Download - Umbrella - 30 Pages

  • January 2015 - June 2015


    Written by

    Lau Ghiran


    A large room with black-glass walls and a small wheeled table near a surgery one in the middle. On the surgery table is lying an almost skinned body with an oxygen mask on its face.

    Around the table are five doctors and three nurses.

    VICTOR, the main doctor, helped by a nurse, just finishes to cut a last piece of skin from the body. He gives it to two other nurses which take the skin and puts it on a table in the back of them.

    VICTORStill stable.

    (looks at one doctor)Bring the container.

    The other doctor approves, and in a communicator on his hand whispers something.

    Seconds later a twin door opens and ANDREJ (50), another doctor appear, with two men pushing a wheeled transparent cocoon.

    They align the cocoon with the table then Victor pushes a few keys on the tables control panel. Few clicks are heard and Andrej open cocoons cover, then Victor pushes upper side of the table above the cocoon.


    Andrej and a nurse pull slowly the table with the body, and after its aligned above the cocoon another doctor pushes slow into the cocoon the table.

    When the table touches the bottom of the cocoon the doctors fixes on it.

    VICTOR (CONTD)(closing the cover)

    Prepare it for injection.


    The door from the bottom of the corridor opens in silence and inside enter FOUR SOLDIERS with silenced guns in their hands and night vision goggles on their heads. Close in their back are following TWO MEN dressed in black suits.

    SOLDIER 1Third on the left.

  • They continue to walk until arrive at the third door on the left. They stop here and wait while the other two men arrives.

    SOLDIER 2Thermal shows eleven people inside.

    MAN 1Good. Lets wait.


    Meanwhile above and on the edges of the cocoon the doctors mounted eighteen recipients with a white liquid inside.


    NURSE(looking at monitoring devices)


    VICTORGood. Lets do this.

    He signs Andrej which pushes a few keys on main console of the cocoon.

    Slowly the liquid from the recipients, through thick needles are pumped inside the cocoon. The liquid surrounds the body inside and seconds later the body disappears remaining a white colored cocoon.

    VICTOR (CONTD)Give him nutrients.

    Andrej pushes other key then wait a few seconds.

    VICTOR (CONTD)Vitals?

    NURSEStill normal. His body appears to accept the skin.


    (looks at a doctor on his left)

    His face?


  • DOCTORReady to be uploaded.


    I hope its his face.

    DOCTORIt is.

    ANDREJ(pushes a key)

    Injecting separator.

    VICTORSlowly. We dont want to make him fat.

    ANDREJIt will be right.

    Continues, whispering in Russian.

    VICTORPrepare the final phase.

    NURSE(after a second)

    A moment.

    She pushes a few keys on monitoring device and is seen how bodys vital signals are lowing, closing to zero.

    VICTORNow wait a minute then restart him, then well see if he accepts the skin. How much time.

    NURSEThree to five minutes.

    The nurse approves with her head and looks wondering at Andrej which approves too.

    Next, he turns back and puts his right hand into a pocket.


    One of the men dressed in black takes out the phone from a pocket an looks at it.

    MAN 1Lets go.


  • One of the soldiers hit's the door which opens.


    All the doctors turn to the door and look surprised at the soldiers which after they enter, start to shoot every one.


    Damn it.

    He runs to a wall, he is shot but succeeds to push a switch from the wall before he falls down.

    A sound bomb explodes emerging low frequency signals which affects all inside. In pain, all fall down.

    One nurse which apparently is not affected by the signals runs to Victor.

    VICTOR (CONTD)Take him out of here.

    (points on a table)Take that S.S.D.

    NURSEI will take you too.

    VICTORNo. Leave me. He is more important.

    (pushes her)Go.

    The woman, angry, grabs Victors body and throws it on the cocoon then she runs to the table from where grabs an external S.S.D. Next in hurry she pushes the cocoon through the doors while one of the soldiers recovers from pain and grabs his gun. He shoots after her but apparently misses.


    The nurse pushes the cocoon on the corridor until arrives at the door from where the soldiers came. Here Victors body falls down. She goes at him and sees that he is dead. Sad she pulls the body close to the right wall and opens the doors looking back.

    Here she sees a soldier coming out from the laboratory. In a hurry she pushes out the cocoon from the corridor. The soldier shoots again and hit's her, twice in the back.



    Wounded, the nurse continues to run pushing the cocoon among dead bodies of soldiers and laboratory staff. She arrives at the end of the corridor and opens the door from the left where, above it is seen elevator signs.


    The cocoon is half in the elevator. Suddenly the cover opens and from the white thick liquid comes out VICTOR (young looking, but much older as he is a vampire) - son of Victor the doctor. He wipes the liquid from his face and looks around disorientated. Snatching oxygen mask from his face steps hardly outside of the cocoon.

    His attention is captured by sounds of a woman in pain in front of the cocoon.

    He steps carefully there and sees wounded nurse.

    NURSE(hardly, showing him the S.S.D.)

    Take it and go. They are here for you. Go.

    VICTORMy father?


    Hes dead. Go now.

    Sad, he looks around first not knowing what to do.

    NURSE (CONTD)(with her last strength)


    Above, in the tunnel shaft are heard mixed sounds of broken metal and roars, signs that somebody is coming down through elevator's shaft.

    He turns around and start to run through parking, leaving after him traces of white liquid.

    Arrives at parking entrance, where, without thinking steps outside in sunlight.



    With a instinctual reflex Victor puts his hands in front of his eyes covering them against sunlight.

    He discovers that the sunlight doesnt affect him, except his eyes. Steps back into the shadow and with eyes in tears affected by sunlight stretches his hands into the light looking at them. Nothing happens and he smiles glorious.

    His joy is spread by sounds from the elevator. Victor looks back there where those two men dressed in black, just appeared from the shaft. Seeing Victor, they start to run in his direction. Covering his eyes with one hand, Victor steps into the light. The men stop, remaining in the shadow looking first at each other then at him.

    VICTORWhat. Is there a problem? Come and get me.

    (looks at S.S.D.)You want this, I think.

    They dont move.

    VICTOR (CONTD)(points to them)

    Remember this. I will find and kill you and everyone which is responsible for this.

    Between tears he sees two soldiers approaching from the elevator. Fast, he turns around and start to run parallel with the building above the parking. It's an old building situated at the periphery of a city whose buildings are seen away after a slum.

    One of the soldiers shoot after him and hit him in the hand in which he have de S.S.D. Wounded, Victor drops the drive and tries next to take it back but the soldiers all start to shoot.

    Avoiding the bullets he jumps beyond a car, covering then continues to run to the street.

    Arriving on a street, Victor grabs a few clothes which he finds among garbage and disappears between buildings.

    The soldiers follows him and shots a few more times but they miss and loses Victor among buildings.




    Increasing sounds of fire guns and roars start slowly.

    GERARD (V.O.)(screaming)

    Wake up.

    The shots and roars continues while the blackness turns to...


    A STREET BATTLE. A large street filled with pieces of buildings and wreckages. On each side the buildings are in ruins and time to time from their covers shooters are firing on the opposite side.

    On the right side of the street, covering on an alley between buildings is a human soldier, GERARD (40), kneeled near Victors body, the vampire which escaped from the laboratory. Victor is lying down with his eyes closed, shot in right leg, right shoulder and forearm. A pool of dark red blood spreads underneath him.

    Gerard continues to shoot and time to time shakes Victor trying to wake him but with no result.

    GERARDDamn you. Wake up.

    Suddenly, in his back, at a few meters on the alley, from above, lands a man. He is ANDRE (30), another member of the team from the right, which after he lands starts to run in Gerards direction.

    Andre has no guns in his hands, instead he have two long shinny knives. He continues to run until arrives close to them and stops in the back of Gerard looking at Victor.

    ANDRE(french accent)

    How is he?

    His words make Gerard to startle but does not return and continues to shoot time to time.


  • GERARDAlmost dead. Try to wake him up to heal himself.

    Fast, Andre puts the knives near him and grabs Victors body dragging behind Gerard.

    Next he hits Victor on the face a few times while Gerard stands up, made a step in the back and fast changes guns charger.

    He looks a second at Victor then steps forward at the corner and continues to shoot.

    GERARD (CONTD)Hurry, Ill remain without bullets soon. Where are the rest?

    ANDRENot many.

    (looks at the sky)Damn sunset. Come on.

    Slowly, Victor start to move and seconds later opens his eyes and looks at Andre.

    VICTORWhere are we.

    ANDREEasy. You have been shot.

    Victor looks at his shot forearm and roars slowly. With his left tries to grab something which supposed to be on his left foot but that thing is missing.

    VICTORI lost my supplies.

    ANDRE(looks in his eyes)


    His attention is drawn to the other side of the street in their left from where, jumping down from the first floor of a building appear a vampire with white skin, which start to run in their direction roaring.

    Fast in a blink of an eye the vampire shows his fangs which extend from the mouth like a cat's claws and jumps a few meters in the air in their direction.

    Surprised, Andre hits with his palm on Gerards left shoulder.


  • ANDRE (CONTD)There.

    Seeing the approaching vampire, Gerard turns in his direction and shots two times in the head. The vampire lands dead at a few meters from them.

    ANDRE (CONTD)(to Victor, baring his left forearm)

    Take from me.

    Victor roars disapprovingly but Andre ignores him and stretches his forearm.

    ANDRE (CONTD)Take. I have a dose.

    Victor roars again, rises his head opening his mouth. Like the vampire shot before by Gerard he extends his fangs and bites Andres wrist. Andre reacts as a pin prick but waits calm while Victor feeds with his blood.

    Gerard just finishes his charger and steps back to change it. He sees them.

    GERARDDamn man. You are crazy?

    ANDREDont worry. Ill be fine.

    Gerard rises his eyebrows, changes the charger and starts to shoot again.

    After an about a minute Victor finishes and withdraws his fangs from Andres wrist.

    VICTORIts enough until Ill find a supply.

    Andre, visibly with a whiter face than before approves with his head and helps Victor to stand up. From his wounds blood continues to emerge but after he stands up it stops like a tap would be closed.

    ANDREHow are you?

    VICTORBetter. You?

    (looks at his face)Take the dose.


  • Remembering, Andre takes out from a pocket a syringe with a blue liquid and injects it into the forearm that was bitten.

    VICTOR (CONTD)(leaning against wall)

    Where are the rest.

    ANDREIvan and other five were on the second floor of the building behind us.

    (looks at the sky)Another eleven or twelve are away at the first floor.

    VICTORWe need to regroup.

    They both look at the sky which turned red before sunset while Gerard stops the fire and silence covers all around. Another two shots are heard from their back followed by a roar then silence again.


    We killed them all?

    GERARDI dont think so. They only ceased fire.

    VICTORPerfect. Lets go to the rest.

    (to Andre)From where you came?

    ANDRE(looks up)

    I jumped but I cant jump back as you may see.

    VICTOR(to Gerard)

    Give me a gun.

    GERARD(takes out a pistol)

    I know what this is.

    VICTORHow far is the entrance into the building?


  • GERARDFifteen meters.

    VICTORLets go then.

    (to Andre)Me first, you follow me and Gerard will cover.

    (calculates something in his mind)

    Ten seconds.

    Next he steps in front of Gerard and looks across the street. No moves there and the darkness sits quietly over buildings in ruins around them.

    VICTOR (CONTD)In three.

    The other two prepares - Andre grabs his knives while Gerard changes his charger.

    GERARDThe last one.

    (on his radio)If anyone hears. We are coming from the left to the entrance. Covering fire is need.

    MAN (V.O.)(on the radio)


    VICTOR(looking after the corner)

    Three, two...(pauses)



    Victor steps after the corner of the building, on the street and start to run hardly. A trail of blood remains after him on the asphalt. Andre looks at it and follows him shortly. Gerard points his gun across the street searching for target and follow them. A gun appears on the third floor and two shots follows. The gun falls down inside while all three continues to walk hurry to the entrance.

    Suddenly from the buildings across the street a few windows are broken and through them jump outside on the street about twenty vampires.


  • While they land, Gerard shots two vampires, from his right start other shots which kill other five vampires. The remaining vampires, roaring, begin to jump in short jumps in Gerards direction. The closest one jumps to Victor but Gerard kills him before he lands.

    From the windows appear more vampires which follow the first group while on other windows covered shooters begin to fire. The group of Victor, covers after a pillar, Andre jumps out and after a short fight kills with his knives a closing vampire, Gerard shoots other two which tries to attack Andre.

    GERARD(seeing the vampires)

    Damn you.

    Shoots another three, Andre retreats after the pillar and starts to run after Victor.

    VICTOR(shots in a vampires direction)

    Come on.

    Andre approaches and Gerard remains in the back shooting all the vampires that approaches.

    GERARDGo. Ill cover you.

    They continue to run while a group of five vampires from the second wave turns to Gerard right in the moment when he finishes his ammo.

    GERARD (CONTD)(in french)

    Not now.

    He screams, throws his gun, takes another pistol from the holster from his left foot and covers after the pillar.

    Fast he looks after Victor and Andre which are approaching to the entrance fast. Next he turns in the left and shots approaching vampires. He hits one in the head which falls down and other two in chest and arms. In his back a vampire lands, grabs Gerard on his back and throws him away on the street. Gerard falls down on his back at a few meters and loses the pistol. The vampire roars and jumps over him. Accepting his end, Gerard closes his eyes waiting for vampires attack but he falls down dead on him.

    GERARD (CONTD)What a...


  • Hardly, he pushes away de body and opens his eyes. He sees nothing first but second later from above the buildings on the right side of the street appear six shadows which lands between him and the attacking vampires. The shadows engage the vampires and seconds later a few of them are killed. One tries to attack a shadow from its back but falls down dead making Gerard to look in his right. Away on a window he sees a sparkle. Smiling he stands up, grabs his gun and starts to run to the entrance.


    The sun sets.

    Gerard arrives at the entrance where he sees Victor and Andre covering.

    GERARDThat was close.

    VICTORYes it was! Are you hurt?

    GERARDMy back a little.

    Their attention is drawn by a shadow that appears at the entrance. Gerard points at it with his gun.


    The shadow steps into the light revealing itself as OSCAR, another vampire but not with white skin as Victor.

    VICTORWho is with you?

    OSCARVirgil, Vanko, Ledger and Crain.

    VICTOR(roars angry)

    The rest?

    Oscar doesnt answer but closes sad his eyes.

    OSCARWhat happened? It was all perfect.

    VIRGIL(appearing in his back)

    We have a traitor.


  • VIRGIL, another vampire appears on the entrance and enter inside looking at Victors wounds.

    LEDGER (V.O.)(from the street)


    A roar is heard then silence follows. Approaching steps continue and LEDGER, the vampire which spoke, appear. He have a long thin sword in his right and all over his long coat are seen drops of blood.


    Ill torture the one responsible of this!

    From the above, on the stairs, steps are heard and IVAN (45), a massive human soldier appear with a machine gun in his hands.

    IVANCome! Its clear there.

    The group follows him above at the superior level.


    Not really a clean apartment. Walls are collapsed as if they were fired by tanks and the wall to the street has a large hole, through which are seen the ruins on the other side of the street

    Near the wall to street covering, are three soldiers which are searching outside and on the floor are dead bodies of another two soldiers.

    Ivan enters followed shortly by Victor and the others.

    Ledger, their leader steps inside visibly angry but he doesnt say anything first. Instead he looks at the bodies then at the soldiers from the windows.

    LEDGERAre you all right?

    One by one the soldiers approves with their heads.

    LEDGER (CONTD)(to Ivan)

    Call the others.


  • IVAN(on the radio)

    First floor. Now!

    Next, Ledger turns to Victor and looks at his wounds.

    LEDGERYou need treatment!

    VICTORIm good!

    VIRGIL(from his back)

    Where are Crain and Vanko?

    LEDGERCleaning the buildings across the street!

    Their attention is drawn by a shadow which appears on the apartments door. Stepping into the light the shadow reveals as a human soldier, with a sniper rifle on his hands.

    GERARD(steps to him)

    Thanks man!

    SNIPERNo problem.

    They shake hands.

    IVANOnly you remained?

    Sniper approves with his head.

    VICTORWe need to regroup and go to the elders place!


    (to Ivan)We split on two teams radio communication only if needed otherwise, visual communication...

    (starts to pointing Andre)You, Virgil, Oscar and Ivan with me.

    (to sniper)You alone. Cover us...


  • IVAN(to sniper)

    At the edge of the street are another two teems. I dont know which survived. Go and tell them the plan.

    The Sniper nods, takes out from a pocket a damper which he mounts it to his rifle while he walks fast to a door and disappears beyond it.

    LEDGER(to the three soldiers)

    You three, with Gerard go to Vanko across the street...

    (to Gerard)Tell Crain to make a clean path with his shadows. Victor comes with you.

    (looks at Victor)Close distance. On the roofs. We cover each other.

    (to Gerard)Go!

    GERARDA moment.

    Fast, he walks to the dead soldiers and grabs all their guns and ammo.

    GERARD (CONTD)Sorry friends!

    Then he stands up, signs two of the soldiers to help Victor which says no, with his head then all four goes out while silence remains into the apartment.

    All the remaining vampires and Andre looks for a few seconds one at other until the sounds of steps from those which left disappear.

    LEDGERNo prisoners.

    Virgil, Oscar have knives as Andre and all three takes them out from their sheaths. Ivan checks his ammo while Ledger takes out his long sword.

    LEDGER (CONTD)(to Ivan)

    To the roof. We need to go parallel with them.


  • All approve with their heads.

    Seconds later following Ledger, the group goes out from the apartment.


    Sun is gone and darkness of the night continues to increase in intensity turning the ruins of the buildings from each side of the street into a bleak view.

    Gerard and his team appear - he and the soldiers are wearing night vision glasses while Victor and VANKO (30) - the new member of the team, a vampire too, doesnt wear because they can see into the night. Dampers appeared on their weapons.

    Suddenly, Gerard which is in front signs the rest to stop when they approach to the edge of a building.

    They stop while Gerard without uttering a sound walks to the edge searching for potential threats.

    Meanwhile Victor looks on his right to the roofs from the right side of the street where he sees the shadows of Ledgers team walking in silence.

    GERARD(low voice)


    They start to follow him while in front of them away in the dark are heard a few short roars followed by silence.



    No lights. Semi darkness and no movements on the on the empty streets while a deep silence covers all around.

    Slowly a coffee shops door opens and outside comes out a HUMAN SOLDIER with an automatic weapon in his hands. Night vision glasses on his head. The soldier looks first across the street, above at the top of the buildings searching for something then he turns left walking carefully to the crossroads covering time to time after cars and pieces of buildings.



    Arriving at the end of the street the soldier covers after a car and waits for a few seconds then kneels and looks carefully through cars smashed windows across the street. There is no movement for a few seconds but suddenly from above, lands near a building a dark human shape. Another one follows the first but lands with a loud noise. Both shadows and the soldier freeze. Then behind those shadows a door opens and for more shadows appear spreading around and covering.

    A second later in the middle of the street a sound is heard as a small stone would fall. The soldier points to his weapon in shadows direction and pushes three times on his jackets collar.

    After a few seconds three short buzzing are heard in the headset from the collar. Then, in pairs, the shadows begin to move towards soldier.

    First arrive Gerard followed by Vanko which kneel near the soldier without saying a thing then Victor and a soldier follows them and finally the last two soldiers.

    Except Victor and Vanko all wear night vision glasses.

    VANKO(to the soldier)

    The others?

    SOLDIERThey have not yet reached.

    VANKOYour men?

    SOLDIER(points in coffee shops direction)

    There is a coffee shop at a few meters from here. Are waiting.

    VANKOHow many?



    Victor grumbles nervous.

    A soldiers attention is drawn by the movement from somewhere in their back.


  • He sticks to the wall next to them and points his weapon in that direction. The rest of them does the same except the first soldier, Vanko and Victor which cover after the car.

    All waits until on the street appear a shadow which start to walk fast in their direction. Another four follows them closely.

    Vanko sign his team to stay calm and all stand up while the shadows approach revealing themselves seconds later as Ledger and his team.

    Arriving in front of them Ledger puts back his sword in its sheath then salutes each one with his head. All respond back.

    After the rest of his team arrive, Ledger looks at the first soldier.

    LEDGERWhere are your men?

    SOLDIERNot far from here.

    (looks in his eyes)Two snipers are around.

    LEDGERAll right. We have no time. Even if everything seems fine, is not like that, so be careful.

    (to Vanko)Left side. Us we will take the right side.

    All approves and they split again in the first two teams. The first soldier joins Ledgers team.

    While Vanko and his team are crossing the street, Ledger and his men are following the soldier in shops direction.


    The soldier and Ledgers team arrive here then the soldier signs them to cover.

    They split and cover after pieces of buildings while the soldier, in silence enters inside the building.

    Ledger, from after a large piece of concrete looks away, across the street where are seen Vankos men walking among rubble.


  • VIRGIL(low voice)

    What we became. To hide like rats.

    Silence, and Ledger being the leader, should reply something in this situation, but no word out of his mouth and he remains in silence.

    This silence is spread by shops door which opens and seven soldiers are coming out on the street. One of them is shot in the shoulder but he can walk but another has a broken leg and he is carried by two of them.

    Seeing them, Ledger becomes visibly annoyed but says nothing. Instead he looks around at each one.

    LEDGER(to Andre)

    You know this city.

    Andre nods.

    LEDGER (CONTD)Go north and meet Christian. Tell him that we are going to the elders. We meet there.

    In a blink of an eye, Andre turns and increasing his speed vanishes into the darkness seconds later.

    LEDGER (CONTD)(to soldiers)

    You are coming with us.

    Next, Ledger takes out his sword and starts to walk fast, close to the walls. The rest follows him closely. Moments later from above, roaring appear two vampires which land close to Ledger. But after they land they fall down dead. Not surprised, Ledger looks at them and sees the bullet holes from their head. He doesnt look to see who shoot them, instead he nods and continues to walk, more carefully this time, vanishing together with his team into the darkness.


    The farm is abandoned and its enormous barn is near a hill whose shadow is seen in barns left side.

    Appearing into the dark a group of shadows continue to walk carefully to the barn.



    Here, the shadows, Ledger and his team enters inside the barn.

    From another direction another group appear and goes to the barn.


    Inside, Ledger posts his men in defensive positions and starts to walk in circle. He is visibly stressed.

    His attention is drawn by barns door which opens slowly. The soldiers points theirs guns in doors direction but after they see Vanko entering all holster their guns.

    Vanko enters followed by Victor and the soldiers. Gerard is the last.



    Suddenly barns lights turn on with metallic sounds and all inside is covered in a yellow light which reveals the emptiness of the barn.

    Everyone inside become alert and look around. Fast, in their opposite direction close to barns wall a hatch in the ground opens and a mans head appears, which continues to come out until is above the ground. Next the man walks to Ledger and stops in front of him.

    LEDGERAre you idiot?

    THE MAN(looking at the lights)

    Dont worry. Its safe. Guards are all around. You were seen coming.

    (points to the hatch)Sorry for that. Christian told us that the old gates were destroyed.

    Ledger roars slow.

    LEDGERWhere is he?


  • THE MANDown. He waits for you.

    LEDGERI will meet him.

    (points to wounded soldiers)

    Take care of them.(to Victor)


    VICTORRest will take care of me.


    With no other words he turns and walks fast to the hatch. Arriving close to it jumps inside. The rest follows him.


    Its an enormous cave carved in stone with buildings on its walls. Down on the floor is a HUGE DOME surrounded by a LARGE PLAZA. Between the top of the dome and caves ceiling is a row of lights which spread their white light on the walls - citys lighting system.


    A vampire, CHRISTIAN, waits in front of the entrance together with LONIA, Ledgers wife.

    CHRISTIAN...and I believe that someone is a traitor.

    LONIAIt will be found.

    While they are talking from their front, away, close to walls through a large gate appear Ledger followed closely by Virgil and Oscar.

    Lonia sees them and in a hurry she goes to greet them.

    LEDGER(stretching his hands)


    She does the same and when they meet a long hug follows and he kisses her on her head.


  • LONIAAre you all right?

    LEDGER(looking over her shoulder)

    Yes I am.

    Next he grabs her hand and both walk to Christian.

    LONIA(to Virgil and Oscar)

    You boys?

    OSCARWe are fine.

    LEDGER(arriving to Christian)

    Its bad.

    CHRISTIANYes it is.

    (looks above)We lost good friends these days.

    LEDGERThey will be revenged.

    (looks at the entrance)How are they?

    CHRISTIANI dont know. I was told to wait for you.

    LEDGERThen lets go.

    Following Christian, Ledger, Oscar and Virgil walk inside through the gate. Lonia remains outside.

    LONIAWe will meet after.

    Ledger smiles to her then vanishes through the gate.


    The dome has only one large room with white marble on the floor and brown wood-made decorations on the walls. Above the ground on the walls at three meters are arranged at equal distance around, projectors which spread their white light to the ceiling where hangs a giant crystal chandelier.


  • Down on the floor is a large circular table around a circular stone pedestal. In front of the domes entrance the table ends are at a distance of two meters, leaving a place of access to the pedestal.

    Around the table, sitting on tall wood made chairs are thirteen old men and three old women - THE ELDERS.

    In front of them on the table is nothing, except thick candles which spread their yellow light on Elders poker faces.

    Stepping on marble, Christian makes noise but The Elders doesnt react. He continues to walk until he arrives close to the table where he stops. Ledger, Oscar and Virgil does the same and all four waits until The Elder front their left points to his thin right hand to the pedestal.

    Next they walk one by one to the pedestal where they form a square standing back to back. From right to left - Christian, Ledger, Virgil and Oscar.

    ELDER 1(in front of Oscar)

    What are your questions!

    CHRISTIAN(doesnt turn)

    We lost thousands these days... humans and vampires.

    ELDER 1These are the results of war, young son...

    ELDER 2(in front of Christian)

    But not this is your question...

    LEDGERWe were betrayed.


    Excuse him.

    ELDER 2It is not for what.

    (rises his head)That is why each clan need to have two leader. Continue.


  • CHRISTIANWe fail finding Rantor and Balthazar. We were defeated on each front. Right now our kind are spread all around Europe trying to survive, hunted by Rantors clans. Ledger here was almost killed. Men leaved and only the most loyal remained...

    (pauses sad)...and are not many.

    ELDER 2This is sad.

    LEDGERYes it is.

    ELDER 3(from Elders 2 left)

    Where are Rantor and Balthazar?

    CHRISTIANThey retreated in North.

    LEDGERPossible in Scandinavia.

    ELDER 4(left of Elder 1)

    This is perfect.

    All four are surprised, but no one looks in other direction except in their front.


    ELDER 4Everything is as it was planned.

    CHRISTIANI dont understand.

    ELDER 4Yes. There are traitors but they are ours. It is all you need to know.

    Christian tightens his fists slowly.

    CHRISTIANAnd we know now that we were sent as sheep in wolves mouth.


  • ELDER 4Yes. A hard decision.


    ELDER 2Now, that is your question.

    The elder stands up and walks hardly around the table until he arrives in front of Christian which surprised looks at him.

    ELDER 2 (CONTD)You might think that is cruel from us to ask you to go to death but we did that because it was the only logic decision.


    ELDER 2Yes. It may be that people violated their treaties with us, but is because of their nature and we must respect those treaties until they will see their mistakes.

    LEDGERTheir mistakes? What about ours? Clans from all around the world are hunted by humans and that idiots henchmen and of course because of him now we are what we fought for hundreds of years not to be. How about that... Sir.

    The Elder says nothing and even because Ledger made a mistake by talking to him like the he ignores him.

    ELDER 4Son, in this world still is the law that the innocent must pay along with the innocent. We can not change it but we can avert it.


    CHRISTIANAbout that logic decision...


  • ELDER 2Yes. We decided that, because Rantor and Balthazar should not rule, nor upon us or men. Taking that decision reduced the number of victims among our ranks and humans.


    ELDER 2Because of Rantor and Balthazar attacks the rest of the world will isolate Europe. Right now remained only local clans and people who were unable to leave.

    LEDGERHow this is helpful?

    ELDER 2Of course they will gather an army which will be endowed with Umbrella... and this requires supplies. You will try to stop them to gather those supplies.

    (to Christian)Being isolated allows us to hunt down Rantor without many victims.

    LEDGERBut we lost the data.

    ELDER 2We have Victor. Our scientists will be able to replicate it.

    ELDER 4In the following times we must gather all the clans that we can. You must find a way to tell those abroad to join us.

    (looks at Christian)You Christian, you will lead everything, but remember... we only can give you the power, not a way to use it.

    CHRISTIANI know.



    Here are waiting Vanko, Andre and Gerard. Seconds later Christian and the others appear.

    Vanko greeting them.

    VANKOWhat did they say?

    CHRISTIANMany things.

    LEDGER(in the same time)

    We are sheep.


    LEDGERDeath and chaos will follow. Wee must prepare.

    VANKO(to Christian)

    What he means?(thinks a little)

    If those idiots were coming out of their caves with the other humans, then none of this would have happened here.

    CHRISTIAN(ignores his last words)

    Gather all the leaders.


