Download - UN Daily News 16 May 2016

  • 7/26/2019 UN Daily News 16 May 2016


    For information media -

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    Issue DH/7159 Monday, 16 May 2016

    In the headlines:

    Unique education fund to be launched net !ee" atUN World #umanitarian Summit

    Nearl$ one in five suicide bombers used b$ %o"o#aram is no! a child & UN

    'osovo still faces (hard-nosed realities,) but is vitalfor European securit$ & UN envo$

    Ne! *uidelines on improvin* care for female*enital mutilation issued b$ UN health a*enc$

    FE+TURE n U"raine, a (.ivin* .ibrar$) helpsdisplaced persons and hosts live to*ether

    UNCEF and EU launch /Emer*enc$.essonscampai*n on education in crisis 0ones

    1ne hundred babies born ever$ da$ in areas !orsthit b$ Ecuador qua"e & UNCEF

    UN a*ricultural a*enc$ accord on ille*al fishin* setto enter into force

    Colombia a*reement to reinte*rate children fromF+RC !elcomed b$ UN envo$

    %an and +frican Union Commission !elcome partialre-run of elections in Comoros

    2ar"in* 34a$ of Families,3 %an ur*es supportdurin* 3heav$ toll3 of crisis situations

    5emen UN-mediated peace tal"s continue, !ithconsensus on some issues

    More stories inside

    ni!ue edu"ation #und to $e laun"hed ne%t wee& at ' (orldHu)anitarian *u))it

    16 May At next weeks World Humanitarian Summit, morethan 100 of the worlds leading countries, companies and

    philanthropists will oin forces to create a !maor "reakthrough# in theeffort to assist millions of children whos education has "eendisrupted "$ conflicts and natural disasters, the %nited &ations en'o$for education announced toda$(

    )he newEducation Cannot Waitfund is "eing launched next weekat the two*da$ Summit in +stan"ul, )urke$(

    !+t is designed to cater the needs of 0 million displaced girls and"o$s, the largest population of girls and "o$s uprooted since 1-./

    0 million of whom ha'e no choice at the moment and are una"le togo to school,# %& Special n'o$ 2ordon 3rown told reporters at %&

    Head4uarters in &ew 5ork, 'ia telephone(

    !)his fund will "e uni4ue in man$ different wa$s,# he explained( !We will "e the first to "ridge the gap "etweenhumanitarian aid and de'elopment aid( At present education falls through the net( 6ost humanitarian aid goes as $ouwould expect to food and shelter, and de'elopment aid is long terms and not geared to an emergenc$(#

    A young boy writes in his maths book in the Tomping Protection of

    Civilians site, on the base of the United Nations peacekeeping missionin South Sudan UN!"SS# in $uba, the capital% Photo&

    UN"C'()Christine Nesbitt

    UN Daily News

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6 missions and man$other actors for almost a $ear, culminating in April in the

    inauguration of a new Cresident of Goso'o(

    +n addition, Ser"ian general elections were successfull$ held in April, with a new Carliament and

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6 and %&

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6, whichsupports theLiving Libraryproect( )he proect is run "$ a local non*

    go'ernment organi@ation(

    :rom the "eginning at %&LC, we ha'e understood that post conflictprogramming is not onl$ a"out ph$sical reco'er$ "ut it is also a"outps$chological and social reco'er$

    )he i"rar$ is !therapeutic# and contains stories of different communities, particularl$ !stories of displacement, feeling athome, feeling not at home, preudice, social exclusion,# 6r( Hiemstra added in an inter'iew with the UN News Centreahead

    of the World Humanitarian Summitto "e held in +stan"ul, )urke$, on and . 6a$ 01E(

    )he stories were collected from throughout the countr$, including from communities in the pro'inces of Lonetsk anduhansk, which are de facto di'ided "etween areas controlled "$ the 2o'ernment and those under the control of re"els(

    As a result of fighting during the past two $ears, nearl$ 10,000 people ha'e "een killed and o'er 1,000 wounded(

    Hundreds of thousands of people ha'e fled conflict*affected areas and found refuge in other regions, putting pressure on theresources and infrastructure of host communities, changing the li'es of people who li'e there, and contri"uting to tensions

    "etween communities(

    )he Living Libraryis one the acti'ities supported "$ %&LC in these conflict areas to promote dialogue and reconciliation"etween communities(

    !:rom the 'er$ "eginning at %&LC, we ha'e understood that post conflict programming is not onl$ a"out ph$sical reco'er$"ut it is also a"out ps$chological and social reco'er$,# he noted(

    As a result, people who participate in theLiving Library!start to recogni@e that "eing an internall$ displaced person is 'er$difficult, "ut also "eing host communit$ is 'er$ difficult, and li'ing together is actuall$ something that can "e learned andthat can "e promoted,# said 6r( Hiemstra(

    )he goal is to ensure e'er$one starts !feeling a little "it more comforta"le with each other(#

    Pro"otin dialoue and "utual understandin

    Cresent in %kraine for more than two decades, %&LCs priorities in the countr$ shifted two $ears ago when the conflict

    Children in a school in the village of Staromykhailovka, on the front

    line between the cities of 4onetsk and !ariyanovka, Ukraine% Photo&

    UN"C'( Ukraine)Aleksey (ilippov

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6=> between

    the Troncal del Pac?fico highway and the entry road to San $ose deChamanga Parish% UN"C'()UN67@7B)*einoso

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6 account for more than E per cent of worldwidefish imports and .- per cent of fish exports, which were 81 "illion

    and 81- "illion, respecti'el$, in 01, :A; said in apress release(

    !)his is the dawn of a new era in the effort to com"at illegal fishing(3$ den$ing unscrupulous fishers safe ha'en and access to markets, the CS6A will dri'e the seafood industr$ towardsgreater sustaina"ilit$ and ha'e significant ripple effects throughout the entire fisheries suppl$ chain,# said :A; Lirector*2eneral Bose 2ra@iano da Sil'a(

    "nspectors will be able to check on actual fish catches on visiting shipsunder the new Agreement% Photo& (A

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6 lection;"ser'er 6ission(

    !)he Secretar$*2eneral and the

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    UN 4ail$ Ne!s :; 2a$ 6e)en: ')ediated 3ea"e tal&s "ontinue, with "onsensus onso)e issues

    1' May +n his latest update on the 5emeni peace talks currentl$

    under wa$ in Guwait, the %nited &ations en'o$ for the conflict*torncountr$ reported that the two delegations discussed proposals to"ridge the gap "etween their respecti'e 'isions, reaching consensus onsome issues(

    !Crogress is "eing achie'ed, al"eit at a relati'el$ slow pace,# said the%& Special n'o$ for 5emen, +smail ;uld

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