Download - Triplets. BSgfls^aSMflt’sr BOOKS FOR'THE Mil UOH€¦ · THE WEST VIH6IMA ARGIS. Published Kerry Thursday AT.XIHOWOoD, PRRRTOX CODNTT, W, VA. ADVERTISING RATES: Transient advertisements

  • THE WEST VIH6IMA ARGIS. Published Kerry Thursday


    ADVERTISING RATES: Transient advertisements will Ve In-

    serted for $1 per inch for first Insertion, and fitly cents per inch for each addition- •1 insertion.

    Personal communications Inserted for M cents an icoh.

    Iiooal notices 8 cents per line. Poetry 6 cents per line. Entered at Kingwood Post Office as

    ecoud-class tnaii matter. Societies.

    Knight* of Pythias,—IsO&rg moots every Tuesday evoniug at their hall over D R. Jackson's store.

    H. A O. Time Table.

    Trains leave Tunnclton station as follows:

    CJOlN'i HAST. No 38—Accom ... 8:35 a m

    2—Mall .... 7:01 i\ in 6—Mail 10:27 a ro

    82—Amcoiii 3 40 p m 4-Mail 10:43 pm


    No 3—Mali .... 5;R2 a m 81—Accom ... 10:13 n in 6-Mail .... 0:09 p m

    63—Accom ... 7{04 p in 1—Express ... 10:04 j> in

    Nos. 2, 6, 5 and 1 do not stop. WM. M. CLEMEN"S,

    tionorul Manager.

    K. A T. Time Table.

    The following time table went into effect on the ilth of May, 1888 :


    Leave Tunnolton II flftn m Water Station 11 10 •* m Jessup's 11 ‘IR ii in 11 o wos villa II H5 a in Mattingly's II 40 a nv Smoot's -11 53 r in Snider’s -12 10 p in

    Arrive K logwood 12 20 p in south bound.

    Leave K logwood 4 30 p in Snider's ... 4. 4«) p m Smoot’s ... 5 txi p m Mattlnglv’s 6 16 p in Jlowosvillo 5 20 pm Jnxm>|>'M s 5 30 p in Water Station 5 45 j> in

    Jtr.ive Tuniialtou 5 50 p in Trains daily except Sunday. Tlio right

    to change this schedule without notice is reserved. chm»l.

    Thcclosingof the ten week's term of school, held here by Profs. Hare and Jackson, was a very entertaining, and certainly a very interesting one. Although the earliest part of the day made its appearance with a heavy fop, it gradually grew brighter till the hour arrived that tho students and teachers gathered at the old school- house for tho last time. The ringing of the bell struck deep in that foun- tain of the soul that always carries a deep sigh to the heart on such occa- sions; but these thoughts were dis- persed by the singing of that old fa- miliar hymu * Shall We Gather at the River,” after which the Profs, pro- ceeded with the usual forenoon reci- tations. As each class was excused the faces of all wore the sad expres sion of "tiik i.ast timk.” At 11 :15 tho classes wore all hoard, and Prof, llare gave the school a lecturo that was certainly remarkable for the pure- ness of thought uot only on the prin- ciples of gaining mu education but also advico to the grand success of life at large, giving good advico to the young ladies, and also warning the young men of the dreadful preci- pice they arc sure to plunge over if thoy should ever attempt to follow the muddy stream of lulcmperanco, whose waters are ns poisonous as the deadly Strychnine, and whose banks nre lined with thousands of reptiles whoso eyes aro as piercing ns the glittering sun and whose form is greater than that of the Boa-Constrlo tor or the An acondas. After giving this advice, he dismissed tho school, a part of which was now in tears and the rest with quivering lip. Iu addi- tion to the common school branches the pupils had the advantage of sev- eral good lessons on elocution, taught by Mrs. John Crane. At the begin- ning of the school she announced that she would give an entertainment at tho close of the term, and also ofTcrod two prizes—the first was five dollars in gold and the second a fine bo >k on elocution. Those who entered the contest consisted of Miscs Jennie Names, Mattie Coperaan, Kfllo Feath- er, Oda Metzlor, A. E. Michael Mo* eea Lee and VV. ,K. Michael. This conUbl was held .in the afternoon. The house w as crowded at 1:30 p, m. At 2 o’clock the Bchool opened with a piece of music played by threo of the bc.-t musicians in the state— Profs. Porter and Jackson and John Crane. The contest lasted about one hour and thirty minutes, after which the judges decided that Min? Edie Feather, merited the first prize a tie between Miss Jennie Names and Mr. A. E. Michael for the second. The pieces recited were all very good, and the participants showed no sign of embarrassment. Mrs. Crane is cer- tainly a very useful and gen »rous woman, and has the thanks of all the students. Prof. liar3 also gavo two prizes to the ones who made the best progress in arithmetic, and after a close examination they were awarded to Miss Lillie Elliott of the ladies and Mr, George White of the boys class These prizes consisted of two books of poems.


    FitFftiOS COUNTY


    Arthur Frey and family, of New- burg, wero visiting the parental roof last week.

    If. E. Culo uml wife were visiting friends at Elliottsville, Pa., last Sat- urday and Sunday.

    Attorney Hyde and “Danger” aro rusticating here.

    Mr. Staunton, of Confluence, was in town on Sunday.

    Mrs. Hyde has returned from a two week’s stay at King wood.

    Miss Nettie Moore, of Pensboro, is visiting at II. K. Calc’s There seems to be great attraction for some of our young men. especially Will.

    W. II. Kimberly started for Cedar Falls, Iowa. Wc arc very sorry to lose you, old boy.

    W. II. Hagans returned to Chicago, after a two week’s visit among friends here.

    Miss Allie Frederick, of Listonbarg, Pa., is visiting at Samuel Pike’s.

    IFni. Moore and wife, of MeCInl- landtown, have been visiting Itiehard W'andlo and wife.

    One evening last week a young gen- tleman received * note from a young lady asking him to take a walk. He went, of ronrse, and enjoyed himself hugely. IF hat. must have been his feelings on finding tlio ‘Muir one” was ahoy dressed in his sister’s clothes.

    “jtMfciiiK t«* r«N«i u/’ ••I have been selling Himmons I,Iv-

    or Regulator for the past six years. My customers pronounce it the best ever need. One of my customers whose health was In a wretched con- dition from a very bad and stubborn case of Dyspepsia, used the Regula- tor and was entirely cured. I am using it myself for Torpid Liver, caused by close confinement. I And nothing to equal it and highy recom- mend its use. Respectfully,

    C, P. Hisey, Druggist, Edinburg, Va.

    Mrs. Dart’s Triplets. BSgfls^aSMflt’sr w. ttu sViTtm, T&aav? .he writes. Last August the tittle one. Ixeunn very sick, ami as i cml.l nvt no other ftwvi AmLw "ili? iW**. W th th*•• »wm, »U| .rlh.1,, l,a,.4.„>„, l, lltmlral*., »ul *11, rl„KM ^ «««.| tjp.. hmi *»»•« prpi'r. They trrsl Miiml rarlrtv *f .«>«.* i%. f svinlsk

    » | ft » *"*“*| l”,"‘ *** ** ,U* *“u,d Ui* ** ****•*•*■ Is «Wck u»«.,4 I m ik,,, kwt, vuaia |. ,u

    c '•*■*•« U* *:• d 1111 tiiey mad, and •* L < '* t u ll tin «\i,

    VaMpy W urW lor Horn# A«tor»iutiii(, an en ll* **•"'* uimit thlt *u*yvi. nHitalhlHi »*a*r and I *» .m4 lu«tra«nlooa f. ma*!** fan©> b**k©(«, wall r ’**'*. br»flkri»# ko*i|« work, «uikrul>Ury, «u> «t« ir«

    and « *o'ly tllttiMUal. 4. Itflmin'i Fairy Start— fbr I be \ ware* lb*

    P k*! ettWiun of fairy atortr* »*#r tmoUehod. The ©Ml feu * HI l>* «ldt,liWi| with them.

    * I He l.udy ol |!»r l.aktn Py Sir Walt** ton, " T ady i»f i- l.ahe l« a roiaaiK** In %©»•*, and of ail lh* tvothtOf s.vttl tame la in«h> brawufhl than ihte.

    A V, in Mill ol* t. 11«# aac't la% Pdr l,i to * a* I «.* »!• mn, a *’-I In •* p diten* .« and hnw(lnv‘. gt» lug lu© twin of t* -Vn» ell f* all i«*ou«lon*.

    f- 1 lie Niuiiluril F iler Writer bf I *4ki and eiHI*>u of loiter* of ©very k -•

    W tnii I* vrulMg Morrow! I «•"«, a laryw eollwikn ol rrtig !» » idea, Tklilmi, (limn, pit«ib», to fh? •**’*! £»tti:*rlt*R«. prlial© Iheatrlaale, and ©teuli g* ai; Illustrated. IMalogNPf, Iteeltatlnna anr acbool e*nlMilNls a » *» w hl-'h loll* haw to )m rP»nn hundred* of an «i»lng ItKkrlti mijle aud loetroeilro ciret Itm-utM with etmnl© hsrtita.

    K». Tlio llotnr t ook flunk and Family I’hyal. rllin, c Malititijr bundle l« «f efetient coding tccl|n« aud him* to l«o ; ilaiei* home remedy.

    11 viwunora aa«l t n-toni* In Far Away l.nnria, a vn jtnirre«l!u« and ln«lrneilie lunik cf inw.U, d«-«crtt|. »ng ifw invuliar life, habit*, niauitera nwd ouikuu of ill© !»■'-|do of fnvtgn rouutri**; in.»*ir \tcd.

    *1 **l *!**«'« I'omptid© Wtorlea by Popular Author*. •Mulirauloff levt, huMiorou* and iWlrctli© atorlm, atonic* ©i ao*l« ir life, of ad%©utur©( of railway Ilf©, elf., all icrr In tv rc-»t Ing n. Tl»o tiiiilfffct, ©r Wit, Humor and Knn,f!«r(e ©nJlrrilou ©f iho fuuny *u>rl< *, tl'ioh. *, ahocdolo©, i-.wm*. aud J*»ko* that bar© Imn*d wrlu«n for aom© ie*r« Illoe'Ud.

    ll | at*f|«| Un.mli ilffo fur tbr Mllllvw. a hand* Ik- -a of useful lufntuiatioii 7**f all, *, n many aud uihin •n’ ivela tllu-1 rated. It. Failed Hark* A Novel, Py Hugh Conway, author of ** Par a ete.

    I". AUio At orUTaMrtvj. A Novt. ».\ | nr? h • '! Tl#* " •*•• *• IM* M%rH?.* ...

    '■• HWrril I maatnn. A Ncirl. I*y'* T»»* l»u* n •••. Author of “Mull* tU.f*'• rt\

    ** I>mW IImviu A Koxul. t«> Hugh CVn»H». of ••'*•4 •**'! 1 #!«*, I». Til, „(• ,H.|. Pi N I.. or. Author wf “ttr.At |:hM |. j. iJ K«- »l. I lia (.mu M A, .< ju'i .« a.k.ii, aathor f Mat. pmt.,u. via. tS. Th*. trucn Hevp. A Noirf. H. w I ill. » |i

    aatliar of ■■ Ttir » ..a »u In W l.ur, n«, **• Kail 1'imrl Karin. A Veld. r* Xtr« lirnra

    « '••d. Author of *• • A?t I.) on#,*' tu*. tl In Net. A Kurtl. IMl.rAntW.riw,

    Thiw" ,Htrh f»* f t?.« fHA lltiwM*. A Ki'.rl, Pv Mimv ft || IlhT. *mh.* of '• llt.l.tru |*p»|»# n,».

    John How rr'iHn).'* \\ It*.*. A NahI. lit \ii.« Muloch.Author of •• »t»>ho » ntifAx. t.poOrW Ati, no

    17. I.aO; UnKtolullH.’'* Urvntu. A NtMol, |u it.# Author of Horn TI-wm f live day*' alteudanrio at County Institute, before entering thn eta**.

    Teacher* holding Four Year certificate* arc required by law to attend Institute,

    Examination* will brnrin at A o’clock A. M,. and close at 12 o’clock of second day.


    Hoard of Examiner*. «ngl7

    THE BANK OF KINO WOOD. Paid Up Capital, $125,000.

    Tender* II* *ervh’p* to the buslnpn* | community a* a dcp'cdtory of alumlute safety. We commend It to those having Idle bind* and invite you to deposit them with tt*>. Our

    VAULT AND SAFES are ef the best, and the individual liabili- ty of our share holder* aud ofTicer* guar-

    I ante** depositor* again*t the po**ibtllty of hr**.

    J. C- Med raw, Prw F. Ifccrman*, (,’udder.

    WANTED nnoM firm Rlfnf#Mra rr*i pM.

    04 Y H n««ei*y ««... Jf V

    Tho euro for sickness f>00 years agct whs Neglect; 300 yens ay.o, Sorcery J 100 years ago. Herbs and Drugs; 25 tears ago. Medicines; today it ia Compound Oxygen.

    Medicines weaken tho whole sys- tem to strengthen one weak point) Com|mend Oxygen strength* na both*

    A doctor's average bill is $50, In* vest $15 in our ‘Home Treatment/ and you will save the other $35, md feel better than >ou have for ,:vo years. Aro you nervous? '[ .one tired, siek hsadaehcs will vanish ( Have y«*n weak lungs? (live com- pound oxygen one chance to strength- en them. Have you dyspepsia? It will euro you !

    Remember alwavs one thing 1 You risk absolutely nothing in trying our treatment. It is simply breathing- dltloront air; not ‘doting* or *dn ■». ging,’ or going a thousand miles aw ay trom home ami friends. Itishrcath- ing daily into your lungs, at your ow n home, the concentrated vitality of all the health reaoita in the world* 200 page book moiled free. For par- ticulars, address

    I>hh. Stackky A 1527 a 1520 Arch at,Philadelphia,Pit

    a sa XM


    hii House ii Cosraieatli Loeitei within- Half Kiiits'i Walk of Cooot-

    Every Effort Mado to Plonso Quests GRAFTON, W. Y/Y.

    Sample room on first floor. 11 17 y O A meii «t III (111 t «t tw