Download - Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC & 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or …Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC v9.0 PG051 and 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII v16.1 PG047 are targeted on KCU105 Evaluation Platform

  • Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC & 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII in IP Integrator

    © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    The following example shows a Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC extended to use 1G/2.5G Ethernet

    PCS/PMA or SGMII on a Kintex UltraScale device in IP integrator captured packets in


    It includes detailed steps for an example generated in Vivado 2018.2. Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC

    v9.0 PG051 and 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII v16.1 PG047 are targeted on KCU105

    Evaluation Platform

    Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC v9.0 and 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII v16.1 on KCU105

    Evaluation Platform

    Vivado project steps:

    1. Select “Create New Project” in Vivado 2018.2 and choose the KCU105 Evaluation Platform shown as below, then click on OK

    Figure 1: Creating a Vivado Project for a KCU105

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    2. In Vivado, click on ‘Create Block Design’.

    Figure 2: Creating Block design in IP Integrator

    3. Using the Add IP option, add the Tri Mode Ethernet MAC as show in figure 3:

    Figure 3: Adding IP

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    4. Configure the TEMAC and generate the core as show below:

    Figure 4: TEMAC configuration

    5. Similarly, Using the Add IP option, add 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII:

    Figure 5: Adding IP in IP Integrator

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    6. Configure the PCS/PMA and generate the core as show below:

    Figure 6: PCS/PMA configuration

    7. Both Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC and 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII are added to

    IP Integrator:

    Figure 7: Added IPs in IP Integrator

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    8. Connect the Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC and 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII as

    shown below and validate the design.

    Figure 8: Complete block design in IP Integrator

    9. The Block Design is instantiated in (TEMAC/Ethernet subsytem) core generated example

    design as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 9: Block design instantiated in core generated example

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    10. Run Behavioral simualtion as show below:

    Figure 10: Behavioral Simulation

    Simulation Results:

    Figure 11: Behavioral Simulation

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    Simulation Results:

    Figure 12: Behavioral Simulation

    Simulation Results:

    Figure 13: Behavioral Simulation

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    11. Synthesize the design and assign pin locations. Please refer to the following figure:

    Figure 14: Synthesize the deisgn and assign pin location

    Figure 15: Synthesize the deisgn and assign pin location

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    12. Implement the design and generate the bit stream:

    Figure 16: Implementation and bit stream generation

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    13. Open hardware manager and configure the bit stream on the KCU105 board.

    Figure 17: Hardware manager.

    Figure 18: Hardware manager.

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    Capture the signals in Logic Analyzer:

    Figure 19: ILA.

    Capture the signals in Logic Analyzer:

    Figure 20: ILA.

    SFP connector:

    The SFP to RJ45 connector is connected between KU105 SFP1 and the RJ45 cable, which is

    connected to the PC to monitor packets in Wireshark.

  • © Copyright 2018 Xilinx

    14. Packets captured in Wireshark:

    Figure 21: Packets captured in Wireshark