Download - UBM Medica HealtHcare ManageMent · achievement in healthcare publishing — including “best Website. ... •


Physicians Practice and the UBM Medica HealtHcare

ManageMent network

ImprovIng the effectIveness of healthcare

through InformatIon

and educatIon

serving communities through electronic databases, web sites, journals, magazines, mobile applications, live conferences and meetings, and more

delivering unbiased clinical, practical, and business information for physicians, providers, payers, and patients around the world

providing comprehensive, integrated communicationsolutions for the pharmaceutical, medical device, technology, hospital and related industries.

home of the journal ONCOLOG


26R 53G 125B

34R 127G 142B



R118, G112, B179 #7670b3

R229, G168, B47 #E5A82F

R86, G157, B130 #569D82

million2.4UniqUeTouch-pointsAcross 45+ SiteS, 3 JournalS, and 6 Mobile appSwith a qualified database of 500,000 healthcare providers across multiple specialties

For 25 years, PHysicians Practice  is the leading resource for healthcare providers and practice administrators on non-clinical issues in healthcare  such as technology, coding, billing, reimbursement, payer relationships along with all needed information for the changes around healthcare reform.

We are an award-winning, recognized healthcare brand with (4) 2013 aSHpe awards for editorial excellence and  achievement in healthcare publishing — including “best Website.”

who we are

in a recent survey of Physicians Practice readers, we asked our audience to name their biggest challenges over the next six to twelve months leading into 2014.

why today?

Overall, what are the primary challenges our readers and visitors are having in their practice?

iPad aPP / taBlet edition launched in May 2013 and published 3x, this will expand to 6x in 2014. View latest issue(s).

social Media Facebook, twitter, and  linkedin — reaching over 14,000 in

social media. (Click icons to view)pricing: $2,500 per post (goes to all social media accounts)

our reachPrint PUBlication:  Circulated to 50,000 uS physicians and their office staff, published 10x/year. View latest issue(s).

PHysicians Practice — digital network: and other leading healthcare management sites• 250,000+ page views/month• 80,000+ unique visitors/month• 75,000+ registered users in opt-in database• Total reach of over 1,000,0000 page

views per month within our ubM Medica network including industry partner sites

Since 1989, providing physicians and their practice administrators with solid, “how to” practice management advice to facilitate efficiencies in the practice and improve patient care.

reaching 50,000 practicing physicians nationwide with 10 issues/year.additional advertising options include:

• Reprints• Insert/outserts• Syndicated content

• Mailing lists• Bellybands• Tip-ons


in print

build branding and awareness in the marketplace through the leading practice management journal, Physicians Practice.



GrAb the Attention of our site visitors throuGh ros bAnner Ads

bAnner Ads

intelligent content unit (icu) Super-sized ad unit serves as a “site

within a site,” showcasing assets such as videos, white papers, social content

feeds, and interactive polls

Wallpaper banner

leaderboard pushdoWn

interstitial banner Served once a day to each unique visitor, this banner allows your message to stand

out from competing ads on the site

Mobile ad units ad served to visitors of our site through a variety

of mobile devices. Formats are expandable (upward).

top leaderboard

rectangle 1

skyscraper 1

rectangle 2

bottoM leaderboard

300x600 includes up to 5 tabs/ assets and 1x ad build

1280x1050 (150x1050 on both sides of site, with 980 px gap)

728x90 (expands to 728x270)


320x50, 300x50, 216x36, 168x28






$200 CpM ($10,000 minimum buy)

$135 CpM

$135 CpM

$120 CpM

$100 CpM

$90 CpM

$90 CpM

$80 CPM

$70 CPM

R118, G112, B179 #7670b3

R229, G168, B47 #E5A82F

R86, G157, B130 #569D82

home of the journal ONCOLOGY

26R 53G 125B

34R 127G 142B


e-Blasts/e-newsletter Pricing (per send – Net rates)

advertorial e-blast (supplied HtMl) $6,000

rectangle (300x250) $2,000

text #1 $1,500

text #2 $1,125

reAch our list of over 80,000 opt-in subscribers

e-newsletters / e-blAsts

Available on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday advertorial e-blasts offer exclusive messaging targeted to our subscriber list for the day. Vendor supplies HTML and subject line.

advertorial e-Blasts

e-Blasts/e-newsletter scHedUle

tuesdays Highlights from the blog Wednesdays advertorial e-blast thursdays physicians practice pearlS

Fridays best of physicians practice/advertorial e-blast Saturdays advertorial e-blast

Physicians new s Digest

extend your reAch throuGh our network of pArtners in heAlthcAre mAnAGement

netWork in heAlthcAre mAnAGement

manage my Practice


light h


meDic exchange

electronic heAlth reporter

medcity news

network in heAlthcAre mAnAGement

over 1 million monthly pAGe views

monthly unique monthly Gross impressions pArtner site visitors pAGe views AvAilAble 12,000 20,000 80,000 3,000 4,500 13,500 18,000 84,000 200,000 630,000 4,500,000 124,000 24,000 41,000 120,000 481,000 670,000 2,600,000 110,000 240,000 1,100,000 8,000 28,000 84,000

totals 1,278,000 5,587,500 4,321,500

build awareness through the expanding tablet medium• Published 6x in 2014• Features “Best Of” Content from Physicians

practice (articles, blogs, and columns)• Audio/Video Assets• Liberal use of Hi-Res Images• Pricing: $7,500 net per issue ($45,000 annually)

leverage existing print or tablet-friendly online creative, or supply tablet-optimized assets including video hotspots.• 728x90 mobile banner ad units (tiles/leaderboards)• Full-page ads between articles with URL integration to sponsor’s own content, such as:

n Sponsor audio/visual assets n registration form or digital brC

tablet edition

webinarsEngage your target audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads through one of the Physicians Practice webinar programs:

Include UBM Medica-supplied content by one of our experts for an additional fee.

PrograMs inclUde: Audience development | lead generation | metrics and reporting

live weBinar + arcHive

• Product Announcements• Ask-the-Expert series• Press centers• Town halls• Corporate updates

on-deMand weBinar

• Expert presentations• Featured products• Service line presentations

live + 3 MontH arcHive on-deMand 6 MontHs gUaranteed resPonse

Supplied $21,000 $15,000 150 leads

ubM Medica-supplied $25,500 $19,500 150 leads










resources healthcarepolicy





Do you know what physicians think? We do, and can help you gather

the information you need.

custoM research opportunities

With 40+ years of market experience, ubM Medica uS has access to more than 500,000 healthcare professionals online – whether you’re looking to reach primary care practitioners, nurses, medical office administrators or other medical specialists.

if you need immediate insights into the minds, attitudes, and desires of this audience — whether creating new products, validating your research, investigating market opportunity or other qualitative and quantitative needs, we can provide custom research at an affordable price.

let us deliver the insights you need from physicians and healthcare professionals, when you need them.

• Survey support• Quick turn-around

Basic program pricing: $10,000 (1-20 button questions, 200 responses)

Premium program pricing: $12,500 (20+ button/open-ended questions, 200 responses)

contextual linksmaximizeFeatureLinktm complements your existing marketing mixby generating efficiencies that:

at all stages in the purchasing cycle

• pre-qualified targeting, qualified audience, semantic targeting• time saving tactics, no keyword selection/bidding• in-house production, let us put your campaign together for you• search engine benefits, continuous optimization• reporting, that gives you live metrics 24/7

Pricing: $1,000 net/month

extend your Reach | improve your Relevance increase conveRsions | Drive GRowth

FeatureLinktm is powered by state-of-the-art semantic indexing and ad matching technology that scans publisher content on to understand concept and context more like humans

The program displays highly contextual ads adjacent to news and features based on their relevancy, optimizing response from your target audience when they are most receptive.

FeatureLinktm gives you the best of text + display.


Physicians Practice offers a variety of additional customized digital solutions available to fit any objective and budget. Contact your account representative to explore options and customization.

Help practices navigate tHeir most critical management concerns.

Programs start at 6-months, with 150 leads guaranteed.

• Custom content created by Physicians Practice on a topic of your choice.• This enduring resource will be promoted throughout the

ubM Medica pCp audience and will be gated after the first viewed page of content for lead generation.

• Pricing starts at $15,000 net

Whether your goal is lead generation or brand awareness,

Physicians Practice offers a variety of

turn-key programs to meet your needs.

leverage your pre-existing materials witH a dedicated landing page on tHe pHysicians practice site.

No-risk programs are performance-priced based on views to your landing page.• Supplied materials could include presentation decks, white papers,

case studies, video programming and podcasts.• Traffic drivers will appear on and where

appropriate, on relevant sites across the ubM Medica. dedicated emails will drive additional traffic to the landing page.

• Pricing starts at $50 per lead

supplied asset lead generation

a compreHensive resource on a single topic, drawing on content from pHysicians practice, as well as from across tHe web.

programs have 3-month minimum and includes audience development tactics to drive traffic to the topic center.• Exclusive (entire banner roadblock and 6 content links) $7,500 net/month• Multi-sponsored (banner and content links)• Position #1 (780x90 and 3 content links) $5,000 net/month• Position #2 (300x250 and 2 content links) $3,000 net/month• Position #3 (160x600 and 1 content link)$2,000 net/month


Align your compAny with physiciAns prActice to provide objective, topic-specific

news And developments leAding up to, And during mAjor industry events

total conference package• Banners rotated on physicians practice for 2 months (60,000 impressions)

• e-newsletters banner placement in of our weekly e-newsletters

• advertorial e-Blast Your content, blasted to our database of nearly 75,000

• lead generation Package 100 leads to a gated supplied asset posting on physicians practice.

• sPonsored video segMent/cUstoM video 3-5 minute professional video featured on dedicated conference page with full licensing rights. Can be utilized as a stand-alone option ($3,500 net, stand alone)

three options: $10,000 net | Four options: $12,500 net | Five options: $15,000 net

conference reporter• Sponsor coverage from HIMSS or MGMA• Your sponsorship will include banners

and sponsored content links on:

• Pos 1: 728x90 + 3 posted assets – $12,000 net• Pos 2: 300x250 + 2 posted assets – $10,000 net• Pos 3: 160x600 + 1 posted asset – $8,000 net

e-mail updates for pre-show and daily conference coverage

a dedicated conference page on physicians for 3 months

eXpertiSe | eXperienCe | eXpoSure

why sponsor prActice rx?

or over 25 years, Physicians Practice has delivered timely, practical practice management advice to a loyal base of physicians and practice administrators across the country.

Your sponsorship of Practice Rx will align you with THE trusted source of practice management information within the healthcare community in addition to providing you with access to key decision-makers looking for solutions to better their practice.

key toPic areas

in-depth presentations and thought-provoking discussions will address key challenges faced by private practices all over the country, including:






Brought to you by



unIQue opportunItIes2new live events in 2014spring event: May 2-3, 2014, Newport Beach, CAFall event: September 19-20, Philadelphia, PA


2014 sponsorship levels

sponsorship of east or West conference (per event)


4 opportunities available per conference


4 opportunities available per conference


THOUGHT LEADERSHIp BENEFITSExclusive Speaking Engagement - thought leadership/topic session XPanel Presentation - hosted by Physicians Practice X

LEAD GENERATION BENEFITSTabletop in Conference networking area X X XConference passes for company representatives 5 3 2Select target marketing to maximize attendance from pre-identified job titles/specialties X

post conference

Full lead list with contact details for Conference attendees X XEmail deployed on your behalf to Conference attendees X

BRANDING BENEFITSat the conference

Ability to distribute promotional collateral or seat drop X X XLogo on all conference directional signage XLogo on Conference Guide, listed with sponsor level X X XPage Ad in Conference Guide X

pre-conference marKetIng

Logo on Conference Brochure, mailed to key attendee prospects X XLogo on Conference email campaigns, hyperlinked to your website XLogo on Conference website, hyperlinked to your website X XCompany profile on Conference website 100 words 50 words 50 wordsExclusive press release distributed by PR Newswire (a UBM Company) X

socIal medIa

Included in social media outreach for the conference X XVendor-supplied social media postings 3 1


Conference Delegate Bags $8,000 $12,000 Pens and Notebooks (price negotiable on whether providing pens and/or notebooks) $6,000 $10,000 Bag Insert (if bags are sponsored)Coffee Breaks, Lunch or Cocktail Networking Reception Sponsorship–please consult for pricing

$500 $750

300x250 rectangle $3,000 net/year

160x600 skyscraper $2,000 net/year

728x90 leaderboard $5,000 net/year

looking to expand your reach in the Buyers Guide? post and update listings in multiple categories to reach a greater audience.

“c” package “b” package “a” package

Featured Listing •

Logo •

listing description size 1,000 characters 500 characters na

phone • • •

Fax • • •

Address • • •

Email • • •

Website • • •

pricing/net per listing (1 year)

$599 $399 $199

Listing Packages

Increase your company’s visibility with targeted branding.

category Banners

links to your content appear in a selected category to drive guaranteed leads.

supplied resources & lead generation

3 supplied content links — 200 leads guaranteed $7,500 NET price/year $37.50/cost per lead

2 supplied content links — 100 leads guaranteed $5,000 NET price/year $50/cost per lead

1 supplied content link — 50 leads guaranteed $3,500 NET price/year $75/cost per lead

The Physicians Practice Buyers Guide is now offered in a comprehensive, all-digital platform, making it easier for your company to reach practices at the moment they are searching for your products.

Buyers Guide

How can you reacH

40,000+Buyers eacH MontH?

(SoCial Media-enabled zoneS)

professional exchanges around relevant learningsP E A R Lour pearl CoMMunity SerieS oFFerS


tHat inClude Moderated diSCuSSion

to eMpHaSize Collaboration



activating community:

PEARL hub: koL Posting with modERAtEd discussion

kol and community- sourced moderators frame the discussion with an activity asset


episodic discussion forums linked by topic and theme to engage over time

PEARL PRofEssionAL community: EnduRing mEmbERs-onLy sPEciALty dEstinAtion

learning Series, joined with a steady stream of moderated blog postings relevant to the audience, ensuring an enduring specialty resource with daily content updates, site sections for topics of interest, and resources.

the PEARL continuum

discussion nuRtuRing: PEER to PEER LEARning

relevant, timely moderation stimulates peer-to-peer dialogue in a controlled environment

contEnt LEAdERshiP fRom thE community: thought LEAdER LEARning

• koL and community-sourced moderators frame the discussion with the activity asset(s);

• Case study follow-up puts learnings into context

stimulate discussion: PEARL hub

TargeTed Therapies

moleculAr bAsisof pAncreAticoncoGenesis

foster growth: PEARL LEARning sERiEs

• Builds on theme or topic area• Enhances value of program over time• Allows for flexibility in content choices• Reinforces sponsor’s commitment to the

education of HCps working within their relevant therapeutic area

the pearl learning Series increases topic knowledge and nurtures a burgeoning community through sustained learning:

pAncreAtic cAncerepidemioloGy, risk fActors, And survivAl stAts

the chAllenGes of diAGnosinG pAncreAtic cAncer

AmPLify EngAgEmEnt:

PEARL PRofEssionAL community

thE PEARL PRofEssionAL community serves as an enduring members-only specialty destination:

• Builds on the PEARL Learning Series with a steady stream of moderated blog postings relevant to the audience

• daily content updates

• Site sections for topics of interest

• A variety of specialty-specific resources


contEnt LEAdERshiP fRom thE community: thought LEAdER LEARningkol and community- sourced moderators frame the discussion with the activity asset(s);

Case study follow-up puts learnings into context

discussion nuRtuRing: PEER to PEER LEARningrelevant, timely moderation stimulates peer- to-peer dialogue in a controlled environment

AudiEncE dEvELoPmEntdedicated email invitations, web banners and social media outlets drive participation

mEAsuREmEnt And outcomEsVisitors, completions, queried behavior change through case study follow-up demonstrates activity impact

Taylor Hine account executive203 523 [email protected]

Eric Temple-Morris Vp, Client Solutions/Sales

503 203 1060 [email protected]

John J. Currid national Sales Manager216 502 [email protected]

Rocky Pedden account executive

503 203 [email protected]