Download - Turbo-charge you product with Game Thinking

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Game ThinkingAmy Jo Kim, Ph.D.

amyjokim.comCo-Founder & Game Designer shufflebrain.comCreator & Head Coach

Lean Startup Conference 2015

Turbo-Charge your Product Design with

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WelcomeI’m glad

you’re here

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Is this you?

• need to accelerate early design process

• tough to find the right early customers

• hard to make a stripped-down MVP

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What You Will Learn

Actionable techniques for creating a better product in less timewith Game Thinking

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As a child I loved to play

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As a child I loved to play

But I didn’t love to compete

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one nighton a beach

in Greecemy creativity

was re-ignighted

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I found another way to play

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I developed my coop design


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then one day, I got THE CALL

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we created a breakthrough hit

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which led to more breakthrough hits

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and insights into Game Thinking

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Design your experience to evolve over time1

Design is not just what it looks like & feels like. Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

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is for Enthusiastswhat is my customer’s end-to-end experience?





how does it evolve over time?

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is for Enthusiasts


Discovery is for VisitorsIs this right for me? What’s the value proposition?

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is for EnthusiastsOnboarding is for Newbies



How do I learn the ropes? When do I start getting value?

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is for EnthusiastsHabit-building is for Regulars




What pulls me back? What am I getting better at?

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is for EnthusiastsMastery is for Enthusiasts





Can I leverage the skills & knowledge I’ve built?

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is for Enthusiasts





end-to-end customer experience

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is for EnthusiastsStage 1: Discovery is for Visitors

Social Discovery via Friends & Colleagues

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is for EnthusiastsStage 1: Onboarding is for Newbies

Learn the ropes with a friendly bot

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is for EnthusiastsStage 1: Habit-building is for Regulars

Customized group chat with emojis, bots & integrations

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is for EnthusiastsStage 1: Mastery is for Enthusiasts

Launch a channel, program a bot, integrate your app

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a conversational, extensible environment — built to enable UGC & player creativity

Slack evolves to match your skill level

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Find the fun within your Core Loop2

Fun is just another word for learning.

Raph Kosterauthor, A Theory of Fun

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Fun means different things to different people

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What is a game?

a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that

results in a quantifiable outcome** Source: Rules of Play

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Zero-Sum Game

We are opponents

I Win You Lose

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Head-to-Head Battles War Simulations

Rank-Ordered Competitions Gambling

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a structured experience with rules and goals that’s fun to play together*

* Source: The Player’s Journey (forthcoming)

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We are partners

Non-Zero-Sum Game


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Martial Arts Charity Walk

Double Dutch Pictionary

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What kind of fun are your customers looking for?

Do they want to be partners? or opponents?

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In a loop, you’re learning a skill and updating your mental model. That’s what leads to player delight.

Dan Cookco-founder, Spry Fox

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Operant ConditioningAKA Skinner Box?

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XOperant ConditioningAKA Skinner Box?

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Skill-building =making customers more awesome

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Skill-building =making customers more awesome

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Core Loop = skill-building habit loop

Skill-Building Core Loop

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Finding the fun in a co-op music game

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PartyTime! urge for a fun social activity

Play a Song Together

Get your Score, Accolades, $$

get better, play harder songs & bigger venues

Core Loop

Feedback & Progress

Investment Path


Internal Trigger

Beat the Song

Engaged Trigger

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Finding the fun in a team collaboration tool

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Check Updates urge to connect with your team

Read & Respond to


No More Updates Need


Customize your channel &


Activity Chain

Feedback & Progress

Investment Path

Internal Trigger

Core Loop

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Check Updates urge to connect with your team

Read & Respond to


No More Updates Need


Customize your experience



Engaging activity satisfies an urge or need

Internal Trigger

Core Loop

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Feedback &progresspromote learning & mastery

EscapeTime! urge to dive into an escapist world

Read & Respond to


No More Updates Need


Customize your experience

Feedback & Progress

Core Loop

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EscapeTime! urge to dive into an escapist world

Read & Respond to Updates

No More Updates Need Attention

Customize your experience

Investment Path

Investment & triggers pull people back

Engaged Trigger

Check Notifications

Core Loop

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Skill-building =making customers more awesome

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Core Loop =making customers more skillful

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Wanna build long-term engagement?

Start with a skill-building Core Loop

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Connect with your super-fans3

In a multi-player game, the people playing are more valuable than all the animations, models & game logic

Gabe NewellCEO, Valve

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Crossing the ChasmGeoffrey Moore, 1991

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Everett Rogers, 1961

Innovation Diffusion Theory

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To cross the chasm…

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Find & delighta few passionateearly customers

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the fans out there are entertaining us, the developers, with their creations!

Will Wrightdesigner, The Sims

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Leverage your relationships with Super Fans

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Slack came to life as a collaboration tool for a distributed team building a co-op game

solve a real problem for a small group

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Bring ideas to life with Game Thinking

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How can you benefit from Game Thinking?

Accelerate & focus your design process+

Identify & leverage the right early customers

+Build a stripped-down yet compelling MVP

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Launching in 2016

Getting2Alpha Masterclassonline course for entrepreneurs & product leaders

Getting2Alpha MVP ClubVIP coaching for innovative product teams

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let’s stay in touch @amyjokim