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  • 7/29/2019 Triggering Events


    Triggering Events

    1) There is one-to-many relationship between message types and trigger event codes.What is true in following statements:

    i. The same trigger event code may not be associated with more than one

    message type; however a message type may be associated with more than onetrigger event code

    ii. All message types and trigger event codes beginning with letter Z are

    reserved for locally defined messages. No such codes will be defined withinthe HL7 standard

    iii. The same trigger event code may be associated with more than one message

    type; however a message type may not be associated with more than one

    trigger event codeiv. All message types and trigger event codes beginning with letter Z are never

    reserved for locally defined messages. Such codes will be defined within the

    HL7 standard

    Anwer : a. I ,ii correct answerb. I,ii,iv

    c. ii,iii,ivd. I,ii,iii

    e. ii, iii

    2) When transfer of information is initiated by the application that does not deal withthe triggering event is called:

    a. Query/response mode correct answer

    b. transfer response

    c. unsolicited updated. none of the given

    e. acknowledgement3) Select true statements from below :i. An unsolicited message is a transaction that is generated by some type of event that

    occurred at a semi-random time, and was not solicited by receiver

    ii. A trigger event specifies the context of a certain transaction , in many cases thereason for being

    iii. Trigger events are always random and unplanned

    Answer : a. i

    b. I,iiic. I,ii,iii

    d. I,ii correct answer

    e. I,iii4) What are ADT trigger events concerned with?

    i. single objets such as admit event that creates a message that contains data about a

    single person/accountii. Relationships between more than one object like merge event that specifies patient

    or account merges

  • 7/29/2019 Triggering Events


    iii. collection of objects that may have no specific interrelationships (eg. A record

    oriented location-based query, whose response contain data about a collection of

    inpatients who are related temporarily by local geography)Answer : a. I,ii,iii correct answer

    b. ii

    c. iiid. I,ii

    e. i

    5) Which are basic type of messages defined in scheduling transaction set?a. Query transaction only

    b. Unsolicited transaction only

    c. request transaction, query transaction, unsolicited transaction correct answer

    d. request & query transactionse. unsolicited transaction and query transactions

    6) Which trigger event should be used to transmit the opening of an account, when

    accounts start and end date span a period greater than any particular visit or to create

    a new account without notifying of patients arrival?Answer : a. A05

    b. A02c. A07

    d. A01

    e. P01 correct answer7) A _______ is defined as an event in the real world of healthcare which creates the

    need for data to flow among systems

    a. query

    b. trigger event correct answerc. unsolicited update

    d. solicited update

    e. message8) Regarding trigger event which of the below statements are true

    i. One to many relationship exist between message 7 trigger event

    ii. More than one trigger event may be associated with a messageiii. Trigger events are allowed at several different levels of data granularity and inter-


    v. Iv.Unsolicited update can be initiated without trigger event

    vi. Single trigger event is associated with one message type. Multiple messagesmay be associated with single trigger event

    Answer : a. I,ii,iii correct answer

    b. I,iii,vc. i

    d. I,ii,iii,iv,v

    e. iii,iv9) Which of the following is not an example of HL7 v2.7 trigger event?

    Answer : a. swap patients

    b. unsolicited transmission of an observation message

    c. delete person information

  • 7/29/2019 Triggering Events


    d. application acknowledgement correct answer

    e. query sent for deferred response

    10) The event A01 can be used to notify:i. the pharmacy system that a patient has been admitted

    ii. The nursing system that the patient has been admitted

    iii. the finance system of the start of billing periodAnswer : a. I,ii

    b. ii

    c. I,ii,iii correct answerd. I only

    e. I,iii

    11) When the transfer of information is initiated by application system that deals with

    the triggering event, the transaction is termed as anAnswer : a. unsolicited update correct answer

    b. solicited query response

    c. unsolicited display update

    d. solicited query responsee. trigger event

    12) Typical examples of patient arrivals at an ER is an example of which of thefollowing?

    Answer : a. Query transactions only

    b. unsolicited event correct answerc. trigger event

    d. solicited response

    e. solicited event