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  • 8/9/2019 UBJ'S RUBY CUBE




    =uddalak banerjee(UBJ)

    The Hindu front page was flooded with the news of heneous murder.The police

    superintendent Mr Anup khanderwal had already issued a statement that the case

    had been handed over to the CBI and delhi police suspects a foreignhand in the

    murder.Ashwini kumar ,the CBI chief s statement that We have appointed Mr

    George FRANCIS to head the investigation have created ripples in the fourth

    estate over the incompetency of the indian investigation bureau to appoint an india

    to head the investigation.

    In a corner room near Vidhan Sabha in Raipur an American kept on drawing pictures

    and quite incessantly rejecting them after a brief muse. The latest nokia model

    vn897654 lay chided to rest beside the table.The screen flashed 3 missed calls from

    Saddique Rahman a fellow detective enrolled in CBI.Sadique is known to be thebrain that had foiled the 4/14/2015 terror attack planned recently.In the meantime

    Miss Monorama entered.She was George assistant and an MIT grad in COMPUTER

    SC AND ENGG and joined FBI soon after GRADuation.She used to analyse data and

    mine information for him.They have been working together for 9 years now.Apart

    from the Iraqs Sultan Ahmed murder mystery they had successfully solved cases as

    high profile as Software giant globusofts chief trillionaire John C Dates murder

    mystery .

    Monoroma asked,For the last seven days I am watching you George but I have

    never seen you so tensed.What is the problem?.

    George replied ,nothing.just cant get the parts of the ruby cube match like before.

    Monoroma asked,why?didnot Sadique help you?Sir I have been noticing some

    amount of negligence in your work since yesterday.I dont know are more

    inclined to play with a ruby cube! Since you found that from that table..

    George smiled and said,I love this game and used to play a lot in my childhood.I

    invented three different algorithms for solving the mystry of rubycube but still it

    excites me.Initially I was looking at the possibility of why it should be at the back of

    the table and not over it .But later as I was looking at it more closely I found that a

    letter each is inscribed on each of the coloured cube boxes.This is the first time I

    saw such a cube with letters! Hence I thought why not test my algos once again!

    Monoroma smiled and said ,but sir what about Sadique did he not meet you?He

    had lost his other pair of contact lens .

    George ,oh yes he did but his help had further compounded the matter.The cases

    here in India is essentially different from those I have faced in Europe.It is

    challenging to find out one missing face out of a claustrophobic world of bordering

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    houses and markets .There faces are so many and to zero down to one at times

    grueling.CBI chief Mr Kumar already provided a deadline for my stay inorder to

    hasten the process.But this case is real compounded.The murder was done the day

    before diwali and the room of murder was adjacent to the mandap and the house

    shared its boundaries with five other houses.So the murderer could have jumped

    out and took any of these five walls and then again from each of these walls asimilar equation emerges.The city is not planned and there are so many slums and

    lanes .He could have easily disappeared anywhere.The motive too is not clear..Have

    you got the reports which I asked u to get?

    Monoroma said,Well from the contacts in his UID and his biocon chief it is evident

    that he used to be an avid player of ruby cube .When ever he had time to relax or

    any time off from the day long schedule of meetings with public or chief minister MR

    Rajiv Singh used to play with this ruby cube a lot.He was ambidextrous and

    extremely intelligent .He was the lynchpin and van of all discussions of the state

    government and also an leader of allIndia repute.Well from his contacts which

    ranges into thousands it is evident that he was extremely articulate and possessedstrong links with the supply chain in case of products developed in C.G and also

    with the political party chain of rival parties besides being the most prominent join

    of the macram.His records in school were also very impressive and had a habit of

    using abbreviations and puzzled expressions since childhood.(break) sir I think we

    are missing something somewhere ..he must have left some sign ..somewhere..the

    maid in his statement said that this guy could see his own future and there were

    instances in which he used to do things which used to facilitate him in the future.

    George said,hmm interesting guy.Can I hear his maids statements in more detail?

    Monorama said ,yes ,just a second ..the recorded statements are in the site.Just hang on.(does something on the computer

    and browses over a few pages ).Hmm got it .Once he told his maid that he had

    forgotten to bring a document of his from the newraipuroffice and was not well so

    he wished that he would go and bring that one form the clerk who would be

    there.On coming home and handing over the document when the servant was

    about to leave Mr Date said ,well it you stepped precisely on all those foot marks I

    had set for you before you came .You took 1 hour 23 minutes and 23 seconds just

    as what I had written on the sheet kept on the table.The old shoe of yours was tied

    at the time you went and now one of your laces is untied and I had mentioned this

    too in the document.(to himself) Perfect perfect ..I got it ..i love it.

    George for a moment went silent and then said well the window pane was inclined

    towards the roof and that was the only thing that looked out of place in the house

    .No footmarks no traces of struggle.The alert system is also unbreached.Only one

    shoeprint was found near the dead body.Thats it and that was submerged in

    blood .How humanly could someone with a bloodstained shoe go out of the room

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    without making a single step on the floor or on the walls ?The doors and windows

    were also closed!

    Monoroma too was musing on the possibilities rather deeply specially after reading

    out the incident of MR john and his servant manorama has decided to give

    everything a second thought now.Every angle of the room had a mystry stored inthem.If the window was inclined to the roof may be Mr Date wanted someone from

    the roof see him at the instant of his murder ! who knows?Maybe the murderer was

    a bigger mathematician than he was and he outthought him and used the time of

    murder perfect to get out unnoticed.The servants are mostly old and have been

    loyal to him for years now and there has been no quarrel or cause of shift in

    allegiance to suspect them for murder.But then Monorama also found it hard to

    believe that such a man would not see his own murder before its occurance.He had

    earned a fortune by his prescient nature and with a net worth of 6 trillion dollars he

    could not have died any stranger.

    There was a brief hiatus.Soon the doorbell rang.

    Monoroma went towards the door to open it but before she could open it the subject

    had fast absconded.A letter lay at the floor.Over the letter some alphabets were

    inscribed .

    George came calling ,who is it?

    Monorama said,Sir there has been a mail for you.Some Mr Mahmud sent for

    you.On the mail there are three letters inscribed for you..M.N.S. and in the letter

    also there is just three letters M.N.S

    The alphabets were all in Times New Roman.Monorama before handing it over to

    George had a fast scan and match on the pattern of the letters so as to get some

    arbitrary info on the person who wrote them or the machine type used for thepurpose.The software used by her was called Cygfin.But the results yielded a 7890

    cases for handwriting match and when tested for the machine it yielded a further

    1293 possible type of typewriters or computers that may have produced it.

    However when the letter was handed over to George he took a long hard view at

    the letters and their inter letter distances and their pattern.

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    no this is not any machine has been done by hand and I think this is I got

    it ..O yes I got it case is solved ..

    George rushed to the next room without waiting for Monorama and picked up the

    ruby cube which was kept on his table.

    He knew it ! yes monorama you were right!.See this letter S it matches the letter S

    in the ruby cube .It is in times new Roman all right but it had a dot on the right

    which is same as the dot in circumference and thickness with this one.(to

    himself)Amazing man!

    Without waiting any further Geroge started to turn the cube for the

    combination.Now there was a gap each in between the alphabets and the dot at the

    end of the sentence was about three spaces further of after S..The beauty of this

    ruby cube was that here too there were 6 blank spaces and a single dot ..George

    turned the given combination in a flash.His was an old hand at this.The moment the

    combination was arrived at there was a clicking sound in the ruby cube and

    immediately the cubes seemed loose.There was a small piece of paper at the centre

    of the rube cube surrounded by the other constituent cubes.Just when the cubes

    were drawn apart and the letter was taken out he found the magical words which

    absorbed the interest of Manorama too.The words were too small so George too out

    his magnifying glass and focused on the paper.In it was written hi george.. turn the

    page you will get the murderer...Obeying the instructions when George flipped the

    page he found that there is a big hand made in pencil pointing to the roof.

    They both followed the pointed finger and reached the roof .Nothing was there .Both

    grew silent trying to understand where did they go wrong .

    George picked out the page and with his magnifying glass started looking for

    possibilities in the figure again.He scanned the dimensions of the paper and the

    dimension of the fingure.And then turned the paper upside down to make more

    sense.The fingure had only one scratch running making it somewhat look like in

    on much approximation.

    George went down to the room and from his tool kit he picket out a driller and using

    a ladder reached the ceiling and without a word started to drill.Monorama on the

    otherhand followed George to the room and confoundedly started to look at him and

    his actions appanently trying to figure out what he was upto.But since George was

    not speaking she fellback and tried to use the computer pattern match tech to getto a result.

    GOTcha yet big time..Monoroma come here screamed George.look what I


    Then after descending the stairs of the ladder George unraveled the packet infront

    of Monoroma and a pair of contact lenses came out.There was a pin drop silence in

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    the room .Noone of the two spoke.Both knew the conclusion is to the case is


    But sir WHY DID mr sadique kill him? asked Monorama appanently shaken by the

    veracious discovery.

    George too was thinking of it and hence unfolded for the entire paper completely

    and looked for a clue.Towards the end of the paper on the reverse side there was

    some scribings as if someone with a pencil has scribbed on it .

    There is something written beneath this scribblings said George.

    He quickly moved towards his toolkit and from there took out a rubber and started

    to rub the part.Once the part was rubbed he took out his magnifying glass and

    started to read it.It was a number +2345623456..

    Monorama called to the number and put the phone on loudspeaker.

    The recorded voice on the other side said,I knew u would call MR George.I have

    recorded this voice myself to get my murderer to justice .I knew that this could get

    international attension and may spark tension if the murderer is not caught and in

    the interest of our nation and its justice system it is important.Sadique was the guy

    who killed me.I stand testimony against my own killer.dont worry Mr George this

    tape is not doctored I have a vedio recorded of it too which will help u convict

    him.Well Sadique was someone I used to lookup to a lot for his superior crime

    handling record of whose news I used to read daily.I desired that I leave my money

    on someone who would be a value to the society once I was gone.But gradually as I

    started to go close with him I found that he was fast changing.Once when he got the

    whiff of my plans and that I desired him to be the successor to my software empirehe decided for a faster way to the throne rather than inherit it.Anyways I had finally

    ensured the proper inheritance and channelization of money by selling of all my

    shares and bonds and secretly donating it to people of India and Indian

    Governments various poverty alleviation schemes.Thankyou George for your help

    and the white shoe that was falling beside me was my school kits which I was

    holding with me till my death.I loved that shoe very much.If you can Mr George

    please put that shoe with me in my coffin.Thankyou again .Goodbye!