Download - Transitioning out of Residential Care in Jordan: Impact of Practice on Outcomes Voices of the Unheard Rawan W. Ibrahim School of Social Work & Psychology.

Page 1: Transitioning out of Residential Care in Jordan: Impact of Practice on Outcomes Voices of the Unheard Rawan W. Ibrahim School of Social Work & Psychology.

1Transitioning out of Residential Care

in Jordan: Impact of Practice on


Voices of the Unheard

Rawan W. Ibrahim

School of Social Work & Psychology

University of East Anglia, Norwich UK

Supervisors: Dr. Jonathan Dickens, Professor

David Howe

8th October 2008 Amman, Jordan

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What We Know about children in Substitute Care

(Western Res. & Lit)

Psychosocial difficulties throughout life stages:

• Pre Care (Disadvantaged population): Abandonment, abuse,

broken homes, poverty, etc. Separated from families with the

belief that substitute care is the better if not the only option.

• During Care: Constant shifts in placements, schools and staff.

Abuse, stigma, institutionalisation. Poor social integration,

behavioural and psychological problems, lack of preparation.

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General Outcomes for Unsupported Care Leavers (Western Res. & Lit)

Transitioning out of care …‘compressed’ and ‘accelerated while having to ‘shoulder adult responsibilities at a much earlier age than most other young people’

(Stein 2004, Beihal 1995:30-31)

o Poor academic achievementso Homelessnesso Substance misuse o Poor mental and physical healtho Juvenile prostitutiono Involvement in the criminal justice systemo Early parenthood (higher risks of trans-generational factors)o Outcomes for children in residential care tended to be poorer

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What we know about Residential Care in Jordan

Previous Research

• One evaluative study with disturbing results:

86% do not provide psychological or therapeutic

services, no individual care plans, incidents of abuse

from within and outside homes, lack of academic and

vocational support, lack of adequate preparation to

leave care.

• No leaving care research

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Current Research: Aim & Research Questions

Investigating what Jordanian care leavers face &


• Identify what’s working in a Jordanian Context

▫ Socio economic conditions

▫ Limited formal support & absent leaving care policies

▫ Strong cultural norms

• Equally important: Giving Jordanian care leavers a voice

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• In-depth semi structured interviews

• Small questionnaire to collect background data

• 42 Interviews (21 , 21 ) & 2 focus


• Snow-balling sampling (as purposive as possible)

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Participant Profile

• Pathways in: Known families: 57%, Unknown/Hidden


• Age at Admission: 71% ≤ 5 , 17% 6-10, 12% 10-16.

• Age at leaving: 71% 17-18, 12% 14-16, 17% 19-21

• Range of time in care: Average 14 years (3-21)

• No. of moves In Care: 5 Limited Age Homes, 3

Extended age homes (range 1-11 homes)

• No. of school transfers In Care: 4 (up to 10 changes)

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Participant Profile

• Qualifications at Discharge:

No Qualifications 58% (25)

Dropped Out of School In Care or due to Abrupt

Discharge: 31% (13)

Formal Quals: 24% (10)

• Age @ Interview: 17-28

• Average time out of care approx. 4 years (1 month - 10 years)

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Findings: Care Experience Impacting Transitions

• Positive: Grateful for shelter, camaraderie, meaningful

attachments (surrogate families, future support networks -

emergencies), feeling ‘self-made’ more mature than peers

without care history, preparation very useful even if limited.

• Negative: Institutionalisation elements impacting everyday

life (‘inside society vs. outside society, feeling like foreigners -

cultural deprivation, social skills and social anxiety, practical

skills, vulnerability risks) Poor academic achievement. Feeling

abandoned again and unprepared for a different adult world.

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Where do they initially leave to? Gender & Discharge Locations

• Known Families: 57%

▫ 92 % Females returned to families (11/12)

▫ 8 % Males returned to families (1/12) , abandoned (7/12)

• Unknown/ Hidden Families: 43%

▫ Females: Marriage(3/9), student halls (5/9)

▫ Males: Single & shared flats (7/9), abandoned (2/9)

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Support Network& Relationships

Marriage? Families?


Pre Care & In Care



Against current economic circumstances …. ….Culture & Stigma

Ad hoc preparation, no follow up, absent post care legislation and limited post care formal support

What do they cope with?

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What do they face? Summary of some findings

• Average number of moves: 5 (1-26)

• Homelessness/Concealed Homelessness: 45%

(19 – 8 females & 11 males)

• In conflict with the law: 24% (2 females, 8 males)

• Two females were in university, 1 female completed

a two year degree.

• Informal/ semi formal support positively impacting

transitions & outcomes: Accommodation, financial

support, employment and ‘taken into the family’

(surrogate & unrelated)

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Looking at Practice Through Case Examples

Khaldoun ( Out of care for 2 years)

• Death of mother, father convicted of drug dealing

• A total of 5 siblings in care

Care Experiences

• Age 12-15, generally bad and sometimes good ‘depending on

who was there’. Ok academic achievement

• No family intervention

• Discharge: Abrupt & forced due to ‘over stocked’ care home.

• ‘His situation has improved’

• Promised by Judge to be supported in completing school.

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Khaldoun: Post Care Experience

• Dropped out of school to survive

• Child labour ( illegal, in conflict with the law)

• Family book confiscated, no ID, no formal market employment

• Sister abruptly discharged (attempted suicide, in school)

• Household no regular income. Father using drugs & alcohol

• Younger siblings in care, more children from step mother

• No intervention, no follow up, no support, no one to turn to

Discharged to the same reasons he was admitted to care for

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Substitute Care or Substitute Shelter?

Returning to the same problems, no intervention, no

planning, poor care, no preparation, no qualifications,

no support and no follow up. •What is the role of care homes in Jordan?

•What are the duties & roles of those meant to be caring for & protecting children & young people? (carers, behaviour observers, judges)

•Where is the role of social work?

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Recommendations Prioritising the Plight of Children in Substitute Care and the

Plight of Care Leavers on the Political Agenda

Care Homes:

• Minimum Standards: Individual care plans

(developmental dimensions, family assessments &

intervention, long term preparation.

• Family based (normalisation, consistency, minimise

transfers of homes and schools).

• Quality staff & Carers, Minimum standard of

qualifications for staff & carers.

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• Extended Pathway plan with young people (personal advisor)

• Discharge to families & ‘marriage’ with much caution


• A research-based policy supporting care leavers must be established and include specified follow-up criteria for an extended time frame (e.g. to age 25).

Role of social work

• The role of social work must be specified and be present from admission, to in care experience and post care.

Giving Care Leavers and Children in Care a Voice

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Thank you

Rawan W. IbrahimSchool of Social Work & Psychology

University of East Anglia, UK.

[email protected]