Download - UFO - Filer's Files # 46 - 2012

  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Filer's Files # 46 - 2012


    WEEKLY FILERS FILESFiler's Files # 46 - 2012 Fox News UFO ReportsByNov 14, 2012, 05:42

    Fox News TV in Denver Video Published November 9, 2012

    In special reports, this weeks files cover: Xian, China the Emperor's Tomb,Silk: An Extraterrestrial Import, NBA Star Deron Williams: I saw a UFO during Sandy, Mars Newton Crater, Global Warming,

    NASA Wants to Send Astronauts beyond the Moon, Fox UFO News Reports, and UFO Connect App for Your IPhone.

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

    Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Rumania, andEngland in the United Kingdom.

    The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around theworld and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over athousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. Ipersonally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US

    Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more thantwenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spreadlife throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

    Filers Files are now being emailed to 12,750 addresses each week plus 500 copies are forwarded to more thousands.Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors.Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned.Special Reports

    Xian, China the Emperor 's Tom b

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    Through eleven dynasties and a time-span of 1,080 years, Xian was the capital city of Imperial China. The capital city ofShaanxi Province today, Xian is a veritable treasure trove of priceless objects including this Mausoleum Emperor Qin ShiHuangdi (259- 210 B.C.) built in the shape of a pyramid. The mausoleum is larger than the Great pyramid in Egypt.

    At the tender age of 17, the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty had already decided what form his burial mausoleum would take. Heseems to have begun his life as ruler more concerned about the end of his days than about what his years on earth would be

    like. He claimed to be a son of the extraterrestrials who had come thousands a years ago. On completion of his manyconquests, he ordered 720,000 conscript laborers to build his royal tomb. To protect the holy silence of his tomb, he orderedhis subjects to fabricate an enormous army of terra cotta soldiers, horses and wagons, which they then had to distribute overa wide area around his grave site.

    Accidentally discovered in 1974, these splendid figures - 8,000 of which have been unearthed so far, with archaeologists stillcounting - are only a small part of the treasures waiting to be uncovered at the grave site of the emperor. Qin Shi Huangdiholds a central place in Chinese history for being the first emperor who united the country. He is also well known for his part inthe construction of the spectacular Great Wall of China and developing standards for weights and measures. Legend claimsthe mausoleum has rivers of mercury and a depiction of ancient China.

    Recently, Guo Zhikun, a specialist in the Chinese dynasties, gave a press conference in Xi'an, disclosing his academicresearch results focusing on the Mausoleum, making bold guesses about the mysterious tomb complex that fascinates thewhole world.

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    Chinese ancient parchment documents show flying saucers as shown on the bottom right side of the Parchment.In 1938, Chinese archaeologists stumbled upon a cave containing small skeletal remains. Alongside the bodies they foundstone discs that tell of an extraterrestrial craft that had crash-landed in the mountain range of Baian-Kara-Ula 12,000 yearsago.

    Si lk: An Extraterrestr ia l Impor t?

    The Ancient Chinese are not the only ones to say that silk came from outer space. This is what ancient Khmer (of Cambodia)oral traditions say about the origins of silk:

    Five female super humans flew down from the sky to earth for no other purpose than to have fun. One of them Sota Chancannot resist the Temptation and steals six good smelling twigs from a poor Chinese Peasant Loem-Sang. After the girlsreturn home to the heavens

    God Indra is enraged by the ladies interference in human affairs and, as punishment, orders Sota Chan to spend six years onearth as Loem-Sangs wife! Sota chan reluctantly (without hope in her heart) returned to earth. Surprisingly Loem-Sang is notwilling to marry her so she has to persuade him to. She promises to teach him skills and arts that nobody else here knows.So he marries her and she teaches him how to weave and process a type of silk not seen on earth before and that silk isadmired by all. After a year she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child which is half human, half Demi-God. The first yearsof his life he spends eagerly drawing and painting. By the time he is five Sota Chans exile on earth is over and she flies backto the heavens.

    Source: Khmer Mythology Article written by SkyFloating a member of ATS

    NBA Star Deron Wil l iams: I saw a UFO dur in g 'Sandy'

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    Another celebrity becomes a UFO witness as Brooklyn Nets basketball superstar Deron Williams tell GQ Magazine of asighting he was witness to during super storm 'Sandy'.

    The night sky of Manhattan were completely dark as the city had no power for days, the only thing that lit the skies were theoccasional thunder storm lightnings.

    Williams was looking outside his home balcony and was amazed to see a flashing green UFO.Out of nowhere, I saw this big green flash across the sky. It wasn't lightning. It looked... It looked like a UFO. He told thereporter.

    Thanks to November 10, 2012, 23:22

    Mars Newton Crater

    Discovery on Mars by Ken Pfeifer writes, I have been very interested in Mars for many years. When the face on Mars firstappeared in the News Media in 1976, it was impossible to ignore. This discovery by the Viking Orbiter sparked an interest

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    throughout the world. Much has been hidden by NASA because the truth would probably throw the world into turmoil.Could our government be trying to milk us for more money to explore and land a man on Mars? I think they are. Thetaxpaying citizens are paying for these adventures into space at the tune of billions of dollars.

    Do we have any proof that they are using our money for what they say they are using it for? I am a big fan of Google Earththat includes views of the Moon and Mars. It takes much patience to view the photo images but its pays off when you findsomething that is man- made or alien made on the surface of Mars. My most recent discovery was made on 11-23-11 at 7.49Pm. The Newton Crater area reminds me of a crash site. Strange things scattered all over the large area. The location is at 41degrees 15'35.10 S --157 degrees 55.29.74 W. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ

    Global Warm ing

    Over the past decade scientists thought they had figured out how to protect humanity from the worst dangers of climatechange. Keeping planetary warming below two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) would, it was thought, avoid suchperils as catastrophic sea-level rise and searing droughts. Staying below two degrees C would require limiting the level ofheat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 450 parts per million (ppm), up from today's 395 ppm and the preindustrialera's 280 ppm. Now it appears that the assessment was too optimistic.

    The latest data from across the globe show that the planet is changing faster than expected. More sea ice around the ArcticOcean is disappearing than had been forecast. Regions of permafrost across Alaska and Siberia are spewing out moremethane, the potent greenhouse gas, than models had predicted. Ice shelves in West Antarctica are breaking up more quicklythan once thought possible, and the glaciers they held back on adjacent land are sliding faster into the sea. Extreme weatherevents, such as floods, hurricanes, and the heat wave that gripped much of the U.S. in the summer of 2012 are on the rise,too. The conclusion? As scientists, we cannot say that if we stay below two degrees of warming everything will be fine, saysStefan Rahmstorf, a professor of physics of the oceans at the University of Potsdam in Germany.

    Fox UFO News Reports

    Fox News States: A video has been leaked showing footage captured by an American amateur astronomer of an UnidentifiedFlying Object. Apparently this footage will be released to the general public in late November 2012.Thank you to someone for recording the Fox News reportbecause otherwise it would be gone. It seems that Fox News

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    posted the story early, because it is dated November 22, 2012. Also I checked the Fox News Air and Space section and thestory was taken down for unknown reasons, which also makes me believe someone is editing the media. Copy these videosbecause someone is trying to keep you from seeing them and they may disappear soon. (Use Firefox browser to do that).SCW.

    In addition Nick Pope on Fox News claims UK Military tried to shoot down UFO's on January 27, 2009.

    Rumors suggest NASA has an acclimatization program preparing the world for confirmation of the existence of extra-terrestrials. It has also been hinted that an exciting revelation will be forthcoming regarding NASAs Mars Curiosity mission. Itis believed proof that the Red Planet was once populated by an advanced civilization will be revealed.

    NASA Wants to Send A stronauts beyond the Moon Exclus ive

    Mark K. Matthew of the Orlando Sentinel writes, Top NASA officials have picked a leading candidate for the agency's nextmajor mission: construction of a new outpost that would send astronauts farther from Earth than at any time in history. Theso-called "gateway spacecraft" would hover in orbit on the far side of the moon, support a small astronaut crew and function

    as a staging area for future missions to the moon and Mars.

    NASA Chief Charlie Bolden briefed the White House earlier this month on details of the proposal, but it's unclear whether ithas the administration's support.

    Documents show that NASA wants to build a small outpost likely with parts left over from the $100 billion InternationalSpace Station at what's known as the Earth-Moon Lagrange Point 2, a spot about 38,000 miles from the moon and277,000 miles from Earth. The outpost would be far more remote than the current space station, which orbits a little more than200 miles above Earth. The distance raises complex questions of how to protect astronauts from the radiation of deep space and rescue them if something goes wrong

    At that location, the combined gravities of the Earth and moon reach equilibrium, making it possible to "stick" an outpost therewith minimal power required to keep it in place.

    To get there, NASA would use the massive rocket and space capsule that it is developing as a successor to the retired spaceshuttle. A first flight of that rocket is planned for 2017, and construction of the outpost would begin two years later, accordingto NASA planning documents.Potential missions include the study of nearby asteroids or dispatching robotic trips to the moon that would gather moon rocksand bring them back to astronauts at the outpost. The outpost also would lay the groundwork for more-ambitious trips to Mars'moons and even Mars itself, about 140 million miles away on average.

    It gives purpose to the Orion space capsule and the Space Launch System rocket, which are being developed at a cost ofabout $3 billion annually. It involves NASA's international partners, as blueprints for the outpost suggest using a Russian-builtmodule and components from Italy. And the outpost would represent a step toward NASA's ultimate goal: human footprints onMars.But how the idea and cost play with President Obama, Congress and the public remains a major question. Spending isbeing slashed across the federal government in the name of deficit reduction; it's unlikely that NASA in coming years can get

    more than its current budget of $17.7 billion. Of critical importance is the price tag, which would certainly run into the billions ofdollars. , Boeing proposed essentially the same thing to NASA, suggesting the development of what it called an "ExplorationGateway Platform architecture that not only returns man to the lunar surfacevia the use of only one SLS launch to a

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    reusable Lunar Landerbut provides a baseline for pathfinders towards an eventual crewed mission to Mars."

    UFO Conn ect App for Your IPhone

    Morgan Beall the Florida MUFON State Director writes, After a lot of blood, sweat and tears the app is now finished. We hadsome development issues and some programming challenges but we came through with a simplified yet functional and useful

    App for IPhones.Show your support by buying the app and sending an Alert. In the comment option of the Alert menu say " Name, MUFONRank, Checking In" Send the Alert and let the world know we are here.

    Get the Iphone and IPod app here. Next will be a droid version.

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    UFO Connect for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about UFO Connect on the App Store...

    Here are some links for the UFO Connect App.

    This link is the website for the app where you can get full descriptions and other info about the

    This is the direct link to the app on the apple app store. Here is the apps official Facebook page to be up on the latest developments and updates. Including the talk about the droidversion.

    Sight ing s in th e United States

    Alabama Object

    ORANGE BEACH -- Sunday afternoon dolphin cruise on November 6, 2012, trying out my new camera. Before seeing anydolphins, as we were leaving Bear Point Marina in Orange Beach. I took this one photo from the back of the boat of the wake.Not until viewing on my computer did I see this very clear object out over the water. There was nothing in the air, no balloons,planes, etc. When taking the picture I saw nothing. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Cali forn ia Triangle

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    SANTA BARBARA A friend and I were driving on Highway 101 on October 2, 2012, and saw a large triangular object flyingabout 300 feet above ground. The object moved west about 200 MPH, but sped up and disappeared over a mountain ridge.The object had no markings and was camouflaged in green and brown.Thanks to MUFON CMSand William Puckett, Director

    WESTLAKE VILLAGE -- On November 11, 2012, my Mom pointed out lights in the distance that were orangish, goldish lightsascending. We immediately thought they were helicopters, but helicopters dont have a bright orange light on them. At onetime there were as many as six lights. They ascended, descended, hovered, changed directions, split up, regrouped, andbefore the lights disappeared they began to get dim, bright, dim, bright. We were very confused as we have never seenanything of this type before. All the lights eventually disappeared after about ten minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Colorado Disc

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    DENVER -- This is David from Malta, Europe. Im sending you a link to a recent TV news report on Fox News about UFOspublished by xclucifer in the Denver skies on Nov 9, 2012.

    I and many others found it quite good. I'll let you judge for yourself. Here's the link: I alsowanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the great e-mails which I'm always anxious to read. Keep it up!God bless, take care David xclucifer

    Delaware Penns ylvania Cigars

    BOOTHWYN --- Four amber cigar shaped lights were seen hovering in sky during rush hour commute on I-95, at 5:02 PM onNovember 5, 2012. I was driving home from work when I noticed a light in the sky. I was heading south at about theChichester Avenue Exit and thought I was seeing an optical illusion. It was cigar shaped bright amber light. I blinked torefocus my eyes, and when I looked up again I saw three more objects. They were all angled in the same orientation, allstationary, and with a consistent and constant light. I continued to watch the sky as I was driving and they did not appear tomove. Three were off to the right with the closest one at about the treeline and the other appearing further off in the distance.

    The forth cigar was off to the left in the direction of the Delaware River.

    I continued to keep my eyes on the objects as I continued on I-95 south. When I forked off onto 495 south, I began to losesight of the objects due to my shift in direction. I thought I had lost sight of them, when I realized that there was one in the fardistance. By 5:12 PM, I had lost sight of all of the objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Flor ida Invest igat ion

    Mary Margaret Zimmer writes, Regarding the Miami Beach picture of the light over the water that was featured on Filer'sFiles #45 2012; I was a MUFON investigator for this case and found that the light was a reflection from the Ladenburg

    Thalmann Building at 4400 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami.The building is seen in the last photo taken by the witness and submitted by her husband. Note also that the shape of the"UFO" in the picture follows the curve of the building. The position of the sun at 1:10 P.M. accounts for the reflection which

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    was not repeated on subsequent days due to the changing position of the light from the sun. Regards, Mary MargaretZimmer

    SUNNY ISLES BEACH I was standing on the 15th floor balcony and saw an object hovering with bright flashing lights onhorizon over the water on November 8, 2012. At first I thought it was a pretty large star and grabbed my DSLR with a 300mmlens. Thats when I was able to clearly see the multi- colored flashing lights and the object which was hovering that was not anaircraft. The lights were multicolored and were not flashing in any particular sequence. One photo shows something similar to

    how it actually looked. The rest of the photos came out with a light blur in the background. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Georgia Cyl inder

    MCDONOUGH -- I was taking pictures for work in the area of intersection of Lake Dow Road and SR -81, next to the existingSaxbys Restaurant on October 19, 2012. I noticed the object later in my office. The pictures taken a few second before andafter the two shots do not have the object in them, so it was not something on the lens. Im not sure what it is but it sure looksinteresting. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Hawaii Orb

    MAUI An orange fireball like orb was moving sporadic from the north and directly descended below the tree line beforedisappearing at the world famous Jaws Beach, in Peahi, Maui.I convinced myself it was a plane coming from the big island on October 26, 2012; at 4 PM.However, this morning, the same orange orb shaped twinkling object was flying on the shore line between Oili and Jaws. Itbounced around sporadically with a flight pattern only a few hundred feet above the cliff the whole time. It seemed like a reallytiny green orb popped in there for a minute then disappeared.

    Surprisingly, it looked as if it was diving down into the water at Jaws Beach because it descended below the tree line anddisappeared. This definitely is not the first sighting here and seems to happen very regularly in the evenings coming from thenorth. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center

    Il l inois White Ligh t

    RIVER GROVE -- I was home when my son called me to go look at this object him and his friend had been tracking for acouple of miles on November 10, 2012. It was long with bright white lights that were moving west. The lights which werechanging in some kind of sequence. The object looked triangular and at other times it looked like a cross and traveled forabout 45 minutes. While looking at that thing move I started checking out the rest of the sky and noticed a big yellow brightlight hovering over a house about 100+ meters away. I turned back around and at that point this object began ascending over

    the house. I urged my son and his friend to turn around and look and we saw this thing ascend, stop and take a very quickflight over us going northwest! It was big and it had multiple lights underneath with a dull whooshing sound as it past above usand it just disappeared. We went back to observing the other one which was now a bit off the path and I noticed this row of

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    lights appear out of nowhere.

    It was traveling in the same direction at a slower speed, and it was flashing red and white lights. Both objects kept going andafter a while we realized there were four more of these rows of lights in the sky in different positions. All had white lightsblinking in some sort of sequence that looked like they were communicating SOS style. One had green/white/red lights and itwas round in shape and the other one was kind of triangular or roundish. This is my third time seeing UFOs. Thanks toMUFON CMS

    Iowa Lights

    EVANSDALE -- Around 8:35 PM, on November 5. 2012. I was traveling south on the interstate near Evansdale. Stars and themoon were not visible due to the storm clouds. As I traveled south a bright colorful mostly green and blue began to flashwithin the clouds making the surrounding clouds light up with different colors. I thought this very strange and kept watching assuddenly I could clearly make out several round lights begin to take form from within the clouds.

    The bright lights seemed to be the same size, giving the illusion that it was no higher up than a water tower, but I knew from

    the foggy mist overlapping the lights that the object was higher up. The lights were now solid and the pulsing flash hadstopped. Theses lights were perfectly spaced suggesting that it was one solid object but I could not make out a shape. Theobject was moving about the same speed as you would see a flock of geese travel. I pulled over and tried to video tape as theobject moved slowly and silently over me heading west with bright white lights and were round in shape. My camera phonecould not focus on the lights as it disappeared in some thicker clouds. Thanks to MUFON CMS


    SALINA A witness states he was abducted at Midnight on October 29, 2012. "I was lying in bed looking out my windowwhen I notice a little red star for some reason I found pretty. I propped myself up hoping to get a better look when I suddenlyfell and everything went black and I couldnt move."There was no light from window no matter how much I blinked. On a side note I have suffered from sleep paralysis since I

    was a kid. I am used to it and it does not scare me anymore "I have never seen aliens or UFOs no matter how much I wishedduring s.p. This time I was awake, and couldnt see and was terrified. Before this I was obsessed with UFO, aliens,abductions. I had bought a book on how to contact aliens but couldnt read thru it do to boredom. I hadnt read it in a month."Iwas paralyzed and I couldnt talk and I felt I was floating but am not sure if I went anywhere." I felt myself back on the couchand able to see a few seconds later move. I was still panicked and go t up for the day around four."No clue if I went anywhereor if I am missing time but I am suddenly scared of UFOs and aliens, and pictures of them. "I didnt have any strange marksor anything but it has left me terrified. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Michigan Si lver Tr iangle

    MARSHALL -- My husband and I were coming home from Firekeepers Casino around 4:20 AM on October 24, 2012, when Ihappened to notice a bright light just over the trees on the north side of Mi Avenue. I asked my husband if the city put up

    some kind of tower? He did not think so. The closer we got to it you could see it was silver triangle with rows of bright lights.There were three lights on the first row, four on the next row of lights and maybe four lights on the next row.

    The lights were very bright but funny looking. The light didnt seem to shine down like it was a spot light. We watched as it

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    hovered over the trees for about 40 seconds and started to move very slowly and as we got closer, it started to move fasterand was gone. We had never seen anything like it before. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    STERLING HEIGHTS -- For the last three Thursdays between 7 and 9 PM, my son and his neighbors have observed twoUFOs in the sky. They have bright orange lights which go from very bright to non-existent. They make no sound and eitherhover in one spot or move across the sky, sometimes slowly and sometimes very fast.

    They are in the shape of a "V" from what he can tell. He called me November 8, 2012, about 7 PM, and said, They were backagain. This time I drove to his house and observed them myself and they what he claimed. His neighbors also saw them.I took this picture and when I uploaded the photo to my computer they definitely appeared to have a "V" shape. Thanks toMUFON CMS

    Mont ana Orb

    BUTTE -- I was just taking pictures of the clouds, as I often do, and did not see anything when I took pictures. I only noticedthe light after the pictures were taken on November 6, 2012.

    A few were taken consecutively...and no other light in other pictures.

    Thanks to MUFON CMS

    New Jersey L ight

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    BRIGANTINE -- At 04:15 AM, on September 18, 2012, I stepped out on the porch to smoke a cigarette, and noticed an out-of-place, twinkling "star." I noticed it because there are usually no stars in that area at that time of the morning, and it was

    twinkling too much and too still to be an airplane. Also, airplanes often fly along the coast, but straight out to sea is not anormal flight path.

    After watching it for several minutes, I decided to get my Nikon Coolpix camera and zoomed in as much as it would let meand then turned it to film to see what I could capture. To my surprise, even viewing it on the camera I could see that there ismore color than I could see with the naked eye. I finally downloaded it onto the computer, and realized you can see its acircle, with various colors. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Pennsy lvania Ligh ted Orb

    GROVE CITY -- My wife had just washed our drapes and we looked out the window towards the southeast sky and saw thisweird flickering color hanging lighted orb November 1, 2012 at 11PM. It was not a star, planet, satellite or the Space Stationaccording to my phone app. I hopped out of bed to fire up my video camera and took a three minute video. I shot a weirdlighted object in the sky and it morphed into weird shapes and disappeared and reappeared.

    This went on for a couple hours it always stayed in the same general area, but it did jump around making it tricky to videotape. At times it reminds me of those electrified glass globs at radio shack that when you touch them an electrical splash oflighting hits the glass where you fingers our touching. This video is compressed for the internet but the quality is still good andI have the untouched original. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Texas Ligh t and Flying Wing

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    CORPUS CHRISTI On November 7, 2012, at 12:05 AM, I was playing Xbox when my cousin and his girlfriend told me tocome outside.We saw what looks like stars, but they were giving off a more green blue tinted light. They were the size of a normal star

    flickering oddly and they were moving slowly up. The camera picked up the light when it faced our direction, so I ruled out astar. It was not a helicopter or Harrier jet. Note: The photos were taken with a SAMSUNG SPH-M930 cell phone camera.

    KILLEEN -- On November 3, 2012 around 8:30 PM my dad spotted a strange floating blue glowing orb in the sky. Hes formermilitary and knows jets and helicopters and knew this was not that. We hopped into the Ford Escape shoeless and chased thelight in the sky down Jason Street. There were two of them and there seemed to be a blue one and a light green/whitish onethough they would sometimes go red or white and start to strobe or blink out all together. I tried to get video recording asStephen called his Mom, but the cell phone cut out several times. Two street lamps went out as we drove past them. I stuckmy head out the car window and it was right above me flying silently. It looked like a black Flying Wing UFO and the lightswere red with a series of lights underneath. The object swooped down into an unlit street. We met couple who thought it wasa remote control plane.

    We then watched two UFOs dance and the light displays were not so much showy as seemingly communicating with eachother? The duration was roughly an hour and we touched the unknown. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Worldwide UFO Sight ings

    Au stral ia Disc

    NIAGARA PARK I went into the backyard with my Canon SLR EOS 1000D, and was trying to capture UFO's, and I waslucky and got an image of one on October 31, 2012, at 1:20 PM! I was shooting randomly into the sky towards Gosford, and Ididnt notice anything at all in the sky when taking these shots, it is a perfect day not really any clouds, I only noticed whenconnecting to the TV that I could see it.

    About five minutes later a black helicopter came over and went in the direction of the disc that was on my picture. ((NUFORCNote: Image of a hummingbird, we believe. PD)) Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center

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    Bangladesh Rectangle

    DHAKA -- I was on the roof just staring into space with my whole family when I saw a faintly glowing rectangular objectmoving across the sky on October 24, 2012, at 6:30 PM. It was not exactly rectangular as it did not have four sides. It had arectangular extension from one side, and I could clearly see four circles (either slightly brighter or darker) on the object. Threewere on the main body and one on the extension.

    It seemed to go as fast as a bird seems to go 10 meters above the ground, and it went SSW. I know for sure it wasn't a birdas it went at a steady pace, and I saw it was angular. It was pretty big about the size of a passenger jet. It was obviously in the

    Earth's atmosphere or else it has to be huge in size. It moved absolutely silently. This is not all that I saw that night.

    The same night I saw four white lights go in pairs of two. They went pretty fast and disappeared near the moon going south.Some are become very bright like a fireball then disappear or fade back to its original brightness. Some are even red/orange.They are not airplanes, move at different speeds some faster than jet planes. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director NationalUFO Reporting Center

    Bulgaria Pulsating Red/Yellow Light

    CHIRPAN -- A pulsating light from yellow to reddish moved across the night sky and ended its movement over the city ofAsenovgrad, Bulgaria. The object was near Chirpan on October 30, 2012, at 7:15 PM. Ten minutes prior to the event the lightwas stationary as if a star in the northwest part of the night sky. I noticed that a pulsating star had to my left. I stopped andobserved the star was moving faster than any star and slower than any plane.

    I rushed to call my wife to observe it as well. By the time I fetched her and showed her the object. It has stopped overAsenovgrad. She said it's a plane...but it was too close to the city and hovering. It was moving in its regular direction but itwas not a plane. I had noticed that star (light) many times in that same place and an hour later it was gone.Thanks to Director National UFO Reporting Center

    Canada Whitish Object

    ST JOHN -- My husband and I pulled over to take a picture of the sun and trees with my IPhone on October 13, 2012. After-looking at picture later that day I noticed a whitish object just above the trees. I did not notice anything when I took the photo.The witness felt perplexed when she stopped to take a random picture, and even more so when she looked at it and saw theobject. She felt a surge of energy while taking picture. Not sure if there was sound, no heat, no smell. It was a clear day, noclouds, and minimal breeze from the sea. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Germany Flashes

    BERLIN Im about to take my bike when I saw about 45 degrees above the aerial metro line a floating in the black sky onOctober 27, 2012, at10:42 AM. It was sort of a black cloth, floating weightless, and changing. It was lit from below by palemini-flash intermittent. It was not a bird.

    After a few brief moments, I tried to indentify something "possible" like a plastic bag, tissue, balloons. It reminds me of a videoI saw about two years ago on the internet where you saw something similar but white or clear, not far from a cloud.

    Being rather amazed, I asked confirmation to a man behind me. I did not know what it was and watched for ten 10 minuteswithout finding an explanation. There was too much light at the bottom of the UFO. It was illuminated from below by smallintermittent yellow and orange-red, and white light flashes. It was still daylight and I felt I didnt see direct light but object was

    illuminated from below. It seemed to me to be something electrical in any case. The UFO flew away little by little and goingeast and I resumed my bike ride and it gradually disappeared in ten minutes. It was sort of black cloth, torn to shreds andfloating as if weightless, and constantly evolving. The flaps were vaguely pointed in length and I have never seen anything likeit.Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center

    Malaysia Bright Spot

    KLANG -- Mysterious bright spot in pictures of solar hola from different persons, cameras, locations and nearly same timingon October 2, 2012 at 1 PM. I took three pictures of the sun when the solar hola was happening at that time. I saw a samebright spot near the sun in all three pictures but at the different location within just a few seconds.

    Later in the day, I saw a picture of the solar hola that my friend posted on Facebook and the same bright spot was captured in

    the picture but at the different location near the sun.

    The next day, October 3, 2012, I saw on the reporting of the solar hola in a local Chinese newspaper with the similar bright

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    spot appeared in the picture as well. How would three different cameras at three solar hola different locations in a same cityand almost same timing captured a similar bright spot near the sun during the solar hola?Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center

    Romania Orange Reddish Lights Seen

    SLOBOZIA -- First there was one orange reddish light moving in straight line, no sounds (not even a bird I didn't hearanything, eerie silence), above my apartment block, the sky was cloudy, the clouds low, then the light disappeared on October29, 2012. A few moments later, 1 km further from my apartment block appeared 2 lights, identical with the first one (orange

    reddish, bigger than a usual star), moving in formation, about 20 meters apart, same speed, slowly moving towards myapartment block, when it got in the place where the first light appeared, they both disappeared, one at the time. Very anxious Itried to film them, no success. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center

    UK Sphere

    On November 1, 2012, about 11 PM, I noticed a bright orange light approaching from the SW with absence flashing winglights triggered my curiosity. It crossed the sky silently in a dead straight line in ten seconds. It had identical brightness viewedfrom front and rear (certainly not aircraft landing lights). Having witnessed two similar events two years ago my hairs on theback of my neck started to tingle. Within a minute of this sighting I notice an identical orangey light ball approaching fromexactly the same point in the sky. It seemed to be flying exactly on the same track at the same speed.This time I reached for a pair of Carl Zeiss binoculars. (8x30) giving me a very clear view of the perfect sphere orangey ball

    emitting a constant bright orange glow. I am still unsure if these balls are solid or gaseous? They fly between 500 to 1000 feet,and are 1 to 2 meters or 3 to 6 feet in diameter assuming my altitude is correct.It appears these sightings have been going on since WW2. (Check Foo Fighters see Wikipedia). I am 53 years old with adegree in physics and have good eye sight and questioning mind.Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Support Earth Changing Research

    I could use your help. I have put together a DVD of the last fifteen years of Filer's Files for you with hundreds of greatphotographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Rittersexciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe, Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We areasking for a donation of only $50 that includes next years subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing

    address.Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours aweek preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I wouldgreatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the fewpeople who have sent $25.00 and more for donations to Filers Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, pleaseinclude your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing tohumans and animals?

    Sign me up right now for Filers Files. In addition, I can keep all the reports I have received and receive a pro-rated refundon the unused portion of my subscription.Send check or money order to:George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055.

    I am offering fifteen years of Filer's Files on a DVD with thousands of photographs and sightings for a donation of $50 thatincludes this year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.You can also go Pay Pal to email is [email protected] are the links to our book on The Web and Amazon or


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    Filers Files is copyrighted 2012 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their WebSites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not

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