Download - Troop 629 Summer Camp June 5-11, 2005 05.pdf · Troop 629 Summer Camp June 5-11, 2005 Camp Rainey Mt. (Near Clayton, Ga.) New scout advancement, merit badges and high adventure activities!

Page 1: Troop 629 Summer Camp June 5-11, 2005 05.pdf · Troop 629 Summer Camp June 5-11, 2005 Camp Rainey Mt. (Near Clayton, Ga.) New scout advancement, merit badges and high adventure activities!

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Camp Rainey Mt. (Near Clayton, Ga.)

New scout advancement, merit badges and high adventure activities!

SSSiiigggnnn uuuppp “““nnnooowww””” uuusssiiinnnggg ttthhheee aaattttttaaaccchhheeeddd aaappppppllliiicccaaatttiiiooonnn ssshhheeeeeettt aaannnddd sssaaavvveee ooonnn fffeeeeeesss... CCCooosssttt iiisss $$$222111000 ((($$$111999555 eeeaaarrrlllyyy rrreeegggiiissstttrrraaatttiiiooonnn))) “““pppllluuusss””” aaaddddddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll fffeeeeeesss aaasss ssseeellleeecccttteeeddd fffooorrr ccceeerrrtttaaaiiinnn eeevvveeennntttsss aaasss nnnooottteeeddd ooonnn

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A permission slip and physical (enclosed) are required for all scouts and need to be turned in by June 1st. Depending on

activities a Class II or III physical is required. If a “Class II” is on file with the Troop not older than 3 years by camp it will suffice

but personal info needs to be re-dated. A “Class III” is required to be updated annually.

Drop off your scout by 1:00 PM Sunday, June 5th at Camp in full uniform with all his gear and pick him up by 9:30 AM Saturday, June 11th (directions and pack list enclosed).

The Troop provides a new unit “T” shirt for each scout at Camp.

Questions: call your SM, Fran Gillis (770-649-7825).

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For additional details see Enclosed you will find information on: • What to bring to Camp • Telephone and Mail Service • General Camp Facilities • Camp Rules • Medical Forms and Physicals • Swim test and rules • Camp Program The New Scout Trail (TNT) • Merit Badge Advancement • C.O.P.E. High Adventure - Scouts who are 13 by January 1, 2005 • Climbing Merit Badge • Whitewater Kayaking Crew • Mountain Biking (Cycling) • 50-mile TREK! • Merit Badge Classes, Prerequisites and additional cost if any • Permission Form • Registration Form Important things to remember • Drop off your scout by 1:00 PM Sunday, June 5th at Camp in full uniform with all his gear. Last

year it rained during the sign-in process and Troop picture, so please have gear in waterproof bags and have a poncho handy. The process may be slow, so be patient. Remember, we are their guests and must follow their time-proven process for how they want to register the scouts and troop.

• Have each scout bring at least two or three pair of shoes; one pair water proof if possible. It will rain while we are there and shoes will get wet…be prepared with extra shoes.

• No-open toed sandals or shoes • Each Scout should utilize a day-backpack for carrying poncho, water bottle, merit badge books,

note books, pencils/pens etc. between classes • Bring pencils/pens and a notebook for classes • The Camp offers a Trading Post and Refreshment Center where Scouts may purchase a variety

of items as well as all types of refreshment stand snacks, snowcones, soft drinks, etc. Please ensure your son understands how much daily allowance he has to spend and plans accordingly.

• NO radios, tape players or "Talk-about" type two-way radios • Please be on time to pick your scout up by 9:30 AM Saturday, June 11th or arrange for pick up

after the campfire on Friday evening. • If your son is a new scout and this is his longest stay away from home, write him letters and send

packages. See the SM about how to make sure they arrive on the day and time you want. Directions: Camp Rainey Mountain is 4.2 miles east of Clayton, Georgia on Highway 76. Turn left at the granite sign on the left side of the road marking the entrance to Camp Rainey Mountain. Follow the road approximately 1 mile until it dead ends into the camp's parking lot.

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Why Summer Camp You can't take the "Outing" out of Scouting. The outdoor program is a feature about Scouting that appeals to boys, and a week at summer camp is a mountaintop / lakefront experience. No young man has ever forgotten the experiences from summer camp. Consider also that a unit on its own can't duplicate the program, facilities, and equipment. Camps provides a variety of programs, a dining hall, a fully stocked trading post, and other facilities to match your unit's needs and desires. What to bring to Camp (a foot locker or large container to fit under cot helps) Scout Field uniform - Scout shirt, Scout shorts, Scout belt, Scout socks and Scouting T-shirts Extra clothing - socks, underwear, shoes, etc. Sweater or jacket Rainwear (We recommend a poncho) Sleeping bag or bedding Swim trunks Soap, comb, toothbrush, towel and other personal items Scout Handbook, pens, pencils, notebooks, merit badge books Money for crafts, extra fees, trading post, cokes, snacks (see SM if $ are to be controlled by unit). Other items such as camera, compass, pack, flashlight, insect repellent, etc. Special Note: Scouts need to mark all their clothes and identify all their equipment with their initials. Many pieces of equipment and uniform parts are exactly the same so marking of shirt tags for instance helps identify who owns or left behind what item. Telephone and Mail Service One thing parents always want to know is where their son is and how to reach him. We encourage parents to write their sons, but we must ask them not to call except in the case of emergency. In an attempt to discourage homesickness, we ask that you tell your son to not call home. Typically, a homesick Scout doesn't improve if he calls home. The camp phone must be reserved for those individuals on camp business. THE CAMPS' PHONES ARE FOR EMERGENCY AND CAMP BUSINESS ONLY:

Camp Rainey Mountain (706) 782-3733 This phone is NOT available for use by campers. This phone is available in case of emergencies and is to be used ONLY by adult leaders and staff members on camp business, Coin/phone card telephones are available for use by campers. Scouts use these pay phones must be accompanied by their adult leader. Please address mail (see the SM about special mail arrangements):

Scout's Name ___________, Troop 629 Camp Rainey Mountain

1494 Rainey Mountain Rd. Clayton, GA 30525

GENERAL CAMP FACILITIES At Camp Rainey Mountain the buildings and developed areas of camp provide 21 troop sites, a central dining hall, health lodge, trading post, rifle and archery ranges, central shower areas, chapel, program areas, two complete waterfront areas, equipment building, and an administration building. The troop sites are located throughout the wooded areas near the lake and are provided with tents, adirondacks, or cabins. Tables, dining fly, washbasin, and latrine are provided in each site. Each tent has two individual cots. Each area has a centrally located Shower facility. The rifle, shotgun, and archery ranges have been built and certified according to Boy Scouts of America standards. The camp furnishes .22 caliber rifles for use on the rifle range, .20 gauge shotguns for use on the shotgun range, and compound and recurve bows for use on the archery range. Swimming is restricted to the prescribed areas of the waterfront and to the times posted on the program schedule. The camp "free swim" area may be used by anyone, but only when a lifeguard is on duty. Troop free swims may be scheduled provided the troop implements Safe Swim Defense. Camp offers a Trading Post where Scouts and leaders may purchase a variety of Scout items (socks, equipment, supplies, toothpaste, candy, patches, memorabilia, etc.)

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Camp Rules Although the SCOUT LAW and OATH should be the only rules a Scout needs, the following is a list of policies and standards that have been established to ensure that the Northeast Georgia Camps continue to live up to their excellent safety record: 1. NO radios or tape players. "Talk-about" type two-way radios are NOT allowed to be used by Scouts as they are the official communications system of the Camp Staff. 2. NO rock throwing of any kind. 3. NO fixed-blade sheath knives allowed. 4. NO firearms or any kind of ammunition may be kept in the possession of any Scout or Scouter. 5. NO fireworks of any kind should be in camp. 6. NO pets or other animals should be brought to camp. (Seeing eye dogs excepted) 7. Do not use aerosol cans in campsites. 8. All white gas lanterns, propane lanterns, stoves, etc., are to be filled and stored ONLY by adults. Fuel must be secured under lock. 9. All cars will remain in the parking area while at camp. The only exception will be service vehicles and those used to transport handicapped Scouts and adults. 10. NO Drugs or alcoholic beverages are allowed at camp. 11. NO fires or open flames are allowed in tents, adirondacks, cabins, or any other structure at camp. 12. SHOES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES in camp. 13. Anyone leaving camp at any time must sign out in the camp office. 14. Each troop must have adult supervision (over 21) at ALL TIMES while at camp. 15. Medication for Scouts is to be kept at the Health Office and is to be administered by the them. 16. NO smoking in any buildings or in the presence of Scouts. 17. The Scout Uniform, correctly worn, is the most proper dress. 18. All Scouts are to behave at all times in accordance with the Scout Oath and Law. Campers who do not act like Scouts are subject for review by their local Scout leaders and the camp management. Scouts who violate laws or endanger other Scouts may be asked to leave the camp immediately. This decision will be the responsibility of the individual Scout's leaders and/or parents to remove the Scout from the camp within a designated time decided by the Camp Director. Extended periods in camp will not be allowed unless other circumstances are involved that are not within the control of the camp management. If a camper is sent home, no refund will be given for program or services missed. Medical Forms and Physicals Each Scout and leader must submit a completed medical form. There are no exceptions regardless of amount or degree of activity. An official copy of BSA medical forms for youth and adults can be found attached. Scouts and Scouters under age 40 must have a current health form good for a three year period (Form 34414). Adults over 40 and High Adventure Participants must have a completed yearly physical form (Form 34412A) in accordance with BSA policy· SWIM TEST All Scouts and leaders will be classified according to their swimming ability on the following scale: Non-swimmer: One who does not swim at all. Beginner: One who can jump into the water over his head and swim a minimum of 50 feet using any stroke, with at least one sharp turn, but has not met the Swimmer requirements. Swimmer: One who can jump into water over his head, level off and swim 75 yards in a strong manner using the trudgen, crawl, sidestroke, or breast stroke (with proper breath control) and then swim 25 additional yards using the elementary backstroke, be able to float on his back with a minimum of movement. It is aim that all boys be able to enjoy the Waterfront Area. Swimming lessons are aimed at non-swimmers and beginners with the goal being that the Scout can pass his BSA swim test before he departs camp at the end of the week. See the Class Schedule page for the class periods that this will be offered. The Troop may conduct a swim pre test in the spring.

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Camp Program The New Scout Trail (TNT) TNT is an exciting program designed especially for those new /first year Scouts who have not completed the requirements for the First Class rank. TNT focuses on four objectives, basic scout skills, cooperation, Boy Scouting ideals, and fun. Each Scout is allowed to learn material at his own level with other Scouts who are his own age. TNT is a unique opportunity for younger/first year Scouts to begin their advancement trail. When filling out the troop class schedule write TNT in one of the following slots: 9:00 am -11:50 am (Periods 1, 2, & 3...AIl 3 periods) - for New Scouts only 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM (Periods 4 & 5) - for Tenderfoot Scouts only, working on Second and First Class. 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM (Period 5) - for Second Class Scouts only, working on First Class. By the end of the week, Scouts will have learned the core of outdoor skills necessary to fulfill these requirements. The purpose of TNT is to help build better troops by ensuring that Scouts have adequate working knowledge of basic Scout skills. Scout leaders are encouraged to get involved in this program. See any TNT staff member to find out how you can help. Here's what TNT will cover at camp: Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Requirements: Requirements: Requirements: 1. Preparing to camp 1a. Map and Compass use 1. Orienteering w/o compass 2. Overnight campout 1b. Map and Compass hike 2. Orienteering 3. Cook a meal 2c. Wood Tools 4a. Patrol Menu 4a. Whipping and Fusing rope 2d. Cooking Fires 4b. Menu Food Cost 4b. Hitches 2e. Cooking with Fires & Stoves 4c. Utensils 5. Hiking Rules 2f. Lighting Fires & Stoves 4d. Food Storage 6. Care of Flag 2g. Cook a meal on a campout 4e. Patrol cook 7. Points of Scouting 3. Flag Ceremonies 5. Citizenship 8. Patrol Spirit 5. Identify ten animals 6. Plant identification 9. Buddy System 6a. Hurry Cases 7a. Lashings 10a. Physical Test 6b. First Aid Kit 7b. Hitches 10b. Improve PT 6c. First Aid 7c. Camp Gadgets 11. Poisonous Plants 7a. Safe Swim Defense 8a. Rescue Knot 12a. Heimlich 7b. Swim Test 8b. Bandages 12b. First Aid 7c. Water Rescues 8c. Transport 8. Drug and Alcohol Awareness 8d. CPR 9a. Safety Afloat Refer to the Boy Scout Handbook, eleventh edition 9b. Swimmers Test Merit Badge Advancement Refer to the Merit Badge Prerequisites and Schedules for a list of available classes. To have a successful merit badge program, Scouts should begin planning weeks or months before arrival at camp. Some merit badges can easily be earned at camp while others will take quite a bit of work after camp to complete. Yes, merit badges are open to all Boy Scouts, however, our experience shows that some badges are more difficult and academic in nature and that younger and less mature Scouts could struggle. Please help your Scouts to choose a schedule that they can succeed with! While we cannot make any substitutions for any requirements, we will do whatever possible to ensure that your Scouts have the most successful camp experience possible. If a Scout has satisfied certain requirements prior to camp, he should show his instructor a form signed by his Scoutmaster indicating which requirements have been completed to expedite his finishing the badge. Keep in mind that your Scouts may be assigned "Campwork" to do in their campsites at night. Scouts should have the merit badge books for each class. Supplies will be available in the Trading Post. Our camps offer Twilight Hours on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 7:00pm to 8:00pm for extra instruction or makeup work for some merit badges. Scouts will be informed during Monday's classes as to the location of Twilight Hours. All scouts complete merit badges fully only with unit approval.

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Nantahala Raft Trip Camp Rainey Mountain offers a raft trip on Thursday. This expedition will take Scouts and adults to the thrilling Nantahala River which drops through a forested gorge of the same name located about 15 miles southwest of Bryson City, North Carolina. At the Nantahala, rhododendron and stately hemlocks provide an atmosphere of fragrant beauty. The river is clean and cold, and the class II and III rapids offer a challenge to all participants. The Nantahala is dam controlled so that there is sufficient water level all summer. The unit provides its own transportation to and from the river so we need some adult support that Thursday. Since the Scouts will be getting wet, they will need a dry change of clothes and some shoes (sneakers or other river shoes) to wear in the river. Cost $28. C.O.P.E. High Adventure Camp Rainey Mountain offers a half-day of C.O.P.E. - Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience (1st, 2nd , and 3rd period). This program is available for any Scouts who have reached their 13 th birthday by January 1, 2005. The $30 for this program includes equipment costs and a T-shirt. Scouts who participate in C.O.P.E. will be led through the Low and High Course as well as spend time on the climbing/rappelling tower that anchors Rainey Mountain's spectacular Challenge Valley. Class Ill Medical form #34412A is required. Keep in mind that Scouts who register for C.O.PE. will still be available to take merit badge courses in the afternoon. Tentative Schedule for C.O.P.E. Program: Monday - Team Building Tuesday - Low Course Wednesday - Low Course Thursday- High Course Friday - High Course The Camp Rainey Mountain C.O.P.E. program is managed by a BSA certified C.O.P.E. Director and staffed by individuals who have completed a most rigorous training program. Climbing Merit Badge This is an exciting course designed to take advantage of the outstanding mountaineering opportunities located near Camp Rainey Mountain. Participants will learn the basics in a class environment before heading to the tower for practice in Belaying, Climbing, and Rappelling. Scouts will demonstrate the techniques they have learned on Thursday and Friday as the class moves to Big Rock. High above Camp Rainey Mountain and atop Big Rock, participants will challenge themselves in their climbing high adventure as they perform the techniques they learned during the week. Participation in this program will complete requirements for the Climbing merit badge except the prerequisites of First Aid and CPR. These prerequisites are to be completed before attending camp. All climbing instructors are C.O.P.E. certified with additional training in mountaineering skills. Registration Information - Limited space is available. There are only 12 spaces available for Scouts each week. Adults may participate only if space is available. Scouts must add an additional $45.00 to their registration fee to enroll in this program. The Scouts in this program must be at least 13 years old and have completed the First Class rank. This program is very strenuous; therefore, the High Adventure Director reserves the right to refuse any participant not physically able to complete the course. Class III Medical Form #34412A required. This insures that the entire group will have a meaningful and safe week. What You'll Need for Climbing:(Rain gear, Appropriate hiking boots, Two water bottles, Climbing shoes or sneakers, Leather gloves, Insect repellent, Bandanna and Sunglasses) WHITEWATER KAYAKlNG CREW Camp Rainey Mountain is located in one of the most exciting Whitewater areas in the United States. Scouts in the Whitewater Kayaking program will start the week by learning the basics on land and in the lake, then progress to river trips later in week as their ability increases. Even if they have no previous Whitewater experience, the program is designed for beginners, so it's a good choice for anyone who wants to try it. Scouts should include $90.00 additional fee in order to participate in this program. The American Canoe Association (ACA) certifies all Whitewater staff instructors. Also, please note the following: 1. No more than ten scouts into the program each week. Any more than ten would pose unacceptable safety risks. This is Council policy. Accordingly, you may wish to select alternate activities in case any

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of your Scouts are not accepted into the whitewater-kayaking program. Adults may participate if space is available. 2. It’s on a first-come first-served basis. You need to complete and submit the whitewater kayaking information form (provided separately) along with your fees. Participants will need to have the following: (water bottle or canteen, Class III Medical Form #34412A, Whitewater Waiver Form, swimwear, wool or synthetic thermal underwear top-that water gets cold, soft-soled water shoes-available at discount stores, or comparable footwear-no sandals or athletic shoes) The camp will provide kayaklng equipment and paddling jackets. If you wish further information on the Whitewater Kayaklng program, contact the Northeast Georgia Council office at (706) 693-2446 or (800) 699-8806. Typical Schedule for Whitewater: Monday Kayak instruction on Lake Toccoa Tuesday Moving water practice on Tuckaseegee river (Dillsboro, NC) Wednesday Moving water practice on Upper Chattahoochee River (Ga.) Thursday River trip to Nantahala River (North Carolina) Friday River trip to Chattooga River Gorge (South Carolina) Backpacking TREK! This special program is conducted off-site but will start and end at Camp Rainey Mountain. TREK is a 50 mile hiking and canoeing adventure! Scouts can earn the coveted 50 Miler Award and partials for Camping, Cooking, Canoeing and Hiking merit badges. Staff leads crews of up to 12 Scouts on a fun-filled week hiking through the beautiful Southern Appalachian Mountains and canoeing down an exciting mountain river! As with our other High Adventure programs, adults are welcome if space is available. To qualify for TREK/you must be at least 13 years old by January 1, 2005, pass the swimmers test, and be in good physical condition for hiking and canoeing. A Class 3 health form is required. Individual equipment is required, see list. Camp fees apply plus $85. TREK! INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT LIST Be Prepared! Backpacking tent / ground cloth Bedroll / sleeping pad packed in a stuff bag Rain gear Mess kit and cutlery / insulated mug / dunk bag Bear bag - a potato sack with light cord works well Pocketknife Work gloves Toothbrush, toothpaste, and comb Personal first aid kit – moleskin- Foot powder! Waterproof matches Towel, soap - "campsuds" type only, washcloth Water bottle (plan to carry 3 quarts) Broken in Hiking boots or shoes Extra clothing Sunscreen and insect repellant Sweatshirt or light jacket Swimsuit or light shorts Packer's trowel Toilet paper Bandana (makes a good pot holder) Backpacker's repair kit (extra grommets, cord, etc.) Hiking staff Gray tape rolled on pencil Flashlight and extra batteries Light athletic shoes for camp, stream crossings, and paddling Uniform (to be packed separately) Extra stuff bag for paddling Power Boat Extreme OR Sailing Cruise OR Canoe Trek: 13 years and older to be held at Scoutland on Lake Lainer “all” week. Extra $75 fee. See the NEGA web site for details.

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Periods 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Scout _________________ Current rank ________________ (Due by Jan 24th with $70 to get $195 fee – otherwise total fee will be $210 )

Summer camp application for activities. We have read the pre-requisites list and understand the total requirements for completion of the respective merit badges. We can obtain the proper forms for physicals and other permission slips on the Troop web site ( 1st choice extra fee (if any) 2nd choice extra fee (if any) scout brings to camp scout brings to camp basic fee $195.00 (if before Jan 25th – otherwise $210) Period 1 __________ ____________ ___________ ____________ (9:00-9:50) Period 2 __________ ____________ ___________ ____________ (10:00-10:50) Period 3 __________ ____________ ___________ ____________ (11:00-11:50) Period 4 __________ ____________ ___________ ____________ (2:00-2:50) Period 5 __________ ____________ ___________ ____________ (3:00-3:50) Period 6 __________ ____________ ___________ ____________ (4:00-4:50) Optional cost (additional pay with registration fee): __ Thursday rafting (must be swimmer-$28) __Power Boat Extreme (Must be 13-$75) __ Sailing cruise (must be 13, swimmer -$75) __ Canoe Trek (must be 14 - $75) ___ Kayaking (must be 13-$$90) __ Hiking Trek(must be 14-$75) ___COPE (must be 14-$45) __ Climbing MB(must be 14-$45) Total cost: _________(enclosed) My “T” shirt size is _________ Troop Permission slip filled out and attached. Physical to be turned in no later than May 23rdt. Drop off at camp on Sunday June 5th by 1:00 PM. Picked up by 9:30 AM Saturday June 11h. 0r special pickup ? __________________ Scout will (will not ) have special medicine on the trip to be administered. Scout does (does not) have special dietary needs. If yes then they are _________________ ______________________ ______________ ________________________ Scout Signature Date Parent Signature Note: Merit badges are awarded by the home unit and not the camp staff. Camp staff guides

the scout towards completion of the requirements and after reading the entire merit badge book an individual scout is then responsible to finish the badge with a unit adult leader.

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My son ______________________________has my permission to participate in (fill in activity)______________________. He is in good physical condition and has not had any serious illness or operation since his last health (physical) exam, except as noted below: Special conditions to monitor __________________________________ and medications ______________________________________________________.

During this activity, I may be reached by: phone ______________, pager ______________, or cell phone _______________. If I cannot be reached in the event of an emergency, the adult Scout Leader in charge is authorized to act on my behalf to hospitalize, secure proper anesthesia, or to order any injection(s) for my son.

In order to expedite, in the event of any unforeseen emergency the Troop must have the following information (to be kept confidential), MEDICAL INSURANCE PROVIDER: _______________________________________ POLICY OR GROUP NUMBER: ___________________________________________ DOCTOR NAME: __________________ AND PHONE NUMBER: ________________ ___________________________. WILL PICK UP MY SON FOLLOWING ACTIVITY.

My son also has my permission to be transported to and from this activity by car, van or Mount

Pisgah Church vans. I understand the driver of the vehicle will be licensed, insured, and will do all driving in accordance to the law, and will abide by the Boy Scouts of America transportation rules and regulations. My son knows the importance of a safe trip and therefore he will wear a seatbelt, sit still at all times, listen to the driver, and refrain from any unruly behavior, loud noise, unsafe objects (laser pointers, throwing objects, opening his scout knife, etc.). I also understand that my son might be eating a bag supper in the vehicle and that he will be responsible for the contents in the bag, before, during and after the trip. I understand that sometimes trips may be delayed either in departing or arriving, and I will help in any way we can to assure a positive attitude in sons and ourselves. In turn, I can expect to be informed via phone tree or car phone from our son's vehicle of any major delays or emergencies. The Scout Oath and Law are our way of life. Every Scout's behavior while on our activity is expected to reflect the Oath and Law in all ways.

Scout signature: _________________Date: ______________

My parent _________ can drive _____ passengers for the Thursday Raft trip. My parent __________ plans to attend summer camp (proper training completed ) on the following days___S____M____T_____W_____TH_____F_____

Parent or guardian signature: ___________Date: _________

See troop web site (Troop629.0rg) for Class II or Class III medical form required to be updated or submitted for everyone.