Download - Turkey Basket Delivery Katie Dembowski. Planning and Execution.

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  • Turkey Basket Delivery Katie Dembowski
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  • Planning and Execution
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  • Planning- Work Breakdown Plan The first phase was to receive a list of participants from Colonel Zachary including the flight that would be accompanying me on the trip. The flight was chosen by the overall GPA of the class being higher than that of other periods.
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  • Planning Manpower Preparation The cadets needed to be in T-shirts and windbreakers. Needed to have completed all Permission slip forms and be excused from all classes before getting on the bus.
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  • Planning Financial Plan The cost of the buses was covered by the school. Lunch was to either be brought on the trip or funded by the Squires at.
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  • Communication Throughout the planning process contact with Colonel was maintained By tracking the progression of the event all needs were met. Contact information was published on the point paper. Received a business card from SKF at event.
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  • Point Paper WhatDelivering Turkey Baskets to less fortunate families P.O.C.Colonel Zachery, Kate Dembowski (267-481-4511) WhereReport to H4, we will be taking a bus to Norristown When Report to H4 at 9:15 (right after 2 nd period), on Friday November 16 th, you will be back to your respective school by 13:30. UniformAir Force t-shirts, Wind- breakers, and Jeans More Info Our main goal is to make the less fortunate families happy. Come ready to work! Meals I would suggest bringing a snack for the bus ride because you may be missing your lunch (But we must leave the bus spotless when we get off). PhotographerCovert OIC: Dembowski EVENT: TURKEY BASKET DELIVERY
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  • Resource Procurement Plan It was previously set up so that the students would arrive at SKF, pick up the baskets and deliver them to the Norristown Family Center Arranged so that we had a full-size bus and a handicap bus.
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  • Customer Needs The goal of the mission was complete Delivered 92 baskets. Recipients were impressed with the quality of the work that was done.
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  • Our young friends of the North Penn High School used their muscles to load these two full-sized buses and unload them once they arrived to the office. These Junior ROTC students are always a delight to us as they handle these baskets with zeal and show a lot of joy in doing so.
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  • Risks Lifting heavy baskets could injure someone so proper technique was insisted upon. With the attendance of a handicapped JROTC cadet we needed to ensure that he could safely participate in a meaningful manner.
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  • Post Event
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  • Successes and Areas of Improvement All turkey baskets were delivered We had problems with the wind blowing the trays off the top of the baskets Needed more room on the buses. It was a tight fit.
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  • Community Awareness Posters were hung on the JROTC bulletin board near the main entrance Article was published by the CVCA (Carson Valley Childrens Aid) and Norristown Family Center
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  • Pictures Placed on the passport Used for further exposure Names of participants and times were provided to the Data System OIC binder