Download - TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,

Page 1: TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,

Volume 2, Issue 5 March 2019

Captain MarvelRead about the Exchange Program!By Raneem Iftekhar

Pages 3 & 4By Jessica Ortiz

Page 12Page 5

Tragedy in New ZealandBy Samie Baclig & Mia Oravetz

And the “Connelly”Goes To…

Our LentenJourney Begins:Repent and Believein the Gospel

more interesting such as incorporatingninjas at school and singing musicalsduring gym period. The freshmen did anastounding performance for their first timedoing a class play. They received awardsfor Best Programs and Best Choice ofPlay. Best Supporting Actress went toHolly Barragan '22.

Following the freshman class were thesophomores, where two narrators,Penelope Hoyos ‘21 and MaeveMcnaughton ‘21, tried to combine the 209stories of the Brothers Grimm into oneenormous fairytale, including thetraditional tales of "Hansel and Gretel,""Rumpelstiltskin," "Snow White," andother lesser known stories like "TheDevil’s Grandmother." Their play, TheBrothers Grimm Spectaculathon, causedthe audience to roar in laughter. Thesophomore class furthermore won Best T-Shirts, Best Ensemble, and Best StageManager. Best Supporting Actress went to

Rachel Cabero '21 and Best OverallActress went to Penelope Hoyos ‘21.

Next was the junior class, who took adifferent route in their play. They decidedto do a production of the twisted and well-known vintage TV show, The TwilightZone. They chose the episode "To ServeMan" where Mr. Chambers, played byTheresa Perry ‘20, attempts to decode abook with his staff that an alien called aKanamit, played by Chloe Webb ‘20, leftbehind in a United Nations conference.The Kanamit promises to bring prosperousgrowth to the people of the earth, but isthat really the Kanamit’s motive? Thejuniors were full of high spirits with theirbig wins of Best Costumes and Makeup,Best Sets, Best Sound and Lighting, BestSpecial Effects, Best Overall Producer(Aubrey Mandry ‘20), Best SupportingActress (Lola Searcy ‘20), Best Actress(Theresa Perry ‘20) and Best Alien (ChloeWebb ‘20). But the one they were happiestabout was winning Best Overall ClassPlay--the whole class jumped for joy.

Last but not least, the senior classpresented their mysterious play, The 39Steps. Richard Hannay, played byCatherine Hoyos ‘19 (Best Actress), meetsa young lady who tells him that she is aspy. She is murdered in his apartment andHannay somehow involves himself with aspy organization named “The 39 Steps.”The police are on the hunt for Hannay,who is accused of murder. The Class of2019 did a breathtaking performance fortheir final class play. Mariah Lopez ‘19won Best Director and Myra Juma '19won Best Supporting Actress.

All in all, everyone had a funexperience with their classmates and as awhole community. Many memories weremade throughout the last couple of monthsand many are yet to come. Everyonedeserves a “Connelly” for their persistencein making Class Plays 2019 sensational!

On March 12, the Connelly communitycelebrated Ash Wednesday Mass withBishop Kevin Vann of Orange Countyalong with Rev. Thanh-Tai Nguyen andDeacon Louie Gallardo.

Before the Mass commenced, theGlobal Solidarity Committee introducedthe annual Rice Bowl collection thatbenefits people who are in need across theworld. Then, with the procession of bells,the Mass began. Bishop Vann read thegospel and talked to us about thebeginning of our Lenten journey since AshWednesday marks the start of the Lentenseason. He asked about what we weregiving up or any Lenten promises wechose. He told us to do it silently so thatonly our ather knows. When we do thisduring Lent, we have an experience of asmall fraction of what Jesus experiencedin his 40 days in the desert.

After the homily, Connelly communitymembers received ashes in the form of across and were told to “repent and believein the gospel.” This symbolizes oursolidarity with Jesus. The rest of the Masswas filled with a sense of community aswe start this journey together. Aftercommunion, we had the opportunity toreflect on what Lent means to each of usor take time to offer a prayer. As the Masscame to a close, we were dismissed toglorify the Lord by our lives and the ricebowls were distributed which can make abig difference in one person’s life.

Connelly was very thankful andhonored to have Bishop Vann, Rev.Thanh-Tai Nguyen, and Deacon LouieGallardo celebrate Mass with us. It was agreat way to start out Lent.

What is your Lenten promise and howare you being called to make a differencethis season?



Connelly Chronicle

Every class enjoys the wonderful class play. Photo by Nina Menzagopian.

On Friday, March 15, each class excitedlyperformed a production of a play of theirchoice for the Connelly tradition, ClassPlays. Each class showed their hard workthey had put into making the best showpossible for the audience and the judges.This year’s Class Plays had a variety ofdifferent genres ranging from comedy andmusical to serious and mysterious. Theaudience was either belly laughing or onthe edge of their seats anxiously waitingfor something big to happen.

The freshman class kicked off themorning with a play beautifully written byBrooke Medina ‘22 (Best BuddingPlayright) and her father. Titled Save theDrama, the production is about a story ofa girl named Vicky, played by CaitlynDopudja ‘22 (Best Actress), who tries totell her school day to her family.However, members of her family try tocreate their own version of Vicky’s“boring” school life into something way

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Page 2 Connelly Chronicle

Journalism Class 2018-2019Advisor

Mrs. Jacqueline SienkowskiEditor-in-ChiefChanning Lee '19Managing EditorsEmily Arendt '20

Therese Enriquez '20Mariah Lopez '19Copy Editors

Raeanne Marcial '20Bianca Macias '19Taryn Diep '19

Layout/Design EditorsYiyi (Nancy) Shao '20

Jessica Ortiz '20Ava Shanklin '21

Live Reporting EditorNina Menzagopian '21

Student Contributions/Opinions EditorChelsea Le '20

Online Publications EditorElyssa Savellano '21

ReportersAnya Ibasco '21

Valentina Perez '20Marisa Zavala '20Mia Oravetz '21Samie Baclig '21

Biting (Regina) Zhao '20Belle Kunzmann '19Bethanie Sanft '21Jessica Ortiz '20Sarah Ahktar '21Hailey Frogner '20

Gabriela Mercado '21Daisy Lien '20

Destiny Martinez '21Grace Edwards '20Alicia Dofelmier '22Raneem Iftekhar '22

Alejandra Hutchison '22Chelsea Bartillad '22On-Spot ReportersAnais Jimenez '21Chloe Webb '20

Catherine Hoyos '19Lindsay Wippler '22

Photographers/VideographersTahlia Garcia '21Rebecca May '19Arielle Hobbs '21

Dear Cornelia,I have a problem. My class is very cliqueyand I don't know what to do about it. I lovemy Connelly sisters, but I get reallyfrustrated when they talk about their"friends"behind their "friends"’backs. The"talk"isn't really bad or anything, it's justnot very Catholic. Why can't we all likeeach other and how can I help?Annoyed at Connelly

Dear Annoyed,I’m sorry to hear about what’s going onwith your sisters. I think the only thingyou can do to help the situation is to bringit to their attention. I’m sure if theyrealized how “cliquey” they were beingthey would make a conscious effort to bemore inclusive. Though it would befantastic if everyone got along perfectly,it’s not the end of the world if noteveryone is best friends. All that I canadvise is that you do your part to be a goodfriend to all of you Connelly sisters and totreat others like you hope to be treated.

Dear Cornelia,I'm tired. I'm tired of homework, I'm tired

of class plays, I'm tired of sports, I'm tiredof my parents, I'm tired of some of myteachers, I'm tired of being tired. Why amI so tired?Sleepy at Connelly

Dear Sleepy,I feel for you. I know that at this point inthe school year, with roughly only twomonths left, it is so easy to lose motivationand become tired of everything. Thisfeeling is totally normal. However, it isimportant to take this feeling and channelit into something positive. Though onsome days we might just want to stayhome and sleep all day, it’s important thatwe get up, work hard, and do our best.While I could tell you to sleep more, Iknow that is not always an option for ahigh school student. But please rememberto take care of yourself no matter howtiring life can feel. Please don't feel alone.School isn’t easy and life can be tough, soremember that you’re doing great. This isjust a bump in the road and it'll get bettersoon. Until it does, remember to drinkenough water and to think positively!

As always, know your worth and be niceto yourselves. These next two months aregoing to fly by. everything is going to beokay if you just do your part :) Hopeyou’re all getting enough sleep anddrinking your water.Xoxo,D.C.

Dear Cornelia...Dear Cornelia is aspecial feature of theConnelly Chronicle.Questions for DearCornelia may be left inthe mailbox outside of

Classroom 16.

March 2019

Koala families are one of the many waysthat Connelly girls from all grade levelscan bond. Whether it is sharing food onbeach day or attending mass together,these activities create a tight-knitcommunity amongst the girls at Connelly.In this issue of the Connelly Chronicle, wefeature Izzy Lorthioir ‘19 and her koalasisters: Chelsea Le ‘20, Paige Showalter‘20, Destiny Martinez ‘21, and RaneemIftekhar ‘22.

Izzy Lorthioir ‘19 is the AssociatedStudent Body Commissioner of Service,member of NHS, robotics team, andrenewable energy club. Just like theirsenior sister, the girls in this family aregreatly involved in many activities.Chelsea Le ‘20 is on the education andWASC committees. Destiny Martinez ‘21is on the soccer team and in academicdecathlon. Raneem Iftekhar ‘22, thenewest member of this family, is involvedin Advanced Women’s Ensemble,Academic Council, and the tennis team.One activity that these three sisters have incommon is Journalism where they allpartake in different aspects of theConnelly Chronicle.

When asked what was her favoritememory with her family, Paige Showalter‘20 eagerly responded, “I loved spendingtime with my family on beach day.”Destiny Martinez ‘21 added that she“enjoyed having a day off from school andbeing able to relax while spending the daywith her sisters.” In addition to beach day,Chelsea Le ‘20 particularly loves“meeting with my family members beforemass. It gives us a chance to talk and catchup with each other as a whole family.”Some advice that Izzy Lorthioir ‘19 hasfor her fellow sisters is, “Start yourcollege applications early and alwaysremember to drink more water.” Althoughthis family is involved in countlessactivities, they are able to come togetherand bond while create memories throughthe Koala Family events at Connelly.

headquarters and earning first place in theTitan's sales competition. Miss Medinafeels that Connelly gave her a greatfoundation for being able to consistentlylead in her classes and on campus. Bybeing pushed to her educational limits,Medina says Connelly helped her growinto an individual ready for college andlife experiences. “It brought me someamazing friendships that I don’t believe Icould have made anywhere else.” One ofher favorite memories from her time atConnelly includes the time where sheparticipated in a “nail painting party” inthe library in which she asked the malereligion teacher at the time if he wantedhis nails painted. No matter how muchtime goes by, our Connelly girls alwayshave fun.

If she were to give any advice, it wouldfirst be to get involved in as many clubs ororganizations as possible. Second, look toyour teachers as mentors and maintain agood relationship with them. When askedif she felt that Connelly prepared her forthe future, she had nothing but good thingsto say. Taylor feels that, in a way, her timeat Connelly almost “over-prepared” herfor what was to come after high school.“As far as my interpersonal skills and

motivation, Connelly created anincomparable foundation for me,” saysTaylor Medina ‘14. She would like to tellthe Connelly Community how grateful sheis that her little sister (Brooke Medina ‘22)is getting to experience a Connellyeducation because she knows these nextfour years will be some of the best yearsof her life. Finally, Miss Medina wouldlike to leave the Connelly community withher favorite quote: “Education is the mostimportant weapon which you can use tochange the world” --Nelson Mandela.

As always, the Connelly community isalways glad to hear how our alumni aredoing. We wish Taylor the best of luck inanything she purses. We are proud of her!

Koala Family


Alumni Spotlight:Taylor Medina ‘14

Taylor Medina, class of ‘14, (sister ofBrooke Medina ‘22) graduated fromConnelly five years ago and is doing greatthings. After high school, Taylor went onto major in business management with aconcentration on legal studies. Highlightsof her career include the opportunity topresent her team’s marketing research toexecutive level members at the Kellogg


Senior Izzy Loither with her koala family membersChelsea Le '20, Paige Showalter '20, and DestinyMartinez '21 (not pictured is their freshman sisterRaneem Iftekhar '22). Photo by Anya Ibasco

Taylor Medina winning an award. Photo

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Page 3 March 2019Connelly Chronicle


From left to right: Samie Baclig '21, Gbeminiyi Osunsanya, Gabriela Mercado '21, Ruby Tebbutt, Helena Phillips, and Ava Shanklin '21 enjoy a weekend in London.Photo by: Samie Baclig

only to visit Disneyland but also toexperience the normal day-to-day life ofthe typical American teenager attendinghigh school. She hopes to immerse herselfin the American culture fully.

Amelia Hardy has been attending

Mayfield School for six years. Accordingto her friends, she is a brilliant student andhas a great sense of humor. Like Helena,

her favorite class is Biology because shefinds it interesting to learn about thehuman body. She is involved in various

clubs and activities on campus likeswimming, netball, and music.

Fellow netball player, Ruby Tebbutt,has also been attending Mayfield schoolfor six years. She loves the sport netballbecause she gets to be outside, interactwith her friends, and overall have fun andhave a laugh with her friends. Ruby can’tdecide between Chemistry and Geographyfor her favorite class. She is very excitedto visit the beach and countryside but alsoLos Angeles and Hollywood when shecomes to California.

The last girl that will be traveling toCalifornia for the exchange program isGbeminiyi Osunsanya. She has been atMayfield for four years. In her free time,she plays the flute and harp because theyare a break from all the academic workshe does. Her favorite class is Chemistry,and she hopes to visit all the famous fast-food chains in California such as In-N-Out and famous amusement parks,Disneyland and Universal Studios.

Although the weather in England, is notalways the same as the sunny blue skies inSouthern California, Ava Shanklin ‘21,Gabriela Mercado ‘21, and Samie Baclig‘21 had the opportunity to go on theexchange program and attend MayfieldSchool located in Mayfield, England.While Gabriela, Ava, and Samie were inEngland, they enjoyed weekend activitieslike visiting the seaside town, Brighton,going to London, shopping, and spendingtime with their four new exchange friends.Four girls from Mayfield School, HelenaPhillips, Amelia Hardy, Ruby Tebbutt,and Gbeminiyi Osunsanya, were selectedto represent their school and experiencewhat it is like to be a “Connelly girl” forthree weeks.

Enjoying her third year at Mayfield,Helena Phillips takes part in many schoolactivities such as hockey, netball,dissection club, ceramics, art, farm club,and medical society. Her favorite class isBiology but enjoys using her creative sidein art class. Helena is very excited not


Meet our New Exchange Friends!

From left to right: Samie Baclig '21, Gabriela Mercado '21, and Ava Shanklin '21 on a field trip to see theBritish Parliament. Photo by: Samie Baclig

From left to right: Ava Shanklin '21, GabrielaMercado '21, Helena Phillips, Samie Baclig '21, andRuby Tebbutt enjoy a windy a day at Brighton onthe pier. Photo by: Samie Baclig

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Page 4 Connelly Chronicle March 2019

A view from the dart o the way to school. Photo by Mia Oravetz


Arriving in Dublin on the afternoon of ofFebruary nineteenth, Elyssa Savellano ‘21,Tahlia Garcia ‘21, and I were both excitedand ecstatic to be here, but neverthelessalmost had no idea what to expect fromthis experience, much less how ourrelationship with our host students wouldbe.

The three of us stayed in different partsof Co. Wicklow (a 30-45-minute train ridefrom Dublin). I stayed in the seaside townof Greystones with Lillie McGovern, herparents, two older siblings (George andElla), her two dogs Ralph and Minnie, andher two horses Fred and Harley! Elyssaand Tahlia stayed in Enniskerry with a setof twins: Ciara (pronounced Kee-ra), andBláithín (pronounced Blaw-heen) Butler,their parents, older sister (Alannah), andchocolate lab Molly!

Looking back at these three weeks, Ihave realized just how lucky we are tohave been welcomed in the way we were,and seen all that we did in such a short (butsimultaneously so long) time abroad! Thepeople in Ireland were all so kind andfriendly. On our first day of school threeweeks ago, not only did we meet moreIrish girls, but we also met exchangestudents from Pasadena (Mayfield SeniorSchool) and D.C. (Connelly School of theHoly Child). With it being their transitionyear at Holy Child Killiney, the girls take part in fun and almost unconventional classes such as Cookery, Business, First

Aid, Careers, and more! We also went on acouple field trips to places like DunLaoghaire (Leer-ee) and the Nationalgallery of Ireland.

Not only did we go on school trips, butwe also saw several of the sights thatIreland has to offer in such a short amountof time. We visited Powerscourt, went intoDublin City, went to the Cliffs of Moher,and most recently we went to Sligo, whichI like to think of as “the Pismo Beach ofIreland.” Driving through the Irishcountryside had also definitely been ahighlight as it is unlike any expanse ofgreen I had ever witnessed before in mylife. With the remaining week we had left,I tried to experience as much as I couldand lived the Irish lifestyle to the fullest.

And as we have ventured back andprepared to host our Irish sisters,remember this quote of an Irish verse:“May love and laughter light your days,and warm our heart and home, may good

and faithful friends be yours wherever youmay roam.”


Life on the Emerald Isle

A view of the cliffs of moher. Photo by Mia Oravetz

Our girls smile happily with their new friends in Sligo. Photo by Mia Oravetz

Page 5: TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,

Bianca's Babble

Page 5 Connelly Chronicle March 2019

It’s almost spring, and the flowers arealready blooming in Hollywood. LeaMichele, best known for her role asRachel in the television series Glee,recently got married to Randy Zeich, whoworks in business, on March 9, 2019.Look out for the exclusive PeopleMagazine photos likely to come!

Speaking of wedding bells, we’ll behearing them again soon. Showcased firston Instagram, actress and artist JenniferLopez is newly engaged to formerbaseball player Alex Rodriguez, afternearly two years of dating.

Unfortunately, not all times are ashappy as these. Recently, a Kardashianscandal hit the media when it wasrevealed that Kylie Jenner’s best friend,Jordyn Woods, was rumored to havekissed Khloé Kardashian’s partner,Tristan Thompson, whom she shares adaughter with. For two weeks, the publicwas kept in the dark as they tried to figureout what exactly happened, or if it waseven true. Then, surprisingly, JordynWoods went on Jada Smith’s Red TableTalk, which can be seen on Facebook, totell her story, and where she confirmed therumors of the kiss. What followed was awave of both criticism and support, withKhloé bashing her on Twitter for tearingapart her family before relinquishing thatclaim and speaking of the pain she feltfrom being hurt by a “family” member.Jordyn says she was in the wrong place atthe wrong time, and that she did not see itcoming, and she expressed the guilt shefelt. She hinted that she and best friendKylie Jenner were still in contact, but notmuch else is known at the moment aboutthe status of their friendship. No otherKardashian members have spoken outpublicly about the matter, but theycertainly can’t keep quiet forever.

Released March 8, 2019In theatres now, rated PG-13




The wedding of Lea Michelle. Courtesy of People.

Captain MarvelRated 4 of 5 Koalas

personality.The CGI used to make Samuel

Jackson look young again was flawless,nothing like the botched attempt onHenry Cavill in Justice League. The CGIdid look horrible in the scenes of CaptainMarvel flying.

Captain Marvel is set in the 90’s sothere are many references for all you 90’skids.

I was worried about the plot of thefilm. The comics get fairly complex inthe way the powers are acquired and whoit comes from, but it was handled well. Attimes, I did get really confused as to whatwas even going on. However, it was nottoo severe. One of the reasons I love thisfilm is the plot twist. Now, at first it wasconfusing and did not make much sense.However, it was cleared up a couple ofscenes later.I completely recommend watching this

film, and it is vital to watch beforeAvengers: Endgame, which releases inMay! I am very happy with how the filmturned out. Captain Marvel is the firstMarvel movie with a female protagonistand I love it. There was a huge amount ofdebate about this. There are multipleforms of Captain Marvel, originatingfrom Mar-Vell, a MALE superhero. Inthe film, they actually switched Mar-Vellfrom being a male to a female. This beingthe first female superhero movie, theywanted Danvers to have a female mentorand best friend, not male. So this is wherethe controversy stemmed from. I actuallyquite enjoyed Carol Danvers as CaptainMarvel, as well as Anna Bennings asMar-Vell.

Make sure to watch Captain Marveland see the strength of women in thisphenomenal film.

Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. Courtesy of IMDB.

The year of Marvel has begun, and I amhere for it.

First of all, I would quickly like tohonor Stan Lee (the creator/writer ofMarvel) who passed away on November12, 2018. This is the first Marvel film tocome out since then, and they actuallychanged the whole Marvel Intro to honorhim in the beginning of the film.

In traditional Marvel style, the post-credit scene of Avengers: Infinity War leftus with a sneak peek into what’s comingup next. In the post-credit scene afterInfinity War, we see Nick Fury press abutton on a pager (yes, a pager in 2018)before disappearing into dust along withthe other 50% of the universe. The lastthing shown was the pager showing thelogo of Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel issaid to be the strongest superhero in theMarvel Universe, and must be the finalpiece in the fight against Thanos.

So, here we are 11 months later withthe release of Captain Marvel. I have tosay upfront, I loved it. It has to be one ofmy favorite Marvel movies of all time.

Captain Marvel has been faced with alot of criticism due to its casting, trailer,etc. I’ll admit, I was also skeptical of BrieLarson being cast for the role of CarolDanvers. However, I was proven wrong.Brie Larson was exceptional in pulling offthis Air Force-turned-alien warrior. As allMarvel characters are, Carol Danvers(Captain Marvel) holds a lot of depth, asthey have scenes of absolute sorrow, yetalso a complete comedic side. Brie Larsonwas able to balance both sides of hercharacter fairly well. I did not like thecomedic timing at times but for a majorityshe pulled it off. She was amazing in thefight scenes, and actually trainedextremely hard for months. The only thingI didn’t like was that she always madesome sort of smirk when she was about tofight, making me feel like I was watchinga Wild West movie.

The acting of supporting characterswas phenomenal. This film not only givesthe origin story of Captain Marvel, butalso of Nick Fury. Samuel Jackson did agreat job at playing the young, unbotheredNick Fury. He now has a lot more depththen he had in the past couple of films.Jude Law was an exceptional Yon-Rogg,who really mastered the complex


Promo poster for Christopher Robin. Courtesy of IMDB.

New Netflix

ReleasesThere are TWO post-credit scenes.

This month, Netflix did not disappoint usby adding numerous new TV shows andmovies to its library.

New seasons of long-awaited Netflixoriginals are to be expected this monthincluding Santa Clarita Diet, Queer Eye,Arrested Development, and On My Block.

For those of you who love yoursupernatural shows, Netflix is adding Love,Death, Robots on March 15.

Disney fans will also be excited to knowthat Disney’s Saving Mr. Banks was addedon March 1, and Disney’s ChristopherRobin on March 5.

For people who want a little throwbackand romance, starting from, March 1 youare now able to watch The Notebook.

On March 30, many people will also beexcited to watch season 5 of ABC’s How toGet Away with Murder.

With all of these new shows, though,Netflix is also removing many. Before theyare gone, some shows and movies you maywant to see are Bruce Almighty,Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, TheBreakfast Club, Pirates of the Caribbean:At World’s End, Charlie St. Cloud, andDisney’s Beauty and the Beast.

Enjoy your binging!

Promo poster for On My Block. Courtesy of Netflix.

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Page 6 Connelly Chronicle March 2019


Featured SpringAthlete

Lilian Nguyen '21“Lilian works really hard on the field and isalways trying to improve. When she startedsoftball as a freshman she had never playedsoftball before so she is always trying herbest to learn and improve,” says CoachJason about softball player Lillian Nguyen.Her personality is fun and she’s easy to getalong with and always had a great time.Lilian Nguyen '21 has been playing softballfor about two years. She chose thisparticular sport because she felt that itwould be a lot of fun to try a new sport.She hopes to grow as a stronger player inall her sports teams and enjoys playingwith a great team and friends. Lilian plansto continue playing sports to stay healthyand finds them interesting and lots of fun.

Make sure to support our softball sistersat their games!

SoftballOn February 19, our swim team had theirfirst meet against Calvary Downey. Ourgirls won the overall meet and AlliHernandez came in 1st place for her meet.Swimming is definitely hard, and our girlshave only been practicing for about twoweeks; there was a lot to learn and improveon. Nevertheless, they were all veryexcited because they won their first meet.

On February 20, our softball team had agame against Capistrano Valley Christianon our home field. They lost with a scoreof 2 to 15. This was the first softball gamethis season, and all girls believed that theycould do better next time.

On March 1, our softball team had agame on our home field again. They beatSt. Pius Matthias. Our girls were veryhappy that they could play more like ateam. Congratulations to our softball girls!

On March 18, our softball team had ahome game after school. Our girls beatSummit View with a score of 20 to 0.Every girl enjoyed this game and they wereall glad that they can play more like ateam. Congratulations to them and we allhope that they can also play well in the restof the season.




Therese Enriquez '20 next to her art. Photo courtesyof Therese Enriquez '20.

SwimAllison Hernandez '21Swimming is a competitive sport for allages and a great way to stay active andhealthy. Allison Hernández '21 hasparticipated in competitive swimbeginning at the age of 5 and hascontinued with it ever since.

She says that originally her parents puther in swim and over time she fell in lovewith the sport. She hopes to make it toCIF, and enjoys swim because it hastaught her that “all the hard work you haveput into anything will be worth it at theend.” Alli has been inspired to participatein swim because she believes there isalways room for improvement and it keepsher focused.

Besides swim and school, Alli enjoysplaying her guitar and writing songs.Coach Melissa and Assistant CoachBrianna are very happy that Alli is a partof the swim team. “She is alwaysencouraging other girls and inspiring themto work harder,” says Assistant CoachBrianna. Coach Melissa says that “sheknows the sport but learns more about itevery day and will always strive to be herbest and even when it is her best she willtry to do better.” Both coaches say that sheis a great swimmer, hard worker,determined, and always supportive of herteam members.

Do not forget to attend their swimmeets and support our ladies!


Every year, Youth Art Month (YAM) isobserved during March. YAM is acelebration of visual arts, recognizing thatart is essential to fully developing one’scharacter and emphasizing the importanceof having an art education. The programprovides a venue for any person to sharetheir art, and from January 30 to February28, also awards night, several ofConnelly’s own artists had their worksdisplayed at the Orange CountyDepartment of Education in Santa Ana.The theme for this year was “Your Art,Your Story,” and the girls shared theirown stories through unique mediums.

Channing Lee ‘19 created a piece ofsocial commentary entitled“iGondolier@Work” that was inspired byher own trip to Venice. She was surprisedthat historic sites like the Venetiangondolas “have seemingly been taken overby smartphones” and wanted to share herown perspective on today’s digital age.

Savannah Kerwitz ‘19 wanted to giveher best friend Ava Shanklin ‘21 athoughtful gift for her birthday, and shedid so with an oil portrait of Ava’s dogMax. Theresa Perry ‘20 used variousacrylic paints to create a picturesquelandscape painting.

Joselyn Martinez ‘21 and Arielle Hobbs‘21 looked within for their inspiration andcreated self-portraits. Joselyn made one ofher younger self, and Arielle’s was of hertoday.

The medium that Maeve McNaughton‘21 and Ava Shanklin ‘21 used was inkpointillism—Maeve’s of a cheetah andAva’s of Childish Gambino/DonaldGlover. Though pointillism can be a verymeticulous process, their patience resultedin one-of-a-kind pieces.

Therese Enriquez ‘20 and ChristelleKua-Balbuena ‘19 both received honorablementions for their work. Therese made acolorful mandala-like acrylic painting of awolf to represent wolves in a new lightrather than the feared animals people deemthem to be, and Christelle created an inkpointillism of her little sister Celine.

Each of these girls has been creatingseveral works of art throughout the schoolyear, and Youth Art Month was a way forall of their talent to be recognized. Whileeach used a different medium, they allcreated a beautiful story about somethingthat they are passionate about. These girlsare making Connelly proud, representingthe beauty of art and showing howcreativity comes in countless forms.

The Softball Team. (Lillian Nguyen is #2)Photo courtesy of Jessica Ortiz '20.

The 2019 Connelly Swim team.Photo courtesy of Allison Hernandez '21.

Savannah Kerwitz '19 next to her art. Photocourtesy of Therese Enriquez '20.

Ava Shanklin's '21 art.Photo courtesy of Therese Enriquez '20.

Christelle Kua-Balbuena '19 and her little sister next toher art, a portrait of her sister.Photo courtesy of Therese Enriquez '20.

Page 7: TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,

Page 7 Connelly Chronicle March 2019

March 17 was St. Patrick’s Day. Thefestival originated in Ireland, and theUnited States started to celebrate it in1737.

There is a story about the origins of St.Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick was sent by thepope to Ireland to convert the Irish toCatholicism. After he landed in Wicklow,the local pagans attempted to use stones tokill him. However, St. Patrick was notafraid. Immediately, he took a three-leafclover and vividly illustrated the doctrineof the Trinity of the Father, the Son, andthe Holy Spirit. His speech deeply touchedthe Irish in their hearts and acceptedbaptism by St. Patrick. St. Patrick’s Day isnow observed on March 17, the supposeddate of his death.

On St. Patrick’s Day, people usually goto see parades, go to church, have dinnerswith families, and go to Irish pubs. Thebars also sell special beer during thefestival; the color of the drink is green, andthe taste is unique. People like to wearthree-leaf clovers, use green to decoraterooms, wear green clothes, and give gueststhree-leaf ornaments. People have green ontheir body during the holiday, and if yousee someone who is not wearing green,then the person can get pinched. Peoplecelebrate; they often sing Irish folk songs,such as “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,”“Seven Drunken Nights,” and “The IrishRover.”Happy St. Patrick’s Day from the

Connelly Chronicle!

BY REGINA ZHAO On March 4, 2019, belovedAmerican actor Luke Perry passedaway in Saint Joseph Medical CenterBurbank due to a stroke, at the young ageof 52.

He was well known for his roles such asDylan McKay on Beverly Hills, 90210,Oliver Pike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer,and most recently as Fred Andrews in theCW series Riverdale.

Coy Luther (Luke) Perry III was anactor, father of two, and was set to marryhis fiancée Wendy Madison Bauer in thesummer, before he sadly passed after beingtaken off life support several daysfollowing a massive stroke. According tohis doctors, a blood clot formed in his brainand they put him in a medically inducedcoma in which he showed no signs ofrecovery. The doctors weighed in on theoption to remove him from life support,according to US Weekly.

REELZ has produced a film in memoryof the actor which will look back on hiscareer and give fans a view of his privatelife, which aired on March 17.

Many of his fellow actors, family, andfriends have shared their deepest sorrows athis passing through social media, but therehas also been some controversy over theirmeans of tribute. Perry’s 90210 costarBrian Austin Green was criticized for notresponding to his death in a timely matter.He did, though, post a podcast episodedevoted to his longtime friend two weeksafter Perry’s death.

Luke Perry has been laid to restsomewhere in Tennessee, the exact sitebeing kept private by his family.

Rest In Peace, Luke Perry.

St. Patrick'sDay

Rest In Peace,Luke Perry

Liam Hensworth and Miley Cyrus at their wedding.Courtesy of @mileycyrus.

Luke Perry. Photo by Hello Magazine.

St. Patrick. Courtesy of Saint Tarcissus CatholicParish.

BY THERESE ENRIQUEZIt is the biggest month in NCAADivision I college basketball,as teams are competing for thechampionship. Selection Sunday was onMarch 17 at 6 p.m. on CBS this year, wherethey unveiled the 68 qualifying teamsmoving on to the tournament. Thetournament, dubbed March Madness, iswell known for bracket competitions andbidding. A bracket is included below if youwould like to make your 2019 MarchMadness predictions. March Madness getsits name from the intense 67 single-elimination games played in a small span of19 days. The big teams on the map this yearinclude Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee,Virginia, Michigan State, North Carolina,and many others. The West Regionalsportion of the tournament will be held inour city of Anaheim at the Honda Centerthis year on March 28 and 30, where theSweet Sixteen and Elite Eight games in theWest will be played, so if you can, Idefinitely recommend going. The gameswill be held beginning March 19 throughApril 8. Make sure to keep your bracket upand tune in to watch the madness on CBS,Tru TV, TNT, TBS, or for free on theofficial NCAA March Madness Live app.Good luck to all 68 qualifying teams!

Major League

Soccer Intro

March Madness bracket. Photo courtesy of NCAA.

The Major League Soccer(MLS) season has just begun.The league is entering its 23rd season in2019.

Before introducing the new season, abrief history about the MLS is that it hadits first season in 1996. The league wasfounded because the United States washosting the World Cup in 1994, and partlyin exchange for holding the tournament,the country was required to create a majorsoccer league. When the first season tookplace, there were only ten teams. In 2018,Atlanta United FC won the MLS cup.

Now to introduce the new season, 24teams, 21 in the United States and threefrom Canada, compete from March toOctober with each team playing 34 games.

The season began on March 2.Fourteen teams compete in the postseasonthrough October and November, thenplayoffs, ultimately to compete in theMLS cup.

Teams from California include the LAGalaxy, Los Angeles FC, and San JoseEarthquakes.

Major League soccer predictions saythe New York Red Bull’s, Atlanta UnitedFC, and LAFC have high chances ofmaking playoffs and winning the MLScup this year. The Connelly Chroniclewishes the MLS a great 2019 season!

Countdown To

March Madness

The California MLS teams San Jose Quakes and LA Galaxy. Photos courtesy of MLS.


Page 8: TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,

Page 8 Connelly Chronicle March 2019


St. Patrick's Day



CORRECTIONOur previous issue of

the ConnellyChronicle featured anarticle, "ConnellyFeatured Athletes,"which statedits authoras Therese Enriquez.The article was, infact, written byreporter Destiny

Martinez, not ThereseEnriquez.

Call Tammy!Call Tammy!714. 656. 5434

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MARCH POLLWhat are Connelly girlsgiving up for Lent?

Jessica Ortiz '20I have been doing photography for about 3years now. I always preferred taking photos ofmodels and playing with shadows. My sisterand I have always loved modeling and takingphotos of each other. She is the one who taughtme how to use the camera, use and change thelens, and edit the photos. I grow each time Ipractice, and I don’t think I’ll stop anytimesoon, because it really makes me happy.

Page 9 Connelly Chronicle March 2019


Page 10: TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,

On March 2, 2019, President DonaldTrump and Kim Jong Un both walked outof the Hanoi Hotel in Vietnam empty-handed, with canceled nuclear deals andlunch plans.

The two leaders had meant to strike upa compromise over the same trade dealthat the United States had been trying topressure for the past 25 years. PresidentTrump was positive that his first-classbargain, North Korea trading all itsnuclear weapons and materials andreceiving an end to American sanctions inreturn, would win the heart of Kim JongUn. However, the young dictator hadother plans. Kim Jong Un had believedthat President Donald Trump wouldn’t beable to resist his offer: Yongbyon nuclearcomplex, the core of his nuclear program,in exchange for an end of the mostdetrimental 2016 sanctions.Unfortunately, the two could not reachany sort of agreement. Two years ofcareful exchanges of flattery were couldnot end in a deal.

So far, there are no scheduledmeetings over this issue.

Unusual Russian TVReport Lists MissileTargets in the U.S.

WORLD NEWSConnelly ChroniclePage 10 March 2019

On February 25, 2019, Russian statetelevision listed U.S. military facilitiesthat Moscow target in the event ofnuclear strike. It reported that thehypersonic missile Russia can hit the less than 5 minutes. It was uncommonand also unusual that the report from theRussian state television broadcast thisinformation. It was broadcast afterPresident Vladimir Putin said thatMoscow is ready for “Cuban missile” ifWashington deployed any missiles inEurope.

Because of the tension with Russia,the United States started to developintermediate-range nuclear missiles inEurope. In response to what the UnitedStates did, Russia had to place thehypersonic nuclear missile on thesubmarines near U.S. waters.

However, the United States said thatwhat Russian television reported waswrong. They said that the U.S. doesn’thave any immediate plans to deploy themissiles in Europe and also does not haveground-based intermediate-range nuclearmissiles here. Even though the U.S. nowconfirmed that they do not have anymissiles in Europe, with the decisionfrom President Donald Trump that theyare quitting the 1987 Intermediate-RangeNuclear Forces (INF), they are now freeto deploy and do these missiles,according to CNB News.

Russian state television has listed U.S. military facilities that Moscow would target in the event of a nuclearstrike. Photo courtesy of The Moscow Times.


After the Jaish-e-Mohammed or JeMsuicide bomb killed 40 CRPF troopers,India hit the JeM biggest training camp inBalakot. It killed a lot of terrorists andtrainers there. It was the worst attack onsecurity forces in one day in Jammu andKashmir. Within hours, Pakistanthreatened to respond in a befitting way ofwhat India had done.

According to the Daijiworld, foreignSecretary Vijay K. Gokhale said to themedia that “in an intelligence-ledoperation in the early hours of today, Indiastruck the biggest training camp of JeM inBalakot. In this operation, a very largenumber of JeM terrorists, trainers, seniorcommanders and groups of jihadist whowere being trained for fidayeen actionwere eliminated.” Pakistan agreed that theIAF planes struck Balakot but said thatthey returned when it scrambles its warplanes.

Foreign Minister Shah MehmoodQureshi said that the Indian planes had toreturn because of the response of PakistanAir Force and warning that Islamabad canself-defend and can also give a befittingresponse. In New Delhi, the ExternalAffairs Minister called an all-partymeeting to discuss and review thesituation. They said that India had beenproviding to Islamabad the “location ofterrorist training camps in Pakistan andPakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir,”but Pakistan did not accept their existence.Further news said that the JeM wasattempting to make another suicide terrorattack in various parts of India, and thefidayeen jihadist now were activelytraining to prepare for this event.

Pakistan said that with the force fromIndia, they are now facing an imminentdanger. They will have a pre-emptivestrike as a response if India keeps doingthese terrorist suicides. Gokhale said thatthe Indian government wanted to committo taking all necessary measures to fightthe menace of terrorism, and this actionwas specifically targeted to the JeM campso that they can avoid any civiliancasualties.

United Nations Secretary GeneralAntonio Guterres tried to persuade theUnited States and Russia to keep thetreaty and extend another treaty, aseparate one, that limits the size ofnuclear arsenals. On the Sunday eveningbroadcast, the reporter for the Russianweekly TV news called Vesti Nedeli hadshown a map of United States andidentified some targets that Moscow wantto hit if an nuclear war event happened.

According to the CNB News, some ofthe targets include Fort Ritchie, a militarytraining center in Maryland, McCLellan;a U.S. Air Force base in California, JimCreek; a naval communications base inWashington D.C., the Pentagon; and thepresidential retreat at Camp David. Putinsaid that now, he doesn’t want to threatenanyone but if a deployment starts, he willrespond to it through these missiles.

Some analysts think Putin's approachis a tactic to re-engage the United Statesto talk about the strategic balancebetween Russia and U.S., a thing thatMoscow has long pushed for.

According to the Daily Mail, whoasked to comment on Kiselyov report, theKremlin said that it did not interfere instate TV’s editorial policy after Kiselyov,one of the main conduits of state TV’santi-American tone, said that Moscowcan turn the United States intoradioactive ash.

“Befittingresponse” vowsfrom Pakistan


The Trump-KimSummit EndsUnexpectedly


President Donald Trump shakes hands with NorthKorea's leader Kim Jong Un before a meeting at theSofitel Legend Metropole hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam onFeb. 27, 2019. Photo courtesy of NBC News.

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"Two is Enough": Egypt'sNew Campaign*

President Donald Trump’s struggle tobuild a wall has been the reason for thelongest government shutdown in history,which ended on Friday, January 25,when Trump signed a border deal toavoid another shutdown. However,Trump isn’t satisfied with his wallfunding just yet. Although 655 miles ofbarriers have already been built on theborder of Mexico, Trump has nowdeclared a national emergency to buildmore.

A few weeks ago, Congress providedaround $1.4 billion to build 55 miles ofthe wall in the Rio Grande in Texas. Thatwas not enough for President DonaldTrump. His national emergency includesa demand for $6.6 billion for wall-building. Most lawmakers, bothDemocrats and Republicans, standagainst his statement and believe that it isunconstitutional to let a president have somuch control over federal money. Theybelieve that this can set a precedent forpresidents in the future.

Recently, twelve Senate Republicanscame together with Democrats to pass anofficial statement declaring that therewas no national emergency, but Trumpvetoed this bill. Nancy Pelosi, theSpekaer of the House, says “The Houseand Senate resoundingly rejected thepresident’s lawless power grab, yet thepresident has chosen to continue to defythe Constitution, the Congress and thewill of the American people.” She alsosays that the House will attempt tooverride Trump’s veto on March 26. Butuntil then, all systems are go on Trump’sborder wall.



A photo of an Egyptian baby taken by photographer Amr Abdallah Dalsh- Reuters. Photo courtesy ofEgyptian Streets..


Connelly ChroniclePage 11 March 2019

San Franciscoto ExpungeThousands ofMarijuanaConvictionsBY GABRIELA MERCADO

In Egypt, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissiclaims that the two main threats to thecounty are terrorism and populationgrowth. Egypt struggles withunemployment, as it is challenging toprovide the one million new jobs neededeach year for people entering theworkforce. Egypt also is at a point thatthe United Nations defines as an acutescarcity of water, and the lack of water islikely to increase. Supported by theUnited States and the United Nations,Egypt has introduced a new campaigntitled “Two is Enough.”

In an attempt to slow Egypt’spopulation growth of 2.6 million people ayear, the “Two is Enough” campaign,also known as “2 Keyafa,” aims to helpconvince impoverished families to stop attwo children. To change the tradition ofhaving large families will be challenging,as there is a deep-rooted belief in Egyptthat the ideal number of children to havein a family is four or more. Egypt’s maingoal is to change the average rate of 3.5children per woman to 2.4 by 2030.

The campaign has not just been put inplace to encourage smaller families, but isproviding maternal and child health careas well. This campaign is not the onlytime the United States has provided Egyptwith aid in family planning, as from 1976to 2013 the U.S. supported Egypt inlowering the rate of 5.6 children perwoman to 3.0.

During this time, the use ofcontraceptives increased from 18.8


percent of women to 60.3 percent.Without the continued financial support,Egypt’s population has risen since then.

Some women’s rights advocates arevoicing that legalized abortions shouldbe available to Egyptian women. Egypthas strict laws in place banning abortion,however, and women and doctors whoperform abortions illegally could facethree or more years in prison.

A lack of education about sex andcontraceptives is also holding Egyptback from lowering their populationgrowth. About one in three Egyptianwomen stop using birth control due tomisinformation or no advice about them.Many analysts believe that sex educationshould be more targeted to youngfamilies without children and to olderchildren in schools to have a greatereffect.

There are children who aremalnourished at a young age due to theirmothers not knowing how to properlybreastfeed. Beginning this year, the“Two is Enough” campaign hopes tochange the mindset of Egyptian parentsin favor of having less children.

Two is enough, Egypt tells poor families as thepopulation booms. Photo courtesy of The Star.

The San Francisco district attorney's office hasbegun a process to expunge weed-relatedconvictions from thousands of criminal records..Photo courtesy of SOTT.

*The Connelly Chronicle, Cornelia Connelly School's student newspaper, agrees with the Church's views oncontraception and abortion. However, we also aim to report facts, so this article does not reflect the opinionsof the Chronicle.

Photo courtesy of NPR.San Francisco District Attorney GeorgeGascón has stated that on Monday,March 4, 2019, about 9,362 total cases ofmarijuana convictions would be eligibleto be expunged from individuals’ records.

This decision has been made after theAdult use of Marijuana Act, orProposition 64, was made in January of2018. Gascón made the decision shortlyafter its passing to apply the law to allmisdemeanor and felony convictionssince 1975.

Some of the felonies will even beeligible to be reclassified or droppedcompletely. The over 9,300 cases wereidentified with the help of Code forAmerica, a nonprofit advocacy group thatworks to improve government servicesthrough technology.

San Francisco is not the first place totake actions like this, as in Colorado,Maine, Washington, and a few otherstates, marijuana convictions are alsoworking to be cleared.

Unlike some of these programs, SanFrancisco will not require inmates toapply for the expunctions, and instead theconvictions will be automaticallydismissed and sealed. Those who qualifywill also be given the option to opt out.

A majority of people with criminalconvictions struggle to find acceptance incommunities, especially when it comes tocareer or job options. The reclassifyingand dismissing of these convictions willalso open more housing and educationopportunities for those affected bymarijuana convictions.

Many who have been incarcerated forthese cases belong to ethnic minoritygroups, which is largely disproportionateto the city’s demographic. The clearingof marijuana misdemeanor and felonyconvictions will hopefully work toprovide many new and fair opportunitiesto those affected by their previousconvictions.

Page 12: TragedyinNewZealand Page5 Page12 ConnellyChronicle...Bianca's Babble Page5 ConnellyChronicle March2019 It’s almostspring, and the flowers are already blooming in Hollywood. Lea Michele,


to WatchBY GRACE EDWARDSWell Done World is a feature of the

Connelly Chronicle that hopes to createawareness that we are a nation of peoplewho care about one another... well doneworld!

In Paradise, California a dog wasreunited with his family after beingseparated for 101 days because of thewildfire.-- Associated Press

In Phoenix, a man with Parkinson’sdisease began walking again afterbeing in a wheelchair for years.-- Fox News

In Georgia, a girl fighting leukemiabecame an honorary cop.-- Fox News

A Cop in Nashville stops to play catchwith a kid who was playing alone inthe cold.-- News Channel 5 Nashville

Micheal J. Fox donated $24 million tohelp Parkinson’s Research.-- Good News Network

In Kentucky, a Children’s Hospitalswidow washers dress up asSuperheroes.--Microsoft News


Well Done World!

People commented on the livestreamduring the attack, and the video circulatedacross the internet soon after. The NewZealand government quickly requestedthe graphic and disturbing footage beremoved by major platforms such asFacebook, YouTube, and Twitter.However, nothing is truly erased in thisdigital age, and with the whole worldfixated on this crime scene, millions haveseen and analyzed both the video and themanifesto. Tarrant has been arrested andbrought before court. He has recentlyfired his attorney and stated that he willrepresent himself during the ensuing trialagainst him.

In the aftermath of the shooting, thelocal New Zealand and global Muslimcommunity is still reeling in shock. Theprime minister of New Zealand, JacindaArdern, has swiftly labeled the tragedy asan act of terrorism and extremeIslamophobia. She stated that “this is oneof New Zealand’s darkest days,” and haspledged support to victims and changes tolaws about gun use in the country.Communities around the world arecurrently expressing their condolencesand grief with the victims ofChristchurch.

Locally, the Islamic Center of Irvinehosted an interfaith event in remembranceof the victims, and representatives fromchurches, synagogues, temples,community centers, city council, and thepolice came to speak and share support.

included men, women, and children asyoung as two years old. They came fromdiverse backgrounds and experiences;some are even refugees fleeing violenceand persecution in their own countries.

Tarrant utilized social media to fullypush his ideology into the public eye.Shortly beforehand, he posted an 87-pagemanifesto detailing his motivations andinspirations for the attack. Included in themanifesto was racist rhetoric and claimsthat there was an “immigrant invasion”across the world.

During the attacks, Tarrant streamed inthe style of a disconnected first-personshooter video game on Facebook Live.

On March 15, 2019 in New Zealand,Masjid Al-Noor and Linwood Mosque, inthe peaceful city of Christchurch,welcomed hundreds of worshippers to jointheir community in prayer and weeklyreflection of faith. Among them wereregular locals, young children with theirparents, and even visitors like the nationalBangladeshi cricket team. In anunprecedented act of terrorism in NewZealand, a country widely considered oneof the safest places in the world with avery low homicide rate, a 28-year-old manby the name of Branton Tarrant enteredtwo mosques and murdered 50 people inthe name of his ideology. The victims

After Floridian Amber Yang saw“Gravity” in ninth grade, she beganhaving nightmares about debris in outerspace. Space debris travels ten timesfaster than a bullet. When two small itemscollide, they carry the force of a handgrenade, therefore making the probabilityof a collision poses the third highest riskof losing a spacecraft.

According to CNN, Yang startedresearch during her sophomore year ofhigh school by looking at current trackingmethods, ground- and space-based radarsand sensors. She then created her ownprogramming, making the coordinates ofspace debris available the the public.

In June 2016, she “asked her networkto predict three days ahead using 16 days-

worth of back data.” Her program was98% accurate, much more accurate thanthe “statistical models developed atNASA.” At this point she created SeerTracking, a start-up company thatpredicts the future position of space junk.

Yang is currently an undergraduate

student at Stanford majoring in physics.She has attended the White HouseFrontiers Conference, was a finalist forthe Regeneron Science Talent Search,won the Intel Foundation ScientistAward, and in 2018 was on the Forbes 30Under 30 list for science.

Connelly ChroniclePage 12 March 2019

Tragedy in New ZealandBY RANEEM IFTEKHAR

Amber Yang at Stanford. Photo courtesy of CNN.

Maleah Ballejos reunited with her dog Kingstonin Paradise, California. Photo courtesy ofAssociated Press.

Window washers repel down Norton Children'sHospital in Louisville, Kentucky, as Batman,Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Black Panther.Photo courtesy ofMicrosoft News.

Photo courtesy of Raneem Iftekhar '21.