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Copyright@2007 Alcatel-Lucent, All Rights Reserved Printed in France

External UTRAN Alarmsdictionary

Document number: UMT/OMC/DD/013913

Document issue: 10.07 / EN

Document status: Standard

Date: 15/Avr/2010


The information contained in this document is the property of Alcatel-Lucent. Except as specifically authorized in writing byAlcatel-Lucent, the holder of this document shall keep the information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or inpart from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation and maintenance purposes only.

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24/Feb/2009Issue 10.01/ EN, Creation for OAM07.1 release

29/Jul/2009Issue 10.02/ EN, Delivery for UA7.1.2 release

03/Nov/2009Issue 10.03/ EN, Update delivery for UA7.1.2 release

02/Dec/2009Issue 10.04/ EN, Update delivery for MCTRX alarms

16/Dec/2009Issue 10.05/ EN, document status: Standard

2/Avr/2010Issue 10.06/ EN, Update delivery to add RNC alarms

15/Avr/2010Issue 10.07/ EN, Update delivery to add BTS alarms

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1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................................5

1.1. OBJECT........................................................................................................................................................................5

1.2. SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT...................................................................................................................................5

1.3. AUDIENCE FOR THIS DOCUMENT........................................................................................................................5

2. RELATED DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................................................5

2.1. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.....................................................................................................................................5

2.2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................................................5

3. CONVENTIONS..................................................................................................................................................................6

3.1. Alarm Template............................................................................................................................................................6

4. RAN Alarms.........................................................................................................................................................................7

4.1. RNC Model...................................................................................................................................................................7

4.1.1. communications.................................................................................................................................................74.1.2. environment.......................................................................................................................................................104.1.3. equipment..........................................................................................................................................................104.1.4. quality of service...............................................................................................................................................11

4.2. BTS Model....................................................................................................................................................................19

4.2.1. communications.................................................................................................................................................194.2.2. environment.......................................................................................................................................................304.2.3. equipment..........................................................................................................................................................394.2.4. processing error.................................................................................................................................................1244.2.5. quality of service...............................................................................................................................................138

4.3. OAM Model..................................................................................................................................................................142

4.3.1. communications.................................................................................................................................................1434.3.2. equipment..........................................................................................................................................................1484.3.3. operator..............................................................................................................................................................1524.3.4. processing error.................................................................................................................................................1524.3.5. quality of service...............................................................................................................................................156

4.4. OneBTS Model.............................................................................................................................................................167

4.5. MSS Model...................................................................................................................................................................167

4.5.1. communications.................................................................................................................................................167

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4.5.2. environment.......................................................................................................................................................2124.5.3. equipment..........................................................................................................................................................2134.5.4. processing error.................................................................................................................................................2414.5.5. quality of service...............................................................................................................................................2754.5.6. unknown............................................................................................................................................................287

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This document describes the list of the following NE UTRAN Alarms

. 9370 RNC Control Node alarms - UA07.1 and UA07.1.2

. 931x, 932x and 933x BTS alarms - UA07.1 and UA07.1.2

. OAM alarms - OAM07.1 and OAM07.1.2

. MSS alarms - Interface Node - UA07.1 and UA07.1.2 refer also to [R2]

. Specific note on "Opaque" fields: In the alarm dictionary the additionalText field is tagged as "Opaque" as fieldcontent is not predictable, not defined by advance and set by NE following the fault context. It is recommendedto consider such field as additional information and not to build complex external applications fromNorthbound Interface on top of it.


This document applies to 9353 WMS OAM07.1 release.


This external document dedicated to customers and Operational teams




[R1] UMT/OMC/DD/012074 External Metamodel

[R2] NTP Passport 241-5701-500 Passport Alarms

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3.1. Alarm Template

{Alarm Code} : {Specific Problem on Object Type}

releases List of the releases that support the alarm

Alarm Code Unique alarm identifierSpecific Problem Fault synthetic descriptionObject Type Indicates the object class on which fault is raisedPerceived SeverityList

Provides the list of possible severities for a given fault (critical, major, minor, warning,cleared, indeterminate)

Probable Cause Corresponding probable cause compatible with ITU-T X.736 recommendationEvent Type Event Type (environment, equipment, quality of service, communications, processing

error)CM Object Path CM containment path of the object on which fault is raisedAdditional Text Opaque text zone set by the network elements to add additional information on faults.

Sometimes, additional information are also added at OAM level. Generally used fortrouble shooting purpose to understand fault root cause and trigger appropriatemaintenance action.

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4. RAN Alarms

4.1. RNC Model

4.1.1. communications

RNC_3000_29700 : ANO_OCNS_FAILURE On RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_3000_29700Specific Problem ANO_OCNS_FAILUREObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text

RNC_3002_29700 : ANO_CIBS_FAILURE On RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_3002_29700Specific Problem ANO_CIBS_FAILUREObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3003_29700Specific Problem ANO_DEADLOCKSTATE_DETECTIONObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminatedEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text

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Alarm Code RNC_3017_29713Specific Problem ANO_OUTGOING_CS_RANAP_RESET_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGEDObject Type CsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3018_29714Specific Problem ANO_OUTGOING_PS_RANAP_RESET_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGEDObject Type PsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text

RNC_3019_29722 : ANO_IU_FAILURE On RNC/RadioAccessService


Alarm Code RNC_3019_29722Specific Problem ANO_IU_FAILUREObject Type RadioAccessServicePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/RadioAccessServiceAdditional Text The progress of the Automated Cell Barring feature can be retrieved by the Dynamic Data

display feature. The Dynamic Data Display feature indicates if cell barring is occurring.

RNC_3023_29722 : ANO_MANUAL_CLS_CELL_BARRING On RNC/RadioAccessService


Alarm Code RNC_3023_29722Specific Problem ANO_MANUAL_CLS_CELL_BARRINGObject Type RadioAccessServicePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/RadioAccessServiceAdditional Text The progress of the Automated Cell Barring feature can be retrieved by the Dynamic Data

display feature. The Dynamic Data Display feature indicates how many classes are barred orif cell barring is occurring.

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RNC_3024_29713 : ANO_SILENT_IUCS_DETECTED On RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_3024_29713Specific Problem ANO_SILENT_IUCS_DETECTEDObject Type CsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text CS Call set up success rate is very low. Please check Iu-cs link.

RNC_3025_29714 : ANO_SILENT_IUPS_DETECTED On RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_3025_29714Specific Problem ANO_SILENT_IUPS_DETECTEDObject Type PsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text PS Call set up success rate is very low. Please check Iu-ps link.



Alarm Code RNC_3031_29699Specific Problem ANO_NODEB_ALCAP_SSCOP_UNAVAILABLEObject Type NodebPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/NodeBAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3034_29699Specific Problem ANO_NODEB_IP_USER_PLANE_FAILUREObject Type NodebPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/NodeBAdditional Text

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RNC_3037_29819 : ANO_NO_SRS_DATA On RNC/IntegratedSMLC


Alarm Code RNC_3037_29819Specific Problem ANO_NO_SRS_DATAObject Type IntegratedSMLCPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/IntegratedSMLCAdditional Text

4.1.2. environment



Alarm Code RNC_3050_29696Specific Problem ANO_GENERIC_ALARMObject Type RncPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type environmentCM Object Path RNCAdditional Text Debugging info output for generic alarm.

4.1.3. equipment



Alarm Code RNC_3038_29820Specific Problem ANO_OCNS_CHANNEL_FAIL_INFOObject Type OcnsPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/OcnsAdditional Text

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RNC_3039_29821 : ANO_OCNSHSDPA_FAIL_INFO On RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/OcnsHsdpa


Alarm Code RNC_3039_29821Specific Problem ANO_OCNSHSDPA_FAIL_INFOObject Type OcnsHsdpaPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/OcnsHsdpaAdditional Text

4.1.4. quality of service



Alarm Code RNC_2007_30467Specific Problem ANO_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLDObject Type CnPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_2007_30474Specific Problem ANO_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLDObject Type OmuPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/OMUAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_2007_30477Specific Problem ANO_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLDObject Type TmuPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/TMUAdditional Text

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RNC_2028_30467 : ANO_RESTART_CONTEXT On RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_2028_30467Specific Problem ANO_RESTART_CONTEXTObject Type CnPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminatedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3001_29696Specific Problem ANO_CELL_SWACT_INFORMATIONObject Type RncPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNCAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3004_29755Specific Problem ANO_CELL_NOT_HSDPA_CAPABLE_INFORMATIONObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text FddCell OsiState set to Enabled/Degraded.



Alarm Code RNC_3005_29755Specific Problem ANO_HSDPA_CONFIGURATION_FAILURE_INFORMATIONObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled Degraded

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Alarm Code RNC_3006_29755Specific Problem ANO_HSDPA_HARDWARE_RECOVERY_INFORMATIONObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause causeOfRestartOrSwitchoverEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled/Degraded



Alarm Code RNC_3007_29700Specific Problem ANO_DEGRADED_CELL_STATUS_INFORMATIONObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text FddCell OsiState set to Enabled/Degraded.



Alarm Code RNC_3008_29713Specific Problem ANO_CORENETWORK_CS_DOMAIN_OVERLOADObject Type CsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause bandwidthReducedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text RNC begins to reduce RRC Initial Direct Transfer signaling messages to the overloaded CS


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Alarm Code RNC_3009_29714Specific Problem ANO_CORENETWORK_PS_DOMAIN_OVERLOADObject Type PsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause bandwidthReducedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text RNC begins to reduce RRC Initial Direct Transfer signaling messages to the overloaded PS




Alarm Code RNC_3010_29713Specific Problem ANO_RNC_NOTIFY_CORENETWORK_CS_DOMAIN_OVERLOADObject Type CsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text RNC requests CS domain to reduce signaling messages to RNC and begins to filter RRC

Connection Request messages



Alarm Code RNC_3011_29714Specific Problem ANO_RNC_NOTIFY_CORENETWORK_PS_DOMAIN_OVERLOADObject Type PsCoreNetworkAccessPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text RNC requests PS domain to reduce signaling messages to RNC and begins to filter RRC

Connection Request messages

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Alarm Code RNC_3012_29772Specific Problem ANO_CELL_E-DCH_DISABLED_INFORMATIONObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled Degraded



Alarm Code RNC_3013_29772Specific Problem ANO_E-DCH_HARDWARE_RECOVERY_INFORMATIONObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause causeOfRestartOrSwitchoverEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled Degraded



Alarm Code RNC_3014_29772Specific Problem ANO_E-DCH_CONFIGURATION_FAILURE_INFORMATIONObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled Degraded



Alarm Code RNC_3015_29772Specific Problem ANO_CELL_NOT_E-DCH_CAPABLE_INFORMATIONObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled Degraded

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Alarm Code RNC_3016_29772Specific Problem ANO_EDCH_WITHOUT_HSDPA_NOT_ALLOWED_INFORMATIONObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to Enabled Degraded

RNC_3020_29722 : ANO_CORE_NETWORK_OVERLOAD On RNC/RadioAccessService


Alarm Code RNC_3020_29722Specific Problem ANO_CORE_NETWORK_OVERLOADObject Type RadioAccessServicePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RadioAccessServiceAdditional Text The progress of the Automated Cell Barring feature can be retrieved by the Dynamic Data

display feature. The Dynamic Data Display feature indicates how many classes are barred orif cell barring is occurring.

RNC_3021_29722 : ANO_RNC_CONGESTION On RNC/RadioAccessService


Alarm Code RNC_3021_29722Specific Problem ANO_RNC_CONGESTIONObject Type RadioAccessServicePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RadioAccessServiceAdditional Text The progress of the Automated Cell Barring feature can be retrieved by the Dynamic Data

display feature. The Dynamic Data Display feature indicates how many classes are barred.

RNC_3022_29722 : ANO_LOCAL_OVERLOAD On RNC/RadioAccessService


Alarm Code RNC_3022_29722Specific Problem ANO_LOCAL_OVERLOADObject Type RadioAccessServicePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RadioAccessServiceAdditional Text The progress of the Automated Cell Barring feature can be retrieved by the Dynamic Data

display feature. The Dynamic Data Display feature indicates how many classes are barred.

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Alarm Code RNC_3026_29700Specific Problem ANO_NBAP_SIB_NEIGHBOURINGCELL_LIMIT_REACHEDObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text NBAP SIB neighbour cells limit reached or encoding failure.

RNC_3027_29792 : ANO_ACCESS_CLASS_BARRING_ACTIVATED_BY_OPERATOR OnRNC/RadioAccessService/RadioNetworkAccessRegulation/AccessRegulationProfile


Alarm Code RNC_3027_29792Specific Problem ANO_ACCESS_CLASS_BARRING_ACTIVATED_BY_OPERATORObject Type AccessRegulationProfilePerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause bandwidthReducedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RadioAccessService/RadioNetworkAccessRegulation/AccessRegulationProfileAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3028_29699Specific Problem ANO_NODEB_CALLS_THRESHOLD_CROSSEDObject Type NodebPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeBAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3030_29700Specific Problem ANO_CELL_NOT_MBMS_CAPABLE_INFORMATIONObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text FDDCell OsiState set to enabled-degraded.

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RNC_3032_29708 : ANO_PF_GPO_LIMIT_80_PC_REACHED On RNC/PerfScanner


Alarm Code RNC_3032_29708Specific Problem ANO_PF_GPO_LIMIT_80_PC_REACHEDObject Type PerfScannerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/PerfScannerAdditional Text


On RNC/PerfScanner


Alarm Code RNC_3033_29708Specific Problem ANO_PF_GPO_LIMIT_100_PC_REACHED_AND_LOW_PRIORITY_COUNTERS_DISABLEDObject Type PerfScannerPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/PerfScannerAdditional Text

RNC_3036_29819 : ANO_LIMITED_SRS_DATA On RNC/IntegratedSMLC


Alarm Code RNC_3036_29819Specific Problem ANO_LIMITED_SRS_DATAObject Type IntegratedSMLCPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/IntegratedSMLCAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3040_29700Specific Problem ANO_CELL_SHUTDOWN_INITIATEDObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause performanceDegradedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text

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Alarm Code RNC_3041_29700Specific Problem ANO CELL SHUTDOWN E911 CALL DETECTEDObject Type FddCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text



Alarm Code RNC_3042_29755Specific Problem ANO CELL_HSDPA_DISABLED_INFORMATIONObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text

4.2. BTS Model

4.2.1. communications

BTS_0006_00016 : PCM FAULT On BTSEquipment/PCM

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0006_00016Specific Problem PCM FAULTObject Type PCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PCMAdditional Text

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BTS_0006_00083 : PCM FAULT On PCM3

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0006_00083Specific Problem PCM FAULTObject Type PCM3Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path PCM3Additional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0007_00002Specific Problem SYN NOT LOCKED TO THE NETWORKObject Type BTS SYNCHRONISATIONPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0160_00031Specific Problem LOSS OF CELL DELINEATIONObject Type TC LINKPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause framingErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PCMAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0160_00083Specific Problem LOSS OF CELL DELINEATIONObject Type PCM3Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause framingErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path PCM3Additional Text

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BTS_0161_00031 : CELL DROPPED On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0161_00031Specific Problem CELL DROPPEDObject Type TC LINKPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0219_00001 : UNACKNOWLEDGED ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0219_00001Specific Problem UNACKNOWLEDGED ALARMObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0233_00001 : ATM INTERNAL FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0233_00001Specific Problem ATM INTERNAL FAILUREObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0251_00038 : IMA LINK FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PCM

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0251_00038Specific Problem IMA LINK FAILUREObject Type IMA LINKPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PCMAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0262_00040 : NBAP ANOMALY On RNC/NodeBCP

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0262_00040Specific Problem NBAP ANOMALYObject Type NODEBCPPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/NodeBCPAdditional Text

BTS_0272_00016 : MISSING LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0272_00016Specific Problem MISSING LINKObject Type PCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0272_00083 : MISSING LINK On PCM3

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0272_00083Specific Problem MISSING LINKObject Type PCM3Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path PCM3Additional Text

BTS_0306_00001 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00001Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0306_00004 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00004Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0306_00005 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00005Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0306_00039 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00039Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type BOARDPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0306_00047 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00047Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0306_00064 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00064Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0306_00072 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00072Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0306_00079 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00079Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0332_00054 : IP RAN FAILURE On BTSEquipment/IpRan

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0332_00054Specific Problem IP RAN FAILUREObject Type IP RANPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/IpRanAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0333_00002 : SYN LOCK SOURCE CHANGE On BTSEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0333_00002Specific Problem SYN LOCK SOURCE CHANGEObject Type BTS SYNCHRONISATIONPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0348_00033 : DHCP SERVER UNREACHABLE On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0348_00033Specific Problem DHCP SERVER UNREACHABLEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0351_00047Specific Problem LINK ERROR ON DAISY CHAIN SEGMENTObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0351_00064Specific Problem LINK ERROR ON DAISY CHAIN SEGMENTObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0351_00079Specific Problem LINK ERROR ON DAISY CHAIN SEGMENTObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0355_00033Specific Problem UNEXPECTED DATA FROM DHCP SERVERObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0356_00033Specific Problem INCONSISTENCY BETWEEN NODEB AND DHCP SERVERObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0358_00002Specific Problem LOST HIGHER PRIORITY SYN SOURCEObject Type BTS SYNCHRONISATIONPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0374_00002 : SYN LEVEL1 SOURCE FAILED On BTSEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0374_00002Specific Problem SYN LEVEL1 SOURCE FAILEDObject Type BTS SYNCHRONISATIONPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0375_00035Specific Problem BLOCK REQUEST TIMER EXPiRYObject Type LOCAL CELLPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsCellAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0380_00033Specific Problem INCONSISTENTCY IN NODEB IP ROUTING TABLEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0387_00033 : SYN_FLL_DAC100 On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0387_00033Specific Problem SYN_FLL_DAC100Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0388_00033 : NO GRANT MESSAGE FROM PTP SERVER 1 On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0388_00033Specific Problem NO GRANT MESSAGE FROM PTP SERVER 1Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0389_00033 : NO GRANT MESSAGE FROM PTP SERVER 2 On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0389_00033Specific Problem NO GRANT MESSAGE FROM PTP SERVER 2Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0390_00033Specific Problem POOR SYNCHRO REFERENCE ON PTP SERVER 1Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0391_00033Specific Problem POOR SYNCHRO REFERENCE ON PTP SERVER 2Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0221_00032Specific Problem F5 ALARM INDICATION SIGNALObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

RNC_0231_00032 : AAL2 EXTERNAL CELL LOST On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0231_00032Specific Problem AAL2 EXTERNAL CELL LOSTObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

RNC_0232_00032 : AAL2 INTERNAL CELL LOST On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0232_00032Specific Problem AAL2 INTERNAL CELL LOSTObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

RNC_0290_00032 : ATM TO TDM ERROR On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0290_00032Specific Problem ATM TO TDM ERRORObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0292_00032 : TDM TO ATM ERROR On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0292_00032Specific Problem TDM TO ATM ERRORObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

4.2.2. environment

BTS_0138_00024 : DOOR OPEN On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0138_00024Specific Problem DOOR OPENObject Type DOOR CONTACTPerceived SeverityList

major, minor, cleared

Probable Cause enclosureDoorOpenEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0138_00047 : DOOR OPEN On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0138_00047Specific Problem DOOR OPENObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause enclosureDoorOpenEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0141_00025 : BATTERY DOOR On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0141_00025Specific Problem BATTERY DOORObject Type BATTERY CABINETPerceived SeverityList

major, minor, cleared

Probable Cause enclosureDoorOpenEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0149_00026 : CLOGGED FILTER On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0149_00026Specific Problem CLOGGED FILTERObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0151_00026 : AC MAINS OUTSIDE LIMITS On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0151_00026Specific Problem AC MAINS OUTSIDE LIMITSObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0172_00005 : RTRM TEMPERATURE ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0172_00005Specific Problem RTRM TEMPERATURE ALARMObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0172_00047 : RTRM TEMPERATURE ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0172_00047Specific Problem RTRM TEMPERATURE ALARMObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0173_00005 : DTRM RF TEMPERATURE ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0173_00005Specific Problem DTRM RF TEMPERATURE ALARMObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0173_00047 : DTRM RF TEMPERATURE ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0173_00047Specific Problem DTRM RF TEMPERATURE ALARMObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0174_00005 : DTRM ASIC TEMPERATURE ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0174_00005Specific Problem DTRM ASIC TEMPERATURE ALARMObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0174_00047 : DTRM ASIC TEMPERATURE ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0174_00047Specific Problem DTRM ASIC TEMPERATURE ALARMObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0197_00006 : HIGH TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0197_00006Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATUREObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0197_00047 : HIGH TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0197_00047Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0197_00064 : HIGH TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0197_00064Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0197_00079 : HIGH TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0197_00079Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0197_00090 : HIGH TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0197_00090Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATUREObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0201_00006 : TEMPERATURE OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0201_00006Specific Problem TEMPERATURE OVERLOADObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0201_00047 : TEMPERATURE OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0201_00047Specific Problem TEMPERATURE OVERLOADObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0201_00064 : TEMPERATURE OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0201_00064Specific Problem TEMPERATURE OVERLOADObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0201_00072 : TEMPERATURE OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0201_00072Specific Problem TEMPERATURE OVERLOADObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0201_00079 : TEMPERATURE OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0201_00079Specific Problem TEMPERATURE OVERLOADObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0201_00090 : TEMPERATURE OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0201_00090Specific Problem TEMPERATURE OVERLOADObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0214_00005Specific Problem TRM HIGH TEMPERATURE WARNINGObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0214_00047Specific Problem TRM HIGH TEMPERATURE WARNINGObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0261_00033 : TIL CONNECTION On BTSEquipment

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0261_00033Specific Problem TIL CONNECTIONObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0308_00033 : TIL MAINTENANCE MODE On BTSEquipment

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0308_00033Specific Problem TIL MAINTENANCE MODEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0312_00033 : HIGH TEMPERATURE #1 On BTSEquipment

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0312_00033Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATURE #1Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0313_00033 : HIGH TEMPERATURE #2 On BTSEquipment

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0313_00033Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATURE #2Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0314_00033 : HIGH TEMPERATURE #3 On BTSEquipment

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0314_00033Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATURE #3Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0367_00033Specific Problem HEAT MANAGEMENT UNDER TEMPERATUREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0368_00022Specific Problem HEAT MANAGEMENT COMPRESSOR FAILUREObject Type FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path CoolingSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0392_00087 : SMOKE DETECTION On BtsEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0392_00087Specific Problem SMOKE DETECTIONObject Type SMOKE DETECTORPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause fireDetectedEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0393_00088 : WATER INGRESS DETECTION On BtsEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0393_00088Specific Problem WATER INGRESS DETECTIONObject Type WATER DETECTORPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause floodDetectedEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0396_00017 : LOW VOLTAGE DISCONNECT On BtsEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0396_00017Specific Problem LOW VOLTAGE DISCONNECTObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTSEXT_0008_00028 : USER ALARM On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTSEXT_0008_00028Specific Problem USER ALARMObject Type USER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTSEXT_0009_00027 : EXTERNAL ALARM On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTSEXT_0009_00027Specific Problem EXTERNAL ALARMObject Type EXTERNAL ALARMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTSEXT_0299_00027 : RRH EXTERNAL ALARM On BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHead

releases UA4.3K, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTSEXT_0299_00027Specific Problem RRH EXTERNAL ALARMObject Type EXTERNAL ALARMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHeadAdditional Text

RNC_0236_00036 : BLOCKED AIR INLET On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0236_00036Specific Problem BLOCKED AIR INLETObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblemEvent Type environmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

4.2.3. equipment

BTS_0001_00001 : SELF TEST FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00001Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0001_00004 : SELF TEST FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00004Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0001_00005 : SELF TEST FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00005Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0001_00047 : SELF TEST FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00047Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0001_00064 : SELF TEST FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00064Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0001_00071 : SELF TEST FAILED On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00071Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type MSIOUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0001_00072 : SELF TEST FAILED On Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00072Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0001_00079 : SELF TEST FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0001_00079Specific Problem SELF TEST FAILEDObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0005_00048 : START ERROR On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0005_00048Specific Problem START ERRORObject Type BBUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0129_00017 : DC VOLTAGE FAULT On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0129_00017Specific Problem DC VOLTAGE FAULTObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0129_00047 : DC VOLTAGE FAULT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0129_00047Specific Problem DC VOLTAGE FAULTObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0130_00019 : OVER AC MAINS On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0130_00019Specific Problem OVER AC MAINSObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0131_00019 : UNDER AC MAINS On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0131_00019Specific Problem UNDER AC MAINSObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0132_00019 : AC MAINS VOLTAGE FAULT On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0132_00019Specific Problem AC MAINS VOLTAGE FAULTObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0133_00019 : COOLING SYSTEM BREAKER TRIPPED On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0133_00019Specific Problem COOLING SYSTEM BREAKER TRIPPEDObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0134_00019 : BATTERY BREAKER TRIPPED On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0134_00019Specific Problem BATTERY BREAKER TRIPPEDObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0135_00047 : BATTERY ON DISCHARGE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0135_00047Specific Problem BATTERY ON DISCHARGEObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0136_00018 : SPCM FAILED On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0136_00018Specific Problem SPCM FAILEDObject Type SPCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0139_00025 : BATTERY TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0139_00025Specific Problem BATTERY TEMPERATUREObject Type BATTERY CABINETPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0140_00025 : BATTERY POWER AC On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0140_00025Specific Problem BATTERY POWER ACObject Type BATTERY CABINETPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0142_00025 : BATTERY POWER DC On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0142_00025Specific Problem BATTERY POWER DCObject Type BATTERY CABINETPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0143_00025 : BATTERY SURGE PROTECTOR On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0143_00025Specific Problem BATTERY SURGE PROTECTORObject Type BATTERY CABINETPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0144_00022 : FAN A FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0144_00022Specific Problem FAN A FAILUREObject Type FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0144_00026 : FAN A FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0144_00026Specific Problem FAN A FAILUREObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0144_00047 : FAN A FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0144_00047Specific Problem FAN A FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0145_00022 : FAN B FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0145_00022Specific Problem FAN B FAILUREObject Type FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0145_00026 : FAN B FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0145_00026Specific Problem FAN B FAILUREObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0146_00026 : HEATER1 FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0146_00026Specific Problem HEATER1 FAILUREObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0147_00026 : HEATER2 FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0147_00026Specific Problem HEATER2 FAILUREObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0148_00026 : DAMPER MOTOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0148_00026Specific Problem DAMPER MOTOR FAILUREObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0150_00026 : DACS RECTIFIER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0150_00026Specific Problem DACS RECTIFIER FAILUREObject Type IDACSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0152_00029 : LIGHTNING PROTECTOR FAULT On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0152_00029Specific Problem LIGHTNING PROTECTOR FAULTObject Type LIGHTNING PROTECTIONPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0153_00021 : POWER FILTER MODULE FAILED On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0153_00021Specific Problem POWER FILTER MODULE FAILEDObject Type POWER FILTER MODULEPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0154_00021 : DC FAILED On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0154_00021Specific Problem DC FAILEDObject Type POWER FILTER MODULEPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0155_00022 : FAN TRAY FAILED On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0155_00022Specific Problem FAN TRAY FAILEDObject Type FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0155_00086 : FAN TRAY FAILED On CoolingSystem

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0155_00086Specific Problem FAN TRAY FAILEDObject Type EXTERNAL FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0156_00022 : FAN TRAY TEMPERATURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0156_00022Specific Problem FAN TRAY TEMPERATUREObject Type FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0157_00023 : AC BREAKERS On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0157_00023Specific Problem AC BREAKERSObject Type AC BREAKERSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0158_00030 : AC PLINTH FAN TRAY FAILED On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0158_00030Specific Problem AC PLINTH FAN TRAY FAILEDObject Type AC PLINTHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0159_00015 : TMA DC DC On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0159_00015Specific Problem TMA DC DCObject Type TMA AND DC ALARM BOXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0168_00004 : UTOPIA FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0168_00004Specific Problem UTOPIA FPGA FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0169_00004 : RX FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0169_00004Specific Problem RX FPGA FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0170_00004 : TX FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0170_00004Specific Problem TX FPGA FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0171_00048 : CORREL FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0171_00048Specific Problem CORREL FPGA FAILUREObject Type BBUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0175_00005 : I2C ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0175_00005Specific Problem I2C ACCESS FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0175_00047 : I2C ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0175_00047Specific Problem I2C ACCESS FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0176_00005 : TX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0176_00005Specific Problem TX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0176_00047 : TX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0176_00047Specific Problem TX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0176_00064 : TX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0176_00064Specific Problem TX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0176_00079 : TX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0176_00079Specific Problem TX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0177_00005 : RX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0177_00005Specific Problem RX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0177_00047 : RX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0177_00047Specific Problem RX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0177_00064 : RX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0177_00064Specific Problem RX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0177_00079 : RX CHANNELIZER FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0177_00079Specific Problem RX CHANNELIZER FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0178_00001 : PLL OUT OF LOCK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0178_00001Specific Problem PLL OUT OF LOCKObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0178_00005 : PLL OUT OF LOCK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0178_00005Specific Problem PLL OUT OF LOCKObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0178_00047 : PLL OUT OF LOCK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0178_00047Specific Problem PLL OUT OF LOCKObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0178_00064 : PLL OUT OF LOCK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0178_00064Specific Problem PLL OUT OF LOCKObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0178_00079 : PLL OUT OF LOCK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0178_00079Specific Problem PLL OUT OF LOCKObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0182_00004 : TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0182_00004Specific Problem TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause transmitFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0182_00005 : TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0182_00005Specific Problem TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause transmitFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0182_00039 : TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0182_00039Specific Problem TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type BOARDPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause transmitFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0182_00047 : TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0182_00047Specific Problem TRANSMIT PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause transmitFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0183_00004 : RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0183_00004Specific Problem RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause receiveFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0183_00005 : RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0183_00005Specific Problem RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause receiveFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0183_00039 : RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0183_00039Specific Problem RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type BOARDPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause receiveFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0183_00047 : RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0183_00047Specific Problem RECEIVE PARITY ERROR ON HSSLObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause receiveFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0186_00004 : TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECOND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0186_00004Specific Problem TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECONDObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0186_00005 : TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECOND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0186_00005Specific Problem TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECONDObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0186_00039 : TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECOND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0186_00039Specific Problem TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECONDObject Type BOARDPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0186_00047 : TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECOND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0186_00047Specific Problem TRANSMIT LOSS OF EVEN SECONDObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0188_00001Specific Problem RFLINK FPGA: INPUT REALIGNMENT ERRORObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0193_00001 : GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERROR On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0193_00001Specific Problem GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERRORObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0193_00003 : GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERROR On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0193_00003Specific Problem GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERRORObject Type GPSAMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0193_00006 : GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERROR On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0193_00006Specific Problem GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERRORObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0193_00090 : GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERROR On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0193_00090Specific Problem GPSAM DOWNLOADING ERRORObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0194_00012 : TMA FAILED On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0194_00012Specific Problem TMA FAILEDObject Type TMA DOUBLE MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0194_00013 : TMA FAILED On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0194_00013Specific Problem TMA FAILEDObject Type TMA DOUBLE DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0194_00014 : TMA FAILED On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0194_00014Specific Problem TMA FAILEDObject Type TMA TRIBANDPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0195_00006 : CANCELLATION LOOP On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0195_00006Specific Problem CANCELLATION LOOPObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0195_00047 : CANCELLATION LOOP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0195_00047Specific Problem CANCELLATION LOOPObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0195_00090 : CANCELLATION LOOP On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0195_00090Specific Problem CANCELLATION LOOPObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0196_00006 : PARTIAL FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0196_00006Specific Problem PARTIAL FAILUREObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0196_00047 : PARTIAL FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0196_00047Specific Problem PARTIAL FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0196_00090 : PARTIAL FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0196_00090Specific Problem PARTIAL FAILUREObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0197_00072 : HIGH TEMPERATURE On Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0197_00072Specific Problem HIGH TEMPERATUREObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0198_00006 : RF OUTPUT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0198_00006Specific Problem RF OUTPUT OVERLOADObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0198_00047 : RF OUTPUT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0198_00047Specific Problem RF OUTPUT OVERLOADObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0198_00064 : RF OUTPUT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0198_00064Specific Problem RF OUTPUT OVERLOADObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0198_00076 : RF OUTPUT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0198_00076Specific Problem RF OUTPUT OVERLOADObject Type CMSR_TX_PATHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0198_00079 : RF OUTPUT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0198_00079Specific Problem RF OUTPUT OVERLOADObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0198_00090 : RF OUTPUT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0198_00090Specific Problem RF OUTPUT OVERLOADObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0199_00006 : DC VOLTAGE REGULATION On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0199_00006Specific Problem DC VOLTAGE REGULATIONObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0199_00047 : DC VOLTAGE REGULATION On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0199_00047Specific Problem DC VOLTAGE REGULATIONObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0199_00090 : DC VOLTAGE REGULATION On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0199_00090Specific Problem DC VOLTAGE REGULATIONObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0200_00006 : CURRENT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0200_00006Specific Problem CURRENT OVERLOADObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0200_00047 : CURRENT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0200_00047Specific Problem CURRENT OVERLOADObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0200_00090 : CURRENT OVERLOAD On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0200_00090Specific Problem CURRENT OVERLOADObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0202_00006 : DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWN On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0202_00006Specific Problem DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWNObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0202_00047 : DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWN On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0202_00047Specific Problem DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWNObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0202_00064 : DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWN On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0202_00064Specific Problem DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWNObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0202_00070 : DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWN On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0202_00070Specific Problem DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWNObject Type FILTERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0202_00079 : DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWN On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0202_00079Specific Problem DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWNObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0202_00090 : DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWN On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0202_00090Specific Problem DC CONVERTER SHUTDOWNObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0203_00047 : VSWR NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0203_00047Specific Problem VSWR NOT PRESENTObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0204_00047 : VSWR FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0204_00047Specific Problem VSWR FAILEDObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0205_00008 : VSWR LEVEL 1 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0205_00008Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 1Object Type DDM VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0205_00009 : VSWR LEVEL 1 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0205_00009Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 1Object Type DDM VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0205_00051 : VSWR LEVEL 1 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0205_00051Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 1Object Type RRH VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0205_00052 : VSWR LEVEL 1 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0205_00052Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 1Object Type RRH VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0206_00008 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00008Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type DDM VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0206_00009 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00009Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type DDM VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0206_00051 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00051Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type RRH VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0206_00052 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00052Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type RRH VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0206_00065 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00065Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type TRDU VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0206_00066 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00066Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type TRDU VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0206_00080 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00080Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type MCTRX VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0206_00081 : VSWR LEVEL 2 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0206_00081Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 2Object Type MCTRX VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0207_00008 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00008Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type DDM VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0207_00009 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00009Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type DDM VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0207_00051 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00051Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type RRH VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0207_00052 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00052Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type RRH VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0207_00065 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00065Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type TRDU VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0207_00066 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00066Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type TRDU VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0207_00080 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00080Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type MCTRX VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0207_00081 : VSWR LEVEL 3 On BTSEquipment/AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0207_00081Specific Problem VSWR LEVEL 3Object Type MCTRX VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0208_00010 : LNA FAILED On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0208_00010Specific Problem LNA FAILEDObject Type DDM LNA MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0208_00011 : LNA FAILED On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0208_00011Specific Problem LNA FAILEDObject Type DDM LNA DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0208_00062 : LNA FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0208_00062Specific Problem LNA FAILEDObject Type RRH LNA MAINPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0208_00063 : LNA FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0208_00063Specific Problem LNA FAILEDObject Type RRH LNA DIVPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0208_00084 : LNA FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0208_00084Specific Problem LNA FAILEDObject Type MCTRX LNA MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0208_00085 : LNA FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0208_00085Specific Problem LNA FAILEDObject Type MCTRX LNA DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0209_00047 : DDM-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0209_00047Specific Problem DDM-TRM LINKObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0210_00006 : PA-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0210_00006Specific Problem PA-TRM LINKObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0210_00046 : PA-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.3K, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0210_00046Specific Problem PA-TRM LINKObject Type DDM_PACPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0210_00047 : PA-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0210_00047Specific Problem PA-TRM LINKObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0210_00090 : PA-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0210_00090Specific Problem PA-TRM LINKObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0211_00034 : TX SPLITTER-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0211_00034Specific Problem TX SPLITTER-TRM LINKObject Type TX SPLITTERPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0212_00006 : PA NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0212_00006Specific Problem PA NOT PRESENTObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0212_00046 : PA NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.3K, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0212_00046Specific Problem PA NOT PRESENTObject Type DDM_PACPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0212_00090 : PA NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0212_00090Specific Problem PA NOT PRESENTObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0215_00005 : TX PATH FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0215_00005Specific Problem TX PATH FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0215_00047 : TX PATH FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0215_00047Specific Problem TX PATH FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0215_00064 : TX PATH FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0215_00064Specific Problem TX PATH FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0215_00079 : TX PATH FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0215_00079Specific Problem TX PATH FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0216_00008 : VSWR PA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0216_00008Specific Problem VSWR PA FAILUREObject Type DDM VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0216_00009 : VSWR PA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0216_00009Specific Problem VSWR PA FAILUREObject Type DDM VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0216_00051 : VSWR PA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0216_00051Specific Problem VSWR PA FAILUREObject Type RRH VSWR MAINPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0216_00052 : VSWR PA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0216_00052Specific Problem VSWR PA FAILUREObject Type RRH VSWR DIVPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0220_00004 : UMTS TIME NOT SYNCHRONIZED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0220_00004Specific Problem UMTS TIME NOT SYNCHRONIZEDObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0223_00001 : FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0223_00001Specific Problem FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0223_00004 : FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0223_00004Specific Problem FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0223_00005 : FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0223_00005Specific Problem FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0223_00047 : FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0223_00047Specific Problem FILE SYSTEM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0224_00001Specific Problem UNKNOWN HARDWARE REFERENCE IN ACTIVE FILE SYSTEMObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0224_00004Specific Problem UNKNOWN HARDWARE REFERENCE IN ACTIVE FILE SYSTEMObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0224_00005Specific Problem UNKNOWN HARDWARE REFERENCE IN ACTIVE FILE SYSTEMObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0224_00047Specific Problem UNKNOWN HARDWARE REFERENCE IN ACTIVE FILE SYSTEMObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0226_00001 : MIM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0226_00001Specific Problem MIM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0226_00004 : MIM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0226_00004Specific Problem MIM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0226_00005 : MIM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0226_00005Specific Problem MIM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0226_00047 : MIM ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0226_00047Specific Problem MIM ACCESS FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0228_00005 : INCORRECT RF CABLING On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0228_00005Specific Problem INCORRECT RF CABLINGObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause transmitterFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0229_00006 : GAIN CONTROL On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0229_00006Specific Problem GAIN CONTROLObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0229_00047 : GAIN CONTROL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0229_00047Specific Problem GAIN CONTROLObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0229_00076 : GAIN CONTROL On Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0229_00076Specific Problem GAIN CONTROLObject Type CMSR_TX_PATHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause transmitterFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0229_00090 : GAIN CONTROL On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0229_00090Specific Problem GAIN CONTROLObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0234_00001 : SIM/I2M DALLAS ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0234_00001Specific Problem SIM/I2M DALLAS ACCESS FAILUREObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0234_00003Specific Problem SIM/I2M DALLAS ACCESS FAILUREObject Type GPSAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0235_00034 : TX SPLITTER NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0235_00034Specific Problem TX SPLITTER NOT PRESENTObject Type TX SPLITTERPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1


minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0241_00004 : INVALID SLOT POSITION On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0241_00004Specific Problem INVALID SLOT POSITIONObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0241_00005 : INVALID SLOT POSITION On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0241_00005Specific Problem INVALID SLOT POSITIONObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0241_00044 : INVALID SLOT POSITION On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0241_00044Specific Problem INVALID SLOT POSITIONObject Type OIMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0241_00047Specific Problem INVALID SLOT POSITIONObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0242_00005 : NO RF CABLING TEST PERFORMED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0242_00005Specific Problem NO RF CABLING TEST PERFORMEDObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0243_00033 : NO DDM SUPERVISION On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0243_00033Specific Problem NO DDM SUPERVISIONObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0247_00005 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00005Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0247_00006 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00006Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0247_00034 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00034Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type TX SPLITTERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0247_00047 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00047Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0247_00064 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00064Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0247_00070 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00070Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type FILTERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0247_00072 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00072Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0247_00079 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00079Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0247_00090 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0247_00090Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0253_00047 : DDM RECONFIGURATION On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0253_00047Specific Problem DDM RECONFIGURATIONObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0254_00005 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00005Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0254_00006 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00006Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0254_00034 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00034Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type TX SPLITTERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0254_00046 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.3K, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00046Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type DDM_PACPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0254_00047 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00047Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0254_00064 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00064Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0254_00079 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00079Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0254_00090 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0254_00090Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00005Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0255_00006 : UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATA OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00006Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0255_00034 : UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATA OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00034Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type TX SPLITTERPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0255_00046 : UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATA OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.3K, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00046Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type DDM_PACPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00047Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00079Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0255_00090 : UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATA OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0255_00090Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0256_00004 : PDCP FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0256_00004Specific Problem PDCP FPGA FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0257_00048 : CRCP FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0257_00048Specific Problem CRCP FAILUREObject Type BBUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0258_00001Specific Problem DUPLEX DATA SYNCHRONIZATION FAILUREObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0260_00039Specific Problem UNKNOWN BOARD DETECTEDObject Type BOARDPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0264_00017Specific Problem ENERGY SYSTEM CONTROLLER FAILEDObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0265_00017 : I2C ACCESS FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0265_00017Specific Problem I2C ACCESS FAILUREObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0266_00017 : GPSAM-CCU LINK On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0266_00017Specific Problem GPSAM-CCU LINKObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0267_00017 : DOWNLOADING FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0267_00017Specific Problem DOWNLOADING FAILUREObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0267_00047 : DOWNLOADING FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0267_00047Specific Problem DOWNLOADING FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0267_00064 : DOWNLOADING FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0267_00064Specific Problem DOWNLOADING FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0267_00071 : DOWNLOADING FAILURE On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0267_00071Specific Problem DOWNLOADING FAILUREObject Type MSIOUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0267_00079 : DOWNLOADING FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0267_00079Specific Problem DOWNLOADING FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0271_00004 : UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0271_00004Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENTObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0271_00005 : UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0271_00005Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENTObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0271_00006 : UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0271_00006Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENTObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0271_00044 : UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0271_00044Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENTObject Type OIMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0271_00090 : UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0271_00090Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED EQUIPMENTObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0272_00017 : MISSING LINK On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0272_00017Specific Problem MISSING LINKObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text


releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0273_00033Specific Problem I&C INCONSISTENT WITH HARDWAREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0274_00019 : POWER SUPPLY FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0274_00019Specific Problem POWER SUPPLY FAILUREObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0274_00047 : POWER SUPPLY FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0274_00047Specific Problem POWER SUPPLY FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0274_00064 : POWER SUPPLY FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0274_00064Specific Problem POWER SUPPLY FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0274_00079 : POWER SUPPLY FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0274_00079Specific Problem POWER SUPPLY FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0277_00006 : BBPD FEEDBACK FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0277_00006Specific Problem BBPD FEEDBACK FAILUREObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0277_00047 : BBPD FEEDBACK FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0277_00047Specific Problem BBPD FEEDBACK FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0277_00090 : BBPD FEEDBACK FAILURE On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0277_00090Specific Problem BBPD FEEDBACK FAILUREObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0278_00005 : BBPD FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0278_00005Specific Problem BBPD FPGA FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0278_00047 : BBPD FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0278_00047Specific Problem BBPD FPGA FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0279_00005 : CORDIC FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0279_00005Specific Problem CORDIC FPGA FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0279_00047 : CORDIC FPGA FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0279_00047Specific Problem CORDIC FPGA FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0280_00005 : INVALID MIXITY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0280_00005Specific Problem INVALID MIXITYObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0282_00006 : REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATION OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0282_00006Specific Problem REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATIONObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0282_00047Specific Problem REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATIONObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0282_00064Specific Problem REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATIONObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0282_00079Specific Problem REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATIONObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0282_00090 : REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATION OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0282_00090Specific Problem REDUCED MAX POWER AMPLIFICATIONObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0285_00005 : LOW RSSI On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0285_00005Specific Problem LOW RSSIObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause receiverFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0285_00047 : LOW RSSI On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0285_00047Specific Problem LOW RSSIObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause receiverFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0285_00064 : LOW RSSI On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0285_00064Specific Problem LOW RSSIObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause receiverFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0285_00079 : LOW RSSI On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0285_00079Specific Problem LOW RSSIObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause receiverFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0286_00001 : SIM/I2M DALLAS EMPTY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0286_00001Specific Problem SIM/I2M DALLAS EMPTYObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList

major, minor

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0286_00003 : SIM/I2M DALLAS EMPTY On BTSEquipment

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0286_00003Specific Problem SIM/I2M DALLAS EMPTYObject Type GPSAMPerceived SeverityList

major, minor

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0293_00047 : RRH OFPGA-BBLINK ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0293_00047Specific Problem RRH OFPGA-BBLINK ALARMObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0294_00047 : OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER ALARM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0294_00047Specific Problem OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER ALARMObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0295_00044 : OIM DC FAULT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0295_00044Specific Problem OIM DC FAULTObject Type OIMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0296_00045 : MISSING OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0296_00045Specific Problem MISSING OIM SFP TRANSCEIVERObject Type OIM TRANSCEIVERPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0297_00045 : OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER TX FAULT OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0297_00045Specific Problem OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER TX FAULTObject Type OIM TRANSCEIVERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0297_00047 : OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER TX FAULT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0A, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0297_00047Specific Problem OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER TX FAULTObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0298_00045 : OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER RX LOS On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0298_00045Specific Problem OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER RX LOSObject Type OIM TRANSCEIVERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0298_00047 : OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER RX LOS On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0A, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0298_00047Specific Problem OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER RX LOSObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0302_00001 : RADIO LOGS AVAILABLE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0302_00001Specific Problem RADIO LOGS AVAILABLEObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0302_00004 : RADIO LOGS AVAILABLE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0302_00004Specific Problem RADIO LOGS AVAILABLEObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0303_00033Specific Problem INCONSISTENT DIGITAL CABLINGObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0306_00003 : CCM-SLAVE LINK On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0306_00003Specific Problem CCM-SLAVE LINKObject Type GPSAMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0307_00019 : ALARM BATTERY MAJOR On BTSEquipment/PowerSystem

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0307_00019Specific Problem ALARM BATTERY MAJORObject Type POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PowerSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0315_00044 : LASER CONTROLLER NOT PRESENT OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0315_00044Specific Problem LASER CONTROLLER NOT PRESENTObject Type OIMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0316_00047 : RRH NOT REACHABLE On BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHead

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0316_00047Specific Problem RRH NOT REACHABLEObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHeadAdditional Text

BTS_0318_00004 : CECTL_WRONG_BOOT_SW On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0318_00004Specific Problem CECTL_WRONG_BOOT_SWObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0319_00004 : ERROR_CONFIG_MISMATCH On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0319_00004Specific Problem ERROR_CONFIG_MISMATCHObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0

Alarm Code BTS_0320_00004Specific Problem ERROR_CE_CRITICAL_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_FAILObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0

Alarm Code BTS_0321_00004Specific Problem ERROR_CE_MAJOR_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_FAILObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0322_00004 : CECTL_BUS_LOSS On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0322_00004Specific Problem CECTL_BUS_LOSSObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0323_00004 : CECTL_FPGA_ALM On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0323_00004Specific Problem CECTL_FPGA_ALMObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0324_00004 : CECTL_LOST_HEARTBEAT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0324_00004Specific Problem CECTL_LOST_HEARTBEATObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0325_00004 : CECTL_SW_ERROR On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0325_00004Specific Problem CECTL_SW_ERRORObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0326_00004Specific Problem CECTL_EXCESSIVE_UPLINK_PARITY_ERRORObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0327_00004 : CECTL_VOLTAGE_FAIL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0327_00004Specific Problem CECTL_VOLTAGE_FAILObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0329_00004 : XCEM_COMMON_CHANNELS_FAIL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0329_00004Specific Problem XCEM_COMMON_CHANNELS_FAILObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0338_00047 : RX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0338_00047Specific Problem RX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0338_00064 : RX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0338_00064Specific Problem RX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0338_00077 : RX HARDWARE FAILURE On Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0338_00077Specific Problem RX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type CMSR_RX_PATHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0338_00079 : RX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0338_00079Specific Problem RX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0339_00047 : TX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0339_00047Specific Problem TX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0339_00064 : TX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0339_00064Specific Problem TX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0339_00076 : TX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0339_00076Specific Problem TX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type CMSR_TX_PATHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause transmitterFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0339_00079 : TX HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0339_00079Specific Problem TX HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0340_00033 : RBTS NOT REACHABLE On BTSEquipment/ExtensionCabinet

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0340_00033Specific Problem RBTS NOT REACHABLEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/ExtensionCabinetAdditional Text

BTS_0341_00064 : TRDU NOT REACHABLE On BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHead

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0341_00064Specific Problem TRDU NOT REACHABLEObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHeadAdditional Text

BTS_0342_00047 : GPS FAILED On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0342_00047Specific Problem GPS FAILEDObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0343_00005 : TX ATTENUATOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0343_00005Specific Problem TX ATTENUATOR FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0343_00047 : TX ATTENUATOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHead

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0343_00047Specific Problem TX ATTENUATOR FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHeadAdditional Text

BTS_0344_00005 : FB ATTENUATOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0344_00005Specific Problem FB ATTENUATOR FAILUREObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0344_00047 : FB ATTENUATOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHead

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0344_00047Specific Problem FB ATTENUATOR FAILUREObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/RemoteRadioHeadAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0345_00004 : OCP FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0345_00004Specific Problem OCP FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0346_00048 : BBU FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0346_00048Specific Problem BBU FAILUREObject Type BBUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0352_00047Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED ASSOCIATION OF RRH VARIANTS ON ONE FIBER CHAINObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0352_00064Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED ASSOCIATION OF RRH VARIANTS ON ONE FIBER CHAINObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0357_00004 : COMMON_CHANNELS_FAIL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0357_00004Specific Problem COMMON_CHANNELS_FAILObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0359_00006 : PA-CMSR LINK On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0359_00006Specific Problem PA-CMSR LINKObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0360_00006 : CRITICAL FAILURE On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0360_00006Specific Problem CRITICAL FAILUREObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0361_00006 : PA WARM UP FAILURE On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0361_00006Specific Problem PA WARM UP FAILUREObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0362_00070 : FILTER-CMSR LINK On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0362_00070Specific Problem FILTER-CMSR LINKObject Type FILTERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0363_00070 : FILTER NOT PRESENT On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0363_00070Specific Problem FILTER NOT PRESENTObject Type FILTERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0364_00071 : MSIOU-CMSR LINK On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0364_00071Specific Problem MSIOU-CMSR LINKObject Type MSIOUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0366_00072Specific Problem CMSR NOT REACHABLEObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path CMSRAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0369_00022 : AMPLIFIER SHELF FAN FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0369_00022Specific Problem AMPLIFIER SHELF FAN FAILUREObject Type FAN TRAYPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

BTS_0370_00033 : DIGITAL SHELF FAN FAILURE On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0370_00033Specific Problem DIGITAL SHELF FAN FAILUREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0371_00074 : RECEIVE VSWR FAILURE On AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0371_00074Specific Problem RECEIVE VSWR FAILUREObject Type SECTOR_MAINPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path AntennaAccessAdditional Text

BTS_0371_00075 : RECEIVE VSWR FAILURE On AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0371_00075Specific Problem RECEIVE VSWR FAILUREObject Type SECTOR_DIVPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path AntennaAccessAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0372_00078 : GPS_RECEIVER_FAILURE On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0372_00078Specific Problem GPS_RECEIVER_FAILUREObject Type GPSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text

BTS_0373_00078 : GPS_ANTENNA_FAILURE On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0373_00078Specific Problem GPS_ANTENNA_FAILUREObject Type GPSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0376_00079Specific Problem MCTRX NOT REACHABLEObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path MCTRXAdditional Text

BTS_0377_00004 : MEMORY HARDWARE FAILURE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0377_00004Specific Problem MEMORY HARDWARE FAILUREObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0378_00079Specific Problem UNSUPPORTED ASSOCIATION OF MCTRX VARIANTS ON ONE FIBER CHAINObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0381_00071 : MSIOU SW MISMATCH FAILURE On PassiveComponent

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0381_00071Specific Problem MSIOU SW MISMATCH FAILUREObject Type MSIOUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path PassiveComponentAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0382_00033Specific Problem AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT FAILUREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0383_00033 : AC MAJOR ALARM On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0383_00033Specific Problem AC MAJOR ALARMObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0384_00033 : AC MINOR ALARM On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0384_00033Specific Problem AC MINOR ALARMObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0385_00033 : AC INPUT OF OF SPECS On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0385_00033Specific Problem AC INPUT OF OF SPECSObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0386_00033 : AC BATTERY CHARGING ALARM On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0386_00033Specific Problem AC BATTERY CHARGING ALARMObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0394_00017 : RECTIFIER FAULT On BtsEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0394_00017Specific Problem RECTIFIER FAULTObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0395_00017 : RECTIFIER FAULT MAJOR On BtsEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0395_00017Specific Problem RECTIFIER FAULT MAJORObject Type RECTIFIER SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0397_00089 : DAC FAILURE On BtsEquipment

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0397_00089Specific Problem DAC FAILUREObject Type DACPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

MicroBTS_0296_00058 : MISSING OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code MicroBTS_0296_00058Specific Problem MISSING OIM SFP TRANSCEIVERObject Type OIM TRANSCEIVER COMPONENTPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

MicroBTS_0297_00058 : OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER TX FAULT On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code MicroBTS_0297_00058Specific Problem OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER TX FAULTObject Type OIM TRANSCEIVER COMPONENTPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MicroBTS_0298_00058 : OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER RX LOS On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code MicroBTS_0298_00058Specific Problem OIM SFP TRANSCEIVER RX LOSObject Type OIM TRANSCEIVER COMPONENTPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

RNC_0144_00036 : FAN A FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0144_00036Specific Problem FAN A FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0145_00036 : FAN B FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0145_00036Specific Problem FAN B FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0146_00036 : HEATER1 FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0146_00036Specific Problem HEATER1 FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0147_00036 : HEATER2 FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0147_00036Specific Problem HEATER2 FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0148_00036 : DAMPER MOTOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0148_00036Specific Problem DAMPER MOTOR FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0203_00007 : VSWR NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0203_00007Specific Problem VSWR NOT PRESENTObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

RNC_0204_00007 : VSWR FAILED On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0204_00007Specific Problem VSWR FAILEDObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0209_00007 : DDM-TRM LINK On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0209_00007Specific Problem DDM-TRM LINKObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

RNC_0213_00007 : DDM NOT PRESENT On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0213_00007Specific Problem DDM NOT PRESENTObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

RNC_0237_00036 : COOLING SYSTEM CONTROLLER FAILED OnBTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0237_00036Specific Problem COOLING SYSTEM CONTROLLER FAILEDObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0244_00007 : INVALID DDM CABLING On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0244_00007Specific Problem INVALID DDM CABLINGObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0247_00007 : INCORRECT FREQUENCY BAND On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0247_00007Specific Problem INCORRECT FREQUENCY BANDObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

RNC_0253_00007 : DDM RECONFIGURATION On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0253_00007Specific Problem DDM RECONFIGURATIONObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

RNC_0254_00007 : INVALID MANUFACTURER DATA On BTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0254_00007Specific Problem INVALID MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

RNC_0255_00007 : UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATA OnBTSEquipment/PassiveComponent

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0255_00007Specific Problem UNREADABLE MANUFACTURER DATAObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0268_00036 : AMBIENT SENSOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0268_00036Specific Problem AMBIENT SENSOR FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0269_00036 : INTERNAL SENSOR FAILURE On BTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0269_00036Specific Problem INTERNAL SENSOR FAILUREObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0270_00036 : INTERNAL TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGE OnBTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA3.1, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0270_00036Specific Problem INTERNAL TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGEObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

RNC_0275_00036 : AMBIENT TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGE OnBTSEquipment/CoolingSystem

releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0275_00036Specific Problem AMBIENT TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGEObject Type COOLING SYSTEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/CoolingSystemAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0289_00032 : ATM TO TDM SLIP On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0289_00032Specific Problem ATM TO TDM SLIPObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

4.2.4. processing error

BTS_0002_00001 : SOFTWARE DUMP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0002_00001Specific Problem SOFTWARE DUMPObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0002_00004 : SOFTWARE DUMP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0002_00004Specific Problem SOFTWARE DUMPObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0002_00005 : SOFTWARE DUMP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0002_00005Specific Problem SOFTWARE DUMPObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0002_00047 : SOFTWARE DUMP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0002_00047Specific Problem SOFTWARE DUMPObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0002_00064 : SOFTWARE DUMP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0002_00064Specific Problem SOFTWARE DUMPObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0002_00079 : SOFTWARE DUMP On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0002_00079Specific Problem SOFTWARE DUMPObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0011_00064 : RESTART REQUESTED BY OMC-B On BTSEquipment/Board


Alarm Code BTS_0011_00064Specific Problem RESTART REQUESTED BY OMC-BObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0011_00079 : RESTART REQUESTED BY OMC-B On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0011_00079Specific Problem RESTART REQUESTED BY OMC-BObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0013_00047 : RESTART REQUESTED BY TIL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0013_00047Specific Problem RESTART REQUESTED BY TILObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0013_00064 : RESTART REQUESTED BY TIL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0013_00064Specific Problem RESTART REQUESTED BY TILObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0013_00079 : RESTART REQUESTED BY TIL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0013_00079Specific Problem RESTART REQUESTED BY TILObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0014_00047 : POWER ON On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0014_00047Specific Problem POWER ONObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0014_00064 : POWER ON On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0014_00064Specific Problem POWER ONObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0014_00079 : POWER ON On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0014_00079Specific Problem POWER ONObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0016_00047Specific Problem RESTART FOR SOFTWARE UPGRADEObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0016_00064Specific Problem RESTART FOR SOFTWARE UPGRADEObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0016_00079Specific Problem RESTART FOR SOFTWARE UPGRADEObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0017_00001 : SOFTWARE ANOMALY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0017_00001Specific Problem SOFTWARE ANOMALYObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0017_00004 : SOFTWARE ANOMALY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0017_00004Specific Problem SOFTWARE ANOMALYObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0017_00005 : SOFTWARE ANOMALY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0017_00005Specific Problem SOFTWARE ANOMALYObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0017_00047 : SOFTWARE ANOMALY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0017_00047Specific Problem SOFTWARE ANOMALYObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0017_00064 : SOFTWARE ANOMALY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0017_00064Specific Problem SOFTWARE ANOMALYObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0017_00079 : SOFTWARE ANOMALY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0017_00079Specific Problem SOFTWARE ANOMALYObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0217_00005 : PROCESSOR OUT OF MEMORY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0217_00005Specific Problem PROCESSOR OUT OF MEMORYObject Type TRMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0217_00047 : PROCESSOR OUT OF MEMORY On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0217_00047Specific Problem PROCESSOR OUT OF MEMORYObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0225_00033Specific Problem INVALID CONFIGURATION DATAObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0227_00035Specific Problem BTS INCORRECTLY EQUIPPEDObject Type LOCAL CELLPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSCellAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0239_00033Specific Problem CONFIGURATION FILE INCONSISTENT WITH HARDWAREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0245_00037 : INVALID OEM SOURCE IP ADDRESS On BTSEquipment/SiteLan

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0245_00037Specific Problem INVALID OEM SOURCE IP ADDRESSObject Type OEM DEVICEPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/SiteLanAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0245_00055Specific Problem INVALID OEM SOURCE IP ADDRESSObject Type NATP OEM DEVICEPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/NATPAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0246_00037Specific Problem INVALID OEM DESTINATION IP ADDRESSObject Type OEM DEVICEPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/SiteLanAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0246_00055Specific Problem INVALID OEM DESTINATION IP ADDRESSObject Type NATP OEM DEVICEPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/NATPAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0248_00033Specific Problem CONFIGURATION FILE INCONSISTENT WITH I&CObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0249_00033Specific Problem FALLBACK TO PREVIOUS I&C DATAObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0250_00004 : NO CCP AVAILABLE On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0250_00004Specific Problem NO CCP AVAILABLEObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0276_00033Specific Problem ALARM MASK INCONSISTENT WITH HARDWAREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0283_00035Specific Problem CARRIER ACTIVATION NOT SUPPORTEDObject Type LOCAL CELLPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSCellAdditional Text


releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0284_00033Specific Problem NOT ENOUGH HSDPA RESOURCEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0288_00033Specific Problem TOO MANY AAL1 CES RESSOURCES REQUIREDObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0300_00033Specific Problem NOT ENOUGH HSUPA RESOURCEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0301_00033 : NOT ENOUGH R99 RESOURCE On BTSEquipment

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0301_00033Specific Problem NOT ENOUGH R99 RESOURCEObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0311_00047 : RRH RANK COLLISION On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA5.0A, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0311_00047Specific Problem RRH RANK COLLISIONObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0328_00053 : HSPA ALLOCATION MISMATCH On BTSEquipment/RfCarrierP

releases UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0328_00053Specific Problem HSPA ALLOCATION MISMATCHObject Type CARRIERPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/RfCarrierPAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0330_00033Specific Problem RADIUS ACTIVATION NOT SUPPORTED BY HARDWAREObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0331_00033Specific Problem RADIUS PARAMETERS INCONSISTENCIESObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0335_00033Specific Problem EDCH CONGESTION CONTROL DESACTIVATEDObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0336_00033Specific Problem PA POWER POOLING DESACTIVATEDObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0349_00033 : NACK FROM DHCP SERVER On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0349_00033Specific Problem NACK FROM DHCP SERVERObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0353_00068 : SUM PARATIO TOO HIGH On PaResource

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0353_00068Specific Problem SUM PARATIO TOO HIGHObject Type PA RESSOURCEPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path PaResourceAdditional Text

BTS_0353_00069 : SUM PARATIO TOO HIGH On PaResourceRrh

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0353_00069Specific Problem SUM PARATIO TOO HIGHObject Type PA RESSOURCE RRHPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path PaResourceRrhAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0353_00082Specific Problem SUM PARATIO TOO HIGHObject Type PA RESSOURCE MCTRXPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path PA RESOURCE MCTRXAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0354_00047Specific Problem HARDWARE INCOHERENT WITH CONFIG FILEObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0354_00064Specific Problem HARDWARE INCOHERENT WITH CONFIG FILEObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0354_00072Specific Problem HARDWARE INCOHERENT WITH CONFIG FILEObject Type CMSRPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0354_00079Specific Problem HARDWARE INCOHERENT WITH CONFIG FILEObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0379_00004 : LOW SEVERITY CE ERROR On Board

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0379_00004Specific Problem LOW SEVERITY CE ERRORObject Type CEMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BoardAdditional Text


releases UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0239_00007Specific Problem CONFIGURATION FILE INCONSISTENT WITH HARDWAREObject Type DDMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PassiveComponentAdditional Text

4.2.5. quality of service

BTS_0218_00001 : ALARM FIFO FULL On BTSEquipment/Board

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0218_00001Specific Problem ALARM FIFO FULLObject Type CCMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause queueSizeExceededEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BoardAdditional Text

BTS_0222_00033 : CALLP TEST RESULTS On BTSEquipment

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0222_00033Specific Problem CALLP TEST RESULTSObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0317_00035 : HIGH RSSI On BTSEquipment/BTSCell

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0317_00035Specific Problem HIGH RSSIObject Type LOCAL CELLPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSCellAdditional Text

BTS_0334_00035 : UNBALANCED RSSI On BTSEquipment/BTSCell

releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0334_00035Specific Problem UNBALANCED RSSIObject Type LOCAL CELLPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSCellAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00006Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type MCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PaResourceAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00047Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type RRHPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PaResourceRRHAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00059Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type HSDPA RESOURCEPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00060Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type HSXPA RESOURCEPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsXpaResourceAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00061Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type EDCH RESOURCEPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text


releases UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00064Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type TRDUPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PaResourceRRHAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00073Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type SECTORPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BtsCellAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00079Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type MCTRXPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path PA RESOURCE MCTRXAdditional Text


releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0337_00090Specific Problem LICENSE CAPACITY LOWER THAN REQUIRED CAPACITYObject Type SCPAPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/PaResourceAdditional Text


releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0347_00060Specific Problem HSXPA RESOURCE GROUPED WITH ANOTHER RESOURCEObject Type HSXPA RESOURCEPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path HsXpaResourceAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0350_00067 : IP QUEUE OVERFLOW On BtsEquipment

releases UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0350_00067Specific Problem IP QUEUE OVERFLOWObject Type IP TRAFFIC SHAPINGPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause queueSizeExceededEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BtsEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0365_00073 : DIVERSITY IMBALANCE On AntennaAccess

releases UA7.1

Alarm Code BTS_0365_00073Specific Problem DIVERSITY IMBALANCEObject Type SECTORPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path AntennaAccessAdditional Text

RNC_0230_00032 : AAL2 OVERFLOW On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA1.0, UA2.0, UA3.2, UA4.1, UA4.2, UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0230_00032Specific Problem AAL2 OVERFLOWObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause queueSizeExceededEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

RNC_0291_00032 : TDM TO ATM OVERFLOW On BTSEquipment/VCC

releases UA5.0, UA5.0A, UA5.1, UA6.0, UA7.0, UA7.1

Alarm Code RNC_0291_00032Specific Problem TDM TO ATM OVERFLOWObject Type VCCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause queueSizeExceededEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/VCCAdditional Text

4.3. OAM Model

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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4.3.1. communications

BTS_0016_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0016_00005Specific Problem supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0017_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0017_00005Specific Problem loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

BTS_0052_00005 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code BTS_0052_00005Specific Problem Loss of connection:$connectionErrorOrLoginFailure$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text Could not establish connection to retrieve Measurement files rootCause:$FTSError$

ESE_0141_00101 : ESE


Alarm Code ESE_0141_00101Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path ESEAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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ESE_0143_00101 : ESE


Alarm Code ESE_0143_00101Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path ESEAdditional Text

MicroBTS_0097_00058 : MicroBTS


Alarm Code MicroBTS_0097_00058Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path MicroBTSAdditional Text

MicroBTS_0100_00058 : MicroBTS


Alarm Code MicroBTS_0100_00058Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path MicroBTSAdditional Text

OAM_0170_00210 : SR7750


Alarm Code OAM_0170_00210Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type SR7750Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path SR7750Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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OAM_0171_00210 : SR7750


Alarm Code OAM_0171_00210Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type SR7750Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path SR7750Additional Text

OAM_0180_00211 : SR7710


Alarm Code OAM_0180_00211Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type SR7710Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path SR7710Additional Text

OAM_0181_00211 : SR7710


Alarm Code OAM_0181_00211Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type SR7710Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path SR7710Additional Text

OAM_0190_00212 : SAR7705


Alarm Code OAM_0190_00212Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type SAR7705Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path SAR7705Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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OAM_0191_00212 : SAR7705


Alarm Code OAM_0191_00212Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type SAR7705Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path SAR7705Additional Text

OneBTS_0150_00100 : OneBTSEquipment


Alarm Code OneBTS_0150_00100Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path OneBTSEquipmentAdditional Text

OneBTS_0151_00100 : OneBTSEquipment


Alarm Code OneBTS_0151_00100Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path OneBTSEquipmentAdditional Text

OneBTS_0152_00100 : OneBTSEquipment


Alarm Code OneBTS_0152_00100Specific Problem Loss of connectionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path OneBTSEquipmentAdditional Text Could not establish connection to retrieve Measurement files

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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POC_0065_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0065_00057Specific Problem Loss of connection:$connectionErrorOrLoginFailure$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path POCAdditional Text Could not establish connection to retrieve Measurement files rootCause:$FTSError$

POC_0066_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0066_00057Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path POCAdditional Text

POC_0067_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0067_00057Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path POCAdditional Text

RNC_0014_00036 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_0014_00036Specific Problem loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0015_00036 : RNC


Alarm Code RNC_0015_00036Specific Problem supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RNCAdditional Text

RNC_0049_00036 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code RNC_0049_00036Specific Problem Loss of connection:$connectionErrorOrLoginFailure$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text $connectionErrorOrLoginFailure$ Could not establish connection to retrieve Measurement

files rootCause:$FTSError$

RSP_0140_00102 : RSP


Alarm Code RSP_0140_00102Specific Problem Supervision inhibited by operatorObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RSPAdditional Text

RSP_0142_00102 : RSP


Alarm Code RSP_0142_00102Specific Problem Loss of supervisionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path RSPAdditional Text

4.3.2. equipment

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0038_00004 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/CC1


Alarm Code BTS_0038_00004Specific Problem State change to disabled not installed. Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$Object Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/CC1Additional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

BTS_0039_00004 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/OMU


Alarm Code BTS_0039_00004Specific Problem State change to disabled not installed. Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$Object Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/OMUAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

BTS_0051_00005 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code BTS_0051_00005Specific Problem File not arrived: $lateFileOrLostFile$, Missing File Name: $missingFileName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text Measurement file missing rootCause $FTSError$

BTS_0054_00004 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0054_00004Specific Problem Board extraction. Cabinet:$cabinetNumber$, Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0055_00004 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0055_00004Specific Problem Board insertion. Cabinet:$cabinetNumber$, Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$Object Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

POC_0064_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0064_00057Specific Problem File not arrived: $lateFileOrLostFile$, Missing File Name: $missingFileName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path POCAdditional Text Measurement file missing rootCause $FTSError$

RNC_0006_00020 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/TMU


Alarm Code RNC_0006_00020Specific Problem state change to disabled failedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/TMUAdditional Text Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0018_00007 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/CC1


Alarm Code RNC_0018_00007Specific Problem state change to disabled failedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/CC1Additional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0019_00032 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/OMU


Alarm Code RNC_0019_00032Specific Problem state change to disabled failedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/OMUAdditional Text Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$

RNC_0020_00032 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/MMS


Alarm Code RNC_0020_00032Specific Problem state change to disabled failedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/MMSAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0040_00020 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/MMS


Alarm Code RNC_0040_00020Specific Problem State change to disabled not installed. Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$Object Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/MMSAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0041_00020 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/TMU


Alarm Code RNC_0041_00020Specific Problem State change to disabled not installed. Shelf:$shelfNumber$, Slot-position:$position$Object Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode/TMUAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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RNC_0048_00036 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code RNC_0048_00036Specific Problem File not arrived: $lateFileOrLostFile$, Missing File Name: $missingFileName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text $missingFileName$ Measurement file missing rootCause:$FTSError$

4.3.3. operator

BTS_0011_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0011_00005Specific Problem Processing Error AlarmObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause versionMismatchEvent Type operatorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0110_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0110_00005Specific Problem Allocated license issuesObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type operatorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

4.3.4. processing error

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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BTS_0027_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0027_00005Specific Problem Config Report decoding failedObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

BTS_0050_00005 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code BTS_0050_00005Specific Problem Bad data file:$corruptedFileName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text Measurement file decoding failed

BTS_0060_00005 : BTSEquipment/BTSEquipmentMIB


Alarm Code BTS_0060_00005Specific Problem MIB number received from NE different from MIB number stored in the active viewObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSEquipmentMIBAdditional Text $specificProblem$, mibBuildNumber received from NE: $receivedMibBuildNumber$

MicroBTS_0099_00058 : MicroBTS


Alarm Code MicroBTS_0099_00058Specific Problem BTS RESTARTObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path MicroBTSAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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OneBTS_0153_00100 : OneBTSEquipment


Alarm Code OneBTS_0153_00100Specific Problem Bad data fileObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path OneBTSEquipmentAdditional Text Measurement file decoding failed.

POC_0063_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0063_00057Specific Problem Bad data file:$corruptedFileName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path POCAdditional Text Measurement file decoding failed.

POC_0068_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0068_00057Specific Problem Configuration de-synchronizationObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path POCAdditional Text

RNC_0026_00036 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_0026_00036Specific Problem Config Report decoding failedObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text

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RNC_0037_00036 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_0037_00036Specific Problem Cnode internal synchronization errorObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text

RNC_0047_00036 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code RNC_0047_00036Specific Problem Bad data file:$corruptedFileName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text $corruptedFileName$ Measurement file decoding failed

RNC_0053_00056 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_0053_00056Specific Problem Unexpected RNC MIBState set to update in progressObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text $specificProblem$

RNC_0056_00056 : RNC


Alarm Code RNC_0056_00056Specific Problem RNC family not compatible with RNC architectureObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNCAdditional Text $specificProblem$

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RNC_0057_00056 : RNC/RncMIB


Alarm Code RNC_0057_00056Specific Problem MIB number received from NE different from MIB number stored in the active viewObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNC/RncMIBAdditional Text $specificProblem$

RNC_0059_00036 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_0059_00036Specific Problem Unexpected RNC MIBState set to update in progressObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text $specificProblem$

RNC_0070_00056 : RNC


Alarm Code RNC_0070_00056Specific Problem Configuration de-synchronizationObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path RNCAdditional Text

4.3.5. quality of service

BTS_0003_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0003_00005Specific Problem Unknown software versionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause sfwrEnvironmentProblemEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

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BTS_0010_00005 : BTSEquipment/BTSEquipmentMIB


Alarm Code BTS_0010_00005Specific Problem BDA state : INCONSISTENCYObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSEquipmentMIBAdditional Text

BTS_0046_00005 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code BTS_0046_00005Specific Problem Threshold overcross on counter $counterName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList

critical, warning, minor, major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text Flooded alarm:$yesNo$, location ID:$locationID$, Counter name: $counterName$, Counter

value: $counterValue$, Threshold value: $thresholdValue$, Threshold Reference Period(min): $thresholdReferencePeriod$, obsDuration (min): $obsDuration$

BTS_0111_00005 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code BTS_0111_00005Specific Problem Unexpected software versionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause sfwrEnvironmentProblemEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

MicroBTS_0096_00058 : MicroBTS


Alarm Code MicroBTS_0096_00058Specific Problem Unexpected software versionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause sfwrEnvironmentProblemEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path MicroBTSAdditional Text

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MicroBTS_0098_00058 : MicroBTS


Alarm Code MicroBTS_0098_00058Specific Problem BTS enters in SAFE modeObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path MicroBTSAdditional Text

OAM_0072_02403 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResource


Alarm Code OAM_0072_02403Specific Problem Unsuccessful configuration of HSDPA resourcesObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text HsdpaResource is in state disabled/failed. No response to the Physical Shared Channel

Reconfiguration Request or reception of Physical Shared Channel Reconfiguration Failurewith a cause not equal to "hardware".

OAM_0073_02403 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResource


Alarm Code OAM_0073_02403Specific Problem HSDPA not available due to managed or managing object failureObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text HsdpaResource is in state disabled/dependency

OAM_0074_02403 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResource


Alarm Code OAM_0074_02403Specific Problem HSDPA operator recovery procedure requestedObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text HsdpaResource is in state disable/[dependency,offline]. The HSDPA resources in the NodeB

are available, but the RNC needs an operator action to reconfigure the whole FddCell

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OAM_0075_02403 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResource


Alarm Code OAM_0075_02403Specific Problem Transport resource or/and NodeB resource failureObject Type HsdpaResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/HsdpaResourceAdditional Text HsdpaResource is in state enable/degraded. For ATM or hybrid transport configuration, a

subset of transport resources is no more available.For the NodeB resources, the Mac-ehs is not available.

OAM_0076_02420 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResource


Alarm Code OAM_0076_02420Specific Problem Unsuccessful configuration of E-DCH resourcesObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text EdchResource is in state disabled/failed. No response to the Physical Shared Channel

Reconfiguration Request or reception of Physical Shared Channel Reconfiguration Failurewith a cause not equal to "hardware".

OAM_0077_02420 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResource


Alarm Code OAM_0077_02420Specific Problem E-DCH not available due to managed or managing object failureObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text EdchResource is in state disabled/dependency

OAM_0078_02420 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResource


Alarm Code OAM_0078_02420Specific Problem E-DCH operator recovery procedure requestedObject Type EdchResourcePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCell/EdchResourceAdditional Text EdchResource is in state disabled/[dependency,offline]. The E-DCH resources in the NodeB

are available, but the RNC needs an operator action to reconfigure the whole FddCell.

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OneBTS_0112_00100 : OneBTSEquipment


Alarm Code OneBTS_0112_00100Specific Problem Unexpected software versionObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause sfwrEnvironmentProblemEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path OneBTSEquipmentAdditional Text

OneBTS_0154_00100 : OneBTSEquipment/OneBTSEquipmentMIB


Alarm Code OneBTS_0154_00100Specific Problem CM Synchronization failedObject Type OneBTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path OneBTSEquipment/OneBTSEquipmentMIBAdditional Text

OneBTS_0155_00100 : OneBTSEquipment


Alarm Code OneBTS_0155_00100Specific Problem System release inconsistentObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause versionMismatchEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path OneBTSEquipmentAdditional Text

OneBTS_0156_00100 : OneBTSEquipment/OneBTSEquipmentMIB


Alarm Code OneBTS_0156_00100Specific Problem CM migration failedObject Type OneBTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path OneBTSEquipment/OneBTSEquipmentMIBAdditional Text

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POC_0062_00057 : POC


Alarm Code POC_0062_00057Specific Problem Threshold overcross on counter $counterName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList

critical, warning, minor, major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path POCAdditional Text Counter name: $counterName$, Flooded alarm:$yesNo$, location ID:$locationID$, Counter

name: $counterName$, Counter value: $counterValue$, Comparison operator:$GREATERLOWER$, Threshold value: $thresholdValue$, Threshold Reference Period(min): $thresholdReferencePeriod$, obsDuration (min): $obsDuration$

RNC_0004_00020 : RNC


Alarm Code RNC_0004_00020Specific Problem Unknown software versionObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause sfwrEnvironmentProblemEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNCAdditional Text

RNC_0008_00056 : BTSEquipment/BTSEquipmentMIB


Alarm Code RNC_0008_00056Specific Problem MIB state : NOT BUILTObject Type BTSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/BTSEquipmentMIBAdditional Text

RNC_0009_00056 : RNC/RncMIB


Alarm Code RNC_0009_00056Specific Problem MIB state : NOT BUILTObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RncMIBAdditional Text

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RNC_0012_00036 : BTSEquipment


Alarm Code RNC_0012_00036Specific Problem System release inconsistentObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause versionMismatchEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipmentAdditional Text

RNC_0013_00036 : RNC/RNCEquipment/CNode


Alarm Code RNC_0013_00036Specific Problem System release inconsistentObject Type OAMPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause versionMismatchEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/RNCEquipment/CNodeAdditional Text

RNC_0021_00020 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_0021_00020Specific Problem State change to Disable FailedObject Type FDDCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text Associated BTS:$btsEquipment.userLabel$, $$, Correlated notification:

$timestamp$, RNC Shelf number\Board Slot position\AdjunctProcessor:0\$CaNumber$\$ApNumber$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0022_00020 : RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0022_00020Specific Problem State change to Enable DegradedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

External UTRAN

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RNC_0023_00020 : RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0023_00020Specific Problem State change to Disable DependencyObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0024_00020 : RNC/NeighbouringRNC


Alarm Code RNC_0024_00020Specific Problem State change to Enable DegradedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NeighbouringRNCAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0025_00020 : BTSEquipment/AAL2Bearer


Alarm Code RNC_0025_00020Specific Problem state change to disabled failedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path BTSEquipment/AAL2BearerAdditional Text

RNC_0028_00020 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_0028_00020Specific Problem State change to Enable DegradedObject Type FDDCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text Associated BTS:$btsEquipment.userLabel$, $$, Correlated notification:

$timestamp$, RNC Shelf number\Board Slot position\AdjunctProcessor:0\$CaNumber$\$ApNumber$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

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RNC_0029_00020 : RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0029_00020Specific Problem State change to Disable DependencyObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0030_00020 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_0030_00020Specific Problem State change to Disable DependencyObject Type FDDCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text Associated BTS:$btsEquipment.userLabel$, $$, Correlated notification:

$timestamp$, RNC Shelf number\Board Slot position\AdjunctProcessor:0\$CaNumber$\$ApNumber$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0031_00020 : RNC/NeighbouringRNC


Alarm Code RNC_0031_00020Specific Problem State change to Disable DependencyObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NeighbouringRNCAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0043_00020 : RNC/SasAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0043_00020Specific Problem State change to enabled degradedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/SasAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

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RNC_0044_00020 : RNC/SasAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0044_00020Specific Problem State change to disabled dependencyObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/SasAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0045_00036 : dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]


Alarm Code RNC_0045_00036Specific Problem Threshold overcross on counter $counterName$Object Type OAMPerceived SeverityList

critical, warning, minor, major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path dynamicDATA[ranManagedObject]Additional Text Counter name: $counterName$, Flooded alarm:$yesNo$, location ID:$locationID$, Counter

name: $counterName$, Counter value: $counterValue$, Comparison operator:$GREATERLOWER$, Threshold value: $thresholdValue$, Threshold Reference Period(min): $thresholdReferencePeriod$, obsDuration (min): $obsDuration$

RNC_0058_00020 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_0058_00020Specific Problem State change to disabled not installedObject Type FDDCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text Associated BTS:$btsEquipment.userLabel$, $$, Correlated notification:

$timestamp$, RNC1500[Shelf number\Board Slot position\AdjunctProcessor:0\$CaNumber$\$ApNumber$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

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RNC_0071_00020 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_0071_00020Specific Problem FddCell barred or access classes denied after operator request or Automated Cell Barring

activationObject Type FDDCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text FddCell is in state unlocked/enabled/{idle}/suspended or

unlocked/enabled/{idle}/partOfServicesLocked. When the controlStatus is"partOfServicesLocked", only a subset of access classes is set to "barred".

RNC_0080_00036 : RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0080_00036Specific Problem State change to disabled due to management operationObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/CsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0081_00020 : RNC/NodeB/FDDCell


Alarm Code RNC_0081_00020Specific Problem State change to disabled due to management operationObject Type FDDCellPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/FDDCellAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0082_00036 : RNC/NeighbouringRNC


Alarm Code RNC_0082_00036Specific Problem State change to disabled due to management operationObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NeighbouringRNCAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

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RNC_0083_00036 : RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0083_00036Specific Problem State change to disabled due to management operationObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/PsCoreNetworkAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0084_00036 : RNC/SasAccess


Alarm Code RNC_0084_00036Specific Problem State change to disabled due to management operationObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/SasAccessAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

RNC_0085_00036 : RNC/NodeB/ControlPort


Alarm Code RNC_0085_00036Specific Problem State change to Disable FailedObject Type RNCPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path RNC/NodeB/ControlPortAdditional Text $specificProblem$, Source Indicator:$sourceIndicator$

4.4. OneBTS Model

4.5. MSS Model

4.5.1. communications

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MSS_0000_01000 : 0000 1000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_01000Specific Problem 0000 1000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignal, denialofService, operationalConditionEvent Type communications, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_03000 : 0000 3000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_03000Specific Problem 0000 3000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, outOfMemory, timingProblemEvent Type communications, processing errorCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00003 : 7006 0003 On Nmis {type} Session/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00003Specific Problem 7006 0003Object Type Nmis {type} Session/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Nmis {type} Session/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00004 : 7006 0004 On Nmis Fmip


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00004Specific Problem 7006 0004Object Type Nmis FmipPerceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Nmis FmipAdditional Text

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MSS_7006_00007 : 7006 0007 On Nmis {type} Session/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00007Specific Problem 7006 0007Object Type Nmis {type} Session/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Nmis {type} Session/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00008 : 7006 0008 On Nmis {type}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00008Specific Problem 7006 0008Object Type Nmis {type}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Nmis {type}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01100 : 7011 1100 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01100Specific Problem 7011 1100Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01200 : 7011 1200 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01200Specific Problem 7011 1200Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

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MSS_7011_01210 : 7011 1210 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01210Specific Problem 7011 1210Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01211 : 7011 1211 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01211Specific Problem 7011 1211Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01212 : 7011 1212 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01212Specific Problem 7011 1212Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01213 : 7011 1213 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01213Specific Problem 7011 1213Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

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MSS_7011_01214 : 7011 1214 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01214Specific Problem 7011 1214Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01215 : 7011 1215 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01215Specific Problem 7011 1215Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01216 : 7011 1216 On For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2}Lk/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01216Specific Problem 7011 1216Object Type For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Multiservice Switch 7400: Lp/{num1} Ima/{num2} Lk/{num5}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01400 : 7011 1400 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01400Specific Problem 7011 1400Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2}Additional Text

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MSS_7011_01401 : 7011 1401 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01401Specific Problem 7011 1401Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01402 : 7011 1402 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01402Specific Problem 7011 1402Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01403 : 7011 1403 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01403Specific Problem 7011 1403Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01404 : 7011 1404 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01404Specific Problem 7011 1404Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_01405 : 7011 1405 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01405Specific Problem 7011 1405Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01406 : 7011 1406 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01406Specific Problem 7011 1406Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01500 : 7011 1500 On Lp/{x} Lag/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01500Specific Problem 7011 1500Object Type Lp/{x} Lag/{y}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{x} Lag/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01501 : 7011 1501 On Lp/{x} Lag/{y} Link/{z}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01501Specific Problem 7011 1501Object Type Lp/{x} Lag/{y} Link/{z}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{x} Lag/{y} Link/{z}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_02001 : 7011 2001 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_02001Specific Problem 7011 2001Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause dTE-DCEInterfaceErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05000 : 7011 5000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0VC12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6}

{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05000Specific Problem 7011 5000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0 VC12/{num3}

E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6}{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0 VC12/{num3}

E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6}{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05001 : 7011 5001 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0VC12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1 orLaps/{num6}

{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05001Specific Problem 7011 5001Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0 VC12/{num3}

E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1 orLaps/{num6}{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1

Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0 VC12/{num3}

E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1 orLaps/{num6}{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05002 : 7011 5002 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0VC12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1 orLaps/{num6}

{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05002Specific Problem 7011 5002Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0 VC12/{num3}

E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1 orLaps/{num6}{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} SDH/{num2} VC4/0 VC12/{num3}

E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1 orLaps/{num6}{Sts}/{num4} {Vt1dot5}/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{num3} E1

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05003 : 7011 5003 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6}

Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05003Specific Problem 7011 5003Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1}

Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1}

Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05004 : 7011 5004 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1 orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6}

Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05004Specific Problem 7011 5004Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1

orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1

orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05005 : 7011 5005 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DslorLaps/{num6}

Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} Dsl


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05005Specific Problem 7011 5005Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1}

Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DslorLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} Dsl

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1}

Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DslorLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} Dsl

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05006 : 7011 5006 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DslorLaps/{num6}

Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} Dsl


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05006Specific Problem 7011 5006Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1}

Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DslorLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} Dsl

Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1orLp/{num1}

Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DslorLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}E1orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} Dsl

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05007 : 7011 5007 On Lp/{num1} E1/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/{num3}Vc12/{num4} E1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05007Specific Problem 7011 5007Object Type Lp/{num1} E1/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/{num3} Vc12/{num4} E1Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} E1/{num2}orLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/{num3} Vc12/{num4} E1Additional Text

MSS_7011_05010 : 7011 5010 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}ORLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1ORLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1ORLaps/{num6}

Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3} E1ORLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05010Specific Problem 7011 5010Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}ORLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}

E1ORLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1ORLaps/{num6} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1ORLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1

Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}ORLp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}

E1ORLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1ORLaps/{num6} Vc4/0Vc12/{num3} E1ORLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5} DS1

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05100 : 7011 5100 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05100Specific Problem 7011 5100Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05101 : 7011 5101 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05101Specific Problem 7011 5101Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05102 : 7011 5102 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05102Specific Problem 7011 5102Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05103 : 7011 5103 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05103Specific Problem 7011 5103Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05104 : 7011 5104 On Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05104Specific Problem 7011 5104Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05105 : 7011 5105 On Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05105Specific Problem 7011 5105Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05110 : 7011 5110 On Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05110Specific Problem 7011 5110Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05111 : 7011 5111 On Lp/{num1} DS3/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05111Specific Problem 7011 5111Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/0Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/0Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05112 : 7011 5112 On Lp/{num1} DS3/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05112Specific Problem 7011 5112Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/0Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/0Additional Text

MSS_7011_05120 : 7011 5120 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05120Specific Problem 7011 5120Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05121 : 7011 5121 On Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05121Specific Problem 7011 5121Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05122 : 7011 5122 On Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05122Specific Problem 7011 5122Object Type Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} DS3/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05200 : 7011 5200 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05200Specific Problem 7011 5200Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05201 : 7011 5201 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05201Specific Problem 7011 5201Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05202 : 7011 5202 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05202Specific Problem 7011 5202Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05203 : 7011 5203 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05203Specific Problem 7011 5203Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05204 : 7011 5204 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05204Specific Problem 7011 5204Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05210 : 7011 5210 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05210Specific Problem 7011 5210Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05211 : 7011 5211 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05211Specific Problem 7011 5211Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05250 : 7011 5250 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0orPbg/{num4} sts/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05250Specific Problem 7011 5250Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05251 : 7011 5251 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0orPbg/{num4} sts/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05251Specific Problem 7011 5251Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Additional Text

MSS_7011_05252 : 7011 5252 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0orPbg/{num4} sts/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05252Specific Problem 7011 5252Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Additional Text

MSS_7011_05253 : 7011 5253 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0orPbg/{num4} sts/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05253Specific Problem 7011 5253Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Additional Text

MSS_7011_05255 : 7011 5255 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0orPbg/{num4} sts/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05255Specific Problem 7011 5255Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05256 : 7011 5256 On Lp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num3}, Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2}Vc4/0, Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{1-3, 1-7, 1-3}Laps/{num4} Sts/{num3}, Laps/{num4}

Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0, Laps/{num4} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{1-3, 1-7, 1-3}orPbg/{num4} Sts/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05256Specific Problem 7011 5256Object Type Lp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num3}, Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0, Lp/{num1}

Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{1-3, 1-7, 1-3}Laps/{num4} Sts/{num3}, Laps/{num4}Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0, Laps/{num4} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{1-3, 1-7, 1-3}orPbg/{num4}Sts/{num3}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unexpectedInformationEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num3}, Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0, Lp/{num1}

Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{1-3, 1-7, 1-3}Laps/{num4} Sts/{num3}, Laps/{num4}Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0, Laps/{num4} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{1-3, 1-7, 1-3}orPbg/{num4}Sts/{num3}

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05260 : 7011 5260 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/{0} |Additional (optional):Laps/{num3} {type2}/0; Pbg/{num4} sts/0; Lp/{num1} {Sonet}/{num2} {Sts}/{num5}

{Vt1dot5}/{l,m}; Laps/{num3} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m} Additional (optional): Lp/{num1}{Sdh}/{num2} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}; Laps/{num3} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05260Specific Problem 7011 5260Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/{0} |Additional (optional): Laps/{num3} {type2}/0;

Pbg/{num4} sts/0; Lp/{num1} {Sonet}/{num2} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m};Laps/{num3} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m} Additional (optional): Lp/{num1}{Sdh}/{num2} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}; Laps/{num3} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}

Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/{0} |Additional (optional): Laps/{num3} {type2}/0;

Pbg/{num4} sts/0; Lp/{num1} {Sonet}/{num2} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m};Laps/{num3} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m} Additional (optional): Lp/{num1}{Sdh}/{num2} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}; Laps/{num3} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05261 : 7011 5261 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/{0} |Additional (optional):Laps/{num3} {type2}/0; Pbg/{num4} sts/0; Lp/{num1} {Sonet}/{num2} {Sts}/{num5}

{Vt1dot5}/{l,m}; Laps/{num3} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m} Additional (optional): Lp/{num1}{Sdh}/{num2} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}; Laps/{num3} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05261Specific Problem 7011 5261Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/{0} |Additional (optional): Laps/{num3} {type2}/0;

Pbg/{num4} sts/0; Lp/{num1} {Sonet}/{num2} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m};Laps/{num3} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m} Additional (optional): Lp/{num1}{Sdh}/{num2} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}; Laps/{num3} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}

Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/{0} |Additional (optional): Laps/{num3} {type2}/0;

Pbg/{num4} sts/0; Lp/{num1} {Sonet}/{num2} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m};Laps/{num3} {Sts}/{num5} {Vt1dot5}/{l,m} Additional (optional): Lp/{num1}{Sdh}/{num2} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}; Laps/{num3} {VC4/0} {VC12}/{k,l,m}

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05270 : 7011 5270 On {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05270Specific Problem 7011 5270Object Type {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {type}/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05271 : 7011 5271 On {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05271Specific Problem 7011 5271Object Type {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {type}/{num}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05272 : 7011 5272 On {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05272Specific Problem 7011 5272Object Type {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {type}/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05273 : 7011 5273 On {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05273Specific Problem 7011 5273Object Type {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {type}/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05274 : 7011 5274 On {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05274Specific Problem 7011 5274Object Type {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {type}/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05275 : 7011 5275 On {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05275Specific Problem 7011 5275Object Type {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {type}/{num}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05276 : 7011 5276 On Laps/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05276Specific Problem 7011 5276Object Type Laps/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Laps/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05278 : 7011 5278 On Laps/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05278Specific Problem 7011 5278Object Type Laps/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Laps/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05279 : 7011 5279 On Laps/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05279Specific Problem 7011 5279Object Type Laps/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Laps/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05280 : 7011 5280 On Laps/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05280Specific Problem 7011 5280Object Type Laps/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Laps/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05281 : 7011 5281 On Laps/{instance} CrossConnect


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05281Specific Problem 7011 5281Object Type Laps/{instance} CrossConnectPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Laps/{instance} CrossConnectAdditional Text

MSS_7011_05290 : 7011 5290 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1}Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}

Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05290Specific Problem 7011 5290Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05291 : 7011 5291 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1}Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}

Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05291Specific Problem 7011 5291Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05292 : 7011 5292 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1}Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}

Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05292Specific Problem 7011 5292Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05293 : 7011 5293 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05293Specific Problem 7011 5293Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05294 : 7011 5294 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1}Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}

Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05294Specific Problem 7011 5294Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05295 : 7011 5295 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1}Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}

Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05295Specific Problem 7011 5295Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05296 : 7011 5296 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1}Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}

Sts/{num4} Vt1dot5/{num5}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05296Specific Problem 7011 5296Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLp/{num1} Sonet/{num2} Sts/{num4}

Vt1dot5/{num5}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Sts/{num4}Vt1dot5/{num5}

Additional Text

MSS_7011_05297 : 7011 5297 On Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6}Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05297Specific Problem 7011 5297Object Type Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Sdh/{num2} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}orLaps/{num6} Vc4/0 Vc12/{num3}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05300 : 7011 5300 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05300Specific Problem 7011 5300Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05301 : 7011 5301 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05301Specific Problem 7011 5301Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05302 : 7011 5302 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05302Specific Problem 7011 5302Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05303 : 7011 5303 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05303Specific Problem 7011 5303Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05304 : 7011 5304 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05304Specific Problem 7011 5304Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05400 : 7011 5400 On Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05400Specific Problem 7011 5400Object Type Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05402 : 7011 5402 On Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05402Specific Problem 7011 5402Object Type Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05403 : 7011 5403 On Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05403Specific Problem 7011 5403Object Type Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05501 : 7011 5501 On Lp/{num1} {type2}/{num2} {type3}/{num3} VC12/{num4}{type1}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05501Specific Problem 7011 5501Object Type Lp/{num1} {type2}/{num2} {type3}/{num3} VC12/{num4} {type1}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type2}/{num2} {type3}/{num3} VC12/{num4} {type1}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05601 : 7011 5601 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05601Specific Problem 7011 5601Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05602 : 7011 5602 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05602Specific Problem 7011 5602Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05603 : 7011 5603 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05603Specific Problem 7011 5603Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfFrameEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05604 : 7011 5604 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05604Specific Problem 7011 5604Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, major, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05701 : 7011 5701 On Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05701Specific Problem 7011 5701Object Type Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05702 : 7011 5702 On Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05702Specific Problem 7011 5702Object Type Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05703 : 7011 5703 On Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05703Specific Problem 7011 5703Object Type Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} E3/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_06600 : 7011 6600 On Lp/{num1} hssi/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_06600Specific Problem 7011 6600Object Type Lp/{num1} hssi/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} hssi/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_07003 : 7011 7003 On {application} Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07003Specific Problem 7011 7003Object Type {application} FramerPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {application} FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7011_07004 : 7011 7004 On {application} Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07004Specific Problem 7011 7004Object Type {application} FramerPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {application} FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7011_07005 : 7011 7005 On {application} Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07005Specific Problem 7011 7005Object Type {application} FramerPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path {application} FramerAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_07006 : 7011 7006 On Vs Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07006Specific Problem 7011 7006Object Type Vs FramerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vs FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7011_07007 : 7011 7007 On Vs Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07007Specific Problem 7011 7007Object Type Vs FramerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vs FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7011_08000 : 7011 8000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_08000Specific Problem 7011 8000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_09000 : 7011 9000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_09000Specific Problem 7011 9000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7015_00010 : 7015 0010 On Time Server/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00010Specific Problem 7015 0010Object Type Time Server/{n}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Time Server/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7015_00011 : 7015 0011 On Time Server/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00011Specific Problem 7015 0011Object Type Time Server/{n}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Time Server/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7015_00012 : 7015 0012 On Time Sever/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00012Specific Problem 7015 0012Object Type Time Sever/{n}Perceived SeverityList

warning, major, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Time Sever/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7017_01000 : 7017 1000 On NS


Alarm Code MSS_7017_01000Specific Problem 7017 1000Object Type NSPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path NSAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7017_01002 : 7017 1002 On NetworkSynchronization (NS)


Alarm Code MSS_7017_01002Specific Problem 7017 1002Object Type NetworkSynchronization (NS)Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path NetworkSynchronization (NS)Additional Text

MSS_7021_00015 : 7021 0015 On vr/{x} ip pmm ca/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00015Specific Problem 7021 0015Object Type vr/{x} ip pmm ca/{y}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path vr/{x} ip pmm ca/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01022 : 7021 1022 On Vr/{string} Ip Static Route/{destAddr}, {destMask}, {tos}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01022Specific Problem 7021 1022Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Static Route/{destAddr}, {destMask}, {tos}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Static Route/{destAddr}, {destMask}, {tos}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01051 : 7021 1051 On For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01051Specific Problem 7021 1051Object Type For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01057 : 7021 1057 On Vr/{string} Ip Vrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01057Specific Problem 7021 1057Object Type Vr/{string} Ip VrrpPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip VrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01059 : 7021 1059 On Vr/{string} Ip Vrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01059Specific Problem 7021 1059Object Type Vr/{string} Ip VrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip VrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01060 : 7021 1060 On Vr/{string} Ip Vrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01060Specific Problem 7021 1060Object Type Vr/{string} Ip VrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip VrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01061 : 7021 1061 On Vr/{string} Ip Vrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01061Specific Problem 7021 1061Object Type Vr/{string} Ip VrrpPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip VrrpAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01100 : 7021 1100 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01100Specific Problem 7021 1100Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_02400 : 7021 2400 On Vr/{string} Ip Arp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_02400Specific Problem 7021 2400Object Type Vr/{string} Ip ArpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip ArpAdditional Text

MSS_7026_05003 : 7026 5003 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05003Specific Problem 7026 5003Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lANErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05004 : 7026 5004 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05004Specific Problem 7026 5004Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lANErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7026_05005 : 7026 5005 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05005Specific Problem 7026 5005Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05006 : 7026 5006 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05006Specific Problem 7026 5006Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05007 : 7026 5007 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05007Specific Problem 7026 5007Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lANError, softwareErrorEvent Type communications, processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7039_01000 : 7039 1000 On AtmIf/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_01000Specific Problem 7039 1000Object Type AtmIf/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause framingErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7039_03000 : 7039 3000 On AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_03000Specific Problem 7039 3000Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause framingErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7039_04000 : 7039 4000 On AtmIf/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_04000Specific Problem 7039 4000Object Type AtmIf/{num1}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause framingErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7039_04001 : 7039 4001 On AtmIf/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_04001Specific Problem 7039 4001Object Type AtmIf/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause framingErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00050 : 7041 0050 On Atmif/{num1} Uni Ilmi


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00050Specific Problem 7041 0050Object Type Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause dTE-DCEInterfaceError, lossOfSignal, outOfMemory, processorProblemEvent Type communications, equipmentCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00051 : 7041 0051 On Atmif/{num1} Uni Ilmi


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00051Specific Problem 7041 0051Object Type Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00052 : 7041 0052 On Atmif/{num1} Uni Ilmi


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00052Specific Problem 7041 0052Object Type Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00150 : 7041 0150 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2}{atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00150Specific Problem 7041 0150Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause dTE-DCEInterfaceError, lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00151 : 7041 0151 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2}{atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00151Specific Problem 7041 0151Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00200 : 7041 0200 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2}{atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00200Specific Problem 7041 0200Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00250 : 7041 0250 On Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni Rcc


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00250Specific Problem 7041 0250Object Type Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00251 : 7041 0251 On Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni Rcc


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00251Specific Problem 7041 0251Object Type Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00252 : 7041 0252 On Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni Rcc


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00252Specific Problem 7041 0252Object Type Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00253 : 7041 0253 On Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni Rcc


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00253Specific Problem 7041 0253Object Type Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} Pnni RccAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00300 : 7041 0300 On Artg Pnni


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00300Specific Problem 7041 0300Object Type Artg PnniPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Artg PnniAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00301 : 7041 0301 On Artg Pnni


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00301Specific Problem 7041 0301Object Type Artg PnniPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Artg PnniAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00400 : 7041 0400 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmiftype}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00400Specific Problem 7041 0400Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif type}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause degradedSignalEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif type}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00700 : 7041 0700 On Artg Pnni CfgNode/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00700Specific Problem 7041 0700Object Type Artg Pnni CfgNode/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Artg Pnni CfgNode/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00701 : 7041 0701 On Atmif/{num1} Pnni Rcc


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00701Specific Problem 7041 0701Object Type Atmif/{num1} Pnni RccPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Pnni RccAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00703 : 7041 0703 On Artg Pnni CfgNode/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00703Specific Problem 7041 0703Object Type Artg Pnni CfgNode/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Artg Pnni CfgNode/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7042_00003 : 7042 0003 On Aal1Ces/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7042_00003Specific Problem 7042 0003Object Type Aal1Ces/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause callEstablishmentErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Aal1Ces/{num1}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7042_00004 : 7042 0004 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7042_00004Specific Problem 7042 0004Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7042_04202 : 7042 4202 On LanApplication/{la}


Alarm Code MSS_7042_04202Specific Problem 7042 4202Object Type LanApplication/{la}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path LanApplication/{la}Additional Text

MSS_7057_00004 : 7057 0004 On DcmeLink/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7057_00004Specific Problem 7057 0004Object Type DcmeLink/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause versionMismatchEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path DcmeLink/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7060_01000 : 7060 1000 On Lp/{x} Eng Fcrc


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01000Specific Problem 7060 1000Object Type Lp/{x} Eng FcrcPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{x} Eng FcrcAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7060_01100 : 7060 1100 On Lp/{x} Eng Arc Aqm/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01100Specific Problem 7060 1100Object Type Lp/{x} Eng Arc Aqm/{y}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{x} Eng Arc Aqm/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01010 : 7070 1010 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01010Specific Problem 7070 1010Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7078_00100 : 7078 0100 On iSMLC


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00100Specific Problem 7078 0100Object Type iSMLCPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path iSMLCAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00101 : 7078 0101 On iSMLC


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00101Specific Problem 7078 0101Object Type iSMLCPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path iSMLCAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7078_00500 : 7078 0500 On iuBc


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00500Specific Problem 7078 0500Object Type iuBcPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause callEstablishmentError, operationalConditionEvent Type communications, operational violationCM Object Path iuBcAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00501 : 7078 0501 On iuBc


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00501Specific Problem 7078 0501Object Type iuBcPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause callEstablishmentError, operationalConditionEvent Type communications, operational violationCM Object Path iuBcAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00502 : 7078 0502 On iuBc cbs cbcIp/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00502Specific Problem 7078 0502Object Type iuBc cbs cbcIp/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause callEstablishmentError, operationalConditionEvent Type communications, operational violationCM Object Path iuBc cbs cbcIp/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00100 : 7079 0100 On Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Linkset/{y}Link/{z}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00100Specific Problem 7079 0100Object Type Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Linkset/{y}Link/{z}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause callEstablishmentErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Linkset/{y}Link/{z}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7079_00101 : 7079 0101 On Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Linkset/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00101Specific Problem 7079 0101Object Type Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Linkset/{y}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Linkset/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00102 : 7079 0102 On Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Routeset/{y}Route/{z}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00102Specific Problem 7079 0102Object Type Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Routeset/{y}Route/{z}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Routeset/{y}Route/{z}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00103 : 7079 0103 On Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Routeset/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00103Specific Problem 7079 0103Object Type Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Routeset/{y}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 Mtp3/{x} Routeset/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00200 : 7079 0200 On Ss7 M3ua/{1} DestSP/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00200Specific Problem 7079 0200Object Type Ss7 M3ua/{1} DestSP/{x}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionError, remoteNodeTransmissionError, processorProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 M3ua/{1} DestSP/{x}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7079_00201 : 7079 0201 On Ss7 M3ua/1 PME/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00201Specific Problem 7079 0201Object Type Ss7 M3ua/1 PME/{x}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionError, remoteNodeTransmissionError, processorProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 M3ua/1 PME/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00202 : 7079 0202 On Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00202Specific Problem 7079 0202Object Type Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionError, remoteNodeTransmissionError, processorProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00203 : 7079 0203 On Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x} Assoc/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00203Specific Problem 7079 0203Object Type Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x} Assoc/{y}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionError, remoteNodeTransmissionError, processorProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x} Assoc/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00204 : 7079 0204 On Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x} Assoc/{y}Path/{z}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00204Specific Problem 7079 0204Object Type Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x} Assoc/{y}Path/{z}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause localNodeTransmissionError, remoteNodeTransmissionError, processorProblemEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 M3ua/1 PMP/{x} Assoc/{y}Path/{z}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7079_00300 : 7079 0300 On Ss7 SaalNni/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00300Specific Problem 7079 0300Object Type Ss7 SaalNni/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause callEstablishmentErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 SaalNni/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7079_00301 : 7079 0301 On Ss7 SaalNni/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00301Specific Problem 7079 0301Object Type Ss7 SaalNni/{x}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type communicationsCM Object Path Ss7 SaalNni/{x}Additional Text

4.5.2. environment

MSS_7002_00003 : 7002 0003 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00003Specific Problem 7002 0003Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00004 : 7002 0004 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00004Specific Problem 7002 0004Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00059 : 7012 0059 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00059Specific Problem 7012 0059Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type environmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7015_00000 : 7015 0000 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00000Specific Problem 7015 0000Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList

major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

MSS_7015_00001 : 7015 0001 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00001Specific Problem 7015 0001Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalCondition, unspecifiedReasonEvent Type environment, unknownCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

MSS_7015_00002 : 7015 0002 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00002Specific Problem 7015 0002Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type environmentCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

4.5.3. equipment

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_0000_00000 : 0000 0000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_00000Specific Problem 0000 0000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblem, underlyingResourceUnavailable, proceduralError, operationalConditionEvent Type equipment, processing error, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_00001 : 0000 0001 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_00001Specific Problem 0000 0001Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblem, underlyingResourceUnavailable, proceduralError, operationalConditionEvent Type equipment, processing error, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_01001 : 0000 1001 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_01001Specific Problem 0000 1001Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00000 : 7002 0000 On Shelf Bus/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00000Specific Problem 7002 0000Object Type Shelf Bus/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Bus/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7002_00001 : 7002 0001 On Shelf Bus/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00001Specific Problem 7002 0001Object Type Shelf Bus/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Bus/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00002 : 7002 0002 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00002Specific Problem 7002 0002Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause corruptData, equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipment, processing errorCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00008 : 7002 0008 On Shelf Card/{instance} FabricPort/{instance2}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00008Specific Problem 7002 0008Object Type Shelf Card/{instance} FabricPort/{instance2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance} FabricPort/{instance2}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00009 : 7002 0009 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance} CardPort/{instance2}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00009Specific Problem 7002 0009Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance} CardPort/{instance2}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance} CardPort/{instance2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7002_00010 : 7002 0010 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00010Specific Problem 7002 0010Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00012 : 7002 0012 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00012Specific Problem 7002 0012Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00013 : 7002 0013 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00013Specific Problem 7002 0013Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00014 : 7002 0014 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00014Specific Problem 7002 0014Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7002_01000 : 7002 1000 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_01000Specific Problem 7002 1000Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01004 : 7008 1004 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01004Specific Problem 7008 1004Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01005 : 7008 1005 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01005Specific Problem 7008 1005Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01008 : 7008 1008 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01008Specific Problem 7008 1008Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7008_01009 : 7008 1009 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01009Specific Problem 7008 1009Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01010 : 7008 1010 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01010Specific Problem 7008 1010Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01011 : 7008 1011 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01011Specific Problem 7008 1011Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01012 : 7008 1012 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01012Specific Problem 7008 1012Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7008_01013 : 7008 1013 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01013Specific Problem 7008 1013Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01018 : 7008 1018 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01018Specific Problem 7008 1018Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01019 : 7008 1019 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01019Specific Problem 7008 1019Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01020 : 7008 1020 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01020Specific Problem 7008 1020Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7008_01021 : 7008 1021 On Shelf Card/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01021Specific Problem 7008 1021Object Type Shelf Card/{x}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01023 : 7008 1023 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01023Specific Problem 7008 1023Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01024 : 7008 1024 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01024Specific Problem 7008 1024Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7011_02000 : 7011 2000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_02000Specific Problem 7011 2000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_02002 : 7011 2002 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_02002Specific Problem 7011 2002Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05011 : 7011 5011 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05011Specific Problem 7011 5011Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05050 : 7011 5050 On Lp/0 {type}/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05050Specific Problem 7011 5050Object Type Lp/0 {type}/{num}Perceived SeverityList

warning, critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/0 {type}/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05051 : 7011 5051 On Lp/0 Sets/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05051Specific Problem 7011 5051Object Type Lp/0 Sets/{num}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/0 Sets/{num}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05130 : 7011 5130 On Lp/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05130Specific Problem 7011 5130Object Type Lp/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05131 : 7011 5131 On Lp/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05131Specific Problem 7011 5131Object Type Lp/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause inputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05277 : 7011 5277 On LpP/{lp_x}/{lp_y}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05277Specific Problem 7011 5277Object Type LpP/{lp_x}/{lp_y}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path LpP/{lp_x}/{lp_y}Additional Text

MSS_7011_09001 : 7011 9001 On Lp/{x} {port}/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_09001Specific Problem 7011 9001Object Type Lp/{x} {port}/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{x} {port}/{n}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00050 : 7012 0050 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00050Specific Problem 7012 0050Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00051 : 7012 0051 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00051Specific Problem 7012 0051Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00052 : 7012 0052 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00052Specific Problem 7012 0052Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

minor, major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunction, processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00053 : 7012 0053 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00053Specific Problem 7012 0053Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause corruptData, equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00054 : 7012 0054 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00054Specific Problem 7012 0054Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause corruptData, equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00055 : 7012 0055 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00055Specific Problem 7012 0055Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

minor, major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunction, timingProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00056 : 7012 0056 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00056Specific Problem 7012 0056Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00057 : 7012 0057 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00057Specific Problem 7012 0057Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00058 : 7012 0058 On Shelf


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00058Specific Problem 7012 0058Object Type ShelfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ShelfAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00100 : 7012 0100 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00100Specific Problem 7012 0100Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, critical, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00101 : 7012 0101 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00101Specific Problem 7012 0101Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00103 : 7012 0103 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00103Specific Problem 7012 0103Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00104 : 7012 0104 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00104Specific Problem 7012 0104Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause powerProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00154 : 7012 0154 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00154Specific Problem 7012 0154Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00155 : 7012 0155 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00155Specific Problem 7012 0155Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00156 : 7012 0156 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00156Specific Problem 7012 0156Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00162 : 7012 0162 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00162Specific Problem 7012 0162Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00164 : 7012 0164 On Shelf Card/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00164Specific Problem 7012 0164Object Type Shelf Card/{x}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00203 : 7012 0203 On Lp/0


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00203Specific Problem 7012 0203Object Type Lp/0Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/0Additional Text

MSS_7026_01000 : 7026 1000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_01000Specific Problem 7026 1000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7026_01001 : 7026 1001 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_01001Specific Problem 7026 1001Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_01002 : 7026 1002 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_01002Specific Problem 7026 1002Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_03000 : 7026 3000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03000Specific Problem 7026 3000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause temperatureUnacceptableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_03003 : 7026 3003 On Lp/0 OamEthernet/0


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03003Specific Problem 7026 3003Object Type Lp/0 OamEthernet/0Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause inputOutputDeviceErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/0 OamEthernet/0Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7026_03005 : 7026 3005 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03005Specific Problem 7026 3005Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause cableTamperEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_03007 : 7026 3007 On LP/0 OamEthernet/0


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03007Specific Problem 7026 3007Object Type LP/0 OamEthernet/0Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path LP/0 OamEthernet/0Additional Text

MSS_7026_05000 : 7026 5000 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05000Specific Problem 7026 5000Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05002 : 7026 5002 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05002Specific Problem 7026 5002Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7026_05008 : 7026 5008 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05008Specific Problem 7026 5008Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05009 : 7026 5009 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05009Specific Problem 7026 5009Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_0500A : 7026 500A On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0500ASpecific Problem 7026 500AObject Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause adapterErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00001 : 7041 0001 On Atmif/{num1} Uni


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00001Specific Problem 7041 0001Object Type Atmif/{num1} UniPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} UniAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00050 : 7041 0050 On Atmif/{num1} Uni Ilmi


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00050Specific Problem 7041 0050Object Type Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause dTE-DCEInterfaceError, lossOfSignal, outOfMemory, processorProblemEvent Type communications, equipmentCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} Uni IlmiAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00603 : 7041 0603 On ARtg


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00603Specific Problem 7041 0603Object Type ARtgPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path ARtgAdditional Text

MSS_7054_00100 : 7054 0100 On Shelf card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7054_00100Specific Problem 7054 0100Object Type Shelf card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7054_00101 : 7054 0101 On Shelf card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7054_00101Specific Problem 7054 0101Object Type Shelf card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7054_00102 : 7054 0102 On Shelf card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7054_00102Specific Problem 7054 0102Object Type Shelf card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7054_00103 : 7054 0103 On Shelf card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7054_00103Specific Problem 7054 0103Object Type Shelf card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7054_00104 : 7054 0104 On Shelf card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7054_00104Specific Problem 7054 0104Object Type Shelf card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7054_00105 : 7054 0105 On Shelf card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7054_00105Specific Problem 7054 0105Object Type Shelf card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_01000 : 7070 1000 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01000Specific Problem 7070 1000Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01001 : 7070 1001 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01001Specific Problem 7070 1001Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01002 : 7070 1002 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01002Specific Problem 7070 1002Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01003 : 7070 1003 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01003Specific Problem 7070 1003Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_01004 : 7070 1004 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01004Specific Problem 7070 1004Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailureEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01005 : 7070 1005 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01005Specific Problem 7070 1005Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01006 : 7070 1006 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01006Specific Problem 7070 1006Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01007 : 7070 1007 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01007Specific Problem 7070 1007Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_01008 : 7070 1008 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01008Specific Problem 7070 1008Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01011 : 7070 1011 On Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01011Specific Problem 7070 1011Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01013 : 7070 1013 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01013Specific Problem 7070 1013Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailure, processorProblem, softwareErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_01014 : 7070 1014 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01014Specific Problem 7070 1014Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_02001 : 7070 2001 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02001Specific Problem 7070 2001Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02002 : 7070 2002 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02002Specific Problem 7070 2002Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02003 : 7070 2003 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02003Specific Problem 7070 2003Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02004 : 7070 2004 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02004Specific Problem 7070 2004Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_02005 : 7070 2005 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02005Specific Problem 7070 2005Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02006 : 7070 2006 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02006Specific Problem 7070 2006Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02007 : 7070 2007 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02007Specific Problem 7070 2007Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02008 : 7070 2008 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02008Specific Problem 7070 2008Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_02011 : 7070 2011 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02011Specific Problem 7070 2011Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02013 : 7070 2013 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02013Specific Problem 7070 2013Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02014 : 7070 2014 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02014Specific Problem 7070 2014Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblemEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7078_00050 : 7078 0050 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00050Specific Problem 7078 0050Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7078_00051 : 7078 0051 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00051Specific Problem 7078 0051Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00052 : 7078 0052 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00052Specific Problem 7078 0052Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00053 : 7078 0053 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00053Specific Problem 7078 0053Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00054 : 7078 0054 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00054Specific Problem 7078 0054Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7078_00055 : 7078 0055 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00055Specific Problem 7078 0055Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00056 : 7078 0056 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00056Specific Problem 7078 0056Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00057 : 7078 0057 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00057Specific Problem 7078 0057Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00058 : 7078 0058 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00058Specific Problem 7078 0058Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7078_00062 : 7078 0062 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00062Specific Problem 7078 0062Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00063 : 7078 0063 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00063Specific Problem 7078 0063Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00206 : 7078 0206 On AAL2IF/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00206Specific Problem 7078 0206Object Type AAL2IF/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause remoteNodeTransmissionErrorEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path AAL2IF/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7085_00000 : 7085 0000 On Shelf Card/{x}FaultHandler


Alarm Code MSS_7085_00000Specific Problem 7085 0000Object Type Shelf Card/{x}FaultHandlerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipmentCM Object Path Shelf Card/{x}FaultHandlerAdditional Text

4.5.4. processing error

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_0000_00000 : 0000 0000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_00000Specific Problem 0000 0000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblem, underlyingResourceUnavailable, proceduralError, operationalConditionEvent Type equipment, processing error, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_00001 : 0000 0001 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_00001Specific Problem 0000 0001Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblem, underlyingResourceUnavailable, proceduralError, operationalConditionEvent Type equipment, processing error, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_03000 : 0000 3000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_03000Specific Problem 0000 3000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, outOfMemory, timingProblemEvent Type communications, processing errorCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_03001 : 0000 3001 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_03001Specific Problem 0000 3001Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_0000_03002 : 0000 3002 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_03002Specific Problem 0000 3002Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_09000 : 0000 9000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_09000Specific Problem 0000 9000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_09001 : 0000 9001 On {component_type}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_09001Specific Problem 0000 9001Object Type {component_type}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {component_type}Additional Text

MSS_0000_09002 : 0000 9002 On {component_type}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_09002Specific Problem 0000 9002Object Type {component_type}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {component_type}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_0000_09003 : 0000 9003 On {component_type}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_09003Specific Problem 0000 9003Object Type {component_type}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {component_type}Additional Text

MSS_7000_00001 : 7000 0001 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00001Specific Problem 7000 0001Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptData, fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00002 : 7000 0002 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00002Specific Problem 7000 0002Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00003 : 7000 0003 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00003Specific Problem 7000 0003Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7000_00004 : 7000 0004 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00004Specific Problem 7000 0004Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00005 : 7000 0005 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00005Specific Problem 7000 0005Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00006 : 7000 0006 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00006Specific Problem 7000 0006Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00008 : 7000 0008 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00008Specific Problem 7000 0008Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7000_00009 : 7000 0009 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00009Specific Problem 7000 0009Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00010 : 7000 0010 On {name}


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00010Specific Problem 7000 0010Object Type {name}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, softwareProgramError, underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {name}Additional Text

MSS_7000_00013 : 7000 0013 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00013Specific Problem 7000 0013Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00015 : 7000 0015 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00015Specific Problem 7000 0015Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7000_00030 : 7000 0030 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00030Specific Problem 7000 0030Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00031 : 7000 0031 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00031Specific Problem 7000 0031Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00032 : 7000 0032 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00032Specific Problem 7000 0032Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00035 : 7000 0035 On {name}


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00035Specific Problem 7000 0035Object Type {name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {name}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7000_00040 : 7000 0040 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00040Specific Problem 7000 0040Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00044 : 7000 0044 On Shelf Card/{x} Lp/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00044Specific Problem 7000 0044Object Type Shelf Card/{x} Lp/{y}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{x} Lp/{y}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00002 : 7002 0002 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00002Specific Problem 7002 0002Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause corruptData, equipmentMalfunctionEvent Type equipment, processing errorCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00005 : 7002 0005 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00005Specific Problem 7002 0005Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7002_00006 : 7002 0006 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00006Specific Problem 7002 0006Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7002_00007 : 7002 0007 On Shelf FabricCard/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7002_00007Specific Problem 7002 0007Object Type Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf FabricCard/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7003_00002 : 7003 0002 On Collector/{type} Spooler


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00002Specific Problem 7003 0002Object Type Collector/{type} SpoolerPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause fileErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Collector/{type} SpoolerAdditional Text

MSS_7003_00005 : 7003 0005 On Collector/applicationSpecific Spooler


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00005Specific Problem 7003 0005Object Type Collector/applicationSpecific SpoolerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Collector/applicationSpecific SpoolerAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7003_00006 : 7003 0006 On Collector/applicationSpecific Spooler


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00006Specific Problem 7003 0006Object Type Collector/applicationSpecific SpoolerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Collector/applicationSpecific SpoolerAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00005 : 7006 0005 On Nmis Ftp Prov Migration


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00005Specific Problem 7006 0005Object Type Nmis Ftp Prov MigrationPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause outOfMemory, denialofServiceEvent Type processing error, unknownCM Object Path Nmis Ftp Prov MigrationAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01001 : 7008 1001 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01001Specific Problem 7008 1001Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01002 : 7008 1002 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01002Specific Problem 7008 1002Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7008_01003 : 7008 1003 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01003Specific Problem 7008 1003Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01006 : 7008 1006 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01006Specific Problem 7008 1006Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7008_01022 : 7008 1022 On Fs


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01022Specific Problem 7008 1022Object Type FsPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path FsAdditional Text

MSS_7011_05401 : 7011 5401 On Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05401Specific Problem 7011 5401Object Type Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{lpNumber} Ethernet/{port}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_05480 : 7011 5480 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2} Om


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05480Specific Problem 7011 5480Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2} OmPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2} OmAdditional Text

MSS_7011_06500 : 7011 6500 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_06500Specific Problem 7011 6500Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_06501 : 7011 6501 On Lp/{num1} X21/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_06501Specific Problem 7011 6501Object Type Lp/{num1} X21/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} X21/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7011_06601 : 7011 6601 On Lp/{num1} hssi/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_06601Specific Problem 7011 6601Object Type Lp/{num1} hssi/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} hssi/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_07000 : 7011 7000 On {application} Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07000Specific Problem 7011 7000Object Type {application} FramerPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {application} FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7011_07001 : 7011 7001 On {application} Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07001Specific Problem 7011 7001Object Type {application} FramerPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {application} FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7011_07002 : 7011 7002 On {application} Framer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07002Specific Problem 7011 7002Object Type {application} FramerPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path {application} FramerAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00151 : 7012 0151 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00151Specific Problem 7012 0151Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00152 : 7012 0152 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00152Specific Problem 7012 0152Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00153 : 7012 0153 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00153Specific Problem 7012 0153Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00160 : 7012 0160 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00160Specific Problem 7012 0160Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00161 : 7012 0161 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00161Specific Problem 7012 0161Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7012_00165 : 7012 0165 On Shelf Card/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00165Specific Problem 7012 0165Object Type Shelf Card/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00200 : 7012 0200 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00200Specific Problem 7012 0200Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00300 : 7012 0300 On Shelf Card/{n} SparedServices


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00300Specific Problem 7012 0300Object Type Shelf Card/{n} SparedServicesPerceived SeverityList

warning, critical

Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailure, resourceAtOrNearingCapacity, softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{n} SparedServicesAdditional Text

MSS_7012_00301 : 7012 0301 On Shelf Card/{n} SparedServices


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00301Specific Problem 7012 0301Object Type Shelf Card/{n} SparedServicesPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause applicationSubsystemFailureEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Shelf Card/{n} SparedServicesAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7020_00001 : 7020 0001 On Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}


Alarm Code MSS_7020_00001Specific Problem 7020 0001Object Type Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause congestionEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}Additional Text

MSS_7021_00000 : 7021 0000 On Vr/{string} Ip


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00000Specific Problem 7021 0000Object Type Vr/{string} IpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} IpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_00001 : 7021 0001 On Vr/{string} Ip


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00001Specific Problem 7021 0001Object Type Vr/{string} IpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} IpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_00006 : 7021 0006 On Vr/{string} Ip cache/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00006Specific Problem 7021 0006Object Type Vr/{string} Ip cache/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip cache/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_00008 : 7021 0008 On Vr/{string} Ip


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00008Specific Problem 7021 0008Object Type Vr/{string} IpPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} IpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_00010 : 7021 0010 On Vr/{string} Ip cache/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00010Specific Problem 7021 0010Object Type Vr/{string} Ip cache/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip cache/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01000 : 7021 1000 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01000Specific Problem 7021 1000Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01001 : 7021 1001 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01001Specific Problem 7021 1001Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01004 : 7021 1004 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01004Specific Problem 7021 1004Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01005 : 7021 1005 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01005Specific Problem 7021 1005Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01006 : 7021 1006 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01006Specific Problem 7021 1006Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01007 : 7021 1007 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01007Specific Problem 7021 1007Object Type Vr/{string} Ip BgpPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip BgpAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01008 : 7021 1008 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01008Specific Problem 7021 1008Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01009 : 7021 1009 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01009Specific Problem 7021 1009Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

MSS_7021_0100B : 7021 100B On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_0100BSpecific Problem 7021 100BObject Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_0100C : 7021 100C On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_0100CSpecific Problem 7021 100CObject Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_0100D : 7021 100D On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_0100DSpecific Problem 7021 100DObject Type Vr/{string} Ip BgpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip BgpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_0100E : 7021 100E On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_0100ESpecific Problem 7021 100EObject Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01010 : 7021 1010 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01010Specific Problem 7021 1010Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01011 : 7021 1011 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01011Specific Problem 7021 1011Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01012 : 7021 1012 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01012Specific Problem 7021 1012Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01013 : 7021 1013 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01013Specific Problem 7021 1013Object Type Vr/{string} Ip BgpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip BgpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01014 : 7021 1014 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01014Specific Problem 7021 1014Object Type Vr/{string} Ip BgpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip BgpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01015 : 7021 1015 On Vr/{string} Ip MBgpRtr/{string2} Vrf/{string3}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01015Specific Problem 7021 1015Object Type Vr/{string} Ip MBgpRtr/{string2} Vrf/{string3}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareProgramErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip MBgpRtr/{string2} Vrf/{string3}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01016 : 7021 1016 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01016Specific Problem 7021 1016Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01017 : 7021 1017 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01017Specific Problem 7021 1017Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01020 : 7021 1020 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01020Specific Problem 7021 1020Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01021 : 7021 1021 On Vr/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01021Specific Problem 7021 1021Object Type Vr/{y}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{y}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01052 : 7021 1052 On For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01052Specific Problem 7021 1052Object Type For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause versionMismatchEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01053 : 7021 1053 On For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01053Specific Problem 7021 1053Object Type For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01054 : 7021 1054 On For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01054Specific Problem 7021 1054Object Type For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01055 : 7021 1055 On For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01055Specific Problem 7021 1055Object Type For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01101 : 7021 1101 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01101Specific Problem 7021 1101Object Type Vr/{string} Ip OspfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip OspfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01103 : 7021 1103 On Vr/{x} Ip Opsf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01103Specific Problem 7021 1103Object Type Vr/{x} Ip OpsfPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unexpectedInformationEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{x} Ip OpsfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01104 : 7021 1104 On Vr/{x} ip ospf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01104Specific Problem 7021 1104Object Type Vr/{x} ip ospfPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{x} ip ospfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01200 : 7021 1200 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01200Specific Problem 7021 1200Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01202 : 7021 1202 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01202Specific Problem 7021 1202Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01203 : 7021 1203 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01203Specific Problem 7021 1203Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01204 : 7021 1204 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01204Specific Problem 7021 1204Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01205 : 7021 1205 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01205Specific Problem 7021 1205Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01206 : 7021 1206 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01206Specific Problem 7021 1206Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01208 : 7021 1208 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01208Specific Problem 7021 1208Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01209 : 7021 1209 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01209Specific Problem 7021 1209Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01210 : 7021 1210 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01210Specific Problem 7021 1210Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01211 : 7021 1211 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01211Specific Problem 7021 1211Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01212 : 7021 1212 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01212Specific Problem 7021 1212Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01213 : 7021 1213 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01213Specific Problem 7021 1213Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lossOfSignalEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01214 : 7021 1214 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01214Specific Problem 7021 1214Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause outOfMemoryEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7021_01215 : 7021 1215 On Rtr/{rtr_id} Isis


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01215Specific Problem 7021 1215Object Type Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Rtr/{rtr_id} IsisAdditional Text

MSS_7021_02501 : 7021 2501 On Vr/{string} Ip Tunnel Msep/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_02501Specific Problem 7021 2501Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Tunnel Msep/{num}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Tunnel Msep/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7021_02502 : 7021 2502 On Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_02502Specific Problem 7021 2502Object Type Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_02002 : 7026 2002 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_02002Specific Problem 7026 2002Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7026_02004 : 7026 2004 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_02004Specific Problem 7026 2004Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_03001 : 7026 3001 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03001Specific Problem 7026 3001Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05001 : 7026 5001 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05001Specific Problem 7026 5001Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause softwareErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_05007 : 7026 5007 On Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_05007Specific Problem 7026 5007Object Type Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause lANError, softwareErrorEvent Type communications, processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Tr/{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7039_02000 : 7039 2000 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1}Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02000Specific Problem 7039 2000Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1}

Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1}

Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7039_02001 : 7039 2001 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1}Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02001Specific Problem 7039 2001Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5}

AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, dTE-DCEInterfaceError, outOfMemory,storageCapacityProblem

Event Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5}

AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7039_02003 : 7039 2003 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1}Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02003Specific Problem 7039 2003Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1}

Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1}

Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7039_02004 : 7039 2004 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02004Specific Problem 7039 2004Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}Additional Text

MSS_7039_02005 : 7039 2005 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02005Specific Problem 7039 2005Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}Additional Text

MSS_7039_02006 : 7039 2006 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02006Specific Problem 7039 2006Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}Additional Text

MSS_7039_02007 : 7039 2007 On AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1}Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_02007Specific Problem 7039 2007Object Type AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1}

Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause storageCapacityProblemEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1} Vcc/{num2}{num3}AtmIf/{num1} Vpc/{num4}AtmIf/{num1}

Vpt/{num5}AtmIf/{num1} Vpt/{num5} Vcc/{num3}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00600 : 7041 0600 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00600Specific Problem 7041 0600Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00601 : 7041 0601 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00601Specific Problem 7041 0601Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00604 : 7041 0604 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00604Specific Problem 7041 0604Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00605 : 7041 0605 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00605Specific Problem 7041 0605Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00606 : 7041 0606 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00606Specific Problem 7041 0606Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7042_00002 : 7042 0002 On Aal1Ces/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7042_00002Specific Problem 7042 0002Object Type Aal1Ces/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Aal1Ces/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7042_04201 : 7042 4201 On LanApplication/{la} EthernetTrunk Vcc/{vpivci} Nrp


Alarm Code MSS_7042_04201Specific Problem 7042 4201Object Type LanApplication/{la} EthernetTrunk Vcc/{vpivci} NrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path LanApplication/{la} EthernetTrunk Vcc/{vpivci} NrpAdditional Text

MSS_7060_01200 : 7060 1200 On Lp/{x} Eng Arc Ov


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01200Specific Problem 7060 1200Object Type Lp/{x} Eng Arc OvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{x} Eng Arc OvAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7060_01700 : 7060 1700 On Lp/{x} Eng Rcp


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01700Specific Problem 7060 1700Object Type Lp/{x} Eng RcpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{x} Eng RcpAdditional Text

MSS_7070_02015 : 7070 2015 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02015Specific Problem 7070 2015Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02016 : 7070 2016 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02016Specific Problem 7070 2016Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7070_02017 : 7070 2017 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02017Specific Problem 7070 2017Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_02018 : 7070 2018 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02018Specific Problem 7070 2018Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7071_01000 : 7071 1000 On La/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7071_01000Specific Problem 7071 1000Object Type La/{num}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type processing errorCM Object Path La/{num}Additional Text

4.5.5. quality of service

MSS_7000_00036 : 7000 0036 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00036Specific Problem 7000 0036Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00037 : 7000 0037 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00037Specific Problem 7000 0037Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause fileError, operationalConditionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7000_00038 : 7000 0038 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00038Specific Problem 7000 0038Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7003_00001 : 7003 0001 On Collector/{type} Agent/{cardnumber}


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00001Specific Problem 7003 0001Object Type Collector/{type} Agent/{cardnumber}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Collector/{type} Agent/{cardnumber}Additional Text

MSS_7003_00003 : 7003 0003 On Collector/{type} Spooler


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00003Specific Problem 7003 0003Object Type Collector/{type} SpoolerPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Collector/{type} SpoolerAdditional Text

MSS_7003_00004 : 7003 0004 On Collector/alarm Agent/{cardnumber}


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00004Specific Problem 7003 0004Object Type Collector/alarm Agent/{cardnumber}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Collector/alarm Agent/{cardnumber}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7003_00007 : 7003 0007 On Lp/{x} Eng AAList


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00007Specific Problem 7003 0007Object Type Lp/{x} Eng AAListPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} Eng AAListAdditional Text

MSS_7003_00009 : 7003 0009 On Col/alarm Ag/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00009Specific Problem 7003 0009Object Type Col/alarm Ag/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Col/alarm Ag/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7003_00010 : 7003 0010 On Col/alarm Ag/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00010Specific Problem 7003 0010Object Type Col/alarm Ag/{x}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Col/alarm Ag/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7011_07500 : 7011 7500 On Ppp/{num1} Mlframer


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07500Specific Problem 7011 7500Object Type Ppp/{num1} MlframerPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Ppp/{num1} MlframerAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7011_07501 : 7011 7501 On Ppp/{num1} Mlframer MlpppLink {num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_07501Specific Problem 7011 7501Object Type Ppp/{num1} Mlframer MlpppLink {num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Ppp/{num1} Mlframer MlpppLink {num2}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00102 : 7012 0102 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00102Specific Problem 7012 0102Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause responseTimeExcessiveEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00001 : 7013 0001 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00001Specific Problem 7013 0001Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00002 : 7013 0002 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00002Specific Problem 7013 0002Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7013_00003 : 7013 0003 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00003Specific Problem 7013 0003Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00004 : 7013 0004 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00004Specific Problem 7013 0004Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00005 : 7013 0005 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00005Specific Problem 7013 0005Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00011 : 7013 0011 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00011Specific Problem 7013 0011Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7013_00021 : 7013 0021 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00021Specific Problem 7013 0021Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00022 : 7013 0022 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00022Specific Problem 7013 0022Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7014_00000 : 7014 0000 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7014_00000Specific Problem 7014 0000Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7014_00001 : 7014 0001 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7014_00001Specific Problem 7014 0001Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7014_00010 : 7014 0010 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7014_00010Specific Problem 7014 0010Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7014_00011 : 7014 0011 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7014_00011Specific Problem 7014 0011Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7015_00014 : 7015 0014 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00014Specific Problem 7015 0014Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

MSS_7015_00015 : 7015 0015 On Time Server/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00015Specific Problem 7015 0015Object Type Time Server/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Time Server/{x}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7017_01001 : 7017 1001 On NS


Alarm Code MSS_7017_01001Specific Problem 7017 1001Object Type NSPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path NSAdditional Text

MSS_7020_00002 : 7020 0002 On Rtr/{n} Vrf/{m}


Alarm Code MSS_7020_00002Specific Problem 7020 0002Object Type Rtr/{n} Vrf/{m}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailableEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Rtr/{n} Vrf/{m}Additional Text

MSS_7021_02503 : 7021 2503 On Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_02503Specific Problem 7021 2503Object Type Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause materialSupplyExhaustedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Vr/{string1} Pp/{string2}Additional Text

MSS_7039_01001 : 7039 1001 On AtmIf/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_01001Specific Problem 7039 1001Object Type AtmIf/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path AtmIf/{x}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7039_01002 : 7039 1002 On AtmIf/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_01002Specific Problem 7039 1002Object Type AtmIf/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path AtmIf/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7039_01003 : 7039 1003 On AtmIf/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_01003Specific Problem 7039 1003Object Type AtmIf/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path AtmIf/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7039_01004 : 7039 1004 On AtmIf/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_01004Specific Problem 7039 1004Object Type AtmIf/{x}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path AtmIf/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00602 : 7041 0602 On ARtg Pnni Top/{level} Node/{node_id}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00602Specific Problem 7041 0602Object Type ARtg Pnni Top/{level} Node/{node_id}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause queueSizeExceededEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path ARtg Pnni Top/{level} Node/{node_id}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7042_00001 : 7042 0001 On Aal1Ces/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7042_00001Specific Problem 7042 0001Object Type Aal1Ces/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Aal1Ces/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7057_00001 : 7057 0001 On DcmeLink/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7057_00001Specific Problem 7057 0001Object Type DcmeLink/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path DcmeLink/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7057_00002 : 7057 0002 On DcmeLink/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7057_00002Specific Problem 7057 0002Object Type DcmeLink/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path DcmeLink/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7057_00003 : 7057 0003 On DcmeLink/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7057_00003Specific Problem 7057 0003Object Type DcmeLink/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path DcmeLink/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7060_01201 : 7060 1201 On Lp/{x} Eng Arc


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01201Specific Problem 7060 1201Object Type Lp/{x} Eng ArcPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} Eng ArcAdditional Text

MSS_7060_01300 : 7060 1300 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01300Specific Problem 7060 1300Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList

minor, major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause resourceAtOrNearingCapacityEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

MSS_7060_01400 : 7060 1400 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01400Specific Problem 7060 1400Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList

minor, major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause resourceAtOrNearingCapacityEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

MSS_7060_01500 : 7060 1500 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01500Specific Problem 7060 1500Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7060_01600 : 7060 1600 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01600Specific Problem 7060 1600Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

MSS_7060_01800 : 7060 1800 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01800Specific Problem 7060 1800Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList

minor, major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause resourceAtOrNearingCapacityEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

MSS_7060_01900 : 7060 1900 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_01900Specific Problem 7060 1900Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause resourceAtOrNearingCapacityEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

MSS_7060_02000 : 7060 2000 On Lp/{x} Eng


Alarm Code MSS_7060_02000Specific Problem 7060 2000Object Type Lp/{x} EngPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause resourceAtOrNearingCapacityEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Lp/{x} EngAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7081_00100 : 7081 0100 On Shelf Card/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7081_00100Specific Problem 7081 0100Object Type Shelf Card/{x}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause congestionEvent Type quality of serviceCM Object Path Shelf Card/{x}Additional Text

4.5.6. unknown

MSS_0000_00000 : 0000 0000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_00000Specific Problem 0000 0000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblem, underlyingResourceUnavailable, proceduralError, operationalConditionEvent Type equipment, processing error, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_00001 : 0000 0001 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_00001Specific Problem 0000 0001Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause processorProblem, underlyingResourceUnavailable, proceduralError, operationalConditionEvent Type equipment, processing error, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

MSS_0000_01000 : 0000 1000 On {component_name}


Alarm Code MSS_0000_01000Specific Problem 0000 1000Object Type {component_name}Perceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, indeterminate, cleared

Probable Cause lossOfSignal, denialofService, operationalConditionEvent Type communications, unknownCM Object Path {component_name}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_0999_00001 : 0999 0001 On EM/{node name}


Alarm Code MSS_0999_00001Specific Problem 0999 0001Object Type EM/{node name}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path EM/{node name}Additional Text

MSS_0999_00012 : 0999 0012 On EM/{component id}


Alarm Code MSS_0999_00012Specific Problem 0999 0012Object Type EM/{component id}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path EM/{component id}Additional Text

MSS_7000_00007 : 7000 0007 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00007Specific Problem 7000 0007Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList

warning, minor, major, critical, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00011 : 7000 0011 On {name}


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00011Specific Problem 7000 0011Object Type {name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path {name}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7000_00012 : 7000 0012 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00012Specific Problem 7000 0012Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00016 : 7000 0016 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00016Specific Problem 7000 0016Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00029 : 7000 0029 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00029Specific Problem 7000 0029Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00033 : 7000 0033 On Prov Migration


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00033Specific Problem 7000 0033Object Type Prov MigrationPerceived SeverityList

warning, critical, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Prov MigrationAdditional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7000_00034 : 7000 0034 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00034Specific Problem 7000 0034Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00039 : 7000 0039 On Prov


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00039Specific Problem 7000 0039Object Type ProvPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path ProvAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00041 : 7000 0041 On Provisioning Patch


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00041Specific Problem 7000 0041Object Type Provisioning PatchPerceived SeverityList

warning, critical, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Provisioning PatchAdditional Text

MSS_7000_00042 : 7000 0042 On Prov CriticalAttributeActivation


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00042Specific Problem 7000 0042Object Type Prov CriticalAttributeActivationPerceived SeverityList

warning, critical, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Prov CriticalAttributeActivationAdditional Text

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MSS_7000_00043 : 7000 0043 On Prov ActivationMode


Alarm Code MSS_7000_00043Specific Problem 7000 0043Object Type Prov ActivationModePerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Prov ActivationModeAdditional Text

MSS_7003_00008 : 7003 0008 On Collector/log Spooler


Alarm Code MSS_7003_00008Specific Problem 7003 0008Object Type Collector/log SpoolerPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Collector/log SpoolerAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00001 : 7006 0001 On Nmis {type}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00001Specific Problem 7006 0001Object Type Nmis {type}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unauthorizedAccessAttemptEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis {type}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00002 : 7006 0002 On Nmis {type} Session/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00002Specific Problem 7006 0002Object Type Nmis {type} Session/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause authenticationFailureEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis {type} Session/{n}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7006_00005 : 7006 0005 On Nmis Ftp Prov Migration


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00005Specific Problem 7006 0005Object Type Nmis Ftp Prov MigrationPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause outOfMemory, denialofServiceEvent Type processing error, unknownCM Object Path Nmis Ftp Prov MigrationAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00006 : 7006 0006 On Nmis Fmip


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00006Specific Problem 7006 0006Object Type Nmis FmipPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause authenticationFailureEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis FmipAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00009 : 7006 0009 On Ac


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00009Specific Problem 7006 0009Object Type AcPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause authenticationFailureEvent Type unknownCM Object Path AcAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00010 : 7006 0010 On Nmis Ssh


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00010Specific Problem 7006 0010Object Type Nmis SshPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis SshAdditional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7006_00011 : 7006 0011 On Nmis {type} Session/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00011Specific Problem 7006 0011Object Type Nmis {type} Session/{n}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis {type} Session/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00012 : 7006 0012 On Nmis {type} Session/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00012Specific Problem 7006 0012Object Type Nmis {type} Session/{n}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis {type} Session/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00013 : 7006 0013 On Nmis Fmip Session/x


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00013Specific Problem 7006 0013Object Type Nmis Fmip Session/xPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Nmis Fmip Session/xAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00100 : 7006 0100 On Ac Radius


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00100Specific Problem 7006 0100Object Type Ac RadiusPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, lossOfSignal, authenticationFailureEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ac RadiusAdditional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7006_00101 : 7006 0101 On Ac Radius Server/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00101Specific Problem 7006 0101Object Type Ac Radius Server/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, lossOfSignal, authenticationFailureEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ac Radius Server/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00102 : 7006 0102 On Ac Radius Server/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00102Specific Problem 7006 0102Object Type Ac Radius Server/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, authenticationFailure, unauthorizedAccessAttemptEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ac Radius Server/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7006_00103 : 7006 0103 On Ac Radius


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00103Specific Problem 7006 0103Object Type Ac RadiusPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ac RadiusAdditional Text

MSS_7006_00104 : 7006 0104 On Ac Radius


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00104Specific Problem 7006 0104Object Type Ac RadiusPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ac RadiusAdditional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7006_00105 : 7006 0105 On Ac Radius Server/{n}


Alarm Code MSS_7006_00105Specific Problem 7006 0105Object Type Ac Radius Server/{n}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError, unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ac Radius Server/{n}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01014 : 7008 1014 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01014Specific Problem 7008 1014Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01015 : 7008 1015 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01015Specific Problem 7008 1015Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7008_01016 : 7008 1016 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01016Specific Problem 7008 1016Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7008_01017 : 7008 1017 On Fs Disk/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7008_01017Specific Problem 7008 1017Object Type Fs Disk/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fs Disk/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7011_01407 : 7011 1407 On Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}


Alarm Code MSS_7011_01407Specific Problem 7011 1407Object Type Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Mlfr/{num2} Link/{num3}Additional Text

MSS_7011_05254 : 7011 5254 On Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0orPbg/{num4} sts/0


Alarm Code MSS_7011_05254Specific Problem 7011 5254Object Type Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause communicationProtocolErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type1}/{num2} {type2}/0Laps/{num3} {type2}/0 orPbg/{num4} sts/0Additional Text

MSS_7012_00105 : 7012 0105 On Shelf Card/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00105Specific Problem 7012 0105Object Type Shelf Card/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Shelf Card/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7012_00201 : 7012 0201 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00201Specific Problem 7012 0201Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause underlyingResourceUnavailable, operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00202 : 7012 0202 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00202Specific Problem 7012 0202Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7012_00204 : 7012 0204 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7012_00204Specific Problem 7012 0204Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7013_00000 : 7013 0000 On Lp/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7013_00000Specific Problem 7013 0000Object Type Lp/{instance}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7015_00001 : 7015 0001 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00001Specific Problem 7015 0001Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalCondition, unspecifiedReasonEvent Type environment, unknownCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

MSS_7015_00016 : 7015 0016 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00016Specific Problem 7015 0016Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

MSS_7015_00020 : 7015 0020 On Time


Alarm Code MSS_7015_00020Specific Problem 7015 0020Object Type TimePerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause corruptDataEvent Type unknownCM Object Path TimeAdditional Text

MSS_7021_00013 : 7021 0013 On Vr/{x} Ip Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} CppIsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} Vrf/{y} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00013Specific Problem 7021 0013Object Type Vr/{x} Ip Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress},

{lpnum}Rtr/{x} Vrf/{y} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Perceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause denialofServiceEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{x} Ip Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress},

{lpnum}Rtr/{x} Vrf/{y} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Additional Text

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MSS_7021_00014 : 7021 0014 On Vr/{x} Ip Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} CppIsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} Vrf/{y} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_00014Specific Problem 7021 0014Object Type Vr/{x} Ip Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress},

{lpnum}Rtr/{x} Vrf/{y} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause denialofServiceEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{x} Ip Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Rtr/{x} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress},

{lpnum}Rtr/{x} Vrf/{y} Cpp IsolatedDa/{ipaddress}, {lpnum}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01002 : 7021 1002 On Vr/{string} Pp/{ppId} IpPort logicalIf/{addr}OspfIfRouter/{string} Interface/{addr} OspfIf


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01002Specific Problem 7021 1002Object Type Vr/{string} Pp/{ppId} IpPort logicalIf/{addr} OspfIfRouter/{string} Interface/{addr} OspfIfPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause unexpectedInformationEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Pp/{ppId} IpPort logicalIf/{addr} OspfIfRouter/{string} Interface/{addr} OspfIfAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01003 : 7021 1003 On Vr/{string} Ip Ospf VirtIfEntry/{virtIfId}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01003Specific Problem 7021 1003Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Ospf VirtIfEntry/{virtIfId}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause unexpectedInformationEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Ospf VirtIfEntry/{virtIfId}Additional Text

MSS_7021_0100A : 7021 100A On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_0100ASpecific Problem 7021 100AObject Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{address}Additional Text

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MSS_7021_01018 : 7021 1018 On Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{addr}Router/{string} Bgp Peer/{addr}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01018Specific Problem 7021 1018Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{addr}Router/{string} Bgp Peer/{addr}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Bgp Peer/{addr}Router/{string} Bgp Peer/{addr}Additional Text

MSS_7021_01019 : 7021 1019 On Router/{x} BgpRouter/{x} Vrf/{y} BgpVr/{x} Ip Bgp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01019Specific Problem 7021 1019Object Type Router/{x} BgpRouter/{x} Vrf/{y} BgpVr/{x} Ip BgpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Router/{x} BgpRouter/{x} Vrf/{y} BgpVr/{x} Ip BgpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01056 : 7021 1056 On For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01056Specific Problem 7021 1056Object Type For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause authenticationFailureEvent Type unknownCM Object Path For Passport 6400: Vr/{string} Ip IpVrrpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_01102 : 7021 1102 On Rtr/{x} Bgp Peer/{y}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_01102Specific Problem 7021 1102Object Type Rtr/{x} Bgp Peer/{y}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause thresholdCrossedEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Rtr/{x} Bgp Peer/{y}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7021_02000 : 7021 2000 On Vr/{string} Ip Rip


Alarm Code MSS_7021_02000Specific Problem 7021 2000Object Type Vr/{string} Ip RipPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip RipAdditional Text

MSS_7021_02500 : 7021 2500 On Vr/{string} Ip Tunnel Msep/{num}


Alarm Code MSS_7021_02500Specific Problem 7021 2500Object Type Vr/{string} Ip Tunnel Msep/{num}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip Tunnel Msep/{num}Additional Text

MSS_7021_03000 : 7021 3000 On Vr/{string} Ip Egp


Alarm Code MSS_7021_03000Specific Problem 7021 3000Object Type Vr/{string} Ip EgpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip EgpAdditional Text

MSS_7021_04000 : 7021 4000 On Vr/{string} Ip


Alarm Code MSS_7021_04000Specific Problem 7021 4000Object Type Vr/{string} IpPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} IpAdditional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7026_02000 : 7026 2000 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_02000Specific Problem 7026 2000Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_02003 : 7026 2003 On Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_02003Specific Problem 7026 2003Object Type Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause proceduralErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{num1} {type}/{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7026_03002 : 7026 3002 On Lp/0 OamEthernet/0


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03002Specific Problem 7026 3002Object Type Lp/0 OamEthernet/0Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/0 OamEthernet/0Additional Text

MSS_7026_03004 : 7026 3004 On Lp/0 OamEthernet/0


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03004Specific Problem 7026 3004Object Type Lp/0 OamEthernet/0Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/0 OamEthernet/0Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7026_03006 : 7026 3006 On Lp/{0} OamEthernet/{0}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_03006Specific Problem 7026 3006Object Type Lp/{0} OamEthernet/{0}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{0} OamEthernet/{0}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04002 : 7026 4002 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04002Specific Problem 7026 4002Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04004 : 7026 4004 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04004Specific Problem 7026 4004Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04005 : 7026 4005 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04005Specific Problem 7026 4005Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7026_04006 : 7026 4006 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04006Specific Problem 7026 4006Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04007 : 7026 4007 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04007Specific Problem 7026 4007Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04008 : 7026 4008 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04008Specific Problem 7026 4008Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04009 : 7026 4009 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04009Specific Problem 7026 4009Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

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MSS_7026_0400A : 7026 400A On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0400ASpecific Problem 7026 400AObject Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_0400B : 7026 400B On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0400BSpecific Problem 7026 400BObject Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_0400C : 7026 400C On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0400CSpecific Problem 7026 400CObject Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_0400D : 7026 400D On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0400DSpecific Problem 7026 400DObject Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

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MSS_7026_0400E : 7026 400E On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0400ESpecific Problem 7026 400EObject Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_0400F : 7026 400F On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_0400FSpecific Problem 7026 400FObject Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04010 : 7026 4010 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04010Specific Problem 7026 4010Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04011 : 7026 4011 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04011Specific Problem 7026 4011Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

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MSS_7026_04012 : 7026 4012 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04012Specific Problem 7026 4012Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04013 : 7026 4013 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04013Specific Problem 7026 4013Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04014 : 7026 4014 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04014Specific Problem 7026 4014Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7026_04015 : 7026 4015 On Fddi/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7026_04015Specific Problem 7026 4015Object Type Fddi/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Fddi/{instance}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7035_00001 : 7035 0001 On EM/{node name}


Alarm Code MSS_7035_00001Specific Problem 7035 0001Object Type EM/{node name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path EM/{node name}Additional Text

MSS_7035_00002 : 7035 0002 On EM/{node name}


Alarm Code MSS_7035_00002Specific Problem 7035 0002Object Type EM/{node name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path EM/{node name}Additional Text

MSS_7039_05000 : 7039 5000 On AtmIf/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7039_05000Specific Problem 7039 5000Object Type AtmIf/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path AtmIf/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7040_00000 : 7040 0000 On Vr/{string} Sres


Alarm Code MSS_7040_00000Specific Problem 7040 0000Object Type Vr/{string} SresPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} SresAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7040_00001 : 7040 0001 On Vr/{string} Sres


Alarm Code MSS_7040_00001Specific Problem 7040 0001Object Type Vr/{string} SresPerceived SeverityList

minor, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} SresAdditional Text

MSS_7040_00002 : 7040 0002 On EM/{node name}


Alarm Code MSS_7040_00002Specific Problem 7040 0002Object Type EM/{node name}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path EM/{node name}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00000 : 7041 0000 On Atmif/{num1} Uni


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00000Specific Problem 7041 0000Object Type Atmif/{num1} UniPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} UniAdditional Text

MSS_7041_00302 : 7041 0302 On Artg Pnni CfgNode/{level} Rcc


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00302Specific Problem 7041 0302Object Type Artg Pnni CfgNode/{level} RccPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Artg Pnni CfgNode/{level} RccAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00401 : 7041 0401 On Atmif/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00401Specific Problem 7041 0401Object Type Atmif/{num1}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Atmif/{num1}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00500 : 7041 0500 On Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2}{atmif_type}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00500Specific Problem 7041 0500Object Type Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Perceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Atmif/{num1} {atmif_type} Atmif/{num1} Vpt/{num2} {atmif_type}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00800 : 7041 0800 On Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00800Specific Problem 7041 0800Object Type Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7041_00801 : 7041 0801 On Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00801Specific Problem 7041 0801Object Type Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7041_00802 : 7041 0802 On Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7041_00802Specific Problem 7041 0802Object Type Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Artg Pnni Lrbg/{x}Additional Text

MSS_7057_00005 : 7057 0005 On DcmeLink/{instance}


Alarm Code MSS_7057_00005Specific Problem 7057 0005Object Type DcmeLink/{instance}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause proceduralErrorEvent Type unknownCM Object Path DcmeLink/{instance}Additional Text

MSS_7059_00000 : 7059 0000 On Vr/{string} Ip Nhrp


Alarm Code MSS_7059_00000Specific Problem 7059 0000Object Type Vr/{string} Ip NhrpPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause unspecifiedReasonEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Vr/{string} Ip NhrpAdditional Text

MSS_7070_01012 : 7070 1012 On Shelf Card/{num1}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_01012Specific Problem 7070 1012Object Type Shelf Card/{num1}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Shelf Card/{num1}Additional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7070_02012 : 7070 2012 On Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}


Alarm Code MSS_7070_02012Specific Problem 7070 2012Object Type Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Perceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Lp/{num1} Ap{num2}Additional Text

MSS_7078_00059 : 7078 0059 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00059Specific Problem 7078 0059Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

critical, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00061 : 7078 0061 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00061Specific Problem 7078 0061Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00300 : 7078 0300 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00300Specific Problem 7078 0300Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList


Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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MSS_7078_00400 : 7078 0400 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00400Specific Problem 7078 0400Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

warning, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7078_00401 : 7078 0401 On rncIn


Alarm Code MSS_7078_00401Specific Problem 7078 0401Object Type rncInPerceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause operationalConditionEvent Type unknownCM Object Path rncInAdditional Text

MSS_7079_00000 : 7079 0000 On Ss7 Sccp/{x}


Alarm Code MSS_7079_00000Specific Problem 7079 0000Object Type Ss7 Sccp/{x}Perceived SeverityList

major, cleared

Probable Cause Resource at or nearing capacityEvent Type unknownCM Object Path Ss7 Sccp/{x}Additional Text


External UTRAN

Alcatel-Lucent confidential

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