Download - Turning Pro - Tim Martin Speech podcast


July 11, 2014

Turning Pro Tim Martin

Two x Two Ground Rules

❖ Things that will help:

1. Have fun and be excited!

2. No GOMOS! (You must


❖ Thing that will hurt:

3. “I knew that.”

4. “That won’t work.”

–Tim Martin

“The freedom god will eat you


Tom Hopkins’ Daily Affirmations On Failure

I never see failure as failure, but only as a learning


I never see failure as failure, but only as the negative

feedback I need to change course in my direction.

I never see failure as failure but only as the opportunity to

develop my sense of humor.

I never see failure as failure but only as an opportunity to

practice my techniques and perfect my performance.

I never see failure as failure, but only as the game I must

play to win!

–Theodore Roosevelt

“The credit belongs to the man who is

actually in the arena; whose face is

marred by sweat and blood; who strives

valiantly; who errs and comes short again

and again because there is no effort

without error and shortcoming; who

knows the great enthusiasms, the great

devotion, spends himself in a worthy

cause; who at best knows in the end the

triumph of high achievement; and who at

worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring

greatly, so that his place shall never be

with those cold and timid souls who have

never tasted victory or defeat.”

Tim’ Sales Axioms

People buy from people they like and trust!

If I say it, it is subject to doubt. If you say it, it is Gospel truth.

Whatever their biggest objection, is exactly the reason they need

to move forward!

If you are working, the only way to screw this up is greed or

stupidity. Usually they are tied together!

All growth begins with personal growth.

Tim’ Sales Axioms

The more they talk, the smarter you are.

You can never get mad at a prospect/customer for doing

something you didn’t tell them they couldn’t do.

Stupid Sh!% will destroy your relationships.

Don’t do Stupid Sh!%.

SWSWSWN - Some will, some won’t, so what, next! The most

important one???? NEXT!!!!

Always agree with the prospect. You can win the battle, but

still lose the war.

Tim’ Sales Axioms

Make hay while the sun shines, that’s smart. Sleep during

harvest, that’s dumb!

If you want to be a success in this business 10 years form now,

you have to be in this business 10 years from now.

Everything in this business is optional, including especially success.

Ends Sunday Night (7/13/14) at Midnight

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