Download - Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02

Page 1: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02

TsunamisWe will look at these points regarding tsunamis:

1) How tsunamis are formed.2) The destruction caused.

3)The aftermath of the tsunami.4) The effects on the economy.

Page 2: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02

Tsunamis or Tidal waves are caused by earthquakes at sea. Earthquakes happen when

the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s surface suddenly move against each other.

Page 3: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02
Page 4: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02

Tsunamis can cause unimaginable destruction and loss of innocent lives.

We could take the tsunami of Japan for an example and the tsunami of Thailand in 2004,they

caused a lot of destruction and death.

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Page 6: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02

The aftermaths after the tsunamis are devastating because homes, shops, cars, buildings and power plants will get damaged or destroyed. And a very

scary aftermath would be that a nuclear power plant would be damaged like the one in Japan


Page 7: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02
Page 8: Tsunamis by Alain Romeo, 3.02

The Economic aftermaths are also devastating because without money you cannot rebuild any

homes or buildings. And to remove broken houses, buildings, trees , you need to wait for the water to go down again because with the water still high

you cannot remove any debris, so it would take a lot of time, and TIME IS MONEY.

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Then you need to face the horrible fact of retriving dead bodies and to get people to saftey from the

water and people that are stuck somewhere.