Download - TriVita payplan

  • TriVita's Compensation Plan Review:

    Presented by an Independent Trivita Affiliate Legal Disclaimers: Product: Advice, opinions and statements should not be relied upon when making important personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. You should consult a healthcare professional to obtain specific advice appropriate to your circumstances. Income Disclaimer: There are no guarantees regarding income, and the success or failure of any participant, like any other business, depends upon each participant's own skills and personal effort. Any results discussed reflect the results of the particular individual, and are atypical and anecdotal only.

    While todays economic climate is characterized by corporate layoffs, housing foreclosures and government bail-outs, TriVita's cooperative marketing model and revolutionary payplan offers a refreshing message of hope, economic freedom and long term financial independence. In order to thrive in todays competitive home based business industry, it is more important now than ever before to select the right industry, with the right company, promoting the right products while leveraging the right marketing systems to ensure long term residual income potential. When you truly examine the industry we are in, the breakthrough products Trivita has introduced, and the lucrative nature of Trivitas compensation plan, you will be left without a doubt that TriVita is well poised and positioned for explosive growth for many generations to come. By reading this PDF Document you will discover: 1.) The #1 Recession Proof Industry in The World 2.) How to Capitalize from the Worlds Largest Paradigm Shift 3.) Why TriVita's Nopalea is BEST Positioned for Massive Growth 4.) How and Why Cooperative Marketing Works 5.) Average Annual Earnings of TriVita Affiliate Members 6.) TriVita's Compensation Plan Summary & Graphs 7.) Current Company-Wide Sales Growth Numbers If you have any questions, please contact the person who referred you to this PDF.

  • Yahoo HotJobs Reveals The #1 Recession-Proof Industry! Healthcare is rated as the #1 Recession-Proof industry in the world, and as the "Baby Boomers" move into their latter years, this trend will only continue to rise. Forward-thinking entrepreneurs who position themselves in front of this "mega-wellness-trend" with the right company and product will profit despite global recessions that are happening right now around the world. Healthcare is comprised of several segments, including hospitals, massage therapy clinics, old-age homes, pharmaceutical drugs, and many more. The largest and fastest growing market in the healthcare industry is nutrition productseconomic forecaster Paul Zane Pilzer predicts that the natural health products market will

    . 3-Time Presidential adviser and

    explode from $300 million per year today, to over $1 Trillion dollars by the end of 2012. This trend is growing so rapidly, Paul Zane Pilzer predicts the "wellness industry" alone will create 10 million new millionaires, and the vast majority of these new millionaires will come directly through business models similar to TriVita's new cooperative marketing model.

    Discover The #1 Market Segment Within Healthcare!... Every year, over $80 billion dollars are spent on pharmaceutical drugs and an estimated 80% of these "drugs" were prescribed for pain and inflammatory conditionsdoctors visits in North America is upper respiratory conditions like coughs, colds and asthma,

    . The #1 reason for

    but just behind the "common cold" were aches, pains and inflammation induced problems. Pain and Inflammation are the top reasons people visit doctors offices, and it represents the lion share of money being spent within the healthcare industry. Selecting the right products - with hard science, and proven customer results will put you in the "pole-position" and stack the odds of success in your favor simply by providing a science-based solution in the "pain market".

  • Profit From The World's Largest Paradigm Shift!... There is a massive paradigm shift happening in the minds of consumers today in terms of how they are dealing with health conditions like pain. While most rely on a "pain-prescription" from their medical doctor, a growing number of people are looking for effective 100% natural alternatives that don't have negative, addictive, and unwanted side-effects.

    Click To Watch A Funny Video About Pharmaceuticals Drugs Today:

    Click To Watch

    Experts agree that this massive consumer paradigm shift, combined with real science will usher in a transfer of wealth unseen in the history of business. TriVita and Nopalea are well-positioned to profit from this new wave with a brand new category-creating product that is sending shock-waves throughout the wellness industry as well as main-stream media.

    Nopalea Is Not

    Just Another "Juice"!!... Nopalea is the original and first-to-market the anti-inflammatory powers of the Nopal cactus harvested exclusively from the Sonoran Deserts of Arizona and Mexico. The Nopal cactus contains a rare and potent class of ant-inflammatory compounds called "Betalains", and these Betalains are scientifically proven, and clinically tested to help the body:

    Relieve Chronic Pain and Inflammation! Reduce Swelling in Joints and Muscles! Detoxify at the Cellular Level! Protect Against Premature Aging! Neutralize Free-Radicals!

    Science Backed Product Brand New Category In Wellness Harvesting Relationships In Place 200 Clinical Trials & Research Papers

    #1 Recession-Proof Healthcare Industry #1 Market Segment In Healthcare Industry Revolutionary Marketing Model Expanding Global Marketplace

  • Cooperative Marketing Revolutionizes Home Based Business! TriVita's Cooperative Marketing model is what sets Trivita apart from any other home based business in the world today. Through large-scale mass-media advertising campaigns using TV, Radio, Print, Direct-Mail and Internet advertising, TriVita generates thousands of new customers every single month that are then offered to Affiliate Members to purchase, acquire, and profit from on a residual monthly basis. When you build a TriVita business, you are building a rock-solid base of customers, and the ASSET VALUE of any business is directly related to their number of customers. While most home based businesses have 90% "distributors", TriVita has set the industry upside down with 90% of their volume coming from customers not involved with the opportunity. This asset-base, or "equity" in the marketplace has great demand, and TriVita Affiliate Members can sell or will their business whenever they choose. In fact one TriVita Affiliate Member sold their business for $500,000 USD - this one benefit alone is truly revolutionary! Now that you have the foundation of the industry, market, product, and business model, let's get to the good part which is how much money you can make with TriVita.

    2009 Average Annual Earnings For TriVita Affiliate Members:

    Income Disclaimer: There are no guarantees regarding income, and the success or failure of any participant, like any other business, depends upon each participant's own skills and personal effort. Any results discussed reflect the results of the particular individual, and are atypical and anecdotal only.

  • TriVita's PayPlan Summary & Graphs


    - Seamless Global Unilevel Plan (upside potential w/ stability) - 7-Tiers with Compression (profitable and stable) - 70% Weekly Payout (make money now) - Global Bonus Pools (share in the profits as we expand globally) - Company Paid Trips and Incentives (get recognized for efforts) - 10 Years of proven payouts and profitability (worry-free income)

  • Documented Sales Growth Numbers Don't Lie! For the first time in TriVita's 10 year history, it is going global. With the launch of Nopalea and the excitement around International expansion to 100 countries within the next 10 years, there has never been a better time to become a TriVita Affiliate Member! In an effort to separate "fact" from "hype"; look at TriVita's documented sales growth numbers:

    It took TriVita 10 years to break 6 Presidential Directors - since the launch of Nopalea 1 year ago 8 New Presidentials have been created! (10 years to create 6, 1 year to create 8)

    From January 1st to August 1st, 2010 - 160 New Directors were created!

    Affiliate Member acquisitions in 2009 grew by 398% over 2008!

    Rank Advancements in 2009 Exploded by 300+% over 2008!

    First time in 10 years TriVita promotes opportunity through their TV / Radio Infomercials and back-end direct mail campaigns - data shows 30% of customers upgrade into Affiliate Program!

    Before Nopalea in 2008, sales grew by 12% from January to July over 2008 - once Nopalea officially launched in July 2009, sales shot up to 25%.

    January 2010 sales swelled to a 35% increase over last January. Current sales numbers as of September 2010, company-wide sales have increased 50% over 2009!

    Click for TriVita Sales & Marketing Plan

  • 2011 Corporate Mass-Media Ad Campaign Discussions:

    - FOX Business News - MSNBC Business News - CNN Business News - Super Bowl 2011 - ESPN with a well-known sports personality - International Expansion: TriVita just released that they will be opening 100 countries within the next 10 years. Each new country will have a mass-media advertising "blitz" promoting the product, income opportunity and official launch meeting. Everyone who attends gets a FREE bottle of Nopalea! - Australia and New Zealand officially launches February 2011 - Hong Kong and Taiwan open shortly thereafter - 94 more countries on target within the next 10 years It's very rare that an opportunity this big appears; now YOU have the impeccable timing to take action, learn the systems we already know work, and set your foundation to a predictable and scalable multi-generational residual income. Make the wise decision TODAY - ask the person how referred you to this PDF how to get started in TriVita absolutely FREE! Everyone at Global Legacy Builders looks forward to working with you soon! The Global Legacy Builders Team. Copyright 2010 : All Rights Reserved Legal Disclaimers: Product: Advice, opinions and statements should not be relied upon when making important personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. You should consult a healthcare professional to obtain specific advice appropriate to your circumstances. Income Disclaimer: There are no guarantees regarding income, and the success or failure of any participant, like any other business, depends upon each participant's own skills and personal effort. Any results discussed reflect the results of the particular individual, and are atypical and anecdotal only.