reviewed, updated and extended. The 2008 edition is accompanied by a CD-ROM including background information, EMIS presentations, a map library and supporting software.Pages: 221, Year: 2000HS/605/00E, ISBN: 92-1-131463-1Price: USD 10









e (S


Building an EnvironmentalManagementInformationSystem (EMIS)United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP)


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SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

Environmental Planning and Management: (EPM Source Book Series) This source Book examines how a consistent gender responsive approach to urban environment planning and management will result in cities which are economically more efficient, socially more equitable and generally more sustainable.

The Book draws on practical lessons of experience to provide guidance and build capacities of not only gender specialists, but also development practitioners and city managers.Pages: 163, Year: 2000HS/595/00E, ISBN: N/APrice: USD 10

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water sanitation and Infrastructure

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the steps undertaken by the Bossaso Municipality in collaboration with UN-HABITAT towards a sustainable urban management. A strategic development plan for the

city is indicated, and projects implemented are illustrated.Pages: 50, Year: 20091139/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132105-0Price: USD 10

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Lower Primary: Tomi has a tummy ache, Magia's Doll, River Murunji

Tomi has a Tummy AcheTomi disregards all advice he has been given about drinking clean, boiled water. He regrets it immediately as suffers terribly. Find out what happens to Tomi in this exciting story.

River Murunji River Murunji has become dirty. Its water is drying up. However, one girl named Susana and her classmates fight for River Murunji. They set out in an exciting journey to get River Murunji to its original status of glory. Will they succeed? Read and find out!

Maria’s DollThe heavens seem angry. The rain pounds the earth, lightening strikes and the thunder roars. People are frightened. Water sweeps carrying away things on its paths. Maria’s doll is swept away. Maria embarks on a search that leads her to an adventure of a lifetime. Will she ever find her doll? Find out in this surprising story.Year: 2009Price: USD 10

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili, The Magic Waterman and The Killer Floods

Aunt Pilipili Mr. and Mrs. Ambache travel and leave their young children in the hands of their aunt, Pilipili. The two young children, Ambere and Ndiso, at first dread their Aunt. They find her strict and forbidding. Everything seems to be taboo until they find out that actually…their Aunt isn’t as bad as they thought she was.

The Magic Waterman Everyone thinks that Mzee Marende is a witch because he always has enough water, even to spare, when other people do not have water to drink. Incensed at Mzee Marende’s mysterious source of water, the people decide to attack him and his family accusing him of witchcraft. They set out to

burn Mzee Marende’s entire family. In this exciting story, you will witness the deadly conflict as one man confronts and defeats an entire township. It is one of those stories a reader cannot forget easily.

The Killer Floods A deadly disease strikes fear in the hearts of all people. In this exciting story, you will find out what the disease is and how it is transmitted. You will also find out what happens to a girl named Mbona when she gets the disease. Will she survive? To get the answer to this question, read on… Year: 2009Price: USD 10


BOSSASOfirst steps towards strategic urban planning

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Gardho - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Gardho, a town in the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by UN-HABITAT experts

under the guidance of the municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.Pages: 20, Year: 2008HS/1033/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-1320 12-1Price: USD 10

Garowe - first steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication contains the spatial analysis of Garowe, the capital city of the Puntland State of Somalia. This publication presents the results of the urban spatial analysis carried out by

UN-HABITAT experts under the guidance of the municipal authorities. The analysis gives a basic spatial understanding of the town and highlights concrete challenges and priority areas of intervention. A proposed strategic urban development plan is also presented.Pages: 24, Year: 20081048/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132044-2Price: USD 10

Sheikh - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the process undertaken by the Sheikh Municipality, records the outcomes of the first broad consensus on urban issues, priority interventions and action plans, introduces the

spatial analysis as a tool for strategic planning, and provides a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning.Pages: 40, Year: 2008HS/1047/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132043-5Price: USD 10

The UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008

Although sanitation has been hailed as “the most important medical advance since 1840”, over 2.5 billion people – most of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia – lack access to basic sanitation. The world is not on track to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for sanitation. For the drinking water

MDG, progress is better, but the situation still critical in some regions. Meanwhile in the slums of cities such as Nairobi, Dar - es - Salaam and Mumbai, the daily reality is an extended struggle to find water, a place to defecate and a convenient location to dump or burn one’s rubbish.Pages: 40, Year: 20081121/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132087-9Price: USD 5

Facilitators and Trainers Guidebook on Human Values-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms - Human Values-based water, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms

This guidebook targets the Water and Sanitation Service Sector, such as public or private utilities in urban centres wishes to engage in water and sanitation education activities through dedicated classrooms and the Education Sector especially schools wishes to engage with the water and sanitation sector on joint education

initiatives.Pages: 63, Year: 2006HS/822/06, ISBN: 92-1-131816-5Price: USD 15

Guide for Forming and Managing WATSAN Youth Clubs

A Guide Book to address the issues of water and sanitation in a sustainable manner and an effort to demonstrate practical solution for global coverage in scaling up WATSAN services in achieving the MDG.Pages: 44, Year: 2006HS/921/07E, ISBN: Price: USD 10


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region


first steps towards strategic urban planning


urban development programme for the somali region


guideBookFacilitators & Trainers

Background Concept Overview


Human Values-basedWater, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms

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Guidelines on Revolving Funds for Community Managed Water Supply Schemes and Construction of Individual Household Toilets in Urban Slums in Madhya Pradesh, India

With rapid urban development, the gap between demand and supply in the water and sanitation sector is widening, imposing stress on the basic infrastructure facilities by the urban local bodies, which often fails to address the growing demand. In the process, the urban poor suffer the most and are forced to live under

unhygienic conditions in slums and shanty areas, lacking in basic amenities. The efficient use of existing resources and community participation are imperative to achieve increased water and sanitation coverage. The problem is more predominant in Asian countries who are ill equipped to provide the needed safe water and sanitation to their growing population. The levels of investments in the sector within the region are quite inadequate to bridge the widening demand supply gap and to extend services to low income and the needy population. External investments into the sector are inadequate. Most governments are increasingly becoming aware of the significance of domestic mobilization of funds.Pages: 45, Year: 2006HS/874/06 EPrice: USD 10

Human Values and Ethics in Workplace : Improving Leadership and performance in the Water Education, Water Supply and Sanitation Sector

This publication focuses on improving the capacities of leadership and performance of the Individual to contribute to good governance in water and sanitation incorporating human values and ethics.Pages: 95, Year: 2006HS/923/07E, ISBN: Price: USD 15

Mainstreaming Gender Water and Sanitation - Strategy and Action Plan

This strategy document emphasizes the benefits of entrusting the responsibility to groups of women and men of taking control of solving their water and sanitation problems at the local level, particularly slums which are highly deficient in water and sanitation services. It highlights the need for capacity building at different levels,

from head offices to the grassroots level, to apply gender sensitive budgeting, impact analysis and monitoring and evaluation.Pages: 66, Year: 2006HS/846/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131840-8Price: USD 15

Meeting Development Goals in Small Urban Centres - Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities 2006

This is the second UN-HABITAT global report on Water and Sanitation in the World´s Cities. This publication looks at small urban centres which tend to be overlooked, although they are the first tier markets and service providers for rural enterprise and development. Attaining the MDGs overall will depend to a large extent on

how we can strengthen the prospects of local economic development and improve the living and working conditions of small towns and cities which, in turn, depend on access to clean water and improved sanitation. This publication has a pivotal role to play in global and local thinking on service provision, and a critical contribution to the road map to meeting the MDGs.Pages: 200, Year: 2006HS/816/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131814-9Price: USD 40





Madhya Pradesh, India






Water for Asian Cities Programme

Madhya Pradesh, India

W a t e r f o r A s i a n C i t i e s P r o g r a m m e , M a d h y a P r a d e s h , I n d i a



Mainstreaming GenderWATER AND SANITATION

Strategy and Action Plan

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Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for Bhopal

UN-HABITAT commissioned a study on Water Demand Management (WDM) in four cities of Madhya Pradesh to The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi and Water Resource Planning and Conservation (WRP), South Africa. The study is funded under the Water for Asian Cities (WAC) Programme, which is

a collaborative initiative between the UN-HABITAT, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Governments of Asia. The scope of the assignment involved conducting a water balancing study, preparing a detailed database on a GIS platform and making recommendations for reducing unaccounted-for water so that available water supply is efficiently and effectively distributed. Aimed at the efficiency improvements in management and utilisation of water, the study looked at the cities of Bhopal, Gwalior, Jabalpur and Indore. The present study aims at developing a comprehensive reforms package for Bhopal involving institutional, financial and technical issues in water supply.Pages: 186, Year: 2006HS/916/07E, ISBN: Price: USD 10

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for Gwalior

The Publication presents a comprehensive reforms package by developing Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for the city of Gwalior involving institutional, financial and technical issues and is aimed at the efficiency improvements in the management and utilization of

water. The focus is mainly on the water balancing systems, developing the information-base on GIS platform, capacity building and approaches for reducing unaccounted-for water for an efficient and effective distribution of available water supply. The strategies and the implementation framework illustrated in the publication would not only enhance awareness but also provide the basis for formulating effective Water Demand Management policies.Pages: 181, Year: 2006HS/918/07E, ISBN: Price: USD 10

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for INDORE

The Publication presents a comprehensive reforms package by developing Water Demand Management strategy and implementation plan for the city of Indore involving institutional, financial and technical issues in water supply and is aimed at the efficiency improvements in the management

and utilization of water. The focus is mainly on the water balancing systems, developing informationbase on GIS platform, capacity building and approaches for reducing unaccounted-for water, for an efficient and effective distribution of available water supply. The strategy and the implementation framework illustrated in the publication would not only enhance awareness but also provide the basis for formulating effective Water Demand Management policies.Pages: 135, Year: 2006HS/920/07E Price: USD 10

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for Jabalpur

The Publication presents a comprehensive reforms package by developing Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for the city of Jabalpur involving institutional, financial and technical issues and is aimed at the efficiency improvements in management and utilization of

water. The focus is mainly on the water balancing systems, developing informationbase on GIS platform, capacity building and approaches for reducing unaccounted-for water, for an efficient and effective distribution of available water supply. The strategies and the implementation framework illustrated in the publication would not only enhance awareness but also provide the basis for formulating effective Water Demand Management policies.Pages: 180, Year: 2006HS/917/07E, ISBN: Price: USD 10

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Water, A Shared Responsibility - The United Nations World Water Development Report 2

The United Nations World Water Development Report is the flagship publication of UN-Water, the inter-agency mechanism established to coordinate the activities of all United Nations agencies and entities working in the area of freshwater resources. First published in 2003 as a contribution to the International Year

of Freshwater, the Report is produced by UN-Water’s World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP). Working closely with governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society groups and the private sector, WWAP monitors water problems, provides recommendations for meeting future demand, and develops case studies in order to promote informed discussion of freshwater issues.Pages: 600, Year: 2006ISBN: 92-3-104006-5Price: USD 5

Policy makers: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 1: Policy makers

The Blue Drop Series on Water Harvesting and Utilisation is divided into three and each one has a specific target group- policy makers, beneficiaries and capacity and implementing agencies. The publications give an overview of the concept of rainwater and have a focus on the legal and administrative

framework for rainwater harvesting. Book 1: Policy makers; Book 2: Beneficiaries & Capacity; 3: Project Managers and Implementing AgenciesPages: 46, Year: 2005HS/830/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131827-0Price: USD 25

Project Managers and implemetation Agency: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 3:Project Managers and implemetation Agency

The Blue Drop Series on Water Harvesting and Utilisation is divided into three and each one has a specific target group- policy makers, beneficiaries and capacity and implementing agencies. The publications give an overview of the concept of rainwater and have a focus on the legal and administrative

framework for rainwater harvesting. Book 1: Policy makers; Book 2: Beneficiaries; Book 3: Project Managers and Implementing AgenciesPages: 91, Year: 2005HS/832/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131828-9Price: USD 25

Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities: Local Action for Global Goals

The world’s governments agreed at the Millennium Summit to halve the number of people who lack access to safe water, mainly in the world’s cities, by 2015. With rapidly growing urban populations the challenge is immense. Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities is a comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the

problems and how they can be addressed. This influential publication by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) sets out in detail the scale of inadequate provision of water and sanitation. It describes the impacts on health and economic performance, showing the potential gains of remedial action; it analyses the proximate and underlying causes of poor provision and identifies information gaps affecting resource allocation; it outlines the consequences of further deterioration; and it explains how resources and institutional capacities – public, private and community – can be used to deliver proper services through integrated water resource management.Pages: 273, Year: 2003HS/682/03E, ISBN: 1-84407-004-2Price: USD 25

Informal Transport in the Developing World

This publication is the result of a study commissioned by UNCHS (Habitat) to review the market, organizational and regulatory characteristics of the informal transport sector throughout the world with an eye toward identifying promising enabling and remedial strategies. Part One provides a global portrait of informal transport

services by commencing with an overview of the sector, defining its major traits and addressing core policy issues that surround it. Part Two reviews the challenges posed in rationalizing and upgrading informal transport services in Southeast Asia’s three largest metropolises - Bangkok, Manila and Jakarta. Part Three reviews the evolution of this sector in three other settings: Kingston (Jamaica), Rio de Janeiro and, Sao Paulo (Brazil) and several African countries, including Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. The concluding part of the report advances a normative framework for rationalizing and enhancing informal transport services worldwide. It concludes with a summary of core lessons and findings, a near-term action agenda and ideas for future follow-up research.Pages: 288, Year: 2000HS/593/00E, ISBN: 92-1-131453-4Price: USD 25

Watera shared responsibilityThe United Nations World Water Development Report 2


BlueDr p Series

Rainwater Har vesting and UtilisationRainwater Har vesting and UtilisationRainwater Har vesting and Utilisation

Book 3: Project Managers & Implementing Agencies

Policy Makers Guide toWomen’s Land, Property and Housing Rights Acrossthe World


Telephone: 245-20-7623120; Fax: 254-20-7624266/7 (Central Office)Email: [email protected]; Website:

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urban economy and financing shelter

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile

This report evaluates the housing finance mechanism in Chile, with special attention to the issues of affordability, efficiency, effectiveness and stability.Pages: 103, Year: 2009HS/1062/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132056-5Price: USD 10

Human Settlements Finance Systems series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe

The report focuses on key aspects and innovative instruments/practices that are specific to Zimbabwe. The report is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the Macro-economic and socio-political context of Zimbabwe. Chapter 2 focuses on “The Housing Conditions and Housing Market in Zimbabwe”

citing the history and development of the housing finance system in Zimbabwe in the pre- and post independence eras. This chapter provides an overview of the trends in housing as well as highlighting those mechanisms that achieved the best results and which may need revisiting. Chapter 3, “Structure, Patterns, Trends Characteristics and Instruments of Housing Finance” reviews the technical aspects relating to housing finance in Zimbabwe. The chapter presents a review of existing sources of finance and their relative successes in providing housing for the home seeker. Chapter 4 outlines and evaluates the existing credit mechanisms against the background of the prevailing macroeconomic conditions in Zimbabwe. The last chapter outlines the constraints on housing finance and how these can be overcome in the short term and long-term. The report makes recommendations, which involve communities in housing delivery with a firm foundation in the housing cooperative movement and which has achieved a substantial amount of success in Zimbabwe. The report also recommends the active participation of civil society organisations as they have also demonstrated a capacity to employ participatory and rights based approaches in housing delivery.Pages: 102, Year: 20091045/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132041-1Price: USD 10

Human Settlements Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea

This publication is an evaluation housing finance mechanisms in Republic of Korea. It details Republic of Korea’s experience with this type of financing and may provide other countries with insights that could inform their efforts to promote effective housing and housing finance systems. The development of the housing and

housing finance markets was not a high priority in the strategic development of the national economy during the period of industrialization in Republic of Korea. However, massive supply and demand shocks in the 1990s reshaped the real estate market of the 2000s into a system that was very different in comparison to the previous decades. Moreover, financial liberalization and intense competition changed the framework of the housing finance market in the 2000s. This publication covers consumer finance, mortgage finance, public housing finance, low-income housing finance, the affordability of housing finance, (residential) development finance, and residential and commercial mortgage securitization. In particular, Chapter 3 covers recent conditions, trends, patterns, structures, and characteristics. It also discusses the evolution of and driving forces behind private and public housing finance, identifying recent sources and gauging the magnitude of the market. Chapter 4 identifies and assesses the major players in the market, describing the roles they perform and the most important instruments, programs and practices. This report also examines the role and policies of the government in Republic of Korea.Pages: 110, Year: 20091144/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132022-0Price: USD 10

Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management - Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource

It is crystal clear that, in addition to clean air, the well-being of our planet also requires that water, wastewater and the resulting biosolids (sludge) need to be managed more seriously, and in a focused, coordinated and cooperative manner.Pages: 632, Year: 2008HS/1030/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132009-1Price: USD 60




The Human Settlements Finance Systems Series

HS/1144/09E ISBN:978-92-1-132111-1 (Volume) ISBN: 978-92-1-132022-0 (Series)

This publication is is an evaluation housing �nance mechanisms in Republic of Korea. It details Republic of Korea’s experience with this type of �nancing and may provide other countries with insights that could inform their e�orts to promote e�ective housing and housing �nance systems.

The development of the housing and housing �nance markets was not a high priority in the strategic development of the national economy during the period of industrialization in Republic of Korea. However, massive supply and demand shocks in the 1990s reshaped the real estate market of the 2000s into a system that was very di�erent in comparison to the previous decades. Moreover, �nancial liberalization and intense competition changed the framework of the housing �nance market in the 2000s.

This publicaton covers consumer �nance, mortgage �nance, public housing �nance, low-income housing �nance, the a�ordability of housing �nance, (residential) development �nance, and residential and commercial mortgage securitization. In particular, Chapter 3 covers recent conditions, trends, patterns, structures, and characteristics. It also discusses the evolution of and driving forces behind private and public housing �nance, identifying recent sources and gauging the magnitude of the market. Chapter 4 identi�es and assesses the major players in the market, describing the roles they perform and the most important instruments, programs and practices. This report also examines the role and policies of the government in Republic of Korea.

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMMEP.O.Box 30030,Nairobi 00100,Kenya;Tel: +254-20-7623120; Fax: +254-20-76234266/7 (Central o�ce) [email protected]








In the Republic of Korea

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Housing Finance Mechanisms in India

India is home to over 1.1 billion people. With about one in every sixth person in the world living in India, housing perforce assumes significant importance. Successive Indian governments have regarded housing as a primary need of the people. The need to provide affordable housing has been the

reason behind State interventions in the sector. Housing policies, however, tended to be framed by the government from a social rather than economic perspective. Despite explicit recognition of the need for housing, dedicated programmes have only benefited from low public spending. Housing and subsidies have been largely synonymous with each other, hence a tendency to view housing finance from the angle of the government’s cash budget, rather than as a developmental activity with tremendous spin-offs to the economy.Pages: 69, Year: 2008HS/988/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131970-5Price: USD 10

Human Settlement Finance and Policies: Housing for All: The Challenges of Affordability,Accessibility and Sustainability- The Experiences and Instruments from the Developing and developed worlds

This report provides a comprehensive review of the challenges for low and moderate income housing. It focuses on the issues of affordability, accessibility and sustainability in resolving the housing problem. It looks at both formal and informal instruments and how experiences in developed countries and instruments

in addressing middle income households can help inspire solutions for low and moderate income housing. The report examines a whole range of major instruments and experiences across the developing and developed worlds. It will provide inspirations for governments, local authorities, partners, private sectors and civil society in their pursuit of innovative instruments to meet the challenges of affordability, accessibility and sustainability in realising the vision of “adequate shelter for all”.Pages: 104, Year: 2008HS/1012/08, ISBN: 978-92-1-131992-7Price: USD 10

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Bolivia

This report reviews the housing finance mechanisms and instruments in Bolivia. It consists of six parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the political, macro-economic and financial sector and its development issues in Bolivia. Part 2 describes the state of housing in Bolivia, including the nature and scope of the housing problem, the structure

of the housing market and the construction industry. Part 3 analyzes the evolution of housing finance and the driving forces behind its development; and examines the role of the State in establishing and promoting housing finance, a stable financial sector, and recent housing and housing finance policies. Part 4 illustrates the main housing finance products and instruments in Bolivia. Part 5 examines bottlenecks and factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanisms in Bolivia. Finally, it presents the lessons and recommendations for developing housing finance in Bolivia.Pages: 56, Year: 2008HS/1029/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132022-0Price: USD 10

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Indonesia

This report examines the nature and scope of the housing problem, the housing sector and the financial sector in Indonesia. It describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance. It reviews the main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It examines the strategies

and instruments for mobilising domestic resources and the sources and volume of housing finance. It looks at the structure of mortgage industry and factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism. It also describes the major low income housing finance programs and initiatives and housing finance subsidies programs in Indonesia. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Indonesia.Pages: 76, Year: 2008HS/1011/08, ISBN: 978-92-1-131991-0Price: USD 10

In Bolivia

This report reviews the housing �nance mechanisms and instruments in Bolivia. It consists of six parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the political, macro-economic and �nancial sector and its development issues in Bolivia. Part 2 describes the state of housing in Bolivia, including the nature and scope of the housing problem, the structure of the housing market and the construction industry. Part 3 analyzes the evolution of housing �nance and the driving forces behind its development; and examines the role of the State in establishing and promoting housing �nance, a stable �nancial sector, and recent housing and housing �nance policies. Part 4 illustrates the main housing �nance products and instruments in Bolivia. Part 5 examines bottlenecks and factors constraining the development of housing �nance mechanisms in Bolivia. Finally, it presents the lessons and recommendations for developing housing �nance in Bolivia.

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Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Peru

This report examines the nature and scope of the housing problem in Peru. It reviews the evolution of the housing finance systems and main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It introduces mortgage finance development for medium and low income households with two case studies: Fondo

and Creditos MIVIVIENDA. It examines the residential mortgage market and its segments and constraints. It looks at factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism and policies and strategies to overcome the bottlenecks for housing finance. It looks at the role of direct subsidies and other initiatives for low income households. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Peru, with focus on the development of a secondary mortgage market.Pages: 50, Year: 2008HS/1019/08, ISBN: 978-92-1-131999-6Price: USD 10

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Systems In South Africa

This report examines the housing finance mechanisms in South Africa. The report looks at the macro-economic conditions and legal environment in which housing finance is operating. It discusses the role of the state, private sector, multilateral institutions and other agencies in the development of housing finance

mechanisms. It reviews a variety of instruments and measures to facilitate access to housing finance and for implementation of different housing finance schemes. It demonstrates how policy development and environment can shape the housing finance system and its evolution. It examines the different commercial banking approaches, instruments and products to low income housing finance, and their challenges and constraints. It explores how the regulatory infrastructure and environment and institutions created by the state can carry some of the intermediary risks associated with extending loans to the lower income housing market.Pages: 96, Year: 2008HS/947/07E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132007-7Price: USD 10

Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices series: Asset-Based Approach to Community Development and Capacity Building

This report explores the roots, merits, and applications of an asset-based approach to community development. Over the last decade or so, debates have developed around the importance of asset-building in community development and organizing, as well as over grassroots public policies that emphasize

capacity building, social capital, and empowerment. This report consists of five parts. Part one traces the origins of the debates surrounding conventional and alternative approaches to community development, against the broader backdrops of ‘need vs. asset’ and ‘people vs. place’ distinctions. Part two outlines the distinct perspectives of these two schools of thought on community development. Part three explores the barriers to asset-based approaches to community development. Part four examines two case studies in which illustrate the application of an asset-based approach to community development and housing development. Part five discusses the conclusion and lessons learned.Pages: 52, Year: 20081020/08E, ISBN: 978-92-132000-8Price: USD 10

The Human Settlements Finance Systems Series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

The report sets the Thai economy as a background for examining the housing finance system. It looks at the real estate market and housing market; the evolution of housing development and housing market. It reviews the provision of low income housing in Thailand. It examines the housing finance mechanisms in Thailand. It

describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance. It reviews the main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It examines the strategies and instruments for mobilising domestic resources and the sources and volume of housing finance. It looks at factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism and policies and strategies to overcome the bottlenecks for housing finance. It also describes the major low income housing finance programs and initiatives. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Thailand.Pages: 109, Year: 2008HS/949/07E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132038-1Price: USD 10

HS/949/07ISBN: 978-92-132022-0 (series)ISBN: 978-92-1-132038-1UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRMMEP.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, KENYATelephone: 254-20-7623120; Fax: 254-20-7624266/7 (Central Office)E-mail: [email protected]:http//

Printed in Kenya







ISMS in Thailand


The report sets the Thai economy as a background for examining the housing finance system. It looks at the real estate market and housing market; the evolution of housing development and housing market. It reviews the provision of low income housing in Thailand. It examines the housing finance mechanisms in Thailand. It describes the structure, patterns, trends, characteristics and evolution of housing finance. It reviews the main players of the housing finance system and driving forces for the change. It examines the strategies and instruments for mobilising domestic resources and the sources and volume of housing finance. It looks at factors constraining the development of housing finance mechanism and policies and strategies to overcome the bottlenecks for housing finance. It also describes the major low income housing finance programs and initiatives. Finally it looks at the alternatives for developing housing mechanisms in Thailand.

The Human Settlements Finance Systems Series

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Volume I and II: Participatory Budgeting in Africa - A Training Companion

This Training Companion is part of the effort to build capacity of local government practitioners in introducing participatory budgeting in local government in Africa. The Companion was developed with a view to providing users with Information, tool, methodologies, case studies and tips on how participatory

budgeting can be introduced. The materials in the Companion were collected from various local governments in Africa and beyond that are already practicing participatory budgeting. Users are encouraged to adopt the material to their local condition.Pages: 184, Year: 2008HS/971/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131952-1Price: USD 15

Human Settlements Finance and Policies: Role of Government in the Housing Market - The Experiences from Asia

The diversity of Asia provides unique opportunities for examining the effectiveness of different policies and instruments. The Asian financial crisis reveals our ignorance of market operations and makes us to rethink the Asian economic environment in which the markets operate and the performance of particular sectoral markets. Housing markets are very

important areas. Better policy design relies on better understanding of housing markets. The impact of sub-prime housing mortgage lending in USA on the global capital market and global economy further illustrates the importance of housing issues. This report examines the operation and performance of housing markets and particularly the impact of government intervention on the pergormance of housing markets in Asia. It presents different approaches and instruments used by different countries to deal with similar housing issues. The Asian experiences and practices can provide inspiration for other parts of the world to design effective and equitable housing instruments and policies.Pages: 130, Year: 20071013/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131997-2Price: USD 10

The Affordable Housing Tools and Technical Report Series No: 1: Housing and Urban Upgrading in Yantai

This report examines the housing problems in China about two decades ago. It describes the miracle China has achieved in the field of housing and urban development in the face of such a rapid urbanization. It illustrates how China achieved such a great feat through the case studies in Yantai and describes the types of housing and

urban upgrading initiatives in Yantai. It illustrates how the housing and urban upgrading projects are financed.Pages: 115, Year: 2007HS/947/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1923-1Price: USD 10

Enhancing Resource Allocation to Urban Development in Africa - Report of African Regional Seminar on Enhancing Resource Allocation to Cities to Strengthen their Role as Engines of Economic Growth and Development

This report draws on the main papers, discussions and recommendations of the African Regional Seminar on Enhancing Resource Allocation to Cities to Strengthen their Role as Engines of Economic Growth and Development – convened by the Urban Economy and Finance Branch of UN-HABITAT

and held in Nairobi on 2-3 November 2005. The report sheds light on the required measures to enhance resource allocation for accelerating urban development in Africa.Pages: 82, Year: 2006HS/862/06E, ISBN: Price: USD 10

Innovative Policies for the Urban Informal Economy

An expert group meeting was convened to discuss case studies of regulatory forms of the urban informal sector in six developing country cities. This report (i) reviews regulatory factors constraining the development and operation of urban informal sector enterprises; (ii) examines innovative experiences and regulatory reform

in cities of three developing countries with large urban informal sectors; and (iii) identifies successful policies and develops policy guidelines for streamlining municipal regulation of the sector with a view to enhancing the income of the urban poor.Pages: 125, Year: 2006HS/852/06E, ISBN: Price: USD 10


Telephone: 254-20-7623120; Fax: 254-20-7624266/7 (Central O�ce)E-mail: [email protected]; Website:http//

HS/947/07EISBN: 978-92-113-1923



This report identi�es the major housing problems and challenges faced by China. It describes the achievements made by China to provide housing for its citizens, which are unprecedented by any international standards. The report focuses on the instruments and methods used in housing and urban upgrading projects in China, with a case study of Yantai city. It further illustrates the approaches to �nance such housing and upgrading activities in Yantai.

innovative policies for the urban informal economy


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Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report on Human Settlements 2005

The report describes and analyses housing finance conditions and trends in all regions of the world, including formal housing finance mechanisms, microfinance and community funding, highlighting their relevance to the upgrading of slums. Recent policy developments in the area of shelter finance are discussed at the

international and national levels. The report also examines policy directions that could be taken to strengthen shelter finance systems, particularly with respect to realizing the Millennium Declaration target of improving the lives of slum dwellers.Pages: 246, Year: 2005HS/752/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131739-8Price: USD 45

International Migrants and the City

This new book, which is jointly published by UN-HABITAT and the Università IUAV di Venezia, gives an account of different policies, practices and governance models that are addressing the issue of international migration in an urbanizing world. The book reviews the policies and practices of ten cities, including Bangkok, Berlin, Dakar, Johannesburg, Karachi,

Naples, São Paulo, Tijuana, Vancouver and Vladivostok. Key issues of analysis include the impact of national policies on international migration, the role of migrants in the local economy, the relationship between local and migrant communities, and the migrants’ use of urban space. It reveals the importance and the advantages of promoting communication between stakeholders and establishing channels for representation and participation of migrants in decisions affecting their livelihoods.Pages: 351, Year: 2005HS/760/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131747-9Price: USD 15

Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview of the LED Series: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning

The Local Economic Development (LED) series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to help them initiate and implement local economic development interventions through a strategic planning process.Pages: 39, Year: 2005HS/738/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131721-5Price: USD 40

Community-based Housing Credit Arrangements in Low-income Housing: Assessment of Potentials and Impacts

The report documents the proceeding of an expert group meeting held on community-based housing credit arrangements in low-income housing. The objective of the expert group meeting was to bring together experts on community-based housing finance in low-income urban areas to share and assess the experiences on the

potentials and feasibility of promoting this approach to a wider spectrum of low-income communities. The report contains an inventory of experiences of community-based housing finance systems in Kenya and Tanzania and recommendations on how to create successful community-based credit institutions in low-income urban areas in developing countries.Pages: 66, Year: 2004HS/706/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131697-5Price: USD 10

Macroeconomic Factors and Urban Growth: an Explanatory Analysis- An Exploratory Analysis

This study is an attempt to analyze the relationship between macroeconomic factors and urban growth in the contemporary world, selecting 17 countries to provide some insights. It reviews current thinking on the relationship between stabilization policies and economic growth. In addition, it points to new insights into

the theory of investment behaviour, which is central to formulating appropriate macroeconomic policies meant to promote sustainable urbanization.Pages: 76, Year: 2004HS/703/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131695-2Price: USD 10

The Local Economic Development Series

Promoting Local EconomicDevelopment throughStrategic Planning

Volume 1: Quick Guide

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Aprendiendo de la Innovación: Financing Adequate Shelter for All

The publication, Financing Adequate Shelter for All, aims at addressing the housing financing problem in developing countries. The publication is the result of two conferences organised by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) in Gavle, Sweden; and New York, U.S.A., as part of the preparatory

process of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Habitat Agenda. It gives insights into how various countries and organisations are tackling the problem of housing finance for the low-income members of the society and what lessons can be learned from these experiences and models. Five chapters of the book examine the issue of housing finance in developing countries and suggest how to improve housing finance for the poor.Pages: 252, Year: 2002HS/652/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131640-5Price: USD 20

Food Security in English-Speaking African Countries: Report of the Proceedings of a Joint COASAD/UN-HABITAT Workshop

The report is an account of a sensitization and awareness creation workshop organized for English Speaking African Parliamentarians between 30 April and 2 May 2002 in Nairobi Kenya. The Coalition of African Organizations for Food Security and Sustainable Development (COASAD) organized the workshop

in collaboration with UN-HABITAT. Since its formation in 1996, COASAD has striven to monitoring and ensuring the availability of food for Africa’s increasing population. It has done this through workshops and seminars where it has sensitized policy makers, legislators and other national and local leaders as well as stakeholders/actors on the necessity for advancing policies, strategies and actions that promote food security.Pages: 190, Year: 2002Price: USD 15

Shelter Co-operatives in Eastern and Southern Africa

A review of current and potential contributions of co-operatives to shelter development in Eastern and Southern Africa. Based on studies in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe, the report also reviews the structure and organisation of housing co-operatives; the legislative, regulatory and support environment

for co-operative shelter development; the various sources of finance for co-operative shelter, and the role of donor support. It concludes by focusing on the importance of an appropriate policy climate, the need for effective support institutions, the essential role of the savings and credit movement and the need for partnerships between various stakeholders.Pages: 122, Year: 2001HS/602/00E, ISBN: 92-1-131461-5Price: USD 15

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risk and disaster

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic urban planning

The publication documents the steps undertaken by the Bossaso Municipality in collaboration with UN-HABITAT towards a sustainable urban management. A strategic development plan for the

city is indicated, and projects implemented are illustrated.Pages: 50, Year: 20091139/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132105-0Price: USD 10

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks - Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Block (ISSB) technology has been gaining recognition, particularly in East Africa. This material and method of construction has the advantages of being low cost with minimal environmental impact, while providing comparable quality to conventional fired brick

construction. With a growing number of organisations using the technology there is need to improve communication and knowledge-sharing, to quantify and verify the benefits, and to develop efficient approaches for its promotion and adoption. The purpose of this publication is to promote the use of ISSB by sharing some case studies of successful adoption and adaptation to local contexts. It also highlights some of the challenges faced in developing and promoting the technology with some key lessons learned from projects in northern Uganda. This document provides stakeholders interested in the sustainable development of human settlements with a reference tool for an innovative construction method in practice.Pages: 50, Year: 20091184/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132150-0Price: USD 10

Post Tsunami Aceh-Nias Settlementand Housing Recovery Review

In mid 2007, the BRR Housing Deputy asked UNHABITAT to document the post-Tsunami housing reconstruction programme in Aceh and Nias. The resulting book aims to be a resource for future evaluations and policy making.The evaluation focuses on two key questions:what were the success factors in achieving housing

recovery in the particular context of the reconstruction in Aceh and Nias; and what can be learned about the role of government and civil society in order to achieve successful housing recovery in the future.Pages: , Year: 2009HS, ISBN:Price USD 20

Shelter Projects 2008 - IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster

In recent years, the humanitarian community has looked inward, learning from their past experiences in providing emergency shelter for the ever-increasing number of populations suffering from crises worldwide. The humanitarian reform process has helped widen the community of practitioners, reinforced global and country-

based coordination systems, and required the agencies concerned to seek new and better means of ensuring integrated and robust humanitarian programming. This publication is an example of a series of learning tools being produced to support improved response to crises. It has been developed by the Emergency Shelter Cluster through a group of agencies within the cluster led by UN-HABITAT. It contains summaries of a range of experiences applied in crisis situations, and an honest appraisal of their successes and failures.Pages: 110, Year: 20091141/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132108-1Price: USD 20


BOSSASOfirst steps towards strategic urban planning

Interlocking Stabilised Soil BlocksAppropriate earth technologies in Uganda

Appropriate technology that doesn’t cost the earth

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Anchoring Homes - UN-HABITAT's People's Process in Aceh and Nias after the Tsunami

Rebuilding personal and collective confidences through a participatory process takes time, especially amidst the massive personal tragedy of lost loved ones, personal assets and livelihoods. This photo and film documentation is testimony of all that we have all learned during

the past two years. As a testimony, we hope it can be an inspiring tool for any person or institution overcoming a future disaster.Pages: 134, Year: 2007HS/933/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1910-1Price: USD 25

Volume 1: Countries with Land Records: Handbook on Post-Conflict Land Administration and Peacebuilding

Throughout history, conflicts have been waged over land. Confrontations over territory, border disputes, occupation of the territory of one State by another, or grievances stemming from inequitable access to land invariably have dramatic consequences for human settlements. Never before has this been truer than with today’s

very different types of conflict which are increasingly taking place within nations. Many of these conflicts have direct effects on the control over land and the rights of people relating to land and cause innumerable denials of housing, land and property (HLP) rights. These are human rights under international human rights law, and are increasingly recognised as such within the domestic laws of all countries by formal, customary and other national legal structures. To one degree or another, these rules enable most individuals to avail themselves of some degree of rights over particular land parcels, whether regulated officially under statutory rules or governed by customary land arrangements.Pages: 102, Year: 2007HS/945/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1921-7Price: USD 15

Guidelines for the Evaluation of Post Disaster Programmes

This resource guide seeks to assist practitioners, local governments to meet the challenges of post disaster reconstruction with the best possible understanding of the different issues and tools for identifying and adopting workable strategies. By adopting better strategic planning at the outset, it is hoped that the projects undertaken after disaster will further in address these issues of long term development in the affected communities.Pages: 97, Year: 2001HS/612/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131469-0Price: USD 21

Guidelines for the Evaluation of Post Disaster Programmes

This report describes UNCHS (Habitat)’s {If these are ongoing projects, isnt it better for us to use UN-HABITAT instead of UNCHS?) operational activities with a page devoted to each ongoing project or programme. These reference sheets include: the total project or programme.Pages: 129, Year: 2001HS/613/01E-HAB1133, ISBN: 92-1-131470-4HS613/01EPrice: USD 20

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social Inclusion

Post Tsunami Aceh-Nias Settlementand Housing Recovery Review

In mid 2007, the BRR Housing Deputy asked UNHABITAT to document the post-Tsunami housing reconstruction programme in Aceh and Nias. The resulting book aims to be a resource for future evaluations and policy making.The evaluation focuses on two key questions:what were the success factors in achieving housing

recovery in the particular context of the reconstruction in Aceh and Nias; and what can be learned about the role of government and civil society in order to achieve successful housing recovery in the future.Pages: , Year: 2009HS, ISBN:Price USD 20

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Lower Primary: Tomi has a tummy ache, Magia's Doll, River Murunji

Tomi has a Tummy AcheTomi disregards all advice he has been given about drinking clean, boiled water. He regrets it immediately as suffers terribly. Find out what happens to Tomi in this exciting story.

River Murunji River Murunji has become dirty. Its water is drying up. However, one girl named Susana and her classmates fight for River Murunji. They set out in an exciting journey to get River Murunji to its original status of glory. Will they succeed? Read and find out!

Maria’s DollThe heavens seem angry. The rain pounds the earth, lightening strikes and the thunder roars. People are frightened. Water sweeps carrying away things on its paths. Maria’s doll is swept away. Maria embarks on a search that leads her to an adventure of a lifetime. Will she ever find her doll? Find out in this surprising story.Pages: , Year: 2009Price: USD 10

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili, The Magic Waterman and The Killer Floods

Aunt Pilipili Mr. and Mrs. Ambache travel and leave their young children in the hands of their aunt, Pilipili. The two young children, Ambere and Ndiso, at first dread their Aunt. They find her strict and forbidding. Everything seems to be taboo until they find out that actually…their Aunt isn’t as bad as they thought she was.

The Magic Waterman Everyone thinks that Mzee Marende is a witch because he always has enough water, even to spare, when other people do not have water to drink. Incensed at Mzee Marende’s mysterious source of water, the people decide to attack him and his family accusing him of witchcraft. They set out to

burn Mzee Marende’s entire family. In this exciting story, you will witness the deadly conflict as one man confronts and defeats an entire township. It is one of those stories a reader cannot forget easily.

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The Killer Floods A deadly disease strikes fear in the hearts of all people. In this exciting story, you will find out what the disease is and how it is transmitted. You will also find out what happens to a girl named Mbona when she gets the disease. Will she survive? To get the answer to this question, read on…

Pages: , Year: 2009Price: USD 10

Guide for Forming and Managing WATSAN Youth Clubs

A Guide Book to address the issues of water and sanitation in a sustainable manner and an effort to demonstrate practical solution for global coverage in scaling up WATSAN services in achieving the MDG.Pages: 44, Year: 2006HS/921/07E, ISBN: Price: USD 10

The World of Water – African Adventures of a Water Drop

A handbook that targets young learners as part of water and sanitation education seriesPages: 76, Year: 2005HS/768/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131753-3Price: USD 10

Crime in Nairobi: Results of a City wide Victim Survey

This publication is part of the Safer Nairobi project, funded by UNDP, which is working towards a city-wide crime prevention strategy. This survey is a diagnosis on both crime itself and insecurity surrounding crime in Nairobi. A fundamental requirement of a prevention-oriented approach to crime is the availability of extensive and

reliable data and to this end the UN-HABITAT Victimisation Survey of Nairobi is the most comprehensive undertaken to date, being administered in two discrete phases between May and August 2001. Throughout the study over 10,500 ordinary residents of Nairobi contributed their effort by offering opinions and attitudes to a number of different issues concerning safety and crime.Pages: 131, Year: 2002HS/661/02E, ISBN: 92-1-131614-6Price: USD 5

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Information and monitoring

Planning Sustainable Cities - Global Report on Human Settlements 2009

Planning Sustainable Cities reviews recent urban planning practices and approaches, discusses constraints and conflicts therein, and identifies innovative approaches that are more responsive to current challenges of urbanization. It notes that traditional approaches to urban planning (particularly in developing countries) have largely failed to

promote equitable, efficient and sustainable human settlements and to address twenty-first century challenges, including rapid urbanization, shrinking cities and ageing, climate change and related disasters, urban sprawl and unplanned peri-urbanization, as well as urbanization of poverty and informality. It concludes that new approaches to planning can only be meaningful, and have a greater chance of succeeding, if they effectively address all of these challenges, are participatory and inclusive, as well as linked to contextual socio-political processes. ISBN: 9781844078998 HS Number: HS/1192/09APages: 336Year: 2009

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - Harmonious Cities

Half of humanity now lives in cities, and within two decades, nearly 60 per cent of the world’s people will be urban dwellers. Urban growth is most rapid in the developing world, where cities gain an average of 5 million residents every month. As cities grow in size and population, harmony among the spatial, social

and environmental aspects of a city and between their inhabitants becomes of paramount importance. This harmony hinges on two key pillars: equity and sustainability.Pages: 224, Year: 2008HS/1031/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132010-7Price: USD 40

The State of the African Cities Report 2008

With rapidly increasing urban populations, cities in Africa are faced with enormous challenges and will have to find ways to facilitate by 2015 urban services, livelihoods and housing for more than twice as many urban dwellers than it has today. A worrying trend with the African urbanization process is that it is

rooted in poverty rather than an industrialization-induced socio-economic transition as in other major world urban regions. Africa’s escalating urban problems have received less attention than warranted and now, at the dawn of Africa’s urban age, these need to be addressed.Pages: 206, Year: 2008HS/1036/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132015-2Price: USD 25

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security - Global Report on Human Settlements 2007

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security addresses three major threats to the safety and security of cities: crime and violence; insecurity of tenure and forced evictions; and natural and human-made disasters. It analyses worldwide trends with respect to each of these threats, paying particular attention to their underlying causes

and impacts, as well as to the good policies and best practices that have been adopted at the city, national and international levels in order to address these threats. The report adopts a human security perspective, concerned with the safety and security of people rather than of states, and highlights issues that can be addressed through appropriate urban policy, planning, design and governance.Pages: 448, Year: 2007HS/943/07E, ISBN: 978-1-84407-475-4Price: USD 50


Harmonious Cities2008/2009



ISBN 978-921132015-2

9 7 8 9 2 1 1 3 2 0 1 5 2

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Meeting Development Goals in Small Urban Centres - Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities 2006

This is the second UN-HABITAT global report on Water and Sanitation in the World´s Cities. This publication looks at small urban centres which tend to be overlooked, although they are the first tier markets and service providers for rural enterprise and development. Attaining the MDGs overall will depend to a large extent on how

we can strengthen the prospects of local economic development and improve the living and working conditions of small towns and cities which, in turn, depend on access to clean water and improved sanitation. This publication has a pivotal role to play in global and local thinking on service provision, and a critical contribution to the road map to meeting the MDGs.Pages: 200, Year: 2006HS/816/06E, ISBN: 92-1-131814-9Price: USD 40

State of the World’s Cities 2006/7

It is generally assumed that urban populations are healthier, more literate and more prosperous than rural populations. However, UN-HABITAT’s State of the World’s Cities Report 2006/7 has broken new ground by showing that the urban poor suffer from an urban penalty: Slum dwellers in developing countries are as badly off

if not worse off than their rural relatives.Pages: 204, Year: 2006HS/814/06E, ISBN: 92/1/131811-4Price: USD 35

Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report on Human Settlements 2005

Financing Urban Shelter presents the first global assessment of housing finance systems, placing shelter and urban development challenges within the overall context of macroeconomic policies. The report describes and analyses housing finance conditions and trends in all regions of the world, including formal housing finance

mechanisms, microfinance and community funding, highlighting their relevance to the upgrading of slums. Recent policy developments in the area of shelter finance are discussed at the international and national levels. The report also examines policy directions that could be taken to strengthen shelter finance systems, particularly with respect to realizing the Millennium Declaration target of improving the lives of slum dwellers.Pages: 246, Year: 2005HS/752/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131739-8Price: USD 45

State of the World’s Cities 2004/2005 - Globalization and Urban Culture

The State of the World’s Cities 2004/2005 charts the progress and the challenges we face in this rapidly urbanising world. With contributions from some of the world’s leading urban scholars, writers and experts, this report carries extensive examples, illustrations and facts that are of use to experts and non-

experts alike. First published in 2001 and now published every two years, this flagship report of UN-HABITAT represents a further milestone in the efforts of the United Nations to gather, promote, and disseminate information for policy makers and the public at large.Pages: 193, Year: 2004HS/726/04E, ISBN: 92-1-131705-3Price: USD 39

Improving the lives of 100 Million Slum Dwellers: Guide to Monitoring Target 11

The Guide represents a milestone in the efforts of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to monitor the Millennium Development Goals adopted by the UN members states in the year 2000. UN-HABITAT has been assigned the responsibility to assist governments in monitoring and eventually attaining the global “Cities

without Slums” Target of improving the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers. This guide offers not only the definition related to urban poverty and slums but also a hierarchy of indicators at the operational level and specific ways to measure them.Pages: 15, Year: 2003HS/690/03E, ISBN: 92-1-131682-0Price: USD 12

Guide to Monitoring Target 11:

Improving the lives of100 million slum dwellersProgress towards the Millennium Development Goals, Nairobi, May 2003

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Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities: Local Action for Global Goals

The world’s governments agreed at the Millennium Summit to halve the number of people who lack access to safe water, mainly in the world’s cities, by 2015. With rapidly growing urban populations the challenge is immense. Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities is a comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the

problems and how they can be addressed. This influential publication by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) sets out in detail the scale of inadequate provision of water and sanitation. It describes the impacts on health and economic performance, showing the potential gains of remedial action; it analyses the proximate and underlying causes of poor provision and identifies information gaps affecting resource allocation; it outlines the consequences of further deterioration; and it explains how resources and institutional capacities – public, private and community – can be used to deliver proper services through integrated water resource management.Pages: 273, Year: 2003HS/682/03E, ISBN: 1-84407-004-2Price: USD 25

Land Information Service in Kenya

The publication provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the current Land Information Service (LIS) and develops three alternatives for the computerization of LIS in the Kenyan institutional context.Pages: 175, Year: 2001HS/609/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131467-4Price: USD 15

The State of the World’s Cities Report 2001

This is the premier edition of State of World Cities, now a biennual flagship publication of UN-HABITAT. With a foreword by UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan and an introduction by UN-HABITAT Executive Director Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, the publication was the first attempt by UN-HABITAT to monitor, analyze and report on major areas of

the Habitat Agenda in terms of the realities faced by urban population and urban policy makers.Pages: 125, Year: 2001HS/619/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131501-8Price: USD 12

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Planning Sustainable Cities - Global Report on Human Settlements 2009

Planning Sustainable Cities reviews recent urban planning practices and approaches, discusses constraints and conflicts therein, and identifies innovative approaches that are more responsive to current challenges of urbanization. It notes that traditional approaches to urban planning (particularly in developing countries) have largely

failed to promote equitable, efficient and sustainable human settlements and to address twenty-first century challenges, including rapid urbanization, shrinking cities and ageing, climate change and related disasters, urban sprawl and unplanned peri-urbanization, as well as urbanization of poverty and informality. It concludes that new approaches to planning can only be meaningful, and have a greater chance of succeeding, if they effectively address all of these challenges, are participatory and inclusive, as well as linked to contextual socio-political processes. ISBN: 9781844078998 HS Number: HS/1192/09APages: 336Year: 2009

Urban World

Climate Change: Are cities really to blame?Climate change is fast becoming the preeminent development challenge of the 21st century,and this is why we have made it the theme for the cover story of this second issue of our new flagship magazine,Urban World.Pages: 92, Year: 2009Price: USD 5

2008 Annual Report

The landmark decisions taken at the biennial gathering of governments in the UN-HABITAT Governing Council which oversees our work and budget were of great significance because 2008 marked a key turning point in human history: It was the year in which the world became fifty-percent urban. For the first time, the majority

of human beings were living in cities. And the process is accelerating.This transformation has a direct bearing on the strategies we must adopt to attain the Millennium Development Goals. Pages: 56, Year: 2008HS/1021/08 E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132001-5 Price: USD5

2007 UN-HABITAT lecture Award Series: UN-HABITAT Lecture Award Series 2 - Urban Problems and Policies in Latin America: Truths and Fallacies

The paper summarizes and critically examines collaborative research efforts in the field of Latin American urban studies in the latter half of the 20th century. The outcomes and conclusions arising from this research are revisited in relation to recent trends of urban development in Latin American cities and the analytical perspectives used

to understand these as well as prevailing social and urban policies.Pages: 35, Year: 2008969/07E, ISBN: 978-92-1-131967-5Price: USD 10

Climate ChangeAre cities really to blame?







1 Is



WORLD u r b a n


Toronto’s Mayor leads global fight against climate change

India launches new sanitation programme

Singapore: a model for sustainable development?

How Canada is leading the world in green building

Colombian microentrepreneurs provide solution to low-income housing

Page 49: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009






State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - Harmonious Cities

Half of humanity now lives in cities, and within two decades, nearly 60 per cent of the world’s people will be urban dwellers. Urban growth is most rapid in the developing world, where cities gain an average of 5 million residents every month. As cities grow in size and population, harmony among the spatial, social

and environmental aspects of a city and between their inhabitants becomes of paramount importance. This harmony hinges on two key pillars: equity and sustainability.Pages: 224, Year: 2008HS/1031/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132010-7Price: USD 40

The State of the African Cities Report 2008

With rapidly increasing urban populations, cities in Africa are faced with enormous challenges and will have to find ways to facilitate by 2015 urban services, livelihoods and housing for more than twice as many urban dwellers than it has today. A worrying trend with the African urbanization process

is that it is a process rooted in poverty rather than an industrialization-induced socio-economic transition as in other major world urban regions. Africa’s escalating urban problems have received less attention than warranted and now, at the dawn of Africa’s urban age, these need to be addressed.Pages: 206, Year: 2008HS/1036/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132015-2Price: USD 25

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security - Global Report on Human Settlements 2007

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security addresses three major threats to the safety and security of cities: crime and violence; insecurity of tenure and forced evictions; and natural and human-made disasters. It analyses worldwide trends with respect to each of these threats, paying particular attention to their underlying causes

and impacts, as well as to the good policies and best practices that have been adopted at the city, national and international levels in order to address these threats. The report adopts a human security perspective, concerned with the safety and security of people rather than of states, and highlights issues that can be addressed through appropriate urban policy, planning, design and governance.Pages: 448, Year: 2007HS/943/07E, ISBN: 978-1-84407-475-4Price: USD 50

Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report on Human Settlements 2005

Financing Urban Shelter presents the first global assessment of housing finance systems, placing shelter and urban development challenges within the overall context of macroeconomic policies. The report describes and analyses housing finance conditions and trends in all regions of the world, including formal housing finance

mechanisms, microfinance and community funding, highlighting their relevance to the upgrading of slums. Recent policy developments in the area of shelter finance are discussed at the international and national levels. The report also examines policy directions that could be taken to strengthen shelter finance systems, particularly with respect to realizing the Millennium Declaration target of improving the lives of slum dwellers.Pages: 246, Year: 2005HS/752/05E, ISBN: 92-1-131739-8Price: USD 45


Harmonious Cities2008/2009



ISBN 978-921132015-2

9 7 8 9 2 1 1 3 2 0 1 5 2

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Monitoring the Millennium Development Goal, Target 11- World-wide Slum Dweller Estimation Working Paper

Slums of the World:The face of urban poverty in the new millennium?Slums of the World:The face of urban poverty in the new millennium?

Slums of the World: The face of urban poverty in the new millennium?

The current paper presents the results of a first global enumeration of slums at the country level. The data are analyzed and comparisons established at sub-regional and regional levels while trying to understand what is happening globally. This document is the culmination of attempts to come to grips with changes in the

way we measure slums, starting by providing an agreed universal definition of this type of settlements and a clear methodological approach. The preliminary estimations presented in this document represent a baseline year level that permits the preparation of quantitative estimates for future trends. By providing the methodology and the quantitative knowledge base, the document strives to enhance the use of information on urban poverty as a powerful policy-making tool to help induce the desired structural changes for poverty alleviation.Pages: 90, Year: 2003HS/692/03E, ISBN: 92-1-131683-9Price: USD 12

Cities in A Globalizing World - Global Report on Human Settlements 2001

Cities in a Globalizing World presents a comprehensive review of the world’s cities and analyses the positive and negative impacts on human settlements of global trends towards social and economic integration. The report highlights the impacts of globalization in removing barriers and increasing the influence of market

forces on policies and city development, including the increased isolation and marginalization of many, especially poor and vulnerable social groups. It documents current housing and urban living conditions, and examines policies and initiatives for improved quality of life across all sectors of urban society. The report presents lessons for urban planning and management policies in support and promotion of inclusive cities and good urban governance.Pages: 344, Year: 2001HS/621/01E, ISBN: 1 85383806 3Price: USD 63

Implementing the Habitat Agenda - The 1996 - 2001 Experience

The Special Session of the General Assembly for an Overall Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, known as Istanbul+5, held between 6-8 June 2001 in New York introduced in the General Assembly a new forum for debate. The Thematic Committee broadened participation beyond national

government delegates and focused on concrete experience gained since 1996. In thematic terms, the Committee was sub-divided into four sessions dealing with the main issues addressed in the Habitat Agenda: shelter and services; environmental management; urban governance; eradication of poverty. The lessons drawn by the Thematic Committee from the 16 case studies under consideration are quite consistent with the “Declaration on Cities and other Human Settlements in the New Millennium” negotiated in parallel by the Committee of the Whole of the Special session.Pages: 51, Year: 2001HS/631/01E, ISBN: 92-1-131619-7Price: USD 10

Putting the Urban Poor on the Map

This publication presents a methodology for participative informal settlement upgrading with the support of information technology, the result of research and development activities carried out by UN-HABITAT and a group of partners.Pages: 271, Year: 2000HS/577/99E, ISBN: 92-1-131436-4Price: USD 25

Report on the

Istanbul+5 Thematic Committee

25th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly

New York, 6-8 June 2001

Implementing the Habitat AgendaThe 1996-2001 Experience

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other Publications (Published from 1990)

Urban development and management

Aménagement foncier urbain et 1. gouvernance locale en Afrique sub-saharienne

Annotated Bibliography on Regional 2. (Sub-National) Development Plans, Programs and Projects in Developing Countries with Special Emphasis on Settlement Issues 1980-1990

Bangladesh urban and shelter sector 3. review

Building Bridges through Managing 4. Conflicts and Differences - Part 2

Building Bridges through Participatory 5. Planning - Part 1

Building Bridges through Participatory 6. Planning - Part 2

Community participation in Bolivia7.

Community Participation Training in 8. Zambia: The DANIDA/UNCHS Training Programme

Councillor As Guardian Of The 9. Environment (Training For Elected Leadership - Handbook A) (THE)

Councillor’s Guide To Learning 10. Application

Designing Human Settlements Training 11. In Asian Countries. Vol. 2: Training Tools

Developing A National Shelter Strategy: 12. Lessons From Four Countries

Directory of Human Settlements 13. Management and Development Training Institutions in Developing Countries (Directorio de instituciones de capacitación en gestión y desarrollo de asentamientos humanos en países en desarrollo)

EPM Source Book Vol. 2- Experiencias 14. en ciudades y Apoyo internacional

EPM Source Book Vol. 3- Urban 15. Environment Forum Directory(THE)

Gaia Atlas of New Cities: New 16. Directions of Sustainable Urban Living

Guide for Designing Effective Human 17. Settlements Training Programmes

Human settlements development 18. through community participation

Human Settlements Sector Review: 19. Mongolia

Human Settlements Sector Review: 20. Union of Myanmar

Implementation of the Habitat Agenda 21. (Guide for Local Authorities and their Associations)

Implementation of the Habitat Agenda 22. (Guidelines for the United Nations Resident Coordinator System)

Implementation of the Habitat Agenda 23. (Monitoring Progress in Implementing the Habitat Agenda)

Improving shelter24.

Introductory Training Materials On The 25. Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process - Trainers Guide

La gestion des villes secondaires de 26. l’Afrique sub-saharienne: dispositions institutionnelles traditionnelles et modernes

La Gestión urbana habitacional en 27. Chile: informe del equipo de trabajo

Making Cities Work: The Role of Local 28. Authorities in the Urban Environment

Management of secondary cities in 29. Latin America (THE)

Management of Secondary Cities in 30. Southeast Asia (THE)

Manual for Evaluating Training’s 31. Impact on Human Settlements

Metropolitan planning and 32. management in the developing World: Abidjan and Quito

Monitoring and Evaluation: From 33. Project to Programme in Zambia

National Trends in Housing-production 34. Practices. Volume 1: India

National Trends In Housing-production 35. Practices. Volume 4: Nigeria

Participacion Communitaria para 36. el desarollo de los asentamientos humanos

Place, Role and Prospects of Urban 37. Planning as an Instrument of Sustainable urban development and management proceed (THE)

Rapport de la réunion extraordinaire 38. des Ministres africains responsables des établissements humains dans la région Afrique

Rapport sur les activités opérationnelles39.

Reappraisal of the Urban Planning 40. process (A)

Reassessment Of Urban Planning And 41. Development Regulations In African Cities

Reassessment of Urban Planning and 42. Development Regulations in Asian Cities

Report of the Expert Group Meeting 43. on Assessing Regional Development Planning in the Management of Urbanization

Report of the international conference 44. on re-appraising the urban planning process as an instrument of sustainable urban

45. Roles, Responsibilities and 45. Capabilities for the Management of Human Settlements: Recent trends and future prospects

46. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 46. 6: Urban Air Quality Management - Handbook

47. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 47. 8: Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

48. The Councillor As Enabler: 48. Handbook 6

49. The Councillor As Facilitator: 49. Handbook 5

50. The Councillor as Institution-50. Builder: Handbook 11

51. The Councillor As Negotiator: 51. Handbook 7

52. The Councillor As Overseer: 52. Handbook 9

53. The Councillor As Policy-maker: 53. Handbook 2

54. The Incremental-development 54. Scheme: A Case Study of Khuda-ki-basti in Hyderabad, Pakistan

55. The Management of Human 55. Settlements: The Municipal Level

56. The Management of Secondary 56. Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Traditional and Modern Institutional Arrangements

57. The Report of the Special Meeting 57. of African Ministers responsible for Human Settlements in the African Region Preparatory to the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)

Tools to Support Participatory Urban 58. Decision Making





Towards an East African Community 63. Development Initiative (Country Human Settlements Profiles-Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda)

Trainer’s Guide For Training Of Elected 64. Officials

Training Manual on Urban Local 65. Government Finance for Countries for South Asian Countries

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UNCHS - Co-operation with least 66. developed countries

Urban Development for the 67. conservation and rehabilitation of historic city of Plovdiv

Urban Management Programme 1997-68. 2001

Land and Housing1. Building Trust: An evolving approach

to resettlement (Some lessons from Afghanistan)

2. Cities and Homes for All: The Habitat Agenda

3. Community Construction Contract System in Sri Lanka (THE)

4. Corrosion damages to concrete structures in Western Asia

5. Developing a Strategy for Incorporating activities for the Generation of Income and Employment within Human Settlements Programmes: Report of an expert group meeting, Nairobi, 13-17 November 1989

6. Development of National Technological Capacity for Environmentally Sound Construction

7. Development of National Technological Capacity for Production of Indigenous Building Materials

8. Endogenous Capacity-Building for the Production of Building Materials in the Construction Industry - selected case studies

9. Evaluación de las políticas nacionales del suelo e instrumentos para mejorar el acceso y el uso de la tierra Urbana

10. Finance for Shelter and Services- as a component of the Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000

11. Global Overview of Construction Technology Trends: Energy-Efficiency in Construction

12. Improving shelter

13. Land survey and Large-Scale Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa

14. Les droits de la femme à l’accès à la terre, au logement et à la propriété pendant les situations de post-conflit et les phases de réhabilitation

15. Planning Of The Construction Industry, With Emphasis on the Use Of Indigenous Production Factors

16. Policies and Measures for Small-Contractor Development in the Construction Industry

17. Report of the International Workshop on Building Maintenance Strategy

18. Report of the International Workshop on Women’s Access, Control and Tenure of Land, Property and Settlement

19. Report of the workshop on land registration and land information systems

20. Shelter Co-operatives in Eastern and Southern Africa

21. Shelter Co-operatives In South Africa

22. Shelter For All

23. Small-scale Production of Portland Cement

24. Strategies for the provision of facilities services and housing improvements in Ghana, Uganda and Zambia

25. Un Logement Pour Tous

26. Vertical-shaft Lime Kiln Technology

Environment1. Aplicacion del Programa 21

2. Cemis Module No. 4 Guidelines for Assessing Effecting Demand of Communities for Environmental Infrastructure

3. Changing Consumption Patterns in human settlements (Report of an Expert Group Meeting)

4. Development of National Technological Capacity for Environmentally Sound Construction

5. EPM Source Book Vol. 2 - City experience and international support

6. EPM Source Book Vol. 2- Experiencias en ciudades y Apoyo internacional

7. EPM Source Book Vol. 3- Urban Environment Forum Directory(THE)

8. EPM Training Guide

9. Gaia Atlas of New Cities: New Directions of Sustainable Urban Living

10. Improving the Living Environment for a Sustainable Future

11. Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process - Trainers Guide

12. Issues in the Integrated Planning and Management of River/Lake Basins and Coastal Areas

13. Place, Role and Prospects of Urban Planning as an Instrument of Sustainable urban development and management proceed (THE)

14. Promotion d’un modèle viable d’établissements humains: mise en oeuvre de l’ “Action 21”

15. SCP Process Activities: A snapshot of what are they and how they are implemented

16. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 1: Preparing the SCP Environmental Profile

17. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 2: Organising, Conducting and Reporting an SCP City Consultation

18. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 3: Establishing and Supporting a Working Group Process

19. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 4: Formulating Issue Specific Strategies and Action Plans

20. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 5: Institutionalising the Environmental Planning and Management Process

21. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 6: Urban Air Quality Management - Handbook

22. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 7:

Building an Environmental Management and Information System (EMIS)

23. SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

24. Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP): Approach and Implementation (1998)

Water Sanitation and Infrastructure1. African Waste Forum 1994 (Proceedings

of a Regional Training Workshop, 23 to 25 November 1994, Nairobi-Kenya)

2. Cape Town Declaration on Partnership in the Water Sector for Cities in Africa (Goes with partnership in the water sector for cities in Africa)

3. Delivery of Basic Infrastructure to Low-Income Settlements: Issues and Options

4. Economic Instruments and Regulatory Measures for the Demand Management of Urban Transport

5. Improvement of Urban Public Transport in Developing Countries

6. Informal Transport in the Developing World

7. Maintenance of Infrastructure and its Financing and Cost Recovery (THE)

8. Participation communautaire à l’approvisionnement en eau des logements sociaux

9. Partnership in the Water Sector for Cities in Africa (Report of the Cape Town Consultations)

10. Provision of Travelway Space for Urban Public Transport in Developing Countries

Risk and Disaster Management1. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Post

Disaster Programmes

Social Inclusion1. Communications pour l’appui aux

projects (un) principes de base ( Community participation)

2. Community Approval to Integrated Basic Services Promoting Health and Livelihood for the Urban Poor

3. Community Construction Contract System in Sri Lanka (THE)

4. Community participation in Bolivia

5. Community Participation Training in Zambia: The DANIDA/UNCHS Training Programme

6. Crowding and Health In Low-income Settlements

7. Daughters Of Sysiphus: A Study Of Gender-related Behaviour Differences In The Search For Shelter Among Low-income Heads Of House-hold In Kingston, Jamaica

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8. Focus On Women for The Global Strategy For Shelter

9. Human Settlement Interventions in Addressing Crowding and Health Issues

10. Improving of the Quality of Elderly and Disabled People in Human Settlements, Vol. I and II

11. International year of the family 1994

12. Las Mujeres en el desarrollo de los asentamientos humanos (aclarando las cosas)

13. Participacion Communitaria para el desarollo de los asentamientos humanos

14. Praja Sahayaka Sewaya (Community Assistance Service in Sri Lanka)

15. Project Support Communications (Four) Audio-Visual( Community participation)

16. Report of the International Workshop on Women’s Access, Control and Tenure of Land, Property and Settlement

17. Water Education in African Cities - Report of an Expert Group Meeting, Johannesburg South Africa, 30 April - 2 May, 2001

18. Women Constructing their lives: Evaluative Case Studies on Women in the Construction Sector

19. Women’s Empowerment: Participation in Shelter Strategies at the Community Level in Urban Informal Settlements

Information and Monitoring1. Compendium of Human Settlements

Statistics 1997

2. Graphic presentation of basic human settlements statistics

3. Habitat Atlas: Graphic Presentation of Basic Human Settlements Statistics

4. Human Settlements Basic Statistics [English]

5. Human Settlements Conditions of the World’s Urban Poor (THE)

6. Land Information Service in Kenya

7. Micro-Computer based GIS 1991

8. Report of the Regional Workshop on Land survey and Large-Scale Mapping: Support of settlements planning, Land Development and Management

9. The State of the World’s Cities Report 2001

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Publications in other languages versions

Arabic 1. An Urbanizing World – Global Report

on Human Settlements 1996 (Executive Summary)

2. Operational activities report 1999

3. Issue No. 4 July 2008: Libya Urban Planning Newsletter Issue No. 4

4. Multilingual Glossary Of Human Settlements Terms

5. Women Constructing their lives: Evaluative Case Studies on Women in the Construction Sector

6. Rapport de la réunion extraordinaire des Ministres africains responsables des établissements humains dans la région Afrique

French 1. Aménagement foncier urbain et

gouvernance locale en Afrique sub-saharienne

2. Aménagement foncier urbain et gouvernance locale en Afrique sub-saharienne

3. An Urbanizing World – Global Report on Human Settlements 1996 (Executive Summary)

4. Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (French ENDA)

5. Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (French ENDA)

6. Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 1 (French ENDA)

7. Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 2 (French ENDA)

8. Burkina Faso: Profil Urbain de Ouagadougou

9. Burkina Faso: Profil Urbain National

10. Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Kribi

11. Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Yaounde

12. Cameroun: Profil Urbain National

13. Cape Town Declaration on Partnership in the Water Sector for Cities in Africa (Goes with partnership in the water sector for cities in Africa)

14. Comment élaborer une politique foncière pro-pauvres

15. Comment faire face à une crise mondiale : l’Année internationale de l’assainissement 2008

16. Communications pour l’appui aux projects (un) principes de base ( Community participation)

17. Directory of Human Settlements Management and Development Training Institutions in Developing Countries (Directorio de instituciones de

capacitación en gestión y desarrollo de asentamientos humanos en países en desarrollo)

18. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

19. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

20. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

21. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

22. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

23. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

24. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2009 - Burkina Faso

25. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

26. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

27. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

28. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

29. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

30. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

31. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Benin

32. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Burundi- HCPD

33. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Burundi- HCPD

34. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Burundi- HCPD

35. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Burundi- HCPD

36. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Burundi- HCPD

37. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Cap Vert

38. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Cap Vert

39. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Cap Vert

40. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Cap Vert

41. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Cap Vert

42. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Cap Vert

43. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

44. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

45. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

46. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

47. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

48. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

49. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Madagascar

50. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Démocratique du Congo

51. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Démocratique du Congo

52. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Démocratique du Congo

53. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Démocratique du Congo

54. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Démocratique du Congo

55. Document de Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - République Démocratique du Congo

56. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal

57. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal

58. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal

59. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal

60. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal

61. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - Senegal

62. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad

63. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad

64. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad

65. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad

66. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad

67. Document De Programme-Pays 2008-2009 - TChad

68. Global Meeting of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme (LA21) partners: Havana 2005- Achieving sustainable urbanisation - Innovations for local and global results

69. Human Values in Water Education (French)- Creating a new Water-use Ethic in African Cities

70. La gestion des villes secondaires de l’Afrique sub-saharienne: dispositions

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institutionnelles traditionnelles et modernes

71. Le Budget Participatif en Afrique: Le Budget Participatif en Afrique – Manuel de formation pour les pays francophone

72. Les droits de la femme à l’accès à la terre, au logement et à la propriété pendant les situations de post-conflit et les phases de réhabilitation

73. Les établissements humains et les catastrophes naturelles

74. Local Elected Leadership Series (French): Compétences clés pour améliorer la gouvernance locale Vol 1. (French)- Guide de consultation rapide

75. Manuel de vérification des bilans énergétiques destinés à la gestion des bâtiments

76. Moi, ma maison et ma vie

77. Moi, ma maison et ma vie

78. Multilingual Glossary Of Human Settlements Terms

79. Niger: Profil Urbain de Mirriah

80. Niger: Profil Urbain National

81. Operational Activities Report 1999 (FRENCH)

82. Participation communautaire à l’approvisionnement en eau des logements sociaux

83. Perspectives

84. Profil National Du Burkina Faso

85. Project Support Communications (Four) Audio-Visual( Community participation)

86. Promotion d’un modèle viable d’établissements humains: mise en oeuvre de l’ “Action 21”

87. Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS): Profil National Du Cameroun

88. Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS): Profil National Du Sénégal

89. Rapport de la réunion extraordinaire des Ministres africains responsables des établissements humains dans la région Afrique

90. Rapport sur les activités opérationnelles

91. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Dakar

92. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kanel

93. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kaolack

94. Senegal: Profil Urbain National

95. The Local Economic Development Series: Promouvoir le Développement Economique par la Planification Stratégique- Volume 3 : Boîte à Outils

96. Transport for Urban and Rural Areas (Transporte para areas urbanas y rurales)

97. Transport for Urban and Rural Areas (Transporte para areas urbanas y rurales) (PART 2?)

98. Un Logement Pour Tous

99. Women Constructing their lives: Evaluative Case Studies on Women in the Construction Sector

Swahili 1. Diwani kama kiongozi kitabu 12

2. Diwani kama Mfanyaji Uamuzi, Kitabu 3

3. Diwani kama Mgharamiaji Kitabu 8

4. Diwani kama msaidizi kitabu 5

5. Diwani kama msimamizi kitabu 9

6. Diwani kama muhawiliki kitabu 7

7. Diwani kama Muundaji Sera kitabu 2

8. Diwani kama muwasilianaji kitabu 4

9. Diwani kama Muwezeshaji Kitabu 6

10. Diwani kama wakala wa mamlaka kitabu 10

11. Mikabala Juu ya Mafunzo kwa Viongozi Waliochaguliwa (Kitabu 1)

12. Mwongozo kwa Wakufunzi wa Kuwafunza Viongozi Waliochaguliwa

Spanish 1. An Urbanizing World – Global Report

on Human Settlements 1996 (Executive Summary)

2. Aplicacion del Programa 21

3. Buenas Políticas y Legislación Facilitadora para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio

4. Buenas Políticas y Legislación Facilitadora para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio

5. Directory of Human Settlements Management and Development Training Institutions in Developing Countries (Directorio de instituciones de capacitación en gestión y desarrollo de asentamientos humanos en países en desarrollo)

6. Directory of Human Settlements Management and Development Training Institutions in Developing Countries (Directorio de instituciones de capacitación en gestión y desarrollo de asentamientos humanos en países en desarrollo)

7. Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia

8. Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia

9. Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia

10. Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia

11. Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia

12. Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-2009 - Colombia

13. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

14. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

15. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

16. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

17. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

18. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

19. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Costa Rica

20. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

21. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

22. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

23. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

24. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

25. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

26. Documento De Programa De País 2008-2009 - Ecuador

27. El Rostro de la Pobreza en las Ciudades de América Latina

28. EPM Source Book Vol. 2- Experiencias en ciudades y Apoyo internacional

29. EPM Source Book Vol. 2- Experiencias en ciudades y Apoyo internacional

30. Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá

31. Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá

32. Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá

33. Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá

34. Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano Ambiental: SCP/LA21 en Arequipa

35. Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano Ambiental: SCP/LA21 en Perú

36. Evaluación de las políticas nacionales del suelo e instrumentos para mejorar el acceso y el uso de la tierra Urbana

37. Género y Hábitat, Herramientas para la Accción

38. Global Campaign for Secure Tenure (Spanish)

39. Global Meeting of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme (LA21) partners: Havana 2005- Achieving sustainable urbanisation - Innovations for local and global results

40. Gobernanza y Seguridad Urbana en América Latina y el Caribe

41. Gobernanza y Seguridad Urbana en América Latina y el Caribe ( Serie: Aprendiendo de la Innovación, 2004)

42. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana

43. Guía Práctica: Municipios en Búsqueda de Equidad

44. Hacia la solución de una crisis mundial: Año Internacional del Saneamiento 2008

Page 56: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009
















45. Herramientas para Promover la Transparencia En la Gobernanza Local

46. Informe sobre las actividades Operacionales 1999

47. La Gestión urbana habitacional en Chile: informe del equipo de trabajo

48. Las Mujeres en el desarrollo de los asentamientos humanos (aclarando las cosas)

49. Multilingual Glossary Of Human Settlements Terms

50. Nuestros hogares, nuestras vida, nosotras mismas

51. Participacion Communitaria para el desarollo de los asentamientos humanos

52. Participación Comunitaria, Manual del Capacitador

53. Planificación de asentamientos humanos en zonas propensas a desastres

54. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Peru

55. Tomodores de decisiones

56. Transport for Urban and Rural Areas (Transporte para areas urbanas y rurales)

57. Un nuevo programa para los asentamientos humanos

58. Urbanização de Assentamentos Informais e Regularização Fundiária na América Latina

59. Women Constructing their lives: Evaluative Case Studies on Women in the Construction Sector

Chinese 1. Participacion Communitaria para

el desarollo de los asentamientos humanos

2. Multilingual Glossary Of Human Settlements Terms

Russian1. Multilingual Glossary Of Human

Settlements Terms

2. New Agenda for Human Settlements (A)

3. Participacion Communitaria para el desarollo de los asentamientos humanos

4. An Urbanizing World – Global Report on Human Settlements 1996 (Executive Summary) (Russian)

Somali 1. Simple Manual for Planning and

Upgrading Displaced Population Settlements- (Somali)

2. Tusahaa Tababaraha ee Tababaridda Saraakiisha la Door

3. Xildhibaank a G/degaanka oo ah Awood Adeegsade

4. Xildhibaank a G/degaanka oo ah Hoggaamiye

5. Xildhibaanka G/degaank a oo ah Isgaadhsiiye

6. Xildhibaanka G/degaank a oo ah Karti-geliye

7. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Fududeeye

8. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Go’aamiye

9. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Gorgoriye (La-xaajoode)

10. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Hay’ad Dhise

11. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Kor Jooge

12. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Mas’uul Maaliyeed

13. Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Siyaasad Dejiye

14. Simple Manual for Planning and Upgrading Displaced Population Settlements- (Somali)

Portuguese 1. Local Elected Leadership Series (LEL)

(Portuguese): Competências Chave para melhorar a governança local- Volume 1 - Guia rápido

2. Mozambique: National Urban Profile - Portuguese

3. Objetivo de Desenvolvimento do Milenio: Municipios do Conleste, Linha base 2000-2006. Relatorio de Acompanhamento

4. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Cachoeiras de Macacu. Relatorio de Acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

5. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Casimiro de Abreu, Relatorio de Acompanhamento, Linha base 2000-2006

6. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Guapimirim. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

7. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Itaborai. Relatorio de Acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

8. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Magé. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

9. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Maricá. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

10. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Niteroi. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

11. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Rio Bonito. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

12. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de São Gonçalo. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

13. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Silva Jardim. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

14. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Tanguá. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

15. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Cachoeiras de macacu ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

16. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Casimiro de abreu ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

17. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Guapimirim ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

18. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Itaboraí ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

19. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Magé ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

20. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Maricá ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

21. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Municípios do Conleste Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

22. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Niterói ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

23. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Rio Bonito ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

24. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: São Gonçalo Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

25. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Silva Jardim Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

26. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Tanguá Ano de 2007. Relatório de Acompanhamento

Page 57: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009




















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title in electronic format (available on un-HabItat’s website,

Urban development and management

Aménagement foncier urbain et 1. gouvernance locale en Afrique sub-saharienne (French)

Annual Report 20082.

Berbera Profile- First Steps Towards 3. Strategic Urban Planning

Best Practices on Social Sustainability in 4. Historic Districts

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic 5. urban planning

Building Bridges through Managing 6. Conflict and Differences - Part 1 (Somali)

Building Bridges through Managing 7. Conflict and Differences - Part 2 (Somali)

Building Bridges through Managing 8. Conflicts and Differences - Part 1

Building Bridges through Managing 9. Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (Bulgarian)

Building Bridges through Managing 10. Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (Czech)

Building Bridges through Managing 11. Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (French ENDA)

Building Bridges through Managing 12. Conflicts and Differences - Part 2

Building Bridges through Managing 13. Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (Bulgarian)

Building Bridges through Managing 14. Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (Czech)

Building Bridges through Managing 15. Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (French ENDA)

Building Bridges through Participatory 16. Planning – Bosnian

Building Bridges through Participatory 17. Planning - Part 1

Building Bridges through Participatory 18. Planning - Part 1 (French ENDA)

Building Bridges through Participatory 19. Planning - Part 1 (Lithuanian)

Building Bridges through Participatory 20. Planning - Part 1 (Somali)

Building Bridges through Participatory 21. Planning - Part 2

Building Bridges through Participatory 22. Planning - Part 2 (French ENDA)

Building Bridges through Participatory 23. Planning - Part 2 (Lithuanian)

Building Bridges through Participatory 24. Planning – Serbian

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through 25. Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 1

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for 26. Organizational Outreach - Part 1

Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for 27. Organizational Outreach - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for 28. Organizational Outreach - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for 29. Organizational Outreach - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through 30. Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 1 (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through 31. Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 2 (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through 32. Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through 33. Managing and Developing Human Resources – Part 2 Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through 34. Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Capacitação de ONGs/OCs em Alcance 35. Organizacional- Parte 1: Conceitos e estratégias (Portuguese)

Capacitação de ONGs/OCs em Alcance 36. Organizacional- Parte 2: Ferramentas de projeto para gestão e treinamento (Portuguese)

Citywide Strategy for the Upgrading 37. Unplanned and Unserviced Settlements in Dar es Salaam

Councillor As Guardian Of The 38. Environment (Training For Elected Leadership - Handbook A) (THE)

Councillor’s Guide To Learning 39. Application

Designing Human Settlements Training In 40. African Countries. Vol. 1. Case Study

Designing Human Settlements Training In 41. African Countries. Vol. 2. Training Tools Study

Designing Human Settlements Training In 42. Asian Countries. Vol. 1: Case Study

Designing Human Settlements Training In 43. Asian Countries. Vol. 2: Training Tools

Designing Human Settlements Training In 44. European Countries. Vol 1: Case Study

Designing Human Settlements Training In 45. European Countries. Vol 2: Training Tools

Developing and Managing Professional 46. Code of Ethics

Diwani kama Mjenzi wa Taasisi Kitabu 47. 11 (Swahili)

Diwani kama kiongozi kitabu 12 (Swahili)48.

Diwani kama Mfanyaji Uamuzi, Kitabu 3 49. (Swahili)

Diwani kama Mgharamiaji Kitabu 8 50. (Swahili)

Diwani kama msaidizi kitabu 5 (Swahili)51.

Diwani kama msimamizi kitabu 9 52. (Swahili)

Diwani kama muhawiliki kitabu 7 53. (Swahili)

Diwani kama Muundaji Sera kitabu 2 54. (Swahili)

Diwani kama muwasilianaji kitabu 4 55. (Swahili)

Diwani kama Muwezeshaji Kitabu 6 56. (Swahili)

Diwani kama wakala wa mamlaka kitabu 57. 10 (Swahili)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 58. 2009 - Burkina Faso (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-59. 2009 - Benin (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-60. 2009 - Burundi- HCPD (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-61. 2009 - Cap Vert (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-62. 2009 - Madagascar (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-63. 2009 - République Démocratique du Congo (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-64. 2009 - Senegal (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-65. 2009 - TChad (French)

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-66. 2009 - Colombia (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-67. 2009 - Costa Rica (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-68. 2009 - Ecuador (Spanish)

ecoBudget- Introduction for Mayors and 69. Municipal Councillors

EPM Source Book Vol. 3- Urban 70. Environment Forum Directory(THE)

Eritrea: National and Cities Urban Profile71.

Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano 72. Ambiental: SCP/LA21 en Perú (Spanish)

Ethiopia Urban Profile73.

Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile74.

Executive Summary of Structure Plans for 75. Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi and Environs 2009-2027

Financing Urban Development around 76. Lake Victoria

Gardho - First steps towards strategic 77. urban planning

Garowe - first steps towards strategic 78. urban planning

Page 58: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009




















, WW








Gender and Involvement of Women in 79. Local Governance

Gender in Local Government – A 80. sourcebook for Trainers

Gender in Local Government: A 81. Sourcebook for Trainers (Portuguese)

Gestion de l’ Environnement Urbain- 82. Programmes des Cités Durables (French)

Ghana Urban Profile83.

Ghana: Accra Urban Profile84.

Global Campaign on Urban Governance 85. (THE)

Gobernanza y Seguridad Urbana en 86. América Latina y el Caribe ( Serie: Aprendiendo de la Innovación, 2004) (Spanish)

Guía para la prevención local hacia 87. políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana (Spanish)

Guide for Designing Effective Human 88. Settlements Training Programmes

Guide for Managing Change for Urban 89. Managers and Trainers

Habitat Debate: Habitat Debate Vol.14 90. No. 2, Working with the private sector for better cities- Volume 14, No. 2

Hargeisa - First steps towards strategic 91. urban planning

HCPD: UN-HABITAT Country Programme 92. Document 2008-2009 – Nigeria

Herramientas para Promover la 93. Transparencia En la Gobernanza Local (Spanish)

Housing Finance Manual for Developing 94. Countries - Part 1

Housing Finance Manual for Developing 95. Countries – Part 2

How to Establish an Effective Land Sector96.

Human Settlements Global Dialogue 97. Series: Broad-Based Partnerships as a Strategy for Urban Livability: An Evaluation of Best Practices

Human Settlements Global Dialogue 98. Series: Globalization and urban centres in Africa- N/A

Human Settlements Global Dialogue 99. Series: Governance Reform from Below: Multilevel Politics and the 'New Deal' Campaign in Toronto, Canada

Human Settlements Global Dialogue 100. Series: Municipal Finance and Urban Development

Humanitarian Affairs and the role of 101. UN-HABITAT- Strategic Policy on Human Settlements in Crisis and Sustainable Relief and Reconstruction Framework

Implementation and Replication of SCP 102. process at city and national level

Implementing the Habitat Agenda: 103. Urban Management Programme City Consultation Case Studies (UMP No. 28)

Inclusive and Sustainable Urban 104. Development Planning: A guide for Municipalities- Volume 1: An Introduction to Urban Strategic Planning

International guidelines on 105. decentralisation and the strengthening of local authorities

International Legal Instruments 106. Addressing Good Governance

Issue No. 4 July 2008: Libya Urban 107. Planning Newsletter Issue No. 4

Issue No. 4 July 2008: Libya Urban 108. Planning Newsletter Issue No. 4 (Arabic)

Le Budget Participatif en Afrique: Le 109. Budget Participatif en Afrique – Manuel de formation pour les pays francophone (French)

Linkages between Transport and Housing 110. for the Urban Poor: Policy Implications and Alternatives

Local Democracy and Decentralization in 111. East and Southern Africa

Local to Local Dialogue: A Grassroot 112. Women’s Perspective on Good Governance

Management Of Revolving Funds For 113. House Improvement Loans (THE)

Manual for Evaluating Training’s Impact 114. on Human Settlements

Manual For Collaborative Organizational 115. Assessment In Human Settlements Organizations

Manual For Training Needs Assessment 116. In Human Settlements Organizations: A Systematic Approach To Assessing Training Needs

Mikabala Juu ya Mafunzo kwa Viongozi 117. Waliochaguliwa (Kitabu 1) (Swahili)

Partnership for Local Capacity 118. Development - Building on the Experiences of City-to-City Cooperation

Perspectives (French)119.

Policy Dialogue Series: Youth, Children 120. And Urban Governance - Number 2

Problemas y políticas urbanas en América 121. Latina: Certidumbres y falacias (Spanish)

Profil National Du Burkina Faso (French)122.

Promoting Biodiversity In and Around the 123. Lake Victoria Basin

Promoting Local Economic Development 124. through Strategic Planning: Promovendo o Desenvolvimento Econômico Local através do Planejamento Estratégico- Volume 1 - Guia Rapidó (Portuguese)

Rapid Urban Sector Profile: Zambia: 125. Kitwe Urban Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 126. Sustainability (RUSPS): Profil National Du Cameroun (French)

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 127. Sustainability (RUSPS): Profil National Du Sénégal (French)

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 128. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 129. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Dire Dawa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 130. Sustainabilty: Zambia: Lusaka Urban Sector Profile

Restore the Health of your Organisation 131. - A Practical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Government and Communities- Volume 1: Concepts and Strategies

Restore the Health of your Organisation 132. - A Pratical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Governments and Communities- Volume 2. Process Facilitation Tools

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: 133. Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

Série Desenvolvimento Econômico 134. Local: Promovendo o Desenvolvimento Econômico Local através do Planejamento stratégico- Volume 3: O Conjunto de Ferramentas (Portuguese)

Série Liderança Eleita: Competências 135. chave para melhorar a governança local - Volume 2: Manual do usuário (Portuguese)

Série Liderança Eleita: Competências 136. chave para melhorar a governança local - Volume 3: Conceitos e Estratégias (Portuguese)

Série Liderança Eleita: Competências 137. chave para melhorar a governança local - Volume 4: Ferramentas de Treinamento (Portuguese)

Sheikh - First steps towards strategic 138. urban planning

Simple Manual for Planning and 139. Upgrading Displaced Population Settlements- English

Simple Manual for the Planning and 140. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (English)

Simple Manual for the Planning and 141. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (Somali)

Structure Plan for Awka and Satellite 142. Towns

Structure Plan for Nnewi and Satellite 143. Towns

Structure Plan for Onitsha and Satellite 144. Towns

Sustainable Cities Programme 1990 - 145. 2000

Systematic Land Information and 146. Management - A Technical Manual for the Establishment and Implementation of a Municipal Geographic Information System

Tanzania: Bagamoyo Urban Sector Profile147.

Tanzania: Dar es Salaam City Profile148.

Tanzania: Morogoro Profile149.

The Councillor As Policy-maker: 150. Handbook 2

The Local Economic Development 151. Series: Promouvoir le développement économique local par la planification stratégique.- Volume 1 - Guide de Consultation Rapide (French)

The Local Economic Development 152. Series: Promouvoir le Développement Economique par la Planification Stratégique- Volume 2 : Manuel (French)

The Local Economic Development 153. Series: Promouvoir le Développement Economique par la Planification Stratégique- Volume 3 : Boîte à Outils (French)

The Local Economic Development 154. Series: Promouvoir le Développement

Page 59: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009




















, WW








Economique par la Planification Stratégique- Volume 4 : Guide d’Action (French)

The Sustainable Cities China Programme- 155. A compendium of good practice

The Sustainable Cities Programme in Peru 156. (Spanish)

The Sustainable Cities Programme in the 157. Philippines ((1998-2007)- Addressing poverty, gender inequality and environmental degradation

The Sustainable Cities Programme in 158. Zambia (1994-2007)- Addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization

The Sustainable Cities Sri Lanka 159. Programme 1999-2004

The Wealth of cities: Towards an assets-160. based development of newly urbanizing regions - UN-HABITAT Lecture Series

Tomodores de decisiones (Spanish)161.

Tools to Support Participatory Urban 162. Decision Making

Tools to Support Transparency in Local 163. Governance

Total quality maintenance in local 164. Government operations and maintenance Blue print for action; participation workbook






Training Manual on Urban Local 170. Government Finance for Countries for South Asian Countries

Tusahaa Tababaraha ee Tababaridda 171. Saraakiisha la Door

UN-HABITAT Country Program Document 172. 2008-2009 – Vietnam

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 173. Document 2008-2009 – Ghana

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 174. Document 2008-2009 – Indonesia

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 175. Document 2008-2009 – Lebanon

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 176. Document 2008-2009 - Liberia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 177. Document 2008-2009 – Malawi

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 178. Document 2008-2009 – Mozambique

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 179.

Document 2008-2009 - Namibia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 180. Document 2008-2009 – Nepal

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 181. Document 2008-2009 – Pakistan

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 182. Document 2008-2009 – Philippines

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 183. Document 2008-2009 – Rwanda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 184. Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 185. Document 2008-2009 – Uganda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 186. Document 2008-2009- Zambia

UN-HABITAT in the Somali Region- 187. 25 Years of Partnership in Urban Development

UN-HABITAT lecture Award Series: Urban 188. Problems and Policies in Latin America: Truths and Fallacies

Urban Safety and Good Governance: The 189. Role of the Police

Urban Trialogues: Localising Agenda 21190.

Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview 191. of the LED Series: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning

Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview of 192. the LEL Series: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance

Volume 13, No. 1: Habitat Debate 193. Financing for the Urban Poor- Volume 13, No. 1

Volume 2 - Manual: LED concepts and a 194. 10-step planning process: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 2: Manual

Volume 2 - User’s Guide: to maximize use 195. beyond training workshops: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 2: User Guide

Volume 3 - Concepts and Strategies: 196. for each of the roles and competencies: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 3: Concept and Strategies

Volume 3 - Toolkit: tools to support 197. the planning process: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 3: Toolkit

Volume 4 - Action Guide: action ideas 198. and case studies: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 4: Action guide

Volume 4 - Training Tools: to support 199. enhanced learning and application: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 4: Training Tools

Volume I and II: Participatory Budgeting 200. in Africa - A Training Companion

Water Demand Management Cook Book201.

World Urban Forum 4 Report- The 202. World’s Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008

Xildhibaank a G/degaanka oo ah Awood 203. Adeegsade (Somali)

Xildhibaank a G/degaanka oo ah 204. Hoggaamiye (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaank a oo ah 205. Isgaadhsiiye (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaank a oo ah Karti-206. geliye (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah 207. Fududeeye (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah 208. Go’aamiye (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah 209. Gorgoriye (La-xaajoode) (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Hay’ad 210. Dhise (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Kor 211. Jooge (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Mas’uul 212. Maaliyeed (Somali)

Xildhibaanka G/degaanka oo ah Siyaasad 213. Dejiye (Somali)

Land and HousingA Guide to Property Law in Uganda1.

Aménagement foncier urbain et 2. gouvernance locale en Afrique sub-saharienne (French)

Analytical Perspective of Pro-poor Slum 3. Upgrading Frameworks

Annual Report 2008 – French4.

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic 5. urban planning

Building materials and construction 6. technologies: Annotated UN-HABITAT bibliography

Case Studies On Measures For Energy-7. efficient Shelter And Infrastructure

Cities without slums8.

Cities without Slums Sub-regional 9. Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa: Durban Situation Analysis

Cities without Slums Sub-regional 10. Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa: Situation Analysis of Informal Settlements in Kampala

Cities without Slums Subregional 11. Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa: Situation Analysis of Slum Settlements in Addis Ababa

Compendium of Information on Selected 12. Low-cost Building Materials

Developing A National Shelter Strategy: 13. Lessons From Four Countries

Developing a Strategy for Incorporating 14. activities for the Generation of Income and Employment within Human Settlements Programmes: Report of an expert group meeting, Nairobi, 13-17 November 1989

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 15. 2009 - Burkina Faso (French)

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Document De Programme-Pays 2008-16. 2009 - Benin (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-17. 2009 - Burundi- HCPD (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-18. 2009 - Cap Vert (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-19. 2009 - Madagascar (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-20. 2009 - République Démocratique du Congo (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-21. 2009 - Senegal (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-22. 2009 - Tchad (French)

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-23. 2009 - Colombia (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-24. 2009 - Costa Rica (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-25. 2009 - Ecuador (Spanish)

Droits des femmes au sol,à la propriété 26. et au logement: guide global pour les politiques publiques

Energy Audit Manual: for Use in the 27. Operation of Buildings

Energy Conservation In The Production 28. And Maintenance Of Buildings, Vol. 1: Use Of Solar Energy And Natural Cooling In The Design Of Buildings For Developing Countries

Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- 29. La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá (Spanish)

Ethiopia Urban Profile30.

Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile31.

Forced Evictions - towards solutions? 32. First Report of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions to the Executive Director

Forced Evictions - towards solutions? 33. Second Report of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions to the Executive Director

Gardho - First steps towards strategic 34. urban planning

Garowe - first steps towards strategic 35. urban planning

Global Overview of Construction 36. Technology Trends: Energy-Efficiency in Construction- Development of energy-efficient and environmentally sound housing in Russia

Guidelines on how to undertake a 37. National Campaign for Secure Tenure

Housing and Property Rights - In Bosnia 38. and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro

How to Develop a Pro-poor Land Policy 39. - Process, Guide and Lessons

How to Establish an Effective Land 40. Sector

Human Rights Cities- Civic Engagement 41. for Societal Development

Human Settlements Financing Tools 42. and Best Practices: Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy

Human Settlements Management, with 43.

Special Reference to Rehabilitation of Existing Housing Stock

Improving Rural Shelter In Developing 44. Countries

Institutional Harmonisation Processes in 45. the Kenyan Land Sector:A Case Study of the Time Period 2003–2007

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks- 46. Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda

International Instruments on Housing 47. Rights

La Gestion foncière pour les plus 48. pauvres - Comment intégrer les taudis dans les politiques d’urbanisme (French)

Land Registration in Ethiopia: Early 49. Impacts on Women

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia50.

Linkages between Transport and 51. Housing for the Urban Poor: Policy Implications and Alternatives

Manuel des bonnes pratiques – sécurité 52. foncière et accès au sol - COMMENT METTRE EN OEUVRE LE PROGRAMME POUR L’HABITAT

Mejoramientos de asentamientos 53. precarios: condiciones para el desarrollo de programas de amplia escala en América Central (Spanish)

National Design Handbook Prototype 54. On Passive Solar Heating And Natural Cooling Of Buildings

Policy Guide to Housing for Indigenous 55. Peoples in Cities: Urban Policy Guides for Indigenous Peoples: Housing Indigenous Peoples in Cities

Policy Makers Guide to Women’s Land, 56. Property and Housing Rights Across the World

Pro Poor Land Management: Integrating 57. Slums into City Planning Approaches

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 58. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 59. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Dire Dawa Urban Sector Profile

Rental Housing: An essential option for 60. the urban poor in developing countries

Report of Colloquium on Contribution 61. of the Co-operative Sector to Housing Development

Rights and Reality62.

Secure Land Rights for All63.

Serie de Análisis sobre la ley, la tenencia 64. de la tierra y el género: América Latina (Spanish)

Shared Tenure Options for Women65.

Sheikh - First steps towards strategic 66. urban planning

Shelter, Employment and the Urban 67. Poor

Simple Manual for Planning and 68. Upgrading Displaced Population Settlements- English

Simple Manual for the Planning and 69. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (English)

Simple Manual for the Planning and 70. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (Somali)

Situation Analysis of informal 71. settlements in Kisumu

Slum Upgrading Facility Local Finance 72. Facilities exchange visit to the Community Organisations Development Institute in Thailand 21st October to 25th October, 2008: THE UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) WORKING PAPER 11

Strategies For Low Income Shelter And 73. Services Development: The Rental-housing Option

The Human Settlements Finance 74. Systems Series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

The rehabilitation of existing housing 75. stock Report of the expert group meeting on human settlements management, with special reference to the rehabilitation of existing housing stock, New Delhi, 1-8 February 1982

The Use of Selected Indigenous Building 76. Materials with Potential for Wide Application in Developing Countries

UN-HABITAT and Kenya Slum 77. Upgrading Programme (KENSUP)

UN-HABITAT and The Kenya Slum 78. Upgrading Programme - Strategy Document

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 79. Document 2008-2009 – Ghana

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 80. Document 2008-2009 – Indonesia

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 81. Document 2008-2009 – Lebanon

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 82. Document 2008-2009 - Liberia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 83. Document 2008-2009 - Malawi

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 84. Document 2008-2009 – Mozambique

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 85. Document 2008-2009 - Namibia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 86. Document 2008-2009 – Nepal

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 87. Document 2008-2009 – Nigeria HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 88. Document 2008-2009 – Pakistan

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 89. Document 2008-2009 - Philippines

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 90. Document 2008-2009 - Rwanda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 91. Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 92. Document 2008-2009 - Uganda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 93. Document 2008-2009- Zambia

UNHRP Working Paper No. 1: 94. Monitoring housing rights: Developing a set of indicators to monitor the full and progressive realisation of the human right to adequate housing

United Nations Housing Rights 95. Programme, Report No. 7: Indigenous

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Peoples’ Right to Adequate Housing: A Global Overview

Upgrading of Urban Slums and Squatter 96. Areas

Urban Land for all97.

Vertical-shaft Lime Kiln Technology98.

Volume 13, No. 1: Habitat Debate 99. Financing for the Urban Poor- Volume 13, No. 1

Women’s equal rights to housing, land 100. and property in international law

Women’s Rights to Land, Housing 101. and Property in Post conflict situations and During Reconstruction- A Global Overview

Working paper 8: The UN-HABITAT 102. Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF)- LOCAL FINANCE FACILITIES

Working Paper 9: UN-HABITAT Slum 103. Upgrading Facility Working Paper 9

World Urban Forum 4 Report- The 104. World’s Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008

EnvironmentAnnual Report 2008 - French1.

Cemis Module No. 4 Guidelines 2. for Assessing Effecting Demand of Communities for Environmental Infrastructure

Coalition for Sustainable Urbanisation: 3. Partnership Commitments for Implementing Agenda 21

ecoBudget- Introduction for Mayors and 4. Municipal Councillors

Energy-Environment Linkages In African 5. Cities: Final Report of the Regional Workshop

EPM Source Book Vol. 1-Implementing 6. the Urban Environment Agenda

EPM Source Book Vol. 2 - City 7. experience and international support

EPM Source Book Vol. 3- Urban 8. Environment Forum Directory(THE)

Establishing and Supporting a Working 9. Group Process

Guide for Community Based 10. Environmental Management Information Systems (CEMIS) (THE)

Implementation and Replication of SCP 11. process at city and national level

Promoting Biodiversity In and Around 12. the Lake Victoria Basin

SCP Documentation Series : The 13. sustainable cities programme in Tanzania 1992-2003

SCP Documentation Series n. 2:The 14. sustainable cities programme in Tanzania 1992-2003

SCP Documentation Series n. 3: the 15. sustainable Dar es Salaam Project 1992-2003

SCP Process Activities: A snapshot 16. of what are they and how they are implemented

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 1: 17. Preparing the SCP Environmental Profile

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 2: 18. Organising, Conducting and Reporting an SCP City Consultation

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 3: 19. Establishing and Supporting a Working Group Process

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 4: 20. Formulating Issue Specific Strategies and Action Plans

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 5: 21. Institutionalising the Environmental Planning and Management Process

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 7: 22. Building an Environmental Management and Information System (EMIS)

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: 23. Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 9: 24. Measuring Progress in Environmental Planning and Management

Simple Manual for the Planning and 25. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (English)

Simple Manual for the Planning and 26. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (Somali)

Sustainable Cities Programme 1990-27. 2000

Sustainable Cities Programme, 1990 28. - 2000: A Decade of United Nations Support for Broad-based participatory management of Urban Development

Sustainable Urbanisation - Achieving 29. Agenda 21

Tale of 2 cities30.

The SCP Process Activities: A Snapshot 31. of what they are and how they are implemented (SCP, Nairobi 1998)

The Sustainable Cities Programme in 32. Zambia (1994-2007)- Addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization

Water Sanitation and Infrastructure

Annual Report 2008 – French1.

Application of Biomass-Energy 2. Technologies

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic 3. urban planning

Case Studies On Measures For Energy-4. efficient Shelter And Infrastructure

Community Managed System for 5. Operation, Billing & Collection of Water Charges

Community Participation: Solid Waste 6. Management in Low-income Housing Projects; The Scope for Community Participation

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 7. 2009 - Burkina Faso (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-8. 2009 - Benin (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-9. 2009 - Burundi- HCPD (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-10.

2009 - Cap Vert (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-11. 2009 - Madagascar (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-12. 2009 - République Démocratique du Congo (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-13. 2009 - Senegal (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-14. 2009 - Tchad (French)

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-15. 2009 - Colombia (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-16. 2009 - Costa Rica (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-17. 2009 - Ecuador (Spanish)

Energy Audit Manual: for Use in the 18. Operation of Buildings

Energy Conservation In The Production 19. And Maintenance Of Buildings, Vol. 1: Use Of Solar Energy And Natural Cooling In The Design Of Buildings For Developing Countries

Energy for Building: Improving Energy 20. Efficiency in Construction and in the Production of Building Materials in Developing Countries

Energy for Low-income Settlements21.

Energy-Environment Linkages In African 22. Cities: Final Report of the Regional Workshop

Ethiopia Urban Profile23.

Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile24.

Facilitators and Trainers Guidebook on 25. Human Values-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms- Human Values-based water, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms


Framework of Action for Meeting the 27. Millennium Development Goal on Water and Sanitation in the Asia-Pacific Region- AN OUTCOME OF ASIA-PACIFIC MINISTERS CONFERENCE

Gardho - First steps towards strategic 28. urban planning

Garowe - first steps towards strategic 29. urban planning

Global Overview of Construction 30. Technology Trends: Energy-Efficiency in Construction- Development of energy-efficient and environmentally sound housing in Russia

Guide for Forming and Managing 31. WATSAN Youth Clubs

Guidelines for Planning of Rural 32. Settlements and Infrastructure: Road Networks

Guidelines for the Planning of Rural 33. Settlements and Infrastructure: Electrification- A methodology

Guidelines on Revolving Funds for 34. Community Managed Water Supply Schemes and Construction of Individual Household Toilets in Urban Slums in Madhya Pradesh, India

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Guidelines on Revolving funds for 35. constructing latrines and water connections in luang Prabang, Lao PDR

HCPD: UN-HABITAT Country Programme 36. Document 2008-2009 – Nigeria

Human Values and Ethics in Workplace - 37. Facilitator Guide

Human Values and Ethics in Workplace : 38. Improving Leadership and performance in the Water Education, Water Supply and Sanitation Sector

Informal Transport in the Developing 39. World

Lake Victoria Region Water and 40. Sanitation Intitiative- Rapid appraisal of water and Sanitation in 30 Selected Urban Centers

Leakage Reduction Projects Undertaken 41. by Rand Water

Linkages between Transport and Housing 42. for the Urban Poor: Policy Implications and Alternatives

Mainstreaming Gender Water and 43. Sanitation- Strategy and Action Plan

Manual on the right to water and 44. sanitation

Measures for Ensuring Sustainability of 45. Rainwater Harvesting

Moyens de transport pour les zones 46. d’habitat urbaines et rurales

National Design Handbook Prototype 47. On Passive Solar Heating And Natural Cooling Of Buildings

Poverty Mapping: Poverty Mapping - A 48. Situational Analysis of Poverty Pockets in Bhopal

Poverty Mapping: Poverty Mapping- A 49. Situation Analysis of Poverty Pockets in Gwalior

Poverty mapping: Poverty mapping- A 50. Situation Analysis of Poverty Pockets in Indore

Poverty Mapping: Poverty Mapping- A 51. Situation Analysis of Poverty Pockets in Jabalpur

Proceedings of the Bhopal Workshop in 52. March 2005 at Bhopal

Project Managers and implemetation 53. Agency: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 3:Project Managers and implemetation Agency

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 54. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 55. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Dire Dawa Urban Sector Profile

Rejuvenation of Community Toilets56.

Sheikh - First steps towards strategic 57. urban planning

Strategic Plan for the UN-HABITAT Water 58. and Sanitation Trust Fund 2008-2012

Strategy For Addressing HIV/AIDS in 59. Programme Activities of The Water And Sanitation Trust Fund

The UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation 60. Trust Fund Annual Report 2008

The United Nations World Water 61.

Development Report 2: Water, A Shared Responsibility

UN-HABITAT and The Kenya Slum 62. Upgrading Programme - Strategy Document

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 63. Document 2008-2009 – Ghana

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 64. Document 2008-2009 – Indonesia

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 65. Document 2008-2009 - Lebanon

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 66. Document 2008-2009 - Liberia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 67. Document 2008-2009 - Malawi

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 68. Document 2008-2009 – Mozambique

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 69. Document 2008-2009 - Namibia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 70. Document 2008-2009 - Nepal

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 71. Document 2008-2009 - Pakistan

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 72. Document 2008-2009 – Philippines

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 73. Document 2008-2009 – Rwanda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 74. Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 75. Document 2008-2009 – Uganda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 76. Document 2008-2009- Zambia

UN-HABITAT Series on Water and 77. Sanitation for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili- McMillan

Volume 13, No. 1: Habitat Debate 78. Financing for the Urban Poor- Volume 13, No. 1

Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual 79. Report 2006

Water Demand Management Strategy 80. and Implementation Plan for Bhopal

Water Demand Management Strategy 81. and Implementation Plan for Gwalior

Water Demand Management Strategy 82. and Implementation Plan for INDORE

Water Demand Management Strategy 83. and Implementation Plan for Jabalpur

Working paper 8: The UN-HABITAT Slum 84. Upgrading Facility (SUF)- LOCAL FINANCE FACILITIES

Urban Economy and Financing Shelter

Annual Report 2008 - French1.

Enhancing Resource Allocation to 2. Urban Development in Africa- Report of African Regional Seminar on Enhancing Resource Allocation to Cities to Strengthen their Role as Engines of Economic Growth and Development

Financing Urban Development around 3. Lake Victoria

Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report 4. on Human Settlements 2005

Financing Urban Shelter (Abridged 5. Edition)- Global Report on Human Settlements 2005

Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater 6. Sludge, and Biosolids Management- Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile7.

Housing Finance Mechanisms in India8.

Human Settlement Finance and Policies: 9. Housing for All: The Challenges of Affordability,Accessibility and Sustainability- The Experiences and Instruments from the Developing and developed worlds

Human Settlement Finance Systems: 10. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Bolivia

Human Settlement Finance Systems: 11. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Indonesia

Human Settlement Finance Systems: 12. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Peru

Human Settlement Finance Systems: 13. Housing Finance Systems In South Africa

Human Settlements Finance Systems 14. series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe

Human Settlements Finance Systems: 15. Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea

Human Settlements Financing Tools 16. and Best Practices series: Asset-Based Approach to Community Development and Capacity Building

Improving Rural Shelter In Developing 17. Countries

Innovative Policies for the Urban 18. Informal Economy

International Migrants and the City19.

Moyens de transport pour les zones 20. d’habitat urbaines et rurales (French)

SCP Documentation Series n. 3: the 21. sustainable Dar es Salaam Project 1992-2003

Sustainable Development of the 22. Housing Finance System: The Experience of the Canada Mortgage and housing Corporation (CMHC) Series No. 1

The Affordable Housing Tools and 23. Technical Report Series No: 1: Housing and Urban Upgrading in Yantai

The Human Settlements Finance 24. Systems Series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

Training Manual on Urban Local 25. Government Finance for English-Speaking East and Southern African Countries

Urban-Rural Linkages- An annotated 26. bibliography 1994-2004

Volume 1 - Quick Guide: an overview 27. of the LED Series: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning

Volume I and II: Participatory Budgeting 28. in Africa - A Training Companion

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Risk and Disaster ManagementAnnual Report 2008 – French1.

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic 2. urban planning

Crime in Dar es Salaam- Results of a 3. City Victim Survey

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 4. 2009 - Burkina Faso (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-5. 2009 - Benin (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-6. 2009 - Madagascar (French)

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-7. 2009 - Colombia (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-8. 2009 - Costa Rica (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-9. 2009 - Ecuador (Spanish)

Environment and Urbanization- 10. Developing citizenship among urban youth in conflict with the law

Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- 11. La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá (Spanish)

Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión 12. Urbano Ambiental: SCP/LA21 en Arequipa (Spanish)

Ethiopia Urban Profile13.

Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile14.

Global Campaign on Urban 15. Governance: Youth, Children and Urban Governance

Guía para la prevención local hacia 16. políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana (Spanish)

Hábitat y Desarrollo Humano completo 17. (Spanish)

Hábitat y el desafio de las micorfinanzas 18. (Spanish)


Hábitat y financiación- Una estrategia 20. para la lucha contra la pobreza (Spanish)


Housing, Land and Property in Crimea22.

Humanitarian Affairs and the Role of 23. UN-HABITAT- Strategic Policy on Human Settlements in Crisis and Sustainable Relief and Reconstruction Framework

Inter-Agency Report on Indonesian 24. Forest and Land Fires and Proposals for Risk Reduction in Human Settlements

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks- 25. Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda

La microfinanciación de la vivienda- 26. Hacia la configuración de un nuevo (Spanish)

National Strategy on Urban Crime 27. Prevention in Tanzania

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 28. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 29. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Dire Dawa

Urban Sector Profile

Report: Urban Safety - Safety for all30.

Shelter Projects 2008- IASC Emergency 31. Shelter Cluster

Simple Manual for Planning and 32. Upgrading Displaced Population Settlements- English

Simple Manual for the Planning and 33. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (English)

Simple Manual for the Planning and 34. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (Somali)

Towards an Urban Crime Prevention 35. Strategy: Diagnosis of Insecurity Report in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

UN-HABITAT Country Program 36. Document 2008-2009 - Vietnam

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 37. Document 2008-2009 - Ghana

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 38. Document 2008-2009 - Indonesia

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 39. Document 2008-2009 – Lebanon

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 40. Document 2008-2009 - Liberia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 41. Document 2008-2009 – Malawi

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 42. Document 2008-2009 - Namibia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 43. Document 2008-2009 - Nigeria

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 44. Document 2008-2009 – Pakistan

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 45. Document 2008-2009 – Philippines

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 46. Document 2008-2009 – Rwanda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 47. Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 48. Document 2008-2009 – Uganda

Urban Crime Prevention and Youth at 49. Risk

Volume 1: Countries with Land Records: 50. Handbook on Post-Conflict Land Administration and Peacebuilding

Volume 13, No. 1: Habitat Debate 51. Financing for the Urban Poor- Volume 13, No. 1

Social InclusionA better childhood in the city1.

Crime in Nairobi: Results of a City wide 2. Victim Survey; Safer Cities Series 2

Environment and Urbanization- 3. Developing citizenship among urban youth in conflict with the law

Global Campaign on Urban 4. Governance: Youth, Children and Urban Governance

Guía para la prevención local hacia 5. políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana (Spanish)

Guide for Forming and Managing 6. WATSAN Youth Clubs

HIV/AIDS Checklist for Water and 7. Sanitation Projects

Human Settlements Financing Tools 8. and Best Practices series: Asset-Based Approach to Community Development and Capacity Building

Policy Dialogue Series: Youth, Children 9. And Urban Governance - Number 2

Simple Manual for the Planning and 10. Upgrading of Displaced Population Settlements- (English)

Strategy on Youth at Risk in Latin 11. America

Strategy paper on Urban Youth in Africa12.

Survivors Speak: A snapshot survey on 13. violence against women

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation 14. books for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili, The Killer Floods and Magic Waterman

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation 15. books for Lower Primary: Maria’s Doll, River Murunji and Tommy has a tummy ache

Urban Crime Prevention and Youth at 16. Risk

Urban Safety and Good Governance: 17. The Role of the Police

Victimisation in Tanzania: Surveys of 18. Crime in Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Mtwara

Youth delinquency and the criminal 19. justice system in Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Information and MonitoringAnnual Report 20081.

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 2. 2009 - Burkina Faso (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-3. 2009 - Benin (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-4. 2009 - Burundi- HCPD (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-5. 2009 - Cap Vert (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-6. 2009 - Madagascar (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-7. 2009 - République Démocratique du Congo (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-8. 2009 - Senegal (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-9. 2009 - Tchad (French)

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-10. 2009 - Colombia (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-11. 2009 - Costa Rica (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-12. 2009 - Ecuador (Spanish)

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security - 13. Global Report on Human Settlements 2007

Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- 14. La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá (Spanish)

Ethiopia Urban Profile15.

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Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile16.

Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report 17. on Human Settlements 2005

Global Urban Indicators Database18.

Guía para el monitoreo de la Meta 1119.

Guide pour l’Evaluation de la Cible 11 20. (French)

Guide to Monitoring MDG Target 1121.

Improving the lives of 100 Million Slum 22. Dwellers: Guide to Monitoring Target 11

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 23. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 24. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Dire Dawa Urban Sector Profile

Situation Analysis of informal 25. settlements in Kisumu

State of the World’s Cities 2006/726.

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - 27. Harmonious Cities

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - 28. Harmonious Cities (Arabic)

The age of digital opportunity 29. connecting the generations - A contribution in support to the World summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

The Challenge of Slums - Global Report 30. on Human Settlements 2003

The State of the African Cities Report 31. 2008

UN-HABITAT Country Program 32. Document 2008-2009 – Vietnam

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 33. Document 2008-2009 - Ghana

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 34. Document 2008-2009 – Indonesia

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 35. Document 2008-2009 – Lebanon

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 36. Document 2008-2009 - Liberia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 37. Document 2008-2009 – Malawi

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 38. Document 2008-2009 – Mozambique

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 39. Document 2008-2009 - Namibia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 40. Document 2008-2009 – Nepal

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 41. Document 2008-2009 – Nigeria HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 42. Document 2008-2009 – Pakistan

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 43. Document 2008-2009 – Philippines

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 44. Document 2008-2009 - Rwanda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 45. Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 46. Document 2008-2009 - Uganda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 47. Document 2008-2009- Zambia

UN-HABITAT’S strategy for the 48.

implementation of the Millennium Development Goal 7 target 11

Urbanization Challenges In Sub-Saharan 49. Africa

Victimisation in Tanzania: Surveys of 50. Crime in Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Mtwara

Volume 13, No. 1: Habitat Debate 51. Financing for the Urban Poor- Volume 13, No. 1

World Urban Forum 4 Report- The 52. World’s Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008

GeneralAn Urbanizing World – Global Report 1. on Human Settlements 1996

An Urbanizing World – Global Report 2. on Human Settlements 1996 (Executive Summary), English

Annual Report 20083.

Annual Report 2008 – French4.

Catalogue of Products and Services5.

Cities in A Globalizing World - Global 6. Report on Human Settlements 2001

Cities without slums7.

Coalition for Sustainable Urbanisation: 8. Partnership Commitments for Implementing Agenda 21

Country Activities Report 20099.

Document De Programme-Pays 2008 - 10. 2009 - Burkina Faso (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-11. 2009 - Benin (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-12. 2009 - Cap Vert (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-13. 2009 - Madagascar (French)

Document de Programme-Pays 2008-14. 2009 - République Démocratique du Congo (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-15. 2009 - Senegal (French)

Document De Programme-Pays 2008-16. 2009 - Tchad (French)

Documento De Programa De Pais 2008-17. 2009 - Colombia (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-18. 2009 - Costa Rica (Spanish)

Documento De Programa De País 2008-19. 2009 - Ecuador (Spanish)

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security - 20. Global Report on Human Settlements 2007

Espacio Publico Y Derecho A La Ciudad- 21. La política de espacio público físico y la venta informal en Bogotá (Spanish)

Ethiopia Urban Profile22.

Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile23.

Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report 24. on Human Settlements 2005

Habitat Debate: Habitat Debate Vol.14 25. No. 2, Working with the private sector for better cities- Volume 14, No. 2

Implementing the Habitat Agenda - The 26.

1996 - 2001 Experience

Local Elected Leadership Series (French): 27. Compétences clés pour améliorer la gouvernance locale Vol 1. (French)- Guide de consultation rapide (French)

Local Elected Leadership Series (LEL) 28. (Portuguese): Competências Chave para melhorar a governança local- Volume 1 - Guia rápido (Portuguese)

Operational Activities Report 199529.

Operational Activities Report 200230.

Operational Activities Report 200531.

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 32. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Urban Sector Profile

Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for 33. Sustainability: Ethiopia: Dire Dawa Urban Sector Profile

Slums of the World: The face of urban 34. poverty in the new millennium?

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - 35. Harmonious Cities

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - 36. Harmonious Cities (Arabic)

The Challenge of Slums - Global Report 37. on Human Settlements 2003

The State of the African Cities Report 38. 2008

UN-HABITAT annual report series: 39. Annual report 2007

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 40. Document 2008-2009 – Ghana

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 41. Document 2008-2009 – Indonesia

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 42. Document 2008-2009 – Lebanon

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 43. Document 2008-2009 - Liberia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 44. Document 2008-2009 – Malawi

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 45. Document 2008-2009 - Mozambique

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 46. Document 2008-2009 - Namibia- HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 47. Document 2008-2009 – Nepal

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 48. Document 2008-2009 – Nigeria HCPD

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 49. Document 2008-2009 – Pakistan

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 50. Document 2008-2009 – Philippines

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 51. Document 2008-2009 – Rwanda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 52. Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 53. Document 2008-2009 – Uganda

UN-HABITAT Country Programme 54. Document 2008-2009- Zambia

Page 65: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009






AAnalytical Perspective of Pro-poor Slum Upgrading Frameworks

Anchoring Homes- UN-HABITAT's People's Process in Aceh and Nias after the Tsunami

Aprendiendo de la Innovación: Financing Adequate Shelter for All

BBeneficiaries & Capacity Building: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 2: Beneficiaries & Capacity Building

Berbera Profile- First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning

Best Practices on Social Sustainability in Historic Districts

Bossaso - First steps towards strategic urban planning

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 1

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (Bulgarian)

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 1 (Czech)

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 2

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (Bulgarian)

Building Bridges through Managing Conflicts and Differences - Part 2 (Czech)

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Bosnian

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 1

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 1 (Lithuanian)

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 2

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Part 2 (Lithuanian)

Building Bridges through Participatory Planning - Serbian

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 1

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for Organizational Outreach - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for Organizational Outreach - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for Organizational Outreach - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity for Organizational Outreach - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 1 (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Developing and Managing Financial Resources - Part 2 (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 1 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources – Part 2 Concepts and Strategies

Building NGO/CBO Capacity through Managing and Developing Human Resources - Part 2 Concepts and Strategies (Somali)

Building NGO/CBO Capacity: The User’s Guide

CCities in A Globalizing World - Global Report on Human Settlements 2001

Community-based Housing Credit Arrangements in Low-income Housing: Assessment of Potentials and Impacts

Crime in Nairobi: Results of a City wide Victim Survey

DDeveloping and Managing Professional Code of Ethics

EEnabling shelter strategies:- Review of experience from two decades of implementation

Enhancing Resource Allocation to Urban Development in Africa- Report of African Regional Seminar on Enhancing Resource Allocation to Cities to Strengthen their Role as Engines of Economic Growth and Development

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security - Global Report on Human Settlements 2007

Environmental Assessment Requirements: A Guide for UN-HABITAT Supported Activities

EPM Training Guide

Evaluation of UN-HABITAT’s Global Campaigns for Secure Tenure and Urban Governance- Evaluation Report 3/2005

Executive Summary of Structure Plans for Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi and Environs 2009-2027

FFacilitators and Trainers Guidebook on Human Values-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms- Human Values-based water, Sanitation and Hygiene Classrooms

Financial Management for Local Government (4 Volumes)

Financing Urban Shelter - Global Report on Human Settlements 2005

Food Security in English-Speaking African Countries: Report of the Proceedings of a Joint COASAD/UN-HABITAT Workshop

Forced Evictions - towards solutions? Second Report of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions to the Executive Director

From Technical Cooperation Projects To National Policies

Page 66: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009





GGardho - First steps towards strategic urban planning

Garowe - first steps towards strategic urban planning

Gender in Local Government – A sourcebook for Trainers

Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management- Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure: A tool for Advocating the Provision of Adequate Shelter for the Urban Poor

Global Meeting of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) and Localizing Agenda 21 Programme (LA21) partners: Havana 2005- Achieving sustainable urbanisation - Innovations for local and global results

Guide for Forming and Managing WATSAN Youth Clubs

Guidelines for the Evaluation of Post Disaster Programmes

Guidelines on how to undertake a National Campaign for Secure Tenure

Guidelines on Revolving Funds for Community Managed Water Supply Schemes and Construction of Individual Household Toilets in Urban Slums in Madhya Pradesh, India

HHandbook on Best Practices, Security of Tenure and Access to Land - Implementation of the Habitat Agenda

Hargeisa - First steps towards strategic urban planning

Housing and Property Rights - In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro

Housing and Urban Development in Ghana with special reference to low income housing

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile

Housing Finance Mechanisms in India

Housing Rights Legislation

Human Settlement Finance and

Policies: Housing for All: The Challenges of Affordability,Accessibility and Sustainability- The Experiences and Instruments from the Developing and developed worlds

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Bolivia

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Indonesia

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Peru

Human Settlement Finance Systems: Housing Finance Systems In South Africa

Human Settlements Finance and Policies: Role of Government in the Housing Market- The Experiences from Asia

Human Settlements Finance and Policies: Role of Government in the Housing Market- The Experiences from Asia

Human Settlements Finance Systems series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe

Human Settlements Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea

Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices series: Asset-Based Approach to Community Development and Capacity Building

Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices: Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy

Human Values and Ethics in Workplace : Improving Leadership and performance in the Water Education, Water Supply and Sanitation Sector

IImplementing the Habitat Agenda - The 1996 - 2001 Experience

Improving the lives of 100 Million Slum Dwellers: Guide to Monitoring Target 11

Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development Planning: A guide for Municipalities- Volume 1: An

Introduction to Urban Strategic Planning

Informal Transport in the Developing World

Innovations in Local Governance and Decentralization in East Africa: An Inventory

Innovative Policies for the Urban Informal Economy

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks- Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda

International Migrants and the City

Introductory Training Materials On The Urban Environmental Planning And Management (EPM) Process - Trainers Guide

LLand Information Service in Kenya

Land survey and Large-Scale Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa

Local Democracy and Decentralization in East and Southern Africa

Local to Local Dialogue: A Grassroot Women’s Perspective on Good Governance

MMacroeconomic Factors and Urban Growth: an Explanatory Analysis- An Exploratory Analysis

Mainstreaming Gender Water and Sanitation- Strategy and Action Plan

Meeting Development Goals in Small Urban Centres - Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities 2006

Page 67: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009





PPartnership for Local Capacity Development - Building on the Experiences of City-to-City Cooperation

Policy makers: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 1: Policy makers

Principles and Realities of Urban Governance in Africa

Pro Poor Land Management: Integrating Slums into City Planning Approaches

Project Managers and implemetation Agency: Blue Drop Series on Rainwater Harvesting and Utilisation – Book 3:Project Managers and implemetation Agency

Putting the Urban Poor on the Map

RRental Housing: An essential option for the urban poor in developing countries

Report of The Regional Consultations On Values-based Water Education for Asia and the Pacific

Restore the Health of your Organisation - A Practical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Government and Communities- Volume 1: Concepts and Strategies

Restore the Health of your Organisation - A Pratical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Governments and Communities- Volume 2. Process Facilitation Tools

Rights and Reality

SSCP Documentation Series n. 2:The sustainable cities programme in Tanzania 1992-2003

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 6: Urban Air Quality Management - Handbook

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 7: Building an Environmental Management and Information System (EMIS)

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 8: Integrating Gender Responsiveness in Enviromental Planning and Management

SCP Source Book Series, Volume 9: Measuring Progress in Environmental Planning and Management

Secure Land Rights for All

Seminar for Securing Land for the Urban Poor

Shared Tenure Options for Women

Sheikh - First steps towards strategic urban planning

Shelter Co-operatives in Eastern and Southern Africa

Shelter Co-operatives In South Africa

Shelter Projects 2008- IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster

Slums of the World: The face of urban poverty in the new millennium?

State of the World’s Cities 2004/2005 - Globalization and Urban Culture

State of the World’s Cities 2006/7

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - Harmonious Cities

State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009 - Harmonious Cities (Arabic)




Systematic Land Information and Management - A Technical Manual for the Establishment and Implementation of a Municipal Geographic Information System

TThe Affordable Housing Tools and Technical Report Series No: 1: Housing and Urban Upgrading in Yantai

The Guide for Community Based Environmental Management Information System (CEMIS)

The Human Settlements Finance Systems Series: Housing Finance Mechanisms in Thailand

The State of the African Cities Report 2008

The State of the World’s Cities Report 2001

The UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008

The World of Water – African Adventures of a Water Drop

Tools to Support Participatory Urban Decision Making

Tools to Support Transparency in Local Governance

UUN-HABITAT in the Somali Region- 25 Years of Partnership in Urban Development

2007 UN-HABITAT lecture Award Series: UN-HABITAT Lecture Award Series 2- Urban Problems and Policies in Latin America: Truths and Fallacies

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Lower Primary: Tomi has a tummy ache, Maria's Doll, River Murunji

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili, The Magic Waterman and The Killer Floods

United Nations Housing Rights Programme, Report No. 7: Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Adequate Housing: A Global Overview

Urban Trialogues: Localising Agenda 21

"Urban World Climate Change: Are cities really to blame?"

VVolume 1: Countries with Land Records: Handbook on Post-Conflict Land Administration and Peacebuilding

Page 68: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009





Volume 2 - Manual: LED concepts and a 10-step planning process: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 2: Manual

Volume 2 - User’s Guide: to maximize use beyond training workshops: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 2: User Guide

Volume 3 - Concepts and Strategies: for each of the roles and competencies: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 3: Concept and Strategies

Volume 3 - Toolkit: tools to support the planning process: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 3: Toolkit

Volume 4 - Action Guide: action ideas and case studies: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Volume 4: Action guide

Volume 4 - Training Tools: to support enhanced learning and application: Local Elected Leadership Series - Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 4: Training Tools

Volume I and II: Participatory Budgeting in Africa - A Training Companion

WWater and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities: Local Action for Global Goals

Water Demand Management Cook Book

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for Bhopal

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for Gwalior

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for INDORE

Water Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for Jabalpur

Water, A Shared Responsibility - The United Nations World Water Development Report 2

Page 69: UN-HABITAT Publications Catalogue 2009


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