Download - UCLU Festival of the Moving Image (FoMI)

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UCLU Festival of the Moving Image (FoMI)27th February - 2nd March 2015P R E S E N T E D B Y :

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Copyright © 2014 UCLU (University College London Union). All rights reserved.UCLU is registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee. Company registration number: 7635628. Registered office: 25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY. UCLU is a registered charity. Charity registration number: 1142404

Dear Prospective Sponsor,

T he UCLU Film & TV Society is one of University College London Union’s premier arts societies. University College London is home to over 35,000 students, 40% of which come from over 140 different countries outside the UK, with the main campus based in Bloomsbury which is at the center

of London’s student village. As a result of this we as the Film & TV society benefit from a wide range of members; undergraduates, postgraduates, alumni, students from other London Universities and staff.

The UCLU Film & TV Society aims to cater to members who want to watch and enjoy films as well as those that want to try their hand at producing films and develop their craft. We host weekly screenings, regular workshops and aim to produce a short film of festival quality once a term. The Society has a number of notable alumni including Christopher Nolan; the celebrated filmmaker recognizes that the Film Society was one of the major reasons he decided to attend UCL and was instrumental in the development of his craft. Other alumni working in entertainment include Andrew Davies, Jonathan Ross and Ricky Gervais.

The Film Society was recognized as the Best Arts Society of the Year 2013-2014 by UCLU for the work that we have done to engage our members and improve the society. We also received a number of other awards relating to our events, collaborations and overall performance, demonstrating our commitment to film and the wider arts community at UCL. We approach the next academic year with a highly professional and committed committee at the helm who have been working hard over the summer to ensure the Society builds on this success. We are very excited to have already held a hugely successful screening of the BAFTA award-winning documentary The Act of Killing at the Bloomsbury Theatre, followed by a Q&A with the director Joshua Oppenheimer and a panel of academics.

We invite you to browse through this proposal and consider sponsoring us for our flagship event, the Festival of The Moving Image.

Yours Sincerely,

Edward Conder UCLU Film and TV Society - President (2014/15)

UCLU Film and TV Society

Clubs and Societies Reception, 2nd Floor Bloomsbury Building,

25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY

Tel: 07807909544Email: [email protected]

Website: @UCLFilmSociety / @UCLUFoMI

Cover image credit: StefanInside cover image credit: Mario Calvo

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About the SocietyUCLU Film and TV Society has proven a popular society year on year with new and returning students. Established in 1948, the society is one of the oldest in UCL and has consistently achieved high membership rates, with over 270 paid members this year (2014/15). The society also boasts a strong social media presence with over 2,300 Facebook and 360 Twitter followers.

In addition to receiving the Best Arts Society of the Year award last year, the society was also presented with UCLU Student Academic Representatives Gold Award 2013-2014 and FoMI was awarded Best Event 2013-2014. This festival is the highlight of our university year which will allow us not only to showcase our talented work to UCL staff and students but also the wider public.

The society receives the coveted Best Arts Society of the Year award at last year’s Arts Ball

Behind-the-scenes of The Door At The End, one of the many short films the society produced last year

Image Credit: Jeremy Wong

Image Credit: UCLU

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About the FestivalThe Festival of the Moving Image (FoMI) was founded by Vladimir Smith Mesa as a primarily academic film festival; in 2009 responsibility of the festival was handed over to UCLU Film and TV Society and it has been our privilege to carry on the tradition ever since. Each year members of the society assemble a festival committee and take sole responsibility for the running and planning of the event based around a particular theme.

The 2014 festival (“Movies on the Mind”) was held over 3 days, each with its own sub-thematic focus. In addition to screening a collection of carefully curated films, we provide a varied programme of events, including Q&A sessions and workshops with prolific film industry members and world class academics. Last year, we were honoured to host discussions with Phillipe Godeau (producer of cult classics Mr. Nobody and Eighth Day) and Jeremy Lovering (director of In Fear and episodes of BBC’s Sherlock) following a screening of their respective films. Other professionals from the film industry who have appeared previously in the festival include Ken Loach and Vanessa Redgrave.

Last year’s festival (2014)The 2014 Festival of the Moving Image was a renaissance for the festival as a whole. In previous years, festival participation and enagement had dropped. The aim last year was to put FoMI back onto the map and craft a successful festival that would serve as the flagship event of the Film and TV Society year.

From 2011 - 2013, average attendance per day of the festival was approximate 25 people (or 75 people throughout the festival); in 2014, the average attendance per day was 115+ people (or 350+ people throughout the festival). In other words, last year marked a rise in attendance of over 300% compared to the previous 3 years. It is also worth noting that audience attendance during the 2014 festival was physically limited by the spaces/venues that were available to us at the time.

Despite the financial and physical restrictions of last year’s festival, it was hugely successful. However, we do not want to see the last years festival as representative of our ambitions for the 2015 festival. Now we need your help to maintain the positive momentum and keep growing the festival!

Image Credit: Jeremy Wong

350+ attendeesover 3 days

90% students10% public




Fantastic festival all round... Organised by students no less! Very impressive.Shelby Slauer, 1st year Biomedical Sciences student ‘‘

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Image Credit: Hugh Warwick

The festival this yearThe festival this year will be hosted over 4 days across the UCL campus (27th February to 2nd March) under the theme Truth and Lies. Currently, we are planning to screen approximately 10 headline films and host 5 Q&A panels with distinguished industry figures. In addition, we will be hosting several workshops throughout the festival weekend, not to mention other exciting events such as a themed walking tour. The final programme will be published closer to the event. Our headline events and film screenings will take place in the prestigious 550-seater Bloomsbury Theatre in the heart of central London. The theatre boasts a 9m x 4.4m Cinema Screen and comes equipped with a professional cinematic sound system.

The ethos of FoMI has always been to create an environment which fosters the enjoyment and critical discussion of all kinds of film - this year is no different. Festival-goers can expect a highly diverse and exciting lineup: from foreign language classics to indie shorts to popular blockbusters, even those with the most eclectic tastes will find plenty of interest.

Our case study of our screening of Act of Killing (see pg. 6) will provide a better idea of the scope we are aiming at with the festival this year.

The whole experience was so engaging and thoughtfully curated...

It was quite different to other student events

I’ve been to, but in the best possible

way. There was just this tangible buzz of

excitement throughout the whole weekend!

Jasper Bartlett, 3rd year History student

‘‘Image Credit: Jeremy Wong Image Credit: Jeremy Wong

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Case study: The Act of Killing

The event included a screening of the director’s cut of the film and then a Q&A panel session with Oppenheimer and a panel of UCL academic experts on the film’s topics. While smaller in scale when compared to FoMI 2015 (in both marketing and scope), the event sold over 480 tickets in the 550-seat Bloomsbury Theatre auditorium, making it the highest selling student organized Bloomsbury show night of the year thus far. The event was also widely praised by all who attended.

With the majority of those tickets being sold to students, we see this as the best reflection of what we anticipate the attendance at the festival will be this year when it returns to the Bloomsbury Theatre space. It demonstrates an extraordinary appetite for cinema at the university and is encouraging as we put together the festival programme. We also learnt a few lessons from this event, which was in part a trial run, which will serve to polish our operation for FoMI, our biggest annual event.

In November this year, we welcomed the director of the BAFTA award-winning, Academy Award nominated and critically acclaimed documentary The Act of Killing, Dr Joshua Oppenheimer.

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Why sponsor us? » STRONG STUDENT ATTENDANCE: The Film and TV Society is a popular UCL society and we

sustain a strong attendance across all of our events. Our society is comprised of students from all over the world who study a variety of different university subjects. Sponsoring the festival would afford your company with numerous opportunities to reach a young, enthusiastic and diverse demographic.

» PLENTY OF PUBLIC FOOTFALL: The festival is also open to the public - while public attendance has previously only comprised of a small portion of festival attendance, we are looking to increase those numbers this year. Hosting the festival in the Bloomsbury Theatre is guaranteed to attract much greater footfall and attendance. In addition, the reasonable price of the festival tickets will appeal to the public as much as the students - full-price festival passes will cost only £9 (£7 for students), less than the price of a single film in a West End cinema.

» HIGH VISIBILITY INVESTMENT: As a sponsor, you will be making a high visibility investment through various media and print - depending on the sponsorship amount, your company logo could be clearly visible on everything from our website through to our publicity materials and promotional clothing. Most importantly, our posters and flyers will be distributed strategically around the UCL campuses and surrounding university campuses (including SOAS and Birkbeck). This creates a fantastic opportunity to raise brand awareness among thousands of students before the festival has even started.

» SUPPORT STUDENT INITIATIVES AND ENCOURAGE BRAND LOYALTY: By sponsoring FoMI, your company will be helping to support a vibrant, student-run venture - this provides your company with the opportunity to foster brand loyalty and appreciation by supporting a worthy cause.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

1. EEmail correspondence:

All email correspondence will carry your company logo. These emails are sent to speakers to invite them to the festival and also used to reply to enquires from the general public.

2. Twitter and Facebook pages:

Your company logo will be added to the cover pictures of our event pages.

3. Blurb on website:

A blurb about your company will be added to the official festival website, where the majority of our attendees find information about the line-up.

4. Posters and flyers:

Our flyers (2000 x A6 250gsm) and posters (500 x A3 150gsm) will carry your company logo - see pg 8 for an example poster from last year and a rough illustration of logo placement/size.

5. Standing banners:

Your logo will be added to 3 standing banners (80cm x 200cm). These shall be positioned in film screenings, workshops and the talks we host, as well as rotate around campus.

6. Clothing:

Your logo will be added to the back of the festival volunteer hoodies. Our volunteers will act as ushers and point-of-contacts for everyone attending the event making them highly visible.

7. Main banner:

Your logo will be added to our main vinyl banner (banner size approx. 250cm x 75cm). The banner will be positioned outside one of the most popular union buildings, 25 Gordon Street, which houses the main

union bar and cafe; the Bloomsbury Theatre is only two buildings up the road from 25 Gordon Street.The banner will also be very visible to any memers of the public walking down Gordon Street.

8. Television screens:

The FoMI television graphic will carry your company logo/brand name. The FoMI graphic will be displayed frequently on TVs in 4 cafes and 2 bars on campus.

9. Main cinema screen logo:

Your company logo/brand name will be displayed alongside the FoMI logo on the main Bloomsbury Theatre cinema screen before and after each screening/event.

10. Trailer before screenings

A short visual advertisement will be shown before the screening of a film in promotion of your company/brand.

11. Brand name on festival passes

Your company logo/brand will appear on the festival passes sold for the event.

12. Naming rights

Your company/brand name will appear in the official title of the festival - the specifics of how this is done can be negotiated.

13. Festival passes:

Fesitval passes (valid over the entire weekend) are included as part of the Tier 3 and Tier 4 sponsorships as a thank you!

If you have any questions about the sponsorship opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact Luke Blackett at [email protected] (please quote “FoMI 2015” in the subject line).

Available sponsorship opportunitiesWe have outlined a list of available sponsorship opportunities below. All the opportunities on this list are negotiable. Please see pg. 7 for our suggested tiered packages.

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Sponsorship OpportunitiesBelow are the current list of packages which provide many outlets for your brand to be recognised. These are flexible and additional options can be discussed on an individual basis according to your company’s needs.

Tier 1 - £750In association with...

Tier 2 - £1250Supporting Sponsor

Tier 3 - £2500Major Sponsor

Tier 4 - £5000Title Sponsor (exclusive*)

Elite Tier £10,000

1. Email correspondence

Includes all sponsorship opportunities mentioned and additionally a year’s partnership with the UCLU Film & TV Society.

Additional options to be discussed further with President and Festival Producer to tailor a bespoke package to your company needs.

2. Twitter and Facebook pages

3. Blurb on website

4. Posters and flyers

5. Standing banners

6. Clothing

7. Main banner

8. Television screens

9. Main cinema screen logo

10. Trailer before screenings

11. Brand name on paper tickets

12. Naming rights

13. Festival passes - 2 4 4

*Tier 4 (Title Sponsor) is exclusive to one company only.

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This is one of the poster designs from last year’s festival. The poster itself was printed A3 size. If you choose to a Tier 2 or above sponsorship, we shall place your company logo on our posters and flyers. To give you an approximation of their size when printed on the final publicity designs for 2015, please use the following handy guide.


Approximate logo sizes (scale relative to A3 poster):

Tier 4 (“Title Sponsor”):


Tier 3 (“Major Sponsor”):


Tier 1 (“In association with”):


Tier 2 (“Supporting Sponsor”):

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Interested?We require your help and sponsorship to make this festival more successful than it’s ever been! Your generous financial backing will be used to puchase marketing materials, screening licenses and theatre hire hours.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for FoMI 2015, or if you would like more details regarding any aspect of the festival or sponsorship opportunities, please contact our producer Luke Blackett at [email protected] (please quote “FoMI 2015” in the subject line).

In addition to FoMI 2015, there are also numerous opportunities to sponsor other activities and events hosted by UCLU Film and TV Society. If you would like to discuss this, please contact either the president or treasurer via the film society email address. You can also contact us via Twitter (@UCLFilmSociety). More information about our society can be found on our website:

Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal! We look forward to hearing from you.

Edward Conder (President) and Meesha Patel (Treasurer)UCLU Film and TV Society