Download - Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Page 1: Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Teach your children well



Address: Derribong Street (PO Box 6) Trangie 2823

Phone: 6888 7578

Fax: 6888 7602


Website: Principal: Anne Holden

Deputy Principal: Dimiti Trudgett

Access Coordinator: Gary Hansen

Head Teachers: Gary Hansen Jessica Skinner (Rlvg) Ted Wright

Assistant Principals: Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh

Welfare Coordinator: Cheryl Rowley

School Admin Manager: Jaye Milgate

Parents & Citizens Association

President: Meredith Andrews

Vice President: M.Ebsworth

Secretary: Kate Broughton

Treasurer: Amanda Kater

Trangie Central School Newsletter

22nd February 2018 Term 1 - Week 4

What’s On

P & C Meeting

Tuesday 13th March 2018

4.00pm Secondary Staff Room

Wk 4 23/2 G/N Swimming at Warren—Depart TCS at 8.00am GOOD LUCK!!!

Wk 5 26/2 GoMAD Challenge at Dubbo—Depart TCS at 8.30am

26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm

27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary 3.30pm-5.30pm - TCS library Primary 3.10pm-5.30pm - Class rooms

28/2 Yr 7/8 History Old Dubbo High School Site Study—Depart TCS at 9.00am

28/2 Primary Interest Groups Swimming 2.00pm-3.00pm

1/3 K-1 Parent/Teacher Interviews 12.00pm-2.20pm—Class room

2/3 Yrs K-12 Clean Up Australia Day 10.00am - Bring a hat, gloves & sunscreen!

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Teach your children well

Page 3: Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Teach your children well

From the principal

Staff Smile of the Week (Week 3)

Goes to Jess for great work on the Wellbeing Team!

Hi everyone – What a great start to the year. The students are settled and focussed, so well done!

Lions Youth of the Year Congratulations to Shakirra Bock-Kemp for speaking so well in front of the Narromine Lions’ members yesterday evening in her quest to be named Lions Youth of the Year. Her impromptu speech on art, involving squares, circles, black and white and colour was most notable where she interpreted such a hard question so well. My only thought, as I listened, was that I was very glad I did not have to do it!

The most memorable part of the evening was, however, the lovely feedback that Shakirra received from the Judge when he commended her on her speaking but also on her personality which came over as so overwhelmingly kind. I spoke to him afterwards and thanked him for his kind words and told him how touched I was to hear this about one of our students, and that our overlying message to our students is one of being kind to each other. This is what it makes it all worthwhile!

Middle School Project and STEM Our Middle School Digital Technologies project is in full flight and very exciting for all the students who are involved. Students from Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 have come together to work on designing and making different projects to hone the skills of planning, communicating, building, testing and then rebuilding. These 21st Century skills are going to be exactly what the workers of the future will need to be able to do. People often misunderstand the whole idea of STEM and think that this is purely coding – which is writing computer programming languages. Yes, this is part of the kind of thinking that we are developing but it is by no means the whole story.

Students in our Digital Technology program will do this and so much more. It is an excellent opportunity for our upper primary to receive tuition from experienced secondary science teachers, with access to secondary facilities. It is also an ideal opportunity for our secondary students to take leadership roles and buddy up with the primary students which will in turn, make their transition to high school so much smoother.

In order to support the STEM focus for this year, Mr Holden is also running workshops for both teachers and student support staff on the Scratch computer programming language, which will be introduced in Primary classes this year.

As always, Mr Holden runs his Computing Interest group on Friday afternoon where students are doing amazing things such as programming Lego models.

HSC Minimum Standards Test This term, Year 10 students will get their first opportunity to sit an on-line test in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. All those students who did not get a Band 8 or more in the Year 9 NAPLAN tests will be required to take it. This is the first time these tests have been made available and more information will follow as we learn more about it.

Parent/Teacher Meetings On Tuesday (Thursday for K/1) next week we will be holding Parent/Teacher meetings and you will have the opportunity to tell us about your child and get to know his or her teacher. By talking and comparing information, we can achieve so much so please take a few minutes and come along.

Languages A very exciting addition to our curriculum is Spanish in Year 8. We are hoping that this will be the beginning of more to come. We also have three students studying Japanese in Stage 5. There is really no limit to what Trangie Central School can do for YOU!

Finally ........ My door is and always has been open – whether you are happy, sad or mad. I need to know if we are not doing something right but I also need to know that you trust our motives and our intentions. Everything we do, every single day is for YOUR children. If we can do it better, tell us. Facebook is for cowards – so please tell us to our face! All the best Anne Holden


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Teach your children well

Deputy Principal Dimiti Trudgett

Head Teachers Gary Hansen

Jessica Skinner (Relieving) Ted Wright

SECONDARY Head Teachers’ Report

Apology Day Performance Our school will be sending representatives including our Aboriginal Dance group to the Trangie community Apology Day Event at the Wungunja Cultural Centre on Monday the 26th February. Apology Day will recognise the 10 year anniversary of Kevin Rudd’s delivery of the National Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples, particularly the Stolen Generations.

GoMAD Challenge GoMAD is an environmental leadership program to help students ‘make a difference’ in their schools and communities. A group of our students will travel to Western Plains Taronga Zoo on Monday 26th February to participate in the Youth Forum and plan a student-initiated environmental project.

Years 7 & 8 History Excursion Two of our 7/8 classes will travel to Dubbo next week on Wednesday 28th February for their ‘Historical Site’ study at the Dubbo Cultural Centre. Field studies are a mandatory component for students studying the History and Geography courses. The third 7/8 class will conduct their Site Study in Term 3 when they change from studying Geography to History. Please return permission notes to the school office promptly.

Clean Up Australia Day Students from K-12 will participate in our school’s annual ‘Clean Up Australia’ day for up to 1 hour on the morning of Friday 2nd March. Some classes will focus on areas within the school grounds, others surrounding the school, and the older students will cover the main streets of Trangie. At Trangie Central we encourage active citizenship and for our students to not only take pride in their school, but also their local environment.

REMINDER: Parent/Teacher Interviews All parents/caregivers are invited to our first parent/teacher afternoon to be held on Tuesday the 27th February in the school library from 3.30pm-5.30pm.

Mr Ted Wright Head Teacher

Leather Footwear It has been great to see those students who have complied with the leather shoe requirement for Science this year. Some students are still in the process of getting their leather shoes sorted out. It is important for WH&S reasons that this requirement is met, as we are trying to ensure the safety of our students. When looking for compliant footwear, it is important that liquid cannot enter the shoe (so no air holes on top), as a risk in the laboratory is that acid or chemical could be spilt on the foot. As a note, the whole foot needs to be covered by the leather (which also includes vinyl). I thank parents for their active cooperation and effort in keeping their children safe by complying with this footwear requirement. Any concerns, please contact me at the school.

Stage 5 Science This term Stage 5 students are studying the Earth, volcanoes and earthquakes. As part of the unit of “The Savage Earth”, students are required to view the movie “The Core” rated M. This movie investigates the structures of the Earth, as well as the interactions which are dependent on the processes occurring in the Earth. A note went out last week for parents to withdraw their permission if they didn’t want their child to see the movie. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school.

Middle School STEM We have commenced our Middle School (Year 5-8) STEM class, which operates on Thursday after recess. Over the last couple of weeks, students have formed their groups and have started to investigate aerodynamics in relation to designing rockets. Each group of students is competing to launch the highest air rocket, with focus being on gathering data through observation, engineering and experimentation, working effectively as a group and managing a project. Keep posted for more exciting developments.

Gary Hansen Head Teacher

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Teach your children well

Access Coordinator


Chess Club is back on!

Day: Every Wednesday Time: Lunch - 1.30pm Where: Secondary Chess table Who: Anyone who wants to play AND those who want to learn!

TERM ONE - Week 4

General Business

WAP Camp A wonderful time was had by all at the Western Access Camp last week. It was a great opportunity for students to meet their teachers as well as their class mates from other schools. It was good to see students demonstrating a mature and committed approach to their studies. Well done!

Year 11 Subjects should be very close to being finalised and any change of subject forms need to be collected from Mrs Rush and handed in to me before the end of next week. Please see me if there are any concerns.

VET Students Students studying VET will be issued a note which needs to be returned to school ASAP regarding confidentiality of information.

HSC & Preliminary Assessments Due Next Week:

Feel free to visit the Western Access Program website for more information about the program, policies and procedures.

Gary Hansen Access Coordinator

HSC 2018 Preliminary 2018

Biology Construction

Advanced English


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Teach your children well

Assistant Principals

Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh PRIMARY

Assistant Principals’ Report Swimming Carnival Results Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding results at our swimming carnival.

Age Champions: Junior Primary Montanna-Jane Gall & Jock Kater Intermediate Primary Zoe Andrews & Mackenzie Young Senior Primary Matilda Brennan & Koby Kilgour

We would like to wish all the students competing at the Gobondery/NARRAF Swimming Carnival being held in Warren tomorrow the best of luck! Moorambilla Voices Workshop

Returning to the MPSC on Tuesday 6th March at 4.00pm. All keen singers and musicians from Years 3-12 are invited!

Michelle Leonard and the team will be facilitating 76 workshops covering 51 towns, inviting 109 schools in the remote north-west NSW, starting in Wellington on Wednesday 29th February then to Gulgong on 9th March. Then hitting the road again on the 19th March in Coonabarabran and finishing in Nyngan on 29th March.

All children from Years 3-12 are welcome to take part in these free workshops. In each workshop the children are taught music theory and sight singing and participate in movement, drumming and percussion. From there, 100 children will be offered places in each ensemble, enabling them to attend camps in August and September, culminating in a Gala Concert at the Dubbo Regional Theatre. Primary Calendar

Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri

Wk 4

19/2 G/N Swimming @ Warren

Wk 5

26/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews in class rooms 3.30pm-5.30pm 1/2, 3/4, 4/5, 6

Parent/Teacher Interviews in class rooms 12.00pm-2.20pm K/1

Wk 6

5/3 Moorambilla Voices Workshop @MPSC 4.00pm-5.00pm FREE

Life Education Van Life Education Van

Wk 7

12/3 PSSA Swimming

Page 7: Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Teach your children well

Assistant Principals

Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh PRIMARY

Interest Groups Creating 21st Century Learners Primary Interest Groups for students in Years 1-6 will begin next Wednesday. Children will be able to choose a subject area that interests them and then work with children that have similar passions. Interest Groups are an integral part of our peer support and student welfare programs as the students develop strong bonds with older and younger students. It is also part of developing 21st Century learners.

They make new friends, work as part of a team, learn to communicate and co-operate with a diverse group and always create something that they’re proud to take home or show. The students also have the chance to work with different teachers who each have their own styles of education.

Interest Groups are held each Wednesday from 2.00pm-3.00pm and volunteer parents/carers

are always welcome!

Jacky Murtagh Assistant Principal K/1 News Next week Parent/Teacher Interviews for students in K/1 will be held on Thursday 1st March (not Tuesday) from 12.00pm-2.20pm.

In K/1 the children are learning about colours. On Fridays they don’t have to wear their school uniform but can wear clothing of that colour instead! This is a fun way to share what they’ve learned at the end of the week.

Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Blue Red Green Pink Orange

Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Purple Yellow Black White

Jo Ellis K/1 Teacher / Assistant Principal

Chess Club is back on!

Day: Every Wednesday Time: Lunch - 1.30pm Where: Secondary Chess table Who: Anyone who wants to play AND those who want to learn!

Page 8: Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Teach your children well

Assistant Principals

Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh PRIMARY

Our class has made a terrific start to the new school year. The students are working hard, taking pride in the work they produce and cooperating with each other. The students are being kind and helpful to each other and to me! I am confident that we will have a spectacular year together.

If your child is in Year 5 this year, they are invited to go on the annual school camp midway through next term. This year we are heading to Canberra for a week and will learn lots about our nation’s capital. The students will tour through Parliament House, visit the National Archives, see the foreign embassies, participate in hands on science at Questacon and have a multitude of other experiences. These camps are created to help widen the students’ understanding of the world and link to our school curriculum. The cost will be capped at $600 which includes travel, accommodation, food, supervision and entry to all of the sites. I strongly suggest you begin paying off this camp now so that your child doesn’t miss out. If you are experiencing hardship, please give our Principal Mrs Holden a call and see what can be worked out. I would really like all of the children to come along if possible.

As far as learning is concerned, we have started out in terrific fashion. Each week the students are experiencing success in spelling, with record numbers of Super Spellers. In Maths we are revising our two and three times tables, using the correct format to solve addition and multiplication algorithms and in Geography we have been learning about the continents of the world.

I will not be setting formal homework for the students but do expect them to practise their weekly spelling test, work on their timetables and of course, read, read, read!

Jacky Murtagh 4/5 Teacher / Assistant Principal

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Teach your children well


Name Record Broken

Jock Kater 10 Years’ 50m Backstroke 10 Years’ 50 Breaststroke 10 Years’ 4 x 50m Individual Medley

Zoe Andrews 11 Years’ 50m Freestyle 11 Years’ 50m Butterfly 11 Years’ 4 x 50m Individual Medley

Age Champion Name

Junior Primary Montanna-Jane Gall Jock Kater

Intermediate Primary Zoe Andrews Mackenzie Young

Senior Primary Matilda Brennan Koby Kilgour

Age Champion Name

Junior Secondary Narelle Shillingsworth-Budd Jayden Greenwood

Intermediate Secondary Erika Terry Tori Cole

Senior Secondary Meegan Seymour Jye Powell

House Points

Bundemar 2256

Widgeree 1761

Dandaloo 1319

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Teach your children well

Page 11: Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Teach your children well

Page 12: Trangie Central School Newsletter 22nd February 2018 Term ... · 26/2 Apology Day Performance at Wungunja Cultural Centre 12.00pm 27/2 Parent/Teacher Interviews (except K/1) Secondary

Teach your children well