Download - Tunnelling & underground design (Topic7-brittle failure)

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1 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

EOSC 547:

Tunnelling & Underground Design

Topic 7: Brittle Fracture &

Stress-Controlled Failure

2 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Brittle –vs- Plastic Failure Mechanisms

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3 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Spalling and Rockburst in Tunnelling

Kaiser et al. (2000)

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Orientation of 1 & Induced Stresses



stress concentration



stress concentration

Potential Ground Control Issues:Destressing = wedge failuresConcentration = spalling

Stresses can be visualized as flowing around the excavation periphery in the direction of the major principle stress (1). Where they diverge, relaxation occurs; where they converge, stress increases occur.

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Stress Driven Spalling

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Stress Driven Spalling in Tunnelling - Issues

Falling slabs of rock a hazard to workers.

Problem for TBM as gripper pads cannotbe seated on the side wall.

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Stress Driven Spalling and Popping

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Rockbursting – StrainburstsRockburst: A sudden and violent failure of rock where rock fragments are ejected into the excavation. Energy is released as seismic energy radiated in the form of strain waves.

Strainburst: A self-initiated rockburst that develops due to a disequilibrium between high stresses and rock strength (i.e. dynamic unstable fracturing).

Usually occurs after blasting, as face is unable to adjust to the immediately stress increaseImmediate unloading of confinement from a triaxial to uniaxial stress condition, stored energy released as seismic energyCommonly occurs when drifting through contact between a brittle and relative soft rock (i.e. highly dependent on local mine rock stiffness)

10 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Rockbursting – Slip BurstsSlip burst: Slip bursts are characterized as a stick-slip shear movement on a discontinuity. These bursts are less likely to be triggered by a particular blast, and more likely to occur afterwards. Slip occurs when the ratio of shear to normal (effective) stress along the fault plane reaches a critical value (its shear strength).

Slip bursts at the Lucky Friday Mine.

Similar to mechanics of an earthquakeFault slip typically intersects the mine openingsIn most cases, mining activity causes slip by removing normal stress, although some local intensification of shear stress may also occurChanges in stress along a fault are often linked to mine activities by time-dependent deformation processes. These time-dependent processes can act over long periods of time, regardless of continued mining

Whyatt et al. (1997)

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Rockbursting & Worker Safety

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Rockbursting & Worker Safety

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Rockbursting & Worker Safety

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AECL’s Underground Research Laboratory

240 m Level

3 1

420 m Level Mar




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AECL’s URL – Brittle Failure

300mm diameter

1.2m diameterMartin (1997)

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Failure Criterion in Solid Mechanics

To understand the mechanisms at work leading to stress-induced ground control problems (spalling & bursting), we need to understand the basic principals of rock strength and brittle fracture processes.

Traditionally, there have been two approaches to analyzing rock strength:

experimental approach(i.e. phenomenological)

stress based

energy basedstrain based

mechanistic approach

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Analysis of Rock Strength

Phenomenological Approach

Relies on generalization of large scale observations.

Mechanistic Approach

Derives its theories from elements of fracture at the microscopic scale.

• Maximum Stress theory• Tresca theory• Coulomb theory• Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion• Hoek-Brown failure criterion

Theories include: Theories include:

• Griffith Crack theory• Linear Elastic Fracture

Mechanics (LEFM)

18 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Failure in ShearLab testing and field observations suggest that a shear failure criterion may be more applicable than a maximum stress criterion. In 2-D, the maximum shear stress is related to the difference in the major and minor principal stresses (i.e. deviatoric stress).

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Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion



345° + /2


failure occurs if :max > c + tan

90° + c



20 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Mohr-Coulomb: Mechanistic PerspectiveThe Mohr-Coulomb criterion is widely applied for describing shear failure of rock. However, mechanistically speaking:

- Friction develops only on differential movement. Such movement can take place freely in a cohesionless material, but hardly in a cohesive one like rock prior to the development of a failure plane. In other words, mobilization of friction only becomes a factor once a failure plane is in the latter stages of development;

- Many brittle failures observed in the lab and underground appear to be largely controlled by the development of microfractures. Since these fractures initiate on a microscopic scale at stresses below the peak strength, the dismissal of all processes undetectable to the naked eye and prior to peak strength leaves the phenomenological approach lacking.

This is not to say that phenomenological approaches like Mohr-Coulomb are not useful. Remember: Mohr-Coulomb is the most widely used failure criterion, but its limitations need to be recognized.

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Analysis of Brittle Rock Strength

Phenomenological Approach

Relies on generalization of large scale observations.

Mechanistic Approach

Derives its theories from elements of fracture at the microscopic scale.

• Maximum Stress theory• Tresca theory• Coulomb theory• Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion• Hoek-Brown failure criterion

Theories include: Theories include:

• Griffith Crack theory• Linear Elastic Fracture

Mechanics (LEFM)

22 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Mechanistic Brittle Fracture Theories




Fmax … on extension, the structure fractures where the interatomic force is exhausted (i.e. the theoretical tensile strength)




Fmax At the atomic level, the development of interatomic forces is controlled by the atomic spacing which can be altered by means of external loading …

bonds become unstable




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Mechanistic Brittle Fracture Theories






… displacement is countered by an inexhaustible repulsive force


roC ≈ ∞














In compression …

Thus, interatomic bonds will only break when pulled apart (i.e. in tension).

24 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Theoretical Strength







Strength is therefore a function of the cohesive forces between atoms, where if F > Fmax, then the interatomic bonds will break. As such, we can derive the following:

Now for most rocks, the Young’s modulus, E, is of the order 10-100 GPa. If so, then the theoretical tensile strength of these rocks should be 1-10 GPa.

















However, this is at least 1000 timesgreater than the true tensile strength of rock!!!

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Griffith TheoryTo explain this discrepancy, Griffith (1920) postulated that in the case of a linear elastic material, brittle fracture is initiated through tensile stress concentrations at the tips of small, thin cracks randomly distributed within an otherwise isotropic material.

26 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Crack Propagation in CompressionUnder uniaxial compressive loading conditions, the highest tangential stress concentration on an elliptical crack boundary was inclined 30°to the major principal stress. As these cracks develop, they will rotate to align themselves with the major principal stress, 1.

Lajtai (1971)

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Crack Propagation in CompressionExperimentally, it has been shown that brittle fractures propagate in the direction of 1. Cracks develop in this way to allow the newly forming crack faces to open/dilate in the direction of least resistance (i.e. normal to 1 in the direction of 3).

This is most easily accommodated in uniaxial compression since 3 = 0. For example, along a free surface!!



28 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics

1) Associated with a crack tip in a loaded material is a stress intensity factor, KI, corresponding to the induced stress state surrounding the crack (and likewise KII and KIII depending on the crack displacement mode).

Griffith’s energy instability concept forms the basis for the study of fracture mechanics, in which the loading applied to a crack tip is analyzed to determine whether or not the crack will propagate.

4) The crack will continue to propagate as long as the above expression is met, and won’t stop until: KI < KIc.

2) For a given crack, the boundary material will have a critical stress intensity factor, KIc, corresponding to the material strength at the crack tip.

3) The criterion for crack propagation can then be written as KI ≥ KIc. Laboratory testing for the KIc parameter is referred to as fracture toughness testing.

Ingraffea (1987)

tensile in-planeshear

out of planetearing

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Crack Interaction & Coalescence


crack tipstressesincrease

cracks propagate& interact

Eberhardt et al. (1998a)

cracks coalesce;energy released

yielding ofbridgingmaterial

localization& developmentof rupture


30 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Damage Around an Underground Excavation

1 = 55 MPa

3 = 14 MPa final shape

stages in notchdevelopment




420 m LevelMartin (1997)

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Failure Around Underground Excavations

max = 0.4 UCS

Martin et al. (1999)Observations from underground mining in massive brittle rocks suggest that failure initiates when the maximum tangential boundary stress reaches approximately 40% of the unconfined compressive strength.

ci = 0.4 UCS



t et




This correlates with experimental studies of brittle rock failure that show that stress-induced damage initiates at approximately 40%.

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Damage Around an Underground Excavation

In other words, stress-induced failure process begins at stress levels well below the rock’s unconfined compressive strength.

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Example: Tunnel Spalling & Depth of FailureProblem: A 14-m diameter, 100-m deep tunnel is to

be excavated in a weak but massive sedimentary rock unit with an average compressive strength of 25 MPa. The tunnel will be excavated by a tunnel boring machine. In-situ stress tests revealed that the major principal stress is horizontal and three times higher than the vertical stress. This has raised concerns of potential ground control problems related to stress-induced fracturing and slabbing of the rock.

As such, the designers need to estimate the potential depth of stress-induced slabbing in order to select the proper rock support measures.

34 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Example: Tunnel Spalling & Depth of FailureAssuming a vertical stress of 2.5 MPa (calculated from the overburden), and adopting a horizontal to vertical stress ratio of 3, a maximum tangential stress of 20 MPa in the tunnel roof is calculated.


20max MPac

Using Martin et al. (1999)’s empirical relationship


D f

mmD f 1285.1

This means that, potentially, the slabbing may extend 4 m into the roof.

maD f 4

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Tunnel Spalling & Depth of Failure

Using Martin et al. (1999)’s empirical


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Unstable Crack Propagation

Stable propagation: controlling the applied load can stop crack growth.

Unstable propagation: relationship between the applied stress and the crack length ceases to exist and other parameters, such as the crack growth velocity, take control of the propagation process.

Under such conditions, crack propagation would be expected to continue even if loading was stopped and held constant.

As crack-induced damage accumulates, the stress level associated with crack initiation remains essentially unchanged; however, the stress level required for rupture reduces dramatically.



ki (1

967) Bieniawski (1967) correlated the threshold

for unstable crack growth, also referred to as the point of critical energy release and the crack damage threshold, with the point of reversal in the volumetric stress-strain curve.

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Stiffness, Energy & Failure

Capacity of the pillar to sustain load = Pmax


BPillar still has capacity to support load post-peak along AB

However, the post peak behaviour is also influenced by the surrounding rock stiffness (through which the pillar is being loaded).

The violence and completeness of failure once unstable crack propagation is reached will depend on the relationship between the stiffness of the loaded component and that of the surrounding rock.

38 of 45 Tunnelling Grad Class (2015) Dr. Erik Eberhardt

Hoek & Brown (1980)

Unstable Crack Propagation – Pillar Loading

Thus, if we have an increase of convergence s beyond Pmax, to accommodate this displacement, the load on the pillar must reduce from PA to PB.








PAThe amount of energy, Wpillar, absorbed in the process is given by the area ABED.


However, in displacing by s from point A, the mine rock only unloads to F and releases stored strain energy, Wmine, given by the area AFED.


In this case, Wmine > Wpillar, and catastophic failure occurs at, or shortly after, peak strength because the energy released by the mine rock during unloading is greater than that which can be absorbed by the pillar.


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Brittle Failure in TunnellingCa





Diederichs (2007)

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Grain Size – Spalling or Rockburst





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Grain Size – Spalling or Rockburst





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Influence of Confining Stress

Eberhardt (1998a)

Under low confinement, propagating cracks can more easily open (in the 3direction), leading to the accumulation of brittle fracture damage and crack coalescence. In contrast, the addition of confinement works to suppress crack propagation limiting fracture coalescence and preventing unstable crack growth. Confining stress therefore plays an important role as the brittle failure process will self-stabilize at some distance into the rock mass due to confinement.





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Ground Control through Confinement

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Lecture ReferencesBieniawski, ZT (1967). Mechanism of brittle rock fracture: Part I - Theory of the fracture process.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanical Abstracts 4(4): 395-406.

Brace, WF & Bombolakis, EG (1963). A note on brittle crack growth in compression. Journal ofGeophysical Research, 68(12): 3709-3713.

Cai, M, Kaiser, PK, Uno, H, Tasaka, Y & Minami, M (2004). Estimation of rock mass deformationmodulus and strength of jointed hard rock masses using the GSI system. International Journal ofRock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41(1): 3-19.

Diederichs, MS (2007). Mechanistic interpretation and practical application of damage and spallingprediction criteria for deep tunnelling. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 44(9): 1082-1116.

Eberhardt, E (2001). Numerical modeling of three-dimensional stress rotation ahead of an advancingtunnel face. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences: 38(4), 499-518.

Eberhardt, E, Stead, D, Stimpson, B & Lajtai, EZ (1998a). The effect of neighbouring cracks onelliptical crack initiation and propagation in uniaxial and triaxial stress fields. Engineering FractureMechanics 59(2): 103-115.

Eberhardt, E, Stead, D, Stimpson, B & Read, RS (1998b). Identifying crack initiation andpropagation thresholds in brittle rock. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 35(2): 222-233.

Griffith, AA (1920). The phenomena of rupture and flow in solids. Philosophical Transactions of theRoyal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 221(587): 163-198.

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Lecture ReferencesGriffith, AA (1924). The theory of rupture. In Proceedings of the First International Congress forApplied Mechanics, Delft, pp. 55-63.

Harrison, JP & Hudson, JA (2000). Engineering Rock Mechanics – Part 2: Illustrative WorkedExamples. Elsevier Science: Oxford.

Hoek, E & Brown, ET (1980). Underground Excavations in Rock. Institution of Mining andMetallurgy: London.

Ingraffea, AR (1987). Theory of crack initiation and propagation in rock. In Fracture Mechanics ofRock. Academic Press Inc. Ltd.: London, pp. 71-110.

Lajtai, EZ (1971). A theoretical and experimental evaluation of the Griffith theory of brittlefracture. Tectonophysics, 11: 129-156.

Kaiser, PK, Diederichs, MS, Martin, D, Sharpe, J & Steiner, W (2000). Underground works inhard rock tunnelling and mining. In GeoEng2000, Melbourne. Technomic Publishing Company:Lancaster, pp. 841-926.

Martin, CD (1997). The effect of cohesion loss and stress path on brittle rock strength. CanadianGeotechnical Journal, 34(5): 698-725.

Martin, CD, Kaiser, PK & McCreath, DR (1999). Hoek-Brown parameters for predicting the depthof brittle failure around tunnels. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 36(1): 136-151.

Whyatt, JK, Blake, W & Williams, TJ (1997). Classification of large seismic events at the LuckyFriday Mine. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Industry,106: A148–A162.