Download - Training for a Network Enabled Capability

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Training for a Network Enabled Capability

Clive Mann MSc BSc C Eng MCIPDClive Mann MSc BSc C Eng MCIPD

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Clive Mann – STASYS Training Services

21 Years in RAF

BSc Physics, MSc Electronics Specialisations: EW, Data Links, Training Support

Joined STASYS Sep 2001

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STASYS Training Services Data Link Courses:

MIDS/JTIDS Link 16 Network Design and

Management Link 11 and / or 11B Link 22 TULIP/iSMART

Electronic Warfare Trg Air Battle Management Trg Business/Management Skills Product-Specific Courses Training Support

TNAs Course Design

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NEC Employed in Recent Ops ?NEC Employed in Recent Ops ?

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NEC GoalNEC GoalTo radically enhance our operational To radically enhance our operational capability by improving the way we share capability by improving the way we share and use informationand use information

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Network Enabled Capability

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Broadcast/comms services

UK based and theatre support- logistics, intelligence etc

A Seamless Integrationof sensors, platforms and weapons

Precision Forces and Strike Assets

A Network Enabled Capability

IntegratedISTAR Assets


JFHQ Afloat Tactical HQs

Command Centres

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NEC Tenets

Information is shared All users have an

awareness of each other’s perception of the battle-space

Decisions are made collaboratively

Effects within the battle-space are synchronised

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NEC Wish-listNEC Wish-list

Information is shared All users have an

awareness of each other’s perception of the battle-space

Decisions are made collaboratively

Effects within the battle-space are synchronised

NEC Tenets

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• “Operation Allied Force validated the need for joint, integrated training among the Services to enhance their ability to execute both joint and coalition operations.”

• “Operation Allied Force underscores the criticality of joint doctrine, interoperability training, and supporting Service doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures. Greater emphasis must be placed on interoperability training among our own forces, with those of our allies, other nations, and partners, as well as on interagency training within our Government.”

Training Shortfalls - Op Allied Force

Common ThreadsCommon Threads •Lack of joint/interoperability training•Lack of system(s) compatibility

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• “UK personnel must be better prepared for their C2 appointments.”

• “Training the people who are going to conduct the operation in as realistic an environment as possible with the equipment and procedures that they will be using is worth the effort and cost.”

• “UK forces must train as they expect to fight.”

• “UK staff deployed to US HQs must be completely familiar with the procedures and applications in use”

Common ThreadsCommon Threads •Lack of joint/interoperability training•Lack of system(s) compatibility

Training Shortfalls - Op TELIC

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One possible solution:

• Not ‘rocket’ science……….• Re-visit how we train/design training• Model ‘system of systems’• Exercise ‘system of systems’


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Training Environment




Full MissionRehearsal

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Training Environment




Full MissionRehearsal

Government Policy

Mission Lists



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Individual Training:

Self-Learn Books ?

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Training Environment Live Virtual

Man in the Loop

Constructive Computer

generated forces

Player Types




Full MissionRehearsal

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Last Words:Training counts

Capability is as dependent upon the proficiency of people as it is upon the hardware with which they fight. We need training superiority as much as we need technical superiority.

We don’t count trainingWe measure process, not proficiency,and what you don’t measure or report, you can ignore.

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Last Words:

What you don’t What you don’t measure or report, measure or report, you can ignoreyou can ignore

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throughIndependent Thought

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Questions ?Questions ?