Download - Tourism and Environmental Protection

Page 1: Tourism and Environmental Protection

Tourism and Environmental ProtectionCan the two co-exist?

Ms. Percy

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“Tourism is like fire. It can cook your food or burn your house down.”

Page 3: Tourism and Environmental Protection

Class Brainstorm – Take 5How do tourists affect the environment?

Consider what we have learned about tourism and the environment. Identify examples of how tourist activity can affect the environment.

Record these examples in your notebook

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Strategies and Actions Review

What are possible strategies and/or actions that governments can take to reduce the harmful impacts of these activities on the environment?

Read Aloud: Read page 93 in Canada Travels

Laws, fines

Rules and regulations for group sizes

Educational seminars

Game Reserves

National Parks and conservation areas

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How do we protect important natural environments?

There are many ways that countries protect important natural environments. We will focus on three strategies that we can see here in Canada:

1) National Parks;

2) UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and;

3) World Heritage Sites (WHS)

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National ParksCanada is a global leader!

44 National Parks

First established in Canada was Banff in 1885

Managed and maintained by Parks Canada

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Your TaskRead pages 80-83 in Canada Travels and answer the following in your notebook:

1. Define the term “National Park” and identify their purpose.

2. Identify 3 National Parks in Canada found in 3 different provinces or territories.

3. What role does UNESCO play in protecting ecosystems worldwide?

4. Explain the difference between a National Park and a Biosphere Reserve.

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World Heritage SitesWhat is the United Nations?

What are WHS?

Read pages 87-89 to learn more about how places are designated as World Heritage Sites. Complete the following:

1. Identify what factors are considered when designating a WHS.

2. List 3 WHS found in Canada

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Map and Explore!Use pages 81 and 89 in Canada Travels to create a map

that will identify significant National Parks and WHS in our country.

Respect all of your mapping rules (see your guide!) and create an appropriate legend.

Identify and label the following:

5 National Parks in 5 different provinces/territories. Choose one colour for your parks symbol.

5 World Heritage Sites in 5 different provinces/territories. Choose a different colour for your WHS.

Complete your map with an appropriate title, legend, north arrow etc. See your guide!

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Explore A Canadian WHS

Select 1 WHS in Canada that interests you and do some additional research.

1) Go to the WHS website and read about your WHS

2) Identify its name, geographic location in Canada and designation type (cultural, natural, mixed)

3) Explain why this location was selected as a WHS and identify what type of tourist would likely be interested in visiting this region.

4) Explain in your own words how tourism can be both a hero and a villain for the environment. Use examples from today’s lesson in your response.