Download - Tutor User Guide -€¦ · Tutor User Guide Visual, personalised and editable profiles for learners @CreateWheel. Contents Overview1 Logging In2 The Platform3 – 6

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Tutor User Guide

Visual, personalised and editable profiles for learners


Page 2: Tutor User Guide -€¦ · Tutor User Guide Visual, personalised and editable profiles for learners @CreateWheel. Contents Overview1 Logging In2 The Platform3 – 6


Overview 1Logging In 2The Platform 3 – 6Updating Profiles 7Summary Wheel 8Person/Summary Comparison 9Quick Update 10Group Quick Update 11See More (Attaching Examples) 12View/Upload Evidence 13Saving and Viewing Assessments 14Deleting and Renaming Assessments 15Saving Summary Wheel Assessments 16Printing a Wheel 17 Viewing and Printing Graph 18Viewing and Printing Reports 19Viewing and Printing Summary Reports 20Score/Level Setting 21Locking Users and Groups 22Updating Account Information 23Change/Reset Student Password 24Central Files 25 – 26Frequently Asked Questions Link 27

Page 3: Tutor User Guide -€¦ · Tutor User Guide Visual, personalised and editable profiles for learners @CreateWheel. Contents Overview1 Logging In2 The Platform3 – 6


This user guide will show you all the CD Wheel’s great features and will give you details on how to get the most out of your experience.

Online tour

To view the online tour, which will show you all the features and functions in just over 2 minutes, click on this link:

Best experience

The CD Wheel can be viewed in Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari web browsers. Ensure you have the latest version for best user experience.

You can also access the tool using both Android Tablets or the iPad range. Ensure you are using the most recent operating system to be able to attach files.

Accessing the CD Wheel

To access the tool, click on the ‘Launch CD Wheel’ button on the bottom right hand side of the CD Wheel website homepage:


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Logging In

1. Enter in your address bar.

2. Click Launch CD Wheel. At the ‘Log In’ screen, enter the Org URN, Username and Password you have been provided with by your supervisor and click Log In.                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Logging In 1.  In your web browser, navigate to by entering it in your address bar.

2.  At the ‘Log In’ screen, enter the Org URN, Username and Password you have been provided with by your supervisor and click Log In.

Tip - If it is your first-time logging in, you will be prompted to change your password.


TIP – If it is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to change your password.

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The Platform 3

The profile wheel

The profile wheel is the centrepiece of the Create Development Wheel.

It provides you with an instant visual representation of the progress your users have made, whilst indicating where they have to go next!

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The Platform 4

TIP – If you have created a new assessment, be sure to print a report before you continue to update your profile! This way you can have a copy of a text based summary of your profile for each of your assessment points.

The sidebar

The sidebar is where you can choose between different wheels which have been assigned to your account, where you Save and View Assessments and where you can enable or disable Quick Update Mode.

Plus, when you don’t need the sidebar you can focus on your wheel by clicking on the arrow button to hide it!

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The Platform 5

View report

As well as the visual representation provided by the wheel itself, the Create Development Wheel also allows you to view and print a text based report of your progress by clicking on the View Report button.

Create Development Wheel has transformed my teaching and the way my pupils learn. Bath Community Academy

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The Platform 6

The navigation bar

The navigation bar displays information about your account as well as giving you the option to print your users’ wheel and update user information for members of your group, change or reset your students’ password. You can also log out.

TIP – Uploaded a piece of evidence to your profile and need to find it quickly? No problem! The ‘paper-clip’ symbol tells you which cells have evidence attached letting you find them in no time.

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Updating Profiles

1. To ‘update a profile picture’ for an individual, simply click on the profile image and choose file then click update profile picture.

2. To start updating a profile wheel, first select the user you wish to update and then pick the cell you would like to update and click on it.

3. After clicking on a cell, the ‘Status Box’ will be shown. This displays the statement for that cell as well as giving you the option to set the status for that statement as Target, Partial or Complete. The Reset button also allows you to reset the cell to its original state.


The Create Development Assessment wheel has enabled us to monitor and focus on the development of the children.Marish Primary School Trust                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  To start updating your profile wheel, pick the cell you would like to update and click.

Tip – if you hover over a cell with your mouse cursor that cell’s statement will be shown without having to click on it!

2.  After clicking on a cell, the ‘Status Box’ will be shown. This displays the statement for that cell as well as giving you the option to set the status for that statement as a Target, Partial or as Complete. The Reset Button also allows you to reset the cell to its original state.

Updating your Profile

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Summary Wheel

1. In addition to seeing the profile wheel of an individual, it is also possible to see a group profile by selecting Show Summary Wheel in the sidebar.

2. This calculates the average profile of your group based on each user’s progress, highlighting strengths and weaknesses across an entire group.

8                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Summary Wheel 1.  In addition to seeing the profile wheel of

an individual, it is also possible to see a group profile by selecting Show Summary Wheel in the sidebar.

2.  This calculates the average profile of your group based on each users progress, highlighting strengths and weaknesses across a entire group.

TIP – For the best experience with the Create Development Wheel, we recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera or Internet Explorer Versions 8 & 9 web browsers!

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Person/Summary Comparison

1. It is also possible to overlay an individual’s profile against their group average wheel. To do so, click on Person/Summary Comparison.

2. This displays an individual’s progress, using a dark green outline, over the Group Summary Wheel view.

3. This ‘Comparison Wheel’ can be printed as normal using the Print Wheel function. For details refer to ‘Printing a Wheel’ on page 17.

9                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Person/Summary Comparison 1.  It is also possible to overlay an individual’s

profile against their group average wheel. To do so, click on Person/Summary Comparison

2.  This displays an individual’s progress using a dark green outline, over the Group Summary Wheel view.

3.  This ‘Comparison Wheel’ can be printed as normal using the Print Wheel function. For details refer to the ‘Printing Your Wheel’ section of this guide.

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Quick Update

1. As well as updating each cell individually, you can use Quick Update Mode. To do so, click Quick Update Mode on the sidebar.

2. In Quick Update Mode, clicking on a cell causes all cells in that strand to be marked as Completed up to the level of the clicked cell. This is especially useful for completing initial profiles.

3. Once you have finished using Quick Update, click on Update Selection to save the changes you have made to the profile. If you do not click on Update Selection you will lose the data!

10                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  As well as updating each cell individually, you can use Quick Update Mode. To do so, click Quick Update Mode on the sidebar.

2.  In Quick Update Mode, clicking on a cell causes all cells in that strand to be marked as Completed up to the level of the clicked cell. This is especially useful for completing initial profiles.

3.  Once you have finished using Quick Update, click on Update Selection to save the changes you have made to the profile.

Quick Update

TIP – Photos too large to upload? You can change settings on your camera to make photos smaller or larger before you take them. Refer to your camera user guide to see how.

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Group Quick Update

1. As well as using quick update for an individual profile, you can use also use Quick Update Group Mode to update an entire group at once. To do so, first click Show Summary Wheel on the sidebar.

2. Once you are in Summary View, select Quick Update Group Mode. Here, as with Quick Update Mode, clicking on a cell causes all cells in that strand to be marked as Completed up to the level of the clicked cell. This is especially useful for completing initial profiles for a group.

3. Once you have finished using Quick Update Group Mode, click on Quick Update All Users to save the changes you have made to the profiles.

11                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  As well as using quick update for an individual profile, you can use also use Quick Update Group Mode to update an entire group at once. To do so, first click Show Summary Wheel on the sidebar.

2.  Once you are in Summary View, select Quick Update Group Mode. Here, as with Quick Update Mode, clicking on a cell causes all cells in that strand to be marked as Completed up to the level of the clicked cell. This is especially useful for completing initial profiles for a group.

3.  Once you have finished using Quick Update Group Mode, click on Quick Update All Users to save the changes you have made to the profiles.

Group Quick Update

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See More (Attaching Examples)

1. In addition to setting the status of a cell, the Status Box is where you can attach any supporting files or statements for your group. To do so, click on the See More button in the desired cell’s Status Box.

2. Additional statements or information can be entered in the text box here and example documents for statements can be uploaded to increase group members’ understanding of what is required of them to complete the cell. To attach files, click Choose File and navigate to where the file is stored on your computer and click Open.

3. Once you have finished entering your examples, click Update Example to save the information. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Examples section.

12                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  In addition to setting the status of a cell, the Status Box is where you can attach any supporting files or statements for your group. To do so, click on the See More button in the desired cells’ Status Box.

2.  Additional statements or information can be entered in the text box here and example documents for statements can be uploaded to increase group member’s understanding of what is required of them to complete the cell. To attach files, click Choose File and navigate to where the file is stored on your computer and click Open.

3.  Once you have finished entering your examples, click Update Example to save the information. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Examples section.

Attaching Examples

TIP – Did you know the Group Report table can be sorted from highest to lowest or vice-versa by simply clicking the table headings!

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View/Upload Evidence

1. To add or attach supporting statements or files, click on the View/Upload Evidence button in a cell’s Status Box

2. Here you can enter a Supporting Statement, which is shared only with the individual whose Profile Wheel you are viewing. In addition, you can use the uploading function to attach files from your computer to support their status, as well as add a link to a website. Once you have added your evidence, click Update Evidence to save it. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Evidence section.

13                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  To add or attach supporting statements or files, click on the View/Upload Evidence button in a cell’s Status Box

2.  Here you can enter a Supporting Statement, which is shared only with the individual whose Profile Wheel you are viewing. In addition, you can use the uploading function to attach files from your computer to support their status, as well as add a link to a website. Once you are done adding your evidence, click Update Evidence to save it. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Evidence section.

View/Upload Evidence                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  To add or attach supporting statements or files, click on the View/Upload Evidence button in a cell’s Status Box

2.  Here you can enter a Supporting Statement, which is shared only with the individual whose Profile Wheel you are viewing. In addition, you can use the uploading function to attach files from your computer to support their status, as well as add a link to a website. Once you are done adding your evidence, click Update Evidence to save it. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Evidence section.

View/Upload Evidence

Assessing in the different abilities has completely transformed the outcomes for our pupils and fully prepares them for the rigours of examinations in both PE and the wider curriculum.Arden Primary School

”A ‘paper-clip’ icon will appear on a cell to notify you when evidence has been uploaded.

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Saving and Viewing Assessments

1. Once you have updated a profile wheel, and wish to save a record of your progress, click on Add/Delete Assessment in the sidebar.

2. In the Save Assessment box which displays, enter the name you wish to assign your assessment and click the Save Assessment button.

3. The assessment will now display in the Assessments section of the sidebar where you can refer to it at any point. Once you are ready to start updating a profile again, make sure to switch back to the CURRENT view.

14                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  Once you have updated a profile wheel, and wish to save a record of your progress, click on Add/Delete Assessment in the sidebar.

2.  In the Save Assessment box which displays, enter the name you wish to assign your assessment and click the Save Assessment button.

3.  The assessment will now display in the Assessments section of the sidebar where you can refer to it at any point. Once you are ready to start updating a profile again, make sure to switch back to the CURRENT view.

Saving and Viewing Assessments

TIP – Would like to make a wheel based on your own statements? Create Development offers a bespoke service allowing you to do just that! Get in touch to find out more.

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Deleting and Renaming Assessments

1. If you wish to delete or rename a previously saved assessment, click on Add/Delete in the sidebar.

2. In the Current Assessments section of the Save Assessment box, click the red Delete icon to remove an assessment. To rename an assessment, click on the green highlighted name of the assessment and enter a new name in the text box.

3. Once you are ready to start updating a profile again, make sure to switch back to the CURRENT view.

15                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  If you wish to delete or rename a previously saved assessment, click on Add/Delete in the sidebar.

2.  In the Current Assessments section of the Save Assessment box, click the red Delete icon to remove an assessment. To rename an assessment, click on the green highlighted name of the assessment and enter a new name in the text box.

3.  Once you are ready to start updating a profile again, make sure to switch back to the CURRENT view.

Deleting and Renaming Assessments

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Saving Summary Wheel Assessments

1. As with individual profile wheels, you can save a record of a group’s progress by clicking Show Summary Wheel and then selecting Save Group Assessment.

2. In the Save Group Assessment box which displays, enter the name you wish to assign your assessment and click the Save Assessment button.

3. The assessment will now display in the Group Assessments section of the sidebar. To see the Group Assessments section, first make sure to select Show Summary Wheel.

16                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

1.  Once you have updated a profile wheel, and wish to save a record of your progress, click on Add/Delete Assessment in the sidebar.

2.  In the Save Assessment box which displays, enter the name you wish to assign your assessment and click the Save Assessment button.

3.  The assessment will now display in the Assessments section of the sidebar where you can refer to it at any point. Once you are ready to start updating a profile again, make sure to switch back to the CURRENT view.

Saving and Viewing Assessments

TIP – When using a PC, did you know that you can view a cell’s statement by simply hovering over the cell with your cursor? No need to click until you are ready to update your status!

The Create Development Wheel looks and feels a million miles better than what we were using to help chart how our learners are progressing.Newcastle College

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Printing a Wheel

1. In addition to saving an assessment, you can also save a copy of a profile wheel by printing it out. To do this, click on the Printer icon on the Information Bar.

2. This opens your internet browser’s print dialogue. Here you can select portrait or landscape mode as well as which printer to use.

17                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Printing your Wheel 1.  In addition to saving an assessment, you

can also save a copy of your profile wheel by printing it out. To do this, click on the Printer icon on the Information Bar.

2.  This opens your internet browsers print dialogue. Here you can select portrait or landscape mode as well as which printer to use.                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Printing your Wheel 1.  In addition to saving an assessment, you

can also save a copy of your profile wheel by printing it out. To do this, click on the Printer icon on the Information Bar.

2.  This opens your internet browsers print dialogue. Here you can select portrait or landscape mode as well as which printer to use.

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Viewing and printing Graph

1. To view an individual’s Graph Report, first select View Chart from the Navigation Bar.

2. This displays the Graph Report which illustrates the selected ‘Users’ progress over time, enabling you to better track and view improvement in each of the wheel sectors.

3. As well as this, you can also use the Add Date of Interest function to add a date and description to the chart to track key dates. To add a Date of Interest scroll down and in the Date of Interest box enter the desired date and time. Alternatively, you can click on the calendar icon to add a date and the clock icon to add a time.

4. To better track your Date of Interest, enter a description in the Date Description box.

5. To save your Date of Interest click Add Date.

6. Your Date of Interest will now have been added to the Graph Report. You can hover over added dates to see their date and description details.

7. If you wish to remove a Date of Interest, you can do so by selecting the desired date from the Date to Remove drop-down located under the Remove Date of Interest heading and then selecting Remove Date.

8. As well as viewing the Graph Report, it is possible to print it out. To do so simply scroll to the bottom of the Graph Report window and click the Print Report button.


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Viewing and Printing Reports

1. As well as the ‘Wheel’ view, it is also possible to view and print a written report for members of your group. To view reports, click the View Report icon on the left side of the profile wheel until the desired individual is selected.

2. This brings up the user’s individual report, listing cell statements by sector, divided into Completed, Partial and Targets sections.

3. If you want to save a copy of the report, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the report and clicking on Print Report.

19                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Viewing and Printing Your Report 1.  As well as your ‘Wheel’ view, it is also

possible to view and print a written report based on your profile. To view your report, click the View Report icon on the left side of your profile wheel.

2.  This brings up your individual report, listing cell statements by sector, divided into Completed, Partial and Targets sections.

3.  If you want to save a copy of your report, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the report and clicking on Print Report                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Viewing and Printing Your Report 1.  As well as your ‘Wheel’ view, it is also

possible to view and print a written report based on your profile. To view your report, click the View Report icon on the left side of your profile wheel.

2.  This brings up your individual report, listing cell statements by sector, divided into Completed, Partial and Targets sections.

3.  If you want to save a copy of your report, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the report and clicking on Print Report

TIP – Saved an assessment and now want to carry on updating your profile? Remember to switch back to the Current view first!

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Viewing and Printing Summary Reports

1. To view an entire group’s report, first select Show Summary Wheel from the sidebar. Then select View Report from the options bar.

2. This brings up the group’s table report. This lists each group member’s level achieved for each of the wheel sectors. This table can be sorted from highest to lowest or vice-versa by clicking the table headings.

3. If you want to save a copy of the report, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the report and clicking on Print Report or Export to Excel which downloads a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of the group’s data to your computer.

20                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Viewing and Printing Summary Reports 1.  To view an entire group’s report, first select

Show Summary Wheel from the sidebar. Then select View Report from the options bar.

2.  This brings up the group’s table report. This lists each group members’ level achieved for each of the wheel sectors. This table can be sorted from highest to lowest or vice-versa by clicking the table headings.

3.  If you want to save a copy of the report, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the report and clicking on Print Report or Export to Excel which downloads an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of the group’s data to your computer.                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Viewing and Printing Your Report 1.  As well as your ‘Wheel’ view, it is also

possible to view and print a written report based on your profile. To view your report, click the View Report icon on the left side of your profile wheel.

2.  This brings up your individual report, listing cell statements by sector, divided into Completed, Partial and Targets sections.

3.  If you want to save a copy of your report, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the report and clicking on Print Report

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Score/Level Setting

To allow you to provide the most accurate reports desirable for your ‘Users’ you have 3 options for Score/Level Setting available:

No Score – you will be able to view a score in your own reports which will allow you to see an individual or whole groups progression, however the score will not be visible to the individual themselves.

Age, Score and Level – an age can be placed along with the score to reflect the level and age bracket of an individual.

Equal Score and Level – the score will be equal with the current level that an individual is on.

To select the score/level setting that best meets your requirements please contact your Admin Support or contact [email protected]


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Locking Users and Groups

1. As a tutor, it is possible to lock a user’s or group’s wheel, so that they can no longer update their profile. To do so, click on Lock User with the desired user selected or Lock Group to lock the profiles of all the members of the group you are viewing.

2. Locked users will display [L] next to their name.

3. To unlock a user’s or group’s profile, click Unlock Group or Unlock User until that user or group is selected.

22                          @CreateWheel                              0208  863  0304                                      [email protected]    

Locking Users and Groups

1.  As a tutor, it is possible to lock a user’s or group’s wheel, so that they can no longer update their profile. To do so, click on Lock User with the desired user selected or Lock Group to lock the profiles of all the members of the group you are viewing.

2.  Locked users will display [L] next to their name.

3.  To unlock a user’s or group’s profile, click Unlock Group or Unlock User whilst that user or group is selected.

TIP – If you are setting up a group for the first time, you can use Quick Update Group Mode to update an entire group at once!

The wheel looks very professional, it is easy to use.Bridgend Borough Council

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Updating Account Information

1. As a Tutor, it is possible to update both your own user account and those of your group, enabling you to reset passwords and add profile pictures whilst logged in. To do so, click on the ‘Cog’ logo in the Information Bar.

2. This displays the Profile Update screen. Here, you can choose the profile you wish to update. The default option is My Own Profile but using the drop-down you can select any member of your group. Once you have selected the desired user, you can update name, update password, enter a contact email address and telephone number for the selected account.

3. You can also add profile pictures for each user. To do so, click on the Choose File button in the Profile Picture section. Then simply navigate to where the photos are stored and click Open.

4. Click the Update Profile button to save your changes.

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Updating your Account Information 1.  It is also possible to update your user

profile and change your password whilst logged in. To do so, click on the ‘Cog’ logo in the Information Bar.

2.  This displays the Profile Update screen. Here you can change your name, change your password and enter a contact email address and telephone number for your account. Once you are done, click the Update Profile button to save your changes.

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Change/Reset Student Password

1. Clicking on the ‘Settings Cog’ will display the Profile Update screen. Here you can choose the profile you wish to update. The default option is My Own Profile but using the drop-down you can select any member of your group. Once you have selected the desired user, you can update name, enter a contact email address and telephone number for the selected account.

To change /reset the password, simply type in the new password. However, you must ensure that the new password has at least 1 numeric and is between 6 to 10 characters in length or you will be prompted with this error message.


TIP – Got a tablet or mobile device? You can access the system using either Android Tablets, iPad or iPad mini! If you are using an iPad, please ensure you are using the most recent operating system, iOS6, to be able to attach files.

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Central Files

Central Files allow you to attach See More and Evidence information to a wheel without it being tied to a specific statement. Entering See More information into the Central Files will add that information to the central file for every user in every group who is assigned to that wheel. Conversely, Uploading Evidence to the central file will only add it for the specific user you are viewing.

Adding See More to the central file

1. Whilst logged in as a tutor, select the wheel you wish to add a central file to.

2. Click on the Central File logo located at the centre of the wheel and select See More.

3. Additional statements or information can be entered in the text box here and example documents for statements can be uploaded to increase understanding of what is required to complete the cell. To attach files, click Choose File and navigate to where the file is stored on your computer and click Open.

4. Once you have finished entering your examples, click Update Example to save the information. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Examples section and the information will now be available to every user who has access to that wheel.


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Central files

Adding Evidence to the central file

1. Whilst logged in as a tutor, select the group, wheel and user you wish to add central file evidence to.

2. Click on the Central File logo located at the centre of the wheel and select View/Upload Evidence. CONTINUED.

3. Here, you can enter a Supporting Statement, which is shared only with the individual whose Profile Wheel you are viewing. In addition, you can use the uploading function to attach files from your computer to support their status, as well as add a link to a website. Once you have added your evidence, click Update Evidence to save it. Uploaded files will then appear in the Your Uploaded Evidence section. This information will now be added to the selected user’s central file.


TIP – You can set up a private Youtube or Vimeo page which allows only invited members to view videos. This is ideal if videos are taken during a lesson or session and can be uploaded to the CD Wheel at a later time. To attach the file you simply copy the link next to ‘Add URL’ when you ‘View/upload evidence’.

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FAQs 27

Please click the link below for helpful FAQs.

Create Development provides ongoing support to all customers and encourages you to outline any improvements so that we can add key future developments to our list to enhance your experience. Please get in touch with us on the number below and we’d be happy to help you.

Tel: 020 8863 0304

Assessing in the different abilities has completely transformed the outcomes for our pupils and fully prepares them for the rigours of examinations in both PE and the wider curriculum.Arden Primary School

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