


p .!!;!' HOB OF I1FK AN|. ITtPt-I'IY AT'

111F ,,.i' I- l -ti 11 ti.i.c 'in nan nana*__- p 'Mt p cs t*pBB*-S pn.iMisiNi' BABA*

twN ka I'D at a aatuaaaB ootaiaiesr.i ,,,,,;¦ v ita- explosion ;it Stt'llarttni, Nnva

v,s;,Milay, caused a los*' nt several

There were aboal finty-scven ssea amt

^raiii thc mill'' et tim Haas cf Um Baddestew aamea el at v. iBteea arka nre dead sra

ruVi-li-''l* The iiOWB-all of tba Ferry Mini**-

,rv j. ine\-it:il>lf at Paris. In Ireland

th, rein t paity Baa ariav.-tl uiilcrtncl at

(ai'tain .¦''¦'¦'' .'w; aaBBBBj In intttid-. t<>

Bsve the entintrv. J. Henry Par_-

niiiti. B niamif icturer and rail-nad president.I,.,, lw.ii lu 1<-' 'vv a railroad eolliaiofl in

Caaada. Mr. Brassey, M. P.. luis besuritt,..;!(. o acres . of land it. tim oorthweetPn.vmce ol Caoada, as found sa Ei -1 -li

.ii I'a. ha ! - ordiutl tbe... sorreadei DalcUcao. 1"

.., eli ftillllil -Hilt}" at ':.. 8in.;.: ia-" sv re aeateoeed to

death. 0

m wy laOsa of\ vina: .(. M vin Mi CB no

_ni" si v is i-i.. tiini ama onbabmbd,- n ,v. 12..There La.* been

ure ol .,- >. den I .'

Bt Harton, tins"

ocnu::i <lf ,!u% r

ito tbeb men sad b

v ra working in tha north, D-raberof tl eat i

ind t ". ticaili ol tin |)'t*

.¦a tli ur fi

mlBca, Glee ra,il. s. Poole, af the Aeadla.-with

. down in tin- ia-i

tat "t tile...

last The**tl i tt lint ul.'tUl!"'.' tl

A.' ft;, .ant's iii the pir. tweaty-alpe la aaiaber,.".-.!*:

sated, as n<s one

nt i-i-.uined ts alivea made :-> (Beever tha

I pit ls cou-

aideredSal in an I rty-aeeea mon an-1 burs

-i inp KM --1 to be lost Ttiirty-trii'tt in--n. BOBM._ parties could n-1

t nt tims,cs of coal block-ui all dareel

,i.n ,sv\ To BF. lar.AP.

Basses "f tin- naiaaiosj men,, hope "t recover** :

Mq|na --. Johae.. Peter

M, i.iuglii ri, JiiimM Lean, li¬st !. ,.; );.,... tc Saughton, John

Litiui, I", iward, sr

L iberia, K ward. Jr,B be (.-Buger-, Thomaa

r.1 an

L Ut, 'A .H).laiuc.overn

- n. .! na., W Ubi M isa, W Lam

-at!,t_ E ward-M k il, A ,_. ;-., .finer. -I i. Illiel. .i'll

¦a * -... voa, Tn >nu_i friend. _)auicl

MIBBBS BALLY INJIRKP.1 .-¦ following ncueti miners an- iBJOied so badly

rafi little hops of their recovery is euter-

Bunte , Qe tr.'" McCly, BI i, sr. Mei-eraoa, Kat.taw

Lui.cur. BabesltwasataiB thataaotber explosion would have

ocean . raooa wBea tbs pit gathered uas

Vs rk late! Kted at all the collieries m.atv sad mite!s have BOOM to the scene of

I Bt nilli.hes, Imt altogether pow*reader say asaiscaoec oa account of the

¦-1 t -ill Of tile pit.PBOJUBLT BIU.BD Ti GtsTBBB.

troiii -tellarton -

tl,-- part] ". aeareBefs Savebobo latai tae .r",,nt Pit as-runtn make inotber attempt to sri Otto the workings wherethc luisalug are. lea su,i|,«i«eii tia: tbere are *:ui i>,tae -a 'civ-six niru iiu-i boya, uni n,i hopes are

if (lieu ie iiven. as lt ls bt.-, eiiiier haraed av the explua

the ileutl y aftr -.- ti imp. Tbere ls do iti.pein.a,- . ."lace ,,! ai, v Unmac* *ro_i tin explosion.

.Qr bownag *liaii is all rt gut and still in working ordi r.r waa blown ol tue r-n ulating fan. tm tv ,.«

stared, ana tlc ian 1.1 now tn Sood cunaition andbering tile pi! "t daunea ' cnn; -.mug tho tools for nie nr-n h nt nut

¦.v --. .-« tin* 1Ibm ol tue cXj'liiHitu:, itd tbe me.1 and boys wilt be foa_d tuttetberon

a level, ah.iiit half w,iv ia. WbaeS li.*y Weresc'U-t a,",: i" wai! until the toola eauie battarair,; h. bi tlc tl fl-rent *. irking places. I 1* not vet

koowa exactly wu ere il"' esakwloB ooearrad er vt.'ur.: can*" wa-. Iii- worina-* on the north

IVS not oeen iliiii.n't I" attv cxteili. Tue WOTS.- -,-sniiie.l WltSOBt -le av. bal BBtll tbe

aerit bb** ar,, t___oa**b r ex:, tired tba <..

1 _: 11.1 _.. eeaa esnnoi be lunged. Th. iuen;o ta ih" pu uiuii rentilatloa 1*

isned. All tbe oin, r o.liei 11 - _re.: ». -rk tua]" uo' t)e reaumed uutii tuc recovery

'il toe

IBELAMD STILL DlbiTTJSBED.the ri Liri i'aimv ABBrraa ai c-fTAia b.>ycott'~

li'tsi.tuk raoops BOOTKD.DvaUB, Fridav. N..T 1_. 1-su.

The (Iran_mien have arrived at Boycott'sfar.u bbbbb betas moe tea. Tii-re was eoaaMsraaia

1 eu- ut Bali ul i) lie tciav. During Ult-nisut'.tai mar- troop* arnvetl. When lin: troops nius-

-was,csawaaa peopic grouuetl and 1.00'eti setatOa UM. * gateo. The ititniar in r.he pt___BSl street waa

tri iu i.u,,,... i.,. retlef. xp. .nt ->u *_in«u ,'or i'.ov eett'igaariled nt a to*-".' al SI50 rafaatryaBttl

I"" t*l.Klron-<¦! MiiM-ar*. Oaa huiniiei! ituai.tty sunSM|_a .. ,-, eavaiiy wen: eticampeU uunug the nightSear Bot eu't'BfMasa

^ir. tiuycnti uat aaasaassi his inteutlnu ot ijuntiuglr*-i,,l.

*. tue Hag »aa h. itt here lust i.lgn:, composed o' Irt*->¦*- if al. shades af apisisa A. BL Balara-, LioeraiM,-,',. 1'an uuiei forL.utu, A lea,,,iiBsa *as pMseS foi uoitiiiig tm BBsaiiaaa la favar afIbo Ltau mmtogur. t lafaa BBaBSarol suhacriptitius for.Bi r., _, Brlaaeo laaS were iiaudetl id.

lu. aaward tu < eaeaelGasper,sf l) nenr Mataagar, Coantj West Moaio, was snoi and woaaBsB in!*> Pta..-, nj au uukm-wiiyouiii.The cort.sooiideu: 01 The Tttiw* a; Runic sari:lt isw.Ji kuottu .11 Vatic ,11 circles thin thc Pope ls

_*** wb__ emio_rr_aai t ao-.ui Insa sBSira He ruily¦''deia-wai-rla tua 11 is uni u <|uesiit>u between CatoolicsJ""1 rr -lea..uta, out heiwecn tue (lieut's of order and_¦* ..artvulsts. He .u-my diaapt.r»Voa ibo ugrsrianJ""T.*,ix,eul, aud sincerely MS.Wa to .>ai-i lu*' Li gllsh_*_********a*» O asass.Me. Ba i* wi a awais tnu an n

J*siy -ranna oue Aide of the cane, anil he Iceis Were** 'vi, ai.euce. ne luisui, iu *. ek ii. io do gool, pro-SSBI a latia*** reauu Uiisitmu his luip.Loci knowledge.1 -, .ffairg.*-« t'Sauiaa fleet arrlred ai Qiioemt-wn. Ireland, at

soon lu-ay.

THi: rESE! CABINET TOTIERIM'.Loud n. I*rioav, Nuv. l_, 18«0.

A dispateti train Palis Lo /'/«¦ UssSS auys :

SaapMa lae va_u-i vow uf cou-deucc- lu lue (loveni-*".-. paaatu i4 tj)( (;ul.Q,oer of -aeputles ute: night, the"BBBI i* . v.ieiu.y iu the _iinuntv aud win only

¦aasa an ara** ra.: hy au.juiiitiug to the will of thc Ex

ov,.,¦* I"-" ron. ( atiiijei will certaiu.] u-a presada

fctBs _, .,r<| ,-,,.-t*,/lia .,Jt _te»i. wulie wnai alli! late

j-ajTJrsj_v-*bi__bi_j inaeeeeaaaav seaaneaaas iiu

Bb7_____? .>'...-m.u. wh. wis forcibly .Xpelied fromaiit,,_*!, '*' ur <"'l'"f""« vean-ritav _n i coufliied rn an

¦aaa r..)Uj. ,j,p i.*-ra'-ai «t lo o'.locs ,a*t ugbi.**»4«__a ,

'" '"' ar '" ".'¦'.OOO trama rjl**O,0O0),«aeu rruui a imsluiau ni nay 111 tue Um* al.\ icuuc.

GtUMAN A.KAIUS.. ,. iMBMBs, Kii.iai, Nov 12. ll»0.

aanaa__!. -f8-1 Berl,u to Tke ^orninH l', T'* U*riU"i '"'"* ri *'* lu*"*sin*»' ui'ir surplus

W -ii Panama Caaal shares.^.ba.Ch ly i/M, X^,.^ >nM ffum B.rllu tayi

twentv-alx socialists have sailed from II a ut burg in tbesteamer Silesia for New-York.A dispatch fr,int li'-rila to The Timet -ayn " A meet¬

ing of cullens of H-einen rei*."eil a mo'ion for thcformsti-in h-. a eomaiUtee ol uni.linen aa li r whlehthee would aoeeeai t-> the rsesrparsile ii nt Braalas mt'-e Z aivi'tei-i. an-i ri. ve,I tliat it S is t- m.emmi.* nf

t to surrender their free barter piivile-res. Ttecorrespond, ut says tins will not avert their inevitablefill,*."

Fir iEI-N NIHILISTS CONDF.MNr.r*._* PBt-BBBBarBS Friday, Nov 12 loao.

All thc- Nihilists tried f.>r be.'w« implicatedtn plots r IB BIS Bf the Tzar have t cn foundguilty. Five of th"tu haws bein anfenced IS denfh, andeleven to bar*] abor in Bu alaaa, their tem* el pu "Umerni rina tr un nf" to fl'lv years. Ti BB womenwere sentene,. t --, Bfteen yean -**._-ervttnde. Thc..-.Ul!".I Iii if I' WOB il in'ere, ,!e ft -Iii trilici-titm nf the -ni'.In the eases nt adm

-" Of C .. o! tl.C Olen C,-71l!emneii to tile Illili," i

tuc prisoners d-cudctl ile m-elves.

THF 1MEKNATK iNAL REIIATTA.Uaoaaa rm .-. t a 13, IBM

HaalaB, thin ninriim-. rowed frnin Bancs tnBa raaatah sad boek. Between tha bnOrea ar theseelaeea he towed i tn.a- proved ;,. be pef*

rii- tinta scuii-Ts did a-aae f-nodor letiee. Blscki n is ill, tn! prehah Ipele rc- 111- Sin rc.,!: fMiSei lil III" I -"Ml II

The; i"«i Hawdon match la ,fl. mg ni'i. d 1,1 p ,,i the Baal deposit,

AN' ATLANTIC CABLE BROREHnsi-iiv. Fr:.|...v. Bov 19 1890,

The Anir'n-A.fierieati Compaoit lin,ken '_.:).) ni sa frorri

THE GREEK AND MONTENEORO (I. VIMS.L.-vn-'N. Fn-tiif, B rr 13, 1--

Dersi.M-h Pacha ordered the rtrree

f they fall ie eh y. rha Alhaalas popidar ta¬hara assad II ...

till:-' fl e. I,..:, :,¦ ri1',-r -li patch _rom

" era icw t! ac tl in-- imrea totag" la view of the tin k ai man nt,**

A RAILROAD PRE8IDENT KILLEDBTBSAX, Nov. 12.-Late his* nigh, intel-

ii.- ue- wa* r- c.-iv.ii li-: amt bad»i ian aa:- | J. Hmm

' i. inrentlan Ballroa !. nd a baiou named Lt m

l.taiiped to Iug prop.




[vaoMAi oocaaaoaal cobbi -pom.' bi os rm. raia*raa,JPB-BGXTOKi N* J*, Nov. H..In his ri-_-iii.ii

repeal, tasaed ts dar. Pieataeat MeCoah eoagratalataatha Board of Xrwateea el Pilaeetea Coiieaa spss tha taeinial not a sing la aase a aettoaa Britanae ->f any siu-i has

.ecarred amoug thc students dunne the piesse! sea

domic year. Be also comp inn".ts tbs itBdentsaBOBHie admirable -pint -hown av then -luruig the fevercrisis of la-t \eur, a,d thaaki tbe iraaleei of the Jobsc. Green estate fur promi I dm hi ian'- f,,r patting nie balldlUgS and ground.-, in ii aaii.-fa,!. iv sanitaryeondltloB.lae collem now oomstoa 187 studente, with a single

exec rion Ute iarg,«i nuclei ever ob Ita roll. Ii>oM-t to tonu j- -ecol ot irate.antic, original reaearch

a natural seleneeo, tue ebairoanabii ol l"..... ot wiiicn win ba perlotlieally pub¬



\V ash incl is, Nov. IL'..The Census OflaOSinia Ba ada oih tin al Mm rea.irs of the first bobbi <>i

popniatlee of the -"tat- st Hasaaehaaetaa, aceerdia*' lethe aobedn ea returned br ta** enaaerstnra "f the sever ildu rlcUol tea --ate. Toe total pepnlatlon as sn,,tentn (una balletin is 1,783,086,11 wbieh -.",- ,.l arr- tu-*n

aad boys, ruul c:i.".;."> somoa aad *nrii ; l..>;.*...s>7.. areaai aad 443.116 foreisn-bora the whitea number1.704,063, BBd Me colored 10.004 laelnded rn theco.,;te,i ;iieie .i e in tue .-(.lie _.J7 Chlnosi. - .l.ipaLcic,841 tiidiau-t and li bast Indium.


Civcinxati, Nov. lu..The Chamber of Coes*noerce repeal estimate* thal tha coal husincs- o' (mem

natl for the year BBBtad Septeinlier 1, l-;s<), bus been the

heaviest on record, tho receipts having ,*\e,-ertcit thoseortlie pr. veils rear bl neur'y,ooo bushels, andth.Bl et l_7_a"7mt winch BMBi rte wer>* ;he largsst, liv

more thai) 8.OOO,OOO busnels. TBS entire ree lp's for allkuada of '-"ul aanas tb" year were 48,188.-48 biisiile*.The avcige i|'i..i.iiioii lor Pittsburg delivered was

13.33 i.-eou. per uusiieL


Baltimore, Nov. 12..Tin- casi: of DanielK. Biewatt, of Richmond, Va., against the Pre-;.Ir-n'

sud Directors ol thc i'hrsapeake anti Ohio Canal Com¬

pany, for the appointment o a receiver, wai lulen upfor a heartng today in the Unties! (States armit Loni!.The indictment charjj.*s niismana-.-cui Bl hy rue Presi¬dent und Directors ol lh<* eotiipitiy in the application of

Ita landa. The cate is td nine- Important-.-, as (he slate

of Maiyland baa over 830.000 OOO n.vealed lu the canal.


FoktbkssMonr.'K, Vu.. Nov. 12..The Pow¬hatan, (la,ena, Yuntic and Alliance proceeded to Nor*

lolk to-tlay. Tbe* ConstttuUou. Minnesota axnl Vaadalla

will mdt to morrow. The Haratoga s*>*» lo Baltimore to

recruit noys, about sa-reiiiv-flTe hone r-etjuir-*. lo rorri-

pli'ie her complement. Before leanna last n-ght ibo

Pieaident r-ouip,linen led Admiral Wyman and General(lefty foi their courtesies and upon tbe autcess of the

cere.tooles._A SURPLUS IN THE ILLINOIS TREASURY.Chicago, Nov. 12..Governor Cuilotn to-day

Usues! his pu*, lammou ealllug In for psyineni«*" ,t Kio of me lilli.-a- Mats uaiatanitiaa Tho

pru-el minnon prrictcciiiv wi.iesoiit the State deb! Afterult is irani there Will remain lu thc State lre-sory shout

8100,000. .___________.__¦..-


Five attempts have been made recentlylose tire to UM hons" No. liol ompkius-are.. Brmiklyn.

'aai escli bus SBSa discovered before much (lsmaa*s had

oeen done. TsaSBB-ST. BUSS the last altrni.t, when a

board hail h. cu pulled up in the bufh room ".nd sonia

pu?, rig «.'! hr a ni.tch. Mary Divine, Sfta four-.-'"...

. uSae ill a-a ai real«i .... -i.-in.»"" *.**£.*"!*I'leciuct biaiioii. ano adiinttcsl iaghtiuij me -re rcauo- [

Ii!.. BANK Ol MONTREAL.M. Vii:) al. N«.v. 12..The of .Montreal

s a*.-rn.-ir I. r un- half year ended ou tin- 80th ult.171.000 "arri, d for*

Ward. ,i,i i:,i I, l |.. r i ii, u

of SI 17,uno ls earned forward,




F.U'ONTOWN. N. J., Nov. 12..This littleof -ieel aseiten

irder, C. B ty US \s

lam Voecbeaa Brover waa earned te Miss JrarmtmaAaaaek. Bath used st Red Lank. Tue brid- -.'ronni was

forty-nine years old. aad tbe Brida bad lu-- eidebrai**.1* h Inrtti.L - rla«s v.inver

ami ia- cin.-t wife I'ftiiov-d to Craabarry i;r ">k

Grover poaaaaaed a comforta ile li ibm, lue aang vv if-*

__"***. ii fi.un t.C inisiiand's abuse, and last Satai-day asa Bad to the preteeBea of her mntiier. (Jr-v-r

f.iicw-ti ter, i d threateaed to aboot ber if she jm inainline. The wife, acconipan cd by her mother,

appeared b*.ore Jaatlee Bmlt.i, of Batoeiown, ea raea*day. aad ashed that a warraai oe lasued for Orover*a,ir:e-t. Tlie Ja-n,a- retuned to give a wurrant until be(aabl laiaallaaiaIbo ¦anni Ademaud Bads ou

(cover to .ive Ul- kit wife'- clotlllli_. Ul-t In -elli WOfmJth.n his wife cuiii.i hard thea it she svnu.ti go after them.

Laat evening ilie n'.fe, aconipanied by her hreihtr la-liwand ball slater, weal te Grovel'a heasa GroverBdmitiad tii'-tu. and n. ia aB-etaraate manBer said to histv-f- tbat tn tbe upper bc.reoai sbi wonld Bad ao elotamg andJewelry. The uuausiat.-iinu' arirsfor tb' i i,h. er husband. Jranched the talia Grow1 dna a revolver,aad. without apeakiaa awe d. Bred three eb-U to ran.Iauooesaiou, Gae bi d the baeh ol the skull,and .nc Ihe:- pierced the ene. ii just iielovt i.e nglit eye.Taa w..m.d* a girl eli headlong down, thiina' uiisoaiid with ar. An abu m g.y,*u. medKala*ali'Lino- waa aeal for. Dr. Ilnnt nf Fiinulmni. naade

me] to probe lor toegirl's bead Gp rer oat ni v walked ea tovvani the v liageI'fhi'i'i own,and sben ov-rtshen t-v a eonstible hewa >j .'.civ withwiuie awn who were a tl-ia Lr vcr was I..t'ldeuff.-'t aad eenfronted withtBo wounded girl, wbo leobty mada a Btateioenl .i--.-u--

iiiK on i ul iboottna c r. Grover replied, " li - anOn in-, way (,,jaii in* said he abet tua wife "only

for luu." Al.-s. (Lover's re an rv - ,-.,,iiiit:ul.


dar hut denied all knowledge of the othera. f*he wascommitted for .ininit np.


rx-rnfsiii sr oowaa Banns to ('iisRor.-i nr-


Pu ila uki ritiA. Nov. 12..An iBterestJBiaarraapsadeaaeasaa rai..' iheadhlra of bm 1'ti'ia.iei-pina and Basan ut Bailraad and Coal ami iron C"m-pinles tietw-en ex-l'ivsideuf Frmtilm B. (lowen andTh,mi is W. P wal. tin representative of Loni Calna*.Loudon ( ut nlttee, wu* mad" public t'us BflBTBBSB.Mi Powell, ta a lesaac ba Mr Oowaa. dalsd paatwr_ay,asps that, la view of tin* taBpraaaten of tha sm neaa(""ininiti <¦ reatarday that they weah! barra nuttung todo endue tm* aaaaol ti.fart-.I hood aehoMs, he la

¦t o make a . .ne n. Bi * iLo log !¦ 1-77 ta aaa ut the ese-

I aIBS, .Ul Iil-

i made a ons intbe n ¦.

. par I ol¦iii*i ..iiL cr* i.r tit. eonipaa] c respect te isa sala >»1

ca- Y n !.¦¦;a a thai t.ra a a oneai whleh a director had been Inten-sied in t.,

land-sold, bo i. en* c..uni i,e ii, .'.marton olii .,. tl e

lo que Boa aaa -a,ai sn exes enI pui a..-"

and bad proven so profit bli to ',,. ¦>.::junt. On theol ih ti 1 w ena ed. In my np nu

.in r, to nae v.-ry urotig ni wage rn lem lng rutut 'i atora aud officers fro.i ihe

. ion.

Mr.Paw. ii : n the tum

"in-* :

tn tel yam .t tin- las!Beeb r ten days, I hst beard In Philadelphia

.¦ truth if rn, msird respecting ths rsmaqna landa.

Mr. Pwwel aol Mr.30W< (i c .nee.It.II. t lu- c nicoll*

a aw, uni .¦ latiaaea:Mr. l; rle and Mr. M !*. tw ead r-aff-

'."ii ,,i tin-I'V. Il,

li" '. fain iqu" tr,, i

. j

-. lint ls f-,... ,, nvnd -I'.-ii!

inila* loee; tba! fha,mown in Pntiadeip 11

luit tin- .,i iliad.'. KaiI am,-, 1, ll',- 0 BO

nat I,,-Ui tracts¦¦ ind tn nie .

i,HCIMr. P 'ii iiicr thal ihe laadi bsa

il a "nh tbe encambraaBiking tWO ,).:,--

am.* ol I ... first whether or not there i* any

;' Ali ' . ..r- WBM li-

[GoweoJ... ; -77.MB. fl I bi riv.

M ii .¦-. n'* rep bali d to-day. 11/¦inf-linn si.1 t,,.

in- i- ve, oi '.vt Intbal ne! ii-" li men bad ant pan wLat-

i v. i llali.l*. ti, tile comp mr i.e

lal -'< ni jon;.th m. ii with wk. 1 negotutti ¦;

nf vv nan li.el nttlliallc ..: railwaytit it it was lg -a uar lerritonr; vs-.iijiu the Ihe rata

rea ""ii tb -anonl *oo

lecortlliia even til ar. Harrin'a

market troni an] trsu si bm *_7_ per cent or theonten ta), O.Ooo ,eu- wbiehio martel, or more ba 50 cr coat in execs* o, tint contained :;. le Philadelphia a, a Maii,novtraet. which atterMr ll,rr*, aatlmates to be wo*rth st

-ie i Uoe ni thei nc.,ni.i lauus,os bi deep basins,tbe laraquanti;vc. Ined io I beni, and be faii,-var- nearer to market tuan any o: thsMahanojlau I.-. - ii won.,i .i.i,,* ,..,.,, in.- in i.-c of inleldal f--: y

tor Ute company, through auv eeuilmen due o the factthat two of Its dircctors Were Interested, tu have per*muted these ian.ia t.. dr" into adverse ownership, aminu* "lien nu- eui,re BcbnyUUI Val. y coal field, ofrt inca the] ar-- the lev, n- the Incursions of a riva, a e.

That low vu ne ulva f., tbe 1 cn, a sada by Mr.Barrie ie doe to bia novel theory ol coaralns ali lan-is... i.i-." the ompauy docs noi tv- k » un - p,r cn boohpim mi interest.npon) their vains 'ii- io tha pened ilwbieh it ma] -m. tu, compnny'a eonveuk-nee to weakthem aad tana un enormous and over¬whelm.)** Mad ol bn.-ii-kei ninir debi against n tra, Iwh.ehauu ti ; he worked :..: enoi twenu

i' .ul men w I Le .smaqUil a:.-I, li. v were

ed -y taree or f. a i id bsd tc corn-pan] continued to work these co leriea, sod tn additionthereto expended npon the Tamaqt.i landiitii-niut ol money ii expanded upon mc Mauasoyt n former wonbl bow be produoiog aaebatonnvtn'cl. ,i, em a Burn*'*, .-stet-of computatm*

n en ac ii man] m Ilona of i!"'.i:ir-nthai a- the corni**.iy bought m_nv more lands thu;were neeeasar] to sup j li with toniuure for aomey aro:¦¦ -ohm, ind i- I.In: ll wai lei 1to ak, uni till M.' ilk" lue piOdUCl "il ..-Ii Ol tile CO I "I't

tu.* purchase, li Li eu me- tic company to diam intle and close np a gr. it

marv collieries; ttiai rbe question of which anouid lcind whleh eontlnned was one eotireii for inc

,,,, lo decide; ih.ii tu makin*' this decision tbeformer owners were rn no manaer .tn,-ult d,a d lctn.:.-' CSU ti., felon* lie mot'* ni |it-lamt prepo i a traei i ontaiuingdoable tbe quantity ol r,,.i. which anotbei does worthleas m.tntbe iee thedauiol parebaae,alni with,,nl .nu ci" -elation wini or-onfroi by lin:

aui. for it* "i n nu, [."H. , baai- naen lo el one t ma a idle and to expen. a bugean.' ha', of loone) in d ^eloping and workiu** tbe otbi r

Mi.«mwi i.' latter con ladea wiiu a aaaibaro! per*sonai BtaaaanBte, tn eBeel aa1"

I'liit Mr Powell !s lncoiupef.-iit correctlodgment on the qa ia. j tbat bia i .

:« ti.a. -a m.i, tn i' ntui ii-ettt to anotbei A mei lessthat If Mr. Itawei I'i itatement Impliea thal Mr.

BtiweB at any time gars anj impression shoat thesel'-iui laml.- wbieh va* noi stne. trna, thal Implicationis lnfiiiii'.usi alee; Hutt la living anti solein defend Blmsolt, bough

i, 11" IV - ll.

ficn the mendacity end mj au h p"Lc *av-. a.c. v. 'hui anv other reaaaenlfaties frc.1

Bra. -i to lum utioiM ned,MB. POWaXL'a Bl .i-'iNi'Li:.

Mr. Powell inn Britten s rejoinder, t he Pilbil.tiedtoaaorrow, ra wm,-

Ttte pu,,a ni".! bj Mr Gowen nf the letters of thelliti.ii," i'-iii insi. lo to-day's papers readers lt nroperthal l -li md jnak. ::., foiiowing itatement: lu thelammer of 1877 Mi Oe * Lei doa Lr umpur post of i.h. ii. '."..I the h. kiera ol lue am .rigage a tl.r -e. -s ul tb. Philadelphia amt He.niIn. Un rea 1. and the I BtpaBJ in ext.ti! UM mai il!aug lilian ¦!. Al Ina enc al requital 1a***ead ." a,-t ai chairman ol th meeting of tMndoniders,which nm- iel i ai m.- i ,a "-ii -in-ei Hotel, London, on

mi lilli Sa] o' Jane, 1S77. Btnt*>nien -. involving aae-ptciona :n e-i" lo nc nei-haaa of eeal ian-*, hada. pe.ri-'t It! -"lc- "I Ihe paper- of tim dav. IB t'.iii-i-

qasaee at ti ese paMleattoni inqulrloa were made ,n some

.a um _.ettaaa ol the eoceautiee winch bad -ccu funnedbetora iha aa] af tin paean*.I aaacauj in rafea u atotiiese lutteaieot.

In rt-n.v Mr lieweo rnatte explanations fullv il*nyingthe lmpuutioii- ol lasso Mstaaieats .ind exoBeratms intbefulieal mu.uer the BMubora of thc Beadtag canchfrom arv -ic: charge*. He took th-- opportnnl rio ss

thal there waa ibm essa in wine- a dire-tor bsdbeen tnter-sted tn the laada sold, bal tbereaoald Be bop. a.ail.* tmi.tifiitioti ol say impr -prieiy of comiuct tntba bm. beean**) ine pronerty ni qaesoon waa aa es

collen) putciiu-c. ami had proved very proBtable ui lbs

eompaay, This I ondcrsloud t«> nave had rear'*! ce letha Mai..ney landa, aad, "i coarse, tins excludr*. ni"

Idea f t lere bi ms saj oiln-i eaae U_itreqaaed etpiuoanon. Bavins entire conSdenot la Mr. Gowea'auathand catt-i'-r I mudc ihe foiiowing stalcue at ai tlc uioci-

mc ot BondbolileraTbe slaiemei.t of bash Mr. OeWBS aud Mr. Powell ot

the meeting are here i(uotciL Mr. I'uwell .'outinuea :

¦¦'rom that tiuie up te within trn days prior to mv lei-

;e: ie Slr tntweii I had BO kBOWladgC al tilt* facts a* to

tue Faaaaqea ,*ui- Whoa thia taferaurtlua waa Biatrec ivett I look lue iruBBli lo investt.ate ,t. bi cause I

supposed, if tue fact- I bad card Beta true, lien I nadbeen misled by Mr. t,ow>n into m_ki.;gaataSeaBBRlwinch I sincerely Believed to be mic. lt was not s«. iu

point of tscra. In ihis Wa] I « >.s us.-d ss :he means of

..-iving iiupr.-iM.ioH!. ha the Ibnid-tolaer. Windi I woui-i not

nave given If 1 Lad Wu..wu tbe tl lit ll. and Un- u- do I

upon inc asauraurc up.iu whicti nt 'he 0.M I Ballad with

implicit cmifltleiicc. thinking thal ll the fae ts 1 had re-

ceuliy heard we-e true I bad nnsiett olftefrs.

1 adtirra-etl my letter of UM lltl to Mr. ('owen, In¬tending U, BS goremed -» to IU..BIM I should

ny the result of bia r-uiv. Il" h«« cnoseu ta publish this

c-rrespon.Un-e. and lt >s tut the public to Judge now faride reply of Mr (('ii-ii r>e« UiWartl showing wtieiuer

iuv inionnaiiiin as'" r»e T.iuisqun Ua.U u incorreer,end siso whether or not I was liuufied lu miking the in-

tiutnea couutine.1 in my letter of ihe lim to bim.

lor attorat -Jiffav .s-_>* am *Vf'i Page.


KILI.F.D LB A COAX mini:.ifTwrrow. I'r-t.n.. N"S ll"..UeBjaunn Warner

wis ti li l e.1 by a fail ul c*al u. Sba "-»' . -dca.i.itr Uiii-a lau

ninruiut. K|I ,. ,,v g i-.u.HSi.t-Tir asih'T n .'.. N"v 13..Charles Macti-

...' ,J Iw.uty cunt fe.*, fem . Ba Lng cday and waa

_.Kdi.._ani"r Hi-l-"- "«-*«*asaa__-__ 9AMaMm-i op A -ru.nt-: .lil

Pun *iifi rills. Nov. 12..Adrspa ,1. tnmi Cbi*-t--n.

* H ,.V, joiinicMsniisl-a i*-.*i. ar., ie.1 tba-a tot ue

S__^^fK^" ta tau cit, ia.i dm ai a pui -

.Vr.vriilM.i. tu noceBiDer laaf.

__a_CI HUN Of A ML ti I.KKK ll OKI.Eflf U

itisiaoL-i Md. Bo**- io.-(.,.vernor Uanultaa_ 1 niaal fir lbs BSS-OltHS 00 Isinuiy .4

5T,Tin_-_._ll»aKeBoviaMS uf Ua -ur._ #___.paaraassB


BATIOMAI DKM'x UAl'iC OOMMBHB SB 00*1n-ra i i i' .st sm. in witt.w. L. a_t_»Tl*_ nu'i-

BBTI IMI IBIS AB .Vl)l'UK = fl TO VINDICATC TUhui iTkBBtaa. aasoatrnoaa s-so.W-aa


An explosive address to tho pvblie tras

issn,.,! |,v th»* Y.\> cutt vt* C'"nitiiirt»'<" ti ili<'Deasoeratk Nation;.1 Coaamittee, last B-jrht,SXplaiolaff tho relations ol' thc Committeewith thc perjaied witBeesee, Morejand O'Brion, who have soafeeaed thalfin >. swore lately in the Philpease. A reae-tatton was pea lodiogtn the aeveral State Committees thein *. .*.: i_r iti-.n of alleged eleedoB -taads.Abram 8. Hewitt and Vf. L. Scott -ravi < _,«

phattc expression to tin ir opioioaa,?

DENIALS Av D l._ri.A.\AiI<>NS.Tbe ,11.11111.( the Deraoeratta Na¬

tional (. limn!!..,, held especial __eettag .it tbaheadquarters in last Bight For a

or since it bs amt. obfioaa ti.nt tbslie! ia the Philp foti

lil'l I-i-l'i il 11 il.e||| Bli , tlie .Um lttee ll.IS been

SOZloaig Un* pi'_i.., -ti Hr* uiii. 1 Ill¬s' m.) (>*Brien,

i. lill av. Ve«,.-I, ll lad lin* III-

dismay, and il vva o repudiate tbesewtt-.1- u. i y .-iii,! tn deny v tgoroua

..:IWBI "I' ila- ,r

uno; lier ;.

el timed tc- attemion ot'. following tlie--

a.-ry k bad beenrand, a- tb. ';., i paaaed,

ut ii il roora ap:

and ia a matter of party policy llutwise t,,

lu,' ol ile i 'ommii tee badIv io con

a lorward u

UL' I .

1 ¦.-',- meeting laai-1 ten! ion "t

* fer. gaveall nine to tin* considi ol perjury.

a A. Von le*. C- :.

t.illili:. ti . svatt

IC! an.Ult" frauds" a ts .ti snd < n

little stten lion. IL. ol the attitudeof the Committee regarding the (rand is¬

sue wai ned" clear by tlc declaration ol;--,tlnng ti) du s

a.i,ii .a reno ntion virtuallyI tbe in veal i_r:i ion of

ii fi ands ral State ( numilTu- i member, of the com¬

mittee: W. ll. Baronin, -f Connecticut; fred¬erick 0. Piince. ol M Abram.-. Hewitt ¦)! s.'tv-'i-r William W. Ann-Btrong, if Ohm; W il Lim L. Bci rt.ol Pennsylvania. Bradley B.-maller, of Vermont,was represented bj Hiram Atkiua; (J Halse

W ('. Wuituey; omi A. '»V. Suiot .New-Hutnpsbire, bj C, J. » audy.

mu. bi a ht gzi-Aiaa,tm 8. II. vv it arrived ar issi roonaa hrimfni of

wrath si tc-I'li-iti-in nf the Committes nafoce tbapuiiiie. ir took only a word to let loose sll thiapeiit-iip iii.tnrTiatici. Tbs room svas ctrowdedwith una await f tbe action ol the Committee,among whom Mr. Hewitt, with a tp_tsk eye -Bcog-u ted several reporters. Au acquaintance said toh.m. afters friendly drake f the hand:

- onghtea is rather rough on ron shoat tbatMorey letter.'-Mr. Hewitt's face blnabad a deep rad, and raising

bia vin- e sn tba! mi aught hear, nc Bald, iasill: "i*

. Kee be seents to be fi il lo wi ic mc up pt rsc ten tl court tliat I bail Been tlc

iict-iiier I:-; ami ask.-.I nit* threet.n.e whethei 1 bad nor. seen it on that day,1 denied thal 1 bad seen it before October 20.Bat _

i tti.-i-ts 'har. 1 mw it on OctoberIO. "i elora ii '.i as iirsi printed. Imin iiie-e rooms October 20, and accidentals! meidart sviio bad with bim ths Mc

i* ibnwn m inc, sa 1 was (aniili.rwitb dan.-als writing. 1 looked at tueletter, compared n carefully with three otherleter- of Onrfield'athal I bad in my pocket sud..". laretl my beliel tb .' iii.- iignatnre ar lealgenuine I thought tnat tba body of tbe letter badbren written by -onie out elae. When 1 waa "ti thewtiueaa-st.nd I >ed the letter again, .md pro¬nounced my beliel that the eignature

cline, Staughton naked mfii I ha.l knowithat, h. 1.. M rey did nol el st, lad thattbe letter bad not p-i-imI tbro<igb tbe Lyna poe!

ll would still .h" letter genuine. Ianswered thal 1 would have aatd tba! the circum*atances were very suspicions, ami thal I wonld nol

pay a dol ar on -u li a dr-ia. It was a very singu-laii thing if tue let ¦.! rsa no; genuine, thai (iii-held ass ii", pal ci i bs vv

si ami. I .lo not vet ItOOW thalFor sill know, these disrepu¬

table mtiieaai'a may have been prodaced lc. bt tsarid Davenport. If tbr Mor y letter wera!iieio in-w in,:! were told thal lbs itgnatoiti.f"-,i, I should -av that u waa a remarkablycleve! "- '¦¦"Heie one ol fha bystander** H.-mi: "in view of the

fact tii;ii More] ,,iiiii ' be loond dou'l v mi in na itbesina io look ke a loraMr. Hewitt replied: 'I luive my doubts

genni..ct.c-.-; 1 h i» . ricW of themos! suspicions ircumstau"Whal la ronr Indgment sboni tbe wit!

More* snd Lin_eav," .nd snotuei bystander." 1 tn- Committee tia.- been unpossd noon,' aharpi.

replirai M.. __».* t , aa ho pua-eti tb mgh tu..uni wei t into tua oom il chamber.William L. Scott, in paamng through tip-room

afterward, vva g-ked abs! .- I iga ol theMorai letter. \v sparkling wu*-- anger, amiin a -t*t. tonic nc.- ul ¦¦ ice ne replied :

1 in i.e pin il -t naai ig up this mare's -..".si vs nitimi tlc j i.;.s, ue of their owu on I lu ir aum. a .! publish tbe Morey le ter till Kendall sudHew itt i,ai, ex un i g -nu,m-. 1think Morev'a Ural evidence was irui ; taat lie,- a nepai a H. 1.. Umey, and that Joan1. Davenport frightened bun oal ol it. ltla aa tatawsiiie Blander aitsmptto.eectin'-,- min. If ;u ive committed a erantl.en: Oe DUIll-lieit. Ililli ot' the ''..Ullllit Iee natl rntu ilcm. ,u* Etepnbltca.itrj ott to throw mod at as. ll.«, will find oat thaithe ether sale eau throe,' nud befora they netthrough."


The Com ni il tee iicd a -c i- : "¦- cc nf two hours.Mest af the time waa Ba ipied iBdiseaastag the

Morey hms sad ia ateaariBgan address te ths pub¬lic tu relati-'u to lbs Committee*, connection wittatue two wituess.--. . bo have ooo!eased thal ;mv

ciitnint sd p**-yary. A few ¦oasanla* atleetaw only»i« given io tbs frsad l-sue. The adare--, markby mair. .;..eriiue_u,,c*, W_yrt tllcli lliatir; pl"llC. ltts as a.- toliovt a:

In "espouse lo iBSBJl . Bl Baal Di B-CratlcCommi.tee m.lie- ia ' nag ula reen-nceio tim atfeeailad More) lei ter:

1. Neituer tha t'ouimn. ec mir any su'-cotiiiuittee'.Lei tot ba. ever taken aiiy uctluU lu l-teieuce lo lha»kiter.

*.. laat lt was drat cal.ed ro tue attention ot thc ahatr-mao of tue Connel;'. i-iiuie night belora ita publicsnon lu truUi ou inc -uni oi Oetaber,

il. 1 hut ihe t.uiiiiiiiau tlu*r,*u.,ou i,*i,tii--iei| Mr..Smalley,a-lenee: ot he 'oui.Lttee, lo tue lefter jtun |a-r_nasi.>u ii) do au aas refused at lae 'title ot

Truth.4 ina: uo member of the Committee .vcr -aw tba

letter, or any copi or purtiuii IBOTsot, Balli stier Ila publlrni-., -ir -va. m any .vise eoaearaed thereiu. orgaveany suvicu in rt feieaee thereto,

b. mat Mr. Hart, tu patMisaar if Truth, brought theuri.ural ia. torin .lie ne...!ii a ,r.. r.. No. ISS I. ti-.iv. ..

mi iiii artei li.ein of ic> -'ii.u el 0 i whare n ._-

¦aaa bb hss Baal i.aa op mj nie.tb rat me co.nmand '.hen i-xaiii.ue lu .,- la l.itsra ", .ut:\rr UBI "I."-)' IietS- ll '.

fa.uli.a, w i.ntl .d caine

t.. iaa "U -iii-i'.ii tn i -i.

6 Tuai law> _ 4 culed lu put .,u.-e SiasSOBable in.,i,u- l "I IU' piatOBof lue lui. Sluti.o

WUkCu bad air.- .dv bi lr,ith.7 Ba 'iei.lal hav mai (-"in. trots <r neiai (Jartlclil of fh-*

.ititin ii,u a¦,' ut ti.e i,n " ,., in :. ia ."

¦-1 a nhl. unii.1,.1 o' the Nent-Torh Hrrani and av ry-i.are leu.i-1 in thal p.»l"'*» c.* CoUl uti lice dt_ gi\n oat tue asren-trpr piatas, whmb

ng V tt nie. tba pr,,pr .i> of ih.action waa u->i denoie-l ny thc

I to se ia _u_i-K*ny with Ottlerni Uarfletd'a views. s.i.J ..! envi-red bv UM .'lier, gathered from

je bli' rec.i.ia o. u.idountcd -eenuin.8. llial Ihe ttrat i,lli|,l" I. "1" n l. l»a* liol p'l

Bald tom d.ysafier .,..- puOiicai.tin tu iVulA, atnl-BahU, lilianupuricd tty _By StBercv.,1. ice. tbs --iniuii-

(.¦. in ri,-a .,i Ur Bel al tiarttcd'a i ouuectiou with ulUcr¦na lie Wclgllt.

.i thal tu'r-tf ,re v nen a, |,lance w itI offered fo stewthat MsBBl *>.> a rta. ycrraau aaa uui a m> .-. tho oviu*

miffee called for na prcdlietlon, as they were nouna to

do te or,t,-r to urrlv- s' tue troth. .

io. That if rlt-* I-f sr luis been for-ed. or any rrandei.u.mifteit in hereto, or aay false evidence."¦cn given, it Baa Bess done without ,,r privily of tue committee, or of any memberthereat1.

. ly. tue f'otutnnr,.,. approves of all honest mcai-iir. - to min ab any and all nersons who have eommlttedBB] violinion of law, and have no this itbat le arri »e at the von truth of ths affair, loaner.*should be iiiiibf as ro the aurnenticifv nf tbe M

dm- io the failure or th-* pr-.*ecuti»n to pul Qea-erai (i irtleid on t,-e 'ana il-ord, r the Corot

tt H.LIAM IL OAl-NUM, Cuairmita.Fiied. o. pbisck, Bacrsas-y.

rut" BBS*Of-rJTtOBa,Tho following resolutions, which were sdepted,

were offered by William L. scott, sf !'. mi-ylv ima,

umi h. eaadad by \V. \V. Armstrong, ut Ohm:Whereat, AileeaOoas of fund m v -nous n-ares, and

.-et. ci.,iv in tue stare ol Bow-York, Save boes broughtio the aol iee -if thia omni iee,Iirtutriil. that tina . !'. a ha* rc ) 11-SdtetHM orel

lor \ -ii ..a- ti- -f ell eti-'ii laws; but ir tea mnsenda tbeI- 'a era! e eommftteoa of the Statao

ra d, have .¦ fled In luvesilg il themi. Vi",rt! I- * "I file ia'*.

aud their prompt um! cs' p ni-litie-u. la re ai" Utbe duty of the eo_rta or of Lon ariaa rn the oremlee*.,thisCommJttea ts not asd sanaot be,aba*aed wah auy jie ponmbl ly.A re-,,Int mn of tbanha was alas vol - teW. H.

Barnum, chairman of tbe Als ieory Co nmlitee, andto th officers nf the committee, "forrheelli lent

manner in which they bave perforatedthi ll ie-r-e. nv- .la ns.


DEMOCRATIC I'lVi.-lcV- GROWING WIDKK.. vc -Clint;:. OP ll' -i !,lM/.tTI"\ IN v

JAMI i"i '. i :. ld 0 PART.a in

ia', ,--/¦-.,, .sm . Baorsan .. ___*_>-I'.C :. s: B s

The action of esrtaiu .nti-Tammanat. their meeting ls a i- sttraeti .1mci alien-mn .inion, tin ildera an-i

politician! elonging to rammany sad Irv n ^ Hail*.Tbs failure Ueneral Haneock bM causedaueta Cunno . j Hall

i,.i ,, ) caa predictn tbe aezl two months,

,-icr if bowe, John 1". rc. -toonta ll. Purssff..'in uaroo-',' witta them bave ta

al I riu Iii t" ¦: on< | e tr, snd pimrue bead of their liai of n srating arista

them . \\ here it" fae*tcn of which Ila Min ree .J Power,Hubert O. rhompaon ad ["boo a are

leaden ts to And a reetmg place remains to be de-terrain dj but both factiona of Anti-Tarn ia pareunanimous in charging npon Jo m Kelly tbeof Ueneral Hancock. Ibe proposition of a

Irving Ha ia to reorgan se ever] _a-aembly district iu the < leting laat Ihur-.

._tit. held in n private r- om ot" tbs Maia.a'tanClub, the na tat Belmont. John T. AaAbrsbaui R. Lawrence, Bo.val Phelps, Chariea1 ional ¦:¦. - net I). Franklin

i, John T. ll- Sn an. Abram >. i.othera to tbe total non

givingt-. the revel llAi mire power, over

the election of delegates to tbe.( r Committeewithout die tl leader of anyball, ii is undera ood tta tl John F-i_. -heiiff Uwwesnd County Clerk JJ . iii: in ibmmovement It must be borne in mind, however,that thu .> ¦¦. only a few satt-Tara*buhu mea; thal ii." eoBseot of tire geatlemeanamed above ro serve on such .. couuaittaHtenty-five hati not been obtained wbeatlie list was mada tip: and ihatuntil som.' furtherproaraaa ia n ade tn r'ie matter, itis impossible to tell w ei ter or BOl tbs .nov

will really accomplish anything of importance inrenr-iiti zinc tte Democra ic party. James O'Brienia tbs laud au* munt In tbe flaattes at pressut Hewasat tbe M inbattan Ciao yesterday, in eonafinn witta Derneersl * wL favor 'li.* new order ofthings. It ia proposed that a comm balta

.- mea sba bold a meeting al bb earlyday ut (.'ticker,nc Had, and tba! Hugh J. J.* ,v cn

stell be asked to preside.Benat-or Bizbi a a emphatic yestsrdsj in ins

saaertii n thai tbs Dem a ra nari must be reor¬ganized, -enator Hogan man ested greatdianp-

.-¦ it i-i bia friend Ni bolasHuller for Cimirreas by _t_njamiB Fox sad ini-;.a are bro bers-i -law, botdo

v r polirii a v. John Foxw or

_a:ii_-tdon; bul much n -nu. c_.-i,among Auti-I'amiAaiij m<*n against bim, beeau i ii ia -r .-,itn.i, ur pat Ur. Ura<.n the .Vu;:- i 'linn:.til t

twelve tot Mayor st it h an nhimself and J.'hu Kelly thai Sdr. Oreo would baaccepted.J I'linie Buck -ai' yesterday that he was actively

sod -'a.- lesli] at v.. rk va the new mov. mein win,-awa* set on foot at tbe Manhattan Club Ibu

'..iiiocriiiie party masti new departure, and throw oveihoerd butta

I'.!i"a a;,.v .uni Anti-1 amman] uti the new move-ui.-iit rn be beaded bv A.cen Belmont, John i.

i. i "rs un i wnii bia cor¬dial approval and wonld receive h:s un,st gealouasupport


i."i-KIAN VOTE Fdr CUT OFflClAJUB.The otlici al city canvass i_ Brooklyn -.ives

the Olio IOU li.areFor Controller.Wi am <; Btelnmsri i\\\. B2.1»*W;

Lui .in -, m ,-. (Ii. |, 53 312. .-eu ie, a maj t. 1 itt.h>r f-/.-/ luilmi'-i..- E. Bl il di), ¦¦¦ll

/. Vm.nuea ile .:!.'" a Poorh.esa nuij-7 :\>.


nu: vm!: in alabama light.IfOWTOOBrEBT, Ala.. Moe. 12..The

\ ir oona fe'OiblWS: lian-.'.. 18.300; ,.:u- '. .V> 7!'t: ss

-i ."" rbe nun sate ¦.¦ rrrom ell reid abc_l2,()00to ilancoes's c ii .ruy, ra- rotc of ihe st.n,. wa-. tvr

lc i. inor. than one-third not re ne, tin ls i

. I,.,, rn ."lc in ... a. tae lto en ¦:,.e the timi "f tc li'ir rii.-,-,,.-, t. ,,

i tai and ia ddeotial dec-

rjOMPLKTE RET1 RNe TIMM MARYI.AV.i.An\ai'"Lis. n v. Iii.. Th:* offleial s-oto of rho

.¦:.,,., :i. h, ti] rt] tl tu the "file,*- i: KJJ 70a;

Oarge -1 Sled Pl, 71.513! COtal, 173.231, Deicer inc

m |orlcy, 13.181. '. tae tweniy*iui cuantl.a ia tao., ii..-' uajorli - rn -"uiii. v i.i Al-

Chu riI Dir- . Id. .ck, tj.iircit, si.Mary's, efouiet-set and Waablm/tOB.

CORRI CFI) Vo,K OF OHIO.COLUB*_r_"t, R it*. 12.. 1 ho Sccnt.iry of -tate*

asserts inst, >.« i/1*-s mistake ta bui utXwe, the (Tl laltlm-iims of r iv ni Otu., e eciiou, sa fBrmstasd thepresa, ware not a Teer, v reezammstioj or tbavotaa

ie oi wac ea::;'- : C.trti ld,37*),0_S; italiin-:)'.: Wearer 6.4">6; n- ,2 ..:.;. Ua.Seld'a

plurality, .i-i.. IT. (iiir'i-i >u ruy. 23,100.

OFFICIAL FOTI. nF i E.nn^YLVaXia.H-BBUtBCBO, l'eiin.. N"V. 12..Thc o:t;< lal

voie i. alala t* leilaws: .¦-rtt.-.d. ili.Tc;Uaaeock, 407,430; Wee******, 10.038; Dow, i,o:iU; sad

*. ll._


..DR." li'"' BABA"! l'l.KAl'-s -IffLTV.I'ltn.t'ki tn ia. nv. 12.. "It." John Bochsnsn

tris rraurned in ih-court »f (.usrier Sesatoas t.gey, andu .ai|,< tm ry '" tars eii-r-e. oi -." a-ad*.i_ic .irjretg..->. tuen e wra*, il"!«-r: -I

A Ht v MP MIND DEADCl t*-T"N. N. J., M IV, IU .i il- ixely of B Sw»i|e

tia. .an! In a nea! se lUr-tleini are. r.irlay. A h.aik foundon fr* Sod* a_otS)B*d !.-*iol"-;r*!ili*. laaeu in BWadoa Fhatuan >e_s aVMSB lr a tranip

I NI SI Bl ilKA-u.NM BOB A !ST!U__.ftli. BfYBB, tl IBM , Nor 1_. 1 r. .- tc, -imi-

n-ra ire mt uti atrilie iu the atla.i» nd I. ...- rrsOSna gITUBb 111=: tlia!" to fret-le .a^ llmrtiT. they 1)»t-> la a ra.n tueiragaa Si"' Uiat ihe aui.r. an t.m nunn ll*, eil, il.

DI :-v|,.N IB BAVOBOVA -.--ki vMii..: SGBMCT.Ba_TIMUBB. N v. lat. Ul t. I* 'iii .f ( ..tii.iinii

I'lesi to-lay ihe t-tie ot Newholil A t-ams air-, tiie lie.. .li, rc ant i.S .--a.-iicy IoT »'-'¦" n .'amaai.a lor a...* -..I lc ...

a-un, du tuan th, ( nun. B-cMoS lni.vor ol tbe So-feuiiauts.

pm).-ri.niTY in cnn v.

( tn12. Real . mn >rt noaa .ta.tea m tba iniait.r_i pan ..t t ..¦ ntr, *m

iii.nio.,1 .a i,n,i.iui«- tr* Lo... »uii a pretbat tin- corer vcar wm ht the _.ii urosperu"!* lu lli. ry ut (tc n.raiebbial coubcix ip ooaoasnATioaAxrwre

bt. _ ia.-, .'v. 12..Al me nvmaing s*-*.*ithe Nsil-ai.i .incl Of Coagl-SStMsaUaUtrssur Hiram Mead, ut oberlin loileare, an _

a BxpotUaacy .,i Kormuauoi ufo .sew .tj,..a, m

laiiit i..r t-bur*,.**-'BBBBAVOBIBB I" I'i.'-ik I BOTB1 O! i: is.

Ni ,t -i iih.». ,-, s-ov. I'.'.. 1 fie i.iaml J,nv baaindicted tbe propnslora of tbs fL t liarlei. Clfy, blt ,-al,tar s, aa-i outer l..,i«ls, for fail,nu to |,ron.ln tu- tt--.ito,, a rea. Ul a U, lin- gio.luil fruitt i ac Bo.TOO.I tr.unuj uu

ati'n (a .,. a ley * ur* fm' tue tMvaiv^ sit iud.ia .i case ul il. oibu vouaity u> ts-oO But.


I.Ni.f. ltiKNTR SJBUBB TIIK BBABBJC-t. B-tV "BBSJ.-roans davis- nacissos i^ ran mtpcaaflkxpi ctki, pi-day- w. m. laic ava wrassjsto iiavk av aviuaiLBiti to taxi whatTHKV kn-,w ti; | rm pow rb. -Tata warn


CiiMMtrTH".No adiiitiufi'I ird clmctifw acre ls_B_

t' nlay in fin* M r *\ -!..;ter t c-niracv, lintniiicii anxiety was fi It by those persons who,il' pircnfly, aro BBB nattai ii, tin- "Batta. 1)VtheesssfsaaieM n n'V> lea .nil Mom v. It ttpromised that W M. i'ra o. A. Q>. Clark, J. C.Seaham aaaj mic- ihall haws an opportunityio espials Braal they know al-our tho lettertad tlie winicss, s. B-WBfi II. On kt ison, act>n(idenrial Secretary oi' tho Ni-uia! I lento-cratte Coaiaittee, related to ii Tbibi nf. t»-

jorn-r all mat hs know- m tag id to thocotiiniLfci-'t rmi ..'i'i n willi -'. (J. Mote] I 1A. li. Clink, and theil fnii-'i!:..t nu- with timni.iiiai.'' rs ot ths in-s-cit i r whit i i nnh I. ilthc lut'.'crv.


AU A. IIN'. rC£l-BR D VKl.o'MF.NTS.Thati weenor es assay startIh-g a_veiesaasa_i

in ine Miif*-', letta iv aa aa Iprevioasda ai but laged apo- tbeeasa an

- ii iroiu ih- Kart 'profess ll I'lOUl)!"-! r'Otiti'l"! ci 111 Ik Iii." i 1

lark af evidence aronud ii: 'lc rasa arba havebet eiiu-a.e-l in lie l'.e

ivv.,1 ,1yeaterday with mu i a the de*

o | .tlIm tl,*, 'i', the pull!sad ('. tl. Byrne, the F<!it--r ot resiled

Truth,i. !.i,,.l-a af 'bc p.*i j r,.,i v. [|aod, bewevar, tbaiii ti.ill lill' lr. lill .J nil BS

Bona ure anded.ll] ie r-ii thus far ind

.inc ai waltina fa¦ ' '

af Fillip " readiiredJ: in. deefdea to b fr trial,

i it-uog eflint will be nuale I :. m-

Just who will i.e breagbt ia aa pattie*-panta n tbs maspirmi tbe :. a-pteeeatdo'-s uni a isii te iiiak-* pub

dept - slag Wm ke.tup. lin* eoaasal tor th-- proeeculioa ara ta lindisiur.t.- over ti

I c.- :¦ .-, . :' If, Pi BBChairman of -he DeaMcratM Central Committee fAllesbeeyCoan >, Md., and sm ol !"1' -i-ieii'.ai Biestats, ssaii bate sapattBaisjailn.i'.e.l h..U of e_pinnum* ti:- ciililiectmu vt,tll

O'Brien, sad arhp ba ¦ ss ai ans tea te Bete < vTh a uI'.uk in lc. a iai ¦. sv j, i.... aa*:thal 1. Ituew II L Mie**.ion ti Iel ter a leai dstore] Lom Ueneral Uartlelu. Mr. Price wdI.ave an opportunity ol I .

'¦'¦ alli-LaVitwhich waa alleged t.r bare ¦-.-.- made by derry,containing these i a a- tee-

grapued io (.'.ia,nu ii,. Peen-ratioNational Committee ind ii u public as a

proof of tuc ._¦.' inu!..*,..-.--) ..: ;... ii..rti'-,tl let-tar.A ii.un <¦. Clark and Jo.-a C. BaeburB.

tehably nave ga op:" of explain*nu. tully liieir part in the tl tttetioa watti rue>

witueea Storey, who declaies tua! they tmu tassmen ihai ludaeed bim to awear thal tiier*- waa aull. L. Morey In bia family..Next week prtrUMeea to be a busy nae In tbe case.

if iBdiciaients an* laaudtb. trial of tbs acensadperaO.a w.ll be pres**etl forwatd witn al, thebaste possiole. lue exsuaiaatien kn th- toesOl I'ailp has taken up _o much ntl)-' that lu.*)adviseai can hardly plead taek ot piop-ii**-ti u. The defence will be obliged to iasaul, vvlciiee rbe Muree ,.¦' r wa* obiBi llOB. BMthat there waa ceasaB so believe ii w.-ispaaaias atbi' adjudged nilly, lins Judge Davis eleatiyaaltot th on tile dav of thc . x ii,;... itMO ot I'.illl).Colonel George BUm and J .;. L Dat uti. rr had a

longeoosuItal on yesterday wu A--t-r.-Lost'utAttwrnei Heh; atni a coarse ot setioe wm sa*rea*Jnoon in viesv 't th- coiifeasiena ol <»"Iii i-*n .clSleet, 'i a of i.e counsel foi the defense alee usa..t icu-u t a-> w r Aaais; an I I).cur AitorueyBell. If i.- innl ctoi Mi tu it ni".; i- -ti ni ol Lan ii-i.i r-tare ludirtme ta wasooeofineaabjects ins aeed.Ai 1 p. m. the Grand Jar, adinarue-J until Moueap,having found no add ti m ii indict.leu aL.VLANAlIoNs PBOM in, lu u-.i.'KaI'IC NAri'-NAL

iittcb,Edwsid B. Dicki ia uti BtaaaBBBphsff

BBd con udell tull secret _rj el ra Nc:-eil D^uio-1'iuiie Cc.aatttee, .v- ;h" feUawiag artIsBaliiBlyesterear bo a Tantova tf-fMHtarot the eeaaestioBol tbe somauttee with tbe tiotaj and I-ABataan* wit*

" A dmpatcb fi"m The Mtueheutur V il. I »iui,"w.i. teem red bj tut C>>.isutBta some

limo before tlc eicetioa. stating thai thetas > t

mail vt im Liietv Morey, uni .is..ii,. weal ahaaM ')¦)

tio." with hun v\" lent an suawi , teehSahi kailiitlavtt ati-l sc.d tta) al-'Ug. Aicf-u-r di-paiciiwas then received s..i.n_ that ftc ;.ih tit

..ii rei eivsd; thal the g*P. Maun in thai bi ba Lim io vet tyannie atateiiieala. Suti*xKjH"ni ¦..¦ received ad^pitch t cnn M.u u fr»m l.ii i* " "'.i-.., wh cn.aid: 'I knowd C. Mote ii rt : i phew ot lt. 1_,sinr- \s',, I" io thal .is

.> taros 'fiul-rain si hui

" fne Sutrda) mornma fe .". ig, a ian lari Iil ,(ll.ire. I, 1 IOU Rltal IllflO-

<lll", .1 ile ilt-eV ..-.----. '¦ r I k.1 ney M-d -tia . '". ia oin..n-eiit-c tn ii telegram i 'tear. ns. Ii -, ied, ' Y«_v, we Morey's neahew,A v .on rm* mau 1 tit. < lara, te wl-em 1 i-iui a-a*!"-.-e,i myself, nol i; wing ' spat Mid :

l ii-1- Mr ll. rev, iud I a ii Mr, rfc.' I 'icuii .,. a n bt:- :'I Hie ri -died Wogol bare last Bight and weal ¦- a ..-uei.' Clark dalloual ol the lalkiug. I took iii in to .<. a vere (rai a,outspoken ateebanw. lashed bad eatie re et .. ano ie -ti-1 le- o- va r a a that In* waav*n\ an imus ta asa tn- sigtii ana that bs dadii*.-ant to l»c croiieil up in ". IliMiee ali tl iV.1 tepUsd fua; 1 though I .I helter lt' Kiev vt» r-- -a_ort*)d thrall .'lltm- atty by ear arrgea teat-anas| .isbs B m tnoiouRiiiy fatitiliir wu u all ol f tn- points otn tei it: and thal be bad Basal itt Uo'cio U. at Btatea laiaad. snd thal tte v imtrnt i.kelo c doa ii t net -. i a' mi e,lHM won,tl -un theta. V\-i-a ii(eHi I *".it im Mr.Mimic, ,,e a r-rcsm'-ir-1 ni .¦ a irdaead Iiiiu rothe t wo men Th y w.ntiiv.i .. chai_a,aMcania back abt a .¦. ii rii.a i-stavaflur, d.uiii,. oi loci, .iini.t, te aeaiveaai .! lluetra n-

¦¦ A-Ver I i)_o lutrc'ii' -..! them t. Moore, Bart a ulI*Ml oaiBS -artilag r* nn*l na I an ratetvww wi liilieai al wlneli I ts:,*, mm TUett aikia-.e,i ail-nil Sweaty mt cites, t gtaiicd into tuetooti! oi.ce, and saw Mr. I'net ar ... Motet a-idl'l.ilk Slept bett (cm a.. !. t (Xl i.muli gtv nen I alive.1 n.e. aa-: _ m. tobi ak-lst A lu- *>

seouer inau H-it'a i.ia a Mi tues ..erert .linell ai cmirt at nu c. i -em a,, them and ISS aBas-haar, aafl they waar Meaan with tha iBaaasa*afe, lt ll i, | ll. lleve, ia . l, . ,i led.' I ul,. III). -.-J'hem M || a 11 i ul.,! -lilli. I..I" !.. Lie t "I.n.if, . b-uthev taine te tue and slate" tte; they BUNS MBlonger .uni a en SS -f lent .in. Mew-Taner.wags tot boass. Mr. Clark natal it at beund-T-tooti f-vat we Woald i-.s their aS_JM__Bsud for Li.'.r trnubie ul.ti ii-..- ill tillie. 1said: *¥sbl what ire son. agpeaarof' Mr.Clark calcelaii-t thaaa ar forty add BellaM assd ,. tie- i.i .i,.i t v -,-i-lir iloiiats, i thnk n vt ,«. 1 aaiu :.nt,.-ll:i> ci !.(.-. \\ ill T*."a)civ, r itt" tie"Y-s." I nrew an order ci as ITISaBIM. «'. .1.Canda, far tfi-Q. ead taeh I . iptiatait['bedOO bm i" P-..s faa reef* ii .u.>lo. Bm m tlcyan, mi. a ta last! ..i.-, at suet), aad sa i .<-r

bb the tu-.Mirer wa iud aealdlaMi«> ca-tietl > l'r-Di oB l' :.,...,,gj.|»v .J 10 ,,'ci h, I e ts .1 || ct- ll BS B .£

¦il. giving BJ i). r-...u.l i.i-c... Mr.(.'¦ark IBS. .'SO,Hie onie;' sa IBs Us-asurei t< rt mbarse iii,m,,i.Mora] amii lark thea nt I,e.i. ..... ;ei ina allial tillie 1 liUV> i,< il!ii.| a ,".i i.. ,n i. ,0 a,,yci)'u;.iii: li'atU'U vt . ,.

tort. the "linc i, i.ti ot the. N ni toual I<t '..iilli. t(e.< Vt KU lu. ....

I lilli.) IN ll I. S' M . IN \

. iu '\ .* ...' t .- ttaaesni red ra rea*ai_ ir the h stMBSafniven. I IB Mr. Small*?! uail vt it tithem WSlB that Bp !u wai .'.ere wilvil liieyLiP. ...i..,-i . aiia as a otalioi ul fact be was tue