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Page 1: Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State EstimationTowards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency on several

Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

Yusuf B. Erol [email protected] Wu [email protected]

UC Berkeley

Lei Li [email protected]

Baidu Research

Stuart Russell [email protected]

UC Berkeley

AbstractJoint state and parameter estimation is a core problem fordynamic Bayesian networks. Although modern probabilis-tic inference toolkits make it relatively easy to specifylarge and practically relevant probabilistic models, the sil-ver bullet—an efficient and general online inference algo-rithm for such problems—remains elusive, forcing users towrite special-purpose code for each application. We pro-pose a novel blackbox algorithm – a hybrid of particle fil-tering for state variables and assumed density filtering forparameter variables. It has following advantages: (a) it isefficient due to its online nature, and (b) it is applicable toboth discrete and continuous parameter spaces . On a va-riety of toy and real models, our system is able to generatemore accurate results within a fixed computation budget.This preliminary evidence indicates that the proposed ap-proach is likely to be of practical use.

1. IntroductionMany problems in scientific studies and natural real-world applications involve modelling of dynamic pro-cesses, which are often modeled by dynamic probabilis-tic models (DPM) (Elmohamed et al., 2007; Arora et al.,2010). Online state and parameter estimation –computingthe posterior probability for both (dynamic) states and(static) parameters, incrementally over time– is crucial formany applications such as simultaneous localization andmapping, real-time clinical decision support, and processcontrol.

Various sequential Monte-Carlo state estimation methodshave been introduced for real-world applications (Gordonet al., 1993; Arulampalam et al., 2002; Cappe et al., 2007;Lopes & Tsay, 2011). It is yet a challenge to estimateparameters and state jointly for DPMs with complex de-pendencies and nonlinear dynamics. Real-world models

can involve both discrete and continuous variables, arbi-trary dependencies and a rich collection of nonlinearitiesand distributions. Existing algorithms either apply to a re-stricted class of models (Storvik, 2002), or are very expen-sive in time complexity (Andrieu et al., 2010).

DPMs in real-world applications often have a large num-ber of observations and one will need a large number ofparticles to perform the inferential task accurately, whichrequires the inference engine to be efficient and scalable.While there is much success in creating generic inferencealgorithms and learning systems for non-dynamical mod-els, it remains open for DPMs. A black-box inference sys-tem for DPMs needs two elements to be practically useful:a general and effective joint state/parameter estimation al-gorithm and an efficient implementation of inference en-gine. In this paper, we propose a practical online solutionfor the general combined state and parameter estimationproblem in DPMs. We developed State and Parameter Esti-mation Compiler (SPEC) for arbitrary DPMs described in adeclarative modelling language BLOG (Milch et al., 2005).SPEC is equipped with a new black box inference algo-rithm named Assumed Parameter Inference (API) which isan hybrid of particle filtering for state variables with as-sumed density filtering for parameter variables. SPEC isalso geared with an optimizing compiler to generate ap-plication specific inference code for efficient inference onreal-world applications.

Our contribution of the paper is as follows: (1) We pro-posed a new general online algorithm, API, for joint stateand parameter estimation, regardless whether the param-eters are discrete or continuous, and whether the dynam-ics is linear or nonlinear; (2) We developed a black boxinference engine, SPEC, equipped with API for arbitraryDPMs. SPEC also utilizes modern compilation techniquesto speedup the inference for practical applications; (3) Weconducted experiments and demonstrated SPEC’s superior












Page 2: Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State EstimationTowards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency on several

Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency onseveral real-world problems.

We organize the paper as follows: Section 2 reviews thestate and parameter estimation literature, section 3 de-scribes our new algorithm API, and introduces our blackbox inference engine SPEC, and section 4 provides exper-iment results. Further discussion is given in section 5. Fi-nally we conclude our paper in section 6.

2. BackgroundAn overview of SMC methods for parameter estimationis provided in (Kantas et al., 2015). Plain particle filterfails to estimate parameters due to the inability to explorethe parameter space. This problem is particularly severein high-dimensional parameter spaces, as a particle filterwould require exponentially many (in the dimensionally ofthe parameter space) particles to sufficiently explore the pa-rameter space. Various algorithms have been proposed toachieve the combined state and parameter estimation task,however, the issue still remains open as existing algorithmseither suffer from bias or computational efficiency. The ar-tificial dynamics approach (Liu & West, 2001), althoughcomputationally efficient and applicable to arbitrary con-tinuous parameter models, results in biased estimates andfails for intricate models considered in this paper. Theresample-move algorithm (Gilks & Berzuini, 2001) utilizeskernel moves that target p(θ, x0:t | y0:t) as its invariant.However, this method requires O(t) computation per timestep, leading Gilks & Berzuini to propose a move at a rateproportional to 1/t so as to have asymptotically constant-time updates. Fearnhead (2002), Storvik (2002) and Lopeset al. (2010) proposed sampling from p(θ | x0:t, y0:t) ateach time step for models with fixed dimensional sufficientstatistics. However, arbitrary models generally do not ac-cept sufficient statistics for θ and for models with sufficientstatistics, these algorithms require the sufficient statisticsto be explicitly defined by the user. The extended param-eter filter (Erol et al., 2013) generates approximate suffi-cient statistics via polynomial approximation, however, itrequires hand-crafted manual approximations. The gold-standard particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo (PMCMC)sampler introduced by Andrieu et al. (2010) converges tothe true posterior and is suitable for building a black box in-ference engine (i.e., LibBi (Murray, 2013) and Biips (Tode-schini et al., 2014)). With the black-box engine, a usercan purely work on the machine learning research withoutworrying about the implementation of algorithms for eachproblem that comes along. However, note that PMCMC isan offline algorithm, which is unsuitable for real-time ap-plications. Moreover, it may have poor mixing propertieswhich in turn necessitates launching the filtering processessubstantially many times, which can be extremely expen-

sive for real-world applications with large amount of data.

3. Assumed Parameter Inference (API)Let Θ be a parameter space for a partiallyobservable Markov process {Xt}t≥0 , {Yt}t≥0which is defined as follows:

X0 ∼ p(x0) (1)Xt | xt−1 ∼ p(xt | xt−1, θ) (2)Yt | xt ∼ p(yt | xt, θ) (3)

Here the state variables Xt are unobserved and the obser-vations Yt are assumed to be conditionally independent ofother observations givenXt. We assume in this section thatthe statesXt and observations Yt are vectors in d andm di-mensions respectively. The model parameter θ can be bothcontinuous and discrete.

Our algorithm, Assumed Parameter Inference (API) ap-proximates the posterior density p(xt, θ | y0:t) via parti-cles following the framework of sequential Monte-Carlomethods. At time step t, for each particle path, we sam-ple from qit(θ) which is the approximate representation ofp(θ | xi0:t, y0:t) in some parametric family Q. N particlesare used to approximately represent the state and parame-ters and additionalM samples for each particle path are uti-lized to perform the moment-matching operations requiredfor assumed density approximation as explained in section3.1. The proposed method is illustrated in Algorithm 1.Notice that at the propagation step, we are using the boot-strap proposal density, i.e. the transition probability. Asin other particle filtering methods, better proposal distribu-tions will improve the performance of the algorithm.

Algorithm 1: Assumed Parameter InferenceInput: y0:T , Q, N , and M ,priorOutput: Samples

{xi0:T , θ


Initialize{xi0, q



according to the prior;for t = 1, . . . , T do

for i = 1, . . . , N dosample θi ∼ qit−1(θ) ≈ p(θ | xi0:t−1, y0:t−1);sample xit ∼ p(xt | xit−1, θi) ;wit ← p(yt | xit, θi);qit(θ)← Update(M ; qit−1(θ), xit, x

it−1, yt);


1N , x

it, q



{wit, x

it, q



xit, qit

}←{xit, q



We are approximating p(θ | x0:t, y0:t) by exploiting a fam-ily of basis distributions. In our algorithm this is expressedthrough the Update function. The Update function gen-erates the approximating density q via minimizing the KL-divergence between the target p and the basis q.

Page 3: Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State EstimationTowards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency on several

Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

3.1. Approximating p(θ | x0:t, y0:t)

At each time step with each new incoming data point weapproximate the posterior distribution by a tractable andcompact distribution from Q. Our approach is inspired byassumed density filtering (ADF) for state estimation (Lau-ritzen, 1992; Boyen & Koller, 1998).

For our application, we are interested in approximately rep-resenting p(θ | x0:t, y0:t) in a compact form that belongs toa family of distributions.

p(θ | x0:t, y0:t) ∝t∏



tk(θ) =

{p(θ)p(y0 | x0, θ), k = 0

p(yk | xk, θ)p(xk | xk−1, θ), k ≥ 1

Let us assume that at time step k − 1 the posterior wasapproximated by qk−1 ∈ Q. Then,

p(θ | x0:k, y0:k) =tk(θ)qk−1(θ)∫θtk(θ)qk−1(θ)


For most models, p will not belong to Q. ADF projects pinto Q via minimizing KL-divergence:

qk(θ) = arg minq∈Q

D (p(θ | x0:k, y0:k) || q(θ)) (5)

For Q in the exponential family, minimizing the KL-divergence reduces to moment matching (Seeger, 2005).For q(θ) ∝ exp {< γ, f(θ) >}, where f(θ) is the suffi-cient statistic, the minimizer of the KL-divergence satisfiesthe following:

g(·) =

∫f(θ)qk(θ)dθ =



where g(·) is the link function. Thus, for the exponentialfamily, the Update function computes the moment match-ing integrals to update the canonical parameters of qk(θ).These integrals are in general intractable. We propose ap-proximating the above integral by a Monte Carlo sum withM samples, sampled from qk−1(θ) as follows:

Z ≈ 1




g(·) ≈ 1



f(θj)tk(θj), where θj ∼ qk−1(θ)

In our framework, this approximation is done for all par-ticle paths xi0:k and the corresponding qik−1, hence leadingto a total of O(NM) samples.


It is worthwhile investigating the Gaussian case. For a mul-tivariate Gaussian Q, explicit recursions can be derived.

p(θ) ∝ tk(θ)qk−1(θ) (6)

where qk−1(θ) = N (θ;µk−1,Σk−1). Then;

Z =

∫p(θ)dθ =


µk =1


∫θtk(θ)qk−1(θ)dθ (7)

Σk =1


∫θθT tk(θ)qk−1(θ)dθ − µkµ


These integrals can be approximated via Monte Carlo sum-mation as described in section 3.1. Another alternative isdeterministic sampling. Since q is multivariate Gaussian,Gaussian quadrature rules can be utilized. In the context ofexpectation-propagation this has been proposed by Zoeter& Heskes (2005). In the context of Gaussian filtering, sim-ilar quadrature ideas have been applied as well (Huber &Hanebeck, 2008).

For a polynomial f(x) of order up to 2M − 1,∫f(x)e−x


dx can be calculated exactly via Gauss-Hermite quadrature with M quadrature points. Hence,the required moment matching integrals in Equation 7 canbe approximated arbitrarily well by using more quadraturepoints. The Unscented transform (Julier & Uhlmann, 2004)is one specific Gaussian quadrature rule where one wouldonly use M = 2p deterministic samples for approximatingan integral involving a p-dimensional multivariate Gaus-sian. In our case these samples are:

θj = µk−1 +(√


)j, j = 1, . . . , p

θp+j = µk−1 −(√


)j, j = 1, . . . , p (8)

where (·)j means the jth column of the corresponding ma-trix. Then, one can approximately evaluate the momentmatching integrals as follows:

Z ≈ 1




µk ≈ 1




Σk ≈ 1



θj(θj)T tk(θj)− µkµTk


Weighted sum of Gaussian probability density functionscan be used to approximate another density function arbi-trarily closely. Mixture of Gaussians has been used in the

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Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

context of state estimation as early as 1970s (Alspach &Sorenson, 1972).

Let us assume that at time step k − 1 it was possible torepresent p(θ | x0:k−1, y0:k−1) as a mixture of Gaussianswith L components.

p(θ | x0:k−1, y0:k−1) =


αmk−1N (θ;µmk−1,Σmk−1)

= qk−1(θ)

Given new data xk and yk;

p(θ | x0:k, y0:k) ∝L∑


αmk−1tk(θ)N (θ;µmk−1,Σmk−1)

The above form will not be a Gaussian mixture for arbitrarytk. We can rewrite it as:

p ∝L∑


αmk−1βm tk(θ)N (θ;µmk−1,Σ



where the fraction is to be approximated by a Gaussianvia moment matching and the weights are to be normal-ized. Here, each βm =

∫tk(θ)N (θ;µmk−1,Σ

mk−1)dθ de-

scribes how well the m-th mixture component explainsthe new data. That is, a mixture component that explainsthe new data well will get up-weighted and vice versa.The resulting approximated density would be qk(θ) =∑Km=1 α

mk N (θ;µmk ,Σ

mk ) where the recursions for updat-

ing each term is as follows:

βm =

∫tk(θ)N (θ;µm


αmk =


m∑` α



µmk =



∫θtk(θ)N (θ;µm


Σmk =



∫θθT tk(θ)N (θ;µm

k−1,Σmk−1)dθ − µm

k (µmk )T

Similar to the Gaussian case, the above integrals are gen-erally intractable. Either a Monte Carlo sum or a Gaussianquadrature rule can be utilized to approximately update themeans and covariances.


Let us consider a p-dimensional parameter space whereeach parameter can take at most |Θ| values. For discreteparameter spaces, one can always track p(θ | x0:t, y0:t)in a constant time per update fashion since the posteriorwill be evaluated at finitely many points. The numberof points, however, grows exponentially as |Θ|p. Hence,tracking the sufficient statistics becomes computationallyintractable with increasing dimensionality. For discrete

parameter spaces we propose projection onto a fully fac-torized distribution, i.e. qt(θ) =

∏qi,t(θi). For this

choice, minimizing the KL-divergence reduces to match-ing marginals.

Z =∑θ


qi,k(θi) =1



tk(θ)qk−1(θ) (10)

Computing these summations is intractable for high-dimensional models, hence we propose using Monte Carlosummation as described in subsection 3.1. In the experi-ments section, we consider a simultaneous localization andmapping problem where the map is discrete.

3.2. Black-Box Inference

As discussed above, when the form of qk is fixed, API canbe performed over any dynamic probabilistic model forwhich computing and sampling from the p(yk|xk, θ) andp(xk|xk−1, θ) is viable.

We have implemented API in an inference engine SPECwith a flexible probabilistic programming interface. SPECutilizes the syntax of BLOG (Milch et al., 2005), a high-level modelling language to define probabilistic models(e.g., Figure 1). SPEC analyzes the model and automati-cally generates model-specific inference code in C++. Usercan use API on any model written in SPEC.

// model

random Real theta ~ UniformReal(-1,1);

random Real X(Timestep t)

~ if t == @0 then Gaussian(0, 1)

else Gaussian(sin(theta * X(t-1)),1);

random Real Y(Timestep t)

~ Gaussian(X(t),0.5);

// data loading

obs Y(t) = ... // omitted

// query both state and parameter

query theta;

query X(t);

Figure 1. A simple dynamic model in SPEC: the SIN model con-sidered in section 4.1. theta is the parameter. X(t) are latentvariables. Y(t) are observed.


The particle filtering framework for API is often memory-intensive for applications with a large amount of data.Moreover, inefficient memory management in the inferenceengine can also result in tremendous overhead at runtime,which in turn hurts the estimation accuracy within a fixedamount of computational budget. Our black-box inference

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Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

engine also integrates the following compilation optimiza-tions for handling practical problems.

Memory Pre-allocation: Systems that does not managethe memory well will repeatedly allocate memory at runtime: for example, dynamically allocating memory for newparticles and erase the memory belonging to the old onesafter each iteration. This introduces significant overheadsince memory allocation is extremely slow. In contrast,SPEC analyzes the input model and allocate the minimumstatic memory for computation: if the user specifies to runN particles, and the Markov order of the input model is D,SPEC will allocate static memory for (D + 1) ∗ N parti-cles in the target code. When the a new iteration starts, weutilize a rotational array to re-use the memory of previousparticles.

SPEC also avoids dynamic memory allocation as much aspossible for intermediate computation step. For example,consider a multinomial distribution. When its parameterschange, a straightforward implementation to update the pa-rameters is to re-allocate a chunk of memory storing all thenew parameters and pass in to the object of the multinomialdistribution. In SPEC, this dynamic memory allocation op-eration is also avoided by pre-allocating static memory tostore the new parameters.

Efficient Resampling: Resampling step is critical for par-ticle filter algorithms since it requires a large number ofdata copying operations. Since a single particle might oc-cupy a large amount of memory in real applications, di-rectly copying data from the old particles to new ones in-duce substantial overhead.

In SPEC, every particle access to its data via an indirectpointer. As a result, redundant memory copying operationsare avoided by only copying the pointers referring to theactual particle objects during resampling. Note that eachparticle might need to store multiple pointers when deal-ing with models with Markov order larger than 1 (i.e., xkdepends on both xk−1 and xk−2, which is supported inSPEC).

SPEC also enhances program locality to speed up resam-pling. In the compiled code, the indexes of the array whichstores the pointers are carefully aligned to take the advan-tage of memory locality when those pointers are copied.

In our experiment, when dealing with small models wherethe resampling step takes a large fraction of overall run-ning time, SPEC achieves over 3x to 6x speedup againstthe fastest benchmark toolkit for PF and PMCMC.


Currently SPEC supports the bootstrap particle filter, Liu-West filter, PMCMC and API. User can specify any of these

algorithms as the inference algorithm as well as the numberof particles. The Markov order of the input model will beautomatically analyzed.

When choosing API, SPEC analyzes all the static param-eters in the model and compiles different approximationdistributions for different types of random variables. Atthe current stage, SPEC supports Gaussian and Mixtures ofGaussian to approximate continuous variables and multi-nomial distribution for discrete variables. More approxi-mation distributions are under development. For samplingapproach, by default SPEC assumes all the parameters areindependent and uses deterministic sampling when possi-ble. User could also ask SPEC to generate random samplesinstead. Furthermore, the number of approximation sam-ples (M ), the number of mixtures (L) can also be specified.By default, M = 7 and K = 10.

3.3. Complexity

The time and space complexity of API is O(NMT ) overT time steps for generating N particles for θ and x as wellas extra M samples for each particle path to update thesufficient statistics through the moment matching integrals.Setting N and M adequately is crucial for performance.SmallN prevents API exploring the state space sufficientlywhereas smallM leads to inaccurate sufficient statistics up-dates which will in turn result in inaccurate parameter esti-mation.

Note that when taking M MCMC iterations, the PMCMCalgorithm also has complexity ofO(NMT ) forN particlesover T time steps. However, PMCMC typically requiresa large amount of MCMC iterations for mixing properlywhile very small M is sufficient for API to produce accu-rate parameter estimation.

Moreover, the actual running time for API is often muchsmaller than its theoretical upper bound O(NMT ). Noticethat the approximation computation in API only requiresthe local data in a single particle and approximation resultsdoes not influence the weight of that particle. Hence, oneimportant optimization specialized for API is that SPECresamples all the particles prior to the approximation stepat each iteration and only updates the approximation dis-tribution for those particles that do not disappear after theresampling step. Notice that it is often the case that a smallfraction of particles have significantly large weights. Hencein practice, as shown in the experiment section, the over-head due to the M extra samples only causes negligibleoverhead comparing with the plain particle filter. In con-trast, the theoretical time complexity is tight for PMCMC.

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Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

4. ExperimentsThe experiments were run on three benchmark models1:1. SIN: a nonlinear dynamical model with a single con-tinuous parameter; 2. SLAM: a simultaneous localizationand Bayesian map learning problem with 20 discrete pa-rameters; 3. BIRD: a 4-parameter model to track migratingbirds with real world data. We compare the estimation ac-curacy of API against Liu-West filter and PMCMC withinour compiled inference SPEC. We also compare our SPECsystem with other state-of-the-art toolboxes, including Bi-ips2 and LibBi3. Since Biips and LibBi do not support dis-crete variable or conditional-dependency in the model, weare only able to compare against them on the SIN model.

The experimental machine is a computer equipped with In-tel Core i7-3520 and 16G memory.

4.1. Toy nonlinear model

We are considering the following nonlinear model (themodeling code is in Figure 1):

xt = sin(θxt−1) + vt, vt ∼ N (0, 1)

yt = xt + wt, wt ∼ N (0, 0.52) (11)

where θ? = −0.5 and θ ∼ N (0, 1) and x0 ∼ N (0, 1). Wegenerate 5000 data points using θ? from this model. Noticethat it is not possible to use Storvik filter (Storvik, 2002) orthe particle learning (Lopes et al., 2010) algorithm for thismodel as sufficient statistics do not exist for θ.

We evaluate the mean square error of the estimation resultsover 10 trials within a fixed amount of computation timegiven our generated data points for Liu-West filter, PM-CMC and API. Note that all these algorithms are producingsamples while ground truth is a point estimate. We take themean of the samples for θ produced by Liu-West and APIat the last time step. For PMCMC with M -MCMC itera-tions, we take the mean of the last M/2 samples and leavethe first half as burn-in.

We choose the default setting for API: Gaussian approxi-mation with M samples. For PMCMC, we experiment ondifferent number of particles (denoted by N ). For proposalof θ, we use a local proposal of truncated Gaussian distri-bution. We also perform a grid search over the variance ofthe proposal and only report the best one.

In order to investigate the efficiency of SPEC, we also com-pare the running time of PMCMC implementation of SPECagainst Biips and LibBi. The results are shown in Figure 2.

API produced a result of two orders of magnitude smaller

1Code can be found in the supplementary material.2R-Biips v0.10.0, https://alea.bordeaux.inria.

fr/biips/3LibBi 1.2.0.






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3


Running Time (s)

Accuracy vs Run Time












𝑵 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎

𝑵 = 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝑵 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝑵 = 𝟏𝟕𝟎𝟎

Figure 2. The estimation accuracy of different algorithms withvarious parameters and implementations on the SIN model. APIproduces order-of-magnitude more accurate estimation than Liu-West and PMCMC. The PMCMC by SPEC is 6x faster thanLibBi.

error within the same amount of running time: it quicklyproduces accurate estimation (error: 1.6∗10−4) using only1000 particles and 1.5 seconds, which is still 50x smallerthan the best PMCMC result after 3 seconds. For PMCMCin LibBi, we utilize N = 30 particles. Within 3 seconds, itonly produces 35 MCMC samples while SPEC finishes 200iterations. For PMCMC in Biips, just one MCMC step withone particle takes 0.6s, within which SPEC could alreadyproduce high quality estimation.

Parallel Particle Filter in LibBi: LibBi supports ad-vanced optimization choices, including vectorization (SSEcompiler option), multi-thread (openmp) and GPU (cuda)versions. We experimented on all these advanced versionsand chose the fastest one in Figure 2: the single-threadwith SSE compiler option. We also experiment on 100,1000 and 10000 particles on the SINmodel in LibBi’s withmulti-thread and GPU option. The parallel versions are stillslower than the single thread one on 100 and 1000 parti-cles. For 10000 particles, GPU and multi-thread versionsare twice faster than the single-thread version. Note thateven with 10000 particles, the inference code generatedby SPEC is still 20% faster than the parallel versions byLibBi. In practice, parallelization often incurs significantcommunication and memory overhead, especially on GPU.Also, due to the resampling step, it is non-trivial to come upwith an efficient parallel compilation approach for particlefiltering. This experiment demonstrates the importance ofmemory management in practical setting: with memory ef-ficient computations, even a sequential implementation canbe much faster than the parallel version.

Bimodal Variant: The above SIN defines a unimodalposterior on the parameter. We are slightly modifying themodel as follows in order to explore our algorithm’s per-

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Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70







70MoG K = 2


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 10








160MoG K = 10


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 10





250MoG K = 5


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 10











Figure 3. The histograms of the produced samples for θ in themultimodel example by API with different parameters and byPMCMC. API indeed approximates the true posterior well.

formance on multimodal posteriors.

xt = sin(θ2xt−1) + vt, vt ∼ N (0, 1)

yt = xt + wt, wt ∼ N (0, 0.52) (12)

Due to the θ2 term, p(θ | y0:t) will be bimodal. We exe-cute API with 103 particles and M = 7 using K mixturesof Gaussian for approximation. We also ran the PMCMCwith 100 particles using truncated Gaussian proposal. Weran PMCMC for 10 minutes to ensure mixing. We measurethe performance for API with K = 2, K = 5 , K = 10 aswell as PMCMC. The histograms of the samples for θ areillustrated in Figure 3. Comparing with the result by PM-CMC, API indeed approximates the posterior well. Notethat even with 105 particles, Liu-West filter cannot producea bimodal posterior.

For K = 2, API was only able to find a single mode. Forboth K = 5 and K = 10, API successfully finds twomodes in the posterior distribution, though the weights aremore accurate in the case of K = 10 than K = 5. Thisimplies that increasing the number of mixtures used for ap-proximation helps improving the probability of finding dif-ferent modes in the posterior distribution.

4.2. Simultaneous localization and mapping

We are considering a Simultaneous localization and map-ping example (SLAM) modified from (Murphy, 2000). Themap is defined as a 1-dimensional grid, where each cell hasa static label (parameter to be estimated) which will be ob-served by the robot. More formally, the map is a vectorof discrete random variables M(i) ∈ {1, . . . , NO}, where1 ≤ i ≤ NL. Neither the map nor the robot’s locationLt ∈ {1, . . . , NL} is observed. The existing observationsare the label of the cell at robot’s current location and theaction chosen by the robot.

Given the action (move right (→) or left (←)) the robotmoves in the direction of action with a probability of paand stays at its current location with a probability of 1 −pa (i.e. robot’s wheels slip). The prior for the map is aproduct of individual cell priors, which are all uniform. The







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5






Running Time (s)

Accuracy vs Run Time


API, M=50

PMCMC,N=10, M=6000~100000

PMCMC,N=50, M=1500~20000

PMCMC,N=200, M=300~4000

𝑵 = 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝑵 = 𝟕𝟎𝟎

𝑵 = 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎

𝑵 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎𝟎

Figure 4. The KL-Divergence between the true posterior and theestimation results produced by different algorithms. PMCMC wastrapped in a local model while API quickly produces order-of-magnitude more accurate estimation with only 1500 particles.

robot observes the label of the cell, it is currently locatedin correctly, with a probability of po and incorrectly with aprobability of 1− po.

In the original example, NL = 8, pa = 0.8, po = 0.9, and16 actions were taken. In our experiment, we enhance themodel by setting NL = 20 and duplicating the actions in(Murphy, 2000) several times to finally derive a sequenceof 164 actions.

We compare the estimation accuracy over particle filter(PF), PMCMC and API within SPEC. Notice that the Liu-West filter is not applicable in this scenario as artificial dy-namics approach can only be performed for continuous pa-rameters. For PMCMC, at each iteration, we only resamplea single parameter using an unbiased Bernoulli distributionas the proposal distribution. For API we use M = 50 ap-proximation samples and a fully factorized (Bernoulli) dis-crete distribution for approximation.

Since it is still possible to compute the exact posterior dis-tribution, we run these algorithms within various time lim-its and measure the KL-divergence between the estimateddistributions and the exact posterior. The results in Fig-ure 4 show that PF drastically suffers from the sample im-poverishment problem; PMCMC fails to get rid of a badlocal mode and suffers from poor mixing rates while APIsuccessfully approximates the true posterior even with only1500 particles.

Note that we also measure the running time of API againstthe plain particle filter on this model. PF uses 0.596s for3 ∗ 104 particles. For API with M = 50, although theoret-ically it would be NLM = 1000 times slower than PF, ituses only 37.296s for 3∗104 particles, which is merely 60xslower than PF.

Choices of Parameters: We experiment API with differ-

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Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

0 100 200 300 400 500M









L) N=200N=500N=1000

Figure 5. API with various parameters on the SLAM model.

ent parameters (number of particles N and number of sam-ples M ) and evaluate the average log KL-divergence over20 trials. The results in Figure 5 agree with theory. As Nincreases the KL-divergence constantly decreases whereasafter a certain point, not much gain is obtained by increas-ing M . This is due to the fact that for big enough M , themoment matching integrals are more or less exactly com-puted and the error is not due to the Monte Carlo sum butdue to the error induced by the ADF projection step. Thisprojection induced error cannot be avoided.

4.3. Tracking bird migration

The bird migration problem (BIRD) is originally investi-gated in (Elmohamed et al., 2007), which proposes a hid-den Markov model to infer bird migration paths from alarge database of observations. We apply the particle fil-tering framework to the bird migration model using thedataset officially released4. In the dataset, the eastern con-tinent of U.S.A is partitioned into a 10x10 grid. There areroughly 106 birds totally observed in the dataset. For eachgrid, the total number of birds is observed over 60 dayswithin 3 years. We aim to infer the number of birds mi-grating at different grid locations between two consecutivedays. To sum up, in the BIRD model, there are 4 contin-uous parameters with 60 dynamic states where each timestep contains 100 observed variables and 104 hidden vari-ables.

We measure the mean squared estimation error over 10 tri-als for API with Gaussian approximation (M = 7), theLiu-West filter and PMCMC with truncated Gaussian pro-posal distribution within different time limits. The resultsare shown in the right part of Figure 6 again show thatour API achieves much better convergence within a muchtighter computational budget.

We again measure the running time of API against the plainparticle filter on the BIRD model. PF uses 104.136s whileAPI uses 133.247s for 1000 particles. Note that in this realapplication, API with M = 7 only results in 20% overhead











45 65 85 105 125 145


Running Time (s)

Accuracy vs Run Time



PMCMC, N=20, M=200,360,660

PMCMC, N=100, M=70,130,210

𝑵 = 𝟓𝟎𝟎

𝑵 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑵 = 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎

𝑵 = 𝟐𝟑𝟎𝟎𝑵 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎

𝑵 = 𝟖𝟎𝟎

Figure 6. Estimation accuracy of API against Liu-West filter andPMCMC on the BIRD model. API produces significantly betterestimation results with smaller amount of computation time.

compared with PF, although theoretically API should be28x slower.

5. DiscussionSimilar to (Storvik, 2002; Lopes et al., 2010), we are sam-pling from p(θ | xi0:t, y0:t) at each time step to fightagainst sample impoverishment. It has been discussed be-fore that these methods suffer from ancestral path degener-acy (Chopin et al., 2010; Lopes et al., 2010; Poyiadjis et al.,2011). For any number of particles and for a large enoughn, there exists some m < n such that p(x0:m | y0:n) is rep-resented by a single unique particle. For dynamic modelswith long memory, this will lead to a poor approximationof sufficient statistics, which in turn will affect the poste-rior of the parameters. Poyiadjis et al. (2011) showed thateven under favorable mixing assumptions, the variance ofan additive path functional computed via a particle approxi-mation grows quadratically with time. To fight against pathdegeneracy, one may have to resort to fixed-lag smoothingor smoothing. Olsson et al. (2008) used fixed-lag smooth-ing to control the variance of the estimates. Del Moral et al.(2010) proposed an O(N2) per time step forward smooth-ing algorithm which leads to variances growing linearlywith t instead of quadratically. Poyiadjis et al. (2011) sim-ilarly proposed an O(N2) algorithm that leads to linearlygrowing variances. Similarly, doing a full kernel move at arate of 1/t on {x0:t, θ} as in (Gilks & Berzuini, 2001) willalso be beneficial.

Another important matter to consider is the convergence ofthe assumed density filtering posterior to the true posteriorp(θ | x0:t, y0:t). Opper & Winther (1998) analyzed the con-vergence behavior for the Gaussian projection case. Thereis no analysis of convergence when the moment match-ing integrals are computed approximately via Monte Carlosums. However, our experiments indicate that for approxi-mations with sufficiently many Monte Carlo samples, sim-

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Towards Practical Bayesian Parameter and State Estimation

ilar convergence behavior as in (Opper & Winther, 1998)is attained. Heess et al. (2013) investigated approximat-ing the moment matching integrals robustly and efficientlyin the context of expectation-propagation. They train dis-criminative models that learn to map EP message inputs tooutputs. The idea seems promising and can be applied inour setting as well.

6. ConclusionIn this paper, we present a new inference algorithm, API,for both state and parameter estimation in dynamic prob-abilistic models. We also developed a black-box infer-ence engine, SPEC, performing API over arbitrary modelsdescribed in the high-level modeling language of SPEC.SPEC leverages multiple compiler level optimizations forefficient computation and achieves 3x to 6x speedupagainst existing toolboxes. In our experiment, API pro-duces order-of-magnitude more accurate estimation resultcompared to PMCMC within a fixed amount of computa-tion time and is able to handle real-world applications effi-ciently and accurately.

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