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Page 1: Tusmo Times July 2014

Somal i Pa r l i amen ta r i ans have expressed their sense of insecurity in the capital while Al Shabab vowed to add up to their rampage against Somali lawmakers in Mogadishu...

Our Live is in Danger


see page 4

The Twin Cities Somali community has lost an esteemed leader and a passionate advocate for Somali families.

Abdulrahman Adem, a cultural

facilitator at Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS), died Sunday of a heart attack. He was 58.

Adem was known for his commitment to serve Somali

families with students in Minneapolis schools as their ultimate ambassador in the school district. He was also known for his commitment to help his

immigrant community navigate the district’s complicated educational system and find the resources they needed.

Adem, who worked at MPS

since 1997, held various posts in the district: bilingual program aide, associate educator, bilingual communicator, translator and communications and public affairs specialist.

Whatever his job title, Adem always made sure that school officials heard the voices of Somali families — and to ensure this, Adem didn’t hesitate to take issues directly into administrators’ offices, invited or uninvited.

I had the privilege to work with Adem when I worked in the office of communications, and like many people, I immediately no t iced h i s en thus iasm, commitment and compassion. Adem was a wise man and true champion of those who are underserved and often invisible.

“I’m getting old and I know I won’t be around for too long,” Adem once told me...

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper

Xuska sannadguuradii 54-aad ee kasoo wareegtay markii ay xorowday Soomaaliya ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada Minneapolis, iyadoo loo xiray xuskan waddo weyn oo halbole u ah ganacsiga magaalada, waxaana ka qayb-galay xuskan madaxda gobolka Minnesota iyo laga soo doorto dagmooyinka gobolka, iyadoo ay sidoo kale kasoo qaybgaleen labada xildhibaan oo laga doorto Minnesota.

Muuqaalka dadweynaha iyo

fagaaraha ayaa ahaa mid aad u qurxoon, iyada oo marka aad isha la raacdo dadkii joogay goobta lagu qabtay xuska munaasabadda 1-da Luulyo aad ka dheehan kartid quruxda uu leeyahay Calanka Soomaaliyeed ee Buluuga ah ee xidigta 5-ta gees ah dhexda ku leh.

Kumanaan kamid ah bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan qobolka Minnesota ayaa ku soo xaadiray jidka weyn ee Lake Street iyo goobtii lagu

xusayey maalinta xornimada is raaca waqooyi iyo koonfur Soomaaliya. Maalinta 1-da Luulyo ayaa qiimo weyn ugu fadhida muwaadin kasta oo Soomaali ah.

Xildhibaannada ka qaybgalay xuska maalinta xorriyadda Soomaaliya ayaa kala ah: Amy Klobuchar iyo Senator Al Franken, duqa magaalada Minneapolis, Mayor Betsy Hodges, State Senator Jeff Hayden iyo kuwo kale oo

badan. Amy Klobuchar ayaa dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ka codsatay inay taageeraan m u r a s h a x a g u d d o o n k a waxbarashada Minneapolis, Siyaad Cali oo la-taliye u ahaa xildhibaan Amy toddobadii sannadood ee lasoo dhaafay. Iyadoo sheegay inay kala hadashay madaxweynaha Kenya in la joojiyo tacadiga iyo xarigga lagu hayo dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool dalka Kenya, waxayna ballan-qaadday inay

dhibaatada xawilaadaha wax ka qabanayso intii ay awooddo. Qaban-qaabada quruxda badnayd ee xuska waxaa lahaa urur dhallinyaro oo ka dhisan gobolkan Minnesota kaasoo lagu magacaabo KA JOOG, waxyaalaha lagu soo bandhigay sannadkan waxaa ka mid ahaa aqal Soomaali iyo Muddul oo ay dadka Soomaaliyeed dhaqan u leeyihiin, iyadoo ay ahayd markii ugu horreysay ee...

Guddoomiyaha x i sb iga m u c a a r a d k a U C I D e e Somaliland, Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa habeennimadii xalay kulan afura la qaatay jaaliyadda Somaliland iyo tageerayaasha xisbiga, waxaana kasoo qayb-galay qaybaha kala duwan ee

bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota.

Waxaa erayo soo dhaweyn

ah ka jeediyay madaxa xisbiga UCID ee dalka Maraykanka, Xasan Yoonis oo ku billaabay inay ku sugan yihiin kulanka dhammaan taageerayaasha xisbiga UCID, isagoo sheegay inay u tahay farxad in kulanka aad kasoo qaybgasho mudane

guddoomiye. Sidoo kale, waxaa goobta

ka hadlay laba xubnood oo ku

hadlaya afka Dirta Koonfureed, kuwaasoo u mahadceliyeen maamulka Somaliland iyo siyaasiga Faysal Cali Waraabe.

Dadkii kale ee hadlay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Prof. Axmed Ismaciil Samatar oo sannadkii hore u guuray ka hadalka siyaasadaha iyo danaha Somaliland, kaddib markii uu ku guul-dareystay doorashadii madaxwaynimo ee Somalia, isagoo sheegay in xillagan uusan ka mid ahayn xisbiyada Somaliland.

“Waxaan doonayaa inaan labo eray iraahdo dadka Somaliland ee kulankaan fadhiya, arrin kalena waxaan hordhigayaa Dirta Koonfureed oo qaarkood aan Xamar isku soo aragnay kana mid ah reer Somaland, waxaa jira wax badan oo laga wada-hadal marka kulannadaan oo kale l isugu yimaado sida biyo la’aanta, waddooyinka xun-xun, 20-kii sano waa la dadaalay...

We all have at least one role model in our lifetime, and for Obama it was Dr. King, one of the world’s best-known advocates of non-violent...

“We are pleased to announce the arrival of Ambassador Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke...”

Minnesota iyo Xuska Munaasabadda 1-da Luulyo

Abdulrahman Adem, respected Twin Cities Somali leader passes away

Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID oo Minneapolis kula kulmay Taageerayaashiisa

Qalinkii: Siyaad Saalax, Minneapolis

By: iBrahiM hirSi, Minnpost Qalinkii: Siyaad Saalax, Minneapolis

Obama as the commendation of Dr. King Jr.

Somali Ambassador to USA

see page 3

local national

see page 4

see page 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3

ka sii akhri bogga 3



128WEST LAKE StMINNEAPOLIS MN 55408(612)823-1127




Minnesota iyoMarti Gelinta

His ExcellencyISMAIL

OMAR GUELLEHPresident of Republic of Djibouti




6PMHayatt Hotel

1300 Nicollet MallMinneapolis, MN 55403

*No back bags or big purse for security purposes*Lama ogala in aad la soo gasho boorsoyinkadumarka iyo kuwa garbaha la surto

The Somali communityof Minnesota is hosting

© xaayow

Page 2: Tusmo Times July 2014

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa Tusmo Times

Tusmo TimesTusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information.

Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and sur-rounding suburbs.

editor-in-ChiefAbdirahman Mukhtar Contributors Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Abdulrahman Adem, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow,Ibrahim Hirsi, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Talyaani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali

advertising ConsultantKaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin Contact 420 15th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55454

T. 612-987-6269 E. [email protected]. [email protected]. You can follow us and subscribe at:

Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Page 3: Tusmo Times July 2014

lagu arko dalka Maraykanka. Xafladda waxaa kaloo ka qaybgalay duqii hore ee magaaladda Muqdisho, Mudane Maxamuud Axmed Nuur (Tarsan) oo goobta ka jeediyay khudbad qiiro leh, isagoo

dadwaynahii halkaa isagu yimid kala hadlay arrimo badan sida dib u dhiska dalka, in aqoonta loo celiyo dadlka, in laga fogaado qabyaaladda.

Tarsan wuxuu sidoo kale ka hadlay in la adkeeyo midnimada

Soomaalida, lagana fogaado qabayaaladda iyo wax walba oo dhibaato ka dhex-dhalin kara shacabka Soomaaliyeed, iyadoo khudbaddan ay si aad ah ugu riyaaqeen dadkii kasoo qayb-galay xuska maalinta xorriyadda

Soomaaliya. Dhanka kale, waxaa goobta ka

hadlay xildhibaan Maxaed Axmed Keynaan oo ka sheekeeyay waxii loo soo maray xoriyadda aan hadda haysano 54-sano ka hor, xildhibaanka wuxuu dadka kula

dardaarmay in taariikhda wixii laga bartay wax lagu qaato, xilli dambe oo Somaliya dagaal iyo dib u dhac uga yimaadana laga feejignaado. Xuska ayaa lagu soo bandhigay heeso, ciyaaro dhaqameed , iyo bandhig dhar xirasho, fannaaniinta gobolka Minnesota iyo fanaanka da’da yar ee Gulled Ahmed oo laga soo mari qaaday magaalada Houston ee gobolka Texas ayaa soo bandhigay heeso wadani iyo jacayl leh, ururka dhallinyarada KA-JOOG ayaa u mahadceliyay dhammaan dadkii howshan ka qaybqaatay.

M a a l m a h a x o r r i y a d d a Soomaaliya ayaa ku kala beegan 26-ka bishan Juun iyo 01-da Luuliyo, iyada oo Soomaalida ku nool gobolka Minnesota ay sannadkan hormarsadeen xuska munaasabadda 1-da Luulyo bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaan awgeed.

“I’m getting old and I know I won’t be around for too long,”

Adem once told me. “But I want to leave a legacy for the young generation: To stand up and be a voice for the voiceless.”

A graduate from the Somali National University in Mogadishu, Adem served in the public sector of Somalia for decades. He played a vital role

in developing the written Somali language.

After escaping the Somali civil war, Adem arrived in the United States in 1992.

Today Adem is no more, but his legacy will live on for many years. The news of his death Sunday morning has shaken the Twin Cities Somali community. Adem is survived by six adult

children. Funeral and burial services will be held at noon

Monday at the Burnsville Masjid, 1351 Riverwood Drive in Burnsville. A memorial service will follow at 8:30 p.m. at Safari restaurant, 3010 S. 4th. Ave., Minneapolis.

// Email- [email protected].

Twitter at @IHirsi.

Minnesota iyo Xuska Munaasabadda 1-da Luulyo

Abdulrahman Adem, respected Twin Cities Somali leader passes away

ka yimid bogga 1

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Wararka Gudaha / Local News | 3

ka yimid bogga 1

...laakiin guulihii la gaaray waxaa ka weyn shaqada la qabtay. Dalka in la wada-yeeshana waa laga maarmaan,” ayuu yiri Prof. Samatar. Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay in Somaliland ay noqoto dhul la wada leeyahay haddii aysan

dhicinna waxaan dib ugu noqonaynaa halkii aan ka mid ahayn. Dirta Koonfureed wuxuu kula taliyay urur inay yeeshaan, madax yeeshaan noqdaanna dad leh meel loogu soo hagaago. Inj. Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa isagu khudbaddiisa ku billaabay inuu kasoo laabtay shir shir ka dhacayay Mexico, Talaadada soo socotana uu ballan ku leeyahay magaalada Washington, balse ma uusan caddeyn cidd uu kulanka la qaadanayo. “Waxaa taagan dhibaatadii 1960-kii markii Somaliland ay xowrday ay shuruud la’aan la midowday Soomaaliya ama gobollada Koonfureed. Hadda waxay yiraahdeen gooni baan isku taagaynaa lamana marin

habkii aqoonsiga lagu heli lahaa, mar kastana waxay ahayd waxaan qorsheysnay 23-kii sano ee Somaliland ay jirtay, waxaa haysatay qorshe xumo iyo talo-xumo. Haddana Waxaan diyaar u nahay inaan ka qayb-galno doorashada shanaad

ee Somaliland, waxaana rabnaa inaan wax badan qabanno sidii aan u bedeli lahayn baarlamaanka hadda jira ee iska fasaxa sharci walba. Waxaan kaloo doonaynaa inaan dib u mideyno Somaliland. Waxaana la furaynaa wada-hadallo maamullada kale sida Khaadumo. Shirkii Taleexna wuxuu ahaa mid dhibaato u keenaya Somaliland,” ayuu yiri Inj. Faysal. Dhanka kale, wuxuu ka hadlay dagaallada gobolka Shabeellada Hoose, isagoo sheegay in dhibaatada Dirta qura aysan haysan, balse ay sidoo kale haysato dadka loogu yeero Bantu-ga oo aan lahayn cid u hadasha, wayna dhibaateysan yihiin, balse innaga ayaa u

hadlayna mase jiraan Bantugu waqooyi, isagoo eedda u dhusha ka saaray Roadmap-ka. “Balaayo Map, maanta ma ahan 1960-kii oo la is qiyaameyn jiray cid walba cod bay hadda leedahay. Jubbooyinka waa

dhub cusub oo hadda uun la kala boobayo,” ayuu hadalkiis ku sheegay guddoomiyaha xisbiga UCID. Wuxuu ammaan u jeediyay madaxwaynayaashii hore ee Somaliland wixii ay qabteen sida Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal iyo Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, isagoo aan xusin madaxweynaha hadda talada haya ee Axmed Siilaanyo. Ugu dambeyn, waxaa iyagana goobta ka hadlay xoghayaha a r r imaha d ibadda UCID Yuusuf Budle, madaxa xisbiga ee Waqooyiga Ameerika, Cali Qaalib, odayo waxgarad reer Minnesota ah oo aad u soo dhaweeyay Feysal Cali Waraabe.

Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID oo Minneapolis kula kulmay Taageerayaashiisa Qalinkii: Siyaad Saalax, Minneapolis

Two of the highest and successful black men in America. This month marks 50 years since three young civil rights workers went missing in Philadelphia, Mississippi, drawing the nation’s attention to the brutal resistance to equal rights in the South at the time. This article will reflect on that legacy, Dr. King’s dream and Obama’s to the White House. As America witnessed Barack Obama’s inauguration, many people saw the inauguration as a fulfillment of King’s dreams. The connections between Dr. King and Barack Obama are very real. When the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his “I Have a Dream,” speech in 1963, Barack Obama was just a kid himself. At that time, it was normal for young white male children to dream and later grow up to be president while Blacks could not even imagine that possibility. In fact, it was rare to find many African-Americans who were either elected officials or scholars, but forty-five years later, Barack Obama fulfilled Dr. King’s dream and became the first African American president in America.

In our history, slavery allowed America to address blacks as second class citizens regardless of intelligent, education, strength or knowledge. But in spite of class distinction, Black Americans have always been a race of survivors. Be it Harriet Tubman or Phyllis Wheatley, Fredrick Douglas or Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois or Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King or Barack Obama, they survived. The seed of black survival and struggle has grown into a tree with many branches, which has over the years identified Black Americans as a people. No matter the label, whether it was Colored people or Negros, Black American or African American, they have progressed slowly but steadily towards a dream. Black people survived and sacrificed, and people died for the right for Barack Obama to be elected as the first black President of the United States and there is no doubt that Dr. King was a great leader who set the stage and legacy for Barack Obama to become the first black President.

In his “I have a dream” speech Dr. King envisioned the following: “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident:

that all men are created equal.” With that quotation from the Declaration of Independence, Dr. King made clear that his vision of the future for black Americans was for them to be part of the larger society, not embittered opponents of it. In the above statement, according to Dr. King’s speech, he was hoping that one day this nation would ignore race, and recognize African Americans as part of the American society (Dr. King, 1963).

We all have at least one role model in our lifetime, and for Barack Obama it was Dr. King, one of the world’s best-known advocates of non-violent social change strategies. Martin Luther King, Jr. synthesized ideas drawn from many different cultural traditions. Dr. King hoped to see a world where all children were not judged by the color of their skin but for the content of their character. However, his dreams and hopes was not fulfilled until numerous Blacks saw gains in business and politics beginning in 1968 after King’s last speech, “The Promised Land”.

Dr. King dedicated his life to the struggle of African Americans. His dreams were unthinkable when he lived, because he knew that African Americans had been treated unfairly for over 400 hundred years. Before and during Dr. King’s time, blacks were treated next to animals: they had limited or no rights at all in Southern States, they couldn’t do anything, and at one point it was illegal for them to read. They overcame every obstacle that was put in their faces. Today African Americans are holding their heads high and are able to live freely and become the leaders of this great nation. It took four hundred years, but African Americans went from slavery to presidency in the White House.

The inauguration of Barack Obama was a victory for all small ethnic groups and most importantly for African Americans who suffered the most through slavery, segregation, and discrimination. His inauguration also was an answer for young and working class white men and women who wanted to see change, the some way Americans did in 1960s when Dr. King was alive. During his inauguration, in January 20, 2009 President Barack Obama echoed Dr. King, saying, “This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed, why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall. And why a man whose father less than 60

years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath” (Salmon, 2009). In the above statements, Barack Obama was referring back to Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” (Dr. King, 1963). The above statements by Barack Obama show us that he was truly inspired by Dr. King. Indeed, Obama seems to personify King’s dream that his children would live in a nation capable of judging people on the basis of character rather than by skin color.

King’s and Obama’s distinctive oratorical qualities are also related in important ways. Barack Obama has often acknowledged that Dr. King inspired him. In his autobiography, he recalled his mother exposing him to “the speeches of Dr. King” (Obama, 2004). Later, as a senator, he would sometimes visit the Lincoln Memorial and “look out over the Reflecting Pool, imagining the crowd stilled by Dr. King’s mighty cadence.” Obama was a true believer and follower of Dr. King and this is why he becomes one of the highest and successful black men in America (Kellerman, 2009).

The 1963 March on Washington drew a crowd of over 250,000 people and it heralded the height of the Civil Rights Movement. It was there in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial and facing the Washington Monument that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke to the world and ushered in a new reality for America with regards to the plight of the poor and disadvantaged-particularly Black people-the masses that had been cast aside and disregarded by those who were in power (Carson, 2009). Forty-five years later, Obama fulfilled the dream and attracted two million life people to the Capitol and delivered his inaugural address for a new generation in a different tone of voice in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Both, Dr. King and Obama participated in a continuing oratorical dialogue about the American dream of a diverse nation unified by its traditional democratic, egalitarian ideals. Both leaders appreciated the crucial importance of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as sources of guidance in the task of building “a more perfect union” (Salimonu, 2009). Each drew rhetorical inspiration from

Barack Obama as the commendation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.By: haShiM yoniS | Minneapolis

Abraham Lincoln, the president who most cogently expressed the nation’s struggle to unify itself on the basis of its traditional ideals. Both Dr. King and Obama understood that the struggle for economic justice and the struggle for racial justice were really one. Even thought both leaders were from different generation, each was part of a larger struggle for freedom, for dignity, for humanity and economy (Petterson, 2009).

Obama is hardly alone among American politicians in his use of King Quotes, yet

his connection to the oratory of the slain civil rights leader goes deeper. He shares the historical awareness that enabled King to address contemporary issues in the context of the timeless, shared ideals of all Americans. Although King’s formative experiences in black Atlanta differed markedly from Obama’s more exotic childhood, both men recognized that the destiny of black Americans was inextricably entwined with that of other Americans.

Obama’s success connects him with Dr. King’s dream and legacy. Dr. King gave many Americans an opportunity to vote for hope, and now Obama is giving Americans an opportunity to hope for change. For both leaders, Dr. King and Obama, the fundamental similarity of their historical roles became clear: Dr. King, the most influential

black leader of his generation, aspired to become a trans-racial moral leader; Obama became the most influential black leader of his generation as a result of his remarkable success as a trans-racial political leader. Obama draws inspiration from King as he confronts the fundamental task that has always perplexed Americans

Page 4: Tusmo Times July 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Caalamka / World News | 4

M u w a a d i n i i n t a i y o falanqeeyayaasha Soomaaliyeed ayay la yaab ku noqotay markii la sheegay in nin ka shaqeeynayay gudaha qasriga madaxtooyada ee Villa Somalia uu ka caawiyay al-Shabaab inay soo dhaafaan dhowr barood oo kontarool markii ay kooxda xagjirka ah weerartay xarunta usbuucii hore.

Xukuumadda ayaa sheegtay inay xidhay ninka, Xasan Muxiyadiin Xasan, ka dib markii uu dhaawac fudud ka soo gaadhay weerarka.

Waraysi uu la yeeshay T e l e f i s h a n k a Q a r a n k a Soomaaliya (SNTV) ee ay dawladdu maamusho 10-kii July, ayuu Xasan, oo u shaqeeynayay xarunta gudbinta ee Hormuud Telecom ay ku leedahay Villa Somalia, ku qirtay inuu u shaqeeynayay al-Shabaab muddo ku dhow labo sanadood.

Xasan ayaa u sheegay SNTV inuu gacan ka gaystay ururinta xogta ku saabsan meelo ay al-Shabaab ku beegsaneeysay Muqdisho, sida hoteellada iyo dhismeyaasha dawladda, wuxuuna siin jiray al-Shabaab xog ku saabsan khasaaraha dawladda soo gaadhay markii ay al-Shabaab fuliso weerar argagixiso.

Xasan ayaa sheegay inuu shaqaaleeysiiyay seedigiis,

Cabdirisaaq Saciid Ibraahim, oo ah xubin al-Shabaab oo la yaqaano.

“Sannad iyo badh ka hor ayuu bilaabay inuu i soo waco isagoo iga codsanaya inaan caawiyo iyaga. Waxaan u sheegay [isaga] inaan shirkad u shaqeeyo oo aanan qaban karin shaqadaas oo kale,” ayuu yidhi Xasan.

“[Cabdirisaaq] wuxuu ii sheegay inaysan shaqadu ahayn sida aan u maleeynayay. Wuxuu igu yidhi ‘waxaan ku wada hadlaynaa taleefanka kaliya, wax kale iima sameeynaysid,” ayuu yidhi Xasan, isagoo raaciyay inuu aqbalay balse uu codsaday inuu seedigiis oo kaliya la soo xidhiidho.

Isagoo sheegayay sida aan rasmiga ahayn ee al-Shabaab ay u ururinaysay xogta yaryar ayuu yidhi, “Waxaa caado ahayd in shaqsi la iga wareeysto, laakiin ma jirin warbixin maalinle ah oo aan gudbinayay.” Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ayaa ka mid ahaa mas’uuliyiintii dawladda ee ay al-Shabaab isku dayaysay inay xogtooda hesho, ayuu yidhi.

Inkasta oo uu qirtay inuu xog gudbiyay ka hor weerarradii lagu qaaday Maka al-Mukarama Hotel iyo Oriental Hotel, ayuu Xasan dafiray inuu ka war hayay qorsheyaasha al-Shabaab inta aysan fulin. “Dadkaasi kuuma sheegayaan hadafkooda, iyaga ayaa taas isku koobaya,” ayuu

yidhi. “Waxay kaliyoo kaa codsanayaan inaad meel soo fiirisid. Markii aad halkaas tagtid, waxaad sheegaysaa waxa aad aragtid.”

Xasan ayaa sheegay inay al-Shabaab bixiyeen lacagta gaadhigiisa kala badh -- kii loo isticmaalay weerarka Villa Somalia -- ayna siin jireen $200 mar mar.

Casharrada laga baranayo

Hadalka Xasan ayaa muujinaya sida sahlan ee haddana waxtarka leh ee al-Shabaab ay xogta u hesho wuxuuna mujinayaa inay tallaabo dheer yihiin adeegyada sirdoonka ee dawladda Soomaaliya, ayuu yidhi Xasan Sheekh Cali, oo ah falanqeeye amni oo Muqdisho xaruntiisu tahay.

“Dagaalku wuxuu ku bilowdaa xog. Haddii aad xog ka hayso dadka aad dagaalka kula jirto, waad ku guulaysaneeysaa dagaalka aad ku jirto,” ayuu Cali u sheegay Sabahi.

“Qofka xogta bixiya ayaa ka khatarsan qofka hubaysan ee weerarka qaada,” ayuu yidhi, isagoo raaciyay inay xukuumaddu is dayacday sababta oo ah dad badan oo meelo muhiim ah jooga ayaan si wanaagsan loo hubin waxayna al-Shabaab u beegsan kartaa inay askareeyso.

Wuxuu hay’adaha ugu baaqay

inay si degdeg ah dib ugu eegto taariikh nololeedkii hore ee shakhsi walba oo galaangal u leh xarumaha dawladda.

Hay’adaha ammaanka waa inay sidoo kale ku daydaan sida ay u shaqeeyso al-Shabaab oo ay raadsadaan nidaamyo ay ku dhex galaan shabakadda kooxda xagjirka ah, ayuu yidhi.

“Sida al-Shabaab oo kale, hay’adaha ammaanku waa inay wax ka shaqaaleeysiistaan oo ay xog ka helaan al-Shabaab dhexdeeda ,” ayuu y idh i Cali, isagoo raaciyay inay xukuumadda la gudboon tahay inay ahmiyadda saarto inay lacag dheeraad ah galiso dhisidda iyo wadidda shabakad jaajuusiin ah oo al-Shabaab ku jira.

X o g t a l a g a h e l o hawlwadeennada al-Shabaab ee xidhan sida Xasan oo kale waa muhiim, ayuu yidhi, sababta oo ah waxay hay’adaha amniga ka caawisaa inay si wanaagsan u fahmaan sidii ay ula dagaali lahaayeen kooxda xagjirka ah. “Markii ay hay’adaha amnigu helaan xogta noocan oo kale ah waa inay ficil qaadaan oo ay dajiyaan qorsheyaal cusub oo looga hortago [al-Shabaab],” ayuu yidhi.

shaqaalaha dawladda waa in la kala shaandheeyo

Jeneraalka hawlgabka ah

Maxamed Nuur Galaal, oo horay wasiir ku-xigeenka difaaca uga ahaa dawladdii Maxamed Siyaad Barre, ayaa sheegay in basaaska la ogaaday ay muujinayso in hannaanka amniga ee dawladdu uu dildillaac ku jiro.

“Shaqaalaha dawladda lama kala shaandheeyn waxaana lagu shaqaaleeyay qaab qabiil, haddana waxaa dhex galay al-Shabaab,” ayuu u sheegay Sabahi. “Sidaas daraadeed, raggaan, hoggaamiyeyaasha dawladdu, magaalada amnigeeda maba sugi karaan.”

“Madaxda sare xitaa ma lahan fahan ay ku aqoosadaan al-Shabaab haddii ay barbarkooda marayaan sababta oo ah adeegga sirdoonku uma sameeysna qaab keenaya fahankaas,” ayuu yidhi.

Galaal ayaa wlaaac ka muujiyay in hay’adaha kale ee dawladdu ay yeelan karaan shaqaale xidhiidh la leh al-Shabaab.

“Waxaa macquul ah inay ka tirsan yihiin baarlamaanka oo ay ka shaqeeyaan, waxay ka shaqeeyn karaan xarunta madaxtooyada, waxay sidoo kale qeyb ka ahaan karaan hay’adaha sirdoonka naftooda,” ayuu yidhi.

“Wax walba waa macquul waayo shaqaalaha dawladda lama kala shaandheeyn,” ayuu yidhi.

Wuxuu yidhi ciidamada amniga iyo sirdoonku waa inay xog ka ururiyaan “shaqaale walba

oo dawladeed”, isagoo raaciyay inay muhiim tahay in shacabka laga qeyb galiyo dhan walba oo amniga ah, oo ay ku jirto ururinta xogta iyo fududeeynta hawlgallada ammaanka.

‘Weerarradu waa ay na niyad jabiyeen’

Axmed Jaamac Axmed, oo ahaa madaxa tababarka shaqaalaha ee Somalia Airlines xilligii xukunkii Maxamed Siyaad Barre, ayaa sheegay inay wax aad looga naxo tahay in shaqaale ka dhex shaqeeynayay xarunta Villa Somalia uu qeyb ka ahaa weerarka.

“Ma ahan wax caadi ah in laba weerar ay al-Shabaab ku qaadaan xarunta madaxtooyada [xilli] xukuumaddu qaadday mas’uuliyadda amniga dalka kuna qancisay dadka inay fulinayso barnaamijka [amniga], ee la yidhaahdo ‘Nabad ku Afura,’” ayuu u sheegay Sabahi.

“[Weerarradu] way na niyad jabiyeen waxayna na aaminsiiyeen inaan xasillooni la filan karin barri iyo saad danba midna,” ayuu raaciyay.

“Waxaan u baahannahay dawlad waxaana u baahannahay n a b a d . U m a b a a h n i n argagixisanimo,” ayuu yidhi. “Hase ahaatee, su’aashu waxay tahay: Sideen isugu halleeyn karnaa dawladdan inay noo qabato waxa aan u baahannahay?”

Dhexgalka al-Shabaab ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo kiciyay walaac cusub oo amniga ahQalinkii: Fu’aad axmed | Sabahi online

Our Live is in Danger – Somali MP’s

U.S. Welcomes Somali Ambassador to the United Statesmore than two decades

Source: BartaMaha

Mogadishu – Somali lawmakers have worried the security setbacks in Mogadishu following Al-Shabab’s assassination on the

Somali Member of Parliament Mohamed Mohamud Hayd in a broad daylight in the Capital Mogadishu.

Somali Parliamentarians have expressed their sense of insecurity in the capital while Al Shabab vowed to add up to their rampage against Somali lawmakers in Mogadishu.

Despite “Open your fast with peace” initiative that the government of Somali launched in the capital to respond to security challenges in the Sacred month of Ramadan, Al shabab has successfully carried out broad daylight shootings against traffic police officers and also

lawmakers in the capital.“ T h e g o v e r n m e n t i s

responsible for the security and it should have to work on it, and as ‘lawmakers’ we do not have enough security guards. There was one soldier guarding murdered lawmaker and if he would have more than that number of security guards, probably the perpetrators would not have escaped at around noon hours,” Dahir Amin Jisow, a Somali lawmaker told VOA Somali service.

The Islamist rebels Al Shabab have immediately claimed the responsibility of the killing of Hayd and vowed to double their targets against key government officials.

“Our security and that of the people ‘Somali people’ is in danger,” said MP Coon who survived from Al Shabab’s raid that killed his colleague Hayd.

Above all, the militants have carried out well-planned but failed assault on the Somali parliament building near the

presidential Palace leaving at least one law maker injured and several security officers died.

However the current Somali federal government stated that they will respond to the security challenges in the capital, while their plan of exerting their peace beyond Mogadishu seems not viable.

Jen Psaki, Department State Spokesperson in Washington, DC said, “We are pleased to announce the arrival of Ambassador Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, the first Somali Ambassador to the United States in over twenty years”.

Ambassador Sharmarke’s arrival to Washington represents the latest progress in advancing U.S.-Somali relations. We look forward to working with Ambassador Sharmarke and continuing to work with the Federal Government of Somalia to bring stability, security, and prosperity to all Somali people.

Ambassador Sharmarke was born in 1960 in Somalia. He is the son of the former second President and first Prime Minister of Somalia, Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who was assassinated in 1969, and Ruqia Dahir Ali Boss, the daughter of a well-known Somali Islamic

scholar. Ambassador Sharmarke

studied at Carleton University in Ottawa, where he earned degrees in political science and political economy. Although his family is based in Virginia in the United States, he holds both Somali and Canadian citizenship.

Ambassador Sharmarke is a Somali diplomat and politician. From 2009 to 2010, he served as the Prime Minister of Somalia. He has also worked in a diplomatic capacity for the United Nations in Sri Lanka and Sierra Leone, and served as a political advisor on the Darfur conflict in Sudan. Before becoming Prime Minister, he was Somalia’s ambassador-designate to the United States. In July 2014, Sharmarke was appointed as Somalia’s Ambassador to the United States.

Source: U.S departMent of State,

Page 5: Tusmo Times July 2014

Murtida BishaXigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Diintaada ha diidin Dadkaaga ha diidin Darsigaaga ha diidin

Saddex ha diidin:

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Ganacsiga / Business | 5

There’s constantly new businesses popping up around the Twin Cities but one business is breaking barriers along the way. “The Sisterhood Boutique” is run by a group of Somali women looking to make a difference.

At 17, managing a boutique wasn’t part of Khadra Fiqi’s plan.

“I was really nervous because I thought of myself as a science person and never thought of

myself as a business person,” she said. “I wanted to be in the medical field or something that has to do with science because I am really curious about science.”

But Fiqi is learning the only constant is change. She’s among a group of 14- 23 year-old’s who created The Sisterhood Boutique on the 2200 Block of Riverside. All the young females live in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood and participate in the Brian Coyle

Center Youth Entrepreneurship Program. But there is more to their business venture selling clothe. It is also about building better relationships.

“We wanted to bring the girls and the youth together to their energy positivity and not what people usually hear about our community which is kind of a negative vibe,” she said. “We wanted to change that.

The store they opened in

February is already expanding, thanks to donated space from Fairview Health Services. Rulon Stacey, President of the Fairview Health System, said the young girls presented him a business plan he couldn’t turn down. The girls drafted the plan with the help of staff at Augsburg College.

“Coming to a business leader and saying, ‘Can we use your space?’ and presenting to me this

plan about why they should use our space and what business it was, it was very impressive,” he said. “Way ahead of where I was when I was 14.”

The boutique specializes in gently-used clothing and accessories. Prices range from $1 to $15.

And while managing this store wasn’t part of Fiqi’s plan she said it is paying off.

“It has been really rewarding,”

she said. “We have learn a lot about business and community engagement.”

The store is openMonday – Friday11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

on saturdays from12 p.m. to 5 p.m. To learn more visit

The People’s Center Health Services’ Board of Directors is pleased to announce that it has selected a new CEO, Sahra Noor, to lead the organization beginning August 4th. Board Chair, Julie Tate, said, “We have chosen someone from the community who will lead us into a future of greater health and well-being for the community.”

Trained as a nurse, Noor comes to People’s Center Health Services with over 15 years of experience in healthcare. Most recently, she served as Director of Language Services and Community Health at

Fairview Health Services. Prior to Fairview, Noor served as the director of clinical operations at UnitedHealth Group where she focused on developing and implementing clinical programs designed specifically for high risk Medicaid recipients in many markets across the United States. Noor holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from St. Catherine University and a master’s degree in nursing and health systems administration from University of Minnesota.

“I am humbled and thrilled to be joining People’s Center Health Services” said Noor. “My

career objective has always been about providing excellent care to poor and vulnerable populations. I can see how my previous experiences in healthcare administration, community health and program development have helped prepare me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I look forward with great anticipation to being a part of the next chapter of People’s Center as we continue to expand our presence in the community and improve health outcomes of patients and families we serve.”

People’s Center Health Services is a Federally Qualified

Health Center that provides comprehensive medical, dental and behavioral health care to people of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay. Operating since 1970, People’s Center Health Services has a rich history as a community health center that specializes in serving diverse, vulnerable and poorly represented populations in the Minneapolis area.

// Photo: Sahra Noor

Somali-Americans may soon find it harder to provide economic support to their homeland: One of the last banks to facilitate cash transfers to Somalia is getting out of the business.

As the East African country

faces a potential drought and famine this summer, those cash transfers might grow even more important. That’s why the Somali-American community in Minnesota — the largest in the U.S. — is lobbying Washington to find a way to keep the cash lifeline intact.

The cash transfers in question are used by Somali-Americans like 28-year-old Goth Ali, who supports family members back home. Ali works at a cellphone store in Minneapolis, in a Somali shopping mall where you can

get everything from traditional clothing and rugs to lunch and a haircut.

At the mall’s three money service businesses, you can wire cash anywhere in the world, through the money transfer system called hawala. Ali says every month he sends $400 to

$500 to his siblings, including an older brother in Somalia who, despite owning a small business there, struggles to make ends meet.

“It’s not enough to provide for his family,” Ali says. “The money we send to Somalia is a lifeline.”

The money transfer business is tightly regulated, says hawala operator Shakir Hussein. “If somebody walks in right now, first I require identification,” he says. “Even if you’re sending $50, I have to get identification.”

The charity Oxfam says businesses like Hussein’s help Somali-Americans send more than $214 million to Somalia every year . Oxfam says remittance payments from the U.S. and elsewhere account for an astounding 40 percent of Somalia’s economy.

But hawala dealers, also called hawaladars, need bank accounts to operate — and most American banks are reluctant to work with

them, fearing the money could wind up in the wrong hands.

And it has: In 2011, two Somal i -Amer ican women from Rochester, Minn., were convicted of funneling money to the terrorist group al-Shabab.

That led a Twin Cities bank to get out of the wire transfer business. Other banks eventually stepped up to fill the need, but now Merchants Bank of California — one of the last to work with hawaladars — says it’s pulling the plug at the end of the month.

Merchants officials didn’t respond to repeated calls for comment. But banking consultant Bert Ely says many in the industry fear severe penalties for transferring dirty money — even accidentally.

“There’ve been some banks, particularly large banks, that have been fined very significantly for violations in this area,” Ely says. “And so the safe way to play it is just not to do the business.”

On top of the financial threat looming over Somalia, there’s a natural one. Aid agencies in East Africa say there’s a strong possibility of another drought in Somalia, which could lead to a repeat of the 2011 famine that killed an estimated 260,000 people.

Jaylani Hussein, a board member with the Twin Cities-based American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa, says it’s urgent that Congress pass legislation to make it easier for banks to handle wire transfers.

“This is an issue that just needs to be resolved now — otherwise we’ll be talking in August and talking about the number of people we’ve lost,” he says. “And we have something we could do today to save lives.”

A bill from Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison passed the Republican-controlled House in May and is now in the Senate. Ellison says it streamlines some money wiring regulations that

will reduce the risk for banks.Ahmed Ali, who wires cash

to relatives who farm in rural Somalia, says his money can make the difference between them eating or starving.

“Without that money they cannot support their livestock,” he says. “There’s no government functioning down there now. So that’s why this money helps a lot.”

If Somalia experiences a drought as forecast, the ability to wire money will grow even more important to Somali-Americans and their families back home. And aid groups say if the money wiring problem is resolved, they’ll be able to spend less time lobbying — and more time trying to prevent another famine in Somalia.

Young Somali women open boutique

Sahra Noor Selected as the New CEO for People’s Center Health Services

As Wire Transfer Options Dwindle,Somali-Americans Fear A Lost Lifeline

Source: kare11

Source: PeoPle’S center HealtH ServiceS WebSite

by: matt SePic | nPr

Page 6: Tusmo Times July 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth | 6

Ilhan was recognized for her innovative efforts helping the Somali Diaspora community of central Ohio, as well as for her participation in other interfaith

initiatives by the White House champion of change initiative.

The theme and title for the week that Ilhan was recognized was, “Catalyzing Convergence: Bringing our Differences Face-to-Face”. Ilhan posted on the White House blog about her work and her selection to become a champion of change and interfaith youth leader and states the following letter.

Ilhan’s letter: I am extremely honored and humbled to have been selected as a White House Champion of Change, especially as an innovator in the Somali Diaspora community. It is a passion of mine and a privilege to work with the Somali-American community in central Ohio as well as the community at large while working toward cooperation and understanding as we attempt to make a home for ourselves here in the United States.

As a first-generation Somali American in a small central Ohio suburb, I have grown up between cultures. Understanding and appreciating my Somali heritage while also taking part in my distinctly American upbringing, I have been able to take the best of both those cultures and create one distinctly my own. My background as well as my community’s increasing diversity has contributed to my passion for cross-cultural and inter-faith work and dialogue.

When discussing diversity work, the main hindrance to

any real change is this idea that finding common ground amongst one another and implementing positive change in our communities together is somehow unrealistic. The work we do in this field is often referred to as idealistic or unattainable, words that do much to stand in the way of productive transformation. On the contrary, it is only through this type of work that we can begin to better our communities and ourselves. Appreciation, awareness, and understanding are not dispensable qualities in a positively functioning community; they are integral to its success. It is because of a thorough understanding of this principle that I seek out opportunities to serve through diversity work in my community, impacting its success today as well as in the years to come.

My story of service in diversity work began in the fall of 2007 when I entered high school. Initially I was excited and surprised by the diversity of the student body. I was energized by the many different nationalities, languages and faiths that surrounded me, I saw school as a place where through our differences we could grow each other and ourselves. It was not long, however, before I realized that the differences I noticed were causing more tension than insight. Students of differing racial and religious groups were dividing themselves along those lines, finding comfort in those who spoke the same language or prayed in the same manner. I was disheartened at first, seeing only separation when I could see that there was so much room for cooperation.

The Somal i s tudent population at the school was of specific concern to me because of my own background. Having grown up in central Ohio, I have always had several communities

to thrive in, feel at home in and be supported by. The influx of Somali students at my school faced a unique set of challenges, attempting to acclimate to a new and sometimes-hostile environment whilst holding onto their already solidified Somali identities. This was a major problem not only for the new students but also disruptive to the school environment. I became galvanized to become a part of the solution. I became active within the Diversity Groups at my high school during my freshman year, taking part in cross-cultural dialogue and interfaith activities. We began paving the way to a united and more welcoming student body for all. The Diversity Groups worked to spread the tools of understanding and cooperation through the school by organizing events that centered on celebrating our unique cultures while also actively making others feel welcome and comfortable enough to celebrate theirs. Our main objective was to see unity and understanding in a school with growing immigrant numbers and with that, increased diversity. It was through my work with the diversity groups that I truly saw what could happen when inspiration and hard work meet, effective and long lasting change.

This idea that our similarities, and perhaps more profoundly, our differences can act as catalysts to bring us together allowed me to start the next step in my journey toward service through diversity work. I became a participant in Face to Face | Faith-to-Faith in the summer of 2010. Face-to-Face | Faith to Faith is an interfaith and multicultural leadership program that brings together young leaders from around the world. Its goal is simple; prepare the leaders of today with the tools to engage productively in a multi-faith

global society tomorrow. Although its goal is simple, its implementation was profound. Through my interactions with other participants I saw what true cooperation looked like. Although we were of different faiths, races, nationalities and mother languages, we understood each other. Returning home from the program I was catalyzed to see similar awareness and cultural proficiency in my own community.

In an inc reas ing ly globalizing world we must not be content with mediocrity and indifference; I believe that we have to raise the level of civil discourse in all communities until we gain the insight and excellence that comes only from

understanding. Currently I have started work on an initiative cal led Interfa i th Service Youth Corps; we are a group of socially conscious, service minded youth from various faith backgrounds coming together for the sole mission of serving the community around us. We are currently working on our Spring Environmental Awareness week as well as starting plans for an Iftar-Shabbat dinner during this coming Ramadan. Our mission is to improve our communities and ourselves by giving of our time and energy. I believe that the world will not know peace until its people begin to believe in it, I believe in it fervently.

Ilhan Dahir is a student at The Ohio State University, an

interfaith leader, a writer and an active member of the Somali-American community of Central Ohio. She is also the founder and president of Interfaith Service Youth Corps.

Ilhan Dahir: White House champion of changeSource:

Page 7: Tusmo Times July 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment | 7

Waa talaabo weyn oo taariikhi ah in markii ugu horeysay mid ka mida macalimiinta garsooreyaasha kubada Cagta Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed

Axmed (Cali Saci id) uu macalin ka noqon doono tababar heer caalami ah oo dalka Cameroon loogu qaban doono garsooreyaasha Africa

oo sanadka ka mid noqday garsooreyaasha kubada cagta aduunka ee FIFA.

Tababarkan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb geli doona 30 ka mida garsooreyaasha FIFA ee kasoo jeeda qaarada Afrika kuwaas oo 9 ka mida ay haween yihiin, waxaana uu ka dhici doonaa Magaalada Yaounde ee caasimada dalka Cameroon inta u dhexeysa 3-9-ka bisha August ee inasoo aadan, sida lagu sheegay qoraal kasoo baxay ururka kubada cagta Afrika ee CAF.

Qoraalka CAf ayaa lagu sheegay in macal imi inta tababarka bixin doona ay kala yihiin: 1 Cali Maxamed Axmed

(Soomaaliya) iyo 2 Alexander Cotey (Ghana). Ururka CAf ayaa dhawaan dallacsiiyay Mr Cali kaddib markii labadii sano ee lasoo dhaafay uu tababaradii loo qabtay macalimiinta Afrika ka galay kaalinta 1-aad.

Waxaa ay tani noqoneysaa markii ugu horesay taariikhda kubada cagta Soomaaliya oo macalin Soomaaliyeed uu helo darajadan oo kale, sida lagu sheegay qoraal uu soo saaray xoghayaha guud ee xiriirka kubada cagta Soomaaliya Cabdi Qani Saciid Carab maanta.

“Maalin weyn ayay u tahay umada Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan gaar ahaana bahweynta

kubada cagta in macalinkeena Cali Maxamed Axmed loosoo magacaabay in tababarkan caalamiga ah uu casharro ka bixiyo, sababtoo ah taariikhda wali ma dhicin in macalin soomaaliyeed uu darajadaas ka gaaro kubada cagta aduunka”ayuu war saxaafadeedkiisa ku sheegay xoghayaha guud Cabdi Qani Saciid Carab.

Mr. Carab ayaa sheegay in sanadaha soo socdana ay Soomaaliya rajeyneyso in macalimiin kale oo Soomaaliyeed ay dalacsiin ka helaan ururrada CAF iyo FIFA, iyadoo xiriirka Soomaaliyeed uu sanadihii u dambeeyay xooga saarayay

dhanka horumarinta tacliinta is are loogu qaado aqoonta iyo tayada garsoorka iyo macalimiinta.

“Magacaabista Cali Maxamed Axmed waa natiijadii ka dhalatay howshii aan soo wadnay sanadihii lasoo dhaafay ee ku aadanayd sare u qaadista aqoonta”ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay xoghaye Cabdi Qani Saciid Carab oo si weyn ugu mahad celiyay ururada FIFA iyo CAf doorka aan dhamaadka lahayn oo ay ka qaadanayaan horumarinta kubada cagta dalka.

Macallin Soomaaliyeed oo markii ugu horeysay casharro ka bixinaya Tababarka Garsooreyaasha FIFAxigasho: SoMali footBall federation Media departMent // [email protected]

It may seem like the whole world is caught up in soccer and the World Cup right now, but it’s baseball that’s captured the fancy of a couple of boys from Somalia

– refugees who are living here in Pittsburgh.

All they had to do was let it be known they wouldn’t mind giving baseball a try.

Ibrahim Mugasa, 9, and his 10-year-old brother, Ramadhani, are refugees now living in Lawrenceville

When their tutor at a Pitt program for refugees, called “Keep It Real,” found out they were interested in playing ball, he got the North Hills Athletic Association (NHAA) to let them learn by playing in an instructional league this summer.

“I think they’re just happy to be part of the team, and to be playing a sport together, and to have that experience that all kids like to have,” said Louie

Al-Hashami, the boys’ tutor.“At their first practice, they

were pretty timid; but now, when I dropped them off for their last game, they were running right with their teammates, really enthusiastic,” added tutor John Dodderidge.

The league says it’s been a great experiment. The boys took to their teammates and their teammates took to them. They also caught onto the game quickly.

They’ve certainly got rule number one down: “Keep your eye on the ball.”

“It gives me the chills because I was pretty excited to take on the task of making sure they develop the right way,” said John Leuch, the boys’ coach. “And when we first saw them, they couldn’t really catch or throw or didn’t have the proper mechanics, and after the second or third practice, it was like they’d been playing baseball for four years.”

“This is the first time we’ve ever gotten a chance to do something like this and it just made the whole community feel good,” Dean Bonenberger, the president of the NHAA, said.

The NHAA says it now hopes to introduce more kids from the “Keep It Real” refugee tutoring program at Pitt to the joys of baseball.

Young Brothers from Somalia Learn About the Joys of BaseballSource: KdKa

With the world of football and Somalis around the globe still mourning for the painful loss of the country’s first ever National Football team Captain Mohamed Qalaf Aden Shangole, the federal government of Somalia has ignored to say a single word about the loss of the iconic

footballer.The late Shangole was a man

who inspired a lot people as his former teammates revealed. He later became an icon of the Somali Sports arena where he continued and actively involved all types of Sports.

When Somal i Footbal l Federation and SFF Media Department announced the death of Aden Shangole in Mogadishu on last Tuesday, they started receiving condolence from prominent sports officials around the world.

Instantly, the Somali Football Federation President Ali Said Guled Roble received a written letter from the President of the World Football Body (FIFA) Mr. Joseph S. Blatter who asked

him to convey his condolences to the Somali People and Somali Football family.

Also, the President of the confederat ion of African football (CAF) Issa Hayatou who informed the Somali Football Federation that shares the Somali Sport community

with the loss of their iconic and offered condolence to the people of Somalia through SFF Media Department.

One of the African leaders that the Somali Football Federation received the warm condolence was CECAFA secretary General Nicholas Musonye who informed SFF that he shares with his brothers and Sisters in Somalia in mourning the death of their Football icon. He requested that the CECAFA requested SSF and its Media Department to convey their sincere condolences to the family and the entire football family of Somalia.

Somali Football federation secretary General Abdi Qani Said also indicated that the legend, Shagole, will be missed

and added that his legacy will live in and guide the next Somali generation around the country years to come.

Yet, the President, the Prime Minister or the Speaker of the Parliament – the three heads of the Somali executive branches, leaders of the current regime and our country’s icons has not yet commented about the death and the legacy of Somalia’s first national team captain Mohamed Qalaf Aden Shangole.

However, the sport community suspect that the government is intentionally avoiding to honor the legend’s legacy because of his son’s affiliation to Terrorist Group called Alshabab, although the Legend and his son Sheik Fua’d Shangole were totally different as they had different ideologies—the son was against football and sport in General, while the late Legend was an iconic that is still respected as one of the fathers of Somalia’s football.

Therefore , the Somal i Diaspora Sports community strongly condemns that the Somali government ignored the legacy of the country’s most renowned football legend.

But we say, if the Somali government ignored him—the people of Somalia will always be remembering him and his legacy will always remain with us.

/ Contact: [email protected]

Somali Chess Federation which is one of the very few national federations in Somalia who have their own websites has now redesigned its website which has a great importance for the marketing of the federation’s activities. “The website carries the image of Somali Chess Federation and

that is why we have come to decision to renovate it—this is part of more other steps which we intend to make changes of development in all departments of our federation” said Somali Chess Federation President and Somali Olympic committee senior vice president Ahmed Abdi Hassan (Wataac).

The websi te which was previously visited as has now been redesigned and changed into“We are giving more priority to the enlargement of our media department which is doing an enormous work as they make our activities appear in the news headlines in the country and as well as in the outside world” the president said adding that local Somali websites and radio stations were very praise worthy for working with the federation.The Somali Chess Website similarly publishes all stories relating to the development of different sport in the country including the activities by the Somali Olympics and its member associations.

Somali Govt downplays the loss of thecountry’s first national team captainLegend Shangole

Somali Chess federation launchesnew look website

By: MohaMed Barre ‘JUnlay’ |Somali freelance Journalist

By: Shafi’i Mohyaddin aBoKar

Kooxda kubadda cagta dalka Germany ayaa ku guulaysatay koobka adduunka sanadka 2014 ee ka dhacayay dalka Brazil.

Waxay 1-0 uga adkaatay Argentina oo ay ku wada ciyaareen magaalada Rio de Janeiro.

Cayaarta ayaa daqiiqadii 90-shanaad waxa ay aheyd 0-0, laakiin Germalka ayaa waxaa u suurto gashay in ay helaan hal gool, hogaankana u qabtaan ciyaarta markii lagu daray waqti dheeraad ah taas oo wadanka Germany u suurto gelisay in ay hantaan koobka adduunka markii

afaraad ee ay ku guuleystaan Koobka adduunka.

Guusha Germany, ayaa waxa ay tahay markii ugu horeysay oo dalka Germany oo mideysan ay koob qaataan si ay ugu darsadaan seddexdii koob ee Galbeedka Germany horay u qaadatay.

Goosha quruxda badan oo uu dhaliyey Mario Goetze oo bedel ku soo galay ayaa aheyd goolka guusha ee ka dhacday garoonka Maracana taas oo soo afjartay ciyaaraha koobka aduunka.

Waa kooxdii ugu horeysay oo yurub ka timid kuna guuleystay koobka aduunka iyadoo joogta

Laatiin America.Dabcan Argentina waxa ay

gadaal u fiirinayaan qaasatan Gonzalo Higuain oo qeybta hore ee ciyaarta Argentina ka lumiyey fursad fiican, laakiin qofka ay aad ugu tiirsanaayeen ayaa waxa uu ahaa ciyaaryahanka qibrada wanaagsan leh Lionel Messi oo loo magacaabay ciyaaryahanka ugu wanaagsanaa tartankan koobka aduunka ee sanadkan 2014-ka.

Germany oo qaadatay koobka adduunkaQalinkii: caBdiraxMaan MUKhtaar | tusmo times

ku Xayeysiiso wargeyskaTusmo Times

Call 612-987-6269 to reserve this spot for next edition ad!

Page 8: Tusmo Times July 2014

Cabdulahi sheekh Cali Madar “Caarid”

Inaa l i laah i Wa Inaa I leeyhi Raaj icuun!

Waxaa taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/19/2014 ku geeriyoooday

Magaalada JigJiga ee dalka Ethiopia Allaha u naxariistee

Cabdulahi Sheekh Cali Madar “Caarid”. Marxuumka ayaa

dunida uga tagay carruur ay tiradoodu dhantahay 13 iyo

waliba wixii ay sii dhaleen. Waxaa geerida Marxuumka

la ogaysiinayaa dhamman reer Sheekh Cali Madar,

eheladiis, qaraabadiis, asxaabtiisa iyo dhamaan bulshada

Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan. Waxaan Ilaahyga

uga baryaynaa inuu ka waraabiyo Jannatu Fardowsa.


garaad Cabdullaahi garaad sooFe

Inaa lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileeyhi Raajicuun!

Allaha U naxariistee waxaa magaaladda Buuhoodle ku

geeriyooday taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/19/2014 Garaad

Cabdullaahi Garaad Soofe oo kamid ahaa Isimadda

Soomaaliyeed, Geerida Garaadka ayaa ahayd mid kusoo

boodo ah mana uusan qabin wax xanuun ah oo uu dhulka

la yaalay. Garaad Cabdullaahi Garaad Soofe waxaana

lagu yaqaanay ka shaqeynta nabadda iyo Masaalixda.

Waxaa geerida marxuumka Garaad Cabdullaahi Garaad

Soofe la ogaysiinayaa dhamman eheladiis, qaraabadiis,

asxaabtiisa iyo dhamaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed meel

kasta oo ay joogaan. Waxaan Ilaahyga uga baryaynaa

inuu ka waraabiyo Jannatu Fardowsa. AAMIIN, AAMIIN,


CabdulrahMan adeM “FlighT 13”

Inaa lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileeyhi Raajicuun!

Waxaa taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/20/2014 ku geeriyoooday

Magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota Allaha u

naxariistee Cabdulrahman Adem “Flight 13”. Geerida

Cabdulrahman ayaa ahayd mid kusoo boodo ah mana

uusan qabin wax xanuun ah oo uu dhulka la yaalay.

Marxuumka ayaa dunida uga tagay carruur ay tiradoodu

dhantahay 6 iyo waliba wixii ay sii dhaleen. Waxaa

geerida Marxuumka la ogaysiinayaa dhamman reer Axmed

Hirweeyne, eheladiis, qaraabadiis, asxaabtiisa iyo dhamaan

bulshada Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan. Waxaan

Ilaahyga uga baryaynaa inuu marxuumka ka waraabiyo

Jannatu Fardowsa. AAMIIN, AAMIIN, AAMIIN!

Cabdulqadir MaCallin CisMaan MaXaMuud


Inaa lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileeyhi Raajicuun.!

Waxaa taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/15/2014 ku geeriyoooday

Magaalada London Allaha u naxariistee Abwaan, Qoraa,

Cabdulqadir Macallin Cismaan Maxamuud “Aroma”.

Cabdulqaadir OROMA ayaa waxaa si weyn loogu

xasuusan doonaa qoraaladiisii kala duwanaa ee uu ka qoray

dhacdooyinkii Soomaaliya. Waxaa geerida marxuumka la

ogaysiinayaa dhamman eheladiis, qaraabadiis, asxaabtiisa

iyo dhamaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay

joogaan. Waxaan Ilaahyga uga baryaynaa inuu ka waraabiyo

Jannatu Fardowsa. AAMIIN, AAMIIN, AAMIIN!

waris sheekh Cali Madar

Inaa lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileeyhi Raajicuun.!

Waxaa taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/07/2014 ku geeriyoooday

Magaalada JigJiga ee dalka Ethiopia Allaha u naxariistee

Waris Sheekh Cali Madar. Marxuumadda ayaa dunida uga

tagay carruur ay tiradoodu dhantahay 7 iyo waliba wixii ay

sii dhaleen. Waxaa geerida Marxuumadda la ogaysiinayaa

dhamman reer Sheekh Cali Madar, eheladiis, qaraabadiis,

asxaabtiisa iyo dhamaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed meel

kasta oo ay joogaan. Waxaan Ilaahyga uga baryaynaa

inuu ka waraabiyo Jannatu Fardowsa. AAMIIN, AAMIIN,


saado Cali warsaMe

Inaa lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileeyhi Raajicuun!

Waxaa taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/23/2014 ku geeriyoooday

Magaalada Muqdisho Allaha u naxariistee xildhibaanad

Saado Cali Warsame. Marxuumadda ayaa waxay ahayd

marka laga soo tago xildhibaannimada mid ka mid ah

fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed ee sida

weyn looga yaqaan gudaha dalka iyo dibadda. Saado Cali

ayaa illaa iyo sannadkii 2012 ka mid ahay baarlamaanka

Soomaaliya, iyadoo ku baaqi jirtay in lagu dadaalo

sidii dalka dhibaatada looga saari lahaa. Waxaa geerida

Marxuumadda la ogaysiinayaa dhamman, eheladeeda,

qaraabadeeda, asxaabteeda iyo dhamaan bulshada

Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan. Waxaan Ilaahyga

uga baryaynaa inuu ka waraabiyo Jannatu Fardowsa.


MaXaMed qalaF aden “shangole”

Inaa lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileeyhi Raajicuun!

Waxaa taariikhdu markay ahayd 7/08/2014 ku geeriyoooday

Magaalada Muqdisho Allaha u naxariistee Maxamed Qalaf

Aden “Shangole”. Marxuumka ayaa ahaa kabtankii ugu

horeeyay ee xulka qaranka kuabadda cagta ee Soomaaliya.

Waxaa geerida marxuumka la ogaysiinayaa dhamman

eheladiis, qaraabadiis, asxaabtiisa iyo dhamaan bulshada

Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan. Waxaan Ilaahyga

uga baryaynaa inuu ka waraabiyo Jannatu Fardowsa.



Page 9: Tusmo Times July 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment | 9

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Page 10: Tusmo Times July 2014

Ma ogtahay inay tallaalladu ka caawiyaan carruurta iyo dhalinta caafimaad-qabka. Caafimaad qabkuna wuxuu ka caawinayaa inay ku sii jiraan dugsiga! Ardayda caafimaadka qabta ayaa leh fejignaan iyo ka qaybgal waxbarasho fasal oo fiican.

Hubi inay carruurtaadu u diyaar yihiin xannaanada ilmaha ama dugsiga. Laga bilaabo Sebtember 1, 2014, waxa jiri doona shuruudaha cusub ee tallaalka looguna talagalay dugsiga iyo xanaanada ilmaha.

waa maxay shuruudaha cusub ee tallaalku?

Cagaarshow B - Loogu talagalay carruurta ka weyn da’da 2 bilood ee ka qoran ama la qorayo xannaanada ilmaha ama barnaamij carruurnimada hore ah. Cagaarshow A -Loogu

talagalay carruurta ka weyn da’da 12 bilood ee ka qoran ama la qorayo xannaanada i lmaha ama barnaamij carruurnimada hore ah. Tdap – Loogu talagalay

ardayda soo galeysa fasallada 7aad. Ardayda dhigata

fasallada 8aadillaa 12aad ayaa ah inay tusaan caddayn haddii u dugsigu weyddiisto. Tani waxay beddeleysaa shuruudda tallaalka Td. Q o o r g o o y a h a

(meningococcal) – Loogu talagalay ardayda soo galeysa fasallada 7aad. Ardayda dhigata fasallada 8aadillaa 12aad ayaa ah inay tusaan caddayn haddii u dugsigu weyddiisto.

Maxaa ah inay ku kacaan waalidiintu? Dib ugu fiirso taariikhda

tallaalka ilmahaaga. Si aad u hesho nuqullada diiwaanka tallaalka ilmahaaga, la hadal rugtaada caafimaad ama wac Xiriirinta Macluumadka T a l l a a l k a M i n n e s o t a (Minnesota Immunization Information Connection) (MIIC) taleefanka 651-201-5503 ama 1-800-657-3970. I s k u

b a r b a r d h i g d i i n w a a n k a ilmahaaga iyo shuruudaha cusub ee tallaalka. Ma qaateen tallaalada Tdap iyo Meningococcal? Ballanqabsohaddii u

ilmahaagu u baahan yahay

tallaallo intaa ka badan. H a y s o n u q u l a h

diiwaanka ilmahaaga. Waxa laga yaaabaa in lagaa codsado inaad dhiibto caddaynta tallaalaka kahor intaan la qorin.

Maxaa tallaallo kale ah oo badbaadinayaa carruurtayda?

Waxa jira tallaallo kale oo cudurrada khatarta ah ka hortaga oo waliba loogu talinayo carruurtaada iyo tobnaad jirayaasha. Tallaalka Rotavirus ee

loogu talagalay dhallaanka. Tallaalka hargabka ee

loogu talagalay cid kasta oo ah 6 bilood ama ka weyn. Ta l l aa lka Human

papillomavirus (HPV), oo ka hortaga HPV, oo ah fayras u horseedi kara noocaa kansarka qaarkood. Tallaalka HPV ayaa ah ka hortagga kansarka oo taxanaha iraabta tallaalka ayaa ah in la bilaabo 11-12 sano.

Ma ka welwelsan tahay qiimaha?

Tallaallo lacag la’aan ah ama qiime jaban ayaa laga

yaaba in la helo. Kala hadal dhakhtarkaaga ama rugtaaada caafimaad inuu ilmahaagu u qalmo iyo in kale.

U abaabul ilmahaaga sannad dugsiyeed guuleysi leh. U hubso inay heleen tallaalada loo baahan yahay oo kala hadal dhakhtarkaaga ama rugtaada caafimaad arrimaha ku saabsan wixii kale ee aad ku kici karto inaad u ilaaliso caafimaadooda oo ay dhigtaan dugsiga. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, oo ay ka mid tahay shax muujinaysa tallaallada ay tahay goorta inuu ilmahaagu qaato iyo tilmaamaha ku

saabsan sida loo raadsado ka dhaafitaanka shuruudaha tallaalka, fadlan booqo

Carruur Caafimaad-qabtaa Waa Carruur Maskax Caafimaad-Qabta!

Hayadda RajoQab Foundation ayaa gaarsiisay, una qaybisay deeq ah gawaarida iyo kuraasta ay dadka naafada ahi isticmaalaan qaar kamid ah dadka naafada ah ee ku nool magaalada Muqdisho maalintii Khamiista ay bisha June ahayd 26, 2014.

Lacagta lagu gaday kuraasta ay naafadu ku socdaan ayaa waxaa ku deeqay oo sadaqaystay dad Soomaaliyeed oo ku nool qurbaha gaar ahaan dalalka Mareykanka, England iyo Canada. Hay’adda RajoQab Foundation oo ah hay’ad u gargaarta Naafada Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa la aasaasay labo sanno ka hor, waxaana hay’adda sameeyay Maxamed Abshir oo loo yaqaano “Indho” oo madax ka ah hay’adda RajoQab Foundation. Maxamed Abshir ayaa isagu ku curyaamay shil mooto uu ku galay magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota sannadkii 2000.

Deeqdan oo loosoo wakiilay xubno uu ka mid yahay xildhibaan hore Xuseen Gaa-gaale ayaa lagu qaybiyay degmada Waaberi ee gobolka Banaadir, iyadoo ay ka faa’iideysteen deeqdan cuyaamiin ay tiradoodu ahayd 40 cuyaamiin ah oo ku kala nool degmooyinka Xamar-jabab, Waaberi, Xamar-weyn iyo Howlwadaag.

Naafada loo qaybiyay gawaarida iyo kuraasta loogu talagalay dadka naafada ah si ay u isticmaalaan ayaa waxay isugu jireen rag iyo dumar, iyadoo mid walba oo ka mid ah

uu helay kursi uu ku socdo oo cusub, iyadoo ay intooda badani ahaayeen dad naafo ah oo aanan lahayn, awoodina kuraas ay ku socdaan oo gurguuran jiray.

Naafadan ayaa waxay kala ahaayeen 14-qof oo ku nool Waaberi, sideed ku nool Xamar-jajab, sagaal ku nool Xamar-weyne iyo sideed ku nool Howl-wadaag oo dhammaantood ka tirsan demooyinkan gobolka Banaadir.

Dadka Naafada ah ee ka faa’iideystay deeqdan oo hadlay ayaa sheegay inay aad ugu farxasan yihiin deeqdan lasoo gaarsiiyay, waxayna sheegeen in la siiyay xilli ay baahi weyn u qabeen, iyagoo dadkii ku deeqay ugu duceeyay in uu Ilaahay uu wax ka khayr badan ugu bedelo.

Macalin Cabdullahi oo kamid ahaa dadkii naafada ahaa ee nasiibka u yeeshay in ay kuraasta wax ka helaan ayaa u sheegay maamulka RajoQab Foundation ayaa yiri, “Kursiga la iigu deeqay wuxuu wax badan ka badalay noloshayda. Waxaa hadda sid fudud wax u bari karaa ardayda aan u dhigo dugsi Qur’aanka,

waxaan sidoo kale si sahlan u tagi karaa magaalada iyo dhamaan meeshii kale ee aan muraad ka yeesho”.

Qiimaha ay ku kaceen kuraastan ayaa ahaa $5,200 oo doollarka Mareykanka ah, iyadoo tani ay qayb weyn ka qaadanayso sidii loo caawin lahaa curyaamiinta ku nool Muqdisho, kuwaasoo inta badan la arkayso iyagoo gurguuranaya jidadka waaweyn ee Muqdisho.

Haddaba maamulka Hay’adda RajoQab Foundation ayaa waxay u mahadcelinayaan dhamaan dadkii xoogooda iyo xoolohoodaba ugu tabarucay gargaarka naafada Soomaaliyeed.

Haddii aad jeceshahay in aad ka ka qaybqaadato caawinta naafada ku nool Soomaaliya oo la gaarsiinayo deeqda gawaarida dadka naafada ahi ay isticmaalaan, fadlan Maxamed abshir kala xiriir taleefanka 612 986 4561 ama fariin qoraal ugu soo dir [email protected]. waxaad kale oo aad booqan kartaa shebakada

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Caafimaadka / Health | 10

Hay’adda RajoQab oo Naafada ku Nool Magaalada Muqdisho u Qaybisay Gawaari iyo Kuraas Qalinkii: caBdiraxMaan MUKhtaar | tusmo times

sayFsM provides free hiv testing, counseling, and referral services.

Tests are performed by well-trained, certified professionals.

Testing is done in the sayFsM office or at a confidential location of your choice.

your privacy is strictly protected.

Tests may be taken anonymously.

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sayFsM is a culturally and linguistically appropriate African agency

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FFFrrreeeeee hhhiiivvv ssscccrrreeeeeennniiinnnggg ttteeesssttt fffooorrr pppeeerrrsssooonnnsss iiinnn ttthhheee aaafffrrriiicccaaannn cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy

Page 11: Tusmo Times July 2014

Khadija Osman, 18, shuffles a stack of certificates, one for making the honor roll and several

others awarded by teachers. She just graduated from Arroyo Paseo Charter High School in City Heights and is heading to UC Merced in the fall to study biochemistry.

In Somalia, where her family comes from, girls were much less likely to go to school than boys. Here in the United States, Somali girls attending San Diego city schools are surpassing their male counterparts academically.

Generally, boys are more likely to drop out of school than girls. The dropout rate for middle and

high school boys in San Diego Unified School District was 1.25 percent during the 2012-2013

school year; it was 0.81 percent for girls.

Leaders in the local Somali community say refugee boys are at much higher risk of dropping out than the general school population, especially if they’re a Somali Bantu ethnic minority, which came to the U.S. more recently. They say boys often are drawn into fights and, like many refugees, lack resources and struggle with language. San Diego Unified does not keep data by ethnic group or immigration status, but said the dropout

rate for English learners of all ethnicities was 3.06 percent in 2012-2013.

The graduation gap is feeding a rapid gender shift for the Somali community — one that’s tricky to navigate for young women like Osman.

When Osman learned she was accepted to a university an eight-hour drive away, she got a lot of pushback from her sister. That’s because Osman helps with the household and her nieces and nephews. It’s customary for Somali girls to help look after siblings and other younger relatives.

“There’s girls that would love to go to college but because of all the responsibilities put on us, you know, taking care of the house, and helping parents with translation and appointments, you know, we’re not able,” Osman said. “It’s annoying because a lot of the guys take it for granted.”

Osman believes that’s why some refugee boys drop out — school is just not a priority for them. But Oliva Espin has

a different take on why refugee boys have a harder time than girls. She’s a professor emerita at San Diego State University who studies psychology and immigrant women.

“Women find jobs immediately because women clean, cook, take care of old people — they do the same thing they had always done,” Espin said.

Refugee men, on the other hand, often have skills or degrees that don’t quite translate to the U.S. job market. Espin’s own father worked as a lawyer in Cuba but had to get a job sorting mail when he moved his family to the U.S. in the 1960s. She says boys often see their fathers and older brothers stagnate while girls see their mothers and sisters rising to meet the challenges of living in a new country.

“The women have to do things that they would not have done back there in terms of supporting the family. And the girls are seeing that,” Espin said. “The other thing is, most teachers are women. Boys don’t have that many role models.”

Isha Aweyso, 17, will start her senior year at Health Sciences High and Middle College, a charter school in City Heights, in the fall and is on track to go to a university. Wearing an intricate headscarf and vibrant traditional dress, she said boys get distracted at school because they can wear whatever they want.

“As long as they get their education and make their family proud, (girls are) fine with that,” Aweyso said. “Boys, they worry too much about whether or not their clothes look perfect on them and if that specific group is going to want them.”

Unlike Osman, Aweyso has the full support of her female relatives when it comes to higher education.

Her mother, Nuriya Abshiro, said she’s really happy her daughter can go to school and get a job. It’s something she wanted for herself, but by the time her family earned enough money to enroll her, she had to flee to a refugee camp in Kenya.

But here’s the difference between Aweyso and Osman.

Aweyso wants to stay local and go to San Diego State University. She’ll be around to help raise her brothers and sisters, and she’ll be a greater support to her family once she has a degree.

Osman said she also knows she’ll have to put her degree to work to support her family. And that’s OK with her as long as she gets to go to UC Merced, which has the smaller class sizes she believes she’ll need to be successful.

“The thought of telling my dad I want to go away to college was kind of terrifying,” Osman said. “But then I told him why I want to go and he said, ‘You know, at this point, I trust you. You’re old enough and you know what’s best for you.’ So he gave me his blessings.”

Both Osman and Aweyso said they hope to become high school teachers, serving as role models for the refugee girls and boys who come after them.

Waxyaabaha Muhiimka ah ee Laga fiiriyo ama Lagu xusho marka la iibsanayo Computer – Laptop

Ugu horayn inta aadan iibsan Computer waxaa muhiim ah in aad ogtahay ujeedada iyo hawsha aad u adeegsan doontid computerka: Ma waxaad u adeegsanaysaa in aad qoraalada caadiga ah ku qoratid, mase waxaad ku agaasimaysaa sawirro iyo video, mase in aad ku kaydsanaysid casharada dugsiga/iskoolka, ma waxaad rabtaa computer fudud oo aad safar la gashid, mase mid guriga uun aad ku adeegsatid iwm.

Ujeedada iyo muhiimadda ay leedahay hawsha aad u adeegsan doontid ayaad ku salayn doontaa tayada iyo qiimaha aad ka bixin doontid computerka.

Mar haddii aan ujeedada isla meel dhignay, waxaan qoraalkan ku eegi doonaa waxyaabaha muhiimka ah ee laga fiiriyo computerka marka la iibsanayo, taas oo aan ku ogaan kartid tayada computerka, waxaana ka mid ah:

ProCessor (CPu)o 3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU

(Processor), ama ka casrisan

Processor ama CPU (oo laga soo gaabiyey Central Processing Unit) oo lagu qeexo maskaxda computerka – waa meesha kala hagta dhammaan amarrada uu computer ku fulinayo hawlaha kala duwan. Sidaas daraadeed

Processor waa qaybaha ugu muhiimsan computerka, waana in aad iska hubisid xawaaraha Processor-ka (oo lagu cabbiro hal-beegga GHz). Tusaale ahaan 1.6GHz waxa ka sareeya 2GHz ama 3GHz.

Shirkadaha ugu caansan ee sameeya Processor-ka waxaa kamid ah Inter iyo AMD. Noocyadii ugu dambeeye ee Intel waxaa ka mid ah: Intel Core i3, Core i5 iyo Core i7 oo siday u kala lambar weyn yihiin u kala qaalisan. Noocyadii hore ee Processor-ka waxaa ka mid ah Pentium, Celeron, Atom iyo Xeon.

Haddii la isku kaa barbar dhigo labadan computer oo leh processor kala ah:

o 1.6GHz Intel Core i5 CPU, iyo

o 3.5GHz Intel Core i7 CPU – iibso kan, waayo isagaa kaga xawaare badan sida uu amarrada u fulinayo.

hard driveo 500GB Hard Drive (7200

rpm), ama ka mug weynHard Drive oo ah qaybta

kaydka computerka, waa meesha aad ku xafidan doontid qoraalada iyo macluumaadka aad ku kaydsanaysid computerka. Marka laga hadlayo qaabka ay u shaqeeyaan, waxaa jira laba nooc oo Hard Drive ah oo kala ah:

o HDD: Noocan waxaa weli laga helaa computero badan, inta badana waa riqiis, laakiin waxa uu computerka ku siyaadiyaa miisaan, waana kululaadaa. Waxaana la helaa Hard Drive noocaan ah oo mugiisu yahay 320 GB iyo ka badan (ama ka yar).

o SSD: Noocan waa ka guux yar yahay kan sare, islamarkaasna ka qabow yahay, laakiin waa

ka qaalisan yahay. Xawaaraha ama sida degdegga ah ee Hard Drive-ku akhbaarta ku xafido waxay noqon kartaa 5,400rpm (revolutions per minute), ama kasii xawaare badan oo gaaraya 7,200rpm. Taas waa muhiim in aad ogaatid marka aad iibsanaysid computerka.

Waxaa la helaa computerro leh Hard Drive aad u mug weyn, tusaale ahaan:

o 750GB hard drive (5400 rpm)

o 1TB hard drive (7200 rpm), kaas oo ah 1 Terabyte oo u dhiganta 1024GB.

Halkaas waxaad ka garan kartaa mugga Hard Drive-ka aad iibsanaysid wuxuu ku xiran yahay baaxadda xogta aad doonaysid inaad ku kaydsatid computerka.

raM (MeMory)o 8GB DDR3 SDRAM, ama

ka casrisanRAM (oo laga soo gaabiyey

Random Access Memory) waxaa loo yaqaan xusuusta computerka, waa tan suurta gelisa in isku mar la furi karo barnaamijyo badan, sidaas daraadeed ha iibsan computer ay xusuustiisu ka yar tahay 4GB – waxaana la helaa 8GB iyo ka sii badan.

Waxaa muhiim ah in uu yahay nooca loo yaqaan DDR3 oo ay ku lingaxan tahay SDRAM – farsamadaas oo suurtagal ka dhigeysa in computerku uusan isticmaalin koronto badan, si degdeg ahna u furaya barnaamijyada. Farsamadii taas ka horeysey waxay ahayd DDR2 (oo weli laga heli karo computerada qadiimka ah).

Sidaas daraadeed haddii la isku kaa barbar dhigo labadan computer:

o 4GB DDR2 RAM, iyoo 8GB DDR3 SDRAM – kan

iibso, waayo isagaa si degdeg ah u furaya barnaamijyo badan.

ballaCa shaashadda (sCreen size)

o 15.6″ Touch-Screen LaptopB a l l a c a s h a a s h a d d a

Computerka ee aad dooranaaysid waxay ku xiran tahay waxa aad u adeegsanaysid computerka. Tusaale ahaan:o 13 ilaa 14 inChes: Waxa uu ku habboon yaahy Laptop loogu talo safarka ama markasta qaadatid,o 15 inChes: waa noocyada ugu badan ee la xusho marka computerka aadan marar badan qaadanayn,o 17 ilaa 18 inChes: waa shaashad ballaaran oo loo adeegsado computerada leh shaashadda baaxadda ballaaran.

Waxa kale oo xusid mudan in la ogaado in shaashadu tahay mid ku shaqaysa taabashada

gacanta (Touch-Screen), oo ah mid si toos ah shaashadda looga taaban karo faraha si loo furo barnaamijyada.

oPeraTing sysTeMo Windows 8.1 (64Bit) ama

ka casrisanBarnaamijka uu ku shaqeeyo

computerku ee loo yaqaan “Operating System“, wuxuu noqon karaa Windows, Mac OS ama Linux. Waxaad iibsataa computer uu ku jiro nooca Operating system ee aad taqaanid. Haddii aad dooratid Windows, waxaa ugu dambeeyey

Windows 8.1 (markii aan qoraalkan qorayey), waxaana ka horeeyey Windows 7 (waxaana ka sii horeeyey Windows XP oo hadda suuqa ka baxday).

Waxaadna hub i saa in Operating System-ku uu yahay 64Bit, waayo noocyadii hore waa 32Bit – waa farsamo la xiriirta baaxadda degdegga ah ee computer ku maarayn karo faylal iyo barnaamijyo badan (taas oo xiriir toos ah la leh RAM/memory).

saaCadaha beTerigu shaqaynayo (baTTery liFe)

Marka aad i ibsanaysid Laptop waxaa muhiim ah inaad ogaatid inta saacadood ee beterigu shaqaynayo koronto la’aan. Tusaale ahaan haddii aad iibsatid Laptop ballaca shaashaddiisu tahay 15 inches, waa in batarigiisu inta uu shaqaynayo aysan ka yaraaan 4 saac ama ka badan. Waxaana la helaa computero batarigoodu shaqaynayo ilaa 6 saac, 10 saac iyo ka badan.

waXyaabo dheeraad ah oo MuhiiM ah

Waxaad kale oo aad hubisaa in computerku leeyahay qaybahan:

usb 3.0 PorTs: oo loo adeegsado in computerka si fudud loogu xiriirin karo aaladaha ay ka mid yihiin Camera iwm. Waxaa muhiim ah in computerku leeyahay dhawr meelood oo ah USB 3.0 (waxaa ka horeeyey USB 2.0 oo gaabis ah marka la barbar dhigo USB 3.0 – waa marka xogta lagu kala xawilayo computerada ama computerka iyo camarada oo la adeegsanayo USB 3.0 ayaa degdeg badan).wi-Fi: oo ah aaladda suurtagal ka dhigeysa in computerku uu soo

qabsan karo khadka Internetka ee silig-la’da (wireless) oo ah khad inter ah oo aan fiilo la adeegsanayn (silig-la’), waxaana farsamadaas noqon kartaa 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi.gigabiT eTherneT PorT: oo ah meesha lagaga xiriirin karo fiilada khadka internet ah oo xawaare sare leh.graPhiCs Card: haddii aadan computerka u adeegsanayn games, waxaad tixgelinaysaa in uu computerka ku jiro Graphics card iska caadi ah. Graphics card-yada la adeegsado waxaa ka mid ah AMD iyo Nvidia, ama kuwo ka casrisan.dvd/Cd-roM drive: in kasta oo waayadan dambe laga sii baxayo DVD/CD, hadana weli waxaa dhici karta in loo baahdo in computerku leeyaahy khaanada (ama Drive) ah DVD/CD.k e y b o a r d : T e e b k a computerku waa meelaha ugu muhiimsan maadaama ay tahay halka aad qoraalada kaga qoreysid. Sidaas daraadeed waa in Keyboar-ku noqdo mid fasiix ah oo farahi si fiican u qabsanayaan, waana in aad dareemeyid in aysan aad ciriiri u ahayn ama aad isugu dhaweyn qaybahiisa teebku.Mouse: Hage ama mouse wanaagsan oo gacan qabad leh ayaad u baahan kartaa.

Qoraalkaan AqoonKaal .com waxaan ku soo koobnay waxyaabaha muhiimka ah ee laga fiiriyo marka la xulanayo computer. Waxaan rajaynayaa in aad qoraalkaas ka faa’iidey, ama aqoon kororsi kaaga siyaadey.

Vol. 1 Ed. 7 | July 2014 Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture | 11

Waxyaabaha Muhiimka ah ee Laga fiiriyo ama Lagu xusho marka la iibsanayo Computer – LaptopQalinkii: MaxaMed cali | aqoonKaal

More San Diego Refugee Girls Are College Bound, Flipping The Cultural ScriptSource : KpBS

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Tusmo Times

Page 12: Tusmo Times July 2014

DAY RAMADAN JUNE FAJR SUNRISE DHUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHAFriday 14 11/7 3:47 5:37 1:19 5:26 9:00 10:51Sat 15 12/7 3:49 5:38 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:50Sun 16 13/7 3:50 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:49Mon 17 14/7 3:52 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:58 10:47Tue 18 15/7 3:53 5:40 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:46Wed 19 16/7 3:55 5:41 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:45Thu 20 17/7 3:56 5:42 1:20 5:26 8:56 10:44Friday 21 18/7 3:58 5:43 1:20 5:25 8:55 10:42Sat 22 19/7 3:59 5:44 1:20 5:25 8:54 10:41Sun 23 20/7 4:01 5:45 1:20 5:25 8:53 10:39Mon 24 21/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Tue 25 22/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Wed 26 23/7 4:04 5:47 1:20 5:24 8:51 10:36Thu 27 24/7 4:07 5:49 1:20 5:24 8:49 10:33Friday 28 25/7 4:09 5:50 1:20 5:23 8:48 10:31Sat 29 26/7 4:11 5:51 1:20 5:23 8:47 10:30Sun 30 27/7 4:12 5:52 1:20 5:23 8:46 10:28


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