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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Do you feel tired and

sleepy all day long?

Has your creativity and

productivity been falling lately?

Get Back the Life You Love and Deserve


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

• CFS can affect people of any ethnic, cultural, racial socio-economic groups

belonging to any country in the world.

• More than 1 million Americans suffer from CFS, of which 80% are undiagnosed.

• CFS occurs at least four times more frequently in women than in men.

• CFS significantly affects the health, productivity, happiness and quality of life

of the affected person.

Amazing Facts and Figures About CFS

Don’t Ignore Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,

It Restricts You From Enjoying, Expressing And Experiencing Your True Potential!

Choose Advanced Homeopathy to Rejuvenate Your Life,

Click to Make the Right Choice!

What is CFS?

• One experiences extreme physical and mental fatigue that is not caused by an

underlying medical illness.

• A significantly debilitating illness.

• Chronic fatigue without any other

explanation lasting more than 6 months.

• Associated with problems in memory

and concentration.

• Fatigue is worse with exertion but

does not improve with rest.

To know more about CFS

What happens in CFS?


• Unexplained fatigue for at least 6 months is the most

important symptom.

• Extreme tiredness from any mental or physical exertion.

• Severe tiredness, enough to interfere with normal day-to-

day functioning.

• Does not improve with complete rest.

• Becomes worse with physical activity or mental exertion.

• Significantly reduces the person's activity levels and



What happens in CFS?

Accompanying symptoms:

At least 4 of the following symptoms are present:

• Severe malaise (feeling of general discomfort

or unease whose cause is difficult to identify)

• Non-refreshing sleep

• Forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion or

difficulty in concentrating

• Persistent unexplained muscle pain

• Joint pain without redness or swelling

• Headache of a new type, different from those experienced in the past

• Tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpit

• Sore throatContinued

What happens in CFS?

Additional symptoms: • Brain fog – feeling of mental confusion

or lack of clarity.

• Dizziness, loss of balance, difficulty in

maintaining upright position, or fainting

• Allergies or sensitivities to foods, odors,

chemicals, medications, or noise

• Irregular bowel habits

• Chills and night sweats

• Visual disturbances such as increased

sensitivity to light, blurred vision, eye pain

• Depression or mood problems such as irritability, mood swings,

anxiety, panic attacks, etc.

What are the Causes of CFS?

Exact cause is unknown. Believed to be caused by a

combination of internal as well as external factors.

• Viral infections: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or Human

Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6) are likely to trigger it.

• Immune system problems: Impaired immune system

can cause CFS.

• Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal imbalances in the

hypothalamus, pituitary gland or adrenal glands may

possibly trigger CFS.

What are the Risk Factors for CFS?

• Gender: More common in women than men

• Age: More common in 40-50 age group.

• People of all social or ethnic groups, any socio-economic background, of all

countries are at risk for developing CFS.

• People with family history of CFS are at

greater risk than others who don’t.

• Obese and inactive people are at

greater risk.

• Chronic unresolved stress may be a

significant risk factor for CFS.

What can CFS lead to?

Psychiatric conditions:

• Conditions like major depression, anxiety and

somatization disorders are likely to occur.

• CFS also predisposes one to increased

suicide risk.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

• It is a serious sleep disorder where breathing

repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.


What can CFS lead to?

Social isolation: Easy fatigue, low stamina and associated depressed mood leads to

avoidance of social interactions.

Lifestyle restrictions: Inability to exert

oneself physically or mentally

significantly influences the person’s

lifestyle choices and creates limitations

Increased work absences: Sleep

difficulties and low stamina leads to

increased sick leaves causing problems

with employment and other career issues.



• Conserve your energy. Prioritize, organize and delegate work.

• Perform physical activities at a comfortable pace without overexerting yourself.

• Always increase the physical activities

gradually, not abruptly.

• Maintain healthy social interactions

as they help to prevent and

overcome depression or other

psychological disturbances.


• Have a healthy lifestyle, which helps to maintain a good level of health.

• Resolve emotional issues positively

through counselling or other techniques.

• Learn and practice relaxation

techniques such as yoga, vipassana,

meditation, etc. which energize you

physically and mentally


• Don’t overexert physically or mentally.

• Avoid junk foods loaded with sugar, caffeine, preservatives colors, etc.

• Don’t skip meals.

• Don’t deprive yourself of adequate

and undisturbed sleep.

• Don’t put on too much of weight.

• Don’t be negative about yourself,

your situation or your environment;

negativity blocks out the positive

healthy energy

Diet & Nutrition

Include the following:• Healthy balanced diet.

• Whole grains such as wheat, rice, barley, oats, etc.

• Green leafy vegetables that provide

vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

• Fresh fruits are also good sources of

vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

• Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids

such as mackerels, sardines, salmon,

flaxseed, hempseed, walnuts.

Diet & Nutrition

Avoid the following:• All types of processed, packed

or junk foods.

• Refined carbohydrates like

refined flour (maida), white

bread, most bakery products,

sweets, etc.

• High-fat dairy products

• Caffeine and caffeinated

foods and drinks.

• Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

Homeopathic Approach

• Homeopathic medicines are customized to suit the needs of every individual.

• They strengthen the immune system or disease fighting capacity of the person.

• Homeopathic medicines act on a much

deeper level and ensure that the root

cause is eliminated.

• Homeopathic medicines help to energize the

physical and mental aspects of the individual.

• Improve the overall quality of life.

Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

To know more

Homeopathy for CFS

• Homeopathy provides a holistic, multi-dimensional approach for the treatment of


• Homeopathy provides long-lasting relief from the persistent tiredness, weakness

and other symptoms of CFS.

• Homeopathy boosts the energy levels and improves the stamina of the individual

with CFS.

• It helps to achieve a state of balance of the body and mind.

• It helps one to have a peaceful, deep and refreshing sleep.

• It improves concentration, enhances memory, and maintain a positive and

optimistic state of mind.

• It helps to prevent complications of CFS.

Get Highly Advanced Homeopathic Treatment

• Sore, lame, bruised feeling all over the body due to tiredness; worse from least touch

and motion: Arnica

• CFS complaints worse from exertion in patients who constantly talk about business

matters: Bryonia

• CFS in obese patients with head sweats, coldness, muscular weakness and poor

memory: Calcarea Carb

• Exhaustion due to overwork with poor memory causing sick headache in patients

with defective nutrition: Silicea

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on the basis of patient’s unique and

striking symptoms. For example:

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed in varying intensities

according to unique needs of each individual patient

Homeopathic Medicines for CFS

Homeopathic Medicines for CFS

• Homeopathic medicines are customized to suit the unique condition of each

individual patient.

• An individual is as unique as his own fingerprints. How can the

medicines prescribed be the same for different persons?

• We have more than 150 wonderful homeopathic remedies for CFS.

Some of the commonly used medicines are: Ammonium carbonicum

Avena sativa

Baptisia tinctoria

Calcarea phosphorica

Thuja occidentalis …..and many more…..

To know more click

Homeopathic Medicines for CFS

Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Kalium phosphoricum:

• CFS following a bout of influenza.

• Intense prostration, weakness and tiredness.

• There are muscle pains with weakness

• Symptoms are worse with exercise, in cold

weather and after mental exertion.

• Symptoms are better after eating

and with gentle movement.

• Person is anxious with sleep

disturbances and nightmares.


• Weakness with drowsiness, dizziness, dullness and trembling.

• Muscle aches with heaviness.

• Dull heaviness in the head with blurring

of vision.

• Worse in damp, cold weather.

• Better after profuse urination.

• Patient desires to be quiet and left alone,

dull and listless.

Homeopathic Medicines for CFS

To know more click

Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided


• Extreme debility from exhausting discharges

and loss of vital fluids.

• Marked periodicity of complaints.

• Drowsiness and unrefreshing sleep

due to anxiety and frightful dreams.

• Symptoms worse on slightest touch, draught of

cold air, and after eating.

• Better in open air, by warmth and pressure

• Patients are despondent and indifferent.

To Get Individualized and Customized Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic Medicines for CFS

Benefits of Health


• Save your precious time, efforts, and finances in

physically visiting your doctor

• Avail services of globally acclaimed

doctors from our high-powered panel

• Gain health in comfort and

convenience of your home

• Avail round-the-clock 24x7 medical

services and guidance

Get World-Class Advanced Treatment and Precise Guidance in the

Comfort and Convenience of Your Home

• Online payment with easy and secure payment options

• Medicines at your doorstep

• Anytime, anywhere access to your medical records

• Add-on features such as: clinical tips

health tips

do’s and don’ts

nutrition tips

health calculators

health reminders, etc……

Benefits of Health

• Bid farewell to that constant weakness and tired

feeling once and for all.

• Feel fresh, energetic and optimistic again.

• Reclaim your health and happiness.

• Explore your creative and intellectual potential with

a little boost from HOMEOPATHY!

Choose Homeopathy

Fast, Reliable and Accurate -

A Revolutionary Method of Treatment

You Deserve Happiness, You Deserve Great Health,

And You Deserve the Best Homeopathic Treatment!

For additional information about CFS and its effective homeopathic management visit

At “welcomecure” we have top-of-the-line homeopathic experts with decades of rich

clinical experience on successful management of a wide range of disease conditions like


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Attain a Quality Of Life much Better than you have Ever Imagined!

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