Download - Tracey Broom, General Manager Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Page 1: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Tracey Broom, General Manager Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Meeting the 7 Day DiagnosticAccess Challenge

Page 2: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Diagnostics & Therapeutics Group

Diana Princess of Wales• General Radiology• CT/MR• Ultrasound + community locations• Mammography• Physiological Measurements (PM)• Audiology + community locations• Nuclear Medicine• Medical Engineering• Pharmacy• Endoscopy• Outpatients Nursing• Cancer Services• Specialist Practitioners – Transfusion & Immunology

Scunthorpe General• General Radiology• CT/MR• Ultrasound +

community locations• PM• Audiology + community

locations• Medical Engineering• Pharmacy• Endoscopy• Outpatients Nursing• Cancer Services• Specialist Practitioners

- Transfusion & Immunology

Goole District General• General Radiology• Audiology• Endoscopy• Outpatients Nursing• Cancer Services

611 staff£30 million budget

Page 3: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Re-Shaping Diagnostics - The Diagnostic Innovation & Improvement Plan 2012-2017

Fit for the Future Implementation 2011 saw integration of Finance and HR across Diagnostics bringing harmonisation and efficiencies into the then Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Path Links Teams.

Diagnostics had followed a continuous process of service reconfiguration/ modernisation for a number of years but were struggling to meet demand from both the Acute and then Primary Care sector.

Main aim for Re-Shaping Plans were to increase productivity levels at a lower cost whilst maintaining quality, introducing a more responsive and flexible service provision.

Need to support 7-day working.

Challenges – Our Transitional Journey is Underway

Page 4: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Workforce Redesign – introduced stronger clinical leadership. New posts of Deputy Heads/Deputy Clinical Leaders of Department created in keeping with The Francis Report.

Leadership - Service Management Changes Merged SGH and Goole X-ray.

Process Redesign – 3 session day moved away from reliance on overtime.

Consistent Regulated Quality.

Core Elements to Re-Shaping – NHS Change Model

Page 5: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Moving staff away from locally agreed on-call payments to an out of ours 3 session day shift over 7 days.

Offering a pay protection period to staff to ensure they receive protection of income loss.

Rotation of staff from general radiography to CT/MR using competency based skill packages for staff.

Offering training and support of sonographers by offering secondments to local radiographers to undertake training at local universities – with supported course fees.

Ensuring contracts of staff include working across the 2 main sites both days and nights.

Formal staff rotation through CT, MR and general radiology areas to support maintenance of skills.

Additional staff recruitment.

Moving to 7-Day Diagnostics was achieved by:-

Page 6: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Inpatients and outpatients now have access to CT, MR, General Radiology and Ultrasound 7 days per week.

Same day diagnostic for those attending Consultant outpatient appointment, where possible in General Radiology, Ultrasound and CT

Increased timeliness to access to diagnostics e.g. CT head scan for Stroke patients achieved within Stoke Accreditation targets

Where possible provision of same day diagnostics for Inpatients if the patients preparation time allows.

Wider choice of appointments for all outpatients.

More timely access and diagnosis for cancer.

Impact – patients

Page 7: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Redesign aided other clinical groups to support timely clinical decision making leading to more effective discharge planning.

Wider access for outpatient services.

Initial investment required of an additional £533k to support increased staffing levels. The widening of access brings in more income to off set the expenditure against this.

Full extent of spend on additional recruitment and the savings to be made from working shift systems as opposed to on call yet to be finalised .


Page 8: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Formal 90 day consultation process.

Staff invited to offer their preferred rotas within the consultation period.

Robust contingency plan for report provision was locally complimented by outsourcing to private providers.

Trial of home reporting kit to compliment Radiologists reporting at home.

Staff recruitment on-going key challenge. Locums are a large cost pressure.

Grow your own culture of Sonographers and CT/MR Radiographers in place.

Recruitment drive continuous, looking at bursary type scheme with HR .

Challenges and solutions

Page 9: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Where we are now All Diagnostics Staff – 7 Day Contracts.

7 Day Diagnostics - X-Ray, CT/MR, Ultrasound.

3 session days in X-Ray, CT/MR over 7 days.

Services appropriately supported with Portering, Nursing, Electronic Requesting, Medical Engineering Service, Diagnostics IT.

Diagnostic Reporting Standards embedded.

Admin roles separated out from clinical roles.

Flexible establishments across the sites.

Harmonised patient information across sites.

Achievement of KPIs – e.g. Stroke 1 hour and 24 hour targets.

Rolling Capital Replacement Plan.

Robust CIP Plans.

Page 10: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Meeting the demand – huge areas of


Financially viable and efficient


Recruitment and Retention

of highly skilled workforce

Quality services with

quick turnaround

times, earlier diagnosis with

improved outcomes

Challenges ahead

Page 11: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Emerging Themes & Principles

Review numbers of staff required to deliver safe effective services.

Undertake capacity and demand analysis to help understand how services could be delivered to support waiting times and patient choice.

Review skill mix of staff at all levels to ensure career opportunities.

Top Tips

Ensure early engagement of staff in reviewing and developing staff shift systems.

Produce a strategy document that maps the journey for staff. This ensures staff are kept well informed and wanting to drive the changes themselves.

Engage with other interdependencies e.g. Portering, Domestic Services and Diagnostic IT services to ensure 7 day services run effectively.

Page 12: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

Corporate unparalleled changes on the horizon – Diagnostics & Therapeutics need to continue with reconfigurations whilst balancing cost against long term gains for the Trust.

Our short term success in some cases is determined by skills of workforce and ability to recruit.

Concentrate on operational capacity and performance to deliver effective services with robust CIP plans .

Commitment from all staff and strong leadership from the clinician leads and managers to support all clinical services taking a wider strategic viewpoint across the Trust and health community ensuring quality services.


Page 13: Tracey Broom, General Manager  Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Central Operations

Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise

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