Download - Tracking pecha kucha

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Tracking OR Surveillance?• “The act or process of following someone or something.”

• David Lyon - “All societies dependent on communication and information technologies for administrative and control purposes are

surveillance societies. The effects of this are felt in everyday life” (2001)

• Defines surveillance as…“The focused, systematic and routine attention to personal details for purpose of influence, management,

protection or direction” (2007)

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What does it do?

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TrackingMapping the self

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How does it effect the individual?

“All I have to say is: I love this app! I would recommend it as it definitely shows your eating

habits which could surprise you as you might have known that e.g. snacking does add additional calories here and there throughout the day but you didn't realise exactly how

much till you see those numbers with your own

eyes!!” (myfitnesspal user)

At first the app conveyed positivity, encouragement and engagement. "I Love this app!“ "It is such a good way to see and control what you eat“ "I hope this encourages me to lose the weight!"

After entering their calorie intake so far at 12.25pm:"I hate my life right now“ "I only have 460 calories left!!“ "I'm gonna die on this many calories before the end of the day"

Day 2 of using the App and the individual feels "pretty good"."I thought my calorie intake would be higher, but all i thought about today was I can't have that cheese and ham toasty because I have already had a wrap, finding it motivating."

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Theories of surveillance technology

Deuze, M. (2012) Media Life, Cambridge: England. Chapter 4: ‘No life outside Media’ pp.101-130

“Like Media, Power is everywhere, yet nowhere”

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What does surveillance do to people and do we realise?

Email from Special K

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Beneficial? “It seems that dieters balance weight loss against other factors such as the extent to which a

diet is sustainable or easy to follow”

“The rapid emergence of new apps to help dieters crunch numbers and stay on top of their calories and exercise regimens is clearly having an enormous impact that our new methodology was able to capture.”

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