Download - Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

Page 1: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

Types of Pollution• Land Pollution

Environmental contamination with man-made waste on land.

The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately half of our rubbish is put into landfill.

Page 2: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

• Water Pollution

Environmental contamination with man-made waste into water. The source of this waste could be raw sewage, chemicals, rubbish, or fertilizer.

Water pollution has severe human consequences, since less than 3% of the Earth contains water that is potable or safe for drinking. Also, water is so important for human survival because we cannot live without it.

Page 3: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

• Air pollution

Environmental contamination with man

made waste into the air.

Many times factories release greenhouse

gases like carbon dioxide,chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),

methane,andnitrous oxide into the atmosphere.

Greenhouse gases contribute to aphenomenon called the greenhouseEffect or more simply put, globalwarming. These greenhouse gases trap heat

withinthe atmosphere, thus raising thetemperature of the Earth.

Page 4: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

As you can see from the pictures and diagrams that pollution is everywhere. Pollution is a global crisis. It is not an isolated occurrence, but affects every person on Earth. We must become more conscientious and aware that we are not just British citizens but global citizens that must take care of the world in which we live!

Page 5: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

Creation in Reverse

And the smog and the radio-active material fell on the seas

And the dry land and contaminated every herb yielding

Seed and every fruit tree yielding fruitAnd man said:

‘It is not very good but we cannot turn the clock back’

This was the fifth day before the end

Page 6: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

And by his work, man created great deserts and changed

Climate conditions so that winds swept dust of the Earth

Skywards to mingle with the smog which blotted out the Sun by day and moon by night

So that day and night became the same.And man saw the work of his hand and said‘Our conquest of nature is nearly complete.’And this was the forth day before the end.

Page 7: Types of Pollution Land Pollution Environmental contamination with man- made waste on land. The main human contributor to pollution are landfills. Approximately.

The third day before the end man said,‘Let us dump our industrial effluents, raw sewage and garbage into the streams and

waterways and seas.’And it was so.

The waters upon the Earth became so foul that all life in the waters died.