Download - Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems *Code of Conduct* for Family Franchisees

Page 1: Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems *Code of Conduct* for Family Franchisees

Trinity Kings Family Leadershipfomilg fionehire lgrte mt

Code of Conduct

For Family Franchisees

Trinity Kings WorldMinistries


"Kings will come from you,,Genesis {716

G et a c row n'illlY:l: ;:r;.,.,, "

Titus 221-2

Amplified Bible (AMP)

Duties of the Older and Younger

2But as for you, teach the things which are in agreement with sounddoctrine [which produces men and women of good character whoselifestyle identifies them as true Christiansl.

TAnd show your own self in att respects to be a pattern ond a modelof good deeds ond works, teaching what is unadulterated, showinggravity [having the strictest regard for truth and purity of motive],with dignity ond seriousness.

Page 2: Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems *Code of Conduct* for Family Franchisees



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b,*qrn*inq. l.lq e r*,.ir* $',darn, end eler**rl ii't"1n n6l g*fi# Fqr hi,m ts 5e *ltr**. The ln6*r*str!1$ thiflS &hout It E th.;sl

dF# iard nifln*. nrlt 4urr*ly. Bceause t{x ridfi'l r+fiat &d*:m tfl be alnr:e l'ts ff*si€d [re, sttrl r&id *fue *e* help th,;rl

kras "fi**i'{.:rr hr"r:. rne;nirt* fhe ieai i*,,Eeijng ciritab** {#r F.ailpr} f**r his:t W}t'f dd &dant nted helpl Fl* ne*cled

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f,*rlilG*. !*,.fiesr:F *rher qh;rrr hirr.l*ifl. {i$d clc.l*bit*hed lhe enillqilsina 6f rlrars**qe herr*et*.Ada*r lnd Evr fer" tlr{

Fi"Jr.p!?5€ o{ rlrrri**tr:l* €hE}r'Al*,Efifie:c." \Sq: n*ed th* Fi{qift8f f,fiff$*rti$i' {ur rei*mnc fat gt*alet thdfiJtJ*g 5*trSftrlE

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nn[endili*y:*llV, t're wsuld &s{c]fil* & tr8ft*r m*n, Fleal* un{lsrbtan{l lt}*l lklli d$es ftS{ en*y *PFB IE m&rrle4 F€apl?

Srn6k Fe*phi *!.i,* fl6.ed tn e*tahhsh (B*enflflt rela{a}n*hrp* th.rt hell} thsm S{ffi'ou! *f lel&ahHr$s, firrerytne n*ed:

s*rw*ii!: in tler, li{*r tri fir:lF tftxlt'tr dg$Hl4j,tr, E*:';:rtinnshipr are de*qrrer{ {* fiefF ile rflgEura ,n t}a{ffirdithn*1fftrc t+hlrlr

i!i.,ilurT rillifd ;1,**ll'i lpr,:*, felr}qrr*lqiJ HB ifl tli? irr;r{Iq, hri++sv,e;, srq edin n**er tffitalry be llke }Jhx r+ith a **lt'+.r,rrisrer F:rfid-sB[, *e{i ig }tr** tlr*reFc:ss *{ir, ii:*ndarr{rni fi}r eutrYtf?iflg q* h*d" twt q*lfmhner* Ah}mugh it if gged fur

rJ", 1* ;{:yq a:,;rlei:rr4s, tt r$ E{it qi.$d l*, SttreBlrd *r,dryftfll* nl** l,t &* gtrtrf€:it. Th#t i! telfi*tna*t, lngqqad, h*altmy

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Ljr}n*elhcd tr:! rjr1i1F. p*rrfrl* F,.riilnflfr" u1 h: {enlFr r*liali!3n5hlflt tn! r+e ('{E h+ *h6lknryegl h? pth*rr aR A t#,i}f t*.*t

fr:rrel 135 tu l*mk ;i:i *ur5r'gft.! rn,r *Jrllrrr:r+r lqhl *thc: pcfffll* ]:*lS U: eec Euf'selflrhnes$ &nS fihcr {harfr{ter fld[!s.

F,:r# $hrn;rq: h*rr,tnl it{.;t: Wth rn:rihrf iR fi,-er r.ei&lrr:nstel51g, 6rq rAU1l r1*,1 rk& Aw€y finm lt. ef perta,lFy in rtarriag*- lt

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c;.:n*igr. 1il $ttili, d* r+e dq er,h*.s, we {e*.$ ql.i*llcng*l rn l*-ial!*r'+5ttiF5?Jds! ag **e *'rutd um tleiph* tc dettlgs *t,r

nrut{ler, si* ilrre fir**x*,jre or c*nfliet a,l, tleu*l*p in *nc*ndi:ipnaB lcw {s+r pn* anstt?eI. Ther*fur€. eanf}irt rhnuld bt

$.&*a &i rinrpltr ar*lth#s oilpflrr:i.lfltfy Ir: qlrs,x'. hVhen ehlrqr &Ic n$t ***rki*$. rrye sh*ul$ flrct fheck Xh{ reol i:rues oi

*;rr httarta. li'* a: *irnpie cs thei. x.Y* r**,d fi: {her* sur rfl{rtrilrei dat}y tr b* sur* that ty€r*hirq rve rlc ls baled ar:

laru*e, i&fi# rr&i gelflrlrnrr*. Wr lhor,ld ark $urr,sii.q.Bl, vlhy d* l d* tshat i *mT &m i inr*plued in rn&nipilfafir*g p**ple?

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rrn k*rr: h*,*; t* 6r*e earh rj?hBr tftF edv*nlsqe" a.ftd ilst teke agvaagage, l*ruruaraFa }uu rs eran:in* Y&,ur

relc:*clh::5 t*da,,,, and deridr r* reurl1:!:r ab*sre Ih* t€rnpulior ts ti{e B self*centered lifu, 5r'ripfure fi*ferert*e:

{en::ri 3 iE I L+*nih!;n: 1l
