Download - UC CEISMIC: Some thoughts on crowd-sourcing earthquake content Dr. Christopher Thomson UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive .


UC CEISMIC:Some thoughts on crowd-sourcing earthquake content

Dr. Christopher ThomsonUC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital

UC CEISMIC Consortium members

Benefits and Challenges Benefits:

- Gather content from a variety of people otherwise hard to engage with- Enable people outside the project to encourage contributions, eg

teachers, community leaders.


- Earthquakes are always potentially sensitive or frustrating topic - Difficult to sustain a relatively 'open' call for people's digital content – a

tightly defined task / proposal is usually better for crowdsourcing.

What other crowdsourcing would CEISMIC do?

1. HITLab NZ want to integrate content gathered through the CityViewAR mobile app into CEISMIC.

2. Tagging/annotation in phase 2 development

- Multiple layers of tags or annotations: curated, crowdsourced, machine generated

- Could encourage people to give more content and engage with the rebuild and longer term issues

- Issues: distinguishing between tags from different origins, likely to need moderation/user management.
