Download - TSS YEAR11News - · Favourite song: Rappers Delight by The Sugarhill Gang Favourite TV programme: Planet Earth II Favourite place to visit: Any family holiday



YEAR11NewsWelcome to the first newsletter of Year 11We hope you enjoy reading about what the year group has been doing and some of their achievements.The students have had a busy term and are ready for a well-earned break! As always they continue to make us proud with their behaviour and positive attitude to learning.We look forward to updating you on another eventful term in our spring newsletter.Happy Christmas

Our News …

December 2016


Duke of Edinburgh PresentationsAs part of passing their Duke of Edinburgh Award, students presented to their peers, Mr Russell and Mr Trusselle about their recent expedition.We have been absolutely delighted by the students’ perseverance and real positive attitudes towards undertaking the DofE qualification and we are sure they will take with them fond memories of the experience. The students should be proud of their successes.

Reward Trip to Alton TowersWe were thrilled by the number of students who qualified for our final reward trip as a year group on 22 September.It was a great day made even better by the perfect weather for being outdoors all day. Due to the fact that we went later in the year there were very few queues so the students got on all the rides they wanted to - a real bonus.As usual the students were a credit to the school and themselves.


We are the ChampionsThe Year 11 football team is now the League Champion – fifth time lucky, boys!A huge well done to all the boys, whose attitude and sportsmanship was outstanding on the pitch. We are really proud of how they represented both Year 11 and the school. In the New Year, we will be taking part in a cup competition with the aim of ‘doing the double.’

Magnificent moments in Iceland Students studying GCSE Geography were offered the chance to visit Iceland. This is a trip we have run for many years which affords students a potentially once in a lifetime experience. Here’s what the trip leader, Mr McDonald had to say:“During the October half term break, 42 of our Year 11 students visited Iceland for five action packed days. They climbed a glacier, visited Europe’s second biggest waterfall, stood in the gap between two of the earth’s tectonic plates, took a dip in the world famous Blue Lagoon (where several of the boys treated themselves to a mud face mask) and were treated to a 45 minute long mesmerising performance by the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Everyone returned home happy, a bit wet from the rain and very, very tired!”

Our Community StarJoshua Capper has raised money for the Children’s Ward at the BRI by swimming Lake Windermere, which Josh admitted was a very big challenge because 8 months ago he couldn’t swim! After a fantastic year of supporting his local community and fundraising, Joshua was nominated and went on to WIN the Community Stars Award presented by the Lord Mayor.The Community Stars Awards champion all those who deserve recognition for their selfless, brave or generous actions during the past year and provide an opportunity to honour the men, women and children who have touched lives.Joshua attended the glittering ceremony on 7 December at the Midland Hotel Bradford. Congratulations Josh, you are amazing.



Preparing for the Future on PD DAYTuesday 15 November saw the first Personal Development Day of the new school year. This day included activities specifically catering for Year 11. Everyone undertook the first of their mock examinations, English Literature. The exam was 1hr 45 minutes and we were really impressed with how all the students behaved and took advantage of the opportunity to experience examination conditions - crucial this year. The feedback we received regarding the examination was positive and it’s pleasing to know that the students felt well prepared.After their English examination, some students visited Craven College and Keighley College to gain an insight into studying in Further Education. Students were given information on courses and how to apply to the college of their choice. The students who remained in school attended information sessions run by Mr Redhead regarding Post 16 and Mrs Mountain our Careers Advisor gave an overview of applying for college and apprenticeships. Mr Redhead detailed the application process for Sixth Form and the subjects offered. We were delighted with the high level of attention paid to each session.

Sixth Form, or not? That is the Question17 November was our Sixth Form Open Evening. We were really pleased to see a high turn out as it gave students and parents/carers a dedicated time to meet our Post 16 staff and subject teachers and to ask questions. If you did not manage to attend there is a prospectus we can supply. We understand that deciding what to do after GCSEs can be tough - both for students and parents and carers. However, we advise that all students submit an application to attend our sixth form, even if they are unsure right now what path they wish to take. We believe it’s crucial to have as many options available as possible.

Mock exams 28 November -9 December Thank you and congratulation to the whole of Year 11 for undertaking their mock examinations with the right attitude. The year group has been outstanding; managing what is undoubtedly a very stressful time with maturity. Our thanks go to all those students who are coming into school early, staying late or using their lunch times to get on with coursework, revise or seek support from subject teachers. This just proves how seriously Year 11 is taking this crucial time in their education.In a bid to support students (and parents/carers) during examinations, all students have been given an ‘Essential Examination Information’ folder. It covers all sorts, from exam boards - useful for sourcing revision material, to GCSE examination dates and revision sessions. It also has invaluable ‘Top Tips’ from Faculties about what to revise. Please do take time to have a look at the folder. We are confident that you will agree that they are a very positive source of support.

Panto and a visit from staff of Christmas pastThe Year 11 Team ‘wowed’ students with their magnificent acting skills at the annual Year 11 Panto. The panto is a long running tradition at TSS and we were thrilled to embrace it. In traditional panto style there were women dressed as men, men dressed as particularly strange looking women and plenty of laughs along the way.During our final assembly of 2016, we also presented a video which linked to the story of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and included visits from Form Tutors past and present, plus we managed to travel to the future to see Mr Redhead - Joint Leader of Sixth Form make a speech in 2017 and a fully white haired, bearded Mr Morrel put in a visit from 2025! It’s true testament to the positive impact your children have had on staff that those who no longer work with us were more than happy to jump on board and send a video to wish them all the very best.

Final Christmas newsletter wishes from the Year Team.The students continue to work hard and strive to do

their best. They set an excellent example to younger students and it’s a genuine pleasure to see them

mature day by day.Students - please enjoy the break and have a rest.

We can’t wait to work with you to make 2017 the most successful year yet!

With wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Year Leader Mr Russell and Miss O’Neill

Assistant Year Leader

Form Tutor Focus - Mr AdamsHobbies: Playing golf (badly) Favourite song: Rappers Delight by The Sugarhill GangFavourite TV programme: Planet Earth IIFavourite place to visit: Any family holiday breakIf I wasn’t a teacher I would be: Doing something outdoors in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside, possibly a greenskeeper.If I could have a superpower: Being able to pause time. When it all gets too loud and hectic, I’d press pause Childhood Hero: The whole of the A teamFavourite Film: Pulp Fiction.