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Page 1: Transport of Oxygen in the Body

TRANSPORT OF OXYGEN IN THE BODY• Inhaled air which is rich in oxygen is found inside

the alveolus• The oxygen dissolves in the moist lining of

alveolus and then diffuses into the blood capillaries.

• Diffusion of oxygen takes place from an area of higher concentration of gas to an area of lower concentration of gas.

• The blood inside the capillaries contains red blood cells which are rich in a substance called haemoglobin.

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Page 4: Transport of Oxygen in the Body

• Oxygen combine with the haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form oxyhaemoglobin.

• The blood rich in oxygen then leaves the lungs and is carried by bigger blood vessels to the heart.

• When the hearts pumps, the oxygenated blood is distributed to all parts of the body.

• When the blood reaches cells that do not have enough oxygen, the oxyhaemoglobin is broken down and oxygen is released.

• The oxygen then diffuses through the walls of the capillaries into the cells.

• At the same time, carbon dioxide from the cells diffuses into the blood capillaries to be carried back to the lungs.

Page 5: Transport of Oxygen in the Body

Adaptation of the alveoli for efficient gas exchange


Large Surface


Moist Inner


Surrounded by Numerous

Blood Capillaries

Very Thin Walls

Page 6: Transport of Oxygen in the Body


1. The respiratory system will be affected if exposed to particular and excessive pollutants.

2. Pollutants are divided into two types, that is gaseous pollutant and tiny particles.3. Gaseous pollutant includes:

a. carbon monoxide – vehicle exhaustb. nitrogen oxide - acidic gas from factoriesc. hydrocarbond. sulphur dioxide – acidic gas from

factories, burning and fossil fuel.

Page 7: Transport of Oxygen in the Body

4. Tiny particles includes:a. dust particlesb. impurities floating in the atmosphere5. Most pollutant are toxic and carcinogenic (cigarette smoke). Toxicity is the substances that can harm living cells, while carcinogenic is the substances that can lead to the production of cancerous cells.6. Nicotine and tar are found in cigarette smoke (cause blacken the lung).7. Toxic substances are known as toxins, while carcinogenic substances are known as carcinogens (substances that cause cancer).

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8. Diseases of the respiratory system include:a. Emphysema of the lung – short of breathb. Bronchitis –irritation and inflammationc. Lung cancerd. Asthma – narrow the airways- difficult to breath

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Activity 1.2And

Activity 1.5Answer in PBS

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Band 6 Scrapbook and ModelPass up before 5/2/14 – WednesdayModel : pass up before :14/2/14

Page 11: Transport of Oxygen in the Body

The Importance Healthy Respiratory SystemName :Class :

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